ROStlBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 5, 1886, TJLX-PATXSG JVRVRS. . Tie Evening ; Democrat has this to say about tax-paying persons. We fully coincide with the Democrat upon the position it has taken, and we hope that our next legislature Will remedy tli is growing evil. J udge Shattuck decided a few dajs , ago that no one was qualified to sit on the jury if his name was not on the preceeding assessment rolL ' In this the judge but followed the plain letter of the statute, whicb,as found in Art. 921 of the Civil Code, isaa follows: The county court of such county shall at its hrst term of each year, or in the case of omis sion or neglect to do so, then at the following term, make from the last preceeding assess merit roll of the county, a list, denominated the jury list, containing the names of persons to serve as grand and trial jurors until the fol lowing year, or new lists be made. This is a very important provision of the law that has been largely ignored in the matter of tales jurors", and the sheriffs have been used to summoning atalesmaa without inquiry as to his qualification. It is said thi law n? Fiance makes the juryman in that country an elective officer, with strin gent qualifications, so that it is quito an honoij to sit on the;' jury there. Here, that important duty of citizen ship is very much shunned by many of the best and worthiest citizens. There, the office is vested" with an importance due to tho sacred functions of the jury man: functions almost equal to those of the judge. Here it is so often de based by political bosses, in stocking the jury box with their tools, that the office is considered only a burden, and not an honor. It has not been so much so, however, in the United States court, where the presiding magistrate is not amenable to the small bosses of politics. Judge Shattuck's course will soon elevate the standard in the state courts. Let the good woik go on, and let the legislature add to the present grounds of challenge to a juryman the further ground, as to talesman, in the discretion of the court, that he has been summoned by the sheriff as a re ward for political service, or by out. side arrangements to have him ready in the way of the sheriff when tales men are ordered. The Democrat is not prepared to say, however, that good men who happen not to be on the tax list on account of proverty ought, by the statue, to be excluded. For there are very many valuable men in the community who pav no taxes, ' and yet who would make the best jury men. However, it might be difficult to draw the line of qualification safely or clearly on honesty and intelligence. ' The Rev. Thomas P. Dudley,- a Bap tist minister who has jnst died, was the pastor of the Baptist Church at Bryant Station, near Lexington, Ky., from 1850 to ihe present time of his death. His father, Rev. Ambrose Dudley was pastor of the church from 1 789, the date of its foundation, to the time when his son became pastor in 1820 , making just 100 years of pastor ate of the two, a record without preced ent. It is tbe general understanding that the Democrats will nominate Mr. Ben ton KiJlin for the legislative vacancy. Of tho several Democratic candidates defeated at the late election, Mr, Kil lin received the most votes. He is well fitted for legislative work, and if nominated will have a large support among those who care less for party affiliations than for personal qualifica tion. As yet there is no hint as to who the Republican nominee will be. Oregoniac Preparing for the right. A call has been issued for a nation al convention of distillers, brewers and wholesale and retail wine, spirits and beer dealers, to be held in Chicago on Monday, October 18tiw The call says a convention is necessary to take some action to repel accusations and check the growth of a public sentiment hostile to the rights and business of the whiskey trade. It says the sentiment is no longer to be ignored, and there fore a convention is to be called. The citizens in and around Link ville and the Agency are much dis turbed about the withdrawal of the troops from Fort Klamath, and the danger of an Indian war which seems possible at this time. The agent, Rev. J oseph Emery, will resign we learn if the troops are withdrawn. The troops should remain, and more sent to guard the country from Indian depre dations. There has not been a saloon for the sale of intoxicants in Hancock County, West Virginia, for over forty years, and it is also true that during the year 1885 the grand jury did not find a single indictment, and there was not a single prisoner in the county jail dur ing that year. ' GraMa Past Item. Health good at tlus place and the Doctors suffer thereby. Jesse B. Russell is agent for the World's Wonders, his territory is Josephine county. Girls you will soon see him around with bis smiling face. Coin . Gagclus returned from San Francisco looking hale and hearty, I went to Gold Hill last week in company with Mrs. Russell, J. B. Russell and Mrs. Mary A. Taylor ol South Deer Creek Doug las county and Miss Lucy Farry. We saw the rich quartz ledge ol Swinlen & Co. they will soon have their ten stamp mill in oppera lion. They have at the mill about 300 tons of the rock ready for the mill. Free gold is visible in almost every rock. Our school is progressing well. Henry L. Benson principal, 205 pupils are the number in this school. Mrs. Mary A. Taylor will go to Roseburg on to-night's train. Ocf 10th i8S6. RiAiro. Encklen s Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded' Price 25 cts erbox. Far saleby Ma&sxk&s & Co , OAKLAND IXMS. Our town affords two barber shops. I lyman Abrahams was in town Saturday. It is rumored there will be a new saloon. J. H. Shupe went to Portland Wednesday- Mrs. Susan Clemensis visiting in Roseburg. Quite a crowd from this place are altendsntr me Mechanics r air. v; Mrs. T. A. Hutchinson is in Portland select ing her fall stock of milliner goods. Lot Demmick returned from Montana lv luesdays tram looking hale and hearty. The first copy of the "Oakland Itemizer will be issued the fore. part of November MrsJ G. A. Taylor and daughter were guests of Mrs. Sarah Thomas this week . The firm of Devore & Elliot has been dis solved. Mr. Ellioit retiring from the firm. The dance to be given m Brown's Hall Friday night Oct. 15, will no doubt prove a success. M. Fickle spent Saturday in Yoncolla as sisting the new agent making out September reports. Rev. J. R. N. Bell preached a very inter esting sermon at this place on last Sabbath morning. Supervisor Stearns has been making repairs t the Polly Creek bridge which has been needed for sometime Louis Kruse had charge of Wells Fargo & Cos. businessdunngj. il. Shupe's absence in Portland this week. ' ' . Work on the railroad water tank is nrot'ress- ing finely and when completed will put on a Handsome appearance We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss llosa Bufli nglon in "English Settlement but hope for speedy recovery Geary Young and his 111 ost accomplished w ile arrived home on Tuesdays train, we wish the newly married couple a pleasant journey through hie, Gearry hie is what we make it The railroad tank at this place is ncarim completion and the "Blue Wagon" may now be seen hauling water from the Calapooia to be emptied into the wells from which the tank is to be supplied with water. DlTLEX Sixce 186S the Republican party has spent 690,000,000 in building a naA-y-And the government has neither the money or the navy. Wien Bab j tu sick, we gave her Castoria, When the wu a Child, she cried for Castoria, When he became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, THE BEST Hair restorative in the world is Hall's Hair Resewer. It cares all diseases of the scalp, and stimulates the hair glands to healthful action. It stops the falling of the hair; prevents its turning: gray ; cures baldness, and restores youthful color and freshness of appearance to heads already white with age. The following are a few illustrations of what is done by HALL'S "SZegetable Sicilian HAIR RENE WER; 3- Mbs. HtTfsBEitB-c, S44 rranHin Art Brooklyn, X. y., after a severe attack of Ery sipelas Jn the head, found her hair already fallinjf off go rapidly that ulic noon became -quite bald. One bottle of Hall's Hair Re keweb brought it back as soft, blown and thick an when flic was a girt. 3 Mr. Ksssi.isa, nn old farmer, near War tnc, Intl., had scarcely any liair left, and what little there was of it had lieeorae nearly white. One bottle of Hall's Haiu Hexewer stopped its foiling; out, and gave him a thick, luxuriant head of hair, as brown and fresh as he ever had. a Mrs. A. T. Wall, Greenfield, Cheshire, Eng., writes : "J have found the grcAfcst ben efit from the use of Hall's Haib Resetter, it having redored my hair, vhich was rapily fall ing off, and returned lt original color." .. t?R ?3,,'.L SEy Detroit, inch., certifies that "Hall's Hair Heneher is excellent for hair growinie, and gives back the natural color to faded and gray hair." S Mrs.B. E. Elliott. Glennllle, W. Fa, says: "One bottle of Hall's Hair Remewer restored my hair to its natural, youthful color." No Injurious substances enter into the composition of Hall's Hair Rexewer, and it U not a dye. Its vegetable- Insrre dients render It in the highest degree bene ficial to the scalp as a preventive of dis ease. Its effects are natural and lasting, and it does not make the hair dry and brasby, like the so-called restoratives com pounded with alcohol. : : Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS Is, in four respects, superior to all others. 1st It will produce a rich, natural color, brown or black, as desired. 2d The color so produced i permanent, cannot Iw washed off. and will not soil any thing with which it comes in contact. " 8d-It is u single preparation, and more convenient of application than anv other hair or whisker dye. 4th It contains no deleterious ingre dients, as do mauy preparations offered for like use. PREPARED BY B. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, Si. IL r Sold, by all Dealers in Medicines. HMUNITY from ANNOYANCE j If. l!u:o PaL OA 30th. 1833. ) c-'e only of tb finest and btqnI ily or mans for withstanding heat. Every good thing1 is Oonnter-3?-iii3i, and consumers are CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as abova Tho Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Haanfaetured OSf 1ST by GEO. A. UACDETI & CO. PltUbnrgb Lad Olaaa Work. FOE SALE BY DEALERS. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Far alt Diseases of the . Urer.ZidaeTS, Sto-icliaaiSpleoa. ThU purely vcsfi't able pre paration, now vj celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in 1K28. Ii acti gently cn the Iirwe!H and Kidney and torrocl the action of ihe Liver, and is .there fore, the bt;st I'l-eparatory , medicine, w'.i-.tever the sick- . neu may prove to le In a!! common di.teases it will, nn- . assisted Ly any other medi cine, efibet a ;M?ciJy cure. The Regulator is r.:ire to administer in any condition of the system. a-iJ iijuKt nn circum stances can it do li.iriu. h will invigorate like a glass of wine. In t h no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipate tu-ttdache, and gener ally tone up tho sys-f era. The dose Is small, not unpleasant, and li virtues undoubted. NoloKSof Inter ruption or 4i2Kigo of business while uitwg the Regulator. Children co.-:pl-iinir.f: of Colic, Ifead'ii'lie, or Sick Stomach, a ica-psoriful or more will give r.hcf. If taken occasionally by pl tients exposed tu MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. " A PHTSIC1AV.-: ojixiN. I have been practicing ir.idicin? fur twenty yean, and have never , been abl; to put itp a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. 1m M. Hiwton, M 1)., Washington, Ark. SEE THAT YOU CKT THE GENXIE. , . i I-RBFAKED BT J. H. Zeilin & Co. Philadelphia, Pa. HIVING PUHCHASED The Entiro Stock of IIIBIlCHAmXSB, -o of 0- NOAH C0RNUTT, At RIDDLE OREGON Consisting of BOOT.S, SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Am now offciins; the same AT COST FOR- CASH At- NOAII CORNUTT'S FARMER STORE, At Riddle i Orcsofl. I. R. Dawson. ALL TERSONS KXOWIVC THEMSELVES IN deli eri to Noah Comutt will plKise call at my office at Biddies at the store and settle at once. Freelm Comutt is authorized to receipt for all moneys paid on accounts. I. R. DAWSON. LIME! LIME! The uudersigued have now, and will constantly keep a full supply of fresh stone lime at our kilns Jcur Itosebiir. Orders from a distance prompt ly attended to. Address IE. J. Montague,, or S. C. Flint, Roseburg, Oregon. PRICES REASONABLE! Children Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. TO THE Mj Fall Stock U now all in, and not being of the bragsug kind I would respectf ullj ask the Ladies to call and see for Themselves if it is not trie Largest Stock in Everr Departmentj that ever eame to Roseburg. M. JOSBPHSON. Consult your own Interest and Eiamino ruy Stock before Send ing off for your Fine Dress Goods or Anything of the Latest Styles of Wraps such as Jerseys, of Which I have Twenty Different Styles, Call and be Convinced. M. JOSEPHSON, The Finest Assortment of Silks in all Colora' Silk Plushes, im til Colors, Eilk Velvets in all Colors, The Finest of Bro caded cut Velvets just Arrived, all of which I Guarantee to be Cheaper than can le t;ot at any place in Or. M. JOSEPHSON- Towels! Towels! Mapkin!! The largest, best assorted and cheapest lines ever found anywhere, housekeepers will do well to . call andcz&miue. CURTAINS! CUETAINS! Fine Lace Curtains! Fine liinon Lace Curtain's, Nottingham Curtains, very desirable at M. JOSEPHSOFS, CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! For Ladies! for Misses for children all styles CHEAP AT M. JOSEPHSOFS, HATS! Ladies Hats, Ladies Hat Frames, and JjHat Trimmings all of the latest Styles, Ostrich Plumes, Ostrich tips, of every shade and color. . ! Milliners will do well to call ! and examine my stock. M. JOSEPHSON. Laces! Laces Large assortment Silk Laces, white and colored, Large assortment of Thread Lace, Large assortment i of Linen Lace, Wool Lace, Flounc- ings in all colors, also Silk Lace Flouncing. 9Bt LADIES HATS! Makes The Very Best Timber, (ROUGH per M ' RUSTIC per M FLOORING per M. Situated 15 miles from Roseburg on CHAS. Iiiflcs Shotguns. Amunition, Staple & Fancy Cutlery, Fishiug Tackel ; . AGENT For the "White" Sewing . AND 13- HS. Osburn's Harvesting ISJiacli DEVORE & Successors to PAGE $ DIM MICK DEALEES IN DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, JEWELRY, PUTTY, U ii e expect to do astiictlv cash I - . . " uWM oi &u t0 deal with us. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrona, and solicit new ones. GIVE US SUGAR PiNE DOOR Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IV - -Lumber. Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Orlx, Well ea- wneamuup iRY HOUSE When Desired. . : ALSO - " . Mauulacturcrsof Sash & Doors in all Sli.os aa A....Mii. Our Factory is now ia full operation and and Offick. Fitting, Tcrmxcj and Scroll flflllM Brlii.ik 3 la... """"" u iuwureu prompt attention. THE JERSEY RED Is the best largo hog. Can be fat toned " Cull on or Address, J. E S1000 REWAED W'MI be given any man who will produce a sci entist of larpo experi ence, and widely known to le an honerablc nian, who Will assert ihat rc flued cast zinc is nut one ol the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the wsathcr. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich DfflDHSnJIV rnAL 1 luALLY S 4S00O I I J MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, .ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC. THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH - EVEBYTIIING IJV LINE Having -atelj fitted up a new STEAM SAW MILL on South Doer creek, ia prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds on sliort notice at Hard Time Prices. Barn Iumosr and fencing furnlabod onahort notice. HiiilP 1. WJ'l.Tr ! "n 1 lMod lial jt lir m w lanw proportion f (I nlfJlrtteaj Decay 0 yonngor Midlll,lt3rppJlemtion to theieat of dSSliSi ge1H? Irted for KieLt YA Inn.nVW- lpjji. fell TTSool drtaTrKSJSSf thousand Mm they a bwlatelf rector, ennnatareir ' 1 k "T'mon of the hxmiaomSSiZSiS!1 To thVkTJIsJ; tiT; J51" na oroas HealtH. Work, OTtoo free Indnlirenoe, we ak that too aend ns RUPTURED PERSONS ean has FRil All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph albums Crockery and .- Queens Ware, TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION ,Gall' And See MeAt The Post Office Stand: - BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. ' - TZur.rioore 7 900 .Sl7;(X) .17.00 Cameron fc Co. Managers. North UnipqUa. Good roads in Summer . M. HALL - OHEGrOKT Machines, Mitchell Wagons. mery ELLIOTT OILS, WATCHES. rflMRfi cm trn wmnuu) tlUl Cilia '"9 vuuvaui iaj juianu 11 IU A CAXL. jgj AM LUBE 00. we can offer as a epecalty all kinds of Store work at lowest fi w St cAE Tine Dcoc k Lumber Co. Grants Tass, Oregon. Fine vounir slork. jlilJer- vf eut ages for -sae at moder ate prices. - Jcnks, Tangent Liim to. h WHITE BRONZE STATUARY Were awarded the -GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Orleans, 1 S S -A - PNilMOflAL sJWcegioh Jacksonville, Oregon J. J. WIJITSETT. 1 mmmt ' 4rtdJh?tnnpot'on prrtantioiu rem , a1J2r,hT,t?, all Quacks, r. whose onlr aim intoblmd thiirS -""w'"Puy gains ttotasttsaiutaiid-h.. u a nnm ! Tri - i?7v'S?'5:"I".KX "" nsfsfHwiiwyi tor rmii Stand, Hand, and Hanging Lamps WARE, and TEN THOUSAND 1 i 5 )i LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. In tho CircuitCourt Douglas County, SUte of Ore-. ' HOB. - ' . ' l John Sulliviii rUintiS ) vs - Suit ia Kquity for ,a di- Aiinie B. Sullivan Deft. ) t vurve. To Annie B. i?u; the above named defendant. In the name of the oUte nf Orej 0 n, yo'J are hereby required to appeSr and answer the complaint filed-a-ainst yoa in the above entitled suit on or befo re .he ISth day of October, Isao. the sum being the Bret day of the next regular tern of said eonrt and if jou fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said eouipUint to-wit:. For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract existing between tiff and defen dant fortlic care and custody of lite minor ehijdren the issue of said aiarriagc and for his costs and dif -burseuicnts in this suit. - This Summons is published by orJer of R. 8. Bean Judge of the 2nd. Judicial Distrii ol Oregon. Dated at Eujenc City Aan. ii", I i86. J. C t'l LLSKTOK, Koscburp, Or. Aug. 30 18S5. Atty. for Plaiutifl Notice For Ial)llra( ion. Land Office at Roscbunr, Or. Sept. M, I8S6. XTOTICE 1SIIEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL 1.1 lowiujuamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ar.d that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of the U. S. Land office at KobebunrOr., on Saturday, Oct. SOth, 18S6, viz: It. Thrclkcld, 1': e tiniition D. 8. Ko. USS, for the S. I of S. W. , Sea Hi, Tp. 24 S. H. 7 West W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove, his continuous residence upon, and mitigation of, said land viz: Jesse CLivton, Geo. W. Crenshaw , Leon ard liateman, and lluyt W. Alexander, All of Oak land, Douglas County, Or. Cus. Vf. JounRTtm, Bcguter. Notice For Publication. Land office at UoselmrgOr. Rept. Stst, N lowiUL'-namcd settler has filed notice of his in tention to u lake Anal proof in suprmrt of his claim. and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of U. S. Land Oltloe at Roseburg Or., on Saturday Oct. 30th, 1880, iz: Brj ant Y. Kartlcv, Homestead Entry No. H9, for the X. i of H. E. i. See. 32, Tp. 24. 3.R. 6 West, W. K. He names the following witnesses, to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Hamilton Patterson, James Cole, Hugh Cole, Oeonre Stephens, All of Oakland, Douglas County, Or. Chas. W, Joiixstox, k Register. Xoticc For lubiication Land Oflicc at RoeeDurjf Or. Oct. 6th 1884, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL lowinj; named settler has filsd'-notice of bis in tention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver of the V. S. Land Office at Roeebu rg Or., on Mondsy Nov. IStb, 1888. vis: Philip Mulkey homestead entry -No. 375 for the N. E. J of 8. E. 1 E. 4 of N. E. i Si N. W. J of V. E. J, See. 8 Tp. 28 d. K. 4 West W. M. ' r He names the following witness te frove his eon tinuotis residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Stephen Howard, Wm. Poland, Joshua Possett and Wm. A. Mulkey, all of Myrtle Creek, Douglas County Ore. Cias. W. Johxstox . . Register. Notice For Publication. ! Laud Office at Roseburg, Or. Oct. 4th, 18S. ! "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE FOL 4-1 lowing named settlor has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of Ilia Pl.liltl ami lh.1 ooi.l ..It . 1 - L he Register or Receiver of the U. S. Land Offieo at nuscuurg. ur. on saturdny, Not. 13, 1889. rlz: ifxtixb i riDtiv i nomcstead Entry No, 3C02 for the 8. . of S. W. i N. E. 4 of S. W. 1 & N. W. t of 8. F. I fs.. ii Tn m S. K. 6 West Vv. II. continuous residence upon, and ealtiration of, said Lrcvi oimvn ivruoen amitn, jonn ri. uor nutt John D. Smith all of Riddla, DouiHas Co. Or. S t. . . nr . m Register. AOMIXISTUATORS JVOTICE. "OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT T HE CN- "oiS, im oecn amy Appointed and quali-rje-I aT Administrator of the estate of W. F. Owens said estate, are required to present them, with tlia rtPtMUH' vrtttluM I a it. . . here of to the uiulcrsine 1 Administiator at his of ke in Boieburg Douglas county Oregon. Dated lf. lift C. W. JOUSKTOK. D;?. LIEOiG'S W ONDERFCL German Invigorator Men who are suffering Disease and Weakness bro on by early impru.ledcf or - ..v, UIUSH17 nervous debility, premature decay, lost manhood, etc., hav- "" ti known remeav, should pro. cureinmeduttely DR. LIEBIG'S 1NV1GORATOR THE DOCTOR will asree to forfeit l nnn case undertaken, not cured. The reason whv so nianv c&iiiuit rpt. piirwi .f 1, , . . . . - r. -. - T.M.niivflB ami me aoove tIISa0'-'.'? toacom,Iicati.0,, eodPROSTA "- uiitsrxsineaia, which requires seecial treatment. 1 DR. LIEBIG'S IWififlPiTnn x-. . and special theonivuositivpnr. for PROSTATORRHEA. positive cure DR. I.fF.Rlfl rr . . " " w i . i.i neLcen veara uisofmenr110' h of If pimples appear on the face, if Vou become list less and desiHndent, look out for the explication w.lh Seminal Weakness and loss of Vital? Tr kSow asProstatorrhea, Hundreds of Ifvei have bM lt and thousands have lnt ..L" . v" 'osl in life from its effectsT VWcuSBT ?,"' "TO" of the scrotum, often the unsuspected cause i,f Manhood. Dcbilitv. etn. nu TiS,7' orator, Ao. 2, is the only known nn,iA , . .1 above conipliestion, and a perfect and permahen cure will Iwjruaranteed in all cases undertaken tins dcr oursiecial advice and treatment. mom. iiowcnui eicctnc belts free to our mtientu To nrnVtt thA wmiHnW,il ... 1 1. -. . . TOR, A V BOTf LB GI VEN Ffiki. T. vaii or auuress, , Dr- tieblff & Co' Privat DlpnarT uvrvvtM j iTv. can x raucuco, uu. FOR SALE. , CHEAP FOR CASH OR . Approved Credit i SrrERfOR LOT of Pure BreC Merino Sheep. XV ham-iand Ewes. They ean lw seen on our Ivanch near Wilbur. Correspondence solicited. Address T. SMITH & SON, " WILBUR, - - - OREGON. Oregon TYcific "Tlaili-oa.1 vCr JL icturcsquo Xanges.. Fast timet Sur connections! Hum 223 miles shorter; 20 hours less time: accommla. tions unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fare and Freight MCCH LESS than by any other mute oetween notnts in Willamette Valley and San Francisco. Odly Route via YAyUIN A BAT to SAX FEAXCISCO. i Daily passenger trains extent Rnn,it. Leavo ConallU at 2 P. M. Vv. Yaquina at 7.10 A. If. Oregon Sl Californ ia West Side trains conn -. Conrallis. . ' Thc Oregon JDevelopmcnt Company's flue A 1 Steamship "Yaquina eitv c From Yaquina From San P..; Sundav, October, 10, Friday, " 24. Wednesday, Nov. s, Moudav, . 15, Saturdav. ' , 27. Monday, October -4. Saturday, 1B" Thursday, 28 Wedneaday, Kov. io) The CompMiy reserves the ris-ht t oh.,,.. '.. " days. Fares, between Corvailia and San Francisco, m m are Kail & Cabin $14,- Rail & Steerage W.SS. For further Information apply to C. C Ifogue A. 0. F. ft P, Ak v., CorvaJlJi,