ROSEBDRG REVIEW leeu saU!,fact0Ii,y tlied aie those in FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1886, few no tr assa Yisa is doxe. i Our When one of our young friends fool ishly hands a nickel over the counter I for some black-jack he does it with an air of indifference knowinjr that nickle are in abundance is found in one of our adjacent hills. All of this may also be said of cold. The other day Mr. Will Q. Brown showed us some quart from the Yellow Jacket mine near Doe creek . of this countv. As all quartz differs more or les3 in aODear- ance this was very much unlike any thing of the kind we had ever seen. or The streaks of greon indicated thepres- cnco of copper, so to be sure of it, he rubbed his wet knife blade on the green until the steel was - coated with copper. Ho also placed the mineral in such proximity to the writer's Jong m probosis that the scent f copper was easily detected'. It soon became evi dent that it was the verdict - of the assayer to assay the ouartz for gold antl Hilvev. : The lobe was crushed int 'a hand "rock breaker that nas two larce iron iaws and an excellent appetite for hard rocks. Its masticating ability was simply wonderful. The coarser part of the crashed mateiial was then " pulverized on a grinding plate until it was fine enough to run through a sieve As most of the for that purpose. quartz in these parts are sulphates, this nmvdmed sUica. etc. was Dlaced n a ' i , t 1 , hot muffle about twenty minutes until the sulphur evaporated. After the roasting process the powder was suf fused with lead to collect the gold and silver. In order to convert the oxyde of lead into inctalic lead a certainpro- iwrtion of crude potassium tartrate was added to furnish carbon for the reduction of the oxyde, the oxygen of tho litharge (oxyde of lead) combining with the carbon and converting the sime to volatile carbonic oxydejwhich escapes leaving the metalic lead. Af ter the contents of the crucible are in a state of quiet fusion the crucible is taken from the fire and tapped gently on the eround to collect the lead in one button and the coutents of the cruci Tha 1 ble are poured into the mould. in the bottom of the mould. When - cooled the button of lead (plumbum) vuu uu,.wu .v xt. ' is taken out and hammered in the form of a cube in order to detach any par- tides of sla" that may adhere to it. If the nroner nroDortion of arsol (potas- sium tartrate) has been added in the crucible, the button of leaa is ready for ctipellation, and isput in a cupel, that has previously len placed in a muffle, until it has come to a white heat. The mouth of the muffle is kept i fee closed by a pieco of charcoal until the lead is melted and fumes of oxyde are seen floating over the surface of the molten mass. The charcoal is then removed and the muffle . allowed to ool from a white heat down to a dark r,ed heat f The litharge formed in the cupel should be absorbed immediately and lead fumes arising from the cupel must not be too dense. As the opera tion proeeeds, the cupel is closely watched that the temperature may be kept the same, When the button of . lead has been reduced to the size of a . large pin head, unless the ore is very rich, small patches of oxyde will be seen rapidly passing over the surface until the button assumes the tints of the rainbow when it is seen to rapidly re volve and change its color to that of the precious metals; then it suddenly ceases rotating and . brightens. The resultant button of gold and silver is weighed and its weight noted. The balknces are so exact that the ossayers can weigh accurately to tenths of mill igrams. A milligrams is a thousandth of a grain; therefore it will be seen that destinctions of less than .0000005 of a troy pound can be accurately made. If the button has the appear ance of silver, it is hammered out be tween two pieces of paper on the anvil - and treated with nitric acid which ex tracts all the.silver, and the gold pres , ent remaining s a brown powder. The acid solution is then diluted with water and5 poured from the brown po wderjjnore wa ter is ..then added : un til every trace of "the acid - solution of silver nas been removed. : The gold is then heated to a bright redness to drive off all moisture and is weighed. The difference in ; the weight "of the ' first weighing and second is the weight of the Bilver. Then the assayer is pre pared to make his report. : MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS. If the button of lead from the cru cible is found too great for successful cupellation it is placed iti a scorrifier into the muffle, and the heat increased ttntil litharge begins to form. When th6 surface of the lead has become cov ered .with litharge, the scorrifier is re moved and the contents poured off. If , the button is still too large, the oper ation is repeated until thedesire d size has been obtained. The assayer's table of weight ia based upon the ton avor dupois of 2,000 lbs. which contains 29,166 Troy ounces or 29,166 milli grams. Therefore it and a milligram aro exactly equal in weight. It mat ters not how long nor how often pure gold is tried in the tire, it loses nothing from heat. It might be suggested here, that the lives that pass without reproach tbrouga 'fiery orJeals until they have loof! trrtncrli rlifforpnpft nf irrftvittf ?inks WTDUteU 10 mm, It 13 not llKely tnat ne property in Douglas; county Oregon, tne s w J of leaa tnrougn ainerence or gravity smKs j swisectionis.thesjof se. j section ie, the mi throush the molten mass and is found ixU care to interfere m this country, of n e isection 21 n wj ot ajj section 22 s e i wuom mo worm nas tne mo-ii conn- dence. There are comparatively very in our midst in any wise famUiar I with the mineralogy of this countiy young people go off to colleges and I universities and learn , much of the names of planets, suns and stars that awa-v offi bnt Ieam litte rtut the make a0 ot ihe eartli 011 whicb we llve There is a name for every rock on which w trcai rct not on0 in a' thousand kn0 s it. Some of these rocks may be Mer than the stars. The history of a petW contains volumes. Max Jluller anJ Agassi, hare gone, and are we to await a happen visit of Dana this way, WUI ve look at Uie ncU luartz 011 eve,7 mountain with a view studying it that we with our country may be enriched? There fs more bread an( Gutter in the precious stones of the Cascade and Coast ranges than there is al1 the sfcars ot .th& sidereal system The river and harbor bill, the fate of which Save 80 raan people much con cem !. congress a short time prior adjournment and was signed by Mr. Cleveland. TKere aro some objecliona-- ble features in it; but, as they could not bo eradicated - without destroying the whole bilI the President concluded to approve the measure rather than cause a serious injury to the most of the coun- It contains the following appro I priations for Oregon rivers, and Iiarbors j Yaquina bay, $75,000; Coos bay $33,- oyJ uascaacs, ,0UU: upper Uolum- . . ... . ; M . i uia mciuaing bnaka river, iu,wu; mouth of the Columbia, 187,500; lowcr Willamette and Columbia, below Portland, 1U0,UU0, including or S'150. and $5,000 to be expen ded on riret front of Portland; upper "lamewe, . aoove roruana .?y,wu; Coquille 2,000. The Voite and lite K myitis. ItisilUtlOSsiblfi to fnrsoo. intt hmr far the papal degree against the Knights of Labor will affect the organ ization in this country. To be consis tent, the same ban which lias been Pccd upon the Knights in Canada oum oe extended to the vniteaip &tatC3. It ills Holiness, however. IS ' I gifted with the shrewdlVSS USUallv at- I Roman Catholics in America are 1 1 1 ' rl 1 unswervingly loyal to tlieir Church in li ii ii i i i -i " spiritual matters, but when it comes i- :i, ,.,; :ii. ii :.. i i;u to mtertenng with their personal lib- .. !,,. .. :K,l i- i. , ,,.,! rties "iey are inclined to be governed h? their own convictions. mi - X UCIO 13 nothing in the platf orm of the Knights "o . r .-j in., H to a disinterested observer, there would appear to be nothing to justify the interference of spiritual authority. -News. ' President Cleveland does not ap- 1 pear to Scare verv much at the senate's 1 i. 1. i it . I -1 reiection of Mathews, the colored re corder of the District of Columbia. He has re-appointed him. By its nar row opposition and hypocritical expo sure the Republican senators have made thousands of colored voters for he Democratic party. A Safeguard. Tin; fata! rapidity willi which slkht Colds ttii.l Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of tlie throat and hnixs U a consideration which should i-it'l :vrry prudent person to keep at i ml. as a "household remedv, a bottle of AYEir.-j CHEERY PECTOltAL. , ' Nothing else ives fuch immediate relief "nr.ii works fo sure a cure in all affections f this -la.s.H. Ttmt eminent physician. l';if. F. Sweetzer, of the Maine Jlcdieal Sltool, Uninswick, Mc., pays: "Medical science has produced no other ano dyne expectorant so Rood as Arm's Chebbt I r.tToiiAi.. Ii U Invaluable for diseases of the iliroat and luiigs." The stiine opinion i.s expressed by tlxi . welH.nown Dr. L.J. Addison, of Chicago, J I ii.. lio says : , r . .: "I nrvtr found, In tliirty-Gve years of contiguous Mndy and practice of medicine, any rt'iAr.-itioit of ao grwt value as AtKB'sCbIBUT rttcTonAL, for treatment of diseases of tho throat and liintf. It not only breaks np colds , Mini cnri wvure coughs, but is more effective than anythinir else in relieving even the mort n.riou bronchial and pulmonary affc--cUous." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral U not a new claimant for popular confl- ' dmcc, hal a medieiiie which is tMlay saving the lives of the third generation , w ho liavc come into being bince it was first offered to the public. There is not a household in which this invaluable remedy has once been in troduced where its use has ever been ahtimtonod, and there is not a person who has ever piven it a proper trial - - Tor anv throat or lung disease suseep :ni of cure, who bus not been made well bv it. -AYKUS CIIEUKY PECTORAL has, in numberless instances, cured obstinate cases of chronic Bronchitis, Laryn Kitis, rnd ist n e.cute Pneumonia, and; has ""sa .-.nt inanr patients in the earlier stages of Fiilmo'iiary Consumption. It is a tjifilU-iun that ouly requires to be taken in ' si'i ill d.ises, is pleasant to the taste, and is irnbd in every house where there are cMIdren. a there is nothing so pootl iw A Y MfS CHEItllY PF.CTOR AL for treat ment of Croup nud Whooping Cough. These are nil plain facts, which enn be vcriliiit by anybodv, ond should be re j. nibci-i'd" by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . i PREPARED BY ' . Dr. J. C.Ayer & Co., Lowell. Mass. '.' v Sold by all Druggists. EXECrTOU'S FIXAL NOTICE. IS COrSTY COURT. STATE OF OREOOX, FOR Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Livingston, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, Executor of the abut e named estate, has tiled his final account in the above entitled Court in the set tlement of said estate and that the said Court, br order duly made, has fixed Monday, the 6th dav of September. 1&6, for hearing' objection, if any there be, to said final aeconnt, and the settlement of said estate. : JOHN UVJSOSTOS, Execntor. Dated August 4th, 1330V ASSESSORS XOTICE. VrOTlCE ISHEREBV GIVEX THAT THE IX ' county Board of Equalization will attend at the office of the County Clerk on Monday the 30th day of Autrust 13S6,aiiid publicly examine the Assess ment Rolls and correct all err.trs in valuation, d ascription or qualities of land, lots or other property. . E. C Sacht, C'junty Assess ft. Acjruit 5th, 188G. 1 1 -w i 1" . , 1 . . ! ro i- THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY a warranted not to contain a single par ticle of Mercury or but injurious tub- r auace, but la purely regetstble. It will Cora all Disease! caused by Derangement of the Uver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Lirer is oat of order, then your ' V whole system is decaneed. Toe blood is -impure, the breath : offensive ; you have ....:. : headache, fed languid, dispirited and nerrous. To prevent a more serious con- aition, tan at one Simmons LIVER: REGULATOR. If vw lead a sedentary life, suffer with I Kidney Aoectfona. avoid stimulants and take Simmons liver Regulator. sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after, meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with -Constipation, i Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth, I?! TTTI Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor I 1 lC f rccts the Bilious Stomach, sweetens JL Mkl the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic. Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you fee! your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intoxi- eating, take ' J.H. ZEIUN CO., Philade!phia,PL - .. , - - - ; . m . ! V :' . ;. . --; For Sale! Forty Acres of unimproved land, and half in the Corporation limits of the city of Roseburg, a good spring of living water, a very desirable location tor a Iiome. bituate in part of tho city tion and terms apply to this office or Mrs. Bowen, SHERIFF SALE. i In the Circuit Court i uf the state of Ores'"1 t' I Uoiiglus county ! Joim liai piuiiiini vs John II. Shuic aUiuiuUtrator ut the estate uf Hen ry Wapicr deccasw AniAiiUa Wagner Urno vvaffiicr Henry Wajfiier deceased Chas. Kohn and Naphtaly Kalin partners under the firm name Chas. Kuhn A r?.i.a... Co. A. L. Todd, S. II. Emerson, AnrcliusTodd and ATOTWJK IS UliKi.bV lilVEJl THAI BY IKXIE X of an execution burned out of the Circuit Court for the county of Douglas and State uf Oregon on the 7th day of August 1836 upon a judgement re covered in said Court on the Tth day of May 188fi in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant fjr the sum of thirteen hundred and eighty even dollars and eighty cents anaonmenonnernenaoisaiaiowtioinurnDersin hltwk 1A in tho riiilrn nilftition tl the town af Oak. land Douglas county prcgon according to the official I of said tracts in townihip 23 south of Range 4 west ! UiaUlCl-MS OLCilUtttll WJIIWlUHig 111 flic acres which said foment and i order reads as follows, towit: "itis thereto! judged and decreed by the court tha Yi ulamette Meridian containing in tne aevretate AW i of the Court refore ordered ad- that of the real property nerein iieiore uescnoea man 101 No, 6 except flfteen feet along and off the northern end of said lot iu block 15 and lot 4 in block ,6 in the addition to the town ot Oakland described that lot I uregon be scld as real pronertv is sola unuer execu- in ,ut if nnvwwtila r, .i,T nig h inailfiMAlit tn VS'the I torney's fee and th pay the costs and expenses of sal 1 sale a foreclosure sura of one hundred dollars at- eishty Bev.endoliarsa..d eighty ctnts(si,387. so) due $&8Z$Jtt ffi ridTrl ind tondneisamea "S'eend&trK me wf conveyed w wiciu vj deceased and the over plus navment of tha lein of the said defendants Chai. Kohn & Co. but if the sale Of the nroperty aforesaid subject to the rights of the w defendants a. l. Todd, s. h. Emerson, Aureiius Todd and Levi J. Todd be still insufficient to pay I the claim of the plaintiff costs and attorney's i than all the right tide and tiitef est of the said .1. ..I..:... ,.r i . .1 . : ... .1 .. 'o nA de- fendants A. L. ToddjS. H. Emerson. Aureiius Todd and Levi J. rodtl in and to the said premises unacr the Said conveyance from Ilenrv Wairner deceased be sold and the proceeds of said sale be applied in the payment of tne costs and expenses of said saie and amount due planum and tne over pi us n any nuer annl vinir the proceed s as aforesaid the same pe in in court to await tho order thereof. Now therefore in pursuance of said Judgement and order of fore closure anu saie, i win on Fridav September 24th. 186 between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. towit at the hour of 1 oVl ock P. M) of said day sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the court house door in Rosebun; Douir- las county Oregon all the right title and interest of tne said aeienoautsas nerein oeiore aescnoed prem ises and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in aov wise appertaining and apply the proceeds aris ing from such sale first hi the payment of the costs and expenses of said foreclosure taxed 1B 20. Hec- ond in the payment of the Attorney's fee $100.00 Third in payment and satisfaction of the ludgement in favor of said plaintiff amounting to $1,387.80 and for fee, costs and disbursements. Witness my hand and official elffnattre this the 12th day of August j 18S8. i i. v. AUKK, ' Sheriff of Diugias egunty Qregon. NEW THIS WEEK. 1886.- 26th ANNUAL FAIR -OF TIIE- State Agricultural Soc'y. - To be held at thuir grounds near Sa lem, Oregon, commencing, i SEPTEMBER 13, 188G, And vlo:-ing the f llo in; &iturday - itfht 02.5, Offered in usa pienuunis . , ... ; , .... This will, without doubt, be the nest exhibition of of the kind ever beld in Oregon. The - BEST SPEED PROGRAMME. The Best EXHIBIT ot irrains. EXHIBIT of live stock EXHIBIT I ' fruits EXHIBIT of dairy prod. The best exhibit of everything ever collected together in the state. - : . ' Lend your presence and holp to make Oregon's pride a success and' a credit to the state. Entries must be made by J p. m. Sionday, and all articles must be in place by 10 p.m. Monday evening. Flense make entries as early as possible. J. T. GRE3G, SKC11KTJLS.Y, Salem. Oregon. T-- str .,lr j -mr . i m 4 mw . .OFFERS: . - FOR SALE Some Cfioice Spanish Can be s-.en Dtmy Ilerino Bucks- jresidtne ia French Settlement. Address, HESBTCQ5S, . K seburg-, yngju. . E71 sr liew Sto go Line. RC3EBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Leaves Roseburg, Mondays, Wednes days, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. ? Time of leaving both terminal points G o'clock A. si. and arrives at each point at 6 o'clock p M. ROUT, T. McCCLLOCH, f - . Prop. MRS- E F. HOTGHKISS FINE MILLINERY . '.' AND ! v.'-. '. TSJ EAT TBESSMAKIXQ V ROSEBUKG OREGON. WILL Ft'RMSH YOU THE BEST AND FINEST Goods in t he market. Ladies Wear. Laces. Ruchings, Hosiery and Jewelry. " ' i I The dressmaking department, is' in skillful hands, and under1 the immediate supervision of Mrs. Hotchkiss. CALL AND SEK. NEAR fllK DEPOT WillamettE UniversitY, -30- PROFESSORS A INSTnUCTORS UT0 Sludeitts. :nr Graduates Department of Literature, Law, Med- c'ne Mns'o and ArV i 1 :' nirlft lhArJ in WAmin1! fTiillprp. wiLh niflv fur. nishcil ruomti, t3.50 per week. Boys and , Youny Mens ooaid ut the ouiir mens . ; BOAliDING HILL, A buililiny jint purchased and remod- : cled with id ruoirm, SK5G Per WeeK The young men are exixutcd to suindy their fur niture, wood and tight and pay One Dollar a month rent: This is the most reraonable living to students which the University has evsr offered. The rresi dent boards in the hall and baa the supervision. fcfFirst Term Begins September 6th. Catalogues sent free. ; ! T. VAN SCO Y, President, Salem, Oregon, CHICAGO COTTAGE Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. - Itoontaina every improvement that Inventive fomus, skui ana money can produce. These Orgraas are celebrated for volume, Duality of tone, aulck response, artistic deslira. beauty In finish, perfect construction, making them the most desirable organs for homes. schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. - ESTABLISHED BEPUTATIOH. UXEQTTALED FACILITIES, SKIIXED WOBSUIESr, : BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED. KAKX IHIB '.f.: THE POPULAR OEBAN Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and 1'rioe Lists, on application, fb CHICAGO COTTAGE CHSAM CO. far. Randolph and Ann SH., CHICAGO. ILL CITY TAX . II0TICE T1IE TAX PAYERS of Uosuburj? are hereby notified that the CITY TAXES aro now dao ami payabje to the Marshal, who will call for theai in a few days, i . Havethc inonoy ready. Can onlv -.tll ONfTR. geo. j. langenberg, Viiy xuarsuai auu xax vuiittior. . Henry Haoion'o Roseburg Gr0ceby Store, 77 EEPS CONSTANTLY it hand a full ass-rlmcnt GROOinRIES! Of AU Aiinds! . Cuarauteei to be of the best quality. - FRUIT JARS, CANNED FRUITS, , TOBACCO asd CIGARS, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, JL SPECIALTY' CANDIES AifD CAE$. DProduce Bonglit AND THE Highest CASH PRICe Paid' Give me a call and convince yourselves. ' GOODS delivered anywhere In the City 1 Limits free of Charjre. ' v i Henry Easton :. Jackson' Street, DR. JORDAN'S USELM OF AnATOMV. 751 Market Street SANTRANCISCO. . AfpO AXDtEAllN HOW TO IVolD it vX disease, and how wonderfully you an made.. Private Office, 811 Cear? Street: Consultation on lost manhood and all dieeae 6 tttn. Stndforlkuki. . J -! 1,111.1 OTJH I SVEBT j OBOAIT I WAS- IS j BANTED ( ' POB TO r ZTVB EXCEL. XEABS 0 , LIMB! LIME! The uudersignedhave now, and J will constantly keep n 11 1 ' l P. 1. -I 1? a lull supply oi iresii sione nine at our kilns Hear Rocbtir. Orders from a distance prompt ly attended to. Address J. Montague, or S. C. Flint, j Roseburg, Oregon. PRICES REASONABLE! ovse. A GOOD MEAL For 23 Oeiats- Located on Jackson street 3d door north from S, Marks' store. - John Kennedy, Proprietor. regon . Tteific T"V I Inly l-opular ' J vet X. iclures-nie X I ailroad, outc, Langes, Fast tiiuu! Sur connections! New euipuiciit 2ii miles shorter; 20 hours less time; acconnuoda tions unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freight MUCH LESS than bv any other route between Jill jtoints in Willamette Valley and San Francisco. Only Route to that Popular Hummer re sort, Yaquina Cay where for moderate cxjicnsc you can enjoy Surf Bathing! Reach for Driving and Walking! Fishing in Hirer and Brooks! Deep Sea Fishing! U Hotels and ltcttcr Accommodations' Than at any other Summer Resort on the Coast of ; Oregon. Daily iwsscngcr trains except Sundays. Leave Corvallis at 2 P. M. L'v. Yaquina at 7.10 A. M. Oregon & California West Side trains connect at dorvallis.- Oregon & California. East Side trains connect with stages at Albany at 12.05 1. M. Round trip tickets at cxcuision rates good till September 30th. The One A 1 Steamship "Yaquina City" sails Front Yaquina F rom San Francisco i " - Tucsdav, - July b, Saturday, 17, Thursday, ,, . 2D. Tuesday, Aug. 10, IJlonday ' July 12th, Friday, 23rd, Wjdncsday, Aug. 4th, Monday, . 16th, Saturday, 23th, Sunday, , a, Fares llail & Cabin ?H, Rail & Stccrast t'.'.SS. For further information apply to C. C. Hoguo A. 6. F. & P. A't Conallis. FOR SALE. Cheap'for cash or approved cre dit a superior lot of pure bred Merino Sheep, both bucks and ewes. The same can be seen at our ranch near "Wilbur Cor respondence Solicited. Address T. Smith & Son, AJWhuY, Or. For Sale! 400 Head of ewes including 240 lambs, and 40 wethers. Inquire of E. (I. Young & Co., or James Chenoweth of Oakland Oregon, or of Sampson Suthcilin of Fair Oaks at his faru. NEW YORK LUMBFil & Wood Yard UoTo SI K Howell's East side of track one block south of depot is wbere you will find number one dry lumber, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar Ehingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Scroeii Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Cejlinff, Rastic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, U inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to be the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new and put up in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics and ia equal to any work of the kind done in New York or the East Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gaes complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I hayo sawed all Dimention lumber, to order on short notice. All guaranteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at HARD TISIE PRICES. OREGN STATE UNIVERSITY! . Session 1S86-S7. i First terra begins September i j, 1SS6. j Secure FREE SCHOLARSHIPS by apply- ing to your County SucrinterKlent. j Board And Iiodgins j Ter week $3 to $5 . , TUITION PER YEAR . f Elementary English Department. . . , .,$30.00 Other Departments ... . ..... v . . . . $40.00 Send postal for catalogue with full - particu lars, to TROF. JOHN STRAUC, Secrewrv Faculty, - Eugeaj City Oregon, 1 r 1 Jk f St-. if--- S V" ' "1ii-im-i r r-si in rri-m unann mrtHMtir CHAS.' cs Shotguns. Amunition, Staple k Fancy Cutlery, Fishing Tackcl AGENT For the "White-'' Sewing Machines, Mitchell Wagons, I r ' ' AND -. . : D- jSL Qsburn'fej Har vesting IM acliiiierv DEVORE & ELLIOTT ! Successors to PAUE j- DIM MICK OAKLAND - - - OZtBOO,- f DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, JEWELRY, WATCHES, puny, ccmbs, eic, etc. c expect to do a strictly cash business, and will riideAvor to make it ,to the interest of al to Jcal with us. Wo also invite a continuation of tLo pat ronage of all former patrons, aud solicit new ones. , ; C1T GIVE US A CALL. ' GRANT'S PASS ACADEMY. This Poijular School Will Open First Monday in September A Full oip of Competent Instructors. RATES OF TUITION. Primary per tnu of twelve week? Grammar fecliool " " " Academic ; " " " .... For fui titer particulars address HENRY L. BENSON A. M. I'ltisciiAL SUGAR PI1 :0R Wholesale DEALERS IN- Lumber. Sug-ar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Oak, Well Rea soned in Our DRY HOUSE When Desined. .'. ' ALSO Manufacturers of Sash & Doors in all Sizes and Quantities. Our Factory is uow in full operation and we can offer as a specialty all kinds of Stoke and Omen Fittings, Tt rxing and Scroll work at lowest figures. We solicit correspon dence which is assured prompt attention. f SrcAR Fine Dcou & Lumber Co. - ' Grants Pass, Oregon. Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH icr 3il ..... . . RUSTIC ;icr M FLOORING per M Situated 15 miles from Roseburg on ?1000 HEW All D Will be jjiven any man who will produce a sci entist of large exH.ri ence, and widely known to be an houerable man, who Will assert that re fined cast zinc is not ono of the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the woathcr: DETROIT 13UON7.E CO., Detroit, Mich PRACTICALLY-! I I"" eVEr 45000 J MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, 3. J. WHET! ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED ! TO FURNISH H liiVlilIl'VTHIlVO IN ma HIN 11 aving'latclj fitted up a new STEAM rcpared to furnish lumber pf all Hard Time Barn hunbsr and fencing furuishud on Staver & Walker, 208 to 211 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, OREGON. Dealers in all kinds of Faim and Dairy machinery. Vehicles, Binder Twine Belting, Oils and Machine supplies. Send for our handsomely illustrated Cat alogue, mailed free of charge, and write ua for terms, and nricps before nnr chasing elsewhere, any thing in anv line. ery, at lowest prices. we 1 aa 1 ttonnand Trial , mm to torn- f eata a lanra orociortMa ' ' wnoiBiooaariLlltraai " ww eai vmw in Xounc or Mid' taooaand eanM tbfnr abanlnb. ratm ra.i.,Mi. axed and brokaa down nea tataa fall anjorMutof ierKattdfaa Manly Binirta aad Vieomu Health. Tothow vhaaailar from tho man obMCuradieaMM CTonnlitaboat b ndiKretaa.tiionaraOw-Bnaa Work, too fra Indalac, waak tbatroa end ns rnar Bane nrltlt statement of ronr tronlile, and nocnra ItOAX FACKAG & I BE E, mit a IUaat'd Famphloto. ftUPTUKtO PERSONS can ha FREI mm .. I I "ajn. BjnnJ Wtd tobaatlb r DM of M1SJ I A ttAQlCnlltJPrTfyr WtBTOfWlah.,!f ATW ir.-. rUH M. HALL - ox3.naozr. xr for the Fall Term on the 3 00 5 00 8 00 - - AT D UIHIIIIR (U, and Retail , . .$9.oo ei7.oo ...... ............ ;.. $17.00. Camekox it Co. Managers. ' North Umpqua. Good toads in Sumnir. WHITE BRONZE AND STATUARY Were awarded the -GOLD MEDAL , AT WORLD'S FAIR, Kew Ohleaxh, 1 m s -4 : a R3NUMEK1AL vt)esigtjsajcl - Jacksonville, Oregon SAW MILL on South Deer creek, is kinds on short notice at - Prices. short notice. J. J. WUITSETT. We will viva vou the hurt mikAun $ TOid Mm unptMnion ol pnt(M.V:js r 1 'im Kjrtbm trmble,nni nil Oii;l. "boaa onl aim into bleed I hir v.;.' Tk a MTKt RMMXWt that p t. vs. RED thoaaand, doe Dot Intttti re -rfa aucntioa to bumarai, or cau r? OT tneonVCaimM in an V. Frmni.! 'OB anenlzAa mcdMnl nriiviblM. ttvdit-t lteMn to tbn mat o f dueaar it ipccifl iJT tofcuenoe.a felt vitBoat ol. Tbcaauiri I Ma aimonr ntnan, of liR an riM bwk . ihr pit awunei ctmtul aad rapaliy Kain bwa ni(U ami anmiia TRtATKjfT?-0 Xcita, 3. Tn KotW. Thrss, W HARk!3 REMEDY CO., Urn Chemists, Trial ot our Appliance, Ask f TtfroiJ , , .. . . J tK p. : . kL xi - .1 W-'V:..- ' fifaitlA oaTr of fo t t,'5 J.f ? w.'. . lty of tileas far vrtiUct.'ivs r--., , Every grood thiu. In Ccnjn'-7-feited, and ooms,j.',"h OW TIONED against I - T AT -O"" . i l these Ohimnoys mat'o of VI. 'VI POOR GLASS. Soo tat thoc i label is on each chtanoy -'r ? Tho Pearl Top la aVwroys clear c. J bright Glass. JHanuracfarKlOXI.Vt; GEQ- A. PACSETK a CQ. rittrartjh Znl C,!1kj Y. erf:. FOIl SALE BT ESAI,5:i-y.U Children Cry for : PITCHER'O Health and Sleep without Morphine. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice For PuMicatioii. Land Office atBoscbunr. Or. July 2lst. TVTOTICE IS UEHEBY GIVEN THAT TUE ll loa iiig-named acttlcr baa filed notice of his invention to make nnal proof in eupport of hi claim, ard that said proof will be made before the ncjfigtcr or Keceiver of tne U. o. una office at Koselmrsr Or. on Satnrday Am;. 28th. 18M, vim Owen Willsic, Homestead Claim No. 841. for th SJ trfN W Jaud W JofS WlSec l'2Tp.98.R. west W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uton, and cultivation of, satd land, viz: Henry StanUley, John Thrush, John Wil son, George Fordncy, all of Camas Valley Douglas county Or. , Ciiah. W. Johnston, Register. Xoticc For Publication. Land Office at Roseburg-, Oregon, uly 14th 13S. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL i.1 lowinir-nanted settler has filed notice of h isin-, tcntion to make filial proof in niiort of his et aim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Rosebutv, Land Offiee on baturday, August 21, 1886, vis: Harriett S. Crow Homestead Ko. 8518 for Lots No's 4, , 7, 4; 8. Sec. 6 Tp 16 & R. S West W. M. ' He names the folloaiug witnesses to prove his continuous residence Uxn, and cultivation of, said land, viz: H, G. Crow, of Lookiufr Glass, and B M. roley, E. J. EnsIcy.A. Euslcy, all of L'mpq ua Ferry Douglas Co. Or. ' Ciias. W. Jounstox, Register. Notice of Final Sctflciiieiit Iu Ute County Court of the State uf Oregon ia and for the County of Douglas. Iu the matter of the Estate 1 of V . - Joseph Jacques dee'd ) jyrcricE is heeeby given that the v$- X dersitcned has-filed his filial account as Execu tor of said estate In tho above entitled Court, and the said Court by order duly nude and cntred of record on the 81I1 day of July 1386. Monuav the 6th day of September 1886 was aptointed for hearing ob jections if any thtre be to said final account and the settlement of said estate. . . D. E. rsi.ET Dated July, Sth, 1S6. Executor. NOTICE. Application to rurcbase Timber Lnd. U. 8. Land Office, Roscbursr, Cr, June 30th. 185. TVTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVUN THAT, 15 COM XI plianco with the provisions of the Act of Cm. gross approved June 3, 1878, entitled An Art fi the sale of Timber Lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud Wssliinjr; on Territory,' Miltm T. Khcrritts, whose poat-otflon address is Norfolk. wuuij, w,, nas wis civ niea in tnis oinc his application to purchase tbe West hslf of South East quarter Section No. 4, ut towm-hip Ko. tl 9, Ranee No. 10 W, of the Willamette meridian. All persons holding any advtrsc claim thereto are required to present the same at Uis ottsr-e witbtn siitj days from the first, pub ication of this notice, C.I&S. W. Jo!l"TO!f, Kegitr. Notice For PclIIcallsa. Land OJfioc at Rocoburcr, O'eoii, July t:U, 1SS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI Vt X THAT THE FOlI . lowing- named settler hsi filed notice of his In tention to make final poof in support of his claim and that said proof will be mt de before the Ratrit ter and Receiver of 0. 8. Lan l Oft.ce at Rosebury ?7" o?KjtlJ'. Aug-. 14th, nm, viz: Chas. w Hatfield, Pre-emption JJ. 8. M ). 44;?, for the g. ' 4 ofX.W. i.Sec. 14, Tp. a.8. S. 6 West W. M. ' He names tbe following siteesses to provi Ut continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, rii: Joel Thimpson, Ssmuel Dodson. J. H. Whitsett, Elijah Hatfield, a Roeebuar, bouitlaa county, Or. Caat W. Johssto!7 . . Rej(ister.. Notice For PuMicatlon. Land ofHce at Roseburg Or. Jah 2Tth, T4JOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL Xl kiwing-tuvmed settler has filed notice uf bis in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he tnaiie before the Register or Receiver oj U. 8, Land Offloe at Ruseburv Or., on Saturday Eept. 11th, 1886, vis: LOUIS CHELFOE Homestead Claim No. 83 for the 8 W 1 of S W I Sec 17 NWJofSW Jof Sec Tp. 29 8. B. West W. AC - ." He names the following witness to prove his con tinous residence upon, and culivatiuu of, said land, viz; O. U Willis of Roscbursr, and John Hcnrv, Ernest Rice, John Roberts all of DIUard Douclas county Or. Chas. W. Joh.stos, Register. Notice For Fabrication. Land Office at Rosebnrjr, Oregon, Auj,'. 10th, 1S3G. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GI VEX THAT THE FOL IO wing named settler hM filed notice of his ln teiitioti toBiake final proof in supinrt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe Register or Receiver of U. & Land Office at Rest burs OrWou on Saturday, Sept. 18, 1C, vue: Wm. A. WEBBER, Pre-emption V. 8. No. 4219 ft the lots Ko. 1, t, Jc 3 and S. E. 1 of N. W. of Sec. 4 Ti. 31 5. R. 6 west w. Jl. He names the following itnes to prove hi continuous residence upon, a ul cuttivatiou of. said .- ....... ov. uuur .winiig, John Coniuttaiid Jticiiael. Dean, ai of Riddle, Dou -las O Va.9. W rftMNBTON . v . . - .'. "' . . . r .. -T' 4 bfloiBbfla