ROSEBURG REVIEW " " 18 ISSCttt FRIDAY MORNINGS; . - BV . TUE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. Nf BELL, - .- Editor. One Year Six Month -Three Months . - - 2 50 ----- 1 25 . - 1 00 . (xEffEBAL DIBECTOSY- Orovee Cleveland. ?re?uuJ' Tnos. F. Bayard Secretary of fetatc Daniel T. MASSixc.Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamati . .Secretary of the Interior. Wh. C.Esmcott..,.;... Secretary o yr W. C. Whits et. ..... .Secretary of Navy. VV. T. ViiAi...... ..Post Master General. A. H. Garlakd.. ....... Attorney General, Morrisox R. Waite. .... .. :. Chief Jnstice. STATE OF OCfcGON. J. N Doira. . -. , I TT. S. Senators. J. II. Mitchell J Binder Hermass. ......... .Congressman. Z.F. Moody::..... ... .......Governor. E. P. Earhart.. . . . ..'..Secrotaryof State. Edward Hirsch State Treasurer. E.B. McELROY,,..Sui,t. Fob. Instruction, W. . Byaes. .. . . , J. B. WAtDO, C.J.,) , W.M. P. LoP.U, : . . . .Stata Printer. .Supremo Judges. W. W. TlUTLS, ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. It S. Bkak..;.. ...,:. i ."i.. Jurtxe, J, W- Hamilton .... Prosecuting Attorney. POUGLAS COUNTY. ' . J. H. Suite, j " , Senators. Wm. Maxsixu, i IlKSRy IlOGEKB, f G. W, RruDL, ( ' C. B. Wilcox, ) Tnos. R. Sheridan Ben. C. Ac ee...... . , ..Roprea ntatives. ............Clerk. ......... ..Sheriff. D. S. West.... .............Treasurer. G. T. Russell. . . . .School bupenntcnUcnt. Jas. A. Sterlinc; Assessor. J. S. FrrainwH ... -County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGek, . . . .Commissioners. iSS. L. CRI T . . .outttjw. i UK' O. O. .UAKSItli. ,.viui.w rRicisc r officers: T. L. Gannon. : . I AS. IlARI'HAM 1 ' I usliccs. Peter Tt-NOER ........Constable. 9IARUS Jfe- CO CITY OF ROSEBURG. 1 i II. C. Stastox, t j John Rast, 1 tP. Sheridan', ....; Trustees. ! . C. Wheeler, . I P. Benedict. ; T. Ford ..Recorder. G. ). Lasgedbekg Marshal. John Chase... Treasurer. TJ. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, CllAS. W. Johxston. Register. A. C. JoXES Receiver PROFESSIONAL. L F. (AXE, . - JOHN LANE JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan llotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. OtBce in Marks' brick, up stairs. J. FACE . I'll VSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oakland, 7 - Oregon- R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AMOVILLE OREUON . K. L. MILLER, M. D SCBGEOX. llomojopatliic Phjsician. Oniicc up stairs in the ' old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ania.) HOMOCOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Gradnalc Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office fe Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose burg.' HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- ; BilLFY'S HOTEL Oakland, Oregon. Board per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, ITIhit -houso lua lately changed hands and la oronjhly renovated audreturnisbed. The gravel ng public will find the best of accommodations No Cliliiamou. Employed. SJIIIH BAILEY. 4US0LCTELY nnsr class IT fRS. D. C. McCLALLEN, Proprietor of the . 3IcCL ALLEN HOUSE. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial . Travelers. Coach to and from the bouse ' BasgpifC dolivere Irce ol charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLASD, OREGON. IlioUaril XJUomas, Prop. JTiiret Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. ASB THE . Table supplied with the Best the Market affords llotel at the Depot of the Railroad. UOOUE'S RESTA1JRAXT. (Prlncipaal Business Street.) Ro-selmra:, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Aflords, VOL. XI. GENERAL MERCHANDISE- Samuel Marks, S. HARKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- 111111 HAVE CONSTANTLY" ON HAND . CiiOWG, XMv Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Wool and Produce tion Bought ! AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. . INI. JOSEIJHSOrJ raw Y01I OA Keeps a full line of Dress Good a of eveiy varit-ty and Shade. A full lino of Silks. j A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods! d o m A ft m o h - A full lmo A full Hue of A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hat3 and A full line of Staple and Fancy A full lino of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full lino of Ostrich Pluru'es and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. -C03VXX3 3VT3E3 M JOSEPHSON.I All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Statio ner . : ; ; Photograph and Perfumery, . Autograph albums Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TARLU CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THING S TO NUMEROUS TC MENTION . - Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. t conmuTT, JL Successor to '. PE.VLEB DRY GOODS, CLOTUING, DRUGS and PATENT 'MEDICINES Cheaper tLan the Cheapest, i SHERIDAN Roseburg, rcgon, They .would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of Ever Brought to Douglas, and, wlicu aJJe to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have tie best supply in their line ofny house in -e...i,.m nR!i bior. tlipv-nronose sellinsr Cheaper than can be pnrchasea elsewhere In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way ol Locks, Butts, etc., we can oflersnperior inducements to purchasers ;y Ve can ffive you bargains in uu iuuuhwk . , -1 :k's bonanza, faemeb's ctility, dexteh, pacific, wide west, BUCK CLARENDON, An1 nt.hor Siovea and RansresJ The best of workmen are constantly ana buyers &nouiaiouuAv . fTVft We have also Dargwus w oua rJLS ft - which we sell at th lowest rates ana warraui. We can also supply "Averilt and The best n the market at lowest rates. . . . ricts, and we promise Dr. THOMAS GKAUA3I, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. at rhllaaelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SUBGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has locaud for tlie practice vt hb Trofeseiii in ROSEBURG - OREGON. Office and resi.letice,'wMhiii3t'" street opposite the Catholic Church RoseBiirg AfUIER Marks. goods, Groceries , - . : : Cigars, ! Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip U.oseluraf, Or. ?! 0 w CD- m o d of Hosiery. Clothing. Cups, Boots and Shoes. Groceries and Tobaccos. UARE. and TEN THOUSAND J. D. JOHNSON. IN : ' '4'LM2$ BOOTS ami SHOES, I; HATS and CAPS BROTHERS, OCCIDENT, IKON al.v, FMP1RF PITT employed in the manufacture of our TIN WAR . . rvjWer. Sharo and other - --- . ' tta - d Nw Home SEWINU MACHINES, vWu.F.w Eucr Paints. Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire a to to suit you it any one cau. nim uuiue 260 PAGES. lUuoatr3, in Cloth ana CH BimiiDfiU!. ir.ofwy or tittup. Hm?, paper rver, Tnw Book eon- ftxina a i.i. th rtirinstt. dnuluful or Imuisitive want to know. Full of vry interest In e and valuable iuforniattoa. HEALTH, Wight hom to jon. WWwdrhil rHTl KKH,true tn lift. Vounf at nltl. marripd ortrjnffte, tick orweU,houi K.remMi vy UK. W mil tcnot sUQDi mm CT XLiiS OVT ADD OXAD wna vxvt n WasH House. v Sam Young Prop. ' Opposite (jARLOX'S STABLE. JIOSEBURG, OREGON, Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, t Roabnrg . - - - - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL' , BANKING BUSINESS Sigkt Drafts Drawn on - - Portland. San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exshange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to chock. Collections made on all accessablenointa at reasonable rates. JOSEPH SHINDLER, . PROPRIETOR -Of The - " "". ' CITr ;bakeii Y Jl V W - - ) r ii KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON ILVND A -full stock of Bread, Cakes, Pics, J'lain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Choc- ate Goods. ' OREGON PACIFIC R.R Willamette Valley to San Francisco Via.' Yaquina. - - " ; DAILY TRAINS, TRAINS I.EAVK COUVALLIS ' Daily, except Sundays, at 2 V. M. LEAVE VACCINA - ball) , except Sundays, nt 7:10 A. M. The Company to rijflit to 'cbause ailius tUyg. Furvi arid Fruiylit at reduced and miKicratc ratvs River Brats mi t'12 Will.uivjttc eon cell n CVrvallif.- ' J. 0. SHERIDAN 'S.Succcs3or tojrj II. S & J. C SHERIDAN, DEALEIi IN HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware, ; Uosebiirff, Oregon undcrsjfjned takee pleasure in an . nouudug to the public that be selling ovcrythiDg in his Hue at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! -IF YOU WANT-' . STOVES, AGSIOULTIIliiL TUOLS TfiON, STEEL, If AILS, - HOE3E3H0ES, TIETWlilE,- UUTLEfiY Or anythino; in my line, call and examine my stock and learn prices before purchasing else where, as I am selling lower than erer. J C. SHERIDAN J. JASKULEKV l'ractlcal Watchmaker, Jeweler and OpUeiao. ALL yOKK WARRANTED. Dealer In Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OK CIUARS, TOBACCO A FANCY GOODS. mUB ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IX TOWN A for the properailjuiitiiient of Spectacles. Depot Bhisscs. Offiea in Ibiuiltou's Brick Uluelc I fields are nctnt, bot Hiom ho write to ' 8 Udsob a Co. , Portland, Malat,win rtcefT fre. full informfttion mhaml mh vkbh I thcrran do. and Unit bome,thlt will par ' IhAm from Ift tn IK n d. Rmm h. earnedoTtrtsfliaadaf. Either nx. yoongocold. Capital not required. Too are ttarted froa. ThoM wbo rtart at oaea are atxotatel iara of nag little fortaaca. All If sew. O.P TOMPKINS.' I PURCHASING Agent of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE! A., orders from the country QlloU on tliort -uutiuo from . ' Every Class or Kind of Goods from First-Class Stock.. , Absolutely Tno charges or commission will be charged for filling onler!. OFFICE: 107' first .street, i At D. W. Prentice's ' I'urilamLOr L. BELFILSJ WATCH3 I ronoueni 01 grivin sauHiacuuu in nu I mrusieu to uie lu watches, clocks, ana jrwair, i aiso repair musical instruments. " I have tle CounU natcnt rk'ht for aale of Concrete Cement Pipe for coiivcyin water to any llacc ile- I will also teach anv kinil of itistnimcnul music Anyone desiring instruction will call on me at my atvnuiakiiig- shop. . - Jj. liKLniiH. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. - ('ALL OX -: JOHN VAX BUREX. STATE - - Ooi-valliis Oroffou. . The next Session will begin on Sep tember 8 th, with a full Faculty as last year. D L. ArnoW, PRE?. uuuu zO 1 -Fit: "T-r, AUGUST 20, 1886, .-Uarming Increase in" Baking Powder Adulterations." " i . ' nt important discoveries by the food analysts is 1 rrofl MoTT, U. S. GoTernment Chemist, of large r cf lime and alum in the cheap baking powders It is .itling fact that of over one hundreddhierent grands 'of . i wvJcr so for analyzed," ccmprln all those soa Baking .Powder, was- found free from both lime and alnm. The use of alum is to produce a cheap balung powder. It costs less than two cents a pound, whereas pure cream of ! tartar costs forty. Its effect upon the system has been ascer tained to be poisonous, and overdoses have been attended with fatal results. Lime is the most useless adulterant yet found in baking powders It is true that when subjected to heat a certain amount of carbonic acid gasls given off, but a quick lime is left, a caustic so powerf ul that it is used by tanners to eat the hair from hides of animals, and in dissecting rooms to more quickly rot the flesh from the bones of dead subjects. , The effect of lime upon the delicate membranes of the stomach, intestines and kidneys, more particularly of inlants and children, and especially when taken into the system day after day, and with almost every meal, is pernicious in the extreme, and is said by physicians to be one of the chief causes of indigestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the kidneys. Chemists have found 12 per cent., or one-eighth of the weight, of some of the baking powders prominently sold in this vicini : ty, to be lime. The wickedness of this adulteration is apparen t. The absolute purity and wholesomeness of the Koyal Baking Powder now affirmed by every chemist and food analyst of prominence and conceded by all manufacturers of other brands arises from the exclusive use of cream of tartar specially refined by patent processes, which remove totally the lime and all other impurities. These facilities are pos sessed by no other manufacturer. The Chemist of the De partment of Health of Brooklyn, N. Y., in which city the works cf the Royal Baking' Powder Company are situated, after recent numerous experiments, reports : . '', "I subjected several samples of the Royal Baking Powder, purchased from dealers in Brooklyn, to chemical analysis, and I' take pleasure in stating that this powder has attained a most remarkable purity. I am unable to detect the slightest trace of lime tartrate in it, while all its constituents are pure and of the highest quality. The 'Royal' is a baking powder undoubtedly of the greatest leavening 'power, and perfectly wholesome. " Cliemitt Central Hotel ! ROSEBURG, OREGON, OPPOSITE CARLON'S LIVERY STABLE. Board and Lodging per day ... . . . . . $1 .OO 5.OO 4.OO . week ...... : .' 'Without Lodyinj; Heals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents Tborouirh satisfaclion is promised lo travel crs ami the public generally. MRS JB. GARRISON. I ron. John Kenkdy, Clerk. t . u. t... rF.RKi.s, hiewara. No Chinese employed. . . A Good Blacksmith .Shop and Wagon SIiop Combined- Lot 40 feet bv 110 feet, Hituatcd on Main,Strct, Eoseburg, also' tvo lots of tools. One new dwelling liousc : and tlireo acres of land. , House 2G by 30 feet two stories Jiigli, situated in the sub tubs of. tho City. Commanding i beautiful view of tie Town. For further particulars call at the Blacksmith Shop o Eowen Brothers, Roseburg Or. - PAINT SHOP. For House, " " Carriage, " Ornamental, and' all kinds ; of painting Call on Win. Davis at Floed's old corner, Roseburg Or. Tke BUYERS' GUIDE 1 laracd Uarch and Bepu, Ut 11 UUMkWtUI orer '3.SOO iMiitwiloM-a - GIVES Wholenle Prices dtreel f wammen ma 11 goodi tor personal or hmlly ue Tellilww to order, and glTea exact cot of rrerr thiar yew aw, eat, drtaafct wear, or have fas wltH. Tlieae ISVAIXABhB BOOBLS contain iBforcaattoa gleaned from tho Buurkcta o tho world. We vrlU mail a copy FBEB to oar dresa upon receipt Of lOct. to defrar erpenae of mailing. Iiet wm hear from MONTGOMERY WARD A'CO. 2T to m WftftMk ATCfti CWcfi IU. l TT 7" i mi livl Dr.. O. GROTHE, Department cf IleaUIt, Brooklyn, N. Y.n OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA OREGON AND CAUFORNIA R. R. Atid Connection s. TIME, 2i DAYS. 'ortlaud to Bail Francisco to Sacra ' moiito 30. . Faro from Close councutiong made at AntUaud with slaves of llio California Oregon J Idaho Stage Company- (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. ; BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. ARRIVE. Koscburg..,.fl.lS P. M. Ashland. ....4. IS A. M. Koseburg. . . .5.25 A. M. Portland.. ...4.25 V. SI. Portland 7.:A. SI Roseburg...... .0.25 P. M. AHh)anll...i....9.!i0l,. M. Kostburj,'.. 5.0 A. M. Albany Express Train LEAVE. . I ARRIVE. P irtland..., ...4.0T P. M. Lelwnoii...,.0.M P. M. LcUauou.... ....4.45A. M. I Portland 10.05 P. M PULJIAN PALACE SLEEPING OAES " Daily between Portland and Ashland. '' , Tliu O. and C. li. R. Ferry niakce connection with li . 1 - . i i' ' i T . r . . .... . ... die rcuiur uiunvou ckwsiuBL'iv.irou tuoioi r cv West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS Vail Train. " LEAVE. ' I ARRIVE. Portland 7.S0 A. M. 1 Corvallin. 12.85 P. it, C'omillin.... ..1.30 P. M. I Portbuid.... . 6.15 P. 11. At Corvallis eomieetlwith traini of Oregon Tacifie for Yaouina Bar. Excursion tickcte on sale from Kmwlmcv to I aquina - ana return via Aioany, at 9 "5. Tickets good to return until Sept. 80, 1SS6. Express Train. v l.KAVE. I ARRIVE. P..rtl:md ....... .M P. M. I McMinnvillo.. 8.00 P. M. JlcJiiunville... .5.45 A.M. 1'ortlaod 9.00 A.M. Local tickets for sale and baccaze checked at coin' nanv'a un town office, cor. Htarkaud Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can. only be procured and basrtracre checked at company s otnee. Freiirht will not be received for shinntent after 5 corner r ami i rout bis., roraana. or. ociock r. m. on eitnertne tastor nest mu uiv. K. KOEULER, ', E. P. ROGERS, JJanajer. , G. F. & Pa! agent MRS. S. A. IIlTtUIXSOX, MILLINERY STORE! ? . - ) ",:.. ". Oaknlud, Oregon. T ADIES WILL T.SD MY STOCK LARGE AND U Complete. Prices moderate. . Oi-f i" in!!. Mr. S. A. Hrrcuissos TT PARRY, II : Mx-rchaU Tailor. t the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marks j. store. ' Repairs and Alterations neatly done. DAG3BEH. 1 ffO. 20. .1 ItlSFEXSElESS VOVSTUr It is an amazing fact that the de fenseless coirdition of our se;t coasts and the certainty of attack upon our principal cities in case - of wip. even w ith any thirJ l-ate power do not move coDgress to take proper action for na tional protection. v - It is doubtful whether any" one of our ports has a single gun which would be really serviceable in case "of attack by the armored vessels of a foreign power, New Voi k, Boston or San Francisco, would be at tho merer ff a single ironclad-.Modern guns have " a range of about leu miles, and a vessel carrying" such guns could ho oS the en trance of San. Francisco harbor, if ' it didn't caro to enter, and dro shells in- streets. The same-no doult could be done at other cities. A board of engineers, after a long investigation and labor, has prepared a plan for putting the principal ports of the country in coudition of defense. To make a proper; beginning of this necessary work appropriation aggrega ting 21, 000, 000 were , requested. Congress has responded by appropria ting $020,000. ; . ; : Three or four days ngo Senator Dolph, one of the few men in congress who have a just conception of tho ne cessi ties of the case, made an effort to get this appropriation raised to $2,000- 000, but even this small . amount was disallowed. Mr! Tilden, at the opening of the session of congress, in ' a strong letter to Speaker .Carlisle, ? set forth the necessity of making provision for defense of our unprotected coasts, and in a more recent letter to Senator llawley lie has urged the same thing. But congress is stolid and immovable. Gen. Howard, who now commands the military department of the Pacific, with headquartois at San Francisco, says it would not be possible to make any defense of that city against an enemy who could send a modern war vessel to bombard it or levy tribute upon it; and the same is true of all the principal cities on the Atlantic coast. Nowhere in the - world has 60 much projterty ever before been so exposed. Not only is there not a "fortification on the entire Atlantic and Pacific coasts that could oppose the approach of an armed vessel, but the lake coasis also m e al the mercy of any vessel that the British government might send through the Welland canaL And,' as the Chicago tribune says, "we are now having a quarrel with Canada and are compelled to submit to her insolence and indignities, to the seizure of onr vessels and the mulcting of our fisher men because we have not the power to resist. We are literally helpless, without JJarms, without a navy, and without any coast defense worthy to be called a fortification." ; "Again: "The tory party is coming into power in England, and will unquestionably support the extreme position Canada has taken and the outrageous bill which has been rushed through . her parliament. In that case we must yield every point demanded, as we iave not a gun nor a vessel with which to resist." "; . J.tiltnriii'j With 1'rohibitionist. Tho Republican organs are vcrv an giy with tho Prohibitionists for going into business on , their own account anu accuse tnem ot inconsis tency. "ou know that the Demo cratic party as a whole opposes temper ance lejjislation," they sayv "and you expect that party to vote against all such legislation and against allowing people to express their opinions on tho subject. -Yet you help the Democracy to power by taking yourselves but of the Republican party.'! The Prohibitionists have been inside the Republican organization for many years. Y liat liave tuey gamed by the association? Where tho temperance partv has been in the ascendancy it lias found Republican politicians ready to go to the utmost extremity of a fanati cal warfuie against beer and' liquor, "Where it has had a hard struggle be- fore it to establish its principles, it has found Republican politicians prepared to win its support by promises and to betrav it after having used its votes as a stepping-stone to power. - The Democratic party is opposed to all sumptuary laws which inlefere with the natural rights of the people." But it believes in the people and is always willing to allow them to express their opinions on any subject. The Repub lican party, when it wanted the Prohi bitionvotein 1884, solemnly pledget! itself in this State to submit tho ques tion of constitutional prohibition to the people, and altliough it had the power to redeem this pledge through the Re publican Legislatures of 1885 and 1886 it refused to do so. Which is the creater enemy of Pt"oliibiiionl The Democracy, which is its open and man ly opponent, or Republicanism, w hie ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE', HiiST:;tJ0!l- OFFICE 1 IN DOUGLAS COUNTS CARDS, BILL HEADS, LI GAL DLAf- KS And other Printicg, Ijicludiiig- Urge and Heavy Poster$.and Showy Hand-Bills Ke)Iy and Exr-editiously executed ' AT PORTLAND PRICES. MaaataMaaaaaaawawoaaoooao Bsawwa a is its treacherous and forsworn ally! The Ptxihibitionists know their busi ness. - They urethe- chrmpiocs cf principle, -ns the criginal Abolitionists were. They may not suocced in carry ing a Presidential electicn at present. But they desire lo exteiid their influ-" onco over men so as to win converts, and tliey find their . reward in the ap proval of their own conscience. Even those who cannot agree with their doc trines admire their hutranity and ac knowledge their sincerit'.'. They can net hope to ninke their Teat piinciplo resjiected if they allow themselves to be used as the political tials of a party . which etieats and betray i them, as they can if they show lb tnlves to bo ; an tnuei'-ontlcnt orgamati )ti with a rc spcttalle and r:-' 1 11 v im uun fallow- ir2 .t;. vri if;; ;y pcriinental work in thii liaa will lj very great in Pennsylvania thLj year. N. Y. -World. Dcaix, OIL ; Aug. 1 f. A "private letter received by one of our citizens conveyed the sad news of the death of Mr. Robert A. Pcarse at Chilthorne, Yeovil Somersetshire Eng land. Mr. Pearse will Ije remembered by many citizens of Douglas county as he lived for some years among us. Ho was a man of sterling worth and integ rity, honest, and upright in all things, He left here for Englaud, the latter part of November 1896 his intentions beinj; to reach home in time for tho Christmas dinner of which ho had not partaken for ten long years, his desires wm-e gratified having had a safe and uneventful jouruey across the stormy Atlantic, lie had hoped to-return to America and to Oregon in May last but the, grim destoyer laid his icy hand upon him and called him away from earth, e'er; his hopes were real . ized. Just in the midst of all his hichest ambitions, i us t in life's bright est hour, just in the flush of earnest noble manhood. . He had never been stout, being troubled with asthma, and believed that a trip to his old home would prove beneficial, but alas, vain hopes, how soon destroyed, having been home but about one year and seven months when he departed this life. Mr. Pearse, w-as at one time largely interested, and connected with manu facture of cheese, and was a partner of Mr. Hall of Oakland in that capacity. . Wherever he was, in whatever business -he might be ideatified as a true man, as a friend unequalled, loyal to tho ' bottom of his heart, no deception no betrayal of the confidence placed in' him by his friends, light was his motto and right royal did he in the fulfillment thereof. Thi intelligence of his death as a sad blow to his friends, in Drain no wing his excellent qualities how could it be aught else. He died of disease of the lungs aged 31. years, he leaves no family as he never married. An aged father and mother survive him, awaiting alike, the summons which robbed their household of one of its number. . May his soul rest in peace beside that bright and beautiful river , that flows by the throne of God: That smilo has faded from our sight and silence now enamored of his voice, ocks its mute musio in her rugged cell' It has been said that a merciful rovidence confers ' on man a most gracious boon when he conceals from him the time that he thall cease! to be, spared the wan spectre of anxiety and . anguish, the relentless warning of the pale messenger, ho receives unhei-alded the final stroke, To those who br ieve may be comfort in the death of our friend whose earlv summons we all so much deplore. His call was so sudden, so unexpected that even yet it is difficult to believe that the seal of death has really been placed upon him that he has crossed the dark Styx and that all there is of earth to him has passed forever away. ; " "Ne'er gathered the reapi r fruit more fairt : Never the shadows of d. irk despair, Fell on a deeper woe. Cone from his tasks half complete, Gone from eare&ses, kind and sweet. into Leain arms oi snow. . Oksinl . The Crater Lake Sitkvev. The engineers have completed "the survey : of Crater lake, but the . surrounding country is yet, much of itj unsurveyed. TheU. S. squad of troops returned on Monday to Vancouver barracks, and W. G. Steele went down yesterday. The matter of making a public park will corce before the next Congress. Statesman. ' . : . a-. Bucklens Arnica Salve- -The Best Salve in. the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever SoroR, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all fckin Eruptions, and posiiivelv cure3 Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect : satLf action, or money refunded Price 25 cts ncv box, Fr sleby ieiis 4 Co