ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, JULY, 30, v 1886. CnOSQIXG TBE BED SEA. BV MRS. DR. S. HAMILTON. (Outline of a sermon delivered bT the Rev. J. X. Bell, at Rojeburg, Oregon, April th, 166$. Long before Israel beside the sea. Watched for their master's saving power, - Their fathers bowed in cruel slavery, .Waited for their deliverer. v 'Stand still," their obedient nature heard the voice, iux muicu nil me iignt iiom xieaven came, As a child, that is bade to rest in peace, Nor to unbidden seek to learn of him. , Thus a knowledge of evil and of good, Was food far hidden to the mind of man, Till an Aneel broneht of Heavenlv fat. To mix with earthly darkness, wrong and pain. The Angel bearer found the waters deeo. When through death he crossed the crimson flood. And drained to its dregs the bitter cup, Thus mingling evil knowledge, with the good. Thus were wisdom's forbidden waters fed, To its creature, by the same guiding hand. That to the sea, Isreal'i children led, And bade to see his salvation stand. Dare man of evil from the hand refuse, That gives to him a knowledge of the good; The birthright of his noblest nature lose, By scumbling at the teachings of the word. Who venture not, but backward trembling As approaching death, like Pharaoh's host, That around Israel is seen to close, Till captive in his chains, their souls are fast - But through those who conquer the fear of ueatn, And marched by faith in triumph through the sea, The wisdom of the Gods is borne to earth, l he minds Jirst spiritual victory. When every soul redeemed of man, . Becomes a spiritual battle field, Where good and evil may contest the throne, And to the discerning mind a conquest yield . Till the harvest is ripe, and the reaper comes acexing iruii oi nis seea, sown on tne eartc; Where a hoary head and a stooping form, Are standing again on the shores of death. No longer clinging to the sands in dread, But fearless as Peter to the master came, Man crosses he sea, to meet his God, That his Master crossed to come to him. SEATTLE. iro.HA.Vtl XIGHTS-PBOHIBITIOX DI8ZOTAl.Tr. Lditor Review: Perhaps a few ; items from this city will be of interest. You know that last February 'we had a riot- here in consequence of the attempted forcible -expulsion of the Chinese. The disturbing element, for brevity we will call them agitators, have never forgiven the home guards for shooting when they were assaulted. A rogue never has any love for an officer of the law, and the agitators never lose an opportunity to heap in sults' on the deputy sheriffs and our citizen soldiers. Since February the . agitators, determined upon ruin, .have never slept nor slumbered. ' They have so aioused the baser passions of the excitable and unthinking lower orders that talk of evolution, the purchase of guns and resistance to con stituted authority is freely talked of. Our citizens made arrangements for a general celebration on the fourth of J uly, a day ef all days when every na tive and adoptel citizen no matter what his politics or religion" may be, could and should observe most heartily, but the agitators determined to make trouble if possible, because the leaders of the proposed celebration were the men whp fought for law and order during the riots, the agitators planned a country celebration out of the city so it would do as much damage as pos sible. In their meetings they announ ced that they wanted "nothing to do with deputy sheriffs or brass buttons." Of course not "No culprit ever felt the halters draw With good opinion of the law." Deputy sheriffs and brass buttons are no annoyance to honest, law.abid in? citizens. We had a local option election; the result had but one feat ure of surprise, and that was, that there were about 800 prohibition rotes cast out of a total of over 2000; that there was so many prohibitionists, rejoiced the hearts of temperance men and alarmed the saloonists. We know that not more than half the prohibition ists voted. It is the same old story of indifference or moral cowardice. J Then election for city officers. The royal citizens put up their most estimable candidates. The agitaotrs put up a good old man of no mental or social standing, a nian who had benefited the city ten cents where his opponent had ten dollars, For chief of police the agitators put p the man who crim inally failed in duty during the riot and was suspended from office by the legal authority. . For city attorney they supported a young German law yer of no ability whatever. Looking at the two tickets what sane man would haye thought it possible for the ' agita tors to succeed, but they did.; The sound was not as deep as a well nor wide as a church but it is enough, Fifty votes world have turned, it the other way. A damaging and almost irrepairable misfortune has visited the city: it has frightened capital and paralyzed, business, for who will invest money where the laws are likely to bo trampled on as they were last Febru wry? There is one hope. We have two well diciplined and loyal compan ies of "brass buttons" and a : goodly number of deputy sheriffs; they are well armed and will tolerate no non sense as they know they are right and are backed by the government An archists, dynamiters and agitators had better go slow as the" patience : of our loyal citizens is about exhausted. Now . who were to blame for not putting in the fifty votes which would have tgiven our city a good name by placing it in thJ control of respectable, -law-abiding and competent officers? The women! I mean the cultivated, refined and so -1 called better class of women. I tell you again don't talk to me about , wo men suffrage being the care-all for social and moral ejils. It may do it after years and years of trial and ex- penenee, butnn the eaily stages it works mischief and ruin. At the polls saw respectable, neatly dressed wives of mechanics and laboring men ped dling tickets for the agitators. There were a few with the royal tickets; but you can't rub out the fact that among women of the wealthier class, the wives and daughters of our merchants and professional men there is a stolid inainerence u not a positive repug nance to the voting business. They ! will neither vote nor induce otlics of their class to vote. On the other hand the saloonists wives and the lower, perhaps not less honest and worthy women under the influence of the common .illiterate laborer, are pleased with the new toy and they vote as they are told by designing leaders. Now that the mischief is done we look around and rind dozens, yes nunareas or. good loyal women! who never left their homes during election day. Of course our business men are depressed, but they have large interests at stake and it is their duty to remedy the calamity as quick ly as possible. Even the agitators, now that their passion has burnt out, are alarmed at the mischief they hare wrought and offer the loyalists taffy in the shape of soft talk and sweet assurances that the laws and rights of prosperity shall be respected. 1 be lieve that too, but it will be mo'e on account of organized deputy sheriffs and "brass buttons" than genu; repentance on the part of the agitators What are the lessons? 1st. Tolerate no secret political society of any name. They are dan gerous to our free institutions. 2nd. The best men are not always elected to office. 3d. Wipe out with a quick hand the first appearance of disloyalty. 4th. Majorities are not always right but they must rule until a legal change can be made. 5th. Theoretically women suffrage is right, practically, thus far, it is a failure. Carpenter. The professed Christian who carries his religious profession as a burden nara to ue borne, but which be is I afraid to lay dowD, reveals his true character as soon as he goes among strangers, lie drifts into the associa tions and habits that are congenial to him. These half -hypocrites are some- tiues awakened and sared by the dis- covery thus made of their true charac ter. -O. P. F. ... ' Tke combined capital of the firm of f,he Rothschilds is now placed by per- sons wno pretend to Know at the sum of $1,000,000,000, one-half of it gained within the last twenty-five years,and the whole of it in scarcely more than a century. The founder of the family and its fortunes, Juever Anselm, was a poor clerk in a Hanover banking- house. It turns out that Mr. Edgar Faw- oett is tne auuior or tne anonymous poetical satire published in New York some time ago under the title of "The BuntlingBall." The publishers offered a prize of SI, 000 to anybody guessing the author. So many people suspected Fawcett that the purse has been divid ed up, and the guessers will only real ize 12 J cents apiece. Bishop Thomas Ken is tbcacknowl eged author of the doxology, "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." Among bis I best-known hymns are, "Awake my soul, and with the sun," aud "Glory to thee, my Lord, this night." The doxology is the closing stanza of the latter. Laborers cannot understand why they should be out of work, and why wages should be so low; but if the peo ple will for one year stop buying liquors, and use the money in purchas ing useful articles, a solution of the labor problem will be furnished. The Issue. : : - The reader of foreign iews can now see that there are really but two par ties in Great Britain the English and the Irish. The Current ; Congress has no right to let the country drift into another Presidential election without making new provision tor counting the electoral vote. ' Of Interest to Ladies- The new treatment for ladies' dis eases diicovered by Dr. Mary A, Greg?, the . distinguished English Physician and nurse, which has revolutionized the entire mode of treating these com plaints in England is now being intro duced into the T7. S., under a fair and novel plan. Sufficient of this remedy for one month's trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suffering from any disease common to the sex who sends her address and 13 2ct stamps for ex pense, cnarges etc. ; It is a posit ice cure for any foroi of temale disease and the free trial pack age is many times sufficient to effect AMrmanent cure. Full directions ac-! company siie package (which is put in a plain wrapper) also price list tor f u ture reference. Xo trial packages tct be sent after Oct. 1st 1886. Ad dress, Greoo Remedy Coh pax y, Pal myra, X if. A Safeguard. r.tii; uiffi which alivtit. t oUU Mild Coughs frequently develop i.i'o the gravest mahidies of tins throat Siijil lUUlpS IS a eOlLSlUCruilOH M uicu tuuuiu :;;i)'t evcrv pruui'ut irtuu cvu 'Kind, hi a liousehokl remedy, a bottle 01 .Mt.uiii .-- " - ::t;d works m sure a cure In nil nflectlons i.f tliN rlaxft. mar cmuieiu jinsn:mu, Vsi.f. F. Swcetzer, of the Maine Medical s-. Uninswiok, Me., says : MtiVuai science ina produced no tnerano i .'t- f-xM-tr:mt cihhI n Arm's Chirrt . i cT4iu.AU. His invaluable for diseases of the ,.n l:fX lung." j " 'I't... . .....A n.!kti.M AXtil.kltffll1 YtV till ,'ir-!.MoYu Dr. I-J, Addisun, of Chicago, Sit., Ilu !;n s -j C'H'iIIH'ua r.tuuj uu "--- j ., . hti.I afir.tl0 nf max) lift. inV I VLk TOllAI.. lor IPKlHWHl VI uibi-ww ui ui ..4 ,! t....,. Tf not itnlv hrakn tin ftnlds I . I .l L .11111 1 I - ) 'J . I - - " r:n cre severe couuli, but ! more effective i lronrliial aud AYER'S Cherry Pectoral i i !:. n-tii-w ri for lxmuiar conn- d-nci'. lnit ii liu-dii-im: wliii-li is to-tlay sivinr the HvcK of h' third reiwratioii v!io have -oni lulo lu-tng slui-e tt was fi!t oflf-rfd to the iublio. l in n w not a hotiseiioia in wnien iui i.f h-IUIHlV ll!IS OI1CC UCOn Ul- tiovlm-id v.!ri! ii tir hits ever leen ;iii.!!i(lirn:il. :uid thre U not a ieron wis ha vr srivoii it n irnper trial fir :mv t hi-oat or lus lwase fuscep- HlfM of iiie.iwho h: not been ruaue v. it l.v i:. I . , AYrirs t uiautY rttnoicAL. nas, vi iitii!,i:,rk'..s liiHium-ts. t-uriii ODsnuaie i va ; laoni f Bronchitis, Laryngitis, ; 1 ( -wn aculo Pneumonia, and has : i inaiiv ltaiii iits in the riirlk-r Htatrcs . : i'ulnionary Consumption, It is a ! ill tli;it onlv ri-ttiiV! to oc laKPii in .! w. U plcaint to the tasto, and in i I I hi every liou.-e where tht-re are rUU.: . :'"tli''r' is nothing so good as " A Y i:rs llLHliY I'FX.'TOltAL for troat--.1? -ut of Croup aud Whooping Cough, i !i o :i re all idaiu ft-ots. which ran be :vi'ii'd by anyiHKlv, and should be re- nv. mb-.-ivd by rvcrybody. Ayer'sjCherry Pectoral, "REPAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LOOK OUT! FoR Bran New rick Stor tfiiiaiV&i Coos Bay Stage Linel i- - LAIRD & CALVERT, ; .?;' PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN .14 HOURS' WHERE cOiinectioii is made with Coos Bay Steam ers (or all points on the Bay. Stages leave the Post- offic at Rcsebunr every morning, except Sunday calling at the hotels before leaving. THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BAY Particular attention given to the comfort of pass sengers. C'sreful drivers "Jid g od stock. WEW STOEiS V:- -1AT DHL. LARD, OR. would respectfully inform the public that he has On hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, j Ready-Hade Clothiug and in fact everything usually kept at a rust-class store, trive him a call. Goods' at Low Prices. t AH kinds of Produc Taken in Exthansc'for Good r&AU orders promptly attendtd to -- r I c MISCELLANEOUS JFUMNIl JO RE PALAGF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Ihi the flneat stock t furniture oath of Portland which he kUi m cheap a it eta be bought in the State. The new tangled DO UBLE BED LO UNGE. AND . ' PATENT CORNICES. I Abo has ou hand a full assortment of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And ail kinds of Childrens Chairs, etc. . S. GILDERSLEEVE. PHILIP SAUTER, LZercTtant Tailor, I IT EEPS a Imva and complete assortment of sain i XV pies of the very boat materials and latest : ' . . - J CLOTHING MADE TO 0RDEB A perfect FIT Guaranteed Cleaning and Repairing done at" Reasonable rates. HROl p ueite HITS E ICS Meat Market, on Jackson Street. ! - . ROSEBURG, - - -.OREGON, .-"'1---. " i J1-. ' i - H. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, . Wagou Shop, Blacksmith Sliop. T1AN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE I Vj ounce to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. . iUoney rclondea it work Is not s&lulactory. I'oruanu prices i In . r. eave telegrams ana expre9sae. LANGENBERG'S Boot aod Shee Store, Jackson Street,'Opposlte Post Office, Bosohorg, Oregon. . ? KEEPS OS BAND THE L.VRGEST AND BEST assortment 'of Eastern and San Francisco and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEB8, SUV VERS and everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant at my work. " Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGEttBERO. CIVIL BEND STORE V. In ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods Ctoceies ?to All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OUEGOK. T. L. Gannon, , C. A. Blackman C ARRI As"E, WAGON, AND 11 Adaiuson's Old Stand. Jacksou Street. I MANUFACTURERS OF ! CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGQISl All Kinds of Repairing Done, Teriiis ar Reasonable. Gaxkos A Bxackmas. OBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Or ROSEBURQ- W. T. OWENS, : : : : Manager. -DEAL IN- Wool and Grain ! also, agents for Agricultural Implements OF AJLXj KIlfDS- WE TRANSACT A GENERAL Busi ness in our line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Gram. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con- An h&nrl. nr furnished on short nntinA I at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Givens a call. ; THE ! New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon if Leading Check Restaurant in the City. I SIFERD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS' 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - OREGON. fyPrivate Rooms of tho Latest Designs for Ladies- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. - . I INSURE IN THE STATE INSURANCE 00. or- Capital ...... .$100,000.00 Insures only" Farm Property, Private dwellings, School houses and Churches. Also Detached dwe'lings in Cities and Towns with contents. I have also a few CHOICE FARMS aud stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. David S. West, agent. ' ; Office,at Court House, Roseburg Or. lATGiS t t h 3 CHICKS BY Wit the Moat Perfect aad Saeeeee ruilBittUartb, sua. FOLDiriG IHCUBATOR. Wrances U Set put order.' Ko com or experienced Diiiiuiii.iLT iLimii. nurrtiLiiia lURiiuiMir. nnnarnmaa Dl-1tlta lluU iT . a. US.. Vfttchloff. Hatchet all fertlla tgz. placed In a nestoa Toe UDDer fmrt.lan i . - i Mi;."::;. yoes not Interfere the meals caa beat Tenn. From aOOeggs I batched 197 Chick! In the Craig Incubator. 1 Pmma Know It Is the best piaas tor brooder r HoWR7T.. lit. of 78 eggs batched 65 chicks. Had very (rood suocess first trial. Sev er bad a finer lot of chickens. UtvLEN OliSDOUFF. 8mm. Ill Ton fni.nhfnr beats all the bens set lis eggs under s9 uzi H S - ......... 80 tOO " KM 1900 1. ....190 If you knew how cheap I sell Uells You would surely have one. I also deal in Turesueus, Exchxes, (The best Boiler feeder known) Steam General Agent for, The Shitman Exgixe, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust. No Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Oregon. - GIVE ME HITGHi UP! But before you do that ! come 'round to W. Gh WOODWARD'S nl ItSv A -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Bigge6t and Best Stock use nothing but the best EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. W. Cr. Woodward Roseburg. -SUCCESSOR TO- Abraham, WMm &-Co. - -DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, iio-soburc: Oregon. lias on hand constantly a large and complete assortment of General Merchandise aud will be pleased to see his old friends and patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration ofthe scarcity of money and tlie present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling on h;m aud examining Before purchasing elsewhere, I do not claim to sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all who patronize rue tiat thoy will get their goods At The Iiowest Living Profit. Produce Of AU Kinds Taken At Market Price. Sol. Abraham. Drain & Co,- lrain. DougUis Co,, Oregon, GENERAL DEAIZERS IN :: DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, ardware, O- HATS, CAPS, BOOTS Afim SHOES. era will iiiid our stock complefe, comprising many articles it is im possible here to enumerate. ; ' " Would respectfully invite an examination o stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash -...--.; ': ''l- only. 1f A DT TAT tor lares or SS craliH : 40 taI . 0 cralna made. Perfect accuracy enarsnteed ll sixes, all wclehta.. Prices reduced. Bf T.T A allerv, 8partfiursaa Tarirt RlOea, world rpoownrd. The standard for irTi JiJilil target airaoung, buntlns. and ahootlnc eallerte. All calibres from tt to 4a. iS$,Sdii tiiusSiud cauiog MiRLIK FIRE IRIS C0M KEW HAYES, COSJ. mm .... aimbwaiv i i m tie lalK d7fmf f;aS r natural soil ta the lower t Ynii iws dck nice the lid of a trunk. The e?Kt art J:rt.S?W1? P" OI w'r twice a day and reolacms with boiling water, about 1 quarts at a time for smaller slze? EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell a! from 50c to $1 per Pound. ' flee) at Brooder and will care for the chicks as ion an tii need artificial beat, thai saving expense of special broker Sou an Incubator and as a Brooder It Is unsurpaued by ani ' nuKblne. m mS ter wbat the cost, and Is the aresc, cheilanoSfSi.iK SMBM4 candidate for puuUo fayor. Thefcralg Incubator c?if i ro wltlproat at any season. .Any personrtouW la 'vi Ti nlvinS hatiS wivr r.'i" um with household duties. The same Arc T ihai nr7X.Z. water for an Incubator. Prepares Sftlt UatiMi. f'l!?!?!- e I hi Incnl-atot rnSS'.0 " c" Put. In. No trouble to keep an eve n tempera ture. Shall run It all wlnipr. E. VAN DEUSEN. one made, roar are anexceiicd. D. C. HATCH. Thtrit trint nnf tLi7.AnTnTOWK. N. Y. Iiy ris ing ll.eCr.lg lncuijaior I consider my first attempts at artificial Incu bation a complete success. for hatching. 1 hens and hare A. WALTEBiUAKD. F. D. CRAIG, ffilui. North Evanston. III. 'EKD A CEirra IV triUPl wnn . . . . .. Contains more useful poultry Information than any ti book. Describes vEtiotwSi'teB- ue. li'afori?rle.c! TCU.S BOW tIi.JElUOO percent, vreflt oa 60 heus for Iahms, Schools or Chi rcues Mill Machinery, Pumps, Inspirators Fitting Goods, Belting, Oils. Also Office Foot of Morrison Street Portland A CALL. Zj T. WRiCJUT. tt n of Goods ever Brought to Town. I leather, and have got DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME Crockery, -0 3 j 1 Best In Tlao "Woxrlca. small ranu made ta S2 calibre. 40 trains powder : 38 el. : 4& nL 70 and 84 aralna. Tbe stroorest aUootlnn rifle and the only absolutely safe rifle made. All styles, TORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor." FIRST CLASS IX EVERY ttESPECT- Good Restaurant Connected With The House nro-i'ruof Crick BuUdintr " 130 liounis. In the Ctaitcr of llic City COIt. FUOST AND llOHUISON STS., TtiUTLASD ECUOFEAN l'LAX. jSMOXt) HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Cur sua Kko.xt aj Mokbjsox Sts POKTLASD, OKEGOX TuuMAs CtKiKAN, Pnijirii'tur. rpilE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Cuarles Heilmax, Proprietor. The very best in the Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED KATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIJIE THIs LARGE AXD WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers superior acmmnHitinDa at rxnralar prices. Meals 25c, Rooms 25c. and 50c. Only three blocks iroin ail Depots ana Steamer landiugs, r ruo isusa to and from tbe Hotel Ho Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviation from regular rates of tl.00 pur oav. inarliU E. LEWISTON. Prop'r. EsUblishcd 1S52. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING AXD OF OREGON. THE PLACE TO BUY.Jg) J B C0NGLE Manuliicturnr, Wbolcsalc and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, V3.LEATHEB AND SADDLERY HARDWARE 108 and 110 Front Street PORTLAXD OREGON Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLO ED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. A ny thins; repaired or made to order. CALL IX ST ANTE R. Great Overland Route! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD -ONLY LINE RUNNINC- Pullman Palace SleepingOars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. rani aud Minneapolis ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING PALACE DINING CARS; (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE : FROM THE COAST OYER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Blaffs, St Joseph, Atchison, JLcavcnwortli, Kansas City, . . . BurUngton. Oiiiuey.:. IT St. Louis, S Chicago ANB ALL POINTS EASrn AND CJOUTHEASrn I ASl AND OOUTHEAS J v - , o Via St. Paul and Sliuncapolis. ;,:..Xa(XXCtXI-4flaJEaTP.;';;-: -crSLEEPING CARS ja- Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- Leave Portland at 3:00 p. si., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 P. M., third daj. Connection made at St Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 a. a., arriving at New- Tacoma 60 p. m., connecting with O. II. Jk N. Co.'s boats for all points on Puget Sound. A.. D. Charlton-, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St, Portland, Oregon. Dr. HEERDOLD -CaUp-Slairs ocrL. Re fit' Jewelry blot-. , ROSEEURC CRECOH. P . " P 5 P. 5 P Q JII. O MALLEYi . . . Propiit-lor of the ROSEBURG MARULK WORKS. Aud Dealer in Toombstokes, Tahuip, ETC. :-; 8hoj iter of Hewn'!"" CAVEATS. TRADEMARKS ANB COPYRIGHTS Obtained, and all other buaineM in the C. 8 Patent. Office attended to toe MODERATE FEES. Send MODEL OU DKAWIXG. We advis. at patentability free of charge; and we make KO CHANGE CNLESS WE OBTAIN PATEKT. We refer here to the Poat mauler, the Supt. iloncy Order Dir., and to official ol tho V. 8. Tatcnt office. 1'or circular, adTlce, term and references tu autual clients lu J.ur own Stmts -county, write to C, . SNOW & CO.. Ojiposite Patent Office,- Washington, D. C. BLACKSMITH ASP WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Having dissolvoj the copartnrsbip eiist iog between Bunnell & Bowen Bros. . and are now prepared to do all work in their line in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AXD AT SEASONABLE RATES. O. c3 JEL- TPo,irlsLa, .y A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table asd Pocket Cutlekt, Queenswaree Etc Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. Drain Hotel! DRAIN - - OREGON. Coos Ray Stage Office at the Hotel VN SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- BAOoi&K Handled Febb or Cbaoc MRS. BLACKWOOD Pbopkieteess. MEDICAL- - r T -VT m r tt THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FKANC1SCO, CAL. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT EflOUSH REf'EM. IS A NEVES PAILIWO URElorNeiTmisDebilty i eminal Weakness, Ex . j) ansted Vitality, Srerma itorrhea, Lost Manhood-:!tnpoteucj-, Paralysis, i -rostatorfhea, and all the t erribie effects of Self f tvwe, youthSul follies and xcesses in matorer years, ucli as Loxa of Memory I jusitude Nocturnal Em ...... j ssians. aversion to sncietr iiakiK8uf tutiua. Auiaea in the Head, EXCESSES IN DRINKING intoxicating liquors, tne Vital fiaid HMBuiK unuuvcrrvu in wc urine, ana many olner di eases that lead to insanity and death. Da. Uisctik, who is A Brorua PuTstaAS, GRAiir ATB.OF niBUXlVKKHTTOP Psssstltakia, will agree to forfeH Fiva Hcxdred Dollars for a case of this kind the V1T L RESTOETIVE (onder his special advice and treatment) will not cure, cr for anythinc Lmvare or injuriou found in It. Da. Uiktib treats all private diseases succeasfullT withoat mercury Cossi LTAnos Feks. Thorough examination and ad rice. Including analysis of urine, $5.00. Price of ITALRESTORATIVE, l.tO a bottle, or fotn- times th quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon receipt of Price, or C. O. D., secured from observation, and in private name if desired by Da. Hinth, 11 Kiarst Strbkt, Sax Fsaxcisco, Cau 8end for list of ques tions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. " Will be sent to any one applying br letter, statin? symytoms, sex and ace. Strict secrecy i d regards to all business transactions. Dr. UiKna's Kinsrr Remxdt. XEPHRETICLH Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Csomplaint Gonorrhea, Gleet, Lcuchorrhes etc. For sale by a drngjfisU; tl a bottle or six bottles for nredollars. Da. Uixtirs Dasdrlios Pills are the best aad the t-hcaie8t Drsi kpria and Biuovg cure in the market For sale by all drufTiOsta. SISAIJL FO MAMS OAS 3E SEMOYED. JLEOIST & CO . Loudon, Perfumers to II. II. the Queen, have ted and patented the worid-renowned OBLITEHATOll which removes Small rox Marks, of howerer standing. The applicatioa Is simple ant har ' causes no inconvenience, and contains nolstos; juiious. Price tf.CO. SUPEPLTJOUS HAEL Leou & Co 's l)EPlXATORIr,, Removes Euporflouos Hair rn a few minute without pain or unpleasant' sensation neTsr -grow again, 8imple and barmlesa , Fa directions. Sent by mail. Price $1 GENERAL AGENT . 219 Tremont Street, Boston, . Mass. Mention This Paper. . TCten Baby sru ski, we gars her Caaiorta, nien aha was a Chi! d, she cried tat Casterb, Whea she became M as, she clonf to Cftatoria, Whua aha had CbOdi ta, tb art t&ea Castoria, B AHKR & WILLIS, -DEALERS IN GROGEELES, PROVISIONS, -NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS,. ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce, bought anJ the highest caah ZIOSEBURG QREGOir. "V"