ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, JULY 30, 188G. , A. O. U. W. ROSEHCUG LODGE No. 16, uiceU tho second ami fourth Mondays of each month at 7.30 P. M. in the Oild Fellows Hall. Members in (rood wtauilini; are invited to attend. . E. O. Ht!RH, - T. Ford, Financier. ; Recorder. O. E. 8. CHAPTER No. 1. ASHLAND OREGON Regular meetiqsrs 1st and Srd Tuesdays. AU mem nor in good standing are cor J tally invited to at en 1 M s. Anua carter, w. si. w. Ji. Atkinson w. i ' HISS ANNA ANDERSON, Secretary- VH1LETARIAN LODGE No. 8. 1. O. O. r.. meet. on Saturday eveuinsr of each week at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Kosebunr Members o the order in good standing are invited to mieiiu. - uv oruer or toe s. u. r CNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 8, I. O. Or F., meets UIU r ellows' Hall on the first and third Tnursdaysof each month. Visiting brethren Invited to attend. A. tvAiXHt, c r, E. O. Hi'Ksu, Scribe LOCAL BRE riTIES. Fine weather for harvesting. A good deal of courting inlown this week in a legal way, however. Considerable work in the R. A. M. Chap ter this week in this city. W c are now turning out. some of the finest job work yet seen in these parts. Rev. J. R. N. Bell will preach in Wilbur next Sunday rooming and evening. A few more nice lots for Sale in West Rose burg. Apply early and get your choice. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured, by Shiloh's Cure, at S. Hamiltons. Mr. A. C. Jones family returned this week from an extended visit to Eastern Oregon. Dr. Little at Oakland relieves you at once of that terrible toothache in a dental manner. "Hackmetack" a lasting and fragrant per ume. Trice 25 and fifty cents at S. Hamil tons. All kinds of blanks can be had at The Re view office in a few days, and at reasonable prices. J. B. Cawlhcld left for San Francisco last Monday to attend the G. A. R. meeting at that place. Airs. II. C. Stanton and Miss Lucy May lelt for San rrancisco via Yaquina last Tues day morning Shiloh's Cure vill immediately relieve t-roup hooping Cough and Bronchitis. . S, Hamilton agent. A A asal Injector free with each buttle Oi'EN Air Concert. On the sixth day of j of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cants A LAUREL LODGE A. F. M Aeacb full moon. O. A. J. P. Dcxcas, Sec. regular meetings on Wednesday on or before bkath, . WILL HOLD efor M. .! CMPOUA CHAPTER, Nc 11, F. A.M.. hold i V -5 their rejrular communitions every first iZSSi "n,i lird Tuesday in each month. All members in sjood standing will take due and nicjy notice and govern themselves accordingly. isiting companions are invited to meet with the napel when convenient. .. . V. P. Bcxxsll, H. P. . . I. ruliiuUND.B, Se-"v. UANbON. When you go to the seaside, go to liandon, 1 he beach is lined with emeralds Co to liandon, go. this present week at the witching hour ol 7:30 at Hamilton's. o clock p. m. it is the laudible intention of the Yankee Doodle Band of this quiet aid tlrllltlflll rt4.r is mi.f. .1- . " ." iv,i.i.m us own peculiar way one of its soul-thrilling, hair-raising concerts I in the Band stand, Mouth. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for Catarrh. DinhthrrLi. nn.i rnV..r S. Hamilton acent. Why Will Ycu cough when Shiloh's Cure ...:n r . .. , m give immediate renet rnce 10 cts,, 50 as., ana $1. at S. Hamilton's. A tremendous eoncourse of people are ar riving in San Francisco to attend the meeting liLtCTED.- Last Tuesday's Orcgonian states that Trof. J. B. Horner has just been elected a member of the State Board of Edu- cation. This Is a substantial recognition of the of lhe G, A. R to begin August 2nd 1 row inorougn knowledge o our public school system in Oregon, and shows at the same time his c ollegiate standing in the State . As well expect life without air, as health without pure blood. Cleanse the blood with Aycr's Sarsaparilla. r . McKmncy's newly improved residence in North Roseburg is looking well. But for the 1 . , kg keform CLUB. The meniKrs and visitors of the club, enjoyed a short, and spicy address from J. W. Miller, intermingled lile of us' we calnot tell what it all means wim appropriate anecdotes; the room was comfortably filled, and the address and ever cises secured the closest attention. W. Alexaneer, Sec. Siwal SER ICE.-We call special alien hod icy nc article on the "climatology of Rose- ourg Kindly furnished us by Mr. Pague signal officer U, S. A. at this place. This gentleman has done, and is doing a great deal in this im nortant lino nf incalculable, ::r,C" "0f t-8 a few days. j jjvijuuj w ni iic.sire to know exactly the. tnie state and variations of climate and, soils. We hope to hear from him often, for our columns are wide open to such excellent and correct information. If you want aset of teeth, or want teeth ex tracted, in first class shape, or any dental work done, go to Dr. Little of Oakland Oregon. That "hack" is sold that we advertised. mere were about 30 applications for it. Ad vcrtisc your old hacks in The Review and you will sell. Geo. Stephenson and wife were in tow this week, and Mr. Stephenson and family will leave lor a five week s trip east of the moun OAKLAND ITE3IS. Sol. Ahraliam was in town this week. 1 Ex-Sheriff Taylor was in town. Wednesday. James Chenowelb went to Eugene Monday. Hon J. H. Shupc spent Tuesday in Drain. Charley Hallis again able' to attend to "biz," A. F. Stearns is laid up with a swollen jaw. i . . '.., We are sorry to hear of the illness of David CLZXATOLOO T OF ROSEB VSO, ORE OOS, GEOGRAPHICAL FEAT URES, SOIL ETC, or DOUG LAS COVXTT. Latitude 43" 13 north, Lonaitute west of , Greenwich 123? ZV Altitude - Above the Sea SI 1 feet. . The following has been prepared by B. S Pague, Observer Signal Service U. S, A. in charge of the U. S. Signal office at this place, for the benefit oi the readers of The Review so as to present a comprehensive statement of the climate, not only to the people here, but also for the benefit of the immigrant who may bejin search of an equitable clime and a coun ty blest with ' everything to insure large; pro ductiveand never failing crops. . Atmospheric Pressure. The variability of pressure at all seasons depending as it does on the influence of local ity is here not subject to those ereat chances k. C. 5acry had charge of lhe post othce I characteristic to so manv wimc nf th mnn. Senior. Farmers all busy harvesting in this "neigh borhood. j Winnie Caddis and mother were here visit ing Cassius Wednesday. James Chenowcth is getting a long fine with his railroad wood contract. C. A. Schlbredc and A. F. Brown went to Thief Creek on Wednesday, j dunng Mr. Steams; sickness. 1 Dr- Page has a neat little office and a full assortment of drugs for his own use. Mrs. Ambrose Young and Mrs. W. T. Ker- ley left last week for Spragiie W. T. G. B. Barr had charge of Express business Tuesday luring Mr. Shupe's absence, Rev. J. R. N. Bell of Roseburg was in town looking alter the interest of lu's paper, Prof BoiTtrS has Imnvftl ta Olil Town nnrl will have charge ofj the Old Town school this fall. The numerous warehouses at this place are try. The s normal pressure is 30.067, the highest 30-664, in November 1880 the lowest 29-136 in November 1885. while the highest monthly mean pressure is in January, with a gradual decline to April when it is nearly stationary to October, lowest in September with a rise again to January. The greatest fluctuations otcur m November, the least in July and August. - Temperature. The range of temperature covering the extre mes of ioi in July '85 and 30 in February '84 shows an equable clime when compared with other places where it Ls not an unfrequcnt being cleaned uri for the storage of the coming occurence to have 100 in summer and 30 be- crops. j now zero in winter, while many places have W. F. Owens was in town the latter part a ranRC of nlore lhan 'S0. Places situated of last week lnnttmr -.fcr ilu- j,ir.5n .X on "ccoasi, or an island m the ocean have B,0i,i range man 20 . 1 ne mean an nual temprature is 52. 3, warmest month July Are You Made miserable by Indigestion Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Vit rt ,. ... .. . tuuw aKiur aiuion s v uaiizcr is a positive cure. b. Hamilton afenf. A New Residence-. Geo. W- Junes (Shakespeare) is building a most elaborate residence in North Roseburg. II. Gates con tractor. This new house is situated in a commanding position, overlooking the cmire city, yet it Is easy of iiu .uuinu nas resigned Ins nosition at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in this city, to accept a position in the International Hotel in Port land. Success to you Willis. we acknowledge the receipt of the S6-7 mecucai catalogue of the lllamette Universi ty. Young men wantinc to be tWinrc nn approach. I his enter Drise KrnmmpnfU1.IA Cm ... i , ..I '.t " anu energetic gct an education in medicine inOrecon. """" equivalent tosavmcr T nm to slay." Mr. Jones being of a literarv turn ' D Band minstre,s wiU Icave for of mind, will devote his leisure momtnu to . . S "country in the morning. They win give gooa entertainments, and arc a gen are thee well" "etc, the study of the great English author, a pupil JT Sterta of whom he is which. P Pu tlcmanly set of boys. etc. !"... SIKUV, We have nnt ln il.l,, . Tk r. . . ..uvs imc jmiucuccj are in course 01 con 10 secure an ati rn,w .-.I .' . I v.v auu caulaic 01 cost sirucuon in nest Koseburg at present and per mile from the surveying party that has just others talked of. Those now building are .. lKt country, xhe J C. fullerton, A. J. Bellows and J. R. N -w '"vi,ul" rv,oseDurg to the cele Bell. brated lake is just 90 miles, 73 miles of which will have to be made. Some paxt of this road is easy and accessible, and the other part is more difficult. It will not cost however, more tlian lrom two to three hundred dollars per nine, wnenevcrthe official report is given us Dy jir. Arnngton we will then be tetter in formed. .Messrs J. C. I-ullerton and Geo. W. Kim ball returned from the life givine fountains of the Foley Springs last Wednesday. They have entirely recovered, and are hale and rosy as 4 butterfly. Major Walsh has the finest B fiat cornet that hag ever been "blowcd" in our town for a long time, lhe Maior blows it for nil WOKK.-A corrcsimnrliinf u n'tm. if ilmrn 1 in ; Tkt. t...i:c..i , uany, says that work on theO. P. railraod made by Henry Diston & Co., and was made ueiwccn AiDany and Corvalhs has started up to order expressly for a one armed man, in full blast- anil tew man n. . 1 I , t- "n. iiu i woik "rap. s arc i1nl.lw.rr, i ,:, .1 ,.A ,r,,i .t. .. .. . m..., UU suncrcrs """ -oipany want ail tlie from ch 1 -in,l fov r,l i . . men they can get. Common laborers cet S2 v,rv LrJZ.ri""" " nrr.lnv j . . " , u.u w.wy vuininence tne L. 7i. ". " rt"u lcaras 4 Pcrtay. use of Ayer's Ague Cure. That matirinn lhe "lhrec bisters' is nlvinrr -m,l,ri I j: .1 . .wnAllnnvrr..,,; rr r"ultaies ne on ltom system, and j vv,,iuj. muMiiu UUC HID I furccpvcn Ihnwnnl each wav nrr rl.iv T! 1 . I new barges, which will be used to carrv nc u amcue university is the oldest freight for the construction of lhe Allmnv I . . cgc n ,nc coast anl one of the best be- bridgc-Sentinel. ! s rcPutaUon has improved greatly 1 "" 'V'- an acoy assumed the manage .f armers Read. To the farmers and fruit I meut- Those who wish to obtain a thorough growers of Douglas county, Oregon, why pat- and first-class education will do well to read ronire nurserymen from abroad, when you can the advertisement to be found elsewhere gct a better varietv at homo. Wp h 3Vf Pforll I -- variety of fruit, shade, and mM(,i , ' L " heard ,t mentioned that Rev shrubbery rt. v , ;u, r ' John Howard would make an excellent mar rniaranlv ,U r1"1:. " 11, and that he rf ... ,unV ,,,, wc wul ,ve , ... ... you trees suitable to this section ,i ,". . l"al I,UMUOn' V unoul maKlnC lnv'1" rrM.luuk some wooL Geo. Settle and family returned Tuesday from a visit to Lebanon and Yaquina city, looking well. Lillian Russell ircturned last week from Longs Prairie near'Scottsburg wheic she has been teaching school. Dr. J. II. Day of Walla Walla passed through here Saturday on his way to visit his brother Nick Day on the Umpqua. The Railroad Company arc constructing a aS;?-;... w t nrIf U'Ttrr lnt.' nluMlf ur lmn,l rrA lnt V. I -r. . " . ' J "-"i uuumivvi 11.1.-1 bvulii xiosion jiass. of the depot, that and a new depot would add Baltimore Md much to the annearanre of thr tnu-n I Cape May N. I . . - . 1 . I numinous cmo, jonn Norwood and party returned from Chattanooca Tenn prospecting i-riday without very good success Mr. Norwood and a new party will leave here shortly with the ; intention of finding gold bclorc returning. The north bouncj freight train was delayed here Wednesday for an hour or two caused from a broken flange on the engine, an en gine was dispatched from Ros eburg and took the train through o Junction. Willie Long or Old Town whale out hunt ing Monday accidentally shot himself through the breast with a rifle, he was in passing the rifle to liis brother to slioot at a duck and in some manner it was discharged with the above result. Sunday morning D. W. Stearns hoard dogs alter his line sheep at the Denny housn and going over to the house found that two -dogs had killed ten of his sheep, he cautrht one 65.7, coldest, January 40.6; while the mean temprature of the seasons arc winter 4i".6, spring 51 .5, summer 64.! fall 52.0. In the .following table the temprature of Roseburg is shown in comparison with other places, Temperature I high- low- est. est. 521 ioP T 51.9 99 - 7 48.3 101 -13 55.6 101 - 6 53.6 91 1 $2.8 103 -20 60.6 101 3 48.0 100 -24 47-9 97 -13 51. 1 101 -20 52.3 103 -iS- 53.2 102 - 5 557 95 34 60.2 io5 21 55-o 104 -14 51.2 100 - 6 Detroit Mich, Sante Fe New Mexico. Salt Lake City Utah T. Prescott Ariz. T'y Philadelphia Pa. San Francisco Cal. Sacramento Cal. Washington D. C. xseworkCity The minus sign - indicates below zero. The extremes of heat and cold at Roseburg are modified by its proximity to the Pacific ocean and its Japan gulf stream; its mean an- thc act of nual temperature is higher than other r laces having the same latitude, yet its extremes of heat and cold are considerably less. It is a rare occasion that the temperature rises above 90 and rarely falls below 10; the highest mean temperature for a -single day was 8i'.2 July 26th. 1870. ; tlm i66, 23d, December 1879. No matter how is of short duration, is unknown. . Thunder Storms. , i Tl t uunacr storms are of an occasional occur ence during the heat of the Bummer, visible lightning seldom accompanies them. On July 4th, 1882 and again July 19th, 1S86 tnunaer storms and lightning occured in this vicinity, in the former trees were struck by ngiuning, m the latter the lightning, did no damage, these are the two most severe ones that ever occurred in this region. I Geographical Features ; Douglas county, of which Roseburg is the county seat, is aart of southern Oregon. It includes all the territory drained by the Ump' qua river, its extreme length, from north to soutn is 90 miles, from east to west 100 miles containing 2,360,000 acres. It has a natural boundary of mountains, the Calapooia on the north, the Cascades on the east the Canyon and Kouge river on the south , and the Coast Range on the west. , This is the UnfDaua Valley, though by no means level. It is drained by the Umpqua river and its north and south branches. Roseburg is situated on the east bank of the South Umpqua river In a valley ot 500 acres, surrounded by ridges of mountains, in height from one to three hun drcd leet akove the valley; on the west the valley opens into a larger valley, which ex tends to the Coast Range interspersed with mountain ranges and smaller valleys Soils. 1 he soils are various. The river bottom, being a sandy loam is now more productive than the famous valley of the Nile. Higher up, there is a dark mold with less sand and on the hillf a friable clay of yellow color, both of which produce fine crops. In fact these lands yield-the best crops of grain and where the A cyclone or tornado WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT. The following weather weekly by U. S. Pague, Service,' U. S. A. . table is changed Observer, Signal French Settlement Item. u Haying is over. . Sunday school at Cleveland is in a flovrUhing condition. . ; o CN mtm - mm . , : : 3 : : : : : k : ; j ': i Sb-J py , . MUUU K K K J!?n ooo Daily ,&'8a-S&,& .Itorometer. f. c e c e o Mean i frui 5 oo-Si Daiiy W 0000 00 06 09 MX- g -woo im.m I w.u,iwuiu . Mini-. 5 owwu mum cmai cm o Mea,n Daily mSmwov. Humidity S S -a-JJ n S Weather .... , 8 8 888 8 8 Da? Rain ral i - - - o. e c c e Mean DiiiI' j oo Temp. A past b years full blast and threshing will Average July pcrcipitation .35 inches. Barometer reduced to sea lovel and standard bills are too precipitous for the plow, furnish I gravity. abundant crass for Dasturaire. There are v. I - casional spots in the higher valleys of a very black soil, so mixed with clay as to be difficult ofcaltivation, except in the wet season This is the strongest land and except the bot- the Albany jail about three weeks ago has now 10ms, produce tne best crops, H properly culti- subsided by his capture at the hands of Hon vatcd. F. P. n I - ---ja wa iviiv tt vvniMlllttll) OUU A4.L.Oja CROPS. Richardson and.Monteith of albanv. The "Once in a decade a dry season may reduce prisoner who escaped with Saunders was also the yield, but even then it is equal to the captured. The capture was effected about 16 average of the Eastern States. Wheat, oats miles north ol the mouth of the Siuslaw on the and barley, in fact every cereal, except com, Ocean beach. The personal interview we is very productive. Corn can only be raised had with the prisoner lead us to conclude thai at a profit on the bottom lands, wheat yields he has had a hard Ume of it since he left bis from 15 to 40 ; bushels per acre barley 18 to cell in Albany. He swam the Willamette riv. 45, oats from 35 to 60, according to their cub er at Albany, thence into the woods, thence to uvation; 115 bushels of com have been raised Wells Station on the west side, thence toCer. to the acre in a favorable locality. Apples, vallis and Philomath, thence to Alsea, thence pears, piums and every variety of fruits and m the direction of where he was eaniurl berries, except peaches and grapes are un- folio wing along the coast, and making his way equaled in any part of the United States, the to some friends about six miles from W V,. latter only succeeds in a" fayorable exposure, was overtaken. Mr. Saunders hurt his foot egctables have almost an increditable yield, badly on the trio, and also h.i fever m,f , 11 is a nne stock country; horses, cattle, hogs the time. Ho was without blankets for f. and sheep thrive well. Large numbers are days, and wet and hungry for a long time at a iiucu, especially sncep, the annual woorcron stretch. But as he sa d. "that he ,fT.,l of their county being 750,000 pounds. The from hunger than from anything else on ac- popuiauon 01 tne county in 1885 was 12000, Harvest is in soon commence. The fishery is a favorite resort for young peo ple on h nday nights. J. D. Hanan and family were visiting rclnf M j tivcs in this vicinity lasLunday. w I '1 Cascbeei is makinrr riviilar trin tn g e lournoy valley, hunting hares. f I J. C. Conn who latelv left for eastern Ore. gon, is new clerking in his brother's store at Paisley, The Sunday school recently organized is progressing finely, Mrs. Louisa Hadler is su perintendent. L. W. Dunham and C. H. Fisher made a flying visit to Wilbur last week, no cause assigned, probably temporary insanity. L. Walter Dunham visited Wilbur last Sun day. It is reported that he intends to set upa coopers shop in that place soon. Success Wal ter. It is generally understood here that L. F. Owens and Frank McKinney arc about to en gage in the manufacture of wines, sweet cham pagne a specialty. Mr. N. L. Conn is at present rusticating at his home here, he will return to the Willamette University next September where he will take a ompletc collegiate course. ' v W. F. Owens of Roseburg, has purchased Frank Critescr's 1and Mean Temperature of July for 8 years 65.7 stand that Mr. Cnteser wishes to dispose of his place and emigrate to Arizona. There will probably be no school in this dis trict during the coming winter . The term lhis spring was such a failure that the directors have almost given up in dispair. They had loftv asDiratinne tin I nrfrlsv mifsit lirivn 1 1 ing the escape of Capt. Writ Saunders from hmj it was even so in lhis , The j,, Q 00 q 3 !e .S.5 - SB MARKET REPORT. h f i. j I roTtANu.;t; ' !;, Wheat. Per ell.... .... 1,1513120 ' FLbuR,Suuidaad,-pof AA. i $3.6o33.8o !Es:sSmaTrwhItcs, per .2.254.50! lb, choice . a.-. Cheese. Per lb, choice. . . . .. Bogs. Perozor. . . .... Larjj. Per lbv,... VATMEAL. Per ctl . . . . . . : . Cornmeal. Per ctl Cracked Wheat. Per ctl.. . Buckwheat Flour Per ctl. Rve Flour Per ctl....;.... Potatoes Per bu Sweet Potatoes Per lb ... . Chickens Per do, i . IV. L. . Ducks Pe. doz. . . ..... ... . Geese Per doz . ... Turkeys Per lb . ,1 . . , . , . . , , Salt Per ton. . , . j ...... . . . Sugar Per fl. , . , . ... . ; . Middlings Per ton. ...... . Ground Barley Per ton.'.. Oats Fer bu. . . . . . . . . .... Hay Per ton.... j .1. . , Hors Per lb. .... I ...... ; .. Ham and BAcoN-4Per lb ... . Dried Aitles Per lb. . .'. . . " Peaches -Per lb. ... . , " Plums -Per lb. " Prunes Per lb...... Molasses p gal ... Brooms p doz. . ,J. .... ... . Grain Baggs t lb. . . . . . ... Bhan $ ton.....' ... Pickles V keg. u ... . Hominy ctl..r. . . ... ... i Seeds Wholesale to farmers ioI3c ni3c I0I2C 67c 3-5o V $2-75 Ci rv- i $4.CO $4.00 . 708oc .$2.50(52.75 ,$3-504.50 .... $45-5 . ' tcXSuc $l820 . 1 ' 7Sc $2025 $2l23 3537c $79 ' 5Sc 7(2 12c , 5 ; IOC" 7c ' 8c 65c $ ioioXc $I2I4 $i.I0I.50 j $3.00 V ctl., red SA VXDERS CAFTVRED. The intense excitement in Oregon concern- ma'am could not teach the young idea how to shoot. These inexperienced yoUDg gits have almost neutralized the beneficial effects of our free school system, and it is time that people recognize true worth vjuij)cicui k icaencrs. wost 01 Our VOOng people will go abroad to school, either to clover $15; alfalfa $18; white clover $35; alsike $32; timothy, prime $7.50; Kentucky blue grass, extra clean $15; perennial blue grass $15; red top $12; orchard grass $18; Spices lb peper 18(250; maslard 18c: ginger iSc; cinnamon 27?c nutmeg 30c; sage30c. -' - TRoriCAL Fruits Lemons $So V case bananas $4; cocaanuts $8; oranges $4.50 5.00 hundred. j Salem or Eugene. Reporter. Elkton Xotcs. Harvest in full blast. Some of our farmers have their grain all cut. assuming definite pro- Flour, t? sack . .... Beans, t?Ib... Butter, tflb Cheese, V lb...... Eggs, doz.... .. Lard, lb.. :7. V Oatmeal J5 lb........ Cornmeal, lb. .... Cracked Micat V Bi The new church is portions. Aus. Weathcrly has just completed a large Potatoes, t bu granary. , Oats, bu Kev. Black preached two interesting ser- Hay, t? ton .'. mons here last Sunday. Wool, lb Miss Lou. Boots of Drain is at present vis-1 Ham and Bacon, t? Ibi King relatives and friends in this vicinity. Dried Apples V lb Considerable grain has been struck with " . Peaches Plums .. Prunes... Bran, tfton. dog and cut his throat and then followed lhe wann tne Uay may bc the D1fiht arc pleasant other (Ned Suthcrlin's) to town where he shot lot s,eePlng? dunne the summer the tempera him, such dogs should be done away with at once. - There was a political discussion in Oakland. The Democrat in the case was an excitable man, and he swore at the Republican party, and Jim Blaine and the corrupt office holders, and lots of other things. Brtt his Republican antagonists was as cool as the inside of an ice wagon. With a self-satisfied smile on his lin he bore all the taunts of his antagonist, and never once permitted the placid snrface of his spirits to be disturbed by the waves of anger. "Oh, that s all right," said he, wil'h a smile broader than before, "that's all riJit. I'm an office holder myself, a Postmaster a t Oak land, but I aint going to get mad at what you say. I don t have to. That's all right." But we licked you in 1884, and we're going l do it again in 1888," exclaimed the Demo Wat. 'Oh, that's all right," said the prosper ous, happy looking Postmaster, with a complat ieut look on his face that fairly maddened lhe Democrat; "true, you licked us two years 1 150 and may do it years from now, but that's all right, as long as we continue to lick the coun try's postage stamps, we don't care who lie ks at the polls. That's all right." eacn and every tree - just as recommended ememoer mat every tree is grown in this i : j- - " -. . Liimaic anu warranted true to name. North 1. D. Jones. Prop. Chase & Ford, agents, Red Front, Roseburg, Oregon. Died ious distinctions between any, yet we think that Mr. Howard would fill the bill in every particular. He has an eye on street inwove- menu, which is an excellent qualification. W. K. Reeves contractor who drew the front design and brick cornice of Dr. Marsters new store is now engaged in finishing it up ana when Completed it nrnmiuK In 1w in Rhode Island. Arthur W. U-nner.Ttccntly of Denver, Colorado, and work in this city. Mr. Reeves is a superior Ka has, Wyoming, died at his former home artist i n 1 Vl :i ttn ll1rinr mil i f a1 Khocle Wand, of apolcxy, about two weeks finest buildings in California and Southern ago. His deavh was somewhat sudden. He frrnn .1 1 . . jiroppcu uead m bU brother's drug store. He was aged 37 years. Deceased was a nephew of A. R. Hint, Xfc.. .iiy, .,,1 M..rrMnil i of Salem in 1876, after which he was a resi dent of Roseburg, Douglas county, for a num- r. t c. t-.- . i.s3.a i uc v jjinimick acsire to express to the public their gratitude for the very liberal patronage which has been accorded them for the past three years that they have been en wuuiy, ivi a nuin- , ,,. . A . " , . . ber of years, was in business and married there TrZiuZ iZZl 10 . Ule PeoPle :.. T7 en -1 . ... . . . 1 .tumy ineir manks ihmrrr iu iuias juuiuia r ioea, wnosc acatn preceded that of her husband several years. Mr. Fen- ner was a whole-souled, genial gentleman, and had many friends in Oregon. Salem Staces man. We receive this news with sorrow. Mr. Fenner was in the full vigor of manhood, and to be thus stncken down was quite a .shock to his many friends in Roseburg. , Good. An enterprising citizen in Idaho was elected a justice of the peace, and the only law book he had was a "Cuehing's Manual." The first case before him was that of a cowboy, for stealing a steer. When the case was called the only lawyer in the little town was there to defend the prisoner. "As there is no counsel for the other side," he said, "I make a motion the case be dismissed." The justice bxiked over his manual. "A motion has to be sec- , . a . uic muuu.j, g p.uuipuy responueu me prisoner. "lhe mo tion lias been made and seconed that the case be dismissed," said the court. "All in favor will please say aye." The prisoner and his attorney voted aye. "All Opposed say no." JNc-body voted. "The motion is carried, and the case is dismissed," remarked the court, "Amotion to adjourn is now in order." The prisoner made the motion and the court ad. journcd. ncmity their thanks therefor: Dr. Page will in the future devote his time exclusively to the practice of medicine and surgery ami will keep on hand a labratorv sumcieni to nn nis own prescriptions. Z. L. uimmicK win remain in Uakland for a short time to settle up the business of the firm. "From vhc quickened womb ef the primal doom The Sua rolled bleak and bare." ' Science corroborates this fact, and conclu sively shows that all classes of vegetable and animal life depends on sunshine for substance. "Sunbeam Tea is a brand of natural leaf, un- colored Japan Tea, on which the all-potent beams ol the sun have showered down both flavor and vigor. The strength and exquisite arraona of this npe article have been thorough ly retained by the almost hermetically-sealed package in which it comes, known as the Per fection Tea Can. Obtainable only from the importer Mr. Abraham. Hard Timet While money is close, wages and prices low. expenses should be cut down in every house hold. Economy the w atch word for Mothers, head off Doctor bills, by always keeping in the house, a bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Couch and Lung Syrup. Stops a Cough instantly. relieves Consumption, cures Croup and pain in the Chest in one night. It is iust the rem edy for hard times. Price 50CIS. and $1,00, fcamples free. Sold by S. Hamilton. Eityliah Settlement Items. Farmers arc busy cutting grain. Getting married is the order of the day. School will begin the first Monday in August., Mr. John James paid this neighborhood a visit last Sunday, j Mr. Jas. Young is slopping in English Set tlcmcnt this summer. I hy can we not have a singing school in connection with the Sunday School? i Mr. Willie Underwood left last week for W. T. and Ella Stephens for Eastern Oregon Sunday school jss progressing finely under the efficient superintendent, Mr. Edw. Layne. There will be preaching at the school house on the first Sunday in August by Rev. J. Ens- ley. I Mr. Harness has lately built a fine barn which adds very much to the appearance of the place. J The many friends of Mr. Will Bogard and Miss Mary Harness wish them much joy and happiness. Mr. P. A. Harris has taken dia rrp nf lti Cozad farm and is very much improving it in the way of fencing. Mr. Frank Green is spending the harvest time in Voncolla,' work and a fair young Miss is occupying his time. Quite a party went over the mountain, Ben Moore, last Week berrying, and succeeded in getting about ten gallons. Why can't we have a picnic after the harvest is over, will not some oi our young folks try and make up a party, the grounds axe in a good condition and probably most every one in the neighborhood would attend. i Cassino To All Whom it Mat Concern. Notice is hereby given that an application for the pardon of Joseph ; Russell convicted of the crime of manslaughter at the May 1884 term of the Circuit Court ot Douglas county will be presented to His Excellency Governor Moody on Tuesday, the 26th clay of October, l8ft CM I Vw. Russell. July 12, 1SS6.! dempsey-brady. "Mr. Jack Dempsey and MissiMaggie Brady of East Portland, will be married: ,at 10 A. M. to-day at St. Francis church, comer Eleventh and J. streets. The r j a 1 a su ui k, It is understood the young iuple wOI be the recipients of a Reception this evening, and tv morrow morning will start to California via the 0. & C. j railroad on their wedding tour. The fair bride elect is a. well known and highly .esteemed youik lady of this city. Qregonian, ! ture may rise to So" in the afternoon while at night it (alls below 6o. " ; : : HuMinmv The meaii annual humidity is 73.3 per cent of saturation full saturation is considered at ioo per cent; the nights show a greater per cent ot saturation, being greatest about 4 a. m irom which tame there is a steady decrease until about 4 r. M. whea saturation again in creases. Saturation or 100 per cent of humid ity could be represented by 10, then at 4 A; il. it would be 8, at 8 a. M. 7, at 12 noon 5, 4 r, M. 4 and 8 r. m. 6. December shows the air as containing the greatest amount of moisture, uecoming more dry up to August,' when it Steadily increases again. Precipitation. The amount of percipation, monthly, follow it. 1 me numidity or amount of moisture, the greatest amount falling in December the least m Angost. t ne seasons of wet and dry, by reason of the trade winds of the Pacific, are wen defined. The months from Mav October have a small amount ol rainfall, or it may be said the dry season begins May 1st, tne wet season October 15th. December has an avceagc rainfall of 6.33 inches, August, it of an inch. The greatest rainfall in anyone month was n.60 in., in January 1881, the least 0.0 in August 1SS2 and 1S85. The average seasonal rainlall is 34.73 inches of which 14.61 in. falls from July 1st to January 1st, and 2Q.i2in. from January to July, with the greatest rainfallm December, January and Feb ruacj r, m wnicn time there is an average of 17.09 in., or half the rainfall of the season fall: msb uiree momns. inc greatest amount failing in aoy one season was 43.32 in., in '77 "it icasi .-yj in., in I&32- 83, Snow." fcnow is of ra tc occurrence, and when it docs fall it gencrallY' melts as it falls or soon after it has fallen. Jfs greatest depth in the past 9 years was 3 inches and this lasted but a short time . Dew. Dew op.en forms with sufficient Copiousness as to insane good crops, though no rain may lau when it would be of bctucht to crops. It is most nften observed injuroe, July and August. Fog. Fog is rare in summer and more common in winter, even then it seldom lasts long; mov ing in from the ocean during the early morning ana generally dissipating by noon or 2 p. M. Fog patches are occasionally seen on the low grounds, especially along the coarse of the river in the early morning in summer. Clouds. V V Situated as this part of the country k and partaking the nature of both a marine and continental climate, the amount of cloudiness is not so great after taking an extended period into consideration. The average number of clear days during the year is 109, fair days 134, cloudy days 117, days on which rain fell 1 22. Rain may fall on a clear, fair or cloudy day, hence the sum of all the days w ill make more than 365, because one day may bea clear day and so counted, rain may also fall on that day, hence it is counted twice. Au gust is the clearest month, Demcember pre sents the most clouds. ; Winds. ; The winds are generally light and variable, with north and northwesterly winds iromMayto December and southwest to east winds from December to May, principally southwest, the southwest winds in winter modify the climate,, which, otherwise would be rigorous. The highest velocity with which the wind moved was 41 miles per hour on August and 1884, during a thunderstorm: it is a rare occurrence that it has a velocity of over 20 miles per hour. The wind has such a light velocity Lit the oscillations of the vane frequently cover 90. Rain generally accompanies the southwesterly and southerly Vmds, especially mine winter monins. IE Tain accompanies Or occurs during the prevalence of a northerly Wind, at any time of the yep rf its contiauanc e w rust in this locality, but it came too late to do count that he had no appetite being sick much an? scriou damage. Minerals. of the time". There is much w mitrhi ;n A four mill tax was voted in district No. Thccouutyisrichin iron and coal, both of detail, but we refrain from nnvthinr rrtr.rr a. I 34 to build a schoo I house which willr. Chickens, tf do r . , . ' . ... . ' -1 , 1 ' uu.uic easy oi access ana 01 an mxehausti- tne present, lor he may be granted a new trial. crcci soon. Miss Grace McGuire and Miss Ella Kent started last Saturday on a visit to friends in Oakland and Wilbur. ' R. E. Porter V S5c $1.00 5c 25c 20c 8c 7c 3c 6c 75c 40c $79 21c 79c 4c 7c 7c $15 $2.50 blc quantity. Good Society. and we believe that he will have a fair one which of course must satisfy all concerned! It is a serious matter to hang man without the fullest investigation. Mr. Hogan in this dementis unnnrnrJf:!.. :.:....:. in otncrs, nas Shown Ills 1 V. ,T . " . 7 """lu"" wonderful detect! Good society is found among people of cul ture, stability and moral sentiment. Much : t n a . and the integrity of each individual member, r.r' alwaysi alsotbpfnrm nfra..,..., i I c '""' w"crc nc wniic others bu.w..u.v.. a..u ,w uuminis-nr.niAnli u, . . , . W Gn,l .,,. ; - r : " 1 ,v ,"-lu W"C nc is not. - uiai in svi.iu tuiciga coun- Syrup of Eigs. Manufactured onlv hv thn rl;f;. t?.- Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Nature Own True Laxative. Thia nl.n fruit remedy may be had of Dr S. Hamilton at hfty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective renwdy known, to cleanse tue system; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen- tlv nnfc tlinmnntil. ir. ! to any person for the return of a shepherd dog, Colda and Fevers;' to curV Constlnstinn InritrfuafiAH I. : J 3 Ml S5 00 Reward. T'l 1 ... i nc unacrsigned will pay the above amount tries' having lions established governments . lhscaseaI1,n all and f" beginning Uack, a httlc white on breast, sheard up to Indigestion and kindred ill., I rnn iYian aiUa. t..a U a t norance and crimr. .,r, if, M,,,.,...,,.,.:... r" v""" ",Al I,as nspirea in ure " vuuiavtvuauM Ml a tf Altrl If 1. J . I iL. 1 . such as Italy Russia and some other, n,. .V. " . mrC COmmCnt Pro and l"e snoulacrs. t on July Sth,. . I ju man anv oiner inat nnt tnncmrM m n Ar-... nr.... f" ' " fi, I iXiAJLI U l.-m rrtir. l .!, i rr., 1 W"S f- r"" y ymyu:. lac more peo ple are thrown upon their own resources with I . Adecrtlatna. proper facilities the mere they improve and BORN C0AT3. In North Tea Mile to the wife of I Coat', July 22nd, a daughter. Wm turn Cureor riict, p;i .... t- i.. . . mvo His UVUUCUUr III ft'filftl 1 .17 O mnwi . of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose he has affection of the kidneys or neigh boring organs. At times, nmntnmi f . digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness u me Btomacn. etc. A moisture, like pers piration, producing a Verv diaarrranaKI. ing, after getting warm, is a common attend- ant. Blind. Bleedinir anrl Tfrh.'r.r. yield t once to the application of Dr. Bosancos Pile remedy, which acta directly TU , I " 'intcsa ten-uouar advertise- me ueiter citizens they make, when each one I ment in his loeSl naner and fltinrc v,;m.Dir realizes that lesoonsibilitv Tiim I that lie ie-Hn cxtravarrant n.K-Prficor ...;n J ' "r1"" "M , O - .a.j, TV UV I m realizes and recognizes mutual dependance, """f " lo.icam inat a yearly advertisement, XJA1C. We do not r,n,l,vZ : JL. 7 oneco umn m length, in the Chicago Tribune ...w ul oiwiy ... uiiy organi- I costs the artvertiwr iws ir - I nc- n thw . . . zation exclusively, but we find that it exists A column ad ?ZLt : "J t ' the grandest vW u fi,i .,1 : r ...v.-.? .. . " " f." iuc season occureu at tne Depot LJTZ iD a Hotel in this city Thursday evening IIZZZEW . vw...a.,Mv "ah me luu wun nm inmr rrti hitinn at a a?- Aicci . . - - I -it . . ; that true liberty iuvolves Preat rMnns;i,n;tv n .l"a .V .'"M"000' ,n ine (vcmnS ,ew ffi."' mtense itching, and ef. ' I vubu" iuuuuu wun ncanv double a I tmesis hftnn tr flCcmM -.l i wbk permanent cure. Prim , " IO ' vysa, Ut LAIC UUlVl 1U Wil I 1 IJ "m, " vmivq, tliousandcirculaUon is cosidered exhorbitant ness the marriage ceremony of Robert Stanley PiqO. lold b Ham when it charges $100 a vear for wl. PrWnrinnr . , iaiua,v. aoia Dy vr. &. Hamilton. t ; i um auiira uumas aaugn 1 , , , mm, an a. " Anvrtiwinrr ria i i I,- ..rr . ... I - ' w over. .nmn 1.. 7 " V C . - " " . 1 C" Known tO K Wild CherTT tod TflT. I."' b :: . P are al" nyv.j. k. BeU. Mr. Dear is a Everv hod lrnn,-. cnargeoior according to circulation. A pa man of temperate habits, and nnml fi Ch err v and fir I j !" ,"ua l. c H. Ail Official Lettef. The following is a sample of letters our of ficers receive, but this is the most honest state ment, wc venture to say, ever made in Doug las county in regard to assessable property, RAd and go and do likewise. ; Douglas county Oregon, May 2Stli, 1886. Mr. C, bacry, Dear Sir: Please find taxpayer's blank, partly filled out, leaving the balance for you to fill out. ' The blank, I got of a neighbor, left by your son. My cattle are an average of the common scrub stock of the country, 1 8 head as follows: 7 cows, 2 steers, I five and the other four years old, 2 two year olds, 6 yearlings. I small scrub bull, no hogs, sheep nor goats, 1 2 head of horses as follows : small mare Jwenty-fivef years : old,; I small mare twenty-one years old, t small mare seven teen years old crippled in one foot (permanent ly,) one eye out and nearly blind in the other, and likely to go stone blind during the sum mcr. I small mare with broken shoulder, (pas use,) 1 small five year old mare, 1 good mare I fair sized four year old filly, 2 small three year olds, 3 yearlings one of them good, one small and the other small and crippled in both hind feet. WTiy I have been so particular in describing the horses, is this; last year when I filled out blank and sent it to you I put them down at $20 each, 9 head, I have the same 9 with addition of the yearlings, and when you sent me my certificate you slated you had put them down at my figures and remarked that I must have a poor lot of horses, I agree with you, probably I would have come to that conclusion myself. It would almost seem as if I was running a horse infirmary, there ought W be quite a discount taking the whole 12 head, 1 twenty-five years old, 1 twenty one, neither of tha twols in any way hurt, except ing old age,, yet quite an expense, 2 of them sixteen and seventeen respectively, and 1 year ling crippled, 5 out ol 12 and to tell you the truth I-don't think they ought to be put in a( $20 each i e the 12 head, but I will leave the matter with you. The cattle I have put in a. $15 a head. . I have no waggon or carrmge no farming impliments except a plow and garden hoe, pitchforks and an old fan mill an old mill nineteen years ago.) Now as. to my indebtedness I am unable to give you the correct figures:. A note of $145. 17 been draw ing 10 per cent interest since 8th of last octo ber, I suppose interest should be counted, not knowing I leave it for you to fill it out in the blank, to -$8.00 or about, to 1 don't remember any $60.00 principal and in teres t. You will please fill out where I have omitted, also send my certificate and oblige v J. ; ; lours Respectfully, A" IVOTICE. " , Sealed plans, specifications, strain dia grams and bids, will be received at the office of the county Judge until Friday, July 30th, IJSS6, at 12 o clock m. of said day for the construction of a wagon bridge over Deer Creek at Roseburtr. Bidders are rennirl tn deposit five per cent of their Bids. County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ,; J. S. r ITZHCCK ; July 13th, i886, , County Judge, per with a thousand circulation should tret nearly twice as much for advertising as the one with the five hundred, and the one with two thousand twice the one with a thousand, on the O, Arivfrfi:inr rke .r..! ,1... 1 l r, ... - . . "V" "V.WIU1HI. iu me numocr oi I oi ner noining can be said for she ; fn n PennTe n rtniwr midline All !t 1 1 ; . ... . . - , l 11 tun uo mougn 1 known in wis neighborhood for the writer to Blurau attention or the public to the say anything about. Dr. Z. L. Dimmick article desired to be sold; but no amount of and Miss Minnie Smith acted as brides- acnerusing will sell spavined horses plainly groom and bridesmaid a better selection could uiaihCU.ALUCm. I not llavr, Iwon m.rl couple received the confederate General "Stanley Price" (of. eflie.ctions of the Throat and Luncs, combined which he should be proud) he also holds an lliiJL-mtnta Mlfar import., position with the bridge carpenter KaCoth Xt .wwwau i.iua A auiiic 1 Henna 1 uu w aug m vim iinnnf.i n 1 w r wuoiiuubo, ior iougna, uoida, Croup and Bonchitis. rrice 50 centa anrl ti m Samples free. Soldby 8. Hamilton. A Wise Reform. erful doses, as an antidote to malarial maladies was once dangerously common. Happily this practice has undergone a wide reform. Not only the public, but professional men have adopted, not wholly, of course, but largely, Hosteller's Stomach Bitters as a safe - XU a Single Gray Hair. You may laugh and think me a vain tiling" J. R. C, of San Francisco, to S friltnrl rf iKie !t.. n...i T "viij, uui i nave not a The newly married I writes Mrs many handsome presents; The habit of administering quinine in pow- W'U at once go 10 nousekeeping at thw hair in my head, and yet (sad to say) I i""w a a. a. . I nity and a dar. Recent v tnv,. .u " - - aaa UVt cuvAiitf, U4jiss8.wni. Bogard and Mis only quite gray but quite thin too. P.,U,'e Hair Balsam made in New York I think gray am HARNESS Wm, Marjr Harness were married at the McClallen House parlors Ust Friday evening;, Ror. . It. N. Bell olBciatins;. JVc certainly wish t he happy couple a iuii measure or unalloyed bliss. CASTLE, RICE. -Carl Cattle and Miss Edith Bk botanic substitute for the pernicious alkaloid. I '"Jo"xMn the bends of holy matrhnoDylast eve- mn3 ai we nr.acs resiuence la CivU Bend. Joy go with you Carl, and your excellent lady. ' did wonders for me. Try it if you have nr. casion. It really does what I say, and re stores the color also." Not a dye. not nn. highly pciumed. Only reliable Wc. dressing. . - 1" WIVES! M0THEUS! DAUGHTERS! BaYoca Ows Putsicias! A lady who for vM . fered torments worse than death from Cterine trou bles, IVoiapsus, Loucorrhocs, Suppression, tc so common tmnn,Aii, tvic-M u.i , , i 1 , vuivi9ma iaujrnters are three matters that Will probablj J despaired of bein? cured, flualy foand rem eDgag.e t(ie attention oE the national! '-":p'e'rcurea ner after n ,! hsd I K -k . . i. tuuscqucnccs oi tnis change are most important. Now fever and ague sufferers are cured formerly their complaints were only for the time relieved, or half cured the reme dy cventfully failing to produce any apprecia ble effect, except the doses were increased. A Cnurze nf t)i TlilfAre n....:.i..,Tn r. . umuo uciMSKUliy lOUOWea, I " ' ' I liled An ltr Mn ... hr.t. -i-L- r1W9. ; C V . , I . '. w tte remedlc. and cure . " ",v bcss ana prevents i -"v6 muu xiauuiavu more Dan j n;rcu, witnoat being subjected to a medioat exam O. Has A.X. Topletfor IHieutilon. J?KAjfcisco, July 26, -There their return. The evidence in favor of this j anything else sicning specme ana nouscUold medicine is of no ambiguous character, but positive and satis factory, and the sources whence it proceeds are very numerous. JA'i"0 JeweT... AH of Oregon's Governors who have served since the state was admitted into tne union are yet living, i hey are Whiteaker, Gibbs, ooas, urover, Chad wick and Thayer. 0 the Territorial Governors none are l!v!nrr O, those under the provisional government only f. G. Stewart is living. Of her Senators, Del- azon Smith, Baker. Lane and Nesmith are dead. Geo. II. Williams. Ben. Siarfc. li,rA. ing. Corbet, Grover, Slater are living. Stark served a few months by appointment, in place oi col. uaker, who was killed at Ball's Bluff. and now lives In Connecticut . Of those who served as Congressmen, J; H. D. Henderson. J. S. Smith, Lansing, Stout and J. W. Nes mith are dead; J. G. Wilson and Geo. A. La- ow died before taking their -seats. L, E. Grover, Geo. K. Shicl, John R, McBride, R. MaHory, J. II . Slater, L. F. Line, Richard Williams, John Whiteaker and M. C. George are yet living and all reside in this state except tuconae, wno lives at salt lake. Jx. Vou. Who Lead Sedentary Lives will find great relief from constipation, head ache and nervousness, . by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. It is a simple, harmless, vegetable compound, sure to relieve you Persons of sedentary habits are often with kidney affections. If they would maintain the strength of the digestive organs and im proye the quality of the blood by taking the Regulator it would restore the kidneys to health Md vigor, i batten. Froai gratitude she win send nam. Recipe" Fint-Tlie partially expressed d w sire on the part ot many people to change certain parts Of the ritual which they still consider sectarian. y-An Enterprising, Reliable House. A. C. Marsters can always be relied upon. not omy to carrv in slock the r ocwuu-vihb swiion oi const-ess and I ""ng. t'Jt- to secure the Agency for such artic, tho president in retost&tinfr' Gen. FitillcsasnaTe well-known merit, and arc ponu John Porter. List year and tha vr I Ur with thc PP. thereby sustaining the - e -. before the matter came ap, and Sena tor Logan, who is once more a delegate succeeded in placing the G. A. R.on wcru twice against such reinstate ment : ;. :',::; "V : ' Third Tho perpetuity of the G. A. h. organizations called 1he sons of Veterans," which are Springing up all over the country. The propose to keep up the organization alter the Grand Army is gone. The sentiment hss been and is now not to encourage such perpetuation, but to let old com rades die, and with them the G. A. B. Gladstone's "Home Rule for Ireland" has been, defeated for the present by the votes of Great Britain. He in defeated but not conquered, and "Home Rule for Ireland" is postponed but not prevented. Its triumph is only a question of time.' Gladston- graphed to his friends:" "Wales and Scotiand have done their duty quickly England will have to learn W J 9lowlyandpainially.,, repuUtion of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the tor the celebrared Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure you and every eflktiou of Throat, Lungs, and Cheat, and to show our confidence, w.e invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free, - . V Being More Vlcasanl. i To the taste, more acceptable to the stom ach, and more truly beneficial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs, is rapidly superseding all others. - Trv it. For sale bv'S. Hamilton- ' . j Cheer Vp! Help is at Hand, . "I'm afraid I shall have to be faL ' - hospital or to the poorhouse. ' I've In ctt o long that my husband, good and patient as he is, can't stand the worry and expense much longer."; No, yon won t dear wife and moth er. See what ParW T; - :it r Plenty of women as badly off as von are. har been rescued almost from the grave by it. It will build you up, curing all ailments of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is simple. pleasant and safer . Hon. W. P. Owens has made some 'excel lent improvements on his farm latelv wir. chased from Thomas McCullough. Flem is a