ROSEBURG REVIEW - ' IS I8BCED FRIDAY MOBNINGS !' BY THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N. BELL, - - Editor. ROSEBURG REVIEW : HAS TIT? FIIIZ37 JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS ...... And other Priatixis;, Including Large and H$ary Posters ar d Showy Hand-Bills : Keatly and Expeditiously sxecuted AT PORTLAND PRICES. One Year - - . - - - - ?2 50 Six Month - - - - - - - - 1 25 Tn Month - - - - - - - 1 00 VOL. XL ROSEBURGr, t)REG01T,t ; !FIlIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1886. K0. 27. MM Rose burg ' .. RevieWo-: : GEUEEALMEEOTOBT. Obovsb Clsvsxasd. . President, Tuos. F. Bat ari. ..... .Secretary of State Daniki T. MAKNiso.SecreUry of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamar .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Eroicorr Secretary o W ar W. C. Whitnct. . . . . .Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vila ...Post Master General. A. H. Gablasd. ........ Attorney General Morrisox R . Waitk. ....... .Chief Justice. STATE OF. -OREGON. t J?" mIV ' ' ' : 1 U. sseators. J. II. Mitchell... , .;.. J , Bisger IIekmann........... Congressman. Z. F. Moody..., ... ....Governor. R. P. Eabuabt....; ....Secretaryof State. ' Edwakd Hiksch . . . . ' State Treasurer. E. B- McELROY....Snpt. Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byars ... ... .State Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J., ) , Wm. P. Lord. ....Supreme Judges. V. W. ThaTEB, '..I.' SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT." R. S. Bah. . .-. ...... .'i . JaAge. J. W- Hamilton ....Prosecuting Attorney. . DOUGLAS CGUHTx". " I.. Johx Emsiitt, ' Senators. J. H. Sucpe. j 1 Wm. Masking, ) - . , HssRy Rogers, f Hewes-nlatives C. B. Wilcox, ) Thos.IR. Sheridan- .....Clerk. Ben. C. Ager. . Sheriff. D. S.West..... .......Treasurer. G. T. Russell School Superintendent. : Jas. A. Sterling ............. .Assessor. J. S. FrrzHUGH . . . .' .County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. MuGee, . . . .Commissioners. N. E. Brit ...Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Ma est ibs. . . . . . Coroner. , PRECINCT OFFICERS: T. L. Gannon ........ ... v. .... V Tustices Tas. Harpham...... ...... .... JJUbUces' Peter J unger . Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. H. C. Stantok, ! John Rast, i - tP. Sheridan, . . .. .. .... . ... Trustees. . C. Wheeler,! , P. Benedict. T. Ford ; . . .Recorder. G. J. Lakgeuberg.... Marshal. John Chase... Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. W. Johnston. . : Register. A. C. Jones .Receiver I SIGNAL SERVICE. B..S. Pague. . . . ... i ..... . Observer. PROFESSIONAL. L F., LANE. T ANE & LANE, JOHN LANE Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stain. c. C. WILCOX, ' AiTORifEy At Law ;3Qlice opposite E. G. Young & C's. Oakland Oregon. g J. PAGE rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oakland, - - - Oregon. R.!0. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CANYOXVILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Phjsician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan nck, on Jackson Street, Rosebnrg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME- M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UWIVEISSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R, track, Rose burg. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS-' nTT"ni7C1 TTAmTIT : . Oakland, Oregon. wain V' Y' ""J i wiigie msaiS) v vbiiib, iSTThls bouse bw lately changed hand and b oreatfkty renovated and ref or nUhed. : The travel xig jiablio will find the bett ol accommodations No Cliluamcii Employed. SMIIH BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIBS I CLASS MRS. D. C. McCLALLEN, . Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. Largs Sample Boo ma for Commercial Travelers. . Coach to aud from the house Baprffae delivere free ot charge. DEPOT HOTEL, . OAKLAND, OBEOOS. Tlioliard Thomas, Prop. IT Irs t Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. . " ASD THE '. Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. GENERAL Samuel Marks, SlHBiUL -11101411181 HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND-- , Clothing, Bay Crockery, Glassware . Provisions, Cigars, . . Wool and Produce tion Bought i AND THE VERT HIGHEST CASH PHICXS PAID FOR THEM. w. JArtll. x CO - M.JOSEPHBON. Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade, A full line of Silks: I A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. - A full line of Hosiery. : A full line of Clothing. w o ft m ' A f all line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Cans. Boots and Shops. M A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. , And last, but not least, a full line kinds of Ladies Hat Tniumings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. COMB 0X3X3 AX 23 MJOSEPHSON. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery--- Photograph-and- Perfumery, Autograph albums Crockery and Stand; Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. ; GEO. M. PRIOR, Wm. FERGUSON, Camas Valley. Camas ra"jcrttHa Qiauajisas "Wallley LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND and furnished on short Notice and at the LOWEST GOING PRICES. RUSTIC AIID FL00RIIIG A SPECIALTY- Furnished in any Dimensions, to Order Address, PRIOR & FERGUSON, Camas Valley, Douglas County. Or to, F. P. McDEVITT, Roseburg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roseburg, regon, i ,. o O o - . They would announce that they hare just received and now have on hand one of .the largest stocks of Ever Brought to Douglas, Stoves of all Patterns and Thev ara ureDared to declare they have Southern Oregon, which they propose selling In the shape ol BUILULHU MAiKiUfl in, in sne way 01 uocnn, uutts, etc., we can offer superior Inducements to pnrchasers. Tryns. -t . - " il. . . n v 1 1 Cffrrttr-rci . . . . .... y e can give yon oargama ui uv tuuunui ua i oiu jco noi nquaiea eiscwnere: BUCK'8 BOSASZA, FABMEB's TJTILITY, " DKXTEB, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, CLAB1SD0N, OCCIDEST, IB0S KISC, EMPIRE CITY And other Sioves and Ranges.. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TIN V Alt and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to ofifer in GUNS, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Riflce, as well as Shotguns and Pistols. ) We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Home SEWINtl MACHINES, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete, in every respect. We can also supply Averill and EriDr Paints. The best n the market, at lowest rates.' Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire as to , rices, and we promise to soft yon if anyone can. Dr. TH03IAS CKAILUI, A GRADUATE Of the Cuivrsity of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the BO YAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located fir tb practice of his profession in ROSEBURG OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite ths Cstbolio Church MERCHANDISE Asher Marks. -DEALERS IN L goods,, i&wm , Boots and . Shoes. of every Descrip Roeburr, Or. ?! o 0) w . o of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, wi lb all WAKE, and TEN THOUSAND F. P. McDEVITT, , Roscbursf. Valley, and, when added to their i , . . Ready-made TInwar tie best supply in their line of "any honse in Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere PAINT SHOP. For House, Carriage, Sign, Ornamental, and all kinds ; of pairiting Call on Wm. Davis at Floed'a old orner, Roseburg Or. Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, RoaeburK - "- Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL : BANKING- BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bilk of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits ccived subject to check, . Collections made1 on all acceKsablepointa at reasonable ratea, . . JOSEPH SHINDLER. ; 'i IMlORR.IEXOflt v - ' - -OEmic '" ' : . --AND 4 KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON' HAND '. full slock of Bread, Cakes Tics, Piaiii anu rancy V'acKers, etc Also a iuie seicclioo ot French ami Amencan Candies and Choc ate Goods'. ' - I OREGON PACIFIC R. kl Willamette Valley to San Francisco Viai xaquuia- J . DAILY TRAINS, U V TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS " . ;" Daily, except Buudayg, at 2 P. II. "' ( LEAVE YAQUINA - ' -A Dailj. except Sunday, at 7;10 A. SL i: ' The Company . . . rijfht lo fcbanti sailinj Uays. Fare and Freixbt at- redueed aiul moderate rates ' ' -.. ...'., t . I River BuiiU on the Willamotti oohii ectitl I riilt-alliii '' I 1 4 . . J. G. SHEHIDAfe l&Successor tojEf -f v1: R. S & J. C SHERIpAK, . DEALER IN HARD WA33 Stoves and Tinware,' Roseburg, Cregou rpHE uudcrsined takee pleasure -in an. 1 nounuing to the public that he ielling everything in his line at prices that 4 - j DEFY COMPETITIOU! i ' ; ' IF YOU want -i '- STOVES, AGEIOULTUKAL'-TOOLS - -IEON, - STLr jriXtST T HOESS HOES, TINWAEE. CUTLEEY Oranvtlnnffinnivlinn fll orl vAm;nA J stock aud learn prices before purchasing else- wuvre, as x am semng jower tban ever. f . C. SHERIDAN JASKULEK, Praciical Watcb maker, Jeweler and Optician ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer In Watches, Clockp, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses A FULL LINE OF ... CTdARS. Tfmnm.fc ifiwv'nAnni Tire ONLY RELHBLE OITOMER IN TOwL fur the nmnnr Ajlinui.tii $iti' n(. of the OcHUnio Brazilian Pebble Siwctacleg and Ej e glasses. OlBce U-Hamiltous Bric-k Bloi-k. . , I ftaldt r leare, tmt Umm bo write to fdnfon Co., Portland, MatM,inreeiv free, full Inform .linn hnt kl.h ' lbMB from S& tA IK M. Amw. fiu UmjL th eaa da, and Uraat ham.hi will -.- IDd ,T,r.4 I" -f Elthori. yonimotold. Cpttai not nqnlnd. Toi ar Martod trt. Tbom wbe Mart at wm r abwiatcJj ivc of mag UtUe rorUuMa. Ail ii MT. , O.P T OMPKINS Ag( ;ent of ALL KINDS OF HEfiCHANDJSLI A., ordara (rum the country filled on short notice Iroru - ' ' ! Eva-y Class or Kind of Goods from First-Class Stock. Absolutely no charges or commission. will be charged for flllhisr orders. OFFICE: 107 JOTj- At V. W. Prentice's Portland.Or L. BELFILS f WATOHMA TTBItl ' I feel confident of nvmz satisfaction in all work entrusted to roe in watches, clocks, and Jewelrj' I also repair musical instruments. I I have the Countv natent riurVit for aale of Concrete Cement Pipe for conveyin water to ny placc de sired in Douglas Couuty; - : f '. I will also teach anr kind of inst rumental music. Anyone detiirfng instruction will call on me at imy watcnmakiDg shop. ueuu. , CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. ; (JALL ON JOHN VAN BUREX. STATE AliUIClLTKlAL COLLEGE. CorvtilllH Oregon. Tlie next Session will begin ou Sep finrn i i 1 1 4 W I IIJ tember 8th, with a full Faculty . V - as last year. - ; '.- II h. Arnold, Vlits. f:::UKITYfromANKOYArC - -J 71 & iy of uioM tor vunsuncUDg nc.t. t Every jfood thicpf la Counter foitod. and consumers are OATJ TIONI3D aminst IMITATIONS of these Chimneys xnaclo of VERT i-uuii aeo tnattne exact labolig ou ench chimney as above. Tho Pearl Top is always clear and bright Giasa. A ' t r Matrafnctorcd OXI.Tby f , CEO. A. & CO. ruiBTswrirH lvsX Ctlsuts Work. Henry Easton's Roseluko Grocer v; Stoke. T7 EEPS CONSTANTLY t,n h;ml a full assortment GROCERIES! Of AlliCinds! GuarantceJ to bo of the best quallly. FRUIT JARS, CANNED FRUITS, ! TOBACCO and CIGARS, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, A SPECIALTY. CANDIES A.i CAKES. l?rocluce Bouglit AND THE : Higtreat" CASH 1'RICe VSxdJ Give uic a call aud iiuiviuce yourselves. GOODS delivered aui"hcrc in the City Limits free vl Charge. . ' Jackson Street, DH I C AGO COTTAGE ORG AW Brut fittainnrl a stnnrlnrrl rf OTiw)linu .v.iAw , , . . v4 ...kmuvv mu.VU Iflmlta nf nf an vwm.. It contains every improvement that inrentive uuius, uuu uuu uiuaey crui prouuce. IR.IMI Thee Orgrans are celebrated for volume, uality of tone, quick response, artistic deshrn, eauty In finish, perfect construction, making . . . . uvunoi schools, churches, iodg8, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED BEPUTATIOX. V3TXrAU: FACIXITIES, . SKILLED WORKMEN ' , BEST MATERIAL, COKBIKBO, HAKB THIS THETOPUiAB OHBAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogue sod Price Lists, on ppUoUori raza C!::CAS3 CQTTA6E CRSAtl CO." Kvdotph and fan Sii. CUfCAeO. JLL WillamettE 'University, -30-- PROFESSORS & INSTRUCTORS 350 Studciits. 315 Graduates. Department of Literature, Law, Mod io'ne. Mnso and Art- . Girls board in Woman's College, with nicely fur nished rooms, W.50 icr week. Boys and Youmr Wens' board in the Youn mens" BOARDING HALL, A building Just purchased and remod eled with 26 room?, Si.SOPer Weels.. The yonng menVre expected to supply their fur nitnre, wood and lijtbt and pay One Ko'llar a month rent.- This is the most rersonalile lii2 v 8tulcnt which the Unirersity has ever offered. The Presi dent boards in the ball and has the suiwrv isiou. iJTFinit Term Begin September Cth. Cataloyucs sent free. " T. VAS scoy, rresidsa Balcm, Oj tf-n. OXTB t BVEBY ATT.T OROAJf I WAR IS J BANTED ... TO i ' 1 FIVE KXXJEL. , YEARS :?nnr Iis1:c!y;:t3afe; Xbi lfwilcr nerer varies. A marvel of purity tlreinftl snd ' wholcsomeuess. More ecoDomieal Uiitn the ordinary kinds, and eannot behold in eomj. pcVtioB,!with. the multitude of low test, short we hrlit alum or phosphate powders. - Bold ouly ill cans. 'Wit AL BAKIXG POWDER. COV IM WU St. N. YV - - ; , '1 V YORK LUMBFR & Woodward V 1 1 - Eiist side of track one block south of dqot where you -will" find number one dry lumber, Sugar pine, "Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention ; Iximber f or buildings, sawed and shaved cedajr shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen' Doorsj Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, ; Newel posts, :Ceilinsr, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, li inch plank sawedj expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door fc Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to be thffinest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, tho machinery is new and put up in the best manner, aud all under wtict! discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics and i3 equal to any work of the kind done in New -York or the East, j Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates! complete, I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have iawed all Dimention lumber to ordexjon short notice. " All guatanteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stovej wood constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. y i . MOORE'S RESTAURANT. (Principaal Business Street.) Hoiioliiiy, Oregon I' MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA ORE UUli Aim bALirUKMA it. K. n si iitn nsiimnaiiB r Aiul Councctioiis. I IMF., 2't HAYS. Fan: ti mi !'"rt!sad to Sar. Franci.o a2; to Sacra inciiloJO. t'.4 cwuih-. i uuuk at A sli Inn J nitti stages o the l affTitU Mabo SUge Coiuiiairy. tAILV CXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Kast SKlc Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASIILAXn Mail Train LEAVE. Portland 7.30A. it. Kiwelitir- .. -. P l ARRIVE. Koseuurg.,,.6.15 P. M. Axlilaml O :tn V M Ashland 4.15 A. H Koseburjf ..5.30 A. M. Roseburg. ...5.25 A. M. Portland.. ...4.25 P. M. Albany Ixpress Train ParOand.... ...4.0CP.M. (Lebanon 9.20 P. M Lebauon........4.45A.M. I Portland.. ..10.06 P. M. PUlilAN :. . 1 PALACE SLEEPING Daily between Portland and Ashland. Tlie OJ aiid C. H. R. Ferry makes connection with al " .laiuouu runameiiv. irom loot ox i bt West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS kfailTtain. '"' ' PortlMid 7.S0 A. M. CorvaUto. ., 12.25 P. M voraua.... .i.oU rw M. 1 Ponuirwi is v At Corvallis comicctwth (nit.. t d..:a. for Ysaulna hxZZXr-yvu "vl"v c'.-4. Express Tnfa'LZ,. LEAVE. I arrive- Portlaiid 4.50 P. M. Mcllinnville.. ft. 00 p. M McMiunville.. ..5.45A.M. Portland 9.00 A. M; Local tickets for sale and bairtraze checked at com- pany ut townotflce. cor. Pine and Seooiid atrwtm Tickets for principal points in CaUfornia can only be procured ana na-j-ja checked at company's office Frekrht will not be received for shinment after K unncr r auu front Nta.. Portland, ur. . ocioca r. ai. on ettner the East or west Hide Div. K. ilUEULKK, E.P. KOGKR8, aanajjer. G. F. Pass Ajfent. mis. s. a. nuTcuixsox, SIILLINERY STOKE! ; Oakland, Orogron. LADIES WILL F.TSD MV STOCK LARGE AND Complete. Prices inodcrate. Cliv Ma fjaii, Mbi. S. A. Hrn-CHissos. riOHIAGE GUIDE 260 PAGES money or lamp, hunt, piper cover, 26c. Thi Bool IUuMraied. in Ciolh and Gilt Binding, iOa wis ALL the Cttrion. doubtful or ioqoiairin waotto know. ullof rry iDKmtine and raluabie informstioa. BSAITH. "APPlJfESS art promoted by IU adrue who ny Marry, who not, why i Medical Aid, when biwiit, brought home to yoq. SO W..4.if.l TT.H fllTt Sts. troo to . , if onS or old- nurrwd or nig. tick or will, ttumki mmn-wwiaw oy dr. WHITTIEn. St-Louis. Mo- TU1 1M.T A1 BEAD WITU OSU Brewster's Tatcnt Rein Holder. Your lines arn wbert too pot thrm not under horses' reet. vneanisotni-'aoz-ia 6 dava. en dealer sold 6 dnx. In 15 dsra. Eampies worth tlO rses. Write for terms, STATE IMM1QRATIOX BOARD. Dallas, Polk Co., Or., Sept 16, To the Editor of the Obegomajj: Judging from the reports sent out by the secretary of the immigration board, one would be led to -suppose that the valley counties are being filled to overflowing with home seekers. I have made diligent and personal inquiry and cannot find one land-buyer wh has been sent to Polk county by Secre tary Carlisle; and as cur county- pays her quota of the $5000 appropriated for the support of the enterprise, ifc is pertinent for us to enquire regarding the causes. Allow me through vour valuable journal' to .suggest to'-my brother legislators that a bill to place Tlie ununration'acLeirie the "ln" of the governor, secretary of tlie: stale nd treasurer; orLt.and would meet.witu favor' Let TheGregosiax hear frorq the different counties. ' :: John JYDahv 1'ha. foregoing letter from Ifr. Dalf one of Polk, county's representatives elect; present food for thought for the people "of this . State. ' "While 'itwas tho intention of our legislators in. dona ting five thousand dollars per annum for the" purpose of encouraging' immi gration that the money should bo spent for the interests of the whole - State, it is a notorious- fact - that only certain favored' sections i . ere attempted ,ta be bohefited by the Board of Immigration. ; . . That Polk countv has as good lands (ire proved and unmproved) a can be found in the State no person can deny; tha t the prices of Which they are Ijeld are as reasonable as any in the State is equally true; and that pur advantages are wholly isrnored by the State Board is demonstrated by the fact that, home seekers are sever sent here by them. It cannot be said that there is a lack of railroad communication with this county, for the fertile valleys of Polk and Yamhill are traversed by two lines of railroad within easy reach of the business center of the State Portland and markets, the desideratum of the farmers, at our doors. - . We think the State capital should be the location of the Immigration Board, and its officers our State officers. It is a fact, some persons may say and truly too, that at least one farmer should be upon the Beard yet,: that be remedied by making the Immigra tion Board's clerk come from the agri cultural class. We now assert here and defy con tradiction by the Board and its clerk that the machine has been since its incep tion run : in the interests of the railroads and not in the in the interests of the people who pay the tixes. If we are incoi-rect - and figures other than the hoard's vaporings show it will make the amend honorable.-' ...Wo ask the valley papers to push, the ball along so that our next legislature may correct ly understand the situation. Polk County Iternizer. a-oa. a Experience of two college towns and inquiry of others enable us to feel con fident of being within the truth when we say that the world lias never wit nessed such sobriety, such labor, such quiet and good order and good morals in student life as is exhibited now at the South. It is the prophecy of that bound ahead which will yefr make the taunted and abused South again lead for a time the civilization of America. The Waldensian Church of Italy has effected a settlement in South AmeriJa where it occupies two parishes or colo nies on the shores of the La Plata and Uruguay. True to its missionary character, it is making vigorous efforts to evangeline the immense population of Italian immigrants who, to the num berof 100,000, annually leave their native country for the La Plata. ; - The- Southern Presby teiian mission aries in Japan are prospecting for sta uons at Nagoya and KochL Nagoya is the fourth city in size in the Em pire, with a population of 325,000, con nected with Yokohama by daily steam boat, and soon wiU be rail, with Osak ako, Kyoto, and Kobe. Kochi is one of the two provinces which originated the revovution of 1868 which over turned the Sbogunate. - Home, which had no public schools when it was under control of the Pope, has now 15,000 .of its children attend ing the public schools. This desire for education that has been fostered since Borne 1ecame free has provoked Pope Leo to establish thirty schools, and the Protestant Churches have also schools of their own. V " Backlens Arnica Salve. The Best Salvb- in the world for Cuts, : Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive! cures Piles. or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satibf tction, or money reiuuaeu- nice zo els tbox. Fr leby Mastes& Co ' Every such voter ought to see to U that his ticket is clean.. He can .scratch out and write on until he- purges the ballot Never mind joiiiicaI bosses, but vote against immorality, poverty, and crime. Scratch off" all names of tyrannical demagogues "who are not willing to let the people rule. Let no man be elected to any office who" is a moral lepe$ The time to draw the line has fully come. Draw it now' This is applying the highest morality to ' politics.- This is fair, honorable, Cliristian, and politic- Any party that attempts to support the enemies . of ouv' ljZies and our peace, must go to th- wall, At the last Congrcctlonal Mission c-.feCih vCL"'.iaoJ"iir.'l;avis, of Ja pfiBf oU .'What -'a-: reciarable change hid fa'tcn r!ace in, Jaan , witLin ten ycax5.'rAlontl76 ho and a compan ijTj Had lee a aires ted and tried for dis- Jfcrbutxpg tiacte; mow ''the authorities. were friendly toward Christianity, and a the'tentli anniversaiy of the mission school the prime", miristar - and gov crnors of, two provinces were present. lne mission schools are crqwdutt, al- thonglnt is hard woik to prevent the young men from going- out 'to preach before - they, lave" completed . their studies., V - Bob Ingerscll has esceavored to ill- press people with the i lea that Le Is too hnnrntf.' moiw'fnl or,.1 ),.- .A it,i -""w7 "vLmM, UU JUOl, aj.U Willi tits loves the human race too well to La a. Christian. His glittering generalities have deceived very few.' People beard him, applauded, al went away pro-. nouncing . him , an eloquent braggart, frothy, flashy and rotten to tha ; core. Slowly but. surely Irgersoll has de scended to his true level. One" after another all the great ra scals of ths land have engaged him to defend' them. Whenever a man betrays a public trust and has the means to paj a big Fee his first thought is of iBsrersoIl. ' - Bishop Berkley's beautiful line, 'Westward the star t empire takes its way," has had its prophetic fuilfill ment : "The scepter cl our national prosperity and power gradually moved westward for nearly half a century, now the orbital progress of that star is moying southward, to the section which must some rlay 4tt i 1 li ost pop '. ulous portions of our country, as well as the center of its most important ' manufacturing, mining, agn'cultural, and commercial interests and indns- As far as heard from the Knights of Labor and trades unions are gencr ally sound in the views they express of the Chicago anarchists and their punishment. An honest man who works hard all day is not at all likely to favor the destruction of property, the collapse of society, and "a new di vide," in which the unskilled will set as much as the skillful, the fools as much as the intelligent, and the lazv loafers as much as the industrious., Washington Post: Men marry for fortune and some times to please their fancy; but nmch oftener than is suspected they consider what the world will say of it, how such a woman in their friends' eyes will look at the head of a table. Hence we see so many inspid beauties made wives of that could not have struck the particular fancy of any man that had any fancy at all. These I call furniture wives, as men buy furniture pictures, because they suit this or that niche in their dining-parlors. ' Reports from Burcaah are that Bud dhi8mt by reason of the withdrawal of all Government support, seems totter ing to Its fa!L The Barmans, in alarm, have memorialized tfc e Viceroy, asking that the English Government hence, forth appoint the Buddhist pope, which the Ticeroy declares cannot be done. The missionaries, as they see the walla tremUtojj,- call for a good blast from the trumpets to finish the work. One of the great problems of the South is education. It is immense amount of illiteracy in this section that ' has held it back in material progress. With a large proportion of its popula tion unable to read c r write, the herit age of war 'and 'devastation," it is diffi- cult for the South to advance in pros perity, to improve its agriculture, or become great m manufactures. There is such a differance between coming out of sorrow, merely thankful for relief, and coming out of sorrow full of sympathy w Mh and trust in -Him who Los released us. Phillips Brooks. Trten Baby was Mck, ws gT ber Castort. ITlien she was a Child, hs cned for Caitoria, T she becajM iliM, sLs clonf to Castoria, VThMu she tad Children, st gars theot Castoria, E, . BBEW5TEB, Holly, ttlch.