ROSEBURG REVIEW FRID.AY, JUNE, 25, 1886. FOOD FOB MAX. WAM1ISGTOX LETTER. The old saying that what is one man's meat is another man's poison is realized in the opposite tastes of peo ple. The Turks shudder at the thought of eating oysters. The. Digger Indians of the Pacific slope rejoiced in the reat looust sWarnis of 1875 as a dispensation of the' Great Spirit, aud laid in a store of dried locust powder sufficient to last them for several years The French will eat frogs, .snails and the diseased livers of seese, hut draw the line at aligators. Buckland declares the taste of loa constrictor good, and much like veaL Washington, Jnne 7, 1886. Now that the President's marriage da facto has relieved the press and public fron the strain of surmises and guesses it can pull itself together and turn its attention to affairs political, social, and pious. At the Capitol Mr. Manning's letter of resignation was regarded as just the thing that any high-minded official would do in the circumstances. An officer even temporarily disabled should free the hands of his chief to make any arrangements necessary, so that the Department might not suffer. The President's letter in reply is also re garded as aneminently proper one xV few there were who seemed inclined to make the correspondence as imply ing a virtual termination of Mr. Man ninjr's connection with the Treasury. Their reason for their belief is that Mr. Manning will never be the same man aain and never will have control Department. This Quass, the fermented cabbage water of the Russians is their popular tipple. It is described as resembling a mixture of stale fish and soapsuds in taste, yetj0f the Treasury next to beer, it has more votaries than vewr ihey persist in holding, notwith any other fermented beverage. A standing Mr. Manning's very rapid and tallow candle washed down with quass continuous improvement, and in the forms a meal that it would be hard to face of the doctor's expressed opinion be thankful for. that Mr, Manning could resume work In Canton and other Chinese, cities j to-day -vithout much risk, rats are sold at the rate of $2 a'dozen, That Secretary Manning will return , and the hind quarters of dogs are hum? the Cabinet is earnestly hoped by up in the butchers' shops alongside of those who have enjoyed the cordial mutton and lanlb, but command a high- hospitality and unswerving friendliness cr price. The edible birds' nest of 0f Mrs. Manning during their residence the Chinese are worth twice their J here Although fond of society. weight in silver, the finest variety and certainly well calculated to shine selling for as much as ?30 a pound. pre-eminently in it, Mrs. Manning The negroes of the West Indies eat quickly gave up her desire to go out baked snakes and palm worms fried in tQ ftnv extent last winter, when the their own fat, but they can not be in-1 Secretary found his business cares had duced to eat stewed rabbits." I encroached even unon the hours he In Mexico parrots are eaten, but na(i to snend at home. Since his ill they are rather tough. ness, Mrs. Manning has been devote .. ine uuacnos or. tne xsactcia urieniai :n attention, and was anxious are in the habit of hunting skunks for unt;j sne secured the Secretary's prom the sake of their flesh. -ge not to think of returning to work The octopus, or devil-fish, when untii after tne summer's rest. Sccre boiled and then roasted, is eaten in tary an(j jj Manning left here yes Corsica and esteemed a delicacy. terday for the Warm Springs, Va. In the Pacific Islands and est Dut their summer plantr will depend Indies lizards eggs are eaten with Pntireiv nnon the m-ocrress mado l gusto. Tfe natives of the Antilles the former toward recovery, eat aligator eggs, and the eggs oE the xne sensati0n at the Capitol dutin turtle are popular everywhere, though weej was a 8peech made by Judge up to the commencement of the last Fullerton, of New York, in favor century turtle was only eaten by the the payment by the United States o poor of Jamacia. the rebel war debt, and it will be Ants are eaten by vanous nations. iong time before we hear tne iast 0f jfc In Bjazil they are served with a resin- jt wag Sllggested that the Republican ous sauce, and m Africa they are Congressional committee may havi stewed with grease or butter. ine emp!0yed this distinguished attorney East Indiana catch them in pits and appear before his committee on War careiuny wasn inem in nanuiuis use claims , to advocate a measure that is a li.uu.u tfae Constitution but Tie Ccylonese eat the bees f ter know he came, as any other lawyer robbing them of their honey. would, to earn a fee. The stupid Caterpillars and spiders are dainties bankers of Amsterdam, Holland, who ., to the African busnman. ... hold several car loads of Confederate Ji JL 2? (XL Jt StT,e bonds, employed that celebrated philos chrysalis of the silk worm. VheT Rufus Hatch, Esq., to see what Spiders roasted are a sort of desert I could be done about the redemption of with the new Caledonians. these securieties. and Uncle Rufus the advantage's of a. b vhisesh I probably told them that it was only EOVCATioy. J necessary to have a bill introduced in B Address ot Oscar N. Benedick at the closing ot 1 Congress, which he would attend to. MISCELLANEOUS KING'S EVIL Va : .Ji; n.:!ue formerly given lo Scrofula ':-v.ilij of a superstition tbat it could be . noil by a king's touch. The world Is w iser now, au J knows that SCROFULA can ou'y be cured bv a thorough pmifiea 1 ion of" the blood. if this is neglected, ;he disease perpetuates its taint through rnera!ion after generation. Among its inrlitr symptomatic developments are Kczema, Cutaneous Krnptions, Tu mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, 1'urulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If nllowrd to con tinue. Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and liver Diseases, l'ubereular Consumption, and Vali um other dangerous or fata! maladies, are lirodued by it.l JpUIiMl URE PA LA OF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE ! Hag the finest stock ot furniture south of Portland which he tells as cheap m it can be bought in the State. The new tangled :. JJO UBL.E BED LOUNGE. AND PATENT CORNICES. i Also has on hand a full assortment ot beds and ld ding, chairs, tables, ..( BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds ef Childrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Void dFO li ANY ONE CAN Become mm thoroncbly posted la three weeks renewing- with the COMMON SCHOOL SCHDO As to successfully paw the most difficult and technical lefral examinations for teachers' certificate. By Its aid thouiands of yoong people earn an bouoralile and lucrative livelihood. It la ine mdn poDuiar edacalloir ml work published. Uneful to everybody, invaluable to teachers. Indispensable to school. CERTIFICATES CAW BE OBTAINED. A better review can be made from t hU book In one week than from Text Books In three months. In ore. BSTUig for cxamlnailoDS It has no equal. ii.uu, " vlw PARLIAMENTARY RULES ARE WORTH THE PRICE. KlnninK to enu. 1 ne arranftenieni na neen careiuiiy nuaiea. , l tie questions on wh of tlie studies embrace all tue leading ana technical points. This worlt Is especially arluntea to Normal training. Institutes, or the private library when a general review Is required to prepare for school ccrtifli ates. n Is only to be s-en to be appreciated. Many claim tbat the book can have no equal considering the assistance It renders In review ing and bringing back to memory the principal questions represented in common school studies. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLES, v ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESrECT. V Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building , ISO Rooms. In the Center of the Citj is the ohhj nonrenal and aliroys reliable t'-ntd-purityiuy medicine. It Is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from iiie svstem Hereditary Scrofula, and ih. kindred ooi)iw of contasiious diseases :ni l nierc-jiy. iAt Hie Mime time it en-rit.lif'-t and Vitalizes the blood, restoriuflt healthful action to the vital onraas aud r-juvenatin tlie entire f ysteni. TUis great Regenerative Medicine U composed of the penuinc Honduras Sarsaparillc, with Yellow Dock, ittil linria, the Iodides of Potassium aud Iron, and other ingretlients of great o tency. carefully and scientifically com pounded. Ita formula Ls generally known to the medical profession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe AYER'S Sarsaparilla as an Absolute. Cure. For all disease. caused by the vitiation ot the blood. It is concentrated to the hlgh practicable degree, far beyoud any 'her preparation for which like effects r.:-: claiuied, aud is therefore the cheapest, well a3 the best blood purifying medl clr.f. inth-j world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. o. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists : Trice $1 ; Sis bottles for $5. Will stand for the Season at Joseph Carton's Livery Sta ble inliosebnrff. Beginning March 1st and continuing three months. 3SOO 3SOO aTXEETIOSS. AH6WER& Each branch 1s divided Into two departments, one for Questions and one for an swers. Esrh question 1b numbered and a like number Is Riven tne correspunumg ans er. Civil fiovernment. Parliamentary Rules, Bcsdlni;, Made Easjr, Infinitives and Participles Penmanship, Physiology. TJniton Slat.' History, fJcoirnphj-, Grammar, Written Arithmetic, Fhvuical Geography, Orthography. Is a thorouglibred Jersey Bull, pale red, short horns, weighs 1100 pounds, is five years old, and has all the char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. . TERMS: , Insurance r - V $3,()0 To insure sex of Calf, $6.00 The advantages of a business edu cation are as numerous as the stars in heaven; but are within the compre hension of atiy man or woman who desites to understand them. Life itself is so intimately connected with business transactions that the bulk of The bill was introduced by Mr. Mer- riman, who hadn't the slightest idea that it meant . what it is construed to mean, and then Uncle Eufus paid Judge Fullerton 81,000 to come over and make a speech in support of it The committee was panic stricken wlipn t.lipv found what tlifiv liarl nnrler i . t l - v - - a! j I u may ne saia woea conunueu ; it COMiderRtionf but they let Fullerton we carefully enter into the details ol . ., ... nnttttm ,lfl vnese tiuac we vn any u.c x . . Tvenublifian .w. -- j - j surety rely upon an ultimate gain How can one succeed in this world of receipts and disbursements without a record of them, which record is in itself the best system of book-keeping? How can a man succeed in business without a constant thorough knowl edge of the exact condition of his business! Too many farmers and other good men who fail to keep books campaign speaker, as a proof that the Rebels have captured the capitol again. There seems to be a settled convic Uon among Government clerks that after the adjournment of Congress there will bo a wholesale discharge, They think that now the heads of de parments fear to make many changes because they apprehend that such action would retard the progress of are xoo much surprised on day of set- their appropriatim un The officiaIg uemenu xxmorsoi uiein ujw me . . ... i,.i- miXj uu lilt? luicu lutiii bug vili ixo aio exact condition of their business they would less frequently over reach them' selves. If a reliable business record could be refered to at any time the man would be more economical, the wife who so often is considered ex pensive would upon witnessing the enormous liabilities encumbered be more frugal, debts would be paid; mrire people would have happy homes; and I think that when the nnal day of settlement will come with each of us and it will be seen upon closing that great ledger of personal accounts be tween man and man that we are even with the business world, and we owe no man anything; it will be a source of great pleasure to our friends to have it said of us "no creditor was left to mourn his departure." not far from right in their conjunctures. The only departments m which any degree of safety can be left are tlie State War. Even the Navy Depart ment will undergo a pruning process, and many clerks who have outlived their usefulness will have to give way to efficient Democrats. The discharges in the Treasury Department will, of course be more numerous than in any of the others, and its elerks will count the days that intervene before the adjournment of Congress with anxiety, A. prominent official of the Treasury Department said a few days ago that in a few months the force would be so changed that the regular visitors will think themselves in a strange place when they come within its walls. Patexts Graxted Patents granted to citizens of the ' Whoever seriously studies any of ijhe problems of the time is speedily J Pacific States during the past week, confronted by the drink evil. It swal- and reported expressly for Ide Ke lows the savings of operatives: it fur-1 view by C. A. Snow fc Co., Patent nishes the foundation for a political lawyers, Opp. IT. S. Patent Office, corruption which threatens disaster to J Washington, D. C the State; it counteracts the labors of A. Walratb, Nevada City, Cal the churches; it baffles philanthropy; Paving, roofing and buildinig com it re-enforces socialism and the com- pound; J. P. Dudley, San Jose, Cal., mune; it keeps the lowest classes bru- Horse shoe; G. W. Loggie, Portland, tal and dangerous, and those next in Or., Transfer apppaitus for saw mills; .order Philistine and materiali in a J. Kernaghan, San Francisco, Cal thousand subtle ways, by direction I Railway brake; S.R. Mathewson, Por and indirection, purposely and of in- tersville, Cal., Link cable for street stinct, it acts and re-acts against the J railways; W. T. Easterday, Watson- progress of humanity, everywhere, ville, Cal., Wagon jack; D. P Barrett, rendering more unresponsive the mass Oakland, Cal., Fire escape. es whose regeneration is being at- tempted; ework Tribune. , ' Subscribe for The Review GENERAL MERCHANDISE. N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, . Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. HAN MAKE CAST1KUS rliUJl J ounce to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. Money refunded if work is not Baiisiactory. x oruanti pneca ; Save telegrams and exprcssage. LANGENBERG'S Soot and Shoe Store, Jackson Street,Opposite Post Office, Roselrarg, Oregon. irEEPS OS HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST I TV assortment of Eastern and San rranciscu and nther makes ol BOOTS. SHOES. GAITERS. SLIP- fEKS and everything in the Buotand anoe line, aim SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, aud Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant al my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice Also a full Btock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. X.OVIS LANOEetBEfta CIVIL BEND STORE TESTIMOIVIALS. Extract from utleri to A. B. Craig, representing thousands of reeommen. Niw Yns-l bare sold orer in,oro copies, sod the demand still continues. I have never bandied a book wblcu eare ouch Kenernl tat Isfnctlun. W.C. HAUAH. Ed lVjull's Companion. Stracts. N. Y. You have a splendid book for tcacliers and revlewlnf classes, and It ls bound to have a very l.irice circulation. Miip l.uv hy freight. C. W. OAKDKKN. Denier In School Supplies. St. Amiss. Yt. Thej sell at slgbt, and are highly recommended by our 1 advanced teachers. ALUKM' i LANK. 1 4 Buy, Tex. 1 bave used yonr Book for several yesrs, and am much I nlpntHft u-lth It wf & MAVlru A i c.n.'i rit. I COll- KKOST ASO MOKK1SON STS., POKTI.AXl) EVHOl'EAS 1'LAS. ESMOND HOTEL, T H. OM ALLEY, tl . Propilttor of ibe . :OSEBURG MARBLE WORKS. And Dealer in Tro w bstok es, Ta r l.i.i s, Erv. , Miop Krjir of I.'i'aii'f M. ie. WU. A. HANKS, A. M. , Sup'l City Schools. One Copy, Sl.SOi Two Copies. SC.SO: Three, Copies. S Six t spies, SA.OO. Iff Sent hy mall. AOi.VTS WASTED. 8F.XD SS CEXTS for canvs6Mpe look: terms and Instrnctlons to aRents; recouunrnds, tlefcrlpilon, Mrmlng, etc. Thirty ct-nt allowed it rcim ncu in uicimnge lor vueuon xook. A. H. CRAIG, SSSSSSSS Caldwell, Racina Co., Wis. IF" Remit by Money Order or Tostal Note on East Troy. Wis., or by Regis tered Letter on Caldwell, Wis. Small amounts by common mall. First Class In tvery Particular, Corskk Frost axd Mokrisox Sts I'OKTLAXD, OKEGOX Thomas Gi i.vea.n, I'rrietor. Ifvou knew Low cheap I sell Cells for Fahjis, Scuools or Chirches ay - You would surely have one. I rjlllE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Cuaules IIeilmax, Proprietor. If rim : r Tlio very best in the Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIME mills LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE X offers superior accomodations at popular prices. Meals 25c, Rooms 25c. and 50c. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landings. Free Buss to and from the Hotfl K riiincse -servants. No also deal in Tiuiesheijs, Exoixes, Mill Machinery, - Pumps, Inspirators overcharges or deviation from regular ratcB of si.oo (TLe lcst Boiler feeder known1) Steam Fitting Goods, Relting, Oils. Also marti-tf r. LEW 1ST ON. Prop'r. Geneiul Agent for, The Siupman Engine, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust, No Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Oflico Foot of Morrison Street Portland Oregon. GIVE ME A CALL. Z T. WRiGIIT LOOK OUT! V. L. ARRINGTON, , dealer in Dry Goods Groceies etc- All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. FoR JLHO Biros Bran New T. L. Gannon, C. A. Rlackman CARRIACjE, WAGON, -AND- ' BLACKSLIITH SHOPIIi Adamson's 01(1 SUnd, Jackson Street. MANUFACTliREPvS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES! AU Kiuds of Repairiug Done, Reasonable. Terms ar Ganxos & Blackman. Brkk Store OBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBTJRQ- W. F. OWENS, : Manager. -DEAL IN- A Wool and Grain! also, agents for Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS IITE TRANSACT A GENERAL ThJSI V V ncss in our line and pay the Highest i Market Prices for Wool and Grain. A full line of Aericultuml Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest Trices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give ns a call W-F.OWENS. Coos: Bay Stage Line! THE New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon Its-- "it LAIRD & CALVERT, I PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN H HOURS' Leading Check Restaurant HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round G. WOODWARD'S P to w. iui n h m r o o Established 1S52.J A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or, THE LEADING AND OF OREGON. "THE PLACE TO BUY.jJl AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE J B CONGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, taXEATUER AND SADDLERY HARDWARE 108 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OEEGON Or. IIERRROLII, DENTIST KlUp-Stairs over L. Ue fil's Jewelry Sluf RCSEBURC CRECON. 55 CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS ANB CCPYBiCHTS Obtained, and all other business in the U. S Patent, Office attended to for MODERATE FEES. Send MODEL Oil DRAWING. We advise as patentability free of ch&nre; and we make NO CHANGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to the Paslinasrter. the fcupL Jloiiey Order Dir., and to officials of the l S. ratcnt office. Kor cia-ular, advice, ' terms and references to actual clients in yvur own Slate comity, write to t . sxow&co, U)iosite Patent Office,- Wasliingtun, D. C. BLACK8M1TH AND V.'HEELWRIGKT BOWEN BROS. Hating dissolved the copartuprsln'p exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in their line in a WORKMANLIKE MANSER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. O. cto H.. "Eaorls.s, A Full Line of Staple aud Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutler Glassware Crnckei iieeiisware iitc. Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. Drain Hotel! DRAIN - - OREGON. Coos Bag Stage Office at the Hotel. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Baooaoe Handled Frek of Cuakgb. MRS. BLACKWOOD Proprietress. MED1CAD- One of the Biggest and Best Stock oE Goods ever Brought to Town, use nothing hut the host leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. Cr. Woodward Moseburg. SUCCESSOR TO Abraham Wh ler Co DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store v " IN MARK'S OLD STORK A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTAXTEB. Great Overland Moute! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD -ONLY LINE RUNNINC- Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH 6ERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST in the Citg. WHERE connection is made with Coos Bay Steam ers for all i-oints on the Bay. Stages leave the Post offic at Rrsebur every morning, except Sunday calling at the hotels before leaving. THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BA.Y Particular attention given to the comfort of pass sense r. t areiul un vers ".nu g on stock. 8IFERD & HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS' 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - OREGON XTPrivateKooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies- OPEN DAY AKD NIGHT. 5 ; NEW STORE AT DIL.l.ABD9 OB. would respectfully inform the public that he Capital has on hand a fine assortment of i ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Hade Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a mst-claas store. Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods. Hill orders promptly attendtd to. INSURE IN THE . STATE INSURANCE OOL OK ............ . 100,000.00 Insures only Farm Property, ' Private dwellings, School houses and Churches. Also Detached dwellings in Cities and Towns with contents. j , I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. David S. West, agent Oifice,at Court House, RoseLurg Or. 13oseburr Oregon. lias on hand constantly a large and complete assortment of A will lr nli-ocr1 if sun lilj f1f1 friMlfls and natrons, as well ns ucxv ones, who in co nsidcration ofthe hia St-l auI Mmncapolis- scarcitv of monev and the nresent depression in business, will 0NLY transcontinental line running study their own interests by calling on hun and examining PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, .75 Cents.) Defore purchashig elsewhere, I Jo not claim to sell goods FASTEST TIME EVER MADE ai cost., or le&s man cost, oui wwi assure au who puirouizu me FROM THE COAST iat moy win get tneir gooas nwTH IWtH I lib At Tne Lowest wvin? -rom. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Produce Of AU Kiuds Taken At Market Price. To sinnv fjitv. fi .Afl.lifl.w. Council Bluffs Leavenworth, wram t to(j ursiiii. jlfoiivusi vreguu, BurUngtou, Quincy, GENERAL DEALERS IN T nine rhirnTk as a ai I CJ JT iuv nnnn? nn u i i-uii-v -andaupoints- UIM UUUUU HI1U UI1UUL.IIIL.U, Tea? Hardware, Crockery, o O- o . HATS, CABS, BOOTS Attn ere will find oar stock complete, comprising many articles it is im . possible here to enumerate. Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we uy and sell for' cash only. M'ARLIN 13ost 121 Tla. World for larca Or Small esmt nurir n 5 rl!hr m vmln. nwrlar.lnl fi5CfSi& r.1. 7A M CK .n. Tt.. rimftm mhMtlnt. 4flA nuule. Perfect accorscr gnsrsnteed aad tbe only sbsotutelr safe rifle made. All styles, llslzea, weights. Prices reduced. - Bft T-T t TJ Tl Callery, Pportin isl Tarcrt Riflea, world renowned. Ibe standard for milin l: IS Urgct shooting, banting, and sboounit callertes. Ai eallbres from 22 to . WftWS MARL1H FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAYFfl, COEB. 33K. MINTIB,' THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. Treat all Chronic, Sccial and Private Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT EN GUSH REMEDY. "18 A NEVER FAILING J"i CI' RE for Net rous Debilty , asuinal tveakness, si "i, jitaustctl VilalHy, 8 perm titorrhea, Lost Maiihood 'JWmpotency, Paralysis, Prostatorrhea, and all the 3 'iternble effecu of Self. j o Jabuse, jronthful follies and 'iff lexcesecs in maturer years, f Irochas Loss of Memory te,3B ' Dimness ol Vision" hoises in the Head, EXCESSES IN DRINKING intoxicating liquors, tue Vital finid passing unobserved in the urine, and many ntner dis eases that lead to insanity and death. US. ill.VTIl!, Who IS A BEei'LAR PUTSICUX. GRADC- ATS OF THE CXIVSRSITT OF PlNXBTLTiSU. will aaTee to forfet Five Hlsdrsd Dollars for a case of this kind the VIT L RESTORTIVE (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, cr for anything impure or injurious louna in it. . in. wrens treats all private diseases successfullv without mercurj' CoxaiXTATiox Fbee. Thorough examination and ad vice, including analysis of urine, $5.00. Price of VITAL RESTORATIVE, l.iO a bottle, or tour times the quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon receipt of Price, or C. O, D., secured from observation, and in private name if desired by Da. Miktie. 11 Krarnt stkeet, bAji r ramisco, cal. bend lor list ol ques tions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symytoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy i n regards to au ouBiuesa bnusKwuis. Dr. Mums's KnBT Remkct, K ErH RETICCM Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Ctomphunt Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leuchoivhea etc For sale by a dsnggista; tl a bottle or six bottle for nvedolUrs. Dr. MiStim Dasdeliox Pills are the best and the cheapest Drsi ifsia and Buioia curs in the market. For sale by all druggists. S.SZAIX BOIL MAM.S CAE BE EEM0VED. LEON & CO . Loi,don, Perfumers to II. H. the Queen, have ted and patented tbe world-renowned OBLITERATOR, hicli removes Small Pox Harks, of however standing. Tbe application is simple and bar causes no inconvenience, and contains nothing Jurious. Price t2.50. EasT AND OOUTHEASm AND OOUTHEASJ Via St. Paul aud Miuneapolis. E3vri3-n.2",r -tsr SLEEPING CAHSif- Are hauled on regular Ex Xiress Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 p. v., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 p. m.j third day. Connection made at St Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 1 1 :i 5 A. m., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. ji. connecting with O. R. & N. Co.'s boats for all points, on Puget Sound. A. D. Charlton, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St, Portland, Oregon. SUPEILUOUS HAIE Leou & Co's "DEPILATORY" Removes Snftcrflouus Hair In m few minuts without pain or 'unpleasant sensation never . grow again. Simple and harmless Fu directions. Sent by mail. Price $1 , GEO. W. SHAW GENERAL AGENT 219 Tremont Street, Boston, , Mass. Mention This Paper. IPton Baby was skk, we rave her Castaria, When she was Child, she cried for Castoria, Wlien she became Kias, she clung to Castorias When alis had CMldrsn, ah gay ikmm Castoria, BARKER &WELIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY,. GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. . . A' SPECIALTY. - ' Produce bought and the highest cash price paid. , ROSEBURG OREGOI7,