ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, JUNE, 4, 1886. VartoHB CmumlrMHs. Word of 1'raine. Portland, May 56. To the Editor of The Oreuonias: "As tbe asking of questions about the candidates for the supreme bench seems to be the order of the day, I would like to propound the following: Fiist Did Judge Waldo visit a beer garden in this city a few Sundays ago, in company with his father-jn-law, as a prohibitionist or merely for the purpose of catching a few votes'! Tf as a probitionist, did he consu-ne the various beverages for the purpose of destroying them, in order t further the cause of temperance? Is it usual for a judge of the supreme court who aspires to le-electioa to prove his tit ness for the position by going to beer gardens on Sundays Has the judge shown hertofore any desire to cultivate the acquaintance of our German fellow- ift7ani oa miuK afffki o1or inTl A 4 liA fore? Second Did a gentleman of this city, who has an important suit pend- The Portland World reports in favor of Mr. Pennoyer's canvass in the state in language like the following: From all over ihe state wherever i Mr. Pennoyer has spoken to the jhjo- ple, comes the most favorble reports of the imnrpssinnsi that he lma mada uiion- the voters. The canvass that he has bAnoAr AnILLA the root of the WORTHY Of j Confidence. UFDA Sarsaparilla h a medic in Unit, AYtn O during nearly 40 year, fn all parts of tho workl, has proved its eni eacy a the best bkxHl alterative kiiowu in inoliial BpiplirC V MM...-" ' - exiracxeuirom MISCELLANEOUS engaged in has been an arduous one speaking sometimes as often as four times a day. This plain, unassuming man, has, by the ardor, perspicuity and spirit of his w ords, and classical correctness and brilliant burning of the similes that he has introduced into his remarks, ingratiated himself into the hearts of his hearers, and by his convincing arguments and unmerci ful flaying of ring candidates and ring methods, he has made hundreds of votes for the Democratic ticket in June. He is a friend of the true in terests of Oregon. He is the advocate of the farmer and the laboring man. He is thoroughly conversant with the wants of tbe business men and com mercial interests of our state. He is ihe inveterate foe of monopoly. He will make the best governor that inc before the supreme court, ask a Oregon ever mu uaa. rxe wm .errct prominent Republican for bis he'.p to out nd expose any and all fraud and be returned a delegate to the, late speculation tbat may have been yrac state Republican convention, giving as iced by the present administration, his reasons therefor that he wished He will be a holy terror to swamp Waldo renominated, because he was land thieves and rings of every desenp friendlytohissuiU Is this gentleman tion. In short, he will be, by the interested in any cases heretofore de- grace of the voters , of Oregon, Cover cried but not reported? mr kyeh. If Judge Waldo will give an opinion An ex-mcmber of Congress expresses on the above a little quicker than hii tlTe opinion that Binger Hermann will usual methods would allow, a special exhaust at least half of his salary in effort will be made to have it reported- telgraphing back to Oregon reports of QUESTIONER. his "arduous labor" in the interests of . . - , . his constituents. The elastic strength The above is a fair sample of cer- wire was tested to its tain men, who try to ndo two horses hR at once,anu uw, By6 . v announcing his proposition to se- directions. Mr. Waldo you wont do. r .. . ,, . uirecwouo. ji.t. " j cure an appropriation tor the construe. To get a worker for Supreme J udge tion of a ship-railroad from the lower get a Democrat. Judge Thayer is the Cascades to Celilo. It may reasonably only Democrat at present on the su- be expected that his next grand, states preme bench of Oregon. The people manlike conception will be ths con need another and as Strahan is a Dem- atruction of a suspension bridge from ocrat he should be elected The fol Tillamook rock to Honolulu E. O. lowing will snow me woric oi jusuce, Col Cornelius is a "middle roan" Waldo and the other justices from the and not a fai.mer He 8ecurea a lease October term of 1881 to November from Ben Holladay while he was a 30, 1885, of the cases reported: member of the legislature and in con- Thayer wrote 49 opinions of the court. sideration of his vote for the $300,000 Lord wrote 39 opinions o ecour. subsidy steal, for an exclusive warehouse Waldo wrote 12 opinions of the court. ; ' Opinions per curiam 4. ' ! at Cornelius, Washington county, and It will be seen by this statement within three miles of that place. So that of the cases on which the justices effectual was his bargain with its rail have written opinions, and which were road managers that the trains refused , not delivered per curiam: to stop for several years either at Hills Thayer wrote about 50 per cent. boro ov Forest Grove, and not a bushel Lord wrote 39 per cent. . 0f grain can now be shipped from Cor- "VaIdo wrote 12 per cent. neliug j ;t tol to Tom - T a 1 TT. 1 Ulve us a iemocrat worser. m- . r, : 11- u :k. genuine Jionuuras Dareni"""1"; . base, and its powers are enhanced bv tbe extracts of Yellow Dock and Stil lingia, the Iodides of rotastdum and Iron, and other potent Ingredients. IO your blood vitiated by derangements lO of the digestive and assimilatorv func tions t is it tainted bv Scrofula or does it contain the poison of Mercury or Contagious Disease? . TUC leading physician of the United I Ht States, who know the composition of Ayer's Saksapakilla, tsay that nothing else so kxmI for the purliiea tion of. the blood is within the range of pharmacy. n ill M by the use of this remedy is It UNLY possible for a person who has corrupted blood to attain sound health and prevent transmission of the de structive taint to posterity. TiinDnitrui l effective renovation THUnUUunLY of the system must include not only the removal of cor ruption from tho blood, but its enrich ment and the strengthening of the vital organs. op 1 IABI r witnesses, all oyer the RELIABLE world, testify that this workis better accomplished by AVER'S Sarsaparilla. than by any other remedy. J , mnnn that is corrupted through dls tSLUUU nu ta made Dure, and blood weakened through diminution of the red corpuscles is maue strong, A vro'a SiBS APARTI.LA. mininfiiip the blood and building PUnlrYIHh up the system require timo in sprlons cases, but benefit will be derived from tho use of Aran's Sarsaparilla more speedily than from anything else. ....... for which like effects are MCUlUlrit. falsely claimed, is abun dant in the market, unuer many names. pOMNIl ORE PA L A GF, UNCLE JOHN G1LDERSLEEVE Has tbe finest stock of furniture south ot Portland which be tells as cheap as it van be bought iu the State. The new tangled DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. AND PATENT CORNICES. ; Also has on hand a full assortment of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUHKAUS AND COMMODES, Ami all kinds of Child rens Chairs, etc. J. GILDKRSLECVE. PJ1 mi ATCH CHICKS BY With Me Mast Pei-ffeec and Snccew rul lssitatUa t ifc lien. FOLDING INCUBATOR. BlmDlleltT Itself . No lumps tosiplode. . Ko batteries, clockwork, regulators, eec-drawers. or crlTuncM to eet out Of order. Xiocowor cipjnrew au I ","',",r i "le Pcr;l'DJ7; .T,.i,in. Jfiic li ei aU fertlla eggs. The upper portion folds back ;ike tlie lid of trunk, fl watcntaC. natcnos mu ' BlMsdliianestonnstura sol Itat lie lower oort Ion sndrpcr heat from a tank of warm waierlnthelld. Proper heat la msln Will stand for Um Seasmitit Josepli Carton's Ltvenj Sta- I hie inlioseburg. .Beg inn ing March 1st and continuing three months, 1 - -jn v.. II L IMEGMsiZJi 1 SOO ooe " so BOO " SO ovo 100 k or other eon oner Dortlon ioius usck ilketnelldof a trunk. Tho cres ars placed In a nest on natural soil lathe lower portion snd receive the mo imiTf heat from a tank ot warm waierlnthelld. l'roocrhrit Ismsln Mined br drswlne off part of the water twice a d&r and replacing with boiling water, about IO quaru at a thus for smaller size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell at from 50c to ! per Pound. It la Kiss at Brooder and will care for the chirks as ions: as thrt need artificial beat, thus saving; expense of spkIsI brooder, lloth si aa incubator ana asa urooaer 11 is unsurpsasea dj anymacnine. no mat ter wnat toe aosw ana is ma Mini, cHessen ana sums easily candidate for public favor. TheCrale Incubator can be run with prom at any season. Any person snoulu iisre a payintt listen the first time. It hatches la from IS to U days, and equals the best work of tbe hen. Ton thousands who are strnjrRllntt for pecuniary LADIES. indensndence will fin! irtincln. rent-bit? ur noulir mnat nmfltshla home Industry. It reaulrcn the l it txis-.ll.lp rsnlisl. rwuonnt tntsrfera with household duties. Tho same lire lhaf oreuaraa the meal eaa heat water for an Incubator. SO chicks. T set 101 In Inculntor PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHAELES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAK.) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. HKfcT I LASS IN EVERY REfcPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House l'ire-rmf Diitk Iiuildiii ISO ltooms. Ill the Center .if ihe l it v Ur. ' IIBRRBULIV, . "etUp-Stairs r,vt L. lie til' Jewelry Mor KfiSiCUtiC CRECCH. "1 3 J. a. OjM.M,I,KY. 1-tor of ibe KOSEBUJiG MAIU-J.i: WORKS. And leal r it. T'OM15KTOf.KS, l Al I.I IK. Kit'. COIl. KKONT ANt MultUISON iSTS., PdKTI.AM) Shoji Kerr of !! ti " ' Tenn.-rrom auoesKS I hatched 197 S hicks In the Craig Incubator. I bow It lithe best one made, j onr plans for brooder are i unexcelled. T it Tf-II HorTL. III. Third trial, out Of T8 eggs batched 65 chicks. Hsd very eood success first trial, h ev er had a Bner lot if chtckens. HELEN OKKDOKFT. Shakos'. 111. Tour Incubator beats all the hens for hatching. I set 15 eggs under heat and hare and have 97 good, hciililty citleks as a result. C. W. MA VS. BiviBTOv. Neb. Hatched one brood to get my hnnd In, fully CO per rem of all eggs put In. No trouble to keep an fcvrn tempera ture. Shall run It fill winter. E. VAN DEUSEK. EnzABFTiiTowsr. N. Y. By os Ing the C'rnls Incubator 1 consider my first attempts at artificial Incu bation a complete sin-rest . A. W ALTEll JJL'KA N U. EUKOrEAJj l'LAS. ;SM0M HOTEL, E F. D. CRJI9, iSTTciS. North Evanston, III. -END 4 CSXTS lit STAMPS FOR CATAI.OOVK. Contains more useful poultry Information than snyr2look. Describes sit breeds, diseases, cures, hen-houses, brooders. Incubators, etc TlJLal IIO W ( tut XOOO per ccut. profit ob CO he us. but tho only preparation that has stood the test of time, and proved worthy of tha world's confidence, id Ayer's Sarsaparilla, j PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price fl; : Six bottles for $5. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. HOLD DROF la a thoroughbred Jersey -.Bull, palo red, short horns, weighs 1100 tiounds, is five years old, and has all tlie char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. TERMS: . I Insurance - -V - -, !J,UU To Insure sex of Calf, $0.00 N. P. BUNNELL, .. . FOUNDRY, I Machine Slop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. nAN WAKE CASTINGS FKOM ONE thre tons wcicht. Small Cu- w .. it pola for small castmga. aioney reiuuuou. t work is not satisfactory. Portland prices 1 Save telegrams and exprcssage. If you knew how cheap.! sell BELLSfor Farms, Schools or Ciii rciies You would surclyjhavo one. first Class In Every Particular, Consult From au Mirkiin Sr POUTLANI), . OKEOOX Thomas Gi inean, Proprietor. rnHE ST. CHA15LES RESTAURANT. CiiAHLts Heilman, Proprietor. CAVIATS. TRADE MAFXSANB COPYRiCHTS Olitainctl, and all t.tlier ImeiMtss In the X . S Patent, OSBce attciiled to toe MOl'EKATE i'EI.'.S. Stud MODEL OR DKAV. IXC. We atlvitc as ItatentaUlity free of c-Iiatjc; ami Je K1' ( CHANCE UNLESS WE ODTAIK PATENT. We rcler here to the Postmaster, the HA. Money Order liv., and to ofltcinU f lite V. S. Patent office.' for circular, dicc, tcruis an references to actual eiicntu in yur tn State I comity, write to . ' , . SXOW & tO., Oiigite Patent Oflicc,- WmJiiiiiflon, l. C. The very best in the Market is Ret before you. n -i i -a". m 1.1 f3 - . . . ... ...... .jtr'a THE - INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Haying dissolved the eopartDfrship exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Eros. ud are uoW prc)arcd to do all work in tlieir line in a . - MANKEIt, AND AT KEASOSACLE KATES. KEDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME millo LARGE AND WELL-APPOINT t.i uuist X offers superior accomodations at pojuiar inv. LANGENBERG'S IBot and ghoe Btwe, Jackson StreetOppoaite Post Office, Rosebnrg, Oregon, KEEPS ON HAND THE L.VUGEST AND BEST assortment ot Eastern and San Francisco and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEJtS, SLIP PERS and everything lu the Boot and Slwe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Terfoct Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. . LOUIS LANOENBEBG. O. cJfcj XL- "EaxlsLS, A Full Line of Staple aud Fancy Groceries, TAULE AND I'OCKET CUTLERY, Glassware Crockery Qneensware . Etc. Cootls Delivered anywhere in the Meals 9JW- Roonm -i'w i,H w. Only three blocks front all Depots ami Steamer landings. Free Buss to ami from the Hotel No Chinese se trail t. No r,-. i- v ,.C nt, - - . . . I . . . .." . - ..t . at fu 1 KJl L V 111I11LA. X I IT Ul Vllilli:. r , ii? in -i.'..,... Ai:n M....l.;.w..-.. Wi-mob I iit n rut fits overcianrcs or ueviatiouirouirczuiar c-w - - j 1 illSO ueul IU .UlUtSllttiS, Xjol.r.n, iimi uim.ann.i;i k I iier bav. Also martS-tf E. LEW1STON. Prop'r. rrite lxjst Uoiler feeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, L'elting, Oils. General Agent for, Tho Shi pman Engine, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust, No OfVu-e. Foot of Morrison Stn;et Portland MS 1 1 l IJVIIVI IVl VUV MMll IVU s w-- Oregon. GIVE ME A ( ALL. X. T. WRiOIIT. Established l&l Drain Hotel! Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. DRAIN - - OREGON. dicator. THE A'EXT STATU PR1STEB. State Exchange. The verdent editor of the News must think that Oregonians are a gullible tl, 111 l.Jr. t, -.i -kt;i i il, l (Solo lw'& icijta tus icauun uuciv vu I Jllltl IM 1 II Kfll. I.lltl IIHAL IIIAKj I Print r of Orprron. naid us a nleaiant Republican party is the party that op- visit last week. We do not know hat poses Chinese immigration. This m we can give Mm a better send off as a face of the fact that the presxdenlxa candidate than by republishing and bighway man who now raises hens at fully endorsing the following from the Fremont Ohio, vetoed the first bill Portland World, which go-ahead jour- Pedby a Democratic congress pro nal remarks hibititfg Chinese serfs coming to Amer. MIftLr voter of Oregon want for ica and also that President Arthur State Piinter a man who they can rely vetoed the second bill looking toward on as being sober at all imes; who is the same end. World, not ratUe-brained, and with whom a The Democratic ticket ig becouiing bill could be trusted for printing with- . out being altered iu any manner, they stronger each day and will fairly dis will vote for that able printer and tance its Republican competitors on successfull journalist. Charles Nickell election day. Its opponents have lost of the Jacksonville Times. Vidette. au nope 0f beating the Democracy Waldo i3 posing as a prohibitionist and will swap off their whole ticket in and anti-prohibitionist; we understand order to elect two or three of their that he wants the prohibitionists to en- candidates. Don't trade under any dot so and vote for him. How will he circumstances, Democrats. Ihe elec explain to them his visit to the Canyon tion of your whole ticket is assured. Gardens and imbibing there a few Sun- President Cleveland, last week, had days ago! Was it to catch a few votes! a beautiful basket of flowers gathered Let some prohibitionist ask him about from the White house conservatory and it. sent them with a sympathetic note to Sylvester Pennoter is a born le,d- ex President Arthur. A few hours erof men. A man formed for great later a reply was received at the Whit, enterprises and agrcssi re movements, bouse, written by General Arthur The Pennoyer will make a real governor, reply showed no signs of its authors He will not be a puppet in the hands critical illness. of a designing ring. "The Republican candidates knew they would have to answer how it was LOOK OUT! CIVIL BEND STORE IU1 HI HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round to W. G. WOODWARD'S inlu V. It, ARRINGTON, PEAXER IS Dry Goods Groceies ito All Kinds of Produce Taken In Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., 0HEG0N. -AND- GMO Bros9 Bran New T. L. Gannon. C. A. Bl.vckman CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND tIBLACKSLIITH SHOP! Ailanison's Old Stand. Jacksou Street, manufacturers' of CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES! All Kinds of Repairing Done Terms or Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE jeet and Best Stock of Goods ever Drought to Town. I use nothing but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DUN T r Alij iU UALb u. W. Cr. Woodward Roseburg. THE LEADING GLGTOtER, HOTTER AND OF OREGON. -THE PLACE TO BUY.JgJ J B C0NGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS,- Leather and Saddlery Hardware : 103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON One of Malanssene and Clement a New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. CALL IKSTAKTER. -SUCCESSOR TO Brick store staCsia During a few yjsars residence in Oregon, Marston, . . t i j v: ..t. B.reaBux, .uu UAa t of tbe road leadiDg from of aboda no less than bis tunes, lie . .. , I U Untlam Tlill IfiH u. aa1i tch f riir-1a.ti9f the img tool for cannot live long in any one place. Albany across the Cascades, omitted, the enacting clause of the Ready bill Before em.gratnig to Umrtilk county d Uicy knew they he resided m Tanul county which they he mmrepresentedm the legislature to ' &1q UkQ such a degree, that the classic shades - of old Yamhill became so extremly tropical that it is said that he moved between two days. Yamhill county the Russian despot, they fear discus sion. Eugene Guard. When Marston explains why he left ' I -11 V f itt TTmafllla will remember him on election day to olu tw a .T " -n TTr,,1- n.n county after antagonizing, the grangers Webb at least 300 Republican votes, who elected him it will be time enough Yamhill will help to Smash the Ring P. Paper. O. W.Webb, of Pendleton, TJma- to put that othei question: "Who will have the use of the State's money in case he is elected treasruer?" Times. Mr. Nickell is a practical printer, tilla county, the Democratic candidate ' g for hig for State Treasurer has proven to be a entitled t0 the gn,)port most aamiraoie seiecuon. - v wflfrGarners as his opponent, who I Prof-e, to be endorsed by a Union, .r".T.T.T, . " rT" an endorsement secured by very ques- Da a "watcn aog oi ine treasury. iuc c..n.n . , mi i e i tionable means. Exchange. tnnila n-lll U SQTA in hi! Mr? mfl I . . . ,i t nt t,. Charley Nickell for State Printer, they will not go into the hands of the . - a nif ar,nnrr. of iL.ti ; ,i iu - 4.--- ring mas una muuaw iusu uuuug , rf . He is competent, honest past No Front street house will be and enereetic Eugene Guard. able to use the funds f the state of Oregon to bolster up its business while Bucklen s Arnica Salve- Tn DroT Q ii i-p in Mi Wilrlil for ....... . j. . 1 X 11 I. UCOA UAUm wv " v - "Uncle George ' hows tne Keys or tne c uts Braise Sores, Ulcei-s, Salt vaults. The ring that now misuses the Riieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped ,fatA' funds and which hones to; con- Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin x.i ilimncrli it tool. Marston. is Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, is." ' to Mr or no yWL , U U Bf.a.e the election of the Wandering Rin 8ter. World. 1 Fr stieby Marsters & Co Reasonable. Gannon jBlackman. Abraham, -.-Wlawtap & Co. GBANGS BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG ' W. F, OWENS, : : : : Manager. -PEAI. IN- Wool and Grain! ALSO, AGENTS FOU AniCULTURAL LiPLeSiENTS 7 E TRANSACT A -DEALERS IN- GENERAL EV2ERCHANDISE, Itosoburcc Oregon. Has on liaud constantly a large and complete assortment of General Merchandise and will be pleased to see his old friends and patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration olthe scarcity of money.' aud Hie present depression in business, will OF AIX KINDS ' L,4.l 4 inmi lv mllintr on li'in and examining GENERAL T5USI- w .""-"'u "j "o " o OPPOSITE THE Coos Bay Stage Line! LAIRD & CALYERT, j PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN 14 HOURS' WHERE connection is made w ith Coos Bay Steam era for all points on the Bay. Stages leave the Put office at Rrscbur? every morning, except Sunday calling at the hotels before leaving. THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BAY Particular attention given to the comfort of pass gengers. Careful drivers .nd g od stock. NEW STORE ! ; AT DULLARD, OB. npsa in our line and pav tbe Hi chest Market Tricco tor Ayool ana urain. a iuii i - . . it 1 tu..1.M.n4a L-ntit iiAn. line oi Agricultural. uii!;iv" , , i - i i r 1 i. 1 4 11 A stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice jJelore purchasing elsewhere. 1 UO UOt Claim to Sell gOOOS at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse " , 4,., nn. i,lf r:n .,,.,. .,11 x,,hn n:if mi 117.0 mo. 5 DEPOT. Giens a call- vubi, ui iuss uiau won " - tbat thoy will get their goods At The Lowest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kiuds Taken At Market Price, Sol. Abraham. w- r. OWENS. ie;v York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon a-- Leading Check Jlestaurant in the City, SIFERD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS' 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND . - .- - ORECOH K3Vn ate Rooms of the Latest Design fo r Ladies OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. INSURE IN THE STATE INSURANCE (JO. .. or " ... Mmw9 would respectfully inform the public that he ! has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Good, Groceries, j Ready-Made Clothing and in fact everything nstrally kept at a j tirst-class store. Uive him a call. , Goods at Low Prices. . j I: All kinds of Produo Taken in Exchange for Goods. lAU orders promptly attended to. Capital . ... ........ . . . ;$100,000.00 Hi Farmers Company Insures only Farm Property, Private dwellings, School houses and Churches, j Also Detached dwellings in Cities andq Towns with contents. I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable, terms. David S. West, agent Office,at Court House, Roseburg Or. Ei a in & Co. Drain. Donglas Co., Oregon, GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery, .. o O 0 WATS, CAPS. BOOTS A2XTD SHOES, ers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is im possgible here to enumerate. Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash ' : . only. 1 mnT tat DSojst Tjx Tlio World. 1 1. . in ttr. 40 rral&S oowdw;38 eL " Itll MIKUTIUHIISOUfC - . - , . 1 tc . . , M. . " 1 ?n BKrinL Th stroDcnt shooting Itfle mieiliwrai. W8IW -- , ltfW made. Perfect aoenracy goaranwd asd the only absolutely safe rifle made. All styles, a A T T A Gallerr, HlrtlB 4 T.rert Klftas, world B' BATlIlURP target -.'oounfc Jh.-tl.,., snd I shooUnj r.nertes. f" Coos Bag Stage Office at ' the Hotel, SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Baooaok Handled Fbke or Chakoe. MRS. BLACKWOOD Pkoi'Kietuehs. MEDICAL- iDii. iiisrTiii;, THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. 1?SA NEVER FAILING CURE for Net runs Debiltv , !austed Vitality, Scrnis ' (T Itorrhea, Lort Uaiihood ' , ijlmpoteiicy, Taralysis, Prostatorrhea, aud all the terriblc effects of Self , Abuse, youthful follies aud excesses in tnaturer .vcars, such as Loss of Memory Lassitude Nocturnal Eiii- Jigsiatis, aversion to society Uunucssof Vwtuu. jioises iu the Head, EXCESS fS IN DRINKING intoxicating liquors, tne vital fluid passuiz unobserved in theunuc, and niauy nliicr U15 eases Uiat lead to insanity and death. DK. HlXTIK, who is A ItEOl tAR Phvsicjan, Craiii. ati of tiik University or Pxsvltama, will arce to forfeit Five HrNDHtn Dollars for a case of this kind the VIT L RESTOUT1VE (under his sieiial advice and treatment) will not cure, cr for auvtuinc Anrilnnn rnniiroil nr mtuiA in order I impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mintik treats nytlnna; repairea or maue vj oi utr. i 'prlvmte aJiRea8es gucceggfuiiv without mercuol (JOXfti LTATlox raEE. 1 liorough examination and ad rice, includinir analysis of urine. $5.00. Price of VITAL RESTORATIVE, 81.10 aWtlc, or four times the quantity, )o.00; sent to any address upon receipt of Price, or C. O, D., secured from observation, aud in private name if desired by Dr. Mintik, 11 Kkasm Street, Sam Francisco, Cal. Send for list of ques tions auu pampniei. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any oncapphlns liv letter, statinz 8nntoms,sex and ajre. btrict secrecy i u regards to all business transactions. Dr. Mintie's Kidxet Eemedt, NEPHRETKTM Cures all kinds of Kidney aud liladder Csouiplaiirt Gonorrhea, Gleet, Lcuchorrnea etc For sale by a drrtggists; fl a bottle or six bottles fur fivcdollars. TVo Ul.'.IVO lll.l.iri... H.i.u t. n 11 Ih. Elegant Emigrant Sleeping OarS, I cheapest Drsi epkia and Biliols cureiu the market. WWW Mm '.f - Great Overland Boute! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD OKLY LINE RUHNIHO- Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST- FKOM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul aud Miuucapolis- ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNINC PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE SMAILIi POX MARKS GAB BE EEM0VED. 3L.E03ST & CO . Loiidcn, I'crfuuicrs to U, M. the Queen, har ted ami patented the world-reuowuel. OBLITERATOR, which removes Small Pox Marks, of however FROM THE COAST I sUllJ'"8- T1,e application is suuple and liar causes uo iiiiuiitciiivuiv, turn wiiuiui, nvuuiiji -OVER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St- Joseph, AtcliLson, Leavenworth, .Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, ra ta.1 AND ALL POIHTS- -Z. . -o Jurious. Trice $2-50. - SUPErLTIOUS HAIR -Leon & Co 's "DEPILATOBY" , - o m n.: i r. t acuiui n eti iiuu u iiuii iu m itw ui.uu. without pain or nnpleasant scnsstion never grow aain. Simple and harmless Fa directions. Sent by mail. Trice ?t , St Tmns tJL fhirnan GEO. W. SHAW M. LOUIS, mcagO, gExNeral agent 219 Trouio-U Street, Boston, Masa. Menti'.n This Paper. . - .EUT and ciouTiiEAsrn AND QOUTHEASj Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. TiTVTX Gt-JrUiLNI? -tsr SLEEPING CARS jzj- Are hauled on regular Ex- press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- Leave Portland at 3:00 P. u. daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St. Paul 12:30 p. m., third daj. Connection made at St Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at JL 1 :4 5 A. m., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. R. fc N. Co.'s boats for all poiats on Puget Sound. A. D. Charlton, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St, " Portland,, Oregon., I Wbtn Eaby wm sick, we gar her Castor). When ths wm a Child, she cried for Castor ia. When hf became Hiss, she dons to Caatoria, When she had Children, she gars then Castoria, BARKER &W1LL1S, : ' DEALERS IN - GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK iRY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. ., A SPECIALTY. Produce lought and tho highest cash r . . price paid. ItOSEBTJTlG OnSGOIT.