ROSEBMG REVIEW IS ISSUKD . FRIDAY MORNINGS BY ." , THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N BELL, - - Editor, One Year - - - - - . - - $250 Six Months - - - - - - - 125 ThreeMonths - - - - - - - 1 00 ROSEBURG. REVJKW K ' HAS THE . ' PUJEST JOB OFFICE DOUGLAS COUKTY- - -'t. HEADS, LEGAL ELAHKS CARDS, BILl ' ' A& lDc3a liDK n ) i And other Pi. -, " 8hon Hand-Bill Urge and-Heary Posters ai, x Kestly and Expeditiously esev ! AT PORTLAND PRICE. ViWo VOL. XI. KOSEBURGr, OREGON, KlIDAY, KOVEIvIBER 19, 1886. NO. 33. I in . 1 ii i I - ' - ' - -iVL' GMEBAli DHtEQTOBY. ..... Geover Cleveland. President. Tho3. F. Bayard. . . . . . .Secretary of State Dahibx T. MAirNifto,Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamar .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Ejtdicott Secretary o War W C. Whitney. Secretary of Navy. VV. T, Vilas. Post Master General. A. H. Garlakd. Attorney General. Morrisojc R. Waits Cbief Justice. STATE OP OREGON. j:H:Mia::::::::::s. senator Binoer Hermann. ......... .Congressman. Z.F. Moody.... ....... ........Governor. R. P. Earhart.... . ....Secretary of State. Edward HiRSCH . . .... State Treasurer.' E. B. McELROY....Supt. Pnb. Instruction. W. H. Byars.... ... .....State Printer. J. B. Wiux,aj, Wm. P. Lord, V . . . .Supreme Judges. W.W. Thatbs, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bkajt. .... .Judge. J. W Hamilton ....Prosecntingf Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Johjt Emmitt, J. H. Sbtope. j ...Senators. Wit Manning, ) SWSSff ...epre.ntaUve, C. T?. YVlLCOX. ) Tkos. R. Sheridan .Clerk. . Ben. C. Acer. Sheriff. D. S. West ....Treasurer. G. T. Russell..... School Superintendent. Jas. A. Sterling Assessor. J. S. FrrzHCOH ...County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee, . . . .Commissioners. N. E. Brit . Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsters .......... . . Coroner. Thos. Smith. Seeep Inspector. . PRECINCT OFFICERS: T.L. Gannon..,.. u. T ,. Tas. Harpiiam... Justices, Peter Constable CITY OF HOSEBURG. II. C Stan Ton," ! John Rast, J J. P. Shkridan, Trusts. L. C. Wiiekler, V I". Benedict. T. Ford . . ... Recorder. G. J. LaNueiibeug .Marshal. John Chase... ........ .......Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBUEG, Chas. W. Johnston Register. A. C. Jones .Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Pague Observer. OVERLAND TO CALIR1RNIA : ; VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. P. Abd Connections. TIME, 24 DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisco $32; to Sacra mento t30. Clie connection made at Ashland with Stages o the California Oregon & Idaho Stage Company. , (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND - Mail Train - . ' LEAVE. ARRIVE. Ka5S&f Portland .8.00A. M. Braebunr 8.15 P. M. Boeebnrg. Ashland.. Kosetmry , ...6.25 P. M. Ashland., 4.00 A. M. 5.06 A. H. ..8.45 P. M. Rosebunr .5.15 A. M. I Portland..... 3. 45 P. M, Albany Express Train ' LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.0T P.M. I Lebanon 0.20 P. M. Lebanon 4.45A. M. Portland.... 10.05 P. 11. PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING UAES Daily between Portland and Ashland. The O. and C. K. R. Ferry makes connection with al the regular trains on East Side Di v. from foot of F St West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS If ail Train- LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. I CorvaUis 12.25 P. M. Corvallls 1.30 P. M. Portland 6.15 P. M. At Corrallis comiectjwith trains of Oregon Pacific for Taquiua Bay. Express Train. leave. i arrive. Portland 4.50 P. M.H McMinnviUe.. 8.00 P. M. McMinnville.... 5.45 A.M. Portland 9.00 A.M. Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at com pany's np town office, cor. Pine and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured at company's office. Corner F and Front fits., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or West Side Div. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. O. F. 4 Pass Agent. CHIC AC O COTTAGE ORGAN Bas attained ft standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive Renlno, skill and money can produce. Theee Orgrans are celebrated for rolume. quality of tone, quick response, artistic design, beauty In finish, perfect construction, making' them the most desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc ESTABLISHED BP TATXOH. VHEtAXES FACILITIES, SKIT.I.FI WORKMET, BEST KATEBIAIi, eOKBIKKD, MASa THIS THE POPULAR OBSAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Prloe LUts, on application, ram CHICAGO COTTAGE 0B8AN CO. Randolph and Ann Jftw CHICAS0, ILL 5IKS. S. A niTTCniffSOff, MILLINERY STORE! Oakland,' - Oregon. Tt ADIES WILL FVD MY STOCK LARGE AND Complete. Prices moderate. Oi7 Me Call. Mbs. S. A. HirrcmssOK. ThU paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake s advertising aCency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts lor advertising can be made for it. orra ADS. J TO f L KVEBY OBOAK WAS BANTED SOB Fira B3 A BEAUTIFUL pOEM.- THE ANGEL OF THE COVENANT. BY MltS. DR. 8. HAMILTON, BOOK III. THE ARGUMENT. ADteIe!!JLthe - Chrtehllmtolshsa i mwuw years trom Eden to Calva ru,i.t 1. the fiiirnre rJ Ih. t i. . . " w l-"ivr7. CUrist is dom recaiied - TT " Wis th-n. " opiniuaj night, to which - r va jnju is ina nirttOn..T.j; j th,condium"",:r"ri:.De,rnmn' - th - .,. tae aemndj of knowledge. Again the little Book, by Mind is eaten That is sweet as honey, at its fountain head, Ere the darkness from the light is taken Or through disvision bitterness was bred. As when man stood beride the Living well And worshipped discerning Wisdom there, And that he should become a Living sonl, -Was gladly received by him for hire. But darkness is born before the light, And Evil knowledge ministers to Good j Though from the helpless victim of his fate, It hklcs the motive that glorifies the cloud. Thus the natures of Good and Evil strive, And make a battle ground of eyery soul, That the fruitful seed it may receive I As the plow and harrow till the soil. ; And at the end a shout of victory Proclaims that the battle has been won; That Wisdom taught by wrong and mystery Hath yielded a harvest of joy to man. When lo; a reed is in the prophet's hand i To measure into years the temple's growth, And Adam's age is reckoned by the wand. The Voice that gave the sons of Wisdom. From Eden to Calvary these numbers show The time Life's Temple grew upon the earth , They show the measure of its Altar too, And of those born of its victim by their faith. But unmeasured leave the Temple's Court That is reserved for the Gentile's need ; Three years and a half the figures set, The time they shall the Holy City tread. t While three years and a half in sorrow'clad, God appoints that his two witnesses shall stand, That man may drink at the Fountain's Head ' Of the breath he breathed who first wss formed. Thus a new life is given to the dust, That to the garden doth a figure stand, Recalling the generations of the past, Who were swallowed by the treacherous sand. 7 As the trees of Life and Light in Eden stood So on earth do Life and Knowledge dwell; And man drinks at the Fountain of the Word As when he drank at Eden's Living well. Thus this glorious vision to the end Reflects the light of the Paternal Tree That in the garden's midst was seen to stand, And furnished a Lamb at Calvary. Behold another vision from the garden rise, Another figure from the buried lost, Clad in the robe in which it dies Comes forth again from Eden's dust. Tis the voice that in pity comes to man And as an humble Helpmeet seeks his side, Pregnant with the wcrd he would make known When an Helpmeet to Adam was denied. Behold again the knowledge of the Good ' ' " - - ' ' To whom the Voice makes of Himself a son, Beneath whose feet the earth is bowed For whose Head the sons ot Wisdom form a crown. Ten times was the gale of Heaven open That man might behold his Master's grace; : Ten times from the light Jhe man hath fallen - : And become a stranger to his father's face. .: Seven of these were offsprings of the Law And drew their substance from the Rulers Voice; But these have now become Death's alies too Who would devour the Light of Jacob's House. For the woman now brings forth her son And the first gleam of Adam's face appears, But the elder nature claims the throne : V Nor to the Master's heir of hatred spares. And in vengeance wraps her arms around The form that doth the Heaven and Earth unite, But the Angels protest the Holy Band Who made of Himself an help man's need to meet Thus the powers of Good and Evil war; -The younger bids the elder cast his nature off, Man beholds the Good, and for bve of her Upon the altar lays his Evil life. Again the Law is taken in Ae snare Who now makes this compromise with death, And finds the children that his love would spare, Are those she is again pregnant with. ' Now the Angels of Evil and of Good, Wrestle as when they fought in Jacob's House And when the army ot the Haven a victor stood Man as a Conqueror is beard rtjoice. For the divider is cast down, and wrong Is banished from the House above, ? And those who through death were burdened long A victory over their foe receive. By the blood of the Lamb they overcame Through his Word to which they testified, Because life was not held dearer by them Than was the knowledge of their Parent God. y Thus the children born in bondage lo the light Make of the creature soul a battle ground Until the Evil nature shrinks in night, i r As one who receives a mortal wound. j And the dust now becomes a battle field For the armies of the Evil and the Goodr "And with violence the earth is filled," . Where death pursues its rival with a flood. But safely through the water, life is borne To where in a new home the garden blooms, WTiere God renews his covenant with man, And blood the Tree Forbidden there becomes. The voice that was wedded lo flesh and bone Thus points to blood which is "the life thereof," The tree that was adopted for his own As that by man not to be partaken of. Here Canaan plays the serpent's part His brothers eat of the forbidden food . And go backward tii-their lives repeat And in this recala light their souls are clad. - When they meet withtheir'paternal source Where Canaan is of servants a servant made, And man the child of sorrow may rejoice When the voice of Wisdom stoops to serve his need. When from he sands behold a phantom rise, A vision of the kingdom that was lost Spotted as the leopard's is the robe it wears, Whose" clawlike feet take hold upon the dust. Like the devouring lion's i the mouth : That is fed by the divider's hand, j And though the Law hath wounded it to death' Upon its rival's breast it now doth stand. Forty-two months to bruise Ad serpent's Head, - Anil I. . , 1 . 1 . uu u m 10 wun ine noiy uty war Is measured by the Prophet's reed As the figures of his appointed hour. The dread of death"arms him with power That deprives man of his spirit's light, And overcomes even the saints with lear Whose names are in Life's Book unwritten yet. "But he that taketh captive shall be-eaptive led, And he that slayeth with sword by it shall fall," Thus he that fenced the tree with dread Shall be led captive by the serpent's will. Though discerning Light a lamb appears, She is an ally of the Evil one Who for hire her Lord into his hands betrays, And beneath matter bows the spint down. 'Twas she who made both small and great To cast the firstborn of their natuie otf And wear the mark that brands a state, Where man was made to sacrifice his life. - The snare that was laid by Jacob's cruel sons In which to take the blinded Shekem in A crime o'er which the aged parent mourns, Though to gain discerning Light the deed was done. Entangled in the Holy David's snare, Is the Voice that casts the Evil nature off Who covets the wisdom hidden there, And to gam discerning Light destroys a life. An image of the light by evil taught, is that which was craven UDon Sinai. An alphabetic stone the parent wrought, I o teach the child of its own nature by, A child of hire he sank into the sand, And in the vision he appears the same. Whose rule is measured by the Angel's wand, t torn Sinai until the Master came. Again the woman's Throne is reared And man bows to the sceptre of her son; For as an hire the knowledge of the Good Dwells one added to the House of man. - ' On Mount Zion the Lamb of God appears, Around him the brightness of the Heaven shone. His wealth of glory to the earth ho bears, w no now makes of himself a son to man. An Angelic host their Lord surround, Who guileless as babes by nature are Who from among men had been redeemed fcre they were defiled by hate or hire. Though subjects of death these blameless were found, ine parent of man of his beinc the first: Pure as the breath that breathed in the ground Wften man was first made in a form of the dust. Now bloodless battles are fought and won By him who wields the spiritual sword. By whom the foe to knowledge now is slain, fcven the mystery that veils his word. As bright as the sun the temple shone, Whose columns with gold refined was overlaid, Where the Master's spirit made its throne And from the silver cup its waters poured. And for Wisdom as a pearl divine ,: The Inspired Voice bids man to seek, Above rubies doth its treasures shine Theonly enduring crown that man can make. Plenteous as the stones that pave the streets Becomes the gold men sought and labored for, , Till need no longer a want creates And man is satisfied nor seeks for more. . The law that clad the tree in mystery, Beneath the sword of the spirit falls; ; And the Mighty Babylon is shrunk away, But vengeance within her bosom dwells. ."Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord," ' Saith the Spirit, "they are blessed," Whose works do follow and with their liht reward The faith that in his promises shall trust. Upon a sea of glass mingled with fire, Behold the victors in the Heaven stand, Even as cyrstal the Holy Light is clear That Wisdom's brightest halo doth surround. And his works are now made manifest, To those who have gained the victory, That he in war and judgment both is just, Who gives to the mind its birth through mystery. But to man the Maker wills, to show That no abiding Heaven can be built Upon these transient changing things below, Whose shillings sands are sure to swallow it For of this bright day Evil a captive makes, And with darkness envelops David's gifted son, As blindness man's brightest light overtakes When the good is left to dwell alone. With its nature the knowledge of it is cast off, Till Evil, hid in darkness, aims a blow At Him who was added to the creature's life, Till man loses the light and its parent too. For upon those who wore the brand of death, And to the image of the Evil worship gave, Were poured vials the of Maker's wrath, Till the River of the Light became a grave. list to the voice, a Prophet false appears, i And as a thing unclean his spoken word ; While they who their Parent nature's sold for hire As things that are unclean and naked stood. These are gathered at the Fatal Tree Where the convulsive throes of a new birth, Are visions of the repeated tragedy, And a mortal bf rcfeceived by death. Upon justice agapi .the fate of nature hangs, -When the decefvct woman presents her plea And to the remembrance of the Master brings The mysterious na&frc of his foe. : "!esp?4 is he who keeps his garments bright" V "J Tit Wisdom for his soul hath made; . " ' Juest naked fcs should,. come into the light 'i AaJVand without even a cause to plead. ? And "My God why hast thou forsaken me?" - '-. Backward from Calvary to Eden points, I Even as the deceived woman's plea ; To the Maker's ear her cause presents. v For to a mighty city Babylon hath grown And planted her throne upon the word, " Save the creating Voice brings forth again, t Bidding its creature dfe tha it from guile bs freed. Downward each drop of blood a millstone falls -Filling the figure of the serpents corse, j When it on earth a loathsome reptile'crawls, ! Wedding dust with spirit at the cross. ' ' .-I'-'V.-r 'S , ' V : ' "It is done" comes from the Temple's Throne,: , "It is finished" comes from Calvary; Tnus each bears witness lhat rwork 'ls aone?" That was designed iron Eternity. j When downward the self -convicted Tudah goes. Seeking for the victim he betrayed .As when the Elder Judah in Egypt rose, ' And himself a ransomed for his brother made, The betrayer found his victim in the grave, - But the keys of Hell and Death were in his hands, And as of old in forgiving love ' The tale of Nature's division ends. The form of Judas satisfies the worm, And that of his brother from the grave is freed, That still scarred and careworn to his home Is taken by its resurrected'Head. Over all the nations of the earth, Mystery now sits and reigns a queen, In nature's confusion she had birth, ' And vengeance placed her on its throne. And they whose n.nmes written in Life's book are not Vet to le found in Living characters, Shall wonder at the word which strangely taught Of a death that was, is not, and yet it is. Again the word is a thing that is forbidden, By the sword of the Law the victim bleeds, For the light that in his breast is hidden Like Rachel for the images she hides. Drunk with the blood of martyrs and of saints, , , The woman in purple and scarlet is arrayed : Who in this cruel guise her duty paints, And to Wisdom yields a harvest reapl with blood. But lo, the marriage of the Lamb has come, i ' When the mother of all the living Eve, From the universal Father hears the name That rewards her faithfulness and love. Again as scales from her eyes the blindness falls Before the light of that uncovered face, While fond memory to her mind recalls The lost tones of the unforrgotten voice. Clad in the Word, a vesture dipped in blood, The Paternal Tree mantains its purity, For true to the woman was the Voice" that said, . - "For God doth know, thou sbalt not surely die." The Heavens were opened, and on the Throne, v Sat one who is called Faithful and True, Both armies of nature are his own, Who is righteous in war, and in judgment too. And the divider was caught and bound, . That he should deceive the world no more, ! But the dread of death was no longer found, ' .' For the Maker's presence had conquered fear. Though for a season to be loosed again, Even as a cloud comes over the Earth, " That brings with it the refreshing rain, , To nourish and preserve the soul from death. Of the first Resurrection these visions are, - And blessed are Ihey who in it have part; On them the second death is without power Through pain and wrong to do their spirits hurt. A tower whose top will reach to Heaven, On Earth the man by wisdom tries to build, To whom the Voice is as a servant given By whose Godly wisdom man is skilled. ;"Behold the man becomes as one of us" to know Evil and Good the gods declare 1 Now nothing shall le restrained from one who thus , Becomes, as the gods in wisdom are. "Let us go down and confound their speech," Behold the divi Jet loosed again; , Who through the Voice now seeks to reach, The Power that giveth Life and Light to man. At his call a thousand voices drowned, That still small voice, Wisdom's Paternal Tree, Till mystery is in confusion thronged, And man's neglected monitor is left to die. Although Wisdom's God. is no longer heard, ' - And the mind's Paternal Tree on earth is lost, Cut in its Ark the Image of the Word, Its light still safely rides though tempest tossed. ' Till a prevailing faith recalls its God, ; J Who through his Angel speaks and on his child ' Bestows the light from all the ages stored, And thus for its inheritance preserved. Thus the waters from the silver cup That rode with the infant Moses on the Nile, Is still by faith supplied to Wisdom's hp In portions as appointed by his will. Hard as the granite rock the prophet smote, To furnish drink for thirsty Israel ' Was the forgotten past of which he wrote, And drew from the lost source a living well. Bitter as Narah's waters was the tale f That taught man of his past and fallen state Ere he was pointed to the Tree to fell, v, And make the knowledge of his nature sweet. ' Till in the garden's midst the Tree was placed Of which he that eateth thereof shall surely die, And in discerning Light the Word is dressed Who is an offspring of the Heavenly Tree. As when before Jacob's rods the flock conceives : Till none in its primeval state is found, So of Heavenly Light the soul of man receives Till all the Earth becomes a hallowed Ground. Where millions now upon Life's pathway wait io oe named by their Paternal Tree Whose spirits have partaken of its fruit, . And stand as when Jacob halted on his thigh. : Again the Maker's face is hid from view, And God's Covenant with man renewed, i But it rests upon the Blood of Adam now, , The Bow that God established in the cloud. For when man delayed as man to die . The Maker died as God, and was born a man Who rooted the Tree of Knowlege in Eternity A sun lhat shall forever wax and wane. Here the eye of man hath seen its Maker's face, . And for centuries his ear hath heard The echoes of the paternal voice, And of Wisdom's sons awaits the third. Again the natures of Good and Evil war, The younger bids the elder casf his naUre-ogri. Man views the good, accepts the hire," And on the altar layi.hU parefltUfe..- Tt '? Again the Law is taken in the snare That was for the Evil nature laid, For thus the children that the rod would spare Are victims of death and darkness made. The children born in bondage to the Light, Make of the creature soul a battle ground, Until the Evil nature hides in night, As one who receives a mortal wound. Again the woman's throne is reared, ' And Earth bows to the scepter of her son, -oray"anl!ilre--Ttielnowledge oflhe Good, Dwells one added to the House of man. . And as the beams of the coming day, ' Pierce the gloom of a starless night, The IJght first paved the conquerors way, And man beheld his coming with delight," But in the dim twilight Evil hides,V The revolting features of his reign, Till man no longer conscious of his needs, From the neglected word is seen to turn, Thus the children lose relish for the food For which their fathers dared to die, And lifeless find the embalmed word, As the form, in the grave of Machpclah. The hungry soul must for conviction fly. To where a knowledge of his nature can be found, Ana robe in it to meet the Master's eye, Where penitence and pardon heal the wound. Still beyond the gats the unfading Eden shines, And for each pilgrimhere is welcome Home, Where cruel mystery no longer reigns, For where God is man's perfect day has come. Here mystery still rides her dreadful beast, The confusion born of Babel's troubled tongue, , Nor have her cruel machinations ceased, To mystify the line, twixt right and wrong. And till this mighty Babylon shall fall And the clouds from the word shall clear awav. The Son of Righteousness cannot be full, Or the Living soul behold its perfect day. Here a remnant of the woman's house still sits, Clad in hereditary unbelief, Who are still by their mysterious rites, Casting the parent of their nature off, Thus from the generations of the past, The Lord preserves a monument to Israel, Whose generations are written in the dust, That of the gods is allegorical. Again to Eve there is appointed seed, When the Parent shall rule upon tbe earth, "Mine hour is not yet come," the Master said, Giving a promise to his mother's faith, . "A sword to pierce the woman's faithful soul, That the thoughts of many hearts might be revealed," Were his reproachful words that on her nature fell, Though each bitter rind promise concealed There was no sword with edge sufficiently keen To separate the mother from her child, Save that which the marriage feast was drawn, And from the mother's side her son exiled. Though woman ministered oft to his needs, W bile he was a lonely wanderer, As one without a home on earth he treads, Nor seems to have permitted care from her. When he had nowhere to lay his head Would not that mother's arm have pillowed it; Had not the divider thus division bred. That the good might with the evil nature wed? Though as a daughter of Abraham, Woman is entitled to the care, That a dumb brute may from its master claim, But with the child the mother may not share. He said "Must not the children first be filled," To the woman who accepted crumbs, Thus she in her grave through faith conceived, And through bitter reproach her promise comes, Man was first formed, nor was deceived, As was the woman by Ihc scrpents tale, But when man's full measure is received, There is promise for the house that foIL To the husband woman's reverence is due, And father twin natures added to the man, Of the Heavenly Tree the lowliest bough, The vine that drapes the Universal Throne, His hand hath torn the Evil nature down, Himself her shield in Danger front is cast, Thus clad in honor bright the records shine Of the protecting Angel of the past, After the woman's fall her nature slept, . Until the offspring of her faith was born, As. first fruits of the harvest that she reapl, . The wisdom of the gods became her son, For at last the ties of birth the Master owns, He proclaims a universal brotherhood, And by calling his mother, the Beloved John's, He crowned a universal motherhood. . But here let him that is filthy and unjust remain And he that is righteous and the holy too, But spare him who as neither returns again To the native image of which he grew, For he who bade the Good and Evil be, Still for their sake assumes life's humblest garb, And in the helDless babe nrovides a ire j Wnere Knowledge can weave her many colored robe, Blest before all its fellows is the sense, That to the creature gives a heavenly world, And walks with angels in the vast expanse, Where the Maker's glory is unfurled. But sight is lifeless as the Vacant stare With which the brute regards the Heaven, Except the ear provides an open door, By which its light into the soul is given. The senses of touch and taste and smell - Are but the eye that upon mailer feeds, And convey knowledge to the creature's soul, . Of what in the gloom of darkness hides. Thus life drinks a knowledge of its nature in And a new tree is in discerning Wisdom clad, Till in number as the stars of Heaven shine, Becomes the offspring of the Parent God. And two trees stand in the garden of Earth, That on the same paternal stem was born Where flic same mother gave to each their birth, And unites thcra in the same Head again, . mm May the Word traverse errth's utmost bound And draw men into its captivity, . ' That the tree of life may be no longer found : A babe that doth chained in a dungeon lie. r , First and last, the beginning and the end, The Angel if the Covenant appears, Wisdom is the creation of his hand, Who of the Heaven and Earth its temple rears. And of Wisdom's treasures dug from chaos, A tower high as the Heaven is found, No gigantic ruin to dismay us, . But a ladder that rests upon the ground. - Eastward cherubim with their swords of flame. Of Wisdom's living tree, still keep the way, While they rear upon Rachel's earthly tcmb, - The pillar of the night unto this day. JHTjtSBISaTOX ZJSTTElt. .... Washington, Oct. 30. 1886. It is remarkable but the government offices of th United States, here and else where, with their 130,000 employes, are going on m their work with indrtstryand regularity. This state of things is unparalleled. It has had no existence except in the dreams of enthusiasts. But to make the sur prise more surprising, this reform has been bitusht about by the unredeemed and irredeemable, too ut terly unspeakably bad democrats. Has the tonsue of Radical haranger lost its lubricity Have the actions with -which, he was wont to rally the rural republican, become threadbare? Why is this thus? What mean these moss grown stumps, no longer pressed by the nnmber nines of fionlier Blaineties? Where is our once untamed and rampart for bread and butter republican oratorical mendacity? Come with me reader, and you shall see him. Here lie sits inthe Patent Office examining an application for a patent on a churn or bustle or an improved ' Daoy walker. There he is 111 the Pension Office hard at legitimate work under democratic commis sioner Black, who with a smaller force passed many more pension cases than republican commissioner. and paid $8,000,000 more in pensions than repub lican Dudley, his predecessor. You see him in the Treasury department, in the Land Office, the Indian Office, the Post Office department every where hard at work. How tame he looks. Hi will not hurt you. His malign energy is scotched. There id a resless pent up-ness about him. It seems abnormal to him to be confined to honest work du ring a political campaign, but he will cet used to it; it will not kill him. By and by the novel idea tnat ne is paid to work for the United States and not for the republican party will take root in the worn soil of his moral sense. His inocuous political desuetude will bo a blessing to the country. W bat wonderful changes have taken- place in twenty menthsl Thev have summer cloud, not dark and portentious, but big witn salubrious showers. " - 1 Twenty months a 20, the nronei tv Washington were despondent. It was in that a Demoaratic President would dismiss all the omce holders, that five thousand owners of homes in Washington would Lave to sell at a loss, and that a fall ia real estate would follow. The result Las been the reverse of that predicted. Instead of wholesale dismissals, only the idle, the incompetent and the dissipated were cast out. The health, the moral tone and efficiency of the public service was greatly improved. An improvement in l I. . - wra and in general business followed as a natural re- suit. I he Government emplove and hi dante, who compose fully one half the population .Yunington, no longer feel that living depends upon political service, or upon the ms and outs ..f political parties. He has- become a changed man- more respected by otheis. having r,,n, wt himself H,s audit, is better, and now instead of selling bis home, he holds it at a hisher mW Hundreds who have heietofrtr or lived in boarding houses, are buvin, a ing. One more term of honest Democratic Ad- 7 wlJI P,ace w National Capiiol on the solid ground of assured prosperity 1 ,.-11 quire-anbthertermtoenahlethe tree of political life which Cleveland has planted and take root and bear fruit Should Blaine or Lon or Sherman come iu two Years h ; 11 surely be uprooted. I believe that a larcre maioriiv nf nfR here are no longer republican. They enjoy as3cu- v ' service reform that they .have nev er known before, and they are compelled to see every day the improvements which 4he Cabinet officers and the heads of have introduced. They are made to do more work mo governmen V but they are no longer re quired to do diriyand dishonest work for the re- puoucan party. They ara n. h..A and night with the reflection that unless they assist ,",wum 01 "is member of Congress or rhaf 11. . . ...... a y will lose their bread and butter. This is a great dav for . uu progress, butaverypoordayfor fools and ignoramuses! Men must know how to think aad reason if they would prosper. The majority of fanners' are not m a t in it i;: i - " """S umes. They strive to attain tnn trrcai . ... 1 e..v witugs 1a 1,00 snort a time.' NORMAL SCHOOLS give a professional course in one rear's time. If I HAM A ft . - .rvu waa6 w rase tbat kind of a course do not come v vusuai go where the teachers took that kind of a course themselves. If you wish a practi cal thorough everyday education come to Umpqua: - -vvc opeciai course, or the classical course which can be completed in 3 or i years ac. - ly meaouuyana advancement of the pupil. The opportunity given 'to iIia . the bodily machine is a good investment for his luiiuoners. Xhe more he reads tl, Ul- f i ture the more win Lis sermons l. w gospel preaching which mirrored mountain and sen, una exuaiea tne fragrance of the lily cf the field. I rL. i. -r... -jmsuan xiegister, yf