ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1886. An OI5TMBMTS ot the Roseburg Circuit, H. E. Church South. 1st Sabbath, morning and craning at Rose burg. 2nd Sabbath U a. m. at Bogge school house; 3 p. m. at Pine Grove church. 3d Sabbath, 10 a. m. at Day's aohool house; S p. ra. at Stephen' school house; T p. tn. at Oakland. 4th Sabbath 11 a. m. at MjrUe Creek; S p. m. at Hudson school bouse; 7 p, m. at Myrtle creek. F.M.Ctw, Pastor. Drawing and Painting. Miss E. Mc Faddcn from Cotvallis and Monmoth Colleges will give lessons in oil painting, and every thing in that line. Room at Mrs, Party's, up stairs. Cyclone Wind Mill. In a few weeks the Pacific Manufacturing Company ot San Francisco, will advertise their Wind Mill in The Review, and all persons desiring the very best mill, will inquire at this office for lurtner particulars. u A'OTICE. Notice ia hereby given, that any person, carrying fire arms found trespassing on my premises, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of tue law. E. M, MOORE. A Farm for Rent. The Bushey farm adjoining Roseburg is now for rent upon rea sonable terms, which can be had by apply ing to J. C. Fullerton. Office up stairs in Marks brick. House to best. A good dwelling house to rent adjacent t the city of ttosaDurg. r cr particulars apply to Charley Stephens. Lost. One red and white spotted cow marked, crop left ear, split in the i iht. The undersigned will pay a re ward o $5.00 for information of her whereabouts. Charley Stephens. The Atmospheric Washer. True to it name, is constructed so as to force the suds through the clothes, by atmospheric pressure The dirt is removed by the force of the water; there is no friction or rubbing about it. This is the true principle of washing. Sheridan Bros, have them. Special Election. The governor has issued a proclamation calling for a special election to be held in Multno mali county, November 23, for the pur pose of electing a successor to D. W. Taylor as a representative to the legis lative assembly. An Educated Cat. While visiting at N. Cornutt's the other evening we noticed a cat take hold of the door latch, .raise it, and opened the stair door and walked down. Many such traits are noticeable in "Nig." This cat is about 10 years old. He takes care of himself, and in many respects runs the ranch. Returned. Hon. D. S. K. Buick returned from his long and labaryth ine journey to the four cardinal points of the corupas3 last Monday evening. The J unior Band tendered him a sere nade. The car that Bi o. Buick had in charge has done our state great good, and we are glad to say that Mr. Buick has given universal satisfaction as to the management of this means of our young and growing state. Wel come home. Ashland Election. The town election at Ashland last Monday at tracted consilerable attention and was contested with considerable energy, a full vote being polled. Two conven tions, one in favor of laying water pipe and the other for a steam engine, were held last week each putting up complete tickets. The nominees of the first named body were successful by a large majority, which ensures the pipes and hydrants. New Paper. The Oakland Enter prise came to our sanctum last Satur day. It is a four column folio, neatly printed. The salutatory contains this sentence; "While we have pronounced personal political views, we shall en deavor to conduct the Enterprise on as nearly a non partisan plan as it may be possible for us to do." My brother yen will have to "Tower mighty high" if you make that doctrine wyk. There is no such a thing as a non par tisan, except a nonentity. You are either a icpublican, democrat, prohi bitionist, Knight of Labor, or green backer, ad infinitum. Success to the Enterprise. Jfy rtle Creek Item. Quite a freeze last night. Our school is progressing finely. Miss Wait of Round Prairie is visi ting friends here. Mrs. Annie Richey has just cemple ted the finest rug in town. Mr. Bean and Richey are the bosses for making ciJer. Rag tacking seems to be the chief amusement evenings in our burg. John Hall killed forty hogs Monday, some more spare bones. Mrs. Florence Smith of Oak Grove was visiting Mrs. Brake and other friends this week. I think a drummer dealing hats in would get a good order in our town now. Charlie and Lige Hatfield have gone to California, They did net take their families with them, so we hope they will return and still make this county their home. Scribbleb. Wc must make an apology for our failure at Wilbur last Sunday. The circumstances were unavoidable, and we could cet no one to fill our place, but we now believe our disapointment was a bles-ung in disguise, for the singing;. etc aud the lecture in the eveninjr by Prof Edwards on the Prodigal Son was we learn a sermon m itself. Thank you Professor. LOCAL BREVITIES. Business lively. The street grading is first class. Subscribe for The Review now. Villard has returned to New York. Get Mr. Carl Weber to fix your gun. Glass of all sizes at Marsters drug store. The plows are running all over the county. Asher Marks returned from Portland this week. i Charleston, S. C. has had another earth quake. :. . Subscribe for our holiday number of The Review. Mt Josephson will lead all comdetitors "in spite of faith." I - Clements Restaurant on Jackson Street, 25 cents per meal. I Call on Thos. Farquar and get one of those squirrel killers. ; We are sorry to state that Mr. J, J, Whit sett is quite sick. New citrons, new currants and new raisins at U C, Stanton's. The earth is now covered with a garb of beautiful emerald grass. Our typos enjoyed the wedding cake from Riddle precinct hughly. Mining blanks at The Review office for sale for 10 cents apiece. Judge Webster decides in favor of Wm. Colvig for Dist. Attorney. That fried chicken at Clements Restaurant the other day was delicious J. Brandt Supt. and Mr. Volk were in Roseburg all day yesterday. Mr. Aiken of Salem is visiting his son J. C. Aiken of this city this week. i Some excellent correspondence crowded over until next week. Be patient, CoL J:hn Lane went to Pheonix Wednes day, and will return Saturday. ' Oram's crisp and sharp notes last week were read with much interest. J. A. Strange of Wilbur gave this office a very pleasant call last Wednesday. The Clements Restaurant is the place to get a nice, wholesome meal for 25 cents. Rev. J. R. N. Bell will preach at Oakland next Sunday, both morning and evening. Go to M. R Howell's for the finest potatoes and winter apples in town, also dry wood. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure, at S. Hamiltons. Dr.S. Whittemore can be found night or day at the Overland hotel in Myrtle Creek. Our poem by Mrs. Dr. Hamilton, the first book has already received favorable comment. Miss Grace Oaks returned home Monday from a few weeks visit to Salem and Portland Hackmetack" a lasting and fragrant per fume. Price 25 and fifty cents at S. Hamil tons. im potency in man or woman enred by Gilmore's Aromatic Wine. wFor sale at Mars ter's drug store. 1 A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at S. Hamilton's Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. S, Hamilton agent Gen. T. G- Reaim Postal Inspector called on us last Monday, we were absent, but ap: preciated the visit. Blank deeds, mortgages, chattle mortgages, summons' of all kinds, etc., etc., for sale at The Review office. The new gun shop in part of the old Haynes and Floed building is an enterprise much needed in this town. we warrant Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir to relieve the Asthma in one minute. For sale at Marster's drug store. 1 Rev. F. M. Culp will preach next Sabbath at points mentioned in church directory on third page of this paper. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth. S. Hamilton agent. Why Will Vcu cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. at S. Hamilton's. Ira Wimberly of Elkton gave us a pleasant interview last Friday after we had gone to press, AU is serene in his section.. Rev, W. G, Miller will preach at the M. E. church South on the third Sabbath in Nov. morning and evening. All invited. Rev. E. Gittens appointments for next Sab bath arc as follows; Wilbur IO o'clock, Gar den Valley 3 o'clock, Wilbur evening. Blessed is he who storeth his reaper and hayrake in the fence corner, for be maketh the heart of the manufacturer to rejoice. The union services, all the pastors of the city uniting are being held at the Presbyterian church this week, with much religious interest. Look out for our holiday number, and send to us at once the number of copies you want to send to your friends. Only ten cents each. ladies is life and health worth preierv ng? If yon think so, use Gilmore's Aro matic Wine. For sale at Master's drug More. confined ti the bed four months, almost blind, and cared by one box of Gilmore's Neuralgia Core. For sale at Marsters drag store. Christmas approaches and the shrewd mer chant has. his advertising list ready for the live newspapers that will talk about bim to the people. civx your children for coughs and colds croup, whooping cough and hoarseness Gil more's Magnetic Elixir. For sale at Mars ter's drug store. Miss Lena, daughter of Hon. L. F. and Mrs, Lane has been quite sick at St Paul Oregon, but her father telegraphs that she ia now much better. rev. e, 3. Whitney of Clarkson N. Y., says Gilmore's Aromantic Wine for female weakness, stands without a rival. For sale at Marster's drug store. e. e. carr, of Daggette Mills Pa., says he saved tha life of his child with croup by using Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. For sale at Marster's drug store. Dr. Bunnell will accompany the Dept. G. H. P., J. R. N. Bell to Marshfield next week to assist in the institution of a new Chapter it, A. M. at that place. Our readers will excuse the crowded state of our advertising columns this week on account of a slight rush. We will make up all delin quendes in the near future. ; Are Yov Made miserable by Indigeslion7 ironsupauon, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow skin? Shiloh's VitaUzer is a positive cure. S. Hamilton agent. An interesting communication from E. F, Walsh, descriptive of the Scottsburg and Gar diner county, came too late for this week, but will appear in the next issue. wilus L. cclvEb of Pavilion, N. Y. says that Gilmore's Ma gnetic Elixir cured him 0! a long standing Throat and Long trouble. For sale at Mr-raters drug store. John W. Dowell brought us a mess of fine roasting ears this week, and they were tooth some I tell you. He also brought some fine ripe tomatoes of an excellant quality. All parties owing the G. W. Hoover estate will come forward as soon as possible and set- le up with Mrs. H. E. Hoover executrix, as she is anxious to get everything square. A man by the name of Knealy was cut to pieces with a knife about 7 or 8 inches lone last Friday night in the Villard Hotel in Port land Oregon. No definite clue to the murderer. rev. w. f. requa, Baptist church, Aurora 111., says that Gilmore's Aromatic Wine is a household remedy an that no family should be without it For sale at Marsters drug store, - - BSv. h. b. EWEtt, r of Pavilion N. Y., says of Gilmore's Aromatic Win: "I be lieve it to be a most desirable remedy to be placed in every family." For sale at Mar sters drug store. Our Cotemporary last week "paralleled" the Thursday's Oregonian editorial without due credit. ' It is all rirhl to make quotations, but in all cases you should hold up your marks when you make important excerpta, The Governor on November 1st. acting on a recomendation of the board of pardons, signed a pardon for Joseph Russell, sent to to the penitentiary from this county about two years ago for, seven years for manslaughter. Geo. W. Genger and wife returned from a four weeks trip to Pennsylvania last week, and express themselves much pleased with the old homestead. That is a business section, but Bro. Genger says, "Oregon is the place." Sherwood novelty harness, something new, no tugs, no double or whiffletrees to bother. Any information on harness can be had of S. K. Raymond agent for Douglas county Or. Oakland, Or., Ocf. 14th ib86. A bran new Chicago Cottage organ for sale at The Review office, price $265.00. Now you can have this organ for almost nothing on monthly installments. This organ is war ranted for 5 years. For sale at The Review office one almost new half spring two seated Studebaker wagon, double harness, complete, nearly new, and one good pony horse. A bargain ih this offer, and the first one comes, gets it. The Y. D. Band will present the McGibeny family to the citizens of Roseburg Dec. 18th, 1886. The Band and "theyamily" makes a musical combination that has never been ex celled in Roseburg. AtSlocum's hall at the usual hour. M. R. Howell has moved into his new building and is now well prepared to supply the trade with doors and windows with or without frames and any inside carpenter work made on short notice. Give him a call and some money. I have concluded to place teeth within the reach of everybody. If you want a neat good fitting plate come and get them for $10, no fit no pay. (They are not cheap teeth.) Th.e cause of this is hard times and no opposition Dr. M. W. Davis. The Union meeting at the Presbyterian Church continues with increased interest. F. M. Gulp will preach this Friday evening. W. A. Smick Saturday evening and Sabbath morning, and F. M. Culp on Sabbath even ing. All are cordially invited to attend. A. J. Bellows' new houst of frame work shows that it will be of commodious dimensions the roof mansard, and the foundation, stone. When carried to perfect completion will be a piece of architectual beauty. West Rose burg is in the lead for residences. Only a few more lots. The hillside plow manufactured by the Roseburg Iron Work company are now full stocked, painted in first class style, and ready for use. The exceedingly low price at $15 per plow ought to secure a ready sale, for they are of the first quality.' Call and see them at once. Gov. Moody has pardoned Frank A. How ard, sentenced to the penetentiary from Port land for five years for robbing M. J. Smith of $2,600. Smith deposited the money in the safe at the American Exchange hotel. How ard was clerk of the hotel and it was claimed he took the money. It must be remembered that exhausted tea leaves, and the leaves of other shrubs are made to look like uncolored tea by giving them a face with plumbago or black lead. The only Sure guarantee that uncolored tea is genuine lies in the Perfection Tea Can. "Sunbeam Tea" is imported by Mr. Abraham only in this package. On last Sunday night between the hours of 2 and 3 tho house of Geo. M. Beeler was en tered by some unknown person. The intruder entered from a side door and made his way into the bed room as far as a stand by the bed when Mrs. Becler awoke givintj the alarm, he ran out the same way he came clos ing the door after him. We have no more valued exchange than the Overland Monthly. In resoect to its matter it is not surpassed by any magazine in the U. S, History, travel, fiction, industrial ques tions, all find discussion in this able-magazine. It will be a surprise to Eastern readers who suppose that all good mgaaine work is done at the East. Christain Advocate. New York. The marriage of our cousin in Jackson coun ty, Miss Mary. Bcall to Charles Strane of Medford last week, was an important affair, and we very much appreciated some of the wedding cake given us by Mrs. Will Q. Brown of Riddle who attended upon the occasion. By the way since we come to think, we have lots of cousins on Cow Creek of whom we are justly proud, fearful however about the re turn of the compliment , NOTICE. I have transferred the aeencv for the "Young America Feed Mill" to Sheridan Bros, who will carry a slock of mills and a full line or extras, and to whom all communications should be addressed. ' Plinn CoorER. The Babtes Cry far It. And the old folks laugh when they find that the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy by run of Ficrs. is more ntilv tal-en easily taken and more beneficial in its action uian Diuer, nauseous medicines. It strength ens the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, and Bowels while it arouses them to a healthy activity. For sale by S. Hamilton. Bote to Get of Calomel I People afflicted with a diseased liver, ind gestion or biliousness, use mercury. This is done reluctantly, but the areument is. "Noth ing will reach the liver and spleen except calo mel could one get something just as good, everybody would use it." That something is Summons Liver Regulator. It is equal in pow er to calomel, without any of its injurious ef fects. ! TB ASS FEB ASSO VXCE3IEXT. Roseburg Oregon, Nov. 8th, 1886. Editor Review: Having disposed of my selling agency of the "Young America'' feed choppers to Sheridan Bros, who will keep said choppers for sale, I wish to make a state ment of some facts concerning the choppers. I received from the manufactures the first of last June one chopper and ground at my place fully 250 bushels of grain. Then more to test the amount one set of grinders would do than anything else, let Mr. Kelly take the mill around and grind for farmers. He ground not far from 600 bushels, making over 800 bushels with one set of grinders which was on ly about one fourth the amount the enterpris ing company claims for it to do. Taking into consideration the grinders the only part that wears out, can be replaced at small cost mak ing the mill as good as new. I am well satis fied with the mill, it grinds corn well when too dull for wheat or barley. The above statement can be v nfied by several farmers who employed Mr. Kelley to grind their grain. Plinn Cooper. ; ; The Parent of Insomnia. The parent of insomnia or wakefulness is in nine cases out of ten a dyspeptic stomach. Good digestion gives sound sleep, indigestion interferes with it. The brain and stomach sympathize. One of. the prominent symptoms of a weak state of the gastric organs is a dis turbance of the great nerve entrepot, the brain. Invigorate the stomach, and you restore equi librium to the great center. A most reliable medicine for the purpose is Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters, which is far preferable to mineral sedatives and powerful narcotics, which, though they may for a time exert a soporific influence upon the brain, soon cease to act, and invariably injure the tone of the stomach. The bitters, on the contrary, restore activity. to the operations of that all important organ, and their beneficent influence is reflected in sound sleep and a tranquil state of the ner vous system. A wholesome impetus is like wise given to the action of the liver and bow els by its use. -I. !! "I! S ' CaUpooia Holes. Cold nights and pleasant days. Farmers very busy all taking the advantage of the fine weather which we are having at the present time. Mr. G. W. Stephens is making some very valuable improvements alwut his residence in the way of fencing etc. P. S. Durling and Jimmie Uuderwood spent last Sunday at Wilbur and rejort a fine time and a very interesting sermon. Mr. C. Gosett's smiling countenance was seen on the Calapooia last Sabbath. II. McNabb spent last Saturday night visi ting friends in Oakland. W. B. Clarke of Millwood was in this vi cinity the first of the week on business. W. B. is a man we are always glad to meet. James Barnard and C. A. McNabb went to Elkton last Saturday to spend a few days in that vicinity visiting friends. Mr. C. A. McGce's dogs captured a large coyote a few days ago. By the aid of Mr. Hattly they succeeded in killing the sheep de stroyer. In some countries they have sleighs for snow but here in our part ot the world they make them to carry them over the mud. A good idea I think. It is rumored that there will be a prayer meeting started at the Calapooia school house in the near future, and if the people will just gel right in their harness and all pull together it' will undoubtedly be a success. We understand that there was a little hitch made in regard to a few items in the past, we can only say that we never wrote anything to offend anyone, and we hope in the future if we should get a little joke published on some one of our friends they will take it that way as we do. What is a paper without a few iokes in its columns? CALArooiA Sam. OAKLAXD ITEMS. Rev. Gittens preached here Sunday. Mat Kelly has retired from the Livery busi ness. Dr. James Harris of Shoe String has loca ted here. Miss Fannie Mahoney is visiting C. G. Dur. lands family. - E. C. Sacry is still in a critical condition but improving. C. B. Wilcox "our lawyer" has had his hands full of late. Dr. Little went to Drain on professional business Wednesday. I am happy to state that David Senior is improving in health. It was quite laughable to see one of our city fathers trying to get a whiskey barrel home on Tuesday. The new paper published at this place, came out Friday last, in a neat shcat, much credit is due Mr. Tower. The "city board" through the pleadings of the meinliers of W. C T. U. refused at first to grant the new saloon a license, but finally had to give in. If the W, C. T, U. are to run the "City Fathers" why not do as you did Friday, women occupy the Council Rooms and the men the sidewalk. The services in the Methodist Church on last sabbath were unusually interesting. Rev. Mr. Gittens preached an able sermon to an appreciative audience. The singing by the newly organized choir was the best we have heard in; Oakland. Miss Sajlie Jones pre sided at the organ, than whom bnt few young ladies are so well qualified. i DCI'LEX. A Baby. Well what of itl Sim ply this and nothing more. Last Monday evening while Mr. and Mrs. L. C Beardsley were at supper a boy baby was brought and put on their steps, consigned to their care we infer. This occurred about the time the south bound: train was pulling out, hence some conjecture that the infant of about 24 hours came in on the evening train.: The little fellow is doing well and Mrs. Beardsley we presurite will keep it as she has no children of hei own. ; There is no clue to the paren tage of the child. "How sad our state by nature is etc." Saeed II it Eife. Mr. D. L Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave. Ky., says he was, for many years, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes: tho pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and ffot relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirety cured, and had sained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died, had it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at nity cents a bottle by Marsters ft Co. WEpDIXQ BELLS. A Uapp Event. Last Sunday at 1 2 o'clock M. at the beautiful farm residence of Hon. Geo. W. Riddle on Cow Creek, in Douglas county Oregon, Geo. Q. Quine and Miss DelU E. Riddle all of Doug las, were united in the bonda of holy wedlock, Rev. J. R. N. Bell celebra ting the rites of matrimony. Truly did the wedding bells ring out in the sweetest tones, indicating thereby the perfect satisfaction of both families to this nuptial occasion. The groom is a well to do farmer near Rid dle in this county, managing a large farm with excellent success, while the bride, being the accomplished daugh ter of the well known geutleuian at whose residence the uiflrri:ifR tn.,1- o- place, has been fully taught in ail the branches of domesticity to insure a happy home. The culinary features Of the wedding on Sunday, and at the reception on Monday at the residence of Mrs.' Quine. the m-ooms mother o were simply par excellence. Both the dinners were prepared under the skill ful management of Mrs. Bartle of Canyonville, who made tho viands so tempting, that which the most cultiva ted taste would heartily desire. The guest1 were confined mostly to the relatives on both sides, and this fact alone - insured a lame assembly of well-wishing friends. There was not an accident occured durinc the two days of festivity to mar the pleasure of tho attending cuests. Everyone u O a wore their happiest smiles, and their best apparel, the latter being of choicest fabrics. This younjj coupl, if no uiis fortunt oocurs, will bo successful in this life, with the assurance of that life which is to come. Receive the regAi-ds of the whole Review Pub. Company. FATAL ACCIDEST, A Wrecking Train on the O. P. Mlrhvtl. Tiro Men Killed. On Saturday afternoon las', east bound freight- on tho Oregon cilic was ditched near Nashville, the and later in the evening a wrecking train left Yaquina for the scene of the acci dent. The latter train, when near Chitwood siding, ran into a land-slide and was thrown from the track. Two men namely, Thomas Aldrich and Wm. Spellingcr, were instantly killed and two others injured. Spellinser had been married but a few days, and his bride of a few hours is prostrate with grief. Tho body of Aldrich was con veyed to Jefferson on Tuesday, where interment took place under the aus pices of the Masonic fraternity. Spel Iioger was buried near Miller's station wheie his parents reside. Both men were highly esteemed bv numerous friends. The names of the two men injured are E. II. Robinson, leg broken, and R. M. Allen, logs badly bruised. Corvallis Cbronicle. Siflinas of Yamhill. Spevial to the Review. Wheat 63 cts. Early sown grain looking fine, a big yield promised. On the 4th 5th and Gth wind, keen and sharp from the North A great deal of sickness and several deaths in and about MiMinville. Most farmers have finished scedins and aro preparing for a hard winter. Our farmers have realized some trou ble in late seeding, owing to tho dry weather, but a little extra labor has enabled them to put all seeding in fine order. A Mr. Dan Corker proprietor of the hardware Store at La Fayette was mur dered in a mos', shocking manner a few days ago, being cut to pieces with one of his own axes; supposed for his money. Occasional. An Elegant Substitute for oils, alts, pills, and all kinds of lutlers nauseous medicines is the very agreeable fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Recomnieded by leading physicians. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Fran chisee, Cal. For sale by S. Hamilton, Kosc- bwg. SHERIFF SALE. Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Douglas. t J. E. Pike and L. A. Pike, partners do ing business under the firm uainoofJ.E. Pike o? Son Plaintiffs. VII R. H.' Tapp Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of an execution leaned out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas county, on the 10th day of Nov. 1886, by virtue of a judgment order made and entered in said Circuit Court on the 20th day oi Uctober 1886, granting leave to the above named defendant to issue an execu tion en a judgment recovered in said court on the 19th day of May 1879, by said plain tiffs, J. E. Pike and L. A. Pike as partners under the firm name of J. E. Pike & Son and against the above named defendant K H. Tapp and docketed in the lieu docket of Douglas county Oregon on the 22nd day of May 1879, for the sum of $437-50 bearing interest at the rate of one per cent per month amounting to the sum of 1781.80, and to me directed commanding me that out of the per sonal property of said defendant or if suf ficient could not be found, then oat of the real property belonging to said defendant K. H. Tapp in said county on the 22nd day of May 1879, I satisfy the sum of $781.80 now due on said judgment with intercut at the rate of one per cent per month from the 20th day of Oct. 1S86, and the further sum of $46.63 costs and disbursements. I did on Thursday thell, day of Nov. ISSfilevy upon the following real property to-wit; the S. W. quarter of section 26, in T. 24 S. R. 6 W. of the Willamette meridian in Douglas county Oregon and. will on SATURDAY, the 18th day of Dec. 1SS6, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day in front of the Court House door in Roseburg Douglas countv Oregon sell at hhM;, a..irin to the highest bidder for cash al! the i ight title and interest which the defendant R. II. Tapp owned on the 22nd day of May 1S79 vi usBiuce acquired in ana to said land premises to satisfy said judgment. B. C., Shenff of Douglas County Oregon. LA.Ilt'8 ARTESl-iX WELL. Whnt it Shows of the formation of Earth to a Depth of I70O Veef the Below we give a report as recently published in tho Oregonian in refer ence to Mr. Ladd's deep, deep wol!. Mr. Ladd's purse is long, aud so is the well likely to be. A glacial chart of tlw strata through which W. S. Ladd's artesian well in East Portland has passed in reaching tho 1700 foot level, pi-epared by Dr. Willis E. Everette, shows the follow ing varieties and depths: 1 T v e 20 100 1-20 50 140 20. 1C0 .20 ISO 20 200 20 220 55 275 55 XJ0 2d 850 01 3U0 45 405 315 720 10 730 120 850 150 1000 SO 10S0 t 120 12O0 50 1 1250 50 j 1300 400 1700 UPPER WATER LEVELS. Earth and clayey aaud Pine drift and sand Sand, clay and (travel Granite ft basalt boulder iu moist sand Water worn boulders and gravel & veins ot white sanil(first water) Gravel and Kind, granitic... - Oiavel and sand, basaltic Coarse srrit and '.'ravel basaltic Water-worn boulders Fine sand . . ., . Coarse grit of granite and fulopar . Alternate veins of basaltic boulders CENTRAL LEVELS. Olive marl and clay shale with fossil ves- ctatiun and narrow sand stratuuis. . . . Fine jpitand sandstone.. Marl, talc, and shale mud with fossil vegetation and soft sandstone1 Stiff clay shale and marl with fossil vegetation aud fine basaltic sand..... Fine white and coarse sand with mica ecoles (Potsdam sandstone Conglomerate with fossil plant, infuso rial and fossil vegetation I Coarse basaltic grit and gravel Fine sandy marl and fhalcniud contain- j . iug fossil vegetation LOWER LEVELS. Compact arcbeau rotk (solid grani t). . . . j This rock may continue for many thousands of feet in solid unbroken mass. The chances of the well ever prov ing a flowing one aie very small, in deed, but the conti actor is going down to a depth of 2000 feet, or a flow ins: well. till he sets A very peculiar circumstance con nected with this well is, that it has demonstrated tho existence of five dis tinct forest growths; that is, liveTor esls, one over the other, are under neath the valley antlriver of tho low er Willamette and the city of East Portland. By careful reading the composition of the different stratums an idea can be gained as to where these forest growths have been. This is nothing very new or sta riling. The city of New Orleans, Lu., at the mouth of one of the channels of the delt i of the Mississippi river, stands over a large submerged forest; and the indications are that there arc otheis til infinitum. In the Yellowstone park there is a "rand vertical bluff showing twenty nine distinct forests, one above the other, tho wood being partly fossiled and carbonized. Given a forest whose trees are many hundreds (and mayle thousands) of years old, how many years will it take for these trees to fall, rot and fill up again with young giowth, and this in its turn die and be covered by itsown straws, leaves and resulting soil, and . another forest growth to spring up on this soil? Then saying that it took at least 10,000 years to gradually cover these pros trate many and also standing grand and enormous conifers ami deciduous trees, here would be one single bluff that shows an age of 290,000 years. Yet it is strange to think that we are rfbw living over forests which at the time wcro possibly filled with ani mal (and maybe human) life; and to think that centuries hence wells niay be sunk through the- future wash and earth that will cover us and on to the now known city of Portland and Wil lamette river and valley by beings who will follow us in the cjcleof ages, and regard with great curiosity and speculate on the uses of special ens of our "Oregon ruins," i. e., tlio nl ways-to-be-built Villard hotel of the North ern Pacific railroad. SVlESTltlC. Upon tho hypothesis that we learn by observation ami experience so we have learned in part to discriminate between good ami evil because good results well, and evil bad; therefore upon the same principle we develop in scientific knowledge. Admitting the former incorrectness of computing time upon a geneial conjecture no ona can tell wlia. day of the week to-day was 2000 years ago but by scientific fact we can tell by computing the time of eclipses or the tino for tho icturn of the comets. Yet we assume that no man can tell the day of . the week the first man made his advent into the world, nor in what year. Now wc have another reason to oner that the zctetic oi ilat theory. of the earth is incorrect, and in defeoso of tho spheroid fact at certain degrees north oi south of the equator, the mag netic needle becomes wholly unrelia ble, it vacillate, it points in no defi nite direction, which is proof that it seeks the equilibrium of the earth as we have previously stated, and the proof in this respect that the earth is oblong, is that frciu the points or de grees of equilibrium north and south of the equator, there is considerable distance to the Doles. Now in rcsard to the deviation of the needle from north and south within the raJious of the earths true equilibrium, it is either duo to the earth being thrown out of a symetrical position by the accornmu- lation of volcanic scoria to one side tuoie than the other, or it is due to spherical attraction in its annual movement around the sun. .. ' L. C. II ILL. At. ia a. u;u state or atiairs tor a state to become Iwukrupt, hut Europe has it, and it is Hungary. Don't Ejriferimcut. Yon cannot afford to waste time in expert, meuting when your lunas are in dancer Consumption always seems at first, only a cold. Do not permit auy dealer to impose upon yoa whb some cneap imitation ot lr. King's New; Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, but be sure vou set the genuine. Tkcausc he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as vi juati me saint, uuu t uc 4ieceiveil, but insist npou gettiug Dr. Kuiu's New Dis covery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat. Mini? and ( 'host afWtinna. Trial bottles free at Marstcr s & Co's. drug store. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Xoticc For Publication Lai.d Office at Roseburg Or. Oct. Cth 1SS6V "TOT10E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL, Jl lowing named settler has filed notice of his in. tcntion to make final proof in support of bU claim, and that said proof will be made before tho Register or Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg Or., on Monday Nov. 1st b, 1880. viz: Philip Mnlkev homestead eutry No. 3752 for the S. E. 1 of S E f: R.i ww?& w- . E- -ST'- He names the following witness to prove his con tinuous residence Un,aiid cultivation of, said land Vl!; tpnen Howard, Wm. Polaud, Joshua Fossett andWni. A. Mulkey, all of Myrtle Creek, Douglas County Ore. ciiis. W. Johxstos - " Register. Administrators Final Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Street Bice deceased, has filed his final accounts as administrator of said estate, and the couuty Judge of Doturlas County Ogon, has fixed Janu ary Sd, 1887 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. . of said day at the Countv Court hjuseiu said County und htate as the time and place for the hearing of anv and all objections to said final account, and the settlement thereof. Mart Kick Administratrix of said estate. Notice For Publication. Land Office at Roscliurg, Or. Oct. 4th, ; ISS. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOt. 1 lowing named settlor has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the licgister or Receiver of the U. S. Land Offico at Hosenurjf, ur. on kaluw.iv, Nov. 13, ISijG. viz: JOHN J. DRAIN. Homestead Eutry No. 302 for the S. J of S. W. 1 N r.. t oi . v. 4 jn. w. 1 of S. t. t Sec. 3 Tp. 28 S. K. U West W St. 1 He names the following witnesses to prove his wiiiuiimiu resiueiicu uhu, auu cultivation of. aaid i;tuu viz: lvi sunt n, Reuben Smith, John H. Cor nutt, John D. Cornutt all of Riddle, Douglas Co. Or. Cuas. W. Jounbtox, Register. A I) 111 X ISTUATOILS NOTICE AtOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I?V ll dersincd has heen duly appointed and quail ne'i as Administrator of the estate of W. F. Owens deceased. All persons bavins claims against the sum esune, are required to present tlieni, with the proper vouchers within six months from the date ncre oi to the undersigned Adimmstiator at his of- ncc in Koseour? Douglas county Oregon. Dated ucu uiu, isso. C. W. JoHSsro.v . Administrator SHEHIFFS SALE. In tlic Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tbe VVlllllJ 111 xsuugl&s. W. S. Humphrey Plaintiff rit llliniso Lanjjenberir, Celia Lancnber) his wife, ". ." "ewer aim u. u, heeler Defendants. Suit in equity to foreclosure murtmw TV WTICE IS HEREBY f;IVEN THAT BV VIRTUE execution duly issued out of the above cnucu irnin on tnc 28, day of October 188tt and to mv Uirecieo and delivered in pursuance of a judir mcnt and decree duly uuule and untemi in aaid Circuit Court on the 20, day of October 183iiH favor oi mc auove named riaintiff, W. 8. Humphrey and against the above named Defendants Al.honso Ijiii(;eiibcrff, Celia Langenbenr his wife, W. M. Wheeler and L. C. Wheeler for the sum of 3!)6.15 judgment attorney lees and costs and for the sale of the mortgaged premises to satisfy the said judg ment and cost and whereas aaid cxemitim niands me that out the said mortgaged premises for uieiurucuKiure anu sale oi which said decree and judgment were recovered that I satisfy the said sum and apply the proceeds arising from said sale first in payment of the cost and expenses of said foreclosure and sale, second in payment of said at torney fees, third in payment ami satisfaction of the said judgment in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and in pursuance of said f.ireclsure and order of sale I have levied upon and on SATURDAY the 27, day of November JSSC, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon to-wit; at the hour of 1 o'clock . m. of said day will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the Court house door in Douglas county Oregon all the right title and interest of the said Defendants in and to the said mortgaged premises described as follows, to-wit: ail that part or parcel of land in Roseburg Oregon, 80 feet f runt on the East Bide ofChadwick Street lying south and adjoini,,.. the lot hirciWi conveyed to Henry Bow en by Aaron Hose and wife and extending back the same width 110 feet situa ted in block 63 adjoining the tract of land owned by Sirs. W. S. Humphrey beinz the land heretofore leserihed as conveyed to Henrv Ki.uon hv a. ...... Rose torcthcr with tenements 'ami nmntrtoi, -......, belonging thereto. B. C. Aoke. fehenff of Douglas County Oregon SHERIFF SALE. In Circuit Court. Doutrlas Countv. Mat .if iiro- S..Marks & II. Woolcuburg, Plaintiff.- vs. Win. Linvilc, ChrUtiau R. Linrillc. f In-lit;,! n i.iiiMllcaUmr. in K-statcof Leah Liuville deccasedrl Vi m. I.mville Jr. Sural. Merrill, O. G. MeClaiu and aiary uiy heirs at la of Leah Liuville deceased. Defendants. TUOT1CE IS QEKECY CIVEN THAT BY VIRTUE XI of an execution humeri mit ..r ti. nK...-A entitled Court on the 3rd. if 1SS0, and to nie directed and delivered in pursuance of a Judgment and dei Court on the 20th, day of October 1SSC, in favor of mu oumcu naintms and against the above named defendant s for the sum of S123C.83 costs & ex cuses, and for the sale of the mortgaged premises to satisfy the said Judgment and costs, and whereas said execution commands nie that out of said mort gaged premises for the sale of which said Judgment and decree was recovered, I satisfy first th cU and expenses of said foreclosure and sale. Second the Judgment m favor of the above named plaintiffs and ... aaceoi saw ioreciosure and order of sale. 1 have levied uion aud will on b.VlURDAY, the llth day of December 18. between the hours of 9 A. M an.i i i i i...,;I the hour of two clock P. M. sell at public auction to the highest bidder cash in hand at the Court House door in Roseburg, Oregon, all tho right title and interact of the said defendants in and to the fol lowing dcseriDed re d property to-wit; comment-in" at the North-cast cirner a point 16.40 eluiins West of the corner of Sections 2. 3, 10 & 11 in tnwnahiu 30 isouin ot Range 4 west Will. Mer. thenccSouth 20.10 chains, tlience West 42.S0 chains, thence North 20.10 chains, thence East 42.50 chains to tbe place of be giniiig containing SO acres more or less, the same be ing 80 acres off the Donation chum No. 48 of An drew Thomas and wife, of said Township and range, also the following described premises to-wit; Be giunligat the Northwest corner of the donation claim u. vtoriovtn said township and range running thence West to the land entered by C. W. Johnson as nre einnt.i.m olim in i.i t un ship and rauge thence South to the north line of uuiiaiiu-iviauu oi Aiiurc w i nomas Jio, 48 thence east to the W est line of the donation claim of K. U. Wor ley No. iJ in said Township and range, thence north to the northwest corner of said donation claim, t he place of beginning, containing seven acre more .or less, together with the Una ncnts here.lii mn n t u anil appurtenances thereunto be! onging or in anywise appurtalniug. . ir-ness my imd this 3. U day of Nov. 13JJ B. C. AGEE Sheriff of i)JUg. Co. State of Or. SUMMONS. foI'lSDlJial.81 0l0n"n ln "J Dora Young Plaintiff v W. n. Young Deft.' Suit inequity for divorce. ' To W. 11. Young the above named defendant in the name of tlie State of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to apjiearand answer the oomplaint of plaintiff nlcJ a.-amstyou in the above entitled suit on or be fore Tuesday January 4th 1S37, the first day of the next term of said Court aud if vou fail to to apicar and answer, plaintiff will apply u tho Court for the relief demanded in said complaint to-wit; a dissolu tion of the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant and for her costs and dis bursements in this suit. This summons is published by order of Hon. R. 8. Bean Judge of said Court dated November 4th 1880 J. c. Fullerlon. Attorney for Plaintiff. Executrix's Xotlce. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM IT may concern, that the undersigned lias been apKintvd executrix of the last will and testament of Dr. G. W. Hoover deceased, and all ersona hav ing claims against the estate of the said Dr. O. W. Hoover are hereby required to present the said claims with the proicr vouchers within sis months from the date of this notice to the said executrix at her residence in Roseburg, Douglas Countv Oregon. . . . H. E. Hoovsk, Datca October 29, lsae. Executrix. Iu the matter of the assignmeut of Caro Brothers. NOTICE IS IIEKEBY CI VEX THAT the undt rsigued has been dully appo in ted aud qualified as assignee of the estate of Isidor Caro and Simon Caro partners as Caro Bros, insolvent debtors. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho same, under oath, to said assignee within three months after the first publication of this notice. John Lane, Assignee estate of Caro Bros. , Insolvent debtors: Kosclurg, Or., Nov, 9, 1S86. Xoticc For Pttbliralioii. Land Office at Rwneburg, Or. Nov. II 18W "RTuTlCE IS HEREBY UlVEs THAT THE FOL J.1 lowlng-naniod settler ia filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ai d that aaid proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of the U. 8. Land office at Roseburg, Or. Saturday, Dec. 18th, 1886, viz; Rock 1'iairrrs Homestead Entry so 4f.l0 for the w I of x w 1!, Tp. 25 s , 6 west w and s j of s s 1. see. 24 Tp 25, s ft 7 west w a. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation ,4 id land : Hugh Colo, Jcph Rcvay, David Shorn brook, Antwme McKay, ,11 of Imprjua Kerry, Doug, las county, Or. Cmi. W. JoifKjsv, Ucji&U-r. SHERIFF SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Sta of Oregon for the County of Douglas. C. E. Tracy Plaintiff. : -r Too mas Applegato, Horteusc Appiegato and Eehjj min Huntington Defcnduuts. fcuit in equity to foreclose a mortgiige. "HJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIRTVE Xi of an execution and order of side issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of llrnnn for las county on a judgment and devrco of foreclosure of a mortgage dated January 14th, I3SJ, given and entered therein on the lSKh'day of October 1886 in favor of the above named plaintiff, C. E. Tracy and against the above named defendants, Tbomaa Apple. Kate, Hortcuse Anolccate ard Ucuianiin Hnntiinrton and the herein after described mortgaged land and premises, directed and deli rered to nie on the 6th day of November 1SSG commanding me to levy uioii and sell said mortgaged premises and out of tbe proceeds of said sale to nay first costs aud excuses of said foreclosure and sale. SMNirnl an attnracv'a Im of 875, third tho judgment of the plaintiff amounting to the sum of nevei. hundred and fourteen dollars and seventy one cents with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent nor annum from the 14th ilav of January 1S84 I have levied uron and will on - 8ATI KDAY, the 18th, day of December 1830, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. 11 of said day sell at nublis auction in front of the court bouse door in Roseburg, Donglas county Oregon to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the riirht title and inter est which the defendants Thomas Applcgate, Hor- tviino Ai'iot-gau. ain ixrnjaiuin Ullllll! Ilftou OrUHBer of them had or owned on the Hth day of January lSsf or have since acquired by orati0n of law or other wise in or to the followingdcxcribcd landsand premise to wit; the east half of the f 'liariu. 4i...i.,.i tion claim No S? injections 27,28, S3 and 34. iu T. ' ST Si u 2 . ctem' Nu 48 in "crtions S and 4, T. ii S. It. 5 W. exceptine a'wut SO acres therefrom conveyed to Milton f pplcgate the part remaining being 2U0 acres, also Undsoy Applcgate's donation claim No 42 in sections 2 and 3 111 T 28 8. R. 6 W. iwnuiuiug owi acres. The E- U Aimlegate dona tion claim Ao 41 sections 35 and 30T. 22 S. R. 5 W. and claim No 49 in sections No 1 and 3 T 23 S. R. 5 w- containing 320 acres, the S. W . section 35 T. 22 S. R. 5 W. containing 161 acres. Tho lots 2 and 3 section 2 T. 23 8. K. 5 W. and eontainiinr 40.10 acres and the fractional S. E. J of seel ion 34 T. 22 S. R. 5 W. That certain tract of 100 acres beginning at a point 72 links S. and 3 chains and 31 links east from the quarter section post on the west line of section hi. as.a.4. running thence south 13 chains, thence east 18 chains, thence south 31 chains. thence west 30.50 chains, thence N. 54.20 chains, thence east 20.50 chains to the Mac of beginning 21 e fractional N. E. of N. E. i section 19 T. 22 8.R.4W. contanmrg 40.90 ares, tbe lot 1 sec tion 17 with 33.62 acres and the lot No S nrti.,n 19 with 30.50 acres, and the lot No land S. E i of N. E. i, section is with 47.20 acres aneT the W. j ot Is. W. i and N. E. 4 of N. W. section 17 contain ing 120 acre and the lot No 2 of section 17 contain ing 7.33 acres and all being in T, 22. R 4 W also the lot No 1 section 2 and lot 1 section 3 eon tiauing 28.77 acres, and the S. of N. W. 4 and lots 2 and 3 section 1 containing 166.82 acres, and the 8. W. of the N. W. i of sectiou 12, and lot No 2 sec tion 11 containing 55.42 acm. and the- S p 1 f h. S. W. I section 12 and the N. E. J of S. W. I section 12 containing SO acres and the W. J of S. W. 1 sec-' tion I and N. W. of N. W. section 12 and frac tional N. E. i of X. E. 1 section 11 and fni;n..i S. E. ) of S. E. J of section 2 con twining 140.00 acres and the E. of S. W section 1 and N. E. 1 of N. W. IN. W,l of N. E. 4- sectiou 12 containing li acres and the lot 4 section 0 containing 39,88 acres and the 8. W. J of the N. W. and N. E. i of N. E. i nd 8. E. J of S. E, section I containing 120scres andall being in T. 23S. U. i W.,also the E. Jof 8. E. i aud lots I, 2, 3, of section SO T. 22 8.-"R 5 W. containing 141.08acres,the part of the donation claim No 37 T. 22 S R 4 W. lying west of tbe present county road containing 21 acres, also town lots No I and 10 block No 13 in the town of Yoncolla uimm excepting from all the foregoing that certain tract et liveyod to Mrs. Caroline Cowan as follows: The fractional E. i of the x K J of section 11 and K w J of tcction 12 and s w of section 1 lying south cast of county road from Longs to Scott s valley and all in T 23 8 R S W. said road crossine the east mnmlirv of donation land claim of Robert Cowan 7 chains : calami iof enains souui 01 corner or sec 1,2,11 and 12 T 23 8 K 5 w, running thence K30" b 16J chains; thences 21J dog. c 21jchHuis, thence K 15j degrees g S3 chains to a point 14 chains s-uth of tbe center t.t section 1 in the above named township and contain ing 270 acres, also excepting 107 acres Iving south of a line of said mad beginning at s point 25 chains and 84 links south of the s w comer of thedonation land claim of John M. Scott described a claim xo 37 T 22 and 23 s a 4 w, running thence smith 47 de grees w 7 chains and 12 links: thenc south 4.1 de grees w, 21 chains and 40 links, thence south 57 de grees w, 18 chains and also" excepting in section 1 J 23 s a 5 w 20 acres. All said lands are situated in Douglas couutvOresron. and tho inturast nf iu dcfeiuients being an undivided interest in the whole ' 01 sain lauus. B.C. AOKS. Sheriff of Douglas County Oregon", "Tfce IToWef's Wonders.' E. E. WaUh, of this cily, has secured the agency for the most useful Jock ever ksued from the press, entitled "The World's Won ders," as seen by the great tropical and polar explorers; being an encyclopedia of cxplora lion, discovery and adventure in all rarls of the world, and a history of savage races of men, curious and ferocious animals, strange and deadly serpents and reptiles, etc, etc.. embracing every important discovery and ad venture in the exploration of such distinguish ed travelers as Spcke and Grant, Kir . Samuel Barker and wife, Livingston, Stanley, Dr. Chaillu, Wallace, Long, Squire, Gordon, and including all of the explorers of the Volar world. The liook contains 76S pages and is beautifully embellished with over 20oilluslra -tions. - ' - , Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is -Nature Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid ' fruit remedy may be had of Ur S. Hamilton at iifty cents or cne dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remady known, to cleanse system; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers: to cure Consti 11a Hon Indigestion and kindred ills. wives: mothers: daughters: Hk Yoch Owx Piitsicus! A lady who for years uf fcred torments worse than death from t'teriue trou bles, ProlaiMius, Leucorrhoea, Suppression, tx. so common amo:ig our Wivo, Mothers and Daughters and had despaired of being cured, finaJy found rem edics which completely cured her after all else had ailed. Any lady can use the remedies and cure herself, without being subjected to t. mcdica' exam' ination. From gratitude she will scud meis, Uecip aud full directions sealed Address (with stamp) Mrs W. C. Holmes, 053 Broadway, New Yor Farmers and 3leehanies. Save money and doctor bills. Kcliev youi . Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely pur chase of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, best remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and . Bronchial affections. Relieves Children oi Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Trice 50CU. and $1.00. ; Sampls free. Sold by S. Hamilton. Projter Treatment for l on,jus. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Cpugh ami Lung Syrup, we will say tliat Tar and Wild Cherry is the basis ofhc best remedies yet discovered. These ingredients with others equally as cfiica cious, enter largely into Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the market. Price 50 cts and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by S. Hara ton. Cure lor Files. ' Piles are frequently precodeuby a scnas of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing tho patient to sup pose he has affection of the kidneys or neigh- boring organs. At times, symptoms of in digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers piration, producing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a common attend ant Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanco's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts effected, absorbing the tu. mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address, The Dr. Bosanco Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. A lJ IS 4,)VM N rP. Purreadorforl4cts ing and wrapping aud names of 2 active Book Agents rL" it'." " P"1' "an"!" ofall 'Our j. . 111 slump to I i utntu w .... ., ..... :i . i. , ! -i - ntw secure tin enzra- ing and also a complete outfit aud agency for "The Lives and Craves of Our presidents," including ir traitand Bnrapliy of .President Cleveland ard Bride. Thousands of copies being sold every wc ck . PlT.LIHHiNtt CO. 864 Wabash Ave,, Chicago III; ?:;v Bucklen g Arnica Sato. The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Cruisea, Sores, Ulcers, . Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, TetWr, Chappwl Hands, Chilblains, Corns, atul all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money J rff uncled Price 2.1 cts box. ; Fsr salcby M misters ft Co-