Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, June 04, 1886, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JUNE, 4, 1886.
For Congress,
Of Polk.
For Supreme J udge,
Of Linn.
For Governor,
Of Multnomah.
. For Secretary of State,
Of Wasco.
For Treasurer,
Of Umatilla.
. For State Printer,
Of Jackson.
Supt of Public Instruction,
Of Washington.
Forejudge 2nd Judicial District.,
Of Benton.
For District. Attorney, 2nd Judicial
- Of Douglas.
si-ax ot n TICKET.
For Swine running at large.
With this issue closes the pending
campaign career of the Review. In
a few dayB it will become our duty
and we believe thai wants and circum
stances wherein vote will become
factors, will conspire to make it a plea
surable duty, to announce the result.
After that we will return to the con
sideration of those matters that direct
ly affect not tlio temporary glory of any
party but the general good of our proud
and prosiKjrous State. Wo believe
that in our earnest struggle we have
labored directly to contribute to the
general weal. We, in the first place,
gave our best efforts toward securing
the best possible result necessary to
insure victory to Democracy that is
to say, we advocated that men should
be nominated who were honest, tem
perate and capable. This has been
done by the Democracy throughout this
county and State. In the selection of
Hon. N. L. Butler for Congress, Pen
noyer for Governor, Strahan for Su
preme Judge and so on to the foot of
the ticket, the Jeffersonian test was
met. In the county what bttter could
have been demanded what better or
worthier men could have been nomi
nated. The Republican party organs
have scarcely dared assail or, indeed,
go further than to urge that, perad
venture, their ticket may be as good.
Whilst comparisons are odious, we
cannot but acknowledge this informal
compliment. The people will surely
realize the importance and wisdom of
standing intact by the Democracy at
this time. It is further, it is the sub
ject matter for congratulation that no
worthy party or person has found an
opportunity to assail the character or
dignity of the Democracy during this
contest. Some one man who should
be, but is not always temperate saw
fit in heat and anger to Bay that no
man could be a Democrat and a chris
tian at the same timo, but bis was the
utterance of one that confronts and
realizes defeat without the proper sense
of prudent submission. He has beer
too good a Democrat and too often re
warded too much honored by that
party not to feel a lack of confidence
in this opinion. In truth he should
not attempt to defend it. Can he ? Let
his conduct on the day of election attest
whether he can appreciate "the variety
of human charity." We have occasion
to believe that some of the candidates
on the Republican ticket have gone out
their way to do little personal business
injury to us because of our course in
this campaign. If we find this to lie
so we may no doubt teach them the
Divine lesson, "Do unto "others as thou
wouldst others should do unto thee.
We now conclude with best wishes for
the people and as a consequence the
success of the Democratic ticket.
Democrats be on your guard as it is
reported that the ring will try to elect
Marston by trades. Expose any at
tempt of this sort. Be vigilant if you
would succeed. Trading 13 a fraud.
The day of election will bo upon us
next Monday. The time for elaboiate
argument has gone by, and it only re
mains for us to iusk the voters to scan
our ticket. Hon. N. L. Butler, our
candidate for Congress, is an Oregon-
raised boy, whose fitness is not sur
passed by any that may have preceded
hnn in tins distinguished office. His
life has been pure' and upright. In
Polk his hoice he is esteemed the
peer of any man and, without doubt,
he deserves this honor. Every Dem
ocrat should vote foi him and every
Republican should weigh well the sit
uation before voting against him. As
he is a lifelong temperance man he
cannot expect any support from, the
iweudo prohibitionist. Judge Strahan
is admitted to bo pre-eminently quali
fied for Supreme J udge. It is charged
that he has been largely employed by
corpoiations and wealthy bodies. This
is intended to injuie hin, but conies
back with great force as a boomerany.
Wealth employs the best talent and
wise people desire the wisest meu for
judges. By every argument presented
Strahan should be elected. Of Sylves
ter Pennoyer we have heretofore
spoken much. The Oregouian endeav
ored to smirch his good name because
of his love of the free white laborers
and his antagonism to the employment
of servile Chinese. Ilia connection
with the late meeting of the citizens of
Portland has provoked criticism from
Republican journals. His conduct
there was in harmony with his life
he was there in the cause of justice,
peace and order. So will he be as
Governor. Honestly, what man is
there in Oregon that can say that he
can vote with any degree of pleasure
against Pennoyer ? R. F. Gibons, our
candidate for Secretary of State, was
in Roseburg this week. He met quite
a number of our citizens, and the good
impression he made charmed us. We
predict for him an unusual majority
in this precinct. No worthier man
can become custodian of the Great Seal
of Oregon. Of G. W. Webb we can
not speak personally, but if what Re
publican and Democratic papers say
of him be true, he is a rarely good
man. If elected Treasurer the old
regime will be gone, we hope, forever,
and the people can count their own
money at any time they may desire,
Charley Nickell wo know well. He is
the liveliest, go-ahpad, untiring worker
we ever saw. lie excels in everything
he undertakes, and, therefore, is a good
Democrat and will make a goed State
Printer. Mr. Napoleon Davis is a
gentleman of unblemished character
possesses high scholarly attainments,
and is admirably qualified for Super
intendent of Public Instruction, lion
John Bmnett has once been our Cir
cuit Judge and his record speaks vol
umes for him. He is in deep syuipa
thy with the people and is ever in con
sonance with justice. James IlamiL
ton is of us. We measure his walk
every day. ' He is honorable in every
regard and just prosecuting none
from prejudice and leaving none un
punished from favor.
Our county ticket is admirable
throughout. Waite, Metz, Arrington
and McKenzie are honest temperate
and clear-headed. Their legislation
will be in favor of economy and re
form. Elsewhere we have referred to
Mr. Agee. He is a large-hearted, gen
erous man who cheerfully extends
charity manages a large business suc
cessfully, and is an old and permanent
resident and is in no respect a stranger.
Of T, R. Sheridan it is really unneces
sary to make extended reference. There
is neither Republican nor Democrat
nor even Prohibitionist that can speak
aught but good of him. The Drain
Echo, of last week, saw fit to m;ke an
insiduous unjust argument against
Mr. Sheridan that deserves a passiDg
remark. It says Mr. Sheridan does
not need the office. We advise the
Echo of Mr. Taylor that it is the
people that "need" that Mr. Sheridan
should have the office of County Clerk,
They know what he has done and they
want his services again. He simply
heeds their request. True, he has
been a prudent business man, but he
has worked for his living; he is an
artisan, mechanic, and a hard-working,
broad-hearted, honest man. David S.
West has spent his life in honest in
dustry. He has passed his spare mo
ments in study and has admirably
fitted himself for the office he so well
fills and will continue to hold. He
does not use pomade, part his hair in
the middle or dance to the "lascivious
music of the lute." Judge Fitzhugh's
record entitles him to re-election with
out a word. The arduous, complicated
duties of his office have been honestly
and justly performed. We are just
advised that at present extraoidinary
efforts are being made to secure his
defeat. Cunning joliticians are going
in every direction to Gardiner, Drain,
Cow Creek, east west and otherwise to
put up jobs against him. But politi
cal trickery has lost its power. The
people read, think and vote as they
please. Lamb and Hall should be
elected Commissioners. Hall has
been tried and proven. Lamb is high
ly esteemed where he lives and we are
assured by Republicans that in his
home precinct which is largely anti
Democratic he will receive a majority.
William Thiel is a gentleman of broad
intelligence of invincible integrity-
has made a good officer and deserves
re-election. So is it with Mr. Sacry.
He has been fair, just and impartial and
has done good Gervice for our people.
Prof. Russell is admirably qualified
for the duties of school Supciindcnt.
He is an ardent, studious, zealous
and enthusiastic devotee to the cause
of education. ' Dr. Graham is an orna
ment to his profession, ho is a friend
oftho people with whom his heart
beats in harmony and unison. Citizens
of Deer Creek precinct do not forget
our candidates for Justice of the Peace
Gannon and Ilarphan. They are well
qualified and will dispense justice with
an even scale. For the culprit beware
for our next i ; Constable Peter Junger
who if it be necessary will certainly
jug the offender. In conclusion we
pull a strong pull and a pull all togeth
er" and victory will be ours when the
polls close next Monday.
An A;-r From Mr. Uui j
Portland, Or., June 1, 1866.
To the editor of the Orconian:
I have always refrained from ventil
ating private grievances through the
public press, or in doing so, to mention
names, but the attack upon me lv "Jus
tice," in his communication of May 31,
compels mo in self-protection to ask
your indulgence for once, and if this
communication hurts the parties inter
ested, I have the justification that they
proveked me to it. They have not hes
itated to use my name freely, hence I
claim the same privilege. "
1 can conceive no greater evil for a
community than to be afflicted with a
syndicate of lawyers, who -on technical
grounds try to upset titles to land, and
thereby rob the pcoplo of their home
stead property; and when such a syn
dicate is assisted and supported iu ifs
netariDus schemes by some oi the
judges of the bench, from motives
which the law forbids me to mention,
then, indeed, the country is in a most
deplorable condition: for to-day it may
be 1 who am robbed, and to-morrow it
may be my neighbor; and if the people
allow Riich a staff? nf nfToira tn psist.
The fallowing from the portland tho time wili surel come wliC1) we au
World prove almost beyond a question will have to suffer for it, for "Justice,
the unreliability of Mr. Cornelius' word on craged, crres to Heaven."
as a man ' ' 1 .".jr i, mjocn umv uvi.n uu -
.... 1 , , . justly deprived ot our property by a
"I have never employed a Chinaman in any 1J , 1 c i J J
capacity, and never have worn a shut washed ' . . . ntuacLitZ . kii;,,,.,!
by a Chinaman,"-T. R. Cornei its, as re . , . 11PP . f. ' v.tii,
ported by the Oregon-an, stalwart Republican lf tijg &M
t i i vvni'st. fir mrliril nnf niim hn t
Col. Cornelius, in a plain, truthful way, h(Wg 0f the supreme bench, one of
stated he did not employ Chinese to do his wllom l,as already been" retired by an
grubbing, nor did he wear shins washed by outraged public, and I hope the other
will tollow. lut not content with the
wrong done, they, like a certain similar
the Chinese.- Editorial in the News, ring or
gan. !
State of Oregon, )
Washington: county,)
I, Frank Pomeroy, being duly sworn
say I have lived in Cornelius precinct,
class engaged in like work, set up the
hue and cry ot "stop the other man!
so as todraw attention in another direc
tion. "J ustice," in his communication,
says that it is my desire to get another
Washington county, Oregon, about 32 man than Waldo elected to the supreme
years, that I am acquainted with Col-bench, etc. In this for once he speaks
onel Thomas R. C-melius, Republican tlic t, uUl- 1 "re it most heartily,
aiiu i t;.m euiiceivu 01 no greater ser-
Vlif T pmild rnvwIiM. f 1 1. . .mr' n if
1 haf I Q lw I .111 no mnn rv,.,t I .l.i r im .- . -
VUi..u.u.i.u ,,r Miregou than to succeed m mv desire.
on the farm of said Cornelius about five When he says I am willing to sacralice
or six years ago. all other candidates on the Democratic
That I have seen Chinamen carry- Plckcfc to s.ccure the election of Strahan,
mg clothes to and from his residence i i , 8 , 7
. , , measures mo uy ins own stanaaru.
many times less than three years ago. In li3 ietter "Justice" is also nleased
R. F. Pomeroy. to call the locks and canal "Barney
Subscribed and swotn to before me Goldsmith's lock and clam swindle,,"
1 am willing to Jcavo it to the : people
or Oregon whether there was any swin
dle in the building of that grand work.
I claim that in building the canal and
locks I have done more good to the
state and to the people of Oregon than
I, Thomas Emrick, being duly sworn all the Willises, Seneca Smiths, Gilli-
say that during the summer of 1884 lancjs anU " aUlos their ancestors and
my wife was sick and I had my wash- a'i their branches ana connections have
. J , , done or ever will do.
mg clone by a Chinaman for about three To tho30 who have 110 knowledge of
months. the "true inwardness" of the tinloh
That I saw the Chinaman many times claim matter it may sound harsh to use
(after leaving my washing at my place s"ch. l,,am ,anS"aS lt to what con-
I VIUOIVU Vlll iwlj XiVll -JJ.1L1IUUU. lUClll
The reason that we -are induced to
write again on this subject is because
some men on the stump wilfully evade
quoling the law as it regards the eligi
bility of a woman to the office of Cotin
ty Supt and deal in irrelevant opinions
and facts, knowing full well that the
law is as plain as tho alphabet. The
State Constitution which was adopted
Sept. 18th, 1857 says, "No person shall
be elected or appointed to a county
oflice who shall not be an elector of
the county, and all county, township
precinct and city officers shall keep
their respective offices at such places
thtiein and perform such duties
as may be prescribed bv law."
. Sec. 8 article i Paga 87 general
laws of Oregon. This determines that
no one can hold a county office unless
he or she be a voter in the county.
Thou on page 50G Chap. 1 Title 3 in
general laws of Oregon, of common
schools, Sec. 21 we find the following
"That there shall ba elected by the legal
voters of the several counties of this
state, at the biennial elections, a coun
ty Supt. of ;common schools for each
county, who shall hold his office for
two years, or until his successor has
been chosen, and has qualified as re
quired by this chapter. Passed Oct.
29th 1872. This determines that this
is a county office the same as sheriff or
clerk. Not one cF theso sections that
wa have quoted amended or
modified, and there is n it another scin
tilla of law for, or contrary to, the
above in the Constitution of the State
of Oregon. This is all there is of this
point, and it is beyond a doubt con
clusive that a lady cannot hold this
office in Douglas, Multnomah or any
other county. Now wo say again Miss
Kent is qualified and if she was eligible
and on the Democratic or any other
ticket, it would be our highest pleasure
to exercise our franchise for her elec
tion and preferment.
AVc dobiro to call attention to tin
law by tho hist legislature amending
tho former law as to the duties of'
county Surveyors. No wicr law was
passed by that body. It requires that '
Surveyors shall keep an accurate, cor- j
rcet and intelligent record of their '
surveys, replace wasted m-mieuls by ;
permanent ones, indeed protect (he j
people against nnnecesss.-iry liiigaliun. i
We have not the space to givo prop -r j
attention io the merits of thin bill, j
It is truly a goad law and voters should ,
remember that Hon. Win. Thi.d .su- j
gested it, s-ecured its introduction and !
enactment. Let this useful citizen
honored wnd rewarded bv re 1 1 tin.
To Eeeulate
iQi tide of Mercury or any injurious sub-
Maiicf, but is purely vegetable.
It will Core all Diseases caused
by Derangement of the Liver,
Kidneys and Stomach.
If your Liver is out of order, then your
ho!e system is deranged. The blood is
impure, the breath offensive; you have
t.'"a!ache, feel languid, dispirited and
nrrvous. To prevent a more serious con
dition, Uke at once Simmons
REGULATOR. If rouleaJ a
sedentary life, or suffer with
iviuiuv Anemoaim avoid
stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator.
Siuc to relieve.
If you have enten anything hard of
digwtion, or feel heavy after meals or
sleepless it night, take a dose and you
uill feel relieved and sleep pleasantly.
If you are a miserable sufferer with
nst iiiation, Dyxpepsla and
TSilitiUNiiPss, seek relief at once in
Simmons Liver Regulator. It docs not
require continual dosing, and costs but a
tiiile. It will cure you.
If you wake t:p in the morning with a
bitter, bad late iu your mouth,
11713 Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor-
IB I p rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens
& AaaajL! the Hieath, and cleanses the Furred
'I oni;ue. ChiMrrn often need some safe Cathar
tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness.
Simmons Liver Regulator w ill relieve Colic, Head
ache, hick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and
It is a veiy ungrateful act in aiiy
man that has ben favored wMi a prom
ineut office in Douglas county in the
past, and who says of himself now that
he was wholly unqualified for the posi
tion lie held, and by hnn the
county did nt lose a dollar, to
now go over the county in certain
places and sprak of the want of quali
fication of a candidate now running for
the same position. The gentleman yJ.H.ZE!Uti 8: CO., Philadelphia, Pa,
now running is qualified.
the Complaints incident to Childho
At any time you fed your system needs
cleansing, toning, regulating without violent
purging, or stimulating without intoxi
cating, take
Elsmsas Liver Regulator.
Durin2 a fw years residence in j
Oregon, Marston, iuo 8 (JREG2H A?,D CALIFORNIA R. R.
siate treasurer, lias cimngeti in juacc j 3
of abode no less than six timee. lie
Aiid Connections.
TIMF-i 2,'i HAYS.
Fare fiMii 1'
i rtland to iian Francisco sjJ; t' Sacra
mento i?:0.
this 24th clay of May, 1SS6.
: A. K. Milner,
Justice of the Peace.
State of Oregon,
W ashington count
on, )
J'riilsr I'rom llir l.nriin).
The citizens of Dalles City can but
feel proud one of their most prom
inent business men, It. F. (Jibons, and
one who has for many years been clerk
of the county and is now mayor of the
city, should without any personal seek
ing bo selected by the Democratic con
vention as a candidate for .Secretary of
State. We- do not agree in political
policy with Mr. (J., but wo believe him
an honest, able man, every way fitted
for such a place, and, should he be suc
cessful in obtaining the election by tho
people, we have full faith in his filling
tho position with great dignity and sig
nal ability. Wasco Sun.
cannot live long in any one
Before emigrating to Umatilla county j
he resided in Yamhill COUnty, which j clo. i.uwtii.ns made at Ashland with fctajc of
he misrepresented in the legislature to j caii..;n,ia on-3.. fejatatse con...
i (daily i:ci:rr Sundays.)
i l"at Siik- Divi:un.
Mail Train
''..rtkutl -'-'" )U M- i r."-!ni--.
i:i.set.ur- ..':i: ifll. Ashlaml..
Ashhn l !.::!'. M. I(vlMir.
l:i.n.biit'' .-p.;s . M. l'rt!::uil.
Albany Express Train
P.nlnml P.M. I !'.- I. M.
Lebanon 4.4.". A. SI. j i'ortlawi lO.Oj I'. M.
I' I'ak'.eu Wciiii" Cars daily hot ween I'irtiaul
and AHilaiid.
The O. and ". K. I'.. lVrry makes connection willi all
the rcjiuh.r trains on Last Side Div.from fuoluf I" St.
V I Pat OoL 30th, (833. J -
Made only of h flnHit nd bMtqnal
ity of 'lM for wlttasUsndins bemt.
Every srood thingf Is Counter
feited, and conaumera are CAU
these Chimneys made of VERY
POOROLASa See that the exact
label la on each chimney as above.
The Pearl Top Is always clear and
bright Class.
KanafiMtureil OWl.T by
nttsbarcli Lead Gins Work.
lA'.I. S
of business) carry clothes directly to
when property is taken away, amount-
tno residence ot colonel l nomas li. in to many thousands of dollars, from
Cornelius, Republican candidate for the owners and .viven to other parties,
governor, j and the court which takes it away, in
TW'rlm-inor ,..,.! t.imn T caw Plain violation of tlie constitutional
y , .. ,. . provisions, tails to tile any opinion or
Cornelius pay the Chinaman money at ,:,,. . ...IV t?p :ntm..
different times, which I supposed was ested w'ere divested of their property?
for washing. Thomas Emiuck. For the first time in the history of our
Subscribed and sworn to before me slate thc com t fails to nle an opnuon
; A. K. Milner.
Justice of the Peace,
The following communication is also
from a near neighbor, -who, for obvious
reasons, would prefer not to have his
name attaclied in print: j
To Editor World Dear Si,-:
well considered adjudications. Let us
hope that it may be the last timo that
a court of this state is guilty of it. .
Respectfully, B. Goldsmith.
J5ko. Plioibilion Star you signally
failed to account for the courso the
Voice took in tho late New York
election. The Tribune as quoted by
The Statesman told the truth about
the inconsistent course of the Voice,
let theni lie liquor papers or not. And
you surged about on tho question,
just as some of tho Prohibitionists
now arc hinting at, we are sorry io say
that they will oppose tho submission of
the question to the people. Sad day
that will be.
Archbishop Rayax of Philadelphia
has made public the decree of the re
cent Catholic council held at Balti-
As regards the reports of Col. Cor more, relative to the sale of liquors on
nelius hiring Chinese, I would state Sunday. He announces that all Cath-
that I have seen Chinese at work on olic n'"st abstain from selling intoxi-
lis (Cornelius') farm and think that he cants on Sunday or else leave the
hired them,' and I am of the opinion church. The decree has been aflirmed
that the reports to the effect that he hY the Vatican and will be enforced
never hired Chinamen! in the Oro- all over the L) nited States. Good.
gonian, ia a base misrepresentation.
I am a Democrat but I like to see fair
play, and it is the common talk out
here that he has hired Chinese
I think that Col. Cornelius is too hon-
IIow can the Prohibitionists swallow
J udge - Waldo when he goes on Sunday
afternoons to the beer gardens in and
about Portland? This was charged
it. "U consistency Vrc. v ote for a
life long consistent temperance man
R. S. Strahan.
.4 i :.. t 1 i .
est to go back on his word, and there- ' l"e iUll,auu
e t ii i t runic 111 ins race, anu ne uict not. cieny
fore 1 think it is a verv base misrenre- n , ' '
sentation by the papers.
Washington Co., May 23rd, lbSG
To Whom it May Concern:
WI t " 1 T " Ml
xne unuersigneci says ana is wining Mabstox. the Republican candidate
lotesuiy onoaui uiao uoi. orncuus or Treasurer, is a movins indi-
has hired Chinese to work for him. ,.;,,..i i t.. 1a
vi'tl. Jib l.,cu C-il j HSf Ilfbl V- v.
i nave uvea neignoor to tuo uoi- h;s refiitlcnco six tilueSi and et
and thiak he is too honest and truthful Vnmi.;n t u i. iiro
to say tnat ne nas never inrea uinnese hig trust IIe ig the rin candidate.
as the Portland papers report that he anJ th knw the kind of a maa th
saia m nis speem, ana i tmns tne pa- have to tlcal with.Tn6 Star
pcrs basely misrepresent Col. Cornelius,
K. Crandall. The anti-Mitchell Republicans will
The World does not make an issue make it tropical for CoL Tom. Cornel-
with Mr. Cornelius on the ground of ius and Marston, who , are typical
his hiring Chinese in the past, but it Mitchell men. They will gently knife
does make a direct issue with him on them along the line. What the Mitch-
the ground that ho is a demagogue, and tn ne,i will do as to Waldo remains to
in order to create a sontiment that he be seen. They claim that Waldo is
thinks may bring him a few votes, lie incompetent. Oregon Register,
does not hesitate at falsehood. One
correspondent thinks "Col. , Cornelius An older brother of Land Commis
is too honest to go back on Ins word." sioner bparks lives at Ulympia. lie is
We trust that he will get over his blind a staunch Republican, ye, endorses his
infatuation for the Col's, honesty and brother. "Billy strayed off in ioliticH,"
truthfulness! They are matters of he says, "but on tho land matters he is
record?, Tell the Truthl right yea, Billy is right" Secretary
Lamar has asked Sparks not to resign,
. 1 i it.:. .1 ;if. n. .1.1 c i
With kindest regard for all and "u tuu Vl
w 1 iinrii.. ..:t.i.
malice toward none, wo shall await
i.t.uKmwunui eMuiu T Tiif evidence is in, and it is proven
on next Monday, believing that the , fwnPiItls pmilinv ru,; tn
great principles of our commonwealth K for
will beupheldbyajust and cliscnm- the candidate" fabricateor
mating people. Therefore we shall m .
e 1. i j i rt - J j
lorcvcl UU'.u aautcu mai iujiuuh.ui uiha T, .
I hAfhanw
im, "the longest pole will knock the
persimmon." Finis coronat opus.
Bro. Britt we had hoped to 1 hear a
word from you on your two ticket rack
et. But Win. Thiel will suit the peo
ple for another term.
Let every Republican note the man
that is runing on two platforms. Mr.
P. P. Palmer is one of them. , Your
coat of many colors will not save you
as it did one of old.
Voters of Oregon assert your rights.
Smash the liiwj that assumes to die"
tatc who shall rule you 111 its interest.
Show thc audacious ring that the peo
ple are thc rulers. Governors, sena
tors and legislators are but the instru
ments of vour sovereign tv. With you
is tho power, and a right loyal trust it
is. worneuus and Hie rest 01 the Re
publican ticket are but the figure
lieads for as a disreputable a gang as
ever misruled any people. Snxtsh the
liinj , We will.
Hair restorative iu thc world i
II.UK Ukxi:vi:i:. U r.r. all !
tho M-n'p, and Mim'-!- 1! l..i:r !..:'!.
to healthful ;-.n. ; I U-. tin ;-1 .;'
tin; hair; pi-v n; 1 ; iiuiiinr : -haliliU',
iimt ri-:.!i-! . J liful ,! ' :i- !
frolnii'ss of a-; 1 :i"-u -r in hca!- r.iri'M'v
while with lii-.' 'I 'in- i--'u ius; :ii u i- .v
illutrniiwiis of vh.;l is doit :y"
VEgetabla Si Lilian
Sir Mns. llrsspmnv, ." Frt:v,k!ii
Jlinnklyn, X. )., r.iU-r n-i. r.-utt-.rk if Ki-y-fiHl:iM
in tin- li'-:.:). f-.-.iTi-i r h:.;r . !r-. : i; v
gray railing !!'r-.-1 :i- :i , t'- - Mietoi.n !'
i 11 it- line l.i ti'c i f Ii-li.'s l!.-i:t l.r
KBWKIl IntiiiyM il li . n i-o'.i, liw-.a ;r, I
ihii-k xv lit 11 hlir v.:i.- a ii I.
5 Ms. Kr-I.!vi, in i M f, i;;.r V.'itr-
$ttlC, Jll'K. lia:i f-:'fi-;-;',- I 1 :. l fl, l,-;.t (
little 111! IV W: 'f It l :it !.: iK-.l. l.ltr.
) lw.nlt- of Ham.--! li.-.i:: 1. l; ' . u ! ,! -. .1
Uf f illing out, !.!!! t -.. I n 1! ' k, 1 ;:.! i ,'. v.i til sair, tut In 11 asi.t l: t- a li-tv r
06- Mi:s. A. T. VV.m.i , ih-r, f, .', Clmhh-r,
fug., write : "I l:iv.' f.-i.i. I V i-r-H'i ::
i lit In.iu tli-iki-i f l!.M.i.'s K.mi; I.'iimwm;. ;i
liavim; '-I'lorril iny l:--'.r, v. !. i :n r .sj'.ly
iny oil', anil i -.imi' il ii: ui ii;iu.i! fui ,r.'
tS 1R. Kmii, S::tv, U--'l, Xi ,r. it:fi
that U.M.I.'s I'i Ni v i c-j. v ;.t f. r
huir ffrowini.', nud tiv- I. .i-K ti.r (.a: tii.r
to faKal and ray hair."
3- Ms:?. P. V- Etm-TT. f7. ,ir7'-. 1'". I'r.,
pays: '-On- v, i ( It. IU) : !, s;.v. ii:
n-htorcd my to ita 1: j .: cxiur."
Ko injlirioiiM st!lst:.r i i-n'i r in- i 1:ii;
coinisiii(in of l'-!.i..-i ii if: I i:m: I !:,
and it is not a !. !:; -( - m ! . hi- imri-i-(lients
rctiil' f it i;; lii-..-!:t il'" : '-. t I t '.-lic-ial
to tin: sralji s;s n jm.-M-til :v - .1 i;
casc. Its Clio ts an- l.i'tun-! atnl
sunl it ilocs nut l:i:ile the hair dry ::i'd
hraliv. like the -M-a!lcd iv-tot "a: iv e- vin
pounded with aicoiml.
Buckir:ghamss Oye
foi: the
Is. ia four re-pei N, mm
lt It. will I -.rodli.-i:
eoH.r. in-own or l a i., iU ri
'id The ro..:-- reihn-; -,i k 1
I'.-tllllot he w:t.h- -1 i.:;'..-i:id v. ':: 1;
tliiii1.' with which i' e n-i' - t-i 1
."il I! i-H sin-V- jirf I'm .1: it'll, i.r I iv.ov
convenient of aj!ii;-a! l! . :;;.,
hair or whisker d. e.
4t!l--lt contains 110 1elct rin:s i'-.- r
dienl. as do niany j i j:ara::e:i r d
for like use.
Pur.PAi:i-.i isy
R. P. UAJAj & CO., .a5Juir, :.. Jl
Sold by ail Dealers '. Medicine."?.
.;.i. r. ji .
.4.1a A. M.
.S.lh A. M.
..i.r. v. m.
r.,!ii uiii ;.y . ji.
Omul lib S.j'J A. Jl.
West Side Division
i;i;tvi:l rouTLAND & cokyallis
LEAVE. I AlllilVK.
o.raiii. r.:;nr. ji.
rm tl iiidi 3. V. M.
Express Train- !
I'oril.ui-l .".art 1'. M. JI.Minnvillf. . SUM P. M.
;.l.-Miiinilli;....;..4.A.M. I'.irtland S.aoA. M.
L al t irkits (or sale r.nd hay.M ili.-'t ked at cm
pany's lip li.w n i(!i"c, eor. Sl:i.rk ulid Leonid streets,
l'iclii ;s f n- prim ' U nitit ia Califore.iti eau only liu
riKriirud and li j'.ive elunked at tympany's ollicc.
1'i.iiier K an. I 1 r.iat Sts., I".irtl and. Or.
Krei-jht v. iii ii"t i.c re-eived fir sliiinneiil nfler a
..'el. irk P. Jl. ..11 tiUie.-tha Knsi ..r West side liv.
. i i:(ii:i:s.
t;.l". &l'assA:-'ent.
It. hOKll LEI.',
. ier ! a'.l i-'.her-.
a r. '-. (.: ..!
jr. -
For Sale.
1)11. JORDAN'S
751 Marlfcl Street
JT discise, ami how wonderfully
j V11U are nv.ulc. I'rhati' Otiieo, -11 Ocary Stleet.
I t'liiisuitaii'in m n:ae! und all lis.aM
i men. Send for rooks.
j A Good
j IIlackstHilh Shoy and Wagon
j Shop Combined.
j Lot 10 feet lty 110 fect, situated on
Main Street, Tioselturg, also Ijvo lots
; of tools.
I One new dwelling house find three
two stones high, situated in thc sub
urhu of tho City. Oouinianding a
beautiful view of the Town.
For further particulars call at the
Blacksmith Shon o Bowen Bi others,
Roseb'ursr Or.
irii.L ri Rxisn vou the i; au finest
liiinU in the market. Ladles Wear, Lor,
Uiicliinjfrii Hosiery nd Jewelry.
Thc dressmaking department is in skillful
hands, and under the immediate supervision
of Mrs. llotclikiss.
For Sale!
100 1 load of ewes including
210 lain lis, and
10 wethers.
Iii'iuire of K. (i. Young tfc Co., or
James Chcnowelh of Oakland Oregon,
or of Sampson Sutheilin of Fair Oaks
at his farm.
For Sale!
Forty Acres of uniiuinoved land,
and half in the Corporation limits of
the city of KoscLnrg, a good spring of
living water, a vc ry 'desirable location
for a home. Situate in the eastern
part of the city. For further informa
tion and terms apply to this oflice or
Mrs. Bowen.
Land Otliec at Rfieclmifr, Oregon, June 2ml lfvsi;. ;
low iiiK-nained settler has filed notice of her in-
teiitinn t.) make tiiml pnxif in 9ip)Hrt of her claim, .
and that said proof will be made before the Resister -or
Hceeiver at Roscbuiy, Land Office on Saturday, '
July 10, issb, iz: Elizabeth Warmer widow of Al
bert Waonfr deed. Homestead S. 3S!Ki, for the lots
1 2 Jt S. J of N. E. J See. 9 T 33 S. R. 0 west.
She names the following witnesses to proie her
continuous residenee upon, and eultivation of, said
land, viz: Mary Wood, Hardy Elliff, Rebecca Smith,
tnas. Anderson an oi uin!aie, Douglas Co. Oregon.
Subscribe for The Review.
Beautiful weather.
Rev. T. L. Jones came home Tuesday
Miss Lizzie Farmer is absent visiting
S. J. II. Trine has built an addition
to his house.
V. N. Boots returned home hist
week from his visit to Coos countv.
Mrs. G. W. Ilarrv has been nuite ill
but is rccovcrincr.
Mrs. A. W. Hart is sufl'ering with
Miss Gail II. Bens jii of Sootls Valley
was in town Saturday.
Lieu Pickering and family left Mon
day for Fort Couer do Alene. From
there they proceed to Omaha.
John Stearns and (Jus A.Taylor of
Roseburg, were in town last week.
Messrs Ed. and Georgo Estes re,
tunied from Grants Bass Saturday.
Mrs. Hugh McK enzio came home
Miss Edith Barker h;ts ;o;ic to Eugene--
No "Echo" we don't want to "hurt"
you now. We thought wc would at
first, but upon duo consideration we
came to the conclusion that it would
not be right.
David S. West, Democratic candidate
for Treasurer, was in town last week.
Mr. West is a gentleman of culture,
honest and upright. No better man
could be found to occupy that position.
Elect him! He will not bely tho trust
imposed upon him.
B. C. Agcc, Democratic candidate
for Sheriff, was in town Thursday of
last week".
"Yhcre, oh! where, can that chicken be, '
Yhcre oh where can it be,
With its head cut off, and its life all gone,
Where, oh! where, can it be."
Echo answers "where:"
Mr. Callwell's store presents a nobby
Several families anticipate leaving
town soon, for popular summer resorts.
I have for sale a one-half interest in
a first-class Shingle Mill, situated on
Hubbard Creek. . We have a good
water power, and the mill is in good
running order. I also have a one-half j
interest in all f the Shingle Timber on ;
the land on which the mill is situated,
-iW acres, anil Umber can be run to This health, and pleasure rcsurt is now onCn
the mill with verv little exnense. i fur the reception t-f nucsts. The hotel has
I will sell for cash, trade or seeuiitv. bccn thoroughly renovated, side walks relain,
Apply to J. J. DIMES,
Umpqua Ferrv, Oregon.
Si,ooo Reward!
and a new bath house built
t t n T .
m28tf HOT ql LOLD J3ATHS
fur the accomodation of its guests can he had
at .any time. Situated as it is, two miles south
of Drain station, on the
O. tv. C. II R.
I it is the most accessible
.Mrs. l.un. ii Wilson, of iiarsons, Kansis, ! I4,.,lj, oi4 IM-i wtll'J' Efvmf
wlni was ai.liollited liv the St.-itn..f K
ini-ionor to tho World's Kuir at New Orieans.'iii an- in the Slate of Oregon. Passenger trains i-toj'
swer to the inquiry of a rcj.orter, iid: "I ean not i at the platform in front oi the door.
siieak loo hiily of llr. XURNEUS TKKATMENT. j 1 T--r-ri-.-r
My suffering nearly distracted me. My stomach! I ' I II IV
waa deraiigeAl and my nervous system was complete- ' H XlLillyO
lylirokcn. I DUlfercil from iiartial imralvsis, rheu-1 -,, , , ,, r ,, , r .i
niatism and. neuralgia. Added to tl'c .we symp-1 ul,! l,IV! ll,e usc of tIlc watcr from l!"r"s: lmn"
tonis wcro loss or inemon. voice, aoi-etue and lack ; cral sprinm lo l.c ot "real licnelil. 1 liev cx-
of nerve force. Jly family iliyxieiari did mc no tr.NI ,,ci ,j,e poison malaria from the system A
and by the advice of a friend, I bon.-ht Dr. Turner's ,,- r. r o.l ,'. 1,i
Treatment. Two packages completely cured inc. p'-re cuie f-.r I-ever and Agi.e-A regulator
I think the treatment is wonderful in its cffeits,-! a" lAWr and Kalncy diseases. 1 lie hot
and recommend it m all cases of general or nervous : baths cure diseases of the skin and .relieves
debility, and diseased condition ofth stomach, kid - I Rheumatic pains. Females sulleiinc from
' m. ' ! i diseases peculiar to their sex will find it crcatlv
IO I IIP VYnDIPllr i t0 tacr advantage lo place themselves und&
LJ L Lls llUlllUitii. thp nr,M,f Mr, llr. T.d.lne l.n Won
engaged to remain at the springs this season.
will find plenty of game in the neighborintr
inns, ana mountain iroui in an tne streams,
ror particulars address, .
V. A. Perkins, Proj.rictor
Drain Oregon .
as a uterine ion
Votinj. or j,i( if vou are uuffcriiis from penera 1 dt
liility of the system, headache, backache, pain in one
or both sides, general Uitude, boarinif Jown pains
in the abd omen, flashes nf heat, ialpitation of the
heart, smothering in the breast, faintitii; sensations,
nervous debility, coughinjr, iieuralia, wakefulness,
ljss of (lower memory and appetite, weakness of a
private nature or barrenness, We will guarantee to
cure you with from 1 to S packages of the treatment.
As a uterine tome It has no equal.
i oiinjf, middle acu and old, silicic
or married. It is a sure cure for dvs-
pcisia, malaria, nervous or general
debility, nervous prostration result
inirfrotii indiscretions of youth or ex
cesses of maturer yearn, or overwor
of the brain, and it has no equal for curing all forms
of nervousness and liaslif ulness, caused by over in
duljfenee, excess or impotence. It has been used
successfully iu thousands of cases by both men and
womon, and is thc best medicine know for thc rc
pairmcut of tho procreative powers and restoring
vitality. We will guarantee that three packages
will cure the worst case of debility, causing dimness
of 8icht, defective memory, aversion to society, want
of ambition, loss of power, Ac. Each package of
Ti rnkk's Tkeatmknt contains all medicines nccessary
for over one month's treatment, with full and com
plete instructions how to exercise, diet, bathe, etc.
One box cures catarrh.
Price Tunici s Treatment per pak'(re, H: three
packages 22, Bent prepaid on receipt of price. Thou
sands of cases of diseases mentioned above have
been cured with one package, and knowing as we
do its wonderful curative effects, the TKF.aTMKvr
having been used in private practice for over thirty
years in St. Louis, we will give the following written
guarantee: With each order for 3 boxes accompanied
by ri, we will send onr written guarantee to refund
the money if the TsKATXKKt does not effect a cure.
Send money by postal n ote or at our risk. Add rcss
F. L. Wake & C o., Sixth and Market Streets St.
Louis, Mo.
This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake s
advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex
change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts
for advertising can he made for it.
Merchant Tailor,
KV.V.H a largn and complete a-nmcit -!
styks F ' VCr' "'at'-rials and
f sain
A perfect FIT CuariUitcud
rti . - .
otctf.7' anil 7?7;,.,-
J J.l.'4tf l't's
i,nc at Keasuiuihle rates.
XEVEk vote for. Waldo uuder any
SIIOI-L Op wito ir.V;ir,S Mcat Market,
on Jackson Street.
the undersignctl will make application to
thc County Court of the County of 'Douglas,
State 01 uregon, at their July term, 1666, tor
a License to sell spintuous liquors in the town
of Gardiner, Douglas County, Oregon, in less
quantities than one gallon, lor a period of one
year. HhMY WAUt,
June 4th, 1S86.
All persons holding any hills against me arc
notified to present the same for payment, and
an persons knowing tncmselves indebted Itr
to me are requested to make immediate pay
John R. Daniels, Uosehurg, Otegon.
lias been duly appointed as the administrator of
tbc estate of Aaron I). Jonesdcccased. N ow.tlicref ore,
all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said
estate wil l come forward and settle the same without
delay; and all iersons having claims against the estate
will present the same to me dulv verified within six
months from this date. JOUK II. SHUl'E,
Mat 10th, 18S0. . Administrator.
A little game is on foot, and the
Itcpublican judges in certain precincts
are mtornied it seems in referent tn it.
Jngdes look well to the ballot boxes.
Some folks may yet get into trouble.
ernorcaLa see to it that a fair election
is held if you lose every man on the
Administrators Xoticc.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in
and for Douglas County, in the matter ( the estate
ot W. 1. slieltoii doe'd.
Jjl signed has by the County Court of Itouglas
County, State of Oregon been appointed Adminis
trator of tha Estate of W. D. Shcltou dee'd where
fore all (x-rsons indebted to said estate will make
immediate payment, and all crsons having claims
against the same will present their claims against
thc said estate, duly verified to the undersigned at
his residence near Wilbur in said County or at the
nice of i . C. Fullertou iu Rusebttrg Oregon.
N. LiRAlT,
Dated March 30, 1846. Administrator.
Land Office at Koscburg Oregon, Kay 3, '
Jl lowing-named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to maka final pnsif in support if his claim,
and that said proof will be mado before the Register
or Receiver at R.acliurs Lawi Offi, on Wednesday
.tune 16th, 1si!, viz: H-nr S'tandlcy Homestead No.
Mil for the N. W. 1 rf N. E. J, N. of X. W. 1 1
8. W. of !f. W. Sec. 21 Tp. 2'J S. R. a West.
He names tliefollowmgwitnesscs to prove bis con
tinuous rcsideree upon, and cultivathm of said laud,
vis: 15. K. Wilson, John Thrush, Geo, r'orduey , John
Staudley all of Camas Valley, Oregon.
Notice of Final ScitIemciit.
in the Countv Court of the State of Orejfon in uxi
for Douglas County.
In the matter of the estate )
J. C. FIoel Sr. deecaseil ) ' -"VT
XI dersigned executor of the last will and testa
ment of J. C. Fined Sr. deceased h.-w filed in the
alwve entitled court a final account of his adminis
tration of said estate that said court by its order du
lv made and entered, April 27th, 18S0 fixed Tuesday
the Sth, day of June lS at the euurt room of said
court a time and place for hearing -'objections if any
there lie, to said account and all ienon having any
objections to said account or the settlement of said
estate are required to appearand filetbe same at said
time , '
F. P. Uogan executor ot
Rosebuiy Apr SO, lSa6. the last will ami testament
(ot J. CFloed Sr. decerned
Lijni t Las
Attj-'iior Estate, -