ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 18S6. Api oiktmkmts of the Rosebuix Circuit, M, E. Church South. 1st Sabbath, morning and evening at Roseburg. 2nd Sabbath 11 v m. at Bogge school house; S p. ni. at Pine Grove church. Sd Sabbath, 10 a. m. at Day's sohool house; 8 p. in. at Stephen's school house; 7 p. m. at Oakland. 4th Sabbath 11 a. m. at Myrtle Creek; 3 p. m. at Hudson school house; 7 p, m. at Myrtle creek. F.M. Ccir, ' Pastor. Drawing and Painting. Miss E. Mc Fadden from Coivallis and Monmoth Colleges will give lessens in oil painting, and every thing in that line. Room at Mrs, Party's up stairs. . . Cyclone Wind Mill. In a few weeks the .Pacific Manufacturing Company of San Francisco, will advertise their Wind Mill in The Review, and all persons desiring the very best mill, will inquire at this office for further particulars. tf XVTICE. . Notice is hereby given, that any person, carrying fire arms found trespassing on my premises, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. E. M. Moobe. A Farm for Ren r. The Bushcy farm adjoining Roscburg is now for rent upon rea sonable terms, which can be had by apply ing to J. C. Fullerton. Office up stairs in Marks' brick. . House to rent. A good dwelling i i l j: . i- ii. ' :i uuuse iu tuiib Huj.iueiii. to m city ui Roseburg. " Fcr particulars apply to Charley Stephens. Lost. One red and white spotted cow marked, crop left ear, split in the right The undersigned will pay a re ward of $5.00 for information of her whereabouts. Charley Stephens. New Gauoer. A. F. Campbell has been appointed U. S. ganger to suc ceed Oscar Kilbourn, who has filled the office for many yeais. Mr. Canijv bsll is a resident of this city and a con of Rf.V. T. F. f!rtmiholl ftf IvTnnm.-.iiib lie has filled his bonds and begun the discharge of his duty. Oregonian, Shot. A boy was Bhot last Satui day week near Kelloggs in this county by his uncle, a Mr. Lachants. The accident occurred by carelessly hand. ling a pistol, snapping it, and not exam ining whether it contained cartridgos or not, when infact it contained two, one of which exploded, and the ball enteral the brain, and the boy died instantly. Still Crowded and Increasing Yeit-trd.ty o le putt mc uai disoh ir .1 from the asylum. Thi-re yet reimins 43r, or twenty-tLrc'o more than the uuiiuing whs onoiinijy intended to acco'iimodate. Tho increase litis been ery heavy all through th year 188G, and should it continue through 1887, temporary quartern will' be required before an additional building could be completad. Statesman. Work vs Idleness. Dr. Franklin saiti "tha it was better to work for nine pence a day, than to be idle." . Franklin was right, yet some people now adays must hare the maximum wages, whether it pays the employer or not, or else they will remain iu idle ness. A crominent man in Hosebur? n came down from a salary of $3000 a year," to $2.00 per diem, and worked with a will. Such men wU pay for the bread they eat and the clothes they wear. " A JUAUNIFICEST UFPOKTUNITY.-l Ue A nr. i-A . -rt citizens of Corvallis are agitating the .building of a bridge across the Willam ette at that city. As it would take thirty or forty thousand dollars it is safe to say it will not be buil t, though for tho interests ef our neighboring city we would like to see it erected. It would afford a magnificent opportunity for its citizens to show that they really have some enterprise, contrary to the prevailing belief. Al. Democrat FataL Affray. A horrible mur der and Suicide took place at Gardi ner to day. A Chinaman known as J ake shot and instantly killed another Chinaman known as Lee Sing. After killing Lee Sins, Jake shot himself four times, one ball passing entirely through the brain, he will die. It is not known exactly what the trouble was about. But it is generally under stood that it resulted from business ri valry.' Gardiner Or., Oct. ,27th, 1886. Anniversary. The J acksonville W, C. T. U. will give a literary and social ' entertainment on the occasion of its bi ennial anniversary in November. It is hoped that Rev. J. R. N. Bell of Roseburg the distinguished and wel . known advocate of temperance will be present. An interesting programme win do presented m whicn the various members of this district will be invited to participate. The entertainment will be for the benefit of the Jackson ville Library Fund. Oregon Sentinel. Will be there if it is possible. Thanks for kind words. Ed, Executive Appoixtmests. The governor has recently made the fol lowing appointments: L. D. Latour- ette, Oregon City; Geo. Bo well, Alba ny; M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis; W. B Glass, Crawfordsville; Chas. A. Schlutz Olex. X. N Steeves, Portland; T. E Fell, Castle Rock; D. H. Gager, Was. co: C. W. P. Elleswortb, La Grande J.T. Stewart, Portland; Geo. Griswold, Lincoln;. G. W. Prosser, Oswego: W, S. Martin;. GalesvUle; to be notaries Bpublic , E Whitman, of Walla Walla, and G. W. Traver, of Tacoma to be commissionersof deeds for Oregon . to reside in Washington Territoiy. ZOCAZ BSE riTIES. .Subscribe for The Review now. Read G. W. K's letter this week. Read our Supplement this Week. The court is over, and all is now quiet. CoL Shields smiled on us one day this week. Miss Violet Haines is at home for a few weeks. Mrs. Serena Adams returned to Colfax last Monday. , Subscribe for our holiday number of The Review. An article haeded "Scintihc" will appear next week. Hon. Jas. Hamilton is attending court this week in Coos. The Saunders case has been appealed to the Supreme Court. Thanks to Casaraltan for his excellent letter. Our wrath has abated. Mining blinks at The Review office (or sale for io cents apiece. Vermont has ie-eleclcd Geo. F. Edmunds to the United States senate. II. C. Stanton has made a stone border to his sidewalk in front of his brick. Ashcr Marks, one of Roseburg's leading cit izens, went to Portland Monday last. H. Gates, amTSol. Abraham went to Port land Monday, to be gone several days. Go to M. R Howell's for the finest potatoes and winter apples in town, also dry wood. The city marshal has been doing a rushing buuiness m the matrimonial line this week. W. L. Freeman M. D. graduate of Mo. Med. College, St Louis Ma Has come to stay. . For Lahie Back, side or cheat, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents at S. Hamil- tons. gilmore's NURALGIA cure is a positive cure for Neuralgia in the face, side and stom ach. MIDDLE-AGED MEN who lack vigor and vitality can be cured by Gilmore's Aromatic Wine. nerve-life and vigor restored in men and women by useiag Gilmore's Aromatic Wine. anson hough, of Blackerry, Ills., says he owes his life io Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. Try it. why WILL YOU SUFFER from Ague and Malaria when Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will cure you? Hon. W. F. Benjamin went to Portland last Monday as U. S. juror vice Simon Caro, excused. Found a little girls red ribbon tie and pin. Call at this office, pay for this notice, and get the above. Ashland and Eugene City art? going ahead cn their water works, while Roseburg is a quiet looker on. Rev F, M, Culp has made some substantial improvements at the M. E. Chinch South Rtrsonage. Extra copies for sale at The Review office containing the first book of Mrs. Hamilton's excellent poem. JAMES SULLIVAN of Salem, Oregon, says he was cured of the Asthma by Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. Croup, Wiioofing Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure.- S. ! Hamilton Agent. The McGibeny family will be here some time in December. "There are 15 in number, and all musicians. Harry Lulus and Winnie Caddis have left Portland and cone to Ellensburg W. T. to do job of painting. Blank deeds, mortgages, chattle mortgages, summons' of all kinds, etc., etc., for sale at The Review office. John Letson of Yoncolla made our acquain tance this week, and it was mutual and pleas ant to us, to know him . Rev. Mr. Post and wife are up from Port land and he will hold services at the Episcopal Church on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Culp has taken the printers veil at The Review office, and clad in this habil- ment, he graces the tripod. Richard Hannon was held guilty by the jury for seduction, and fined $500.00 and costs. The fine was settled. The general assembly of the Knights of La bor have raised the salary of Grand Master Powerly to $5,000 per annum. MR. A. HIGGINS of Wyoming N, Y, says he had the Piles for nearly 40 years, was cured by using Gilmore's Pile Specific. the wife, mother and maid who suffer from female Weakneas, will find Gilmore's Arom atic Wine a positive Cure . Sleepless Nights, made miserable by tha terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by S. Hamilton. The farmers ought to order five; ten, twenty or one hundred of our extras at once. Send in your name to The Review office. Will Yoc Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaren teed to care you. Sold by S. Hamilton. An extra session of the county court is called to meet at th court house on Nov. 16, 1885. By order of Judge J. S. Fitzhugh. Hon. W. F. Benjamin is the agent for the Travellers Insurance company. The com pany is solid, and so is the agent Insure. B. S. Fague, Signal officer went to house keeping yesterday, occuping Dr. M. W Davis' residence in the southern part of town, The Plaindealer.s replies to our squibs re minds us of two boys when one calls the other a I , and the reply is, "you are another.' President Cleveland's proclamation in this issue has tbe ring of a christian executive, presiding over the destinies of a christian na tion. Catarrh Ccred, health and sweet breath secured, bv Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector free at S. Hamil 0 - tons. The VanBuren Bros, have sold out their city draying to Joe Carlon, who will hereafter at tend to the wants of his customers. Read his new ad. DR. freeland, of the M. E. church says that two bottles of Gilmore.s Aromatic Wine cured his wife of Nervous Debility and sleep lessness. L, Langenberg has a fountain show case that exhibits his wares to fine advantage and alwavs keeDs his cirars moist and in first class order. There is enough of sunshine in a Perfection Tea Can full of Mr. Sol. Abraham's "Sua beam Tea" to make un for a month of gloomy days. That B flat war paper racket is havin auite a strupple in the Drain Echo. 15 flat a 00 will succeed in getting up a "fuss"' yet, if h does not look jharp. There will be no services at the. M. E. Church South next Sabbath as the pastor will assist in the union services to beheld at the Presbyterian Church. ? American capitalists have organized a com pany, with a capital of $500,000, to work anthracite coal mines in the Rocky mountains on the Canadian Pacific road. Ashland voted a five mill tax the other day for the support cf teachers alone. Ashland is going ahead. 88 votes for, and 54 votes against. Well done Ashland. ; Patrick Flanagan Esq., of Marshfield, father-in-law of our county clerk, T. R. Sheridan was in town recently, but did not have time to call on us we are sorry to say. A wag one evening took down a turners sign and hung it over a lawyer's door.; j In the morning it read; "All kinds of turning and twisting done here. '.'; FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, 'you have a printed guarantee on every bottle j of Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by S. Hamilton. i Miss Bertie Richardson gave our typos a farewell call Tuesday. u She left for Ashland to her parents. Bertie has many little friends in Rosebu rg. Be a good girl Bertie, . All parties owin;j the G. W. Hoover estate will come forward as soon as possible andset le up with Mrs. II. E. Hoover executrix, as she is anxious to get everything square. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizziutssand all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by S. Hauiilon. Oley Boone came near getting seriously hurt yesterday 111 this city. In attempting to get out of his hack he fell and caucht his leg in the spokes of the wheel, and bruised it severe ly. - Mrs. Dr. Owens-Adair has been elected president of the Prohibition Star Publishing company, a temperance paper which suspen ded two weeks for want of support. It is re vived. Sherwood novelty harness, something new, no tugs, no double or whiffletrees to bother. Any informafion on harness can be had of S. K. Raymond agent for Douglas county Or. Oakland, Or., Oct. 14th IJS6. A bran new Chicago Cottage organ for sale at The Review office, price $265.00. Now you can have this organ for almost nothing on monthly installments. This organ is ; war ranted for 5 years. . . , Our cotemporary boasts of having the pret tiest typo girls on the the coast. Well; we i , . .. .... . . . i nave no oujecuon io tnis claim, anil alio stig- l gest tliat it has the handsomest boys. It u a . - I piciiy iitiu luroiigiioui. For sale at The Revifav office one almost 1. 1 f . .11-111 fi ou nT II enrmrv ( ai " -i'"i, " iulu.mC, ,iS,., ,l,-,l,l,,, ,,1..... ..,.i.,. .!.. , 1 ",'" ""v- good pony horse. A bargain in thh oiler, and the first one comes gets it. I have concluded to place 'teeth-within the reach of everylx dy. If von want a neat good .. j,- , iil nu i.y mey arc ntu cnc.ip tceui.j me cause of this is hard times and noonnoMiion l)u. M. W. Davis. David LV.nn of Jacksonville w as in our city part of this week in attendance upon the organization of the Grand Chapter ot the Eastern Star. lie. enjoyed himself finely, especially at the banquet on Wednesday eve ning. M. R. Howell has moved into his new building and is now well prepared to supply the trade with doors and .. windows 'with or ithout frames and any inside carpenter work made on short notice. Give him a call and some money. i The Eastern Star delegates met this week in Masonic halt, in this city, and determined by resolution not to organize a Grand Chapter at present. The banquet given by Roseburg chapter Ui tho delegates last Wednesday eve- mng was superb. J. R. N. Bell Dept. Grand High jTriest will institute a chapter R, A. M. of Masons at Marsh field, Coos Co. Oregon, Js'ov, lSth 886, and will install their officers, and do such other work as may come within the pur iew of his authority. Preaching at the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath next at 1 1 o'clock A. M. by Rev. F. M. Culp and in the evening by Rev. W. A. Smick. No services at the Methodist Church. Union revival services will be held the coming week at the Presbyterian Church, ' All are invited. Walter and Miss Inez Hamilton went to .tland this week as witnesses in the case of Sol. Abraham vs the Western Union Tele graph Company. Miss Inez will go from there to Monmouth to attend the State Nor mal Schcol. This youtig lady will complete her studies at this college. ' JOHN H. YATES, of Batavia, N. Y "I cheerfully commend says: Your AROMATIC wise; It did new life and vigor send Through this weak frame of mine. It did for all my stomach ills More than the doctor and his pills." The Douglas county fair committee will meet in Roseburg on Nov. lSth to receive the report of the special committee in regard to the site lor the Jt air. 1 he special committee consists of Plin Cooper. J. C. Hutchinson, ames Byron. Henry Adams, Joseph L, Churchill. I. B. Nichols and D. C. McClallcn. G. W Hoover was here last week settling up the business of his father's estate, which he succeeded in doing to the satisfaction of all con cerned. Mr. Hoover desires us to thank his old patrons and lriemls for their patronage and kindness towards him while here. lie is now engaged in Portland and we wish him saccess. Medford Monitor. OAKZAXD ITE3IS. Rev. Culp preached here last Sunday. The cleaner was running the forepart of the week. A new sidewalk is being built in Faradse Valley. Call on our friend Smith Bailey when in want of a meal. Mrs. Clara Baker left Wednesday for her home in Moscow Trains commenced taking water from the new Tank Monday, The first copy of the "Oakland Enterprise" -was issued on Friday. Oakland has an improvement in the way of a Sparking Institution Mrs. Addie Mackcy of Gardiner is vuiting her parents E. C. Sacry's family, II. B. Sacry and wife have moved onto a farm near Kellogg.s. "Success David Baker of Roscburg has opened a new Saloon in the old Wagner building. We received a nleasant call from T. O. John on of your city Monday and Tuesday. The flour miU of Eubanks Wheeler is being run on long hours owing to the great amount of wheat cn hand. Pi ;ri.E5 CASARALTAS'S LE1TEB. For some weekd past, a guilty con science has caused me to dread the just wrath of his puisiant majesty, the edi tor of The Review, for my negligence of duty in not sending tny regular stint of copy to the patient, long-suffering sompositor. That wrath has burst at last, upon my devoted head, in the shape of a plaintive and pathetic two line local in the last issue. My heart of stone is melted, remorse gnaws at my vitals, and I hasten to the per formance of a bounden duty. By wav of introduction, Mr, Edi tor, I take pleasure in announcing that the Academy in our town contains, at the time of writing, 235 pupils, and therefore ranks among the largest school of Southern Oregon. This will partially explain mv neglect of corres pondence. Next summer the District Institute meets in our village, and Bro. Bell is expected to be ptesent. Our town is growing with remarkable rapidity, Naw houses are going up all around, and the future looks bright We oxpect to be incorporated this winter, after which, the first action of our "city parents" will be an ordi nance against roaming at large of the gay and predatory poker. The first term of circuit court is now being held in our new court house. I have never met Judge ; Webster, but those who ought to know, assure me that he is the right man for the place, and give s universal satisfaction, hy the right eousness and wisdom of his decisions and rulings. Messrs. Colvis and Kent the' contestants for ths office of district attorney are both on the ground; I can't say which is acting, but I suppose of course Mr. Cjlvig is performing the duties of the office, as he certainly otudit to be. Mrs. Dr. Benson of Santa Clara Cal ifornia is visiting members of her family in this place. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chapman of Wilbur are visiting their fon Jack, and their - daughter Mrs. Dr. Km mer. Mrs. J. Goodell has been dangerously ill for sonic weeks past, but is now slowly recover- ma -, . . I ho c i i 1-i.ifrtt.if .....1 i !. . ,,1I I I I n . . i m. ill ixwjty unit ius aa w uiiii I are row rimniisr on thrw. nnnrr.f'r timo for the winter months. Th 3 name of our town, is certainly a misnomer, and ought to be changed, ''Grants Pass'' wrmlil KinTrrnar. fn n 1 ... . ... v .. i awoirai- it uttio vuiaia sciutrunzi , . ' r... i. W.lJI I LI L 11 1; IIH lV MUt'.S 1)1 Jl IIMI'IIIW III- i ' m f ,',.,; xr, - Mnh, , r 1. .. . w.. . . oe iartuer trotn tliu truth, tor it is m th.vonin,. f , i i , j i' ." ,:i .i I. 1 II f .1 -ml 1PV auout uiroo im es in diameter, and L'i , . , .. . . . .. couki not Uii more sruisracioruy suua- , fed. I Imvj never vet found anv One who could "ive me a satisfactory ex- planation of thj origin of the name, Some av there is a p.-is through the ...--........., . ..., "V"S" n'i- '"- vian. onco niiiue a jour- nev north. OUkts sav that Grant never passed nt all, but "made it next" and played a lonti hand. After say ina; this they a ways smile and look knowing I'm suiv I don't know ,i,. , , , T1 ,1 . what tiiev mean, do von? 1 bona that Whfin nur 1-PfirPSf.ntnfivfla in fl.o mvl . legislative assembly provide for the incorporation of the town, they will aiao cousiuer ine propriety 01 nnaing j Mining interests in Josephine coun- A I ,1 ty ate being rapidly developed. Ex- perienced miners are confident that the quartz legdes now being developed ! 1,1.- jt are very ncu ana mat m in near fnfum ftlircj will n flm ho:f minniff 1 region or tne facino slope, l nuin hop-3 that these predictions may be fill- ly verified. ' And now having performed my duty, I subscribe myself as usual. Casaraltan Myrtle Creek Items. Cold weather. Farmers busy plowing.. Everybody enjoying good health. All tlie ladies aie fixinl; their flow - I' er vartls winch is a fine improvement In regards to Mr. Dyer opening a billiard hall was a s:td mistake, we did not intend to insult you. so please ex cuse tis. The yonng peoplo here met last Sun day tor tho 'purpose of appointing a committee to make arrangements for a Xtnas tree and entertainment Mr. Willis Kramer lias purchased one nuuuieu anu wi.ny neaa oi nogs oi I t 1 .1 il i 1 J t . Geo. Weaver which he intends to kill this week. Well have lot of back nos ami spne oun-.-s. Supt. G, T. Russell was here last Friday and remained all day visiting j our school. He says we have one of fudinnfa in Tlnnnlaa r-niinkr - - z o all we lack is a new school house, the one thBvare usinj is hardlv fit to teach school in n - . . 1 ii -.iil -r . v nat is tue matter wim uie myrue Creek correspondent 111 the Drain Echo? We would like to hear frcm him. bn must b. limiting for ona ot tbose pretty girls and forgot his paper. Zeeo. Sltecinl IltiHrtiil. 1 'phe mean temperature for October 1SS6 was 1 0.5 degrees below the normal. The precipi- tation was .60 of an inch above the normal For the season from July 1st to date the to- tal precipitation has been 5.96 inches. The average for the past ten years for the same period has been 4.41 inches or the excess this season 1. 52 inches. B. S. Tague, Observer. The ATMosm eiuc Washer. -True to it name, is constructed so as to force the suds through the clothes by atmospheric pressure The dirt is removed by the force of the water; mere is no inction or mooing auuui n. i"S - r , 1 - :. ft: is- the true Drinciole of washine.' Sheridan Bros. haVc them. it Fire. About midnight last night the town was thrown into excitement by the - rincinsi ol the fi re bell. The fire originated in lh building adjoining Moore's Kestanranr. By the efficient work o. the hre deparunent the flames were extinguished Deiore mey reached the adjacent building. It was 1 narrow escape from a big hre. O.V THE W1XG. San Fkaacisco, Oct. 29, I860, jd. keview: My trip overland from Roseburg to San Francisco was quite pleasant, except the stage ride. The C k 0. IT. R. Co. are pushing things north of Dunsmuir the preseut terminus of their road. All the work done by this company is very substan tial. The trestle-work rests on a stone foundation. Trains will be running to Sissons in a few days, thus shortering the distance between Ashland and tli. latter place to about eighty n iles. When connection is made with the O. fe C. It. Ii. it will be a great con venience to the travelling public and a paying ioad to said companies. Be tween Red Bluffs and Oakland on either side of the railroad there is a fine fruit and- agricultural country. Ex tensive vineyards and fields arc f re qunetly seen. For mile3 the country is apparently level. The Sacramento vallev is a great grain producing coun try. The past two weeks have been noted for political events. There are five candidates for Governor. There are only about twelve municipal tick ets in the field. They aii the Repub lican, Democratic, Prohibition, Anti Boss, Anti Monopoly, Independent Republican, American, Irish American Citizens, Labor and United Labor. The tight for the officers is waging hot I tell you. . It is so mixed that many do not know which one of the boys they are Many political mcv-tings are heldjeverv night all over the city. To attempt to prognosticate which party will be victorious in this city at the election next Tuesday, would be about as a,,siu',t sl3 v '-S1113 prophecies. Politics are at a fever heat, and absorb every otber topic and interest, TJusi- ... r .i.,n : utoa luvu iiie gimiiiiaumis ui uun iiiuus . , . , , . .m.l una i tli 1 aM ,1 11 VI1U VlWViWU was over. In my opiir'ou no slats should Lave an election of tener than every foil years. The presidential election no every emiit -years, mis is a . great Uosntonol ltan CUV. luu can find VUIY Hit l lOllcllll V NCI l J J 1 .-.. . lvearnev. Market and lAlonttronierv .. . , . ., ? ovivwwj i. v -."-r uuvt 11 til ill - Vitt-jr 11 t I J I u . i- ,, u , the rKiter part ion of the iiifflit. . A stranger cannot but wonder what all these people di for a HveliliojJ. There has been quite a Hurry in iniiiin stocks &" 0 past two weeks. Many iifloid.s han4 around the Stock' Er.- . 7 . , . LU'ul ""6 "bicu i neii an 111 me stocks, during the rise, hoping their pockets will be filled with tin. or that fi, ,;!, W-n-tlv iimL-o 1,1. fm- l,os - . ... . .. . in urn past. specuHting in stocKs is 1 0 Very laoiuatlll 2 UUC UaiWCrOUS. It IS like a mirage which if pursued, vanishes that is,' their 'money into the cofl'ers of tiie uloters J lif-w mi nxr n'-ifwi! rF mr mnrf " 3 V3V nere. . Uoldc-.i Gate park is oin of the finest parks I ever saw; such line drives and walks, beautiful and rare ' , - wpI Th A . . . n . . j tue c;ty uiscourses lovely music every Saturday and Sunday afternoon. There were thousands of people and many fine turn-outs Tt ia th r,k fnr i-P;t. and recreation. Woodward's Gardens are not what they used to be. Ever since the park became the popular re sort, they have lost a great deal of at ' tractiveness. Tbe Baldwin and Alca zar theaters aie places of art and the scenic effect of each is fine. In the If ll . , ,4 A mr tuey arepiaymj? "A scrap ot ralw, WD1CU 1S sometning ot a com edy and very good. In the latter; "Lady " Andley's Secret" being . semi dramafcici but nt like it. I meet Win. I. Friedlander Esq., nearly every day. He is looking well and expects to go into business in a short time. Have not seo:i Masters Albert and Maurace Abraham. Sam llosen baldt formerly of Roseburg is livinjr Lere Tn a SUOi.t time I shall co to - Los Angeles. Before I return home j 8jiall visit santa Barbara and San Dieg0 it was with regret that heard of the failure of the Cam Bros. Until you hear from me again, Au Re- uoir. K, The JlcRifccM ramtta. ' This celebrated family will appear in ltoseburg December 18th, 1886, under tne management 01 the Yankee DiitmIIq Rand bovs. and will bn a rarp l y musicai treat no doubt. The Albany I Democrat has this to say Mr. B. K Diigs, agent for the fa- mous xuewtueny wnniv, Wn8 in Al bany Saturday, and made arrangements with the V. U. JL. U. of this city, to biinsf the above noted family of musi cians to Albany on December 13 next, when they will exhibit under the aus pices of that society. This will be a musical treat of rare merit. The McGibeny family now consist of fifteen members, Mr. and Mrs. M. and thirteen children, one of whom is a daughter-in-law. They range in age from wee littlo youngsters up to about thirty, one only being married. ; All are marvelous musicians. This family was in Aioany abont twelve years and then there were only four : or five children: and they now have twelve children; all musi cians. Iliey gave a splendid enter tainment then, and will do muck better now. There are many here now who will remember tho little three year old girl who captivated the audience ly singing: 'I'm a little soldier girl, bravo and true, If my brothers go to war I'll go to.". The ltabu t Cry far It And the old folks laugh when they find that the pleasant California liauid fruit remedy ?yrup 01 r igs, is more easily taken and more pn ,hc Livtr Killncys Stomach, and Bowels a j while it ' arouses them to a healthy activity. 1 ror sale uy Hamilton, DXA1X ITEMS. Times brisk. Lota of young folks in town. - Our school is a grand success. Another entertainment at the chapel soon Miss E. Kclsey, of Coraslock, was in town Sunday. . :...'. L -. ' , i . . .. carpenters are ai wort on the bruise south of town. Mrs. John Earl, of Comstock, has Wen visiting friends here. The yonng people's class meeting was re-. organized last Tuesday evening. Miss Sarah Casebeer, of French Settlement is teaching in the Ritchie district sheriff Agee's locum tenens, graced our town with his presence this week. Mr, W. A. Perkins is absent visiting his son W. T. Perkins of Brownsville. Mr. J. A. McAllister has returned from Portland and is much improved in health. ..Mrs. Joseph Collets, who has been quite ill, is, we are glad to say, almost convales cent A party from Texas arrived here Monday evening, relatives of Mr. Kerley of Yon eolla. Messrs Ramsey and Hollabaek, returned yesterday evening and will resume work on the Devore briek. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buckingham of Marsh- field passed through town recently on their way to Eugene city, Tlie city market is now prepared to fur nish porter bouse steak of the most juicy and deliciouV quality, give it a call. - Major Walsh made your correspondttiit quite a pleasant call recerjtly, which was highly appreciated. Yon have doun weh i ,i 1 to secure so aoie an agent. .. . . JUT OUlKiay acilOOl IS SlinjJly SplunUlU, much credit is due to its officers and teacheis, who are doing all within their power to make it interesting and attractive for the children. Our choir is improving, and, sometime, in the sweet by and by, will be a "thing of joy,'' to our citizens, and likewise reflect great credit upon the talent and efficiency of its members. Dr. A. Davis of Frccport W. T. left for US home IU that place educsilay, after a visit through the Coos Bay country. Dr. Davis and daughter leave soon for Floi ida to ., ., icKHic cuiiauuiiLiy. . I Uc cannot speak for Casaraltan, Bro. rol!. but of ourselves we would mv wc arc I t -i 1 j t iit . . . 111 .t pne imte offended. our httlo item i liou-ovpp foil nmnnit n 1i ke BrutUUl f'ltlien . J 1 1 tit 1 mono tin finmirw nnr nivflkpninA tict tn n. I o --- o- . ..r .i..i... tt- .-j,. .. , u ... c aiit4ii ucivai LCI viiilUAt ui LU UU LUltULUA W I !,, )rlt i 0111 trust. We accept the hands offered Bro. Bell, not in the manner of an apology, but simply in friendship and kindness, at the same time wishing you God speed in your work, and success in your jonnialiutio enterprise. As WC have rxhiustrd our stnrr nf kiinwlnlirn MO nlc CXIiauSKia our Stort Ot KUOWlCllge regarding the Ctirreut events of the WCek in Drain, we will bid you farewell for the time. Oksini. Srltool Ilttokx. in i.-amornu a law is in lotce un-j der which some educator is selected to prepare school text-books instead cf buying eastern publications for use in the public schools of the state. These books are printed and bound by the state, and the price and sale are under ... . . .1 ...: i :.. it.i oviigo wi icuuuia uo in u.M5 in tuu-v Kfalo nnut 1 A. orrnT,,- ) On Cnr - m.oi- v " A jio tnr. ii - c-i xl.pieiou sones, co.tu lor Uie owmion series $2 90 for Hi Bunn-oft SPi-ie! aciies, ior me -uanciort senes, and 2.50 for the MeGuQey series. It will be seen that the series prepared 1 1 by the state costs less than half what the Other Standards mentioned COStS. TL!. I ..: x- il. - , . , , , . pic oi uie state, ii ine uooks are equal , , ,. ,. in ment to eastern publications, What do our readers think of this? Al. Dcm. ' ' The Parent of JnsomnUt. The parent of insomnia or wakefulness is in nine cases out ol ten a dyspeptic stomach. Good digestion gives sound sleep, indigestioD interferes with it. The brain and stomach sympathize. One of the prominent symptoms of a weak stale of the gastric organs is a dis- V- ,hnso" pre-onijitjon claim hi s.d town fa ii- I snlIa.llJ ranye thence South to the north line of tuiuancc t me great nerve vmtciHU, me uiaui. Imlnnralo lb em,r1, nn.l rocli.rfl PrO.i. liLrium to the great center. most reliable . . . f . . . , . , . medicine for the purpose is Ilosletter S Stom- ach Bitters, which is far preferable to mineral ' ... scuatiyes anu powenui narcotics, wmcn, .hr,.mh tbrv m for a limn exert a Honorific . j j 1 influence upon the brain, soon cease to act, and invariably injure the tone of the stomach, The bitters, on the contrary, restore activity to the operations of that all important organ, and their beneficent influence is reflected in sound sleep and a tranquil state of the ner- vous system. A wholesome impetus is like wise given to tho action of the liver aud bow els by its use. THE LETTER LIST. The following is the list of letters remain ing uncalled for in the I'. O. at Roseburg Ore gon, Oct. 31. 18S0. Avvcndill Wm. (4) Borg Herr Herman (4) Brooks L. W. (2) Cunninr,ham J. R. (2) Dompicr Mrs. Adalinc Darst John II. (2) McCoy Mrs. J. McCune Walter McAIpine A. J. O'Brine T. J. Ovilhany D. H. Treble E. P. (2) Palucc Jackson Roberts C. G. Shaver Mattic Sears A. Z. Ticc Elena Vernon Chas. Donncll Mrs. Mary Goldsmith J. S. Hewitt John Haskell R. C. Johnson A S. Levins Chas. Lander Mary Woodworth G.W. When called for please say "Advertised" Vf. N. Moore, P. M. Jtoll of Honor. Oakland Tublic school, department of Fiof. ;Boggs. TisBic Pilkington 100, Mary Westcrnhiser ioo, Addie Wiggins ioo, Maggie Lcalherwood 100, Ida Mericlc 100, Eddie Settles 100, Arthur Mahoney 100, Annie Kel , . f . .. logg ioo, r-me . -v.y ,oo, ...iiiiiiv: ..vtB .w, 100, Alice Moore 100, Lma Simp, too, -if. flt . inn n.. l,K.,n.. I Sophia Tapp 100, Joseph Brown 100, Vincent Tapp ioo, Anna Baker 100, Arthur Hutchin son loo, Sarah Adams ICC, Rosa Mcricle 100, J. Earl Fickle 100. - , mm An Eleynnt SMbttitnte for "oils, sails, pills, and all kinds of bitters nauseous medicines is the very agreeable fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Rccommcded by leading physicians. Manufactured only by the California. Fig Syrup Co., San I ran ciscf, Cal burg. For sale by S. Hamilton, Ro;e LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice For Publication Lai.U Office at li.wtourjj Or. Oct. 6U1 18S0, "VTOTICE IS hekeby given that the fol- JL1 lowing named settler lias filed notice of bis in tlMltioii la iimke fliiitl unukf iii !., r.l ..I..;... and that said proof will he made In -fore the Register or Receiver of the C. S. Land OlHce at Roxehurv VT., on aloud-ay ov. 1.5th, IsSti, viz: I'hi.'ip Mulkev homestead entry No. 3:;i fur thi v. v.. l ,J a v. E. 1 of N. E. I & N. W. J of s. E. , Scc. 28 Tp. 28 d. K. 4 West W. M. He name the folloutug witness to prove his vim tinuotla residence uikiu, and cultivation of. said land viz: Stephen Howard, Win. Poland, Joshna Kosg ett sou nut. a. jiuiKev, uii oijivrtle ('reck, IKniflag County Ore. chah. W. Johnston - Kctrtstcr. Administrators Final Xotice oiice is ncreov Riven to Wlioai it may cunecra tliHt the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Street Rice deceased, has Hied hi final account as administrator of said estate, and the ennutv VT - f ! . . juuije or uouiriaa county Oregon, has fixed Janu ary 3d, 1SS7 at the hour of 10 o'clock v of said day at tbc County Court , louse in sajd Count v uud State as the time and place for the hearin of anv and all objections to s:dd final ii.iihi uo.t i.W sciiieuieni mcreoi. Warv Kick Administratrix of said esUitc. Xotiee For Publication. Land OlHce at Koschuiy, Or. Oct. 4th, ATOT1CE 13 HEREBV GIVEN THAT T1IK l-nr. lA lowing named settlor has filed until of l.irf in. tention to make final proof in support of ins iiaim, aim mat saiu pnxn win lie made before the Register or Receiver of the 1'. X. Land OlHce at ivosenur', ur. on Saturday, ruv 13 ISstt. viz JOHN J. UAIN. Homestead Entry No. ax2 for the 8. J of S. W. 1 N. r.. i oi . w . 4 it i. n . i m s. k. j si Ti. -xi o. it. u vt est w . M. He names the follow mar witucase to i,n.vr h; cotiliuuoUH residence ukii, and cultivation of. naid mini viz: smith, luuibcn Smith, John H. -. nutt, John D. Conmtt all of Kiddle, Honjtlas t'o. Or. CIIAS. . JulINsroX. . Kesieter. ASmiXISTU.iTOSJS NOTICE. N"0T.1CK 18 hereby oiventh vt the IN- tied as Aduiinmtratorof the estate of W. r. Owens . l-iua im-nia claim against the tatJ. arc reuiied to iiresent them, with the proper veucner within nx mouths from the date !?cr!."' to t,,c undersigned Admiuitiator at his of. n'e llowdmrg' Douglas comity Oregon. la.tcl ' v' SHERIFFS .SALE. . In the1 Circuit Court of the Stat.- of ? m I th County of Douglas. W . S. Humphrey Tlaintiff Aliihouso Lamrcnlieri.'. Olia I ,,,....,)-,- liwmifi. W. M. Wheeler and L. C. WhcelcrlXfcnduiits. Suit iii equity o foreclr suit a moi-tgaue. nA Vint in llr.Kt.U (;i EX THAT BY V1IITLE W (tf fill Pn.niiim .Inl. i. ... I I il 1 entitled Court on the 2, lav A ctnbcr 1880 and to ZTit VXZXl! jrcuit Court on the 20, dayof 1 letolH-r la in favor the alHve named 1'laintiff, W. S. Humphrey and against the above named Dciciulaiits Alphonso SS ,cfwte h judutiicnt attorncv fees and costs ami f,,r the xin of the niort;a''cd premises to sat ifv the said jud"-- mcnt and cost and whereas said exetuUon wm.. manus me tuatoiu the baid mortiacd preniixcs for the foreclosure and sale of which said decree and : , c-i' ntii:iu inilriii(iif u-ah r....f..ra !.... i v.. .1 :.i , .w.w.. . 11113 uni '"' anuappiy tne ,ircecds.vrwiii from said sale V'u'"ot. lhc e"t and cxik-hscs otraid " l"-v-"" iiiviiL i rsim . . k . -. . . .. . toniej- fees, thinl iu nt.vmcnt and satisfaction of the said judgment in favor of the abme mimed laihtiff, and m pursuance of said freclBiire and order of sale I have levied upon and on SATURDAY the 27, day of November li, between tlie hours of 9 o'.-lock in the f. ..m..i..i ! 4 o'clock in the iiftcnioon to-Hit;atthe hour of 1 oVl.K-k p. m. of said day will sell at public, auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand nt the Court nousc door in Douglas county OnvHt all the riaht ,,e '" rt f the m Defendants in ami to the said niortsajed j.rcmiscs de8 rilM-.las follows, to-wit: all that part or pareel of Uud in Koschurx Street lying south and adjoiuh,.. the lot heretofore conveyed to Henry liowen by Aaron llosc ami wife mid cxtemlimr back the same width 110 feet situa ted in block 63 adjoining the tract of land ow ned by Mrs. W. S. Humphrey 'Vin the land heretofore described an eonvcyed to Henry Boweu by Aaron .'res.i, ou icciironi. on uie hard mite ufCuadnk-k ncwuifwti wnn tenements aim appurtenances belonging toereto. is. '. aokk. sheriff of Douglas County Oregon SiIS:iJIFF SALE. In Circuit Court, buiteliw Coontv. Stat:. S..Marks til. Woolenbitrtf, Plaintiff-!, f Crvs J Win. Llnvillc, Christian It. LimiHe. Cluistiaii K vs. wm. um-uie Jr. sami. MerriH. v.o. mucmh and t",v atitiir. in r.suiLcrti r..-:tn i.tiiv-inn d.i.p34jt Mary LMiy ntu-s at la- of Leah LinviHe Ufeaod, IMcndants. ""iton-" w niAf by vikiue j. t an execution issue! out oi tlie ?L't,6j-9."" " tbe. 3r,l flll "' NoVcuiber io, ana to mc tlirect.l ami ddiverud in pursuance of a Jwlimirnt onJ dei-me ni. in cni,i court on the 20th, day f L.ct,,lr 1S;, in favor of lhBab,f re 'la!,len,,aintif'and Hy.iiiwt the above nalllC(1 defendants fr thtsmm of t, .t &SJK&,T nX "V , 7 a1n,"'tt.0JIt ai,mort- Spired premises for the Kale of whu-h said Judgment deyree a recvered, i satisfy r6t th osts RI,d expenses of said foreclosure and sale. Second the Judgment in favor of the above named plaintiffs and I K., o l..,-i.i ...: " . L SATURDAY, the 11th day of Deem her 1SSG, me nur oi a. .m. and v. m, I the hour of two o'eloek P. M. s,ell at iiub to the highest bidder cash in hand at to-wil,- at lie auction thn Punrl House door in RHuilmr . iin,.,, Un ,. and interest of the mid defendants in and to the fnl lowniK descrioed real property to-wit; comuieiirins; at the North-east corner a point 1U.-M cluiins West 01 ine fonier 01 sections 2. 3, 10 & 11 in township 30 South of Range 4 west Will. Mer.'thciiceSouth 20.10 chains, thence West 42.50 chains, thence Xorth 20.10 chains, thence East 4-2.50 chains to the pliee of be pininat containing 80 acres more orlcs, the same be in? SO acres off the Donation claim No. 4a of An drew Thomas and wife, of said Township and ranife, also the following described premises to-wit; lle- ginmi'gat the Jorthwcst corner of the donation ,l.i Vn jo t ... 1 1. ., . , ranireruii'iiinir thince West L, th L.d nt.J, i.v i uonavton ciaiin oi Ainircw i nomas Jio. 48 thence east ? l"B W5 ""? PL1"3 OOllatlOll Claim Of . O. Wor it-licit nirtb w the northweH corner of siid doiiatiim claim, the 1 i"1-- '-, nil., i, uiiiMiiiiii suvtu acres mure or less, together with the tens nents hereditaments and ppurtenancs thereunto bj!onSins or in any wise j appurtaiuinjf. wnness my tuna tms of x.iv. 183'. Ay"- anena "l v u- - stato ut ,-'r- BORN IIAXXAN. Born to the wife of Encne llanuan a boy last Saturday. The parents arc happr aj j ou I please. MARRIED. Cor-LAXfl, JONES. Married bv Rev. 1. C. Parker, O.-t. 31, ISSti at the house of the brides par cuts Mr. T. B. Copland and Miss Lily J, ncs, all o Douglas county, Or. MATHEWS WOODIX. At the resi j denco of J . K. Mitchell last Wednesday eve ning, George E. Mathews and Miss Mary E. Woodin, by the City Marshal, all of Duugla county. To the bride and groom we extend our heartiest congratulations. XECJlOLOaV. BEAX. At Myrtle Creek Nov. 2nd, 18S6, Winfield S. Bean aged 33 years, departed this life after a lingering illness leaving his many friends a rich legacy, . iz: a j;uod name. The feeling expressed by the Myrtle Lodge I. O, O. F. and the large attendance at the grave where the services were held at 1 :jO v. M. Nov. 3d. proved that to know Bro. Winfield Bean, was to love him. May his many friends imitate his noble traits of character. C Ah End to Ilune btrnjtinQ. Edward Shcpard, ol llarruburg. 111., says Having received o much benefit from Elec trie Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffcrin; lllimnnitV InntV it II 1,.,.! i nmrtin - j , . '. , , , , M sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors to! lue ! woulJ bavc to have lhe ,Kme . 1 1 amputated. I used instead, three bottles lf . wut Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and well." . , - Electric Bitters are sold at 50 cents a bottle and Bucklco's Arnica Salve at 25cciits per box by Marstcr's & Co. v XOT1CE. I have transferred Uie ! agency for the "Voung America Feed Mil I: to Sheridan Brrrs, who will carry a stock of mill and a full line - of extras, and to whom all communications should be addressed. . I'li.n.n CoorXR, Aoiko U Tax-Payers. NOTICE is hereby given the tax-payicrs of Douglas County, Oregon, that myself or deputy will attend in the following election . precincts, at the usual place of voting up. on the respective dates herein mentioned between the hours of iiiuo o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock iu the afternoon of said days for . the purpose of collecting taxes for the year 1SSC: Scotlsbuij?, Won., Xov. 1 Kiddle, Fri., Nov. Gardiner, Tuesday, " 2 Canyons ille, Sat. " FJkton, Tliurttlay, " i Cow Creek, Mon. " Pass Creek, Fri. " i Myrtle Creek, To. " 12 IS IS 16 Calapooia, Sat. Tuucolia, lion. Wilbur, Tues, East Umpqua, Wed., Mt. Scott, Tlmrs., fS Locking 'ilass, We. " 17 8 Ten Slile, Tliur. : 18 9 Curoas Valley, Fri. " 19 10 Peer Creek, &it., " 20 11 Coles Valley, Mou " 22 Taxes not paid to me at times so adver tised, or at She County .Seat within thirty -lava thereafter will be subject to costs, if .raveled after. B. C. AGUE, i-hcri ft'and Tax Collector of Donglas Co., Or' Dated Oct., 1, 1SSC - $io.oco Awarded. "I was so sick and low spirited I .would have given anything to get well; and if any one had insured me the good health produced ' by using Simmons Liktr Regulator, and charged me a thousand dollars, I would will ingly have paid it in fact, $io,oco would be worthless to me than what it has done forme. Geo. F. Uakrett, Macon, tSa." trvA th i:n n i:roitr. ROKEiiL KG, Ok. Month of September, lSS6 Mean Barometer. 50. 1 14 Highest Barometer .30.393 . Lowest Barometer 29-753 Monthly Range of Barometer .646 Mean Temperature 507 ' Highest Tcmjieraturc 82.0 Lowest Temperature. 32.7 Monthly liange Temperature , 49-3 Greatest Daily Range of Temp. .'. v . ; . 40.4 Least Daily Range of Temp 7.8 Mean Daily Range of Temp 19.0 Mean Daily Dew-point ............. .45.0 Mean Daily Relative Humidity ....... S2.6 Prevailing Dir. of Wind. N. K. Total Movement of Wind Miles . . . . 1677. ' Highest Veloc. Wind &Dir. 16 S. W, on 27th Total Precipitation.. 3-43-o. No. of Fogtry Days . . " Clear " .7, "Fair " ....... ......13. "Cloudy " 11. Xo. of days Which Rain or Snow Fell 19. Dates of Solar llalos. 26. Dates of Lunar Halo, i. Light .... 11.12. 13 Killing Nont 3 Dates of Frosts one. Dates of Thunderstorms. .......... o. I). S. i'agi-f., '' Observer, Signal Corps U. S. A "The IluiWw llonoVi-. V.. F. Walsh, of this city, has secured the agency for the most useful lok ever issued from the press, entitled "The Woild's Won ders," as seen by the great tropical and polar explorers; being an encyclopedia of cxpUng. lion, discovery and adventure tn till parts of the world, and a history of savage races if men, curious and ferocious animals, slrange and deadly serpents and reptiles, etc., etc., embracing every important discovery and ad venture in the exploration of Such distinguish ed travelers as Speke and Grant, Sir Samuel Barker and wife, Livingston, Stanley, Dr. . Chaillu, Wallace, Long, Squire, Gordon, and including all of the explorers of the Polar world. The liook contains 768 pages and is beautifully embellished with over 200 illustra -lions. '.'.-;.-".,. Syrnj 0 Tigt. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. Sin Francisco Cal . is Nature Uwn True Laxative. This pleasant linuid fruit remedy may be had of J)r S. Hamilton at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remody knowD, to cleanso tne system; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowel gen tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation Indigestion and kindred il's. : W1VKS! MOTHERS! DAUGHTERS'. . 11k YofR Ows PnvsiciAx! A latly who tor years tit fered torments worse than death from Cterine trou bles, Prolapsus, Lcucorrhoea, Suppression, 4c. so comimm aiu'iiif our Wive, Mothers and Daughters and hiwl despaired of beinsr cured, flnaly found rem edies which completely cured her after all else had ailed. Any lady can use tho remedies and eura herself, witUout being subjected to t, mcdica exam ination. From gratitude she will send frbe, Rcvii and full directions sexlcd Address (with stamp) Mrs W . C Holhem, 58 Broadway, New Yor -1 IMUtble Article. - For enterprise, push and a desire to get such goods as will give the trade satisfaction S. Hamilton the Druggist leads', all cumcte tion. He sells Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because its the best Medicine im -the market. For Coughs, Cold, Croup a ml Inmary Consumption. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Samples free. Keynote to Ilenlth. Health is wealth. Wealth means indejen- dence. The Keynote is Dr. lanko's Couch and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the world. Cures Cough, Colds, Pains in. tin.: Chet, Bronchitis and Primary Consumption, One dose gives relief in every case. Tako no other. I 'lice. 50 cents and $1.00. Samples free. Sold byS. Hamilton. Cureor I'iic. -Piles aro frequently preceded by a scnus of weiuht in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to nun- pose ho hits allection ot the kidneys or neigh boring orcans. At times, symptoms of in digestion are present, flatulency, tmeasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture,- like pers piration, producing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a common attend aut. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at onee to the application of Dr. Bosauco s I ue remedy, which acts directly upon the parts effected, absorbing the tu. mors, allayiug .the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address, The Dr. Bosaneo Medicine Co., Pkiua, O. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. (lfHl ttenulta In. Eeery ( nmr. D. A. Bradford, whoslesalo aper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes, that he was sc riously afiheted w ith a severe cold iat settled on ills lungs: had tried many remedies with out benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery' for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few lioules. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs, and Colds with best results. 1 ins is tlieexncrionce of Ihnis.mlv l-.i,.i;..M - JV have !en saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial Bottles free at A. C. Mirstcrs & Co': Drugstore. . . . Evrlllf rivV VnlSun ' NOTICE IS IIEBKBY CIVEJTTt. ALL WHOM IT may concern, that tho underfilled has been appointed e.vwcutrix of the laft will and testament of Vt. U. W; Hoover deccswed, and all persons hav ing claims asaine the estate of tin' said lr. G. W. Hoover are hcrcoy required Io prcs nt the said claims nit Ii the proper vouchors Within si m-nth the date of thin noticu to ti c nid euwtitrtx at her residence iu Kocliure', Uou'ta-; ivmnti- orcgou. It. E. Il'lfVKK. Ia't.(lQrtvljtTr, l'jS(5 txccutnx.