ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1886. Wood Wanted Two foot wood an J stove wood wanted at The Review office on Sub scription. Bring in your wood, and do not let us freeze. Boometh. Crater Lake roads, Coos Bay railroads, water works, woolen mills, with a few more suggestive enterprises, such as a new school house, City park etc. etc., will make Roseburg loom in the near future. Dental Work. Have you any old teeth that wont fit, any teeth that needs fulling, or teeth extracted and a plate put in the next day? Our dentist, Dr. Davis, in Roseburg is the one to do it, cheaper and we guarantee as good as in Portland. To Remain. We are pleased to state that Mr. Pague, signal service officer at this place, received orders this week to remain perma nently at this station. Mr. and Mrs. Pague have taken quite an interest in our local soci ety here and are correspondingly appreciated. Bad Manners. This misbehavior at church almost every Sunday is a shame. Dear young people, you say that you go to the dance to learn manners, but you fail to prac tice at church what you claim to have learned in the dance room. We are sorry for you, will you desist? r A Curiosity. A botanical curiosity in a garden at Earling, Eng., is a rose tree whose blossoms are entirely green, the flowers, in fact, being composed of similar leaves to the ordinary foliage. This is evidently a reversion to the earlier stags of terrestrial plant-life in which flowers had not yet become special ised organs. ; A Good Word Roseburg held a meeting on the 14th inst. in the interests of a wagon road from that place to Crater lake. Wagon roads are the friends of the people- As the land becomes rich from crops allowed to re main upon it, so does a county gel rich by patronizing wagon roads lor they leave all the money paid out along them, among the people TffllfrCftll'rtW Courier. Sad Accident. One day this week while Oliver Vincent of Sam's valley was hauling wood near his place the rope attached to his brake bar broke the sudden jar throwing him to the ground and striking on his head, his neck was broken. . One of the hind wheels of the wagon also passed over his body but the first fall was no doubt the cause of his death. Deceased was over 50 years of age leaves a family. Oregon Sentinel. The Public School. The public school of Roseburg will be opened next Monday wilh a full corps of teachers. Remember that the school is free to all children who are residents ot this district and are between the ages of four and twenty years? If possible let your children commence with their classes at the beginning of the term. A thorough ed ucation received early best qualifies children for the responsibilities of life. Ill ill ..i I. .iim.i , - ... M Read This Too. The Umpqua River railroad project moves ahead in good Khar. Sufficient funds have been secured to com plete the survey, and it is hoped to have the surveyors in the field within ten days. The details of the organization of the company are not yet completed, but arc being arranged as 1.1st as possible. This enterprise sector to be touching the latent energies of our people; they arc taking hold of it wilh a will. Let the ball roll on. We must have a railroad to the coast. Drain Echo. - , Good Bye Abbie snd Maurice Abraham start this week for the University of Calilornia. Abbie lias a certificate from the faculty of the State University as to his proficiency, , andoth boys arc highly recommended by the University and the County Supt. F. W. Ben son. Abbie goes to take a scientific course, while Maurice will! complete the Commercial course. The efforts these boys arc making indicate that their future will reflect credit up on their parents and this community. We speak for these boys as being of good moral standing, and we have no reason to believe that they will give their teachers trouble Take our best wishes boys, for your success. Bang Went the Pistol. Last Wcdncs day week John A. Freeman and Win. Bush nell had an altercation upon Mr. Freeman's place in Ten Mile about some wheat, their blood got warm, and it seems Freeman struck or struck at Bushnell, whereupon Bushnell, drew a pistol and fired at Freeman. At this point parties interfered and no damage was done, for the bullet missed the victim. Bush nell was fined by Judge Gannon $15.00 and costs for carrying concealed weapons, and Mr. Bushnell was also bound over to the grand jury for shooting, in a bond of $200.00 which he gave, and Mr, Freeman confessed judgement for striking Bushnell, and was lined $10.00 and costs. When will civiliza tion learn to put away the pistol? Will we never learn anything? Small Souls. We once read of a man who was so stingy that he carried water and put it in his well to prevent it from running to waste. A woman was in the habit of washing dishes without soap in order to skim the water afterwards for the grease. An old man walked 23 miles to correct a mistake of one cent in his favor, then walked back and died from effects of exhaustion and exposure. We coald enumerate many similar cases but a word to the wise is sufficient. There are many whoare eking out a miserable existence on account of their avarice and penuriousness, who seem to be strangers to true econemy, or the enjoyment ol life. They are the reverse of the spendthrift. Those are extremists. If a man intends to give a penny for a charitable purpose, and through a mistake he gives $5, he only deserves, credit for a penny. L. C. Saunders Again. For several days, says the Albany Herald, Sheriff Smith and Richard son, Saunders' guard, have been aware that all was not going on as it should with the prisoner afj&J, and have been keeping a close watch over Saunders and tramp Jamison. Sat urday in searching through the straw of a bed- tick which they had taken out of the jail and emptied, they found a small saw, which had evidently been laid away by the prisoner for future use. The saw was a fine steel blade of the best make and had been used on one end, making it probable that it is the same saw with which Saunders cut his way out ot the jail in July. Three pieces of wood were also found, which had been fitted as handles for the saw blade and showed that they had been used. Sheriff Smith thinks these are the same tools Saunders used in sawing out, - and that he was only keeping them until a favorable opportunity oftered : to try it again. A few days ago, the sheriff stated a knife with the blade made into a saw and small file were also found concealed in the jail. The officers at present are keeping a close guard, . ana it is not likely that the Captain will lie able to saw his way out a second time. LOCAL BREVITIES. ' The wheat is rolling into town. Call on Win. Moore lor good melons. F. Cornutt was in our town last Saturday. School Booksr at Hamiton's Thermometers 15c at J. Jaskulek's bargain store. ' Full supply of school books at II. C. Stan ton's. The showers this week were light but re freshing. They say Coles Circus is the biggest thing out of doors. The fine shelving at Marsters' new drug store attracts attention. Assortment of grass seed of various kinds at II. C. Stantons. ' Fancy colored preserve sets 40c at J. Jasku lek's bargain slore. Cliarley Kohn was in our town (his week as happy as "a lark, , Croquet is becoming quite fashonable these autumnal evenings. If you want a pair of boots for $2.50 call at II. C. Stanton's. Twelve inch feather dusters 50c at J. Jask ulek's bargain store. Mrs. conductor Conscr has returned from the sea side at Coos Bay. A draught of liquid 6unshinc a cup of Mr. Abraham's "Sunbeam Tea." Thos.. Grisdale is pushing his Deer Creek bridge wilh all possible haste. Mr. John Farquar and lady spent last Sab bath visiting friends in Wilbur. From San Francisco returned this week Miss Delia Party after a pleasant visit, The assessed value of taxable Property of Corvallis is about one half million. Fancy colored individual butter plates 25c per set al J. Jaskulek's bargain store. The conqueror is slill the leading cigar in Oregon, J. Jaskulck agent for Roseburg. That Hacking Cocgh can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure, at S. Hamiltons. Col, J. C. Fullcrlon is having a new barn erected on his premises in West Roseburg. Cole's Circus and menagerie in town tomor row. Now do not crawl under the curtain. All kinds of School Station ary, at Hamilton's Drug store. Rev. J. R. N Bell will preach at Wilbur next Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. All invited There is no question but that times arc a little better, with prospects of more improve ment. "IIackmetack" a lasting and fragrant per. fume. Price 25 and fifty cents at S. Hamil tons. Miss Ida Hoxie swung around the circle via. the coast and Portland and came home this week. Medicated spectacles and eyeglasses the great remedy for weak eyes, just received at J. Jask ulek's. . Our typos have returned well pleased with their trip, we had almost thought they had "skipped." La Flor de Oregon cigars at Barker & Willis', the best in the market. Go and try one at once. J. W. Dowcll will have a fine lot of his water melons in tow n the fourth, don't fail to give him a call. For good melons go to darker & Willis who keeps some of J. W. Dowcll's fine water melons on hand. t - ' A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at S. Hamilton's Shiloh's Cure wiil immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. S, Hamilton agent. Cassius Caddis of Oakland gave us a sub stantial call this week, he having spent last Sunday in our town. Rev. E. Gittins will preach at Oakland next Sunday morning and evening. All are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. J. C. Lamkin and two children of Ilillsboro is visiting her uncle, Mr. G. J. Call ahan in French Settlement. Hon. Hyman Abraham is among us this week, and his shadow grows no less, while his friends appreciate him more. If the Mechanics Fair expects to succeed well it should advertise as the State fair has done. Advertise is the word. For the prompt and certain cure of erysipelas uu: Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the specific endorsed by eminent medical authorities. The board of equalization has been in session all week, and thus far but few changes have been made in the assessment rolls. Mrs. T. R. Sheridan and children came home last Saturday, and per consequence the County Clerk is jubilant and pleasing. If you are starling housekeeping or replen ishing your kitchen, remember the household department at J. Jaskulek's bargain store. Simon Caro is now in San Francisco pur chasing a large stock ot goods for the fall and winter trade. They are determined to lead. Geo. Hoover of Mcdford, stopped over a few days in our town to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hoover on his way to Portland. II. L. Murlon who has been sojourning in California for some time, returned last Tues day looking fine and fresh. WTe greet you Harry. W. T. Feet of Eugene at present, and one of the principals who founded the Douglas county bank in Roseburg was with us this week. Rain has accomplished in Belfast what neither bayonets nor clubs do clear the streets. The Irishman hates to get wet out side. West side. Look at the Camas Valley Saw mill ad this week, these men intend to do what they say. Try them and sec. - Fred Douglass is said to be very jealous of his position as the only greatest negro on earth, and so hb advice goes to keeping other colj lorcd men in the dark. - The Annual Fire Association of Oregon and Washington Ty. meet in Salem, Sept. 8th and continues three days. Roseburg is en titled to two delegates. The M. E. parsonage has been renovated from base to turret, and looks as neat as a new pin, and will be duly appreciated by the preacher when he comes. Mrs. Geo. Jones of Portland is in our city visiting her husband who is head carpenter on the Marster's building. She will remain some days to visit friends also. Are You Made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, 1 ellow skin? Shiloh s italizer is a positive cure. . S. Hamilton agent. Why Will Ycu cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relict J'nce 10 cts., 50 cts., and $1. at S. Hamilton's. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a- positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth. S. Hamilton agent. Miss Mignon Cawlfield, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce her sister, returned this week from Marshfield. Mrs. Bruce will remain sometime visiting her parents in this city. Miss Ella Ragon, our much esteemed corres pondent, came home from Gardiner this week. Miss Ella has been teaching very successfully in that section for a year or more. - Sarah A. Taylor, room 16" Central hotel desires to work by the day or week at a rea sonable price. Those desiring house work done can apply at the Central Hotel. Will H. Parry formerly of the West Side takes control of the Corvallis Gazette, and will no doubt make it sparkle as he did the West Side. Will, here is our t3" sink or swim. Ed. Snooks just finished two fine pieces of plastering forMesscrs Fullerlon and Bell this week. No belter workman in this line ever pressed a trowel or whisped a brush in Roseburg. Mrs. JohnjChase is quite sick, Mr. Chase was telegraphed lor Wednesday to Salem whither he has gone to attend the funeral of Ids mother. Surely Johnny is having a serious time at present.- The Fifth Annual Announcement of the Drain Academy is at hand, and we feel sure, with the ability of the faculty and the appre ciative patronage, that a good year is' now be fog entered upon. ' Malarial poisons can be entirely removed from the system by the use of Aycr's Ague Cure, which contains a sure specific, in the form of a vegetable product, used in no other remedy. Warranted. A nine year old son of Thos. Kusscll on Roberts creek had the misfortune to . break his right arm below the elbow a few days ago, by falling off of a tetering board. The boy is doing very well howeyer. Our friend Hon. C. B. Wilcox has flung his shingle to the breeze in Oakland. See his card under head of new this week. We are sorry to give you up, but do most cordi ally bespeak your success in your new home. D. S. K. Buick, of Roseburg, who went cast with the exhibition car, writes from Min neapolis that the car and its contents attract great attention everywhere. Al the Minnesota State Fair it was almosMhe main attraction. The car is now at Oskaloosa, Iowa. We met our old friend, Jo3 Clough yester day, and asked him if he Jntendcd stopping in town until after the circus. Well! said he, do you think that I would miss Cole's circus after stoping at Champaign's two weeks wait ing for its arrival? Not much. jCorvallis college has sent out an excellent catalogue, and J. T. Cooper's son, Russell, oj Wilbur, has taken an appointment made by Hon. John H. Shupefor a course in the above named school. There are more vacancies yet that worthy young men could have by making application. Geo. Taylor is stopping at the McClallen house and will remain until after Sunday, he has some excellent recommends lor his 7 oaks medicine in Oregon, we personally know quite a number on his circular who has given their testimonials. It is for rheumatism, neuralgia, sick headache &c. E. Moore has relumed from the sea side and being in good health and excellent spirits will sell the Bain wagons at a very reasonable price, also he will sell hacks, buggies and im plements of husbandry at his brick store in Roseburg Oregon, to alf his customers both old and new. Come running, but don't fall. During the six years since July 1, iSSo, ac cording to state censuses compiled by the Railroad Gazette, the population of the United States has increased 9,800,000 giving a present total of 59,961,000. The same ratio of increase being maintained during the ensuing four years, will give to the country in 1S90 a population of 66,300,000. "Simmons Liver Regulator has done me more good than all the physic I ever took. I suffered from indigestion for the last five years, at last I was induced to try the Regulator by Dr Thos, Mason, and it cured me. I am a painter by trade, and suffered with lead colic; since taking the Regulator I do not suffer at all. A. P. Tripod, Master Painter, Macon, Ga." another bond call. Washington, Aug. 30. The following circular was issued by the treasury department this afternoon: "Notice is hereby given that on the 15th of September, 1S86, oral anytime prior thereto, the department will redeem at the treasury of the United States, in the city of Washington, or at the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, paying par and accrued interest to date of redemption, any uncalled United Stales 3 per cent bonds to an amount not exceeding $10,000,000. Bonds forwarded to Washingten for redemption should be ad dressed to secretary of the treasury, division of loan, Washington, and all bonds should, be assigned to the secretary of the treasury for re demption." CIRVVS AXD PARADE SATURDAY'. Saturday morning Cole's Collossal circus will reach Roseburg, During the morning the usual parade will take place through the principle streets followed by the two-perform- ances, aitcrnoon anu evening. ..uoie s circus was here two years ago and was then voted the best and most orderly cunducted one that ever visited Roseburg. Everybody is waiting lor the promised visit when a genuine festivag under canvas will be enjoyed by old and young. Mr. Cole never deceives the public, , what he promises on paper will be found under his tents. During the past winter we have had two agents in Enrope engaging novelties for this season loremost among whom are the famous Silbon family without doubt the peers of any gymnast ever on the coast. Dr. Carver the wonderful rifle shot and his band cowboys, Indians and Mexicans and a Ro man hippodrome with a stud of $20,000 run ning horses and all new features. The show is in short a wide and deep departure from the conventional circus. Even to the .older inhabitant there is a charm about going to the circus, getting a front seat on the bottom row and with feet on the sawdust telling the rising Generations how things were when they ; went to the circus in the days long ago, and to im press upon the youthful seeker alter innocent pleasure the wonderful improvement made in the saw dust ring and in the general conduct of the employees of the present day. , Bring all the little ones and see the grand parade at 10 o'clock. Proper Treatment far I'oupft That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Cough and Lung Syrup, we will say that Tar and Wild Cherry is the basis of the best remedies yet discovered. These ingredients with others equally as effica cious, enter largely into Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the market. . Price 50 cts and $1.00. ton. Samples free. Sold by S, Ham DISPATCHES. CHICAGO SHAKEN. Lightning Strikes a Powder Magazine in the Suburbs- SURROUNDINGItOUSES ruined. Several Persons Killed and Fatally Injured The Sliock Creates panic In ChurcltA Scene of Ruin. Chicago, Aug. 29. At-9:15 o'clock this morning, in the midst o( a heavy thunder storm a powder magazine belonging to the Laflin & Rand Powder company was struck by light ning. An explosion followed which destroyed property valued a $75,000, besides killing one person almost instantly, fatally injuring four and contributing painful injuries to nearly twenty-five others. The combined efforts of a hard fought battle a cyclone and the withering influence of light ning could not have presented more abject des olation and destruction than did the country for half a mile in all directions from the ex ploded magazine. The day had opened gloom- At 8 o'clock rain began falling furiously from immense banks of clnuds. . Flashes ol lightning were soon cliasing each other across the whole firmament, until the heavens seemed ablaze. The thunder was deafening. Alout 9:15 a flash, "which all agree was much brighter than those preceding, was fol lowed by a report thai shook the greater part of Cook county. - It was a sharp report, but strange to say, by most of those who lived in the vicinity of the explosion it was hardly dis tinguishable from the scries of thunder claps which had been the order of the morning. There was a tremendous shaking of the earth, and articles of furniture, not stationary, were thrown about rooms as if they were playthings in giants' hands. Men, women and children were tossed around at will by the terrible re sistless force released by the explosion. AN EARTHQUAKE. Wild Alarm Caused in Cities- FROM ONE TO THREE all the . Eastern SHOCKS FLT. People Ereryu-here Rush from their homes and beds into the SireetsA lily Stare, trlth Little Damage. AT WASHINGTON. Washington, Aug. 31. At 9:55 o'clock to-night the desks in the associated press office in the Corcoran building . began to vi brate in a peculiar but unmistakable manner that suggested an earthquake. A few min utes later the janitor reported that the upper stories of the building were rocking back and forth, and the night manager of the Western Union telegraph office made a similar an nouncement, with the additional information that the clock on the western wall of the room had stopped. A telephone message from a gentleman connected with the associated press office, who lives on Massachusetts avenue, and from other points in the city, reported that or naments on mantel pieces were rattling. The telegraph operator fo Atlanta a few minutes before this had notified the Washington oper ators that the shake was coming, and to look out for it, but no attention was paid to the warning, as it was regarded as a joke. Two shocks occurred. The second shock was of longer duration and more severe than the first, and a few seconds later. It wis felt in all parts of the city, and created considera ble consternation. Several meetings in progress in various parts of the city were broken up by frightened members thinking the buildings were falling aad rushing from the halls into the streets. THE EARTHQUAKE FORETOLD. Washington, Aug. 31. -Officials of the signal service bureau report that four distinct shocks were felt here. The first began at 9:15 and lasted forty seconds. The second shock was felt at 10:04, and was followed by another at 10:10, and by a fourth at 10:30. Prof. Ca- pen, weather prophet of this city, predicted in the Republican several days ago that a terrific earthquake shock would be repealed alxnit this date. He says that it is possible that there will be another about 2 o'clock to morrow morning. When the shock came to-night Ca pen was in the Republican office writing his predictions for to-morrow. As soon as the building began to shake the reporters and compositors on the Republican and the Post, which are in the same building, all ran, but Mr, Capcn remained at his desk in blissful ig norance of the fact that his prediction had been fulfilled . Scvellon Brown, chief clerk in the state de partment, was in Albaugh's opera house when the stampede occurred, and it is probably due to his presence of mind that no lives were lost. When the panic took possession of the galleries Mr. Brown stood up in his box and shouted to the people to keep their seats. From one to three shocks were felt in many cities of the east and south, wc mention only a few Cincmatti, Augusta, Chicago, Richmond Va., Louisville, Savanah, Memphis, St. Louis, Milwaukee, New York, Charleston, Mobile, Baltimore, C'hatanotiga, Nashville, Lynchberg, and Charlotte N. C. - EUROPE'S PERIL. Gloomy Prediction of the Greatest War 0 the Century. New York, Aug. 31. The Times' London correspondent telegraphs: To-night I learn details of what the world is likely to learn. much to its interest, wilhin a few days. . The conclusion my informant draws from is that the gTeat war of the century is close at hand. The facts come in part from a gentleman who dined at Jugerheim with Bamberger's father on Saturday night, and in part from a diplomat temporarily here for the purpose of consulta tion. At the Franzenbad intcryiew M. De- giers urged Prince Bimark earnestly to pre vent Tnnce Alexander's return to Bulgaria. Bismarck declined to commit himself, took the matter ad referendum and shortened the interview most abruptly, and a great amount of telegraphing to Vienna, London and Con stantinople ensued. Whether M. Degiers got an answer beforo his unexpectedly hasty de parture is not known, but the result was that Prince Alexander was not restrained from going to Bulgaria. WAR CONSIDERED INEVITABLE It is believed to be certain that the pressure of Germany, Austria and England has gained lurkey over once more, and that tne porte will authorize Alexander as tributary prince to enter Macedonia, subdue it and incoiporate it as part of his dominions held under the porte with a view of the eventual formation of the kingaom 01 unrgana, vgainst this plan is set the practical certainty that Russia will at tempt to occupy Bulgaria, w hen she w ill be resisted by Turkey, Roumania, Bulgaria, and Austria. This will enable Germany to hold aloof, keep France in awe and satisfy the kaiser, whose scruples have long delayed a collision between the Teuton and the Musco vite. My lniormant lays great stress upon the strength and sufficiency of these scruples but believes the kaiser, . in wrath at " the piratical indignity offered Prince Alexander, has consented to let Austria and Turkey un dertake the task of chastisement. , ' Short and heated diplomatic work is com; ing. tngiand is believed to be ready to assume the lead, and it is far more probable than U was Saturday that evidentually she will take a band in the fight. It is a serious fact that tbejmost trusted men in the English for eign service believe lo-nigltf that war is foevi table. Two war correspondents on London papers si ;:- 31. E art for Bulgaria to-morrow. church APPOIXTMEXTS. -.' ' Ill .Mi-M Portland , District.- Presiding elder, W. S. Harrington, D. D. Amity, E. S. Craven;; Astoria, first church, O. B. W'hit- more; Astoria, Scandinavian, to be supplied; Cornelius, 11, li. fclworlhy; Dayton, II. L. Post; East Portland, I. D. - Driver; Forest Grove, F. A. Hull; Hillsboro, C. M. Bryan; Hnbbard, W. T. Chapman; Jefferson, W. T. VanscoyV Lafayette, J. E. Connor; McMinn- ville, HJ P. Satchwell; Mount Tabor, John Parsons Oregon City, B. E, Case; Oswego, M. C. Baker; Portland city mission, to be supplied; Chinese Mission, Chan Hun Fan; Grace Church, E. W. Caswell; Hall Street Church, G. M. Fierce; Scandinavian Church, C. N. Hangc; Taylor Street Church, Wm. M. Mullenix; Powell valley, B. J. Sharp; St. Helens, jS. L. Lee; Salem, M. C. Wire; Salem circuit,". II. Wood; Scio, C. Alderson; Sell wood, toj be supplied; Sheridan, F. H.Stimp son; Tillamook, to be supplied; Turner, to be supplied '; by B. R. Freeland: Viola, ., Fi P, jTower, endowment agent for Willam ette University. ":. Wr. F.Vanspyv" president ol Willamette Uutiivcrsity. v.V-'J''"'":' N. A. Starr, professor Willamette university. N Dbane, theological lecturer in Willam ette uniycrsity. - . Eugene City District. Presiding elder, S. "P.-wison; Albany, II. P. Webbr Ashland Walton kipworlh; Brownsville, J."M. Swee ney; Corvallis, J. T. " Wolfe; Dallas, Martin Judy; Drain, G. M. Dimmttt; Empire City,! Irad Richardson; Eugene City, A. C. Fair child; Grant's Tass, John Mclnlire; Jackson ville circuit, W. P. Williams; Klamath Indian mission, to be supplied; Lebanon, to be sup plied; Monroe, T, F, Royal; Roseburg, J. W. Miller; Shedd and Halsey, N. M. Skipworth; Springfield, Rcbert Booth; Wilbur, Edward Gittens; Yaquina Bay, Wallace Hurlburt. rM. G.; Royal, president of Ashland college. - Tt.L- Jones, endowment agent of Drain academyj T. L, Sails, financial agent of Ashland Collece. German District. Presiding elder, I. Bonn; Bickleton circuit, to be supplied; Port land, F. fconn; Southcrn'Mission, A. II. Sun dermatK cattle, John Bracner; Spokane cir cuit, to be1 supplied; Tacoma, to be supplied; Walla W!alla, A. Esslinger. Oak Grore Stems. Mr. Geo. Stephenson and wife, have re turned from their trip oyer the mountains. Mr. John Steel and lady of Roseburg are visiting jat the grove, the guesls of G . W. Wonacott. . Mr. Henry Smith and family have gone to visit the Wonderland. Who will be next to bill for Crater lake. Pcoplej who have farms for sale would do well to advertise them, as there are buyers constantly passing through the country. . Harvesting for the season has ended in our part of tlie country, the yield was good ami quality fcood. Results, everybody happy. Capt. Wright ol Mo. passed through our town a few days ago, looking for a location. The Capfc. likes our country and will locale in Douglas county. Mrs. Susan Smith has rented her valuable ranch to jfohn Steel of Roseburg, who will take charge the 1st of October. We regret to loose Mrs. Smith 'from our circle, but what will be obr loss will be Roseburg's gain. The Crater lake boom has excited some of our most energetic people to acting. Mr. Ed. Ruckles, John Hervey Jr., and Johnie VanBureh have just returned from Crater lake and express themselves as leing highly pleased with the country. And now Mr. Editor this is all wc will write this time but will tell you more when we come'down to Cole's circus. X. X. Gardiner Items. The cannery on the island is running day and night. - For the first time this summer there arc no schooners in port, several are due. W. F. jjewett's new residence is nearly com pleted and is quite an ornament to our town . Miss Ragon, who has been teaching school on Smith! river for the past yjbar, has returned to her home in Roseburg. I The many friends ol Henry Wade will lie glad to.kpow that he has recovered so far from his late illness that he is able to attend tobusi" ness again. Mr. West Reed, one of the mill hands, met wilh a pninlul accident last week by getting his hand ibctween two heavy rollers in the gang edger and narrowly escaped getting his arm amongest the saws. Dashing Wave. Write again Ed n'hal Was OOscrced. A gentleman spending the sabbAlh in Rose burg was asked by a friend what he had ob served during the day. His answer was, I have observed three or four; things: 1st, I observed that you claim a population of 1500 people. 2nd, that you claim to have in your city 635 children of school age. 3d, I saw at the Mel hodist Sunday school just 3S people including three visitors. : 4th, , I saw at the Presbyterian Sunday school in the afternoon just 43 people including three visitors. 5th, I I saw at the Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock service, Rev. Mr. Smick, Pastor, just 60 peo ple and this was the only place in the city where there was preaching. Cjuerry; where were the rest of your people? Observer. State Board of Examination. From a circular letter issued by the State Superin tendent of Public Instruction it is ascertained that the following members comprise the State Board of Examination. j; Wi' Johnson, A. M of Slate University Eugene City. W7 D. Lyman, A. M., Pacific University, Forest Grove. T. M. Gatch, rh. D.'i W'asco Independent Academy, The Dalles. I J. E. Payton, Ex-County Superin tendent! Baker County, Baker City. Thomas Van Scoy, A.M., Willamette Unhrcrsity, Salcuwf B. J. Hawthorne, A. M, State University, Eugene City.- T 11. Craw ford,' A. M., City Superintendent Pub lic Schools. Portland. ' I, W. rratt. Princi pal of I I Iarrison : Street School, Portland T. W. Merritt. Ex-Principal Public Schools, Jacksonville. D. V. S. Reid, County Super intendent Linn County, Albany. J. B. Horneri,' A. B. Principal Public Schools, Roselnirg. J. B. Horner is the only holler of a state life diploma in Douglas county. FIRE MEET1XG. response to previous call a number of the citizens of Roseburg assembled at the Court house last Tuesday evening at half past seven to consider and devise means of pro tecting the city against the , danger of fire. The meeting was presided over by II. C. Stanton the President of the Board of Trus tees"who briefly stated the object and impor tance of the meeting. , T. Ford City Recorder acted as secretary. After considerable dis cussion committees were appointed as follows: First, to consider the means and plans of supplying thetity with water. Hon. W. F. Benjamin, Aaron Rose and L. F. Lane; said committee to acl in conjunction with the com mittee on fire and water of the Board of Trus tees. Second, to consider the best and most practicable apparatus 'for extinguishing fire and to tscertain cost.of the same, T. R. Sher idan, John Chase, Chas. L. Hadley, L. "A. sanctuary and r . lolles. Both committees were instructed to report to an adjourned meeting to be held Tuesday evening, Septem bcr 14, 1886. It was ordered that at said meeting propositions to amend the city char ter be submitted as follows: To increase the power of the Board of Trustees to levy tax from 3 to 10 mills. To iucrease the power to create debts or liabilities from $2,000 to $10,000. The meeting then adjourned until Sept. 14, 18S6, 7:30 r. m. at which time a full attendance is expected . . , )' T. Ford, . I . Secretary. . . - i. 1, A Oeutle Stimulus. Is imparled ( to the kidneys and bladder by Hosteller's Stomach Bitlters, which is most useful in overcoming torpidity of these organs. Besides infusing more activity into them, this excellent tonic endows them with additional vigor, and enables them the better to undergo the wear and tear of the discharging function imposed upon them by nature. MorPov'er, as they are the channel for the escape of certain impurities from the blood, increase their u?e- fulness by strengthening and healthfully stim ulating them. In certain morbid conditions of these important organs, they fall into a slug gish slate, ' which is the usual percursor of disease What then can be ol creater service than a medicine which impels them to greater activity when slothful? No maladies are more perilous than those which affect the kidneys, and a medicine which averts the peril should be highly eslccme J. ' i HOP XOTES. R. M. Rose, ot New York, in the interest zl the hop firm of D. Wilber& Sun, ol Mil- ford, N. V., is in Tacoma. Seattle Piess: Joseph Geiger, of AUlerton, lias contracted with L. F. Thompson lor 10,000 pounds ol hops, the crop of 18S7, and with J. Vf Stewart for 20,000 pDunds, 10,000 of which arc for the crop of 1SS7 and 10,000 for the crop of 18S8. According to the customary manner of con trading for hops, three per cent of the pur chase price is paid previoue to the time of picking, and yesterday there was paid out to the hop-growers of the White and Green rivers some $10,000 on this account. ; Puyallup. Two more hop-buyers are here, one from Seattle and the other from New York. L. F. Thompson purchased in Puyallup, Tuesday, 25,000 pounds of hops for which he paid 28 cents per pound. A large number of white people will com mence picking hops Monday on some of the early lota. Indians arc coming up the river, and large camps of them are to be seen along the Fuyallup." i WEATHER REPORT. Roreburg, Or. Mean Barometer... Highest Barometer. Lowest Barometer. . Month of August, 18S6 29.977 i 30-I35 29.823 aiontniy Kange ol liaromcler. 312 Mean Temperature. . '. 66.2 Highest Temperature! 93.8 Lowest Temperature .!...... 46. 1 Monthly Range Temperature 47.7 Greatest Daily Range of Temp 41.2 Least Daily Range of Temp ; 9.7 Mean Daily Range of Temp 29.5 Mean Daily Dew-point 50.9 Mean Daily Relative Humidity 61.3 Prevailing Dir. of Wind Northwest Total Movement of Wind Miles .... 2008. Highest Veloc. Wind & Dir. 13 N. W. Total Precipitation. No. of Foggy Days .'. o. " "Clear " ...20. " " Fair " 10. " "Cloudy 1. No. of days Which Rain or Snow Fell o. Dates of Solor llalos 4th-26th. Dates of Lunar llalos None. ( Light... None. Dates of Frosts-? V Killing ..None. Dates ofThunderstorms. o. B. S.lPAGrE, ' i Observer, Signal Corps U. S. A. NOTICE. Is heruby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Sol. Abraham and George Tarrant under the name of Tar ant & Co. with principal place of business atTGIcudale Orrgon has this day by mutual consent been desolvod . Dated at Roseburg, Oregon Aug. 30, 188G. j Geo. Tarrant, , i. Sol Abraham. ssroTrcxs- The undersigned warns all persons to keep off his, (the Lcnherr place) at all times. A violation ol this notice will incur the penalties of the law without fear or favor. j Henry Miller, NOTICE Is hereby given that I have sold uiy drug business to1 tny son W. S. Hamil ton. All accounts due me must be settled at once bv cash or note. j S. Hamilton. loselurjr, Or. August 13, 1886. NOTICE To all whom it may concern, my wife having left my bed' and board without cause or provocation I hereby warn all persons not to trnst her as I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. I F. COKXVTT. tlOLIX CLASS. Prof. Gillam ol this city is about to organ' ize a violin class j where instruction on that instrument can be Bad at reasonable terms Mr. Gillam is a thorough musician and an excellent teacher, who will give hj time and talent to Jhose wishing to learn to play on this noble instrument. Ffir particulars apply at Chase & Ford's CIIISESE WEDDING. Wah To teatls to the Hymeneal Altar a Itlashlna Malilen of the Celestial - Kingdom Tfte Wetlding -Uttttes. Corvallis society was much agitated on Wred nesday by the announcement f the approach fog nuptials of Mr. Wah Yo and Miss Gip Lee, of the Celestial Empire of China. The bride came from Portland on the noon train and was carried in a ctosely covered hack to the store of Jim Westfall, where the ceremony was to lake place. The coming of the bride was greeted by the popping of 'fire crackers and bursting of bombs; for which; the gathered friends of the couple had obtained a special dispensation ' from Marshal Pygall. Two bridesmaids assisted in taking the bride, closely veiled, from the vehicle and conducting her into the house. The ceremony was announced to take place in the evening at 9 o'clock. Before 5 o.'clock all the Chinamen in town had gathered in adjoining rooms to partake of the feast prepared in honor of the occasion. A Leader reporter got admitted to the festivities. round tables loaded with chicken rice and rats, and innumerable viands, were the happy revelers. A curious game was in progress at the tables. Two Chinamen would throw out their hands in a series of quick ges tures, keeping perfect time, calling out in Chinese something like "sop yo ya he." and opening and closing the fingers. The game, evidently, was to make no mistake in opening the right finger. When one made a mistake the penalty was for him to take a drink of iquor out of a tiny cup I suppose the hard hip of the penalty lay in the small amount ol liquor such a cup would hold.) One fellow got "stuck' so often as to lead to the sunposi tion that he enjoyed it. At the appointed time, the ceremony of the marriage began in the presence ot a crowd of people. The bride knelt upon the floor in front of the groom and a lively dialogue was carried on between them, two bridesmaids joining in the chatter. Then the bride threw a key to the happy lord which he caught on the fly, and they were man and wife. The lady was hurried to her apartment and the groom went to the door and fanned himself. This reporter, in the forenoon, by invitation went through the rooms which are to be the future home of the newly wedded pair. They were decorated with vases of artificial flowers, agd images of lovers hanging about in various stages of "goneness." The bed was enclosed wilh white curtains and a teestcr of linen over head. The coverlid was finely cmbelished, and betokened the wealth and social standing of the parties. The festivities ended with the firing of bombs and a sweet serenade by the Corvallis cornet band. It is said the bride cost her husband three hundred dollars, and she was only fifteen years old. The frolic must have cost that much more. Thus ended the greatest social event of the season. Benton Leader NECROLOGY. Robert Bogges, of Deer creek was born in Hairison county West Virginia, October 12th 1823, and departed this life August 25th 1886 aged nearly 63 years. The disease causing his death was cancer of the stomach. The subject of this sketch was never married. He had one brother, Thomas, and one sister, Mrs. Sam Robinson of San Diego California, and one cousin in Albany Oregon, Edwin Robinson, these were all the relatives 4hc had in this country. Robert and Thomas formed the Bogges Bros, firm, and they lived for many years together, and when Thomas was married in 1S68, Robert slill lived and consti tuted one ol the household until the day of his death. The funeral services were largely at tended, and were conducted by Revs. J. R. N. Bell, W. A. Willis and W. A. Smick. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev, J. R. N. Bell. Thus was laid to rest one of Doug las county's best citizens. A man of integrity, probity and genuine bearing, which made him one of earth's noblemen. "He expressed his desire to die and be at rest. The vacant seat around the fireside will not be filled. Hope whisicrs there is a place where no pattings are known. The sympathies of the community at large go out for the bereaved. May wc all get safely home al last. HEFTY. Lart week un Smith river o thU coun ty Mr. Thomas Hefty of liver complaint. The deceased was formerly a resident of tins city. About a year ago he fiioved with his family to Smith river hoping he might re ccive what benefits there might be in a change of climate. He leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his lass. To All Whom It 2Iay Concern. Notice is hereby given that an application lor the pardon of Joseph Russell convicted of the crime of manslaughter at the May 1884 term of the Circuit Court ot Douglas county will ie presented 10 tiis txceiiency tiovemor Moody on Tuesday, the 26jh day of October, 1886. Wm. Russell. July 12, 1S86 WIVK3! MOTHERS! DAUGHTERS! Db Yot'K Ows PuvmciAx! A lady who for years uf fcred torments worse than death from Uterine trou bles, Trolajwus, Leucorrhoca, Suppression, tx. so common among our Wive, Mothers aud Daujfhtcrg and had despaired ot bciinf cured, fiualy found rem cdieg which completely cured her after all else bad ailed. Any lady can use the remedies and cure herself, without bcin subjected to a lncdica exam' ination. From gratitude she will send fuee, Recijw and full directions scaled Address (with stamp) Mrs W. C. Holmes, C58 Broadway, Kew Yor Miraculous Escape. W. W. Reed, druggist; of Winchester, Ind. writs: One of my customers, Mrs. Louisa Pike, Barlonia, Randolph Co.,Ind., was long sufferer wilh Consumption, and was given up to di by her physicians. She heard of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and began buying it of me. In six months' time she walkd to this city, a distance of six miles, and ts now so much improved she has quit using it. She fls she owes her life to it. Trials Bottles free at A. C. Marsters Drug Store. v- . A GRAXD OFFER. Given away 1 A premium that is a pre mium. 1 bis announcement is ot interest to every American citizen the most magnani mous offer ever made by any newspaper. The New York World, the greatest newspaper on this continent. Circulation over 1,300,000 conies a week. Presents free to every yearly subscriber to its weekly edition (price $ per year,) its History of the United States, nouna in leatherette tree can, gilt, and con taining twenty-two fine engravings. This dainty book of 320 i2mo pages is indispensa ble to every one as a work of quick and con- venient t elerence. It is printed on good pa per, with wide margins, and is a prize for a bibliophile. If preferred, the history will be sent by mail at the subscriber s risk, when ten cents extra is forwarded to prepay pos tage. Clubs will afind the express "cheaper and single subscribers the mail. Subscript tions taken at The Review office,. OAKLAXli ITEMS. ; Grain coming to town daily, ; The cleaner started up on Monday. ; A. F. Brown, wife and son Joseph returned overland Saturday from a visit to their son Fred at Soled ad, California. , 1 Dr. Dimmick and party who are now over on the coast are expected home Friday or Saturday. Thos. Baker and family who have been over on the river has again moved back to town to send his children to the winter term of school. Jas. Hutchinson spent Monday and Tuesday in Roseburg. -, We are happy tosee Charley Hall able to be among us again after having an attack of fever. m C, B. Wilcox has located at this place and will follow his profession. W'e are glad to have such an addition p our town." Charley is long and favorably known in our commit- nity. An infant child ofj. S. Beckley's died Tuesday night and was buried on Wednesday afternoon. . , Mrs. E. J. Sulherlin and family left for Eugene city by Thursday's train and will school ber children at that place. Mr. Willard nfw occupies Mrs. E. I. Suth- etlins residence. Jack Howard aad wife arc visidng Mm. J. C. Hutchinson. Wallic Freyer is again among us after help ing harvest at Elkton. Smith Bailey has gone to Coos county to attend the Fair. . Louis Kruse and Jimmy McFarland have started out on their new work canvassing for books, wc all wish the boys success for such enterprising young men of our neighborhood should be lent a helping hand. G. T. Russell is now handling the mail at the Oakland Post office, the deputy post mas ter being engaged at his warehouses, clean- ing wheat, while the principle Post mas ter is industriuosly looking alter his cattle in terests. Duplex. MARKET REPORT. Portland. Wheat. Per ctl 1,30125 Flour. Standaad, perbbl... $3.6o(f3.So Beans. Small whites, per ctl. 2.254.50 Butter. rcr P, choice. .... asoc Cheese. Per lt, choice 1 1 13c Eggs. rerozo. .-. jc Lard. Per lb -. 67c Oatmeai Per ctl ... '. $3.50 Cornmeau Per ctl $2.75 Cracked rYiiEAT. Per ctl. . . $3.00 Buckwheat Fi.ouk Per ctl. $4.00 Rye Flour Per ctl ..... $4.00 Potatoes Per bu 70 80c Sweet Potatoes Per ft.... 23c Chickens Per doz . . . . ..$2.50(0.2.75 Ducks Pc. doz..... ........ $3. 504.50 Geese Per doz.... $45.50 Turkeys Fertti....... io(Siic Salt Per ton... $i82o Sugar Per h 68c Middlings Per ton.... .... $20(225 Ground Barley Per ton... $2i23 Oats rer Im.....' 1 ." 3537c Hay Perton.... .......... $79 Hops Per lb. 20 25c ' Ham and Bacon Per lb ... . 7 1 2c Dried Apples Per lb 5c ' " Peaches Per H. . . 10c ; ". . Plums Per lb....... fC " ' Prunes Per lb...... " Se Molasses V gal .......... . $ ec Brooms V doz $2.59(6.50 Grain BaggsU lb icK&io.Jfc Bran ton - $i2(S 14 PICKLES I? keg. . ......... $1. 10I.5O Hominy tctl $3.00 Seeds Wholesale to farmers & ctl., red clover $15; alfalfa $H; white clover $20: alsike $32; timothy, prtmc $6.00; Kentucky blue grass, extra clean $12; perennial blue grass $15; red top $12; orchard grass $16; mesquite $8 to $10 rer ctl. Spices tT lb, peper i8&25c; mustatd 18c: ginger iSc; cinnamon 27c nutmeg 30c; sage 30c. Tropical Fruits Lemons io$(g 12 I case bananas $4; cocaanuts $S; oranges $4.50 5.00 f hundred. jlpsEBURG Market. . Wheat, bu Flour, ? sack... .. Beans, lb. 55n:6oc $1.00 4C 25c 20c t2jC 9c 8c 3c 6c 75c $79 22c 8I2C 4 ' IOC 6c 8c $5 $2.50 Butter, 1b..t..... Cheese, lb Eggs, doz... , Lard, ft... Oatmeal $ lb '. Cornmcal, ? lb. Cracked Wheat, t lb. . . Potatoes, l?bu.. Oats, bu.. ....... T......... Hay, t? ton , Wool, I? lb... Ham and Bacon, ft Dried Apples tt " Peaches................ " Plums "Prunes......... Bran, f ton Chickens, t? doz . ............. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Naturo Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit wmtoAy imy ilfmiterTf at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remody known, to cleanse tne syttern; to act on the Liver, Kidney and' Bowels ccn- tly but thoroughly; to uispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation Indigestion and kindred -il's. 9 m-m m i i Cu re for Plies. . Piles are frequently precededby a scnoa of weight in the back, loins aad lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose be has anecuon of the kidneys or neigh boring organs. At times, symptoms of in digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers piration, producing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a common attend ant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Boaanco a Us remedy, which acta directly upon the parts effected, absorbing the tu mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cent. Address, Tbe Dr. Bosanoo Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. is Its Delicacy of Placer. And the efficacy of its acition have rendered the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syr up of figs, immensely popular. It cleanses and tones np the clogged and feverish system, and dispels Headaches. Colds and Fevers, for sale by S. Hamilton . . . Farmers and Mechanics. Save money and doctor bills. Reliev your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely pur- fllHiAftfrif. TLw:-inl i-.. C.,,,-.V. rA T v,n.C.,m ' v. 9 .UUI 1 Mini 11 JJ 1U' best remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. Relieves Children of Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Price 50 cts. arid $ . Sampls, free. Sold by S. Hamilton, .