J '4 i ROSEBURG REVIEW IS ISSUED FRIDAY MOUNISGS BY THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N, BELL, - - Editor. One Year - - - -: f - - 52 50 Six Month - I25 Three Month - - - - - - - 1 00 CESESALMEEOTOBY. ." G rover Cleveland. ......... .President. Tnos. F. Bayard .Secretary of State Dakiel T. MAKKno.Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamas ..Secretory of the Interior. Wm. C. Endicott :.. Secretory o War W. C. Whit-key. Secretory of Navy. W. T. Vitju. ....... Post Master General. A. II. Garlawd. ....... .Attorney General. MoBfcisos R. Waits .Chief Justice. STATE OF OREGON. t Vr ?f wLlnn' " ' ' ' ' " V. S. Senators. T. II. Mitchell.... J Bisobr Hermans .Congressman. Z.F. Moody....... ... .......Governor. R. P. Earhart Secretoryof 8tate. Edward Hirsch.. .. State Treasurer. E.B. McELROY....SuptF, Pub. Instruction; W. H. Byars State Printer. J. B. Waldo, C.J.,1 n Wm. P. Lord,! ... .Supreme Judges. W. W. Thayeb, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R."S. Bkajt...... ............... ...Jue. J. . W Hamiltos .... Prosecuting Attorney. ? DOUGLAS COUNTY. Johji Emjutt, ' .-.Senators. J. IL Shcpb. ) ' Wm. MAjnriifo, 1 .--" Hkkry Rogers, f Eepres nUUv. C. B. Wilcox, J f Thos. R. Sheridan . ...... -Ue- Bex. C. Agee. ............... bhenti. D. S. West .Treasurer. G. T. Russell..... School Superintendent. Jas. A. Sterling ..............Assessor. J. S. FrrzHUOH ..County Judge. J. Hall, C. A, McGee,. . . .Commissioners. N. E. Brit... ...... .Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsters. .. .. . . ... . .Coroner. pmscwct officers: T. L. Gannon.. ......... ...... juslices. Tas. IIarpham...... ) ' Peter Junger . ..... Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C. Stanton, i '" John Rast, j tP. Sheridan, ............. Trustees. . C. Wheeler, V P. Benedict. T. Ford .Recorder. G. J. Lanoedbeko , . .Marshal. John Chase .Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. W. Johxstox. ....... Register. lA. C. Jones ...... ... .'. .. .Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. PaOTE Observer. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LAKE, JOHN LAKE JANE &LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. Q B. WILCOX, ' Attorney At Law Office opposite E. G. Young & (Vs. Oakland Oregon. J. page PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oakland, - -': . - Oregon- R. 0. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' . ': CANYOXYILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D SCRGEOX. HomaKpathic Physician. : Offiice up staire in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The Of Leipzig Germany. Officei & Residence at the house of Geo. "W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose- burg. -": "-' V ; HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BilLFY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon. Joard $1 per Day; Single Meats, 25 cents. J3TThis house has lately changed hands and is orooghly renovated and returnished. The travel og public will find the best of accommodations Vo Chinamen Employed SMITH BAILEY ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS MRS. D. C. McCLALLEN, Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. Largo Sample Booms for Commercial Travelers. Coach to and from the house , - " Baggage delivere free of ciivsje. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Rioliard Thomas, Prop. -First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AJTD THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of tho Railroad. VOL. XI. GENERAL Saucei. Marks, S. MASKS Ss Co. -DEALERS IN BEBEBAL HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Clotiw, DRV GfliS, ClROCIRilS Crockery, Glassware, ' Provisions, Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR TKEM. S. 3XAXI!g CO . Kosotiii--, Or JM. JOSEPHSON. Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy vaiic-tyi and Shade. A full line of Silks. i A full line of Satins, Brocadc3 and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. M 0 50- A ft o m 0 b A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tohaccos. A full liiie of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. M TOSElHSOlSr. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph albums Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER , OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION ; Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. W ffl'EZoore CORmUTT, Successor to DEALER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS DRUGS and PATENT I?IEICINES. Cheaper tlian the Cheapest SHERIDAN Roseburg, o O- Thcy would announce that tlicy have just received and now Lave on hand one o the larsrest stocks of Ever Brou?ht to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have Southern Oresron. which thov Drowse selline In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way oi Locks, Butts, etc., we can offer superior inducements to purchasers . . 1 ry us . We can give you bargains in the following branda'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere BUCK 8 BOSAJfZA, FARMER S UTILITY, CLARESDOy. OCCIDENT. IRON KIJTG, EMPIHE CITY And other Sioves and Ranees. I The best of workmen are constantly and linvnro dhnnlil Ifi.irn nni nrippH. - We have also bargains to offer in OUNS, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Kiflee, as well as bhotguns and i'lstols. . f We are also Agents for the White, Teerless and New Home SEWINU MACHINES, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. We can also supply t Averill and HuToloor Faints. The best n the market, at lowest rates. rices, and we promise Dr. TIIOMAS CUAIIASI, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. t Plilladelphi aal of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEOSS. and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAXS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG OREGON. Office and resilience, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church - ' i : ... - v - ' - ;: MERCHANDISE - Asuer Marks. t Cigars," , " ' Boots and Shoes. O w o V Hanging Lamps : WARE, and TEN THOUSAM L j J. D. JOHNSON. IN BOOTS and SHOES, BROTHERS, rcgon, tie beat supply in their lino ofjany house in Cheaper than. can be pnrchasea elsewhere DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR. . i Give ns a call, inspect our stock; inquire as lo to suit you if anyone can. PAINT SHOP. For House, Carnage, I Sign, Ornamental, and all kinds j of painting Call on Wmi Davis at Floed's old corner, Roseburg Or. iiioiiiiisi . o ROSEBURG, OREGON, Douglas County Bank J ' IIUMPIIBEY k FLINT, RoselsurK - Oregoa- ' TRANSACT A GENERAL . BAllKim BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on I'ortland, San Francisco, Jiew York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all acccssablcpoints at reasonable rates. JOSEPH SHINDLER. PROPRIETOR ; ' . Of The - . - CITY BAKERY AND KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON 1 1 AND A full stock of Bread, Cakes, Pies, Plain and Fancy Crackers, elc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Choc- ate Goods. OREGON PACIFIC R.R Willamette Vallev to San f rancisco Via. Yaquina. DAILY TRAINS, TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS Daily, except Sundays, at 2 P. M. LEAVE YAQUINA Dailj , except Sundays, 'at 7:10 A, M, The Company i risht to cbauee sailing days. Farea and Freight at reduced and moderate rates Hivcr Boats on tho WilUmslto connectlu Corvallie. J O. SHERIDAK ?a.Sacccssor tor R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves ami Tinware, ISoselmrg, rogoii fPIlE nntkrsigned takee pleasure in an 1 , nounuing to tho public that he selling everything iu his line at prices that . , COMPETITION! -IF YOU WANT- " ; STOVES, . AGEIGULTUEiL TU0LS IE0H, STL'L, 1TAILS, HOES S H0E3, TIN W A fik -CUTLEfi Y Or anything in my line, call and examiue my stock ami learn prices before purchasing elw. where, as I am selling lower than ever. J 6. SHERIDAN J. JASKULEK, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WOliK WARRANTED. Dealer in ; Watches, - Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and I-jyeglassea. A ?ULli LlSB OF CIGARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. The only reliable optomer in town for the proper adjustment cf Spectacles. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble S)eotaelea and Eyo glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brick Diook. gelds are ttkrrt, hui Qiom i wriit to Jtinsffo A CcPortland, Maine,ill raceira rrsa, fall Information aboat work which Uir node, and It mat bome.thilwlll n. earned OTarSMIo a dar. Either ez,Tonnir or old. Capital Botraqalred. Tog are itarted rrea, ThowwhotUH atone are abolutI lore sf tnog UtUo fortaoei, AllliMW. . them Cram A to Mr Amw. . O.P TOMPKINS.. Agent of ; ALL KINDS OFMERCHAHDISU: A., orders from the country fillod on short '' . s. notice from Evcry Class or Kind of Goods from First-Class Stock. Absolutely 7no eliarges or coinuibi-siou. will be charged for filling orders.' OFFICE: 107 first street, At D. W. Prentice's Portland.Or L. BELFILS "vrSa-TciiivijrjLrixr. I tee! confide ot of giving-satisfaction in nil ork cnimstea to me tit watches, clocks, ana jewctry. aio repair musical instruments. - I have the Comity patent ritrht for sale of Concflet Cement Pipe for conveyin water to any place de- mreu in iougias t-ouutys I I will also teach anv kind of imstniment-il oiujic, Anyone desirfnif iustructiou will call on lnc at my vatcnmalutig shop. . - L. BKU-iiil. CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH OlSPATCHr ('ALL OS JOSIN VAX DUREnJ 1 STATE AOUICiLTIIl'AL1 COLLEGE. Corvallis Oregon. The next Session will begin oa- Sep tember 8th, with a full Faculty as last year. . B. L, Arnold, PRES. - rrni.ii TCP it Hi. IL I im mmiUm MsssW FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER - m n nan Z ALdU oyal a Perfect -Baking P6wder-r Absolutely Free from : I The Royal Baking Powder ia considered by all chemists and food analysts to be a marvel of purity, strength, and vkolesomeness. Furthermore, it .jig now tho only baking powder before the public free from lime and absolutely pure. Thia ia due lugely to the improved method by the use ' of which it has been made pure cream of tartar, from which all 1 the lime has been eliminated. ! . . " Thia chemically pur3 cream of tartar is exclusively employed in the.manufacture of the Royal Baking Powder, bo that its absolute freedom irom lime and all other extraneous substances is guaranteed. i t Professor McMurtrie, late chemist in chief to tho U. S. JDepartment of Agriculture, afterj analyzing many samples of cream of tartar of the market, testified to the absolute purity of that used in the Royal j Baking Powder as folldws: j "I have examined the cream of tartar manufactured by tho New York Tartar Company agd used by the Royal Baking Powder Company in tho manufacture of their bak ing powder, and find it to bo perfectly pure, and free from lime in any form. ' ! "All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful, of uniform, excellent quality, and free from any deleterious substance. WM, McMURTRIE, E.M.. Ph.D.. " CJiemtst in Chief P r 7 COFFERS: ' - Some Choice 4. Spanisli Merino Bucks. " l -'t y Can be seen at my residence In French Settlement. Address .HENRY CQJfS v R seburg;, Oregon. '8 H I C A O O COTTAGE r ORG AN tlnS ftttalocd a standard of excellence -which (limits of no superior. It contains every Improvement that inventive genius, 8 kill and money can produce. Those Onrans are celebrated for volume, lualityoi leautv in schools, churches, locUjes, societies, etc. ! ESTABLISHED BEPVTATIOSr. UKEQUALED TACIEITIES, ( SKIIXED WORKMEN, BEST MATERIAL,, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR ORGAN j Instruction Books and Piano Stools. P&talogues and Prioe lists, on application, fbs CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. Randolph and Ann Sti.. CHICAGO. ILL iWillamettE UniversitY, i " -30- PROFESSORS k INSTRUCTORS SoO Students. 375 ;raduatcs. Department of Literature, Lnwt Mcd le'mei Mut'c ond Art Girls bard in Woman's College, with nicely fur nished room?, 3.50 )cr week. Voya and Young Ileus' board in the Young metis' BOARDING HALL, A building just parcliased and reiuod- ' eled with 20 rooms, St.SOer "Week. ' Theyounsf men are expected to ply their fur niture, wood and light and pay One Dollar - a month rent: Thia is the most rcrsonable livine; to students which the Uuivereitr has ever offered. Tl.e Presi dent boards in the hall and has the supervision. faT First Term Begins September 6th. Cataloifuea sent free T. VAN SCOY, ' - President, Salem, Oregon. Brewster Patent Beta Holder. Yont lines are when yon pot them not under hones' feet. One agent sold udos. ia 6 days, one dealer sold 6 doz. in It days. Saupies worth (L50 nzB. Write for term. E, E, BSiTVVgTEIS, HoUy, Web. ; OTJB I - EVEBY 1 ? OEQA1T ATTW J T WAS- , 13 j BANTED ( FOS TO -V f K ' ' li---:;.:.-'.-.' V FIVE EXCEL. YEABS evieWo 17,11886. Lime. : - possible to produce a perfectly U. S. DepH of Agriculture? OREGON . STATE UNIVERSITYf Session 1SS6-S7. First term begins Septemiier 13, 1S86. Secure FLIKE SCHOLARSHIPS by apply inj; to your County Superintendent. Board And I.odgins . Ter week $3 to $5; TUITION PER YEAR. Elementary English Department. . . ..$30.00 Other Departments. i . . . . . $4aoo Send postal for catalogue with full particu lars, to TUOF. JOHN STRAUU, , Secretary Faccltv, Eugene City Oregon. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. Aud Connectiorjg. , TIME, 2 DAYS. Fure from Portland to San Franoisco $32; to Sacra mento 830. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California Oregon & Idaho Stage Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. Portland 7.30A.- SI. Roseburg 6.25 P. Sf. Ashland 9.30 P. M. Roseburg 5.30 A. JI. ARRIVE. ! Roseburg. . ..6.1S P. M. Ashland 4.15 A. M. Roseburg. ...5.25 A. M. Portland 4.25 P. II. Albany Express Train LEAVE. ! ARRIVE. Portland.... ...4.0T P.M. Lebanon 0.20 P. M. Lebanon 4.45A. M. I Portland 10.05 P. M. PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAES Daily between Portland and Ashland. The O. and C. U. B. Ferry makes connection with all tne regular trains on cast side iMY.trom lootol r SV West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS Kail Train- LEAVE. f ARRIVE. Portland ...... .7.30 A . M. Corral! in 13.25 P. M. CorvaUis 1.30 P. M. J Portland..... 6.15 P. M. At Corvallis comiectlwith trains of Orctrou Pacific for Yaquina Bay. Excursion tickets on sale' from Kosebttr? to Yaqnina and return via Albany, at V9 75. Tickets good to return until Sent. 30, 1886. Express Train- LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. 1 McMinnville., 8.00 P. M.H McMinnviUo. . . .5.45 A. M. Portland .9.00 A. M. Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at com pany's up town office, cor. Stark and Second streets, rickets for principal points in California can only be procured and baggage checked at company's office. comer t ana rront sis., rortiana, ur. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 clock P. M. on either the East or West Side -Dir. R. KOEHLEK, - E. P. ROGERS, Manager. - G. F. & Pass Agent. ilRS. S. A IIUTCIIIXSOS, MILLINERY STORE! Orecron. T A DIES WILL F.TSD MY STOCK LARGE ASD JJ Complete. Prices moderate. Oi-r Mo Call, Mrs. S. A. HrrcuiJtsos. The BITTERS' GUIDE U learned Maxell sad Sept Ltwcltreax. JsJMOpsMt. '3,f500 1 tllnartratlona . v j wnsn nenn vmxixwf P--mS GIVES WHoleaale Frteca direct to tonnutterm om U srooda for personal ot amll7 vae. Telia Imw to order, and give exact eoat of erery tUlnir won -sue, cat drtakj wear, or ban tam with. Theae tSTVALVABUS BOOKS contain information gleaned from tho markets or tfce world. We wul maU m copy FBEK to any ad dress npon receipt of 10 ct. to defray eipcn of mailing. lt u hear from yon. . Kespectfnlly, in. . i MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1 1 . NO. 24. JlEr. G. C. HADDOCK. Postal Card Vousenses of Opinions ia Jle fjnrd to hit Death if Stan4s.Ile ' la ted Jo llie Tempera tu ..JKe fonn. - Daring the week we Lave uikul about 100 persons for an opinion in regard to the assassination of Rev. O. C. Haddock as it stands .related to the tcmi'Crance reform. The following are among tho replies received:' ' ....... ROBERT WEST, EDITOIt CHICAGO AOVASCE." Jlr. Haddock has, f think, accom plished more for tho cause in his death than any ten men can in life. His blood will cry for vengeance ngainst the l'quor power and God will hear the cry. BE Y. R. 8. CAXTIXE. ; There can be but one thought in tho matter of the -death of Haddock. He died, as a martyr, and the blood of martyr's will be aVenged, hof by blood but by the overthrow of the rum pow cr in' Iowa. A. K. TCLLIS, PaSTOR M. E. CHCBCH, MACOMB, ILL. I regard the murder of Rev. G. O. Haddock cf Sioux City, Iowa, as both cowardly 'and villainons, and stands as one of the strongest assurance of the downfall of the rum traffic. REV. JOHN ALABASTER. The best evidence that a cause is bad is its resort to violence and mur der. The saloon has given an unmis takable prcof of its inhuman spirit. Yet let temperance be encouraged for when lawlessness uses bombs and pis tols the people wake up. . PI10F. SAMUEL DICKIE. The murder of Mr. Haddock is the natural result of a mistaken policy, that of expecting private citizens to en gage activly in enforcing law. It teaches the import of competent offi cials elect and sustained by a constitu ency determined to destroy the wretch ed traffic. R. VT. BLA5D, PASTOR W ABAS II AYE - M. E. CHURCH." - An institution which seeks to per- petutateits existence by resorting to assassination will not much longer be harbored by the American people. It is not to bo wondered at that the in direct cause of crime should occasional ly take a direct hand in it. L. C. PITXER. Infamous! A dastardly outrage which ought to open the eyes of Iowa and the whole country, to law-defying ani . treasonable character of the sa loon element If this does not result in sweeping every open saloon out of Sioux City, and the state" of Iowa- then will justice fail. REV. J. M. CALDWELL. The nation is ready for war, and the newspapers have columns daily be cause Cutting's personal imprudence occasioned his arrest and detention in a jailor's private room. One of God's noblemen sought the enforcement .of law, and was assassinated by the whisky demon. No one proposes war against the saloon, and the newspapers are silent W. T. MeLOV, PASTOR FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN C11CRCU. Voilence and intimidation have nev er in the end helped any cause. Brave men will not be made cowards, because of the foul murder committed. Satan has over-roacbed himself and aroused the friends of reform. Rev. Haddock has not fallen in vain. Yet he i3 onlv one of many strong ones slain by this liquor interest. REV. W. H. HOLMES. Rev. Geo. C. Haddock, by his death becomes the Owen Lovejoy of prohi bition. Loveioy was killed because he wa3 an Abolitionist, and Haddock was was killed because he was a Prohi bitionist one of the working kind. The reason why the saloonists hted him was because he did something. His death will prove" him a Sampson. Let cur watchword be: "Remember Haddock!" SAM WOODS, QUIXCV, ILL1XOI3. -j Human slavery triumphed iu the i murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy, but from his grave arose a spirit that crushed the life out of the traffic in human flesh. History repeates itself; and sa loonisni triumphs in the murder of Rev. Geo. C. Haddock, but from ; his ashes Phoenix-like shall rise a Neme sis in the form of awakensd conscience that will throttle the traffic in human souls. The Lovejoy cf our reform has fallen; ballots arc weapons, let freeman avengo his death. GEO. C. W1LDIXG, PASTOR M. E. CHURCH, MOXMOCTH. The atrocious murder of the heroic Haddock should, and will I trust, put new strength in the arm and new courage in the heart of every true Prohibitionist. It should make us as one man in ' the battle against this cowardly and murderous foe Our watchword should be: "Xo ccmpro mise, the accursed saloon must go!" - C. C CRAGIX, PASTOR BETHA5Y COXURE- , UATIOXAL CHCRC1L - The saloon has slain so many men by poison that it seemed to it a smal ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL ELAKKS And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and howy Hand-Bills . Xeatlyand Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. 4M thing to sla? a nan with a bullet; but now that it more clearly than ever shows itif a murderer, it is more than ever likely to share the fate of the murderer. It has put men out "of tne way; it must itself be put out of the way. Let the trial and sentence of the criminal be hastened. . ' T. C CLESDESI.VO, ' PAST03 FIRST M. E. ; If the officials of Sioux City had' done tbeir-duty, G, C. Haddock had ; not died. . If their political party had -been the foe of rum, G. C. Haddock had not died. If the political party in power will not enforce the law the power should be transferred to one that will.. If men will, no; be con vinced, by this terrible deed of the importance of a political party being in harmony with law ind oi ler, that civil" officers may be true, neither would they be persuaded though G. C. Had dock should rise from the dead. Sure ly every intelligent patriot will write upon regulation, license, political party, and all else in league with the accursed traded "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin." 1 CHAS. F. GOSS , PASTOR CHICAGO AVE, CHURCH. , The antagonism between the Liquof Interests and Christian society ia nec essarily one of life and death. Neither can thrive where the other is aggressive and self assertive. The triumph of whisky means the dissolution of the Church and the triumph of the church meaha total suppression of whisky. The assassination of Haddock was I02 ical, and is only a faint adumbration of what must happen in the future, if Christian people dare assert the princi ples of their holy religion. I regard Rev.- G. C. Haddock a3 a martyr, and I hope and believa that his death will awaken the church to this irrepressible conflict, aud the determination to de stroy the liquor business with an utter destruction. . ' :-. REV. JAMES W. HAXEY, a IX Twenty-five years ago ; Anthony Bewley was hung by a mob at Fort : Worth, Texas, for the crime of. being a Methodist preacher from the North, and hence opposed to "the institution of slavery. Elijah Lovejoy in Illinois and Anthony Bewley in Texas were proto-martyrs of the great anti slavery struggle.. - Slavery has been dead for twenty years. ."Quern Deus vult per. derc, pruis dementat." "Whom God would destroy,..he . first makes nia-d." The liquor traffic was mad when it slew Wat eon B. Smith at Omaha. It is doomed now to speedy tleath for slay iag with cowardly hand Rev. Geo.' C. Haddock. Now let every Methodist preacher in the land answer that assas sin bullet with his prohibition ballot. The saloon, the assassin of the nine teenth century shall die! The end of this "oiganized villainy" hastens. Bullets may slay the martyrs of this holy cause but balhts will slay the assassin saloon. Haddock was 'slain for being practical Prohilttionitt not J or a sentiment. In this war, ballots will outweigh bullets, and will kill the assassin saloon the gigantic criminal of the nineteenth century. E. O. TAYLOR, PASTOR CENTRAL BABTIST CHURCH I icgard the murder of Rev. G. C. Haddock: 1. As an evideuce of the desperation ot the saloon cause and the length to which it is ready to go to sustain itself. 2. As an eye opener to men who profess to believe in prohi bitiou but who still train with po litical parties in whose ranks such a diabolical act is possible. 3. As a necessity in the providence of God to bring thia great question of prohibition to a universal issue, ueo. C Had dock is to the Prohibition causa what Owen Lovejov was to the abolition of slavery. '"" ; GERRETT SNYDER, PASTOR BELDEX AVE. PRESBYTERIAX CHURCH. The murder of Rev. G. C. Haddock. of Sioux City, Iowa, will greatly strengthen the temperance work. It is an exhibition of the spirit of the op posing party and a confession 01 its weakness. Murder is the devil s re sort whereby he always defeats his own ends. The causa of tuth and righteousuesrhas always gained ground . when some of its advocates have fallen as martyrs. Let us take courage and march into the forefront of the battle because we have received new assur aucc of gain and of final victory. 1 D. J. H0L3IES ; PASTOR STATE ; ST. M. E. '"..;- :': CHUPCH. :! .. S George C. Haddock was the prose cuting attorney in the trial of j,' W. Catheart, presiding elder of Appleton, District, Wis., conference in the year 1880. It was held m my church and lasted 5 weeks. - During that time G. C. Haddock was subjected to the vilest slanders and vituperation, print ed and verbal, so that it was a com mon remark that he, instead - of 'tho accused, - was on trial. Ho nevci flinched or gave sign of pain. If it is magnanimity to hide a wound he pos sessed it in a large dcqrec. lie had a well balanced lnmu. logical, argument tativc md enough imagination to illus trate and ornatneut truth. Ho was fearless and relentless in the advocacy of what he thought was right for t!1Q good of man. He has joined the . no ble army of martyr's; cut down iu J,; rich and solid'. vigor; the liquor tiaCk must answer for it.- The Lever,