ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, MAY, 28, 1886. . ' COJtXEZlVS' BECOSD. In 1870Mr.Cornelias,Republicancan" didate for Governor, was a member ot the legislature of Oregon. At that session Hon. R. S. Strahan, a member from Benton, introduced senate joint resolution No. 18, reciting the provis ions of the Bnrlingame treaty with China, under the provisions of which Chinese now fill up the entire Pacfic coast declaring that the treaty "was in imical and hostile to the interests of the people of the state of Oregon," and winding up with the following resolu tion: Resolved, By the Senate, the House concurring, that our senators in Con gress be instructed, and our represen tatives requested to use all honorable means to procure the abrogation of said treaty. and that the Secretary of state turmsh our senators and repre sentatives witn certified copies there.' Here was a plain direct test of Mr. Cornelius' views ori the Chinese ques tion. As soon as the motion was made ' to adopt, Mr. Cornelius was on his feet with dilatory motions to defeat the resolution, but when out voted on every poin and the resolution was put up on , its passage, he voted against it See Senate Journal, 1870, pages 524-5-6. . Let every laboring man in the state make a note of this when he comes to vote' in June. The Star. -WIZL KOT THE TB VTUHO. The Salem Town Talk is responsible for publishing a statement that when the Democratic party went out of pow er in 1878 that the State was then in debt $773,717.34, and claims that the Grover-Chadwick administrations were responsible for the debt. This stale political falsehood has been so often refuted that it would seem even the Town Talk might blush to repeat it. It is a patent fact that no state officer can create a debt. There is no power to do it except that of the Leg islature. When the Democratic party went out of power there were bonded debts created by the Republican and Democratic Legislatures, as follows: BONDS BEARING 7 PER CENT. INTEREST. Soldier's bounty bonds $ 26,400 06 Soldier's relief bonds . 761 00 Lock bonds payable out of Internal Improvement Land Fund 160,000 00 Modoc war bonds, payable out of general fund 132,858 76 Wagon road warrants, payable out of swamp land and 5 percent. tide land fund 138,600 00 Outstanding warrants payable from funds derived from special tax. . . . 192,975 62 COBXEZXVS' S VBSEB VI ESCV. DYSPEPSIA. 1 iic niiineuiaie result s are Lass or Appc ; iip. Nausea, Foul Breath, Heartburn, Flat ulence, Dizzilloss. Si; U IIc:k1:il1h. failure Total $651,595 38 Seventy thousand dollars of this last sum was inherited from the Republi can administration ending in 1870. It will be seen by this that the ap propriations made by theseveral Legisla tures were not met by levying a tax V . j 1 . . . . Buiucient 10 meet tnem. This was a duty which every Legislature should have performed. In making an ap propriation a tax should have been lev. ied to meet warrants drawn against it. The attention of every Legislature for years' was called to this fact, and it was not' until 1876 that the Legislature made provision to pay off this class of warrants. This could have been done before, thereby saying the Interest on these wan-ants. Since 1 878 it has been convenient to charge all this to Demo cratic State officers by some Republi can editors, who, presume that their readers are such ignoramuses that they will believe such transparent falsehoods. A closer examination will show the votes of the parties upon the bonded debts. Also that the Republican Leg islatures are alike responsible for the legislation upon this subject. It will be seen that before 1878 of every dollar owed by the State, payment was pro- viaea ior independent of funds appro priated to carry on the State govern ment. The Town Talk says that the Re publican party reduced the debt on an average of 596,960 for seven years . when every dollar for the extinguish ment of these debts was provided for during the Grover-Chadwick adminis trations. Now, to show how silly this overdrawn false statement of the Talk is, it says, further, that the Republic ans have paid all this debt excepting $ 0,000 or $80,000. As provision was made in 1876 during Governor Ghk; ver's administration, to pay off 'this1 $192,975 62 of outstanding warrants auu maamucn as ,tnat. debt baa .long since been paid, and all others were provided for under Democratic admin istrations, we are curious to know how the State 13 now $80,000 in debt crea teaVtinder the Republican admiaistra lions, as stated by the Talk. The fact is tne Talk does not not know what it is talking about. If it does not look out it will involve itself in a muddle with those it is aiming to serve. Will not the truth do as well? It will bo remembered, says the Al bany Demorcat. that the legislature in 1870 nassed an not ' pmnnvmng trio 'Sedentary habits, mental worry, nervous lu l'assea an act empowering tne excitement, excess or tinm-mi. in nt- the city of Portland to vote a subsidy ns? or drinking, nt vurious other causes, t tt 11 1 induce Constipation followed by general to JBen Holladay of $300,000 to secure U-iangcracut of the liver, kidney?, and the tprmlmia nt the Wcf HiAa s3i,h, in which the disorder of each tne terminus of the West bide railroad ,..,., jncreasej, the liiihmitv of the others. at mat city, uid residents who lived here at that time remember the corrupt influences brought to bear by Holla day to control elections and the legis lature. : They also remember how the subservient tools of "the Duke," as Ilolkday was then called, were driven by an indignant and outraged public to the shades of private life in 1870 and 1876. The the act above referred to was vetoed by Governor-Grover who showed beyond cavil that it was uncon stitutional. The veto message came up for consideratoin in the legislature of 1872. The reading of the message, with its strong vigorous reasoning, convinced eyery member of lhe state senate but one that the bill was unconstitutional. Such strong Republicans as Dolph, Brown! of Marion, Cowles, Moores, Watson and others conceded the un answerable arguments of the Governor, of physical and mental visor, distressing seme of wei-rht and fullness In t he stomach, and increased Costiveuess, nil of which are 1 rn.uvn under one w as Dyspepsia. 1 11 every instance w here t his disease does ii;t on,'m:.' from scrofulous taint in the i.:iKhl, Avi:s rirxsmay be confidently p'.t 1 -"' ? r-flWt u cure. Those cases nf? . !.'- !. ;v curative influence of Avkii a Pills .,;.,.. Wj certainly yield if IV ru.i.-t n-aidi-d lvtheKwerfulblood-iu;;-iryiivc ropcrtics of Aykr's SaRSAPA .:.i.. : lM-si)P))ics should know that the loncrcr H-Mtment of their maladr is postponed, more difficult of cure it becomes. y er's Pills .Wvcr fail to relieve the bowels and pro h!o!e their healthful and regular action, :nd thus cure Dyspepsia. . Teniporarv palliatives all do pot niHncnt harm. The tuful activity into which the enfeebled stomach U spurred by "hitters," and alco holic stimulants, is' inevitably followed by reaction that leaves the organ weaker than before. "Costlveness, indm-rd by my sedentary luliita of lift, became rbronic; Ayer's Fills afl'orcic-U me flpcedy ruliiT. Tlu-ir occasional use liiM iiineo kept mo all riflrt." IUebxann Bains nop r, JTeteatk, AT. Ai prompt relief. They h:vo kencthed me more ( hnn all tins iwvUcIih- ever before tried." M.V. "Watson, 153 State t., Chicago, 111. "Tbey liavo entirety corrected the. coat) ve li tbit, and vastly improved my general health." Kev. Francis B. Uarlotxt;, Atlanta, Ga. "The most effective and the easiest physic I One dose will quickly move have ever found. ' f i Jul n rtrl f.i !. A f n ' - T. . - - - and VOted "no " On the motion to paSSI r'"Ml5y fur Indigestion, Constipation, and tne bill Over the Governor s Veto. I ' rt-'r- I found their action easy, and obtained But there was one man there who was not guided in voting by constitutional limitations, bnt on the contrary his de sire to please Ben Holladay always dt termined his vote. That man was T. R. Cornelius. Republican candidate for Governor He voted solitary and SllptffiL o nnotn no lU 1..M1 r ' i",""" ' " " T. K, j.i.oo iuu urn, xivbwituoLciiiuiiis 1 iiwitns, jsetamore, Mroirn Co., Ind, the veto of the Governor. No wonder the Oregonian says he is the friend and tool of corporations. Republican armers and laborers, are you going to vote for Cornelius? The responsibility is yours. Star. my bowels and free my head from pain." W.L I'aoe, Richmond, Ya. "A suffi rer from Liver Complaint, Dy- "For Dranenala thpp IIayes, Mexiy Texas. AVER'S PILLS, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Representative Men. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Aside from all personal considera tions, the two candidates for Governor of Oregon this year fairly and fully represent the parties placing them in nomination. Col. Cornelius has always identified himself with the Republican party since it had an existence. Prior to .the war, during the war, and since the war, his allegiance to the party has never wavered. He approved the prin ciples of free speech, free press and free territory against which the South ern States rebelled. He believed in the preservation of the Union which the Democratic States endeavored to break. ; He enlisted in the Union army thereby showing his faith by his works. He endorsed the reconstructive meas ures and financial policy of the Repub- ican party whieh have been so success- uL He has been a true party man in the broad sense of the term. 13o far as The News is informed, Mr. Pennoyer has been equally true to his party, before the war, during the war, and since the war. He has always been a Democrat of the Democrats. He did not endorse coercion before the war and was equally hostile to the. re construction moasures of the Republi can party after the war. On account of past reminiscences as well as his present position, he is entitled to the warm .and enthusiastic support of every bourbon Democrat. No two men in the state could have been placed in nomination by their re spective parties who more thoroughly embody the traditions, policy and prin ciples of those parties than Col. Corne lius and Mr. Pennoyer. Practically a vote for cither is an unequivocal en dorsement of the party he represents. This fact of itself ought to determine the yotes of all who believe that polit ical parties are essential to good gov ernment and that the ambition of men should be subordinate to great princi ples and economy advocated by polit ical organizations. Daily News. Bitter Bread. LOOK OUT! Foil OMMjQ Bros1 Bran New Brick Store Complaint is frequently made by those who use baking . powders that they leave in bread, biscuit, or cake raised by them a disagreeable, bitter taste. Tbii taste follows the use of all impure baking powders, and is caused either bv their containing alum (introduced to make a cheap article,) by the impure and adulterated charac ter of other ingredients used, or from the ignorance of their manufacturers of the proper methods of combining them. These baking powders leave in the bread a residnum formed of lime, earth alum or other deleterious matter?, not always' though frequently, tastable in MISCELLANEOUS JTUXMl UliE PA LA GF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Haatb. jfiuest stock of furniture south of Portland "M enoap aa it can be bought S j hi the State. The new fanglo.1 bO UBL E BED LO UNG E. AND PATENT CORNICES. Also lias on hand a (ult assortment ot beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And ail kinds f Childrens Chain, eto. i. GILDERSLEEVE. Will stand for the Season at Josejrfi Carlon's Livery 8ta ftle InJRoseburg. Beginning March 1st and continuina three months. Is a thoroughbred Jersey BulL pale red, short horns, weighs 1100 pounds, is five years old, and has all the char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. Insurance - - - - $3.00 To insure sex of Calf, $6.00 N. P. BUNNELL, 'FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon 3hop, Blacksmith Shop. pAN MARE CASTINGS FROM ONE J ounce to three tons weight Small Cu pola for small costings. Money refunded if worK is not satisfactory. Portland prices 1 ave telegrams and expressage. LANGENBERffS Boot audi Bho fitop, Jackson Street,Opposite Post Office, Bosebnrg, Oregon. TTEEPS ON HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST j.. assortment or fc astern ana San Francisco and other makes ot BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIP PEBS and everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I nse the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS ZANOENBEHO. CIVIL BEND STORE V It. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods Groceies etc All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. T..L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND BLACKSMITH SHOP! Adamson's Old Stand, Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES! AH Kinds of Repairiug Done, Terms ar Ml Reasonable. Gannon 4 Blackman. OBANGE Woo ASSOCIATION Manager. and Grain ! OF ROSEBURG. w. f. owens, : : : -DE AIi IN ALSO, AGENTS FOR lGricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS Coos Bay Stage Line! The solemn but somewhat indefi nite warnings and threats of the "rinc1 rgans to punish the Oregonian for its incunerence to party discipline recalls t'je address of Capt Skidmore of the Austin Colored Invincibles to his company. ie said: "I wants de mem bers ob dis command to understand, onst for all, dat we meets for drill reg ularly ebery Friday ebening at 8 o'clock in dis heah hall, and de member what fails ter put in an appearance will be-" "Shot to deffl" interrupted Corporal Jim Webster. Dropped from de ranks for a deserterl" asked Lieut Sam Johnsing. "Wusser dan dat ar," con tinued the captain amid a solemn si lence that was almost painful, "de member what fails to appear will be looked upon as habin" been absent from de drill." Scott LAIRD & CALVERT, proprietors. 3m V; TO COOS CITY: IN 14 HOURS! as . injurious to health. The Royal JDaxing jrowuer 13 iree irom talS serious WHERE connection is made with Coos Bay Steam defect In its use no residnum is leftferforaltPointontneBay. stages leave the Post and the loaf raised by it is always Sweet oBlce Rf bnn: eyery morning, except Sunday light land wholesome, and noticeablv h1""8 atthebote"' leaving. free from the peculiar taste complained THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BAY OL JLhe reason Of this IS because it IS Particular attention given to the comfort of pasi composed of nothing but absolutely ensera- crefnI dnvers nd sr stock. pure materials, scientifically combined in exactly the proper proportions of acid and alkali to act upon and destroy each other, while producing the largest amount of raising power. We are justified in this assertion from the unqualified statements made by the Government chemists, who after thor ough and exhaustive tests recommended the "Roval" for Governmental nA Via. a f t m m cause of its superiority over all others v v 0 in purity, strength and wholesomeness. j would respectfully inform the public that he NEW STORE AT '. ' j DULLARD, OR. j 4 myffi There is no danger of bitter bread or biscuit where it alone is used. has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Bucklen s Arnica Salve. Readv-lf aili rinfhiiir The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt an 'n 'act everything usually kept at a Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped nwwjiaas store, uive mm a call. Hands, ChUblains, Conis, and aU Skin GOOdS at low Prices. Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed! All kinds of Produc Takc fechaiisc for Goods. r saleby Ma&steks & Co. OlAII orders promptly attended to. WE TRANSACT A GENERAL Busi ness in onr line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and firain. A fnil line of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on ahnrt nnt; at Lowest Prices. Offioe and Warehouse vrruoni!, mis ujfif OT. Givens a call W- T- OVENS. " 1 ..; ,L"1 ANY ONE CAN Bmmm m thvrotwaly poatetf In three wceka reTlewlac with tke COMMON SCHOOL SCII00 Al to lOfMwfnlir oaaa the moat dffflcalt and technical tecs! examinations for teachrnf rtffi... t ... f Si work publlabed. Uaefol to everybodr. Invaluable to teacbert, lnUlipensable to acuoola. - - CERTIFICATES CAN BE OBTAINED. A better review can be made from.thli book la one week than from Text Booka In three montha. in SarnigforexaralnaUona It haanoeqaaL ptw 1 FAR MftB KHI< X HUL9 OKU WORTH THE PRICE. It doea not deal In proof or nrnmenu. Qaestlon are auted. and ahort and comprehensive annrm pven. It auppUeaa want long felt among teachera In reviewing bHefly and coniprebeaalvelv the diffarSS brancbea taught In our achooB, without reeourae to the tedlooi proceaa of examining the text hooka fJSS ThS5 ginning to enu. Tne arrangemeni na oeen careroiiv naaiea. Tne question on each of the tudle embrara aji inr leauing ana ecunici puiain. lauwurK i especially aaaptea to unnal (ralnln the atudle embraca ivale llbrarv whxn avpneral review 1 reaulred to orcnare for u-hivil irrrin.-itu. i, P.'. ur CM atioraclated. UlDr ulm tint the book tiin fa.Ti da mi.L Rnnifd.rinv th ...ut.'... i. vjiijj m uc Bf cn to log and bringing back to memoir the principal qneatlon represented In common acbool tudlei "lew" PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLE8, " ST. OHARStS HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building 130 Rooms. In the Center the City Or. iir;m.KOLE, "fflUp-Stairs over L. Be Ill's Jcivchv SU,r CS UKC CfECCf. P 1 J." O'AIALI.KY, l'n)iii-nr vl ROSEDUKU MAl:i:i.l. WdliKS. And Deal r it. ToflJIBSTONES, TaU.1 1.TC. 3SOO UTJESTIOITS. 3SOO AirSWXKS. Each branch I divided Into two department, one for queatloM and one for an awer. F.ach question U numbered and a like npmber la given the corresponding aniwer. Civil Government, Parliamentary Bales, Beading, Sade Easy, Insnltires sad Participles Penmanship, Phralolofrr, United SUtes HIstonr, OeoKTsphr. Grammar, Written Arithmetic, . Parsifal Geography, Orthography. daiZlfr0m Utttr' toA-a- Vra'B. reprennting liouiands recommit j 0tt' 1R0ST AKU MORRISON STS., PORTLAND Nw Toik. I hare sold over 10.000 cople. and the demand M11 eontlnnea. I have never handled book whiob Rave such general aatlufHetlon. W. C. HAGAK, Ed. Pjnil'a Comnanlon. Stsactss, N. T.-Ton have splendid book for teachers and reviewing Clawe, and It la bound to have a very larire circulation. Shin l.ouu bv trcTehC C. W. SAltCEKN. Dealer In BchoTBuppUe. or., , loey ieu at sigut, ana are nighiy recommended bvonr K!io Rerr jf I! ts u .-;. :t. BaTAM, Tex. I have used yonr Book for everl year, and am mnch pleased with K, . WM. A. BANKS, A. M. , Sup t City BchooU. One Cpy, Sl.SOl Twn Coplea. a.SO Three Cople. SXi SUx Cple. SC.OO. tr Seat by mall. AUEKTS WAJtTKD. SEMD 8S OKSTTS for canvasslnr book: terms and Instruction to gent; recommend, description, binding, etc. Thirty cent allowed U A. H. CRAIG, S2SM Caldwell, Racina Co., Wis, tr Remit by Money Ordr or Postal Note on E&st Troy, Wli.. m by Ratria. nmamiviM wa wMtv VlJf llaSi WiUSMi SMUVWltB VJ WU11UUU 111 HI - EUROPEAN PLAN. jgSMOKD HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Corner Front asd Morrisox Sth PORTLAND, Tiiomas GllNEis, rrojirictor. If you knew how" cheap'I sell BELLsrfor Farms, Schools : . You would sureljjhave one. mHW ct rnini us nrsTJiiwivT or Churches J X Chahles IIeilman, Proprietor. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS ANB CCPYPiCHTS Obtained, and all olht-r luisincsa in tlc V. S Patent. Offloe attcwled to tut MODERATE FEES Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as patentability free of chfcnrc; and wc make K OliEGON CHANGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. Money Order Div., and to officials of the V. 8. Patent office. ; ..r circu!rr, advice, terms an references to actual clients in ynr own State county, write to C A. SXOW CO., Oii)Kite PiUnt Office,- Washington, D. C. Urn . f?r-v The very best in the Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL BLACKSMITH AKP WHEELWRIGHT , B0WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnorahip exist ing between Bannell & Bowen Bros, nnd are now prepared to do all work in tlieir lino in a . t WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME THI8 LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers superior accomodations at popular priet-s. Meals 25c. Rooma vw Onlv three hWka irum an uepois ana Steamer landings, Free Bass to and from the Hotel No Chinese servants. No . O. rf3 H. "lPurls.iv A. Full Line of . Staple and Fancy Groceries, ' Table and Pocket Cutlery, j Glassware Crockery Queensware, Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in the per bay. msrQ-tr E. ZEWISTON. Prop'r. Ialso deal in Threshers, Engines, Mill Machinery. Pumps. Inspirators hJsTo VrLotOh rpt i . . t ! . . . I ncr hv I . " ' " o"' .ue west ijoucr ieeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, .Belting. Oils. AIbo General Agent for, The Siupman Engine, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust, No urn. ena tor circular and prices. Office Foot of Morrison Street Portland Oregon. GIVE ME A CALL. Zj T. WRiCIIT. UP! H In HITCH But before you do that come 'round W. Gr. WOODWARD'S In to Established 1352. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING . AND OP OREGON. mm I -1 Drain Hotel! DRAIN - - OREGON. Coos Bay Stage Office, tit the Hotel. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Bagoaoe Handled Fbes or Ciiaroe. MRS. BLACKWOOD Pkopkietress. MEDICAL-. -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever BrongLt to Town use nothing but the best leather, and have got i-VhUYThlNG THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO f! ATT. nr mto W. Gr. Woodward Roseburg. JgTTHE PLACE TO BUY.jgJ J B C0NGLE Uannfacturor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, ta. Leather and Saddlery IIardware 108 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. 2 -SUCCESSOR TO- Abrah -DEALERS IN- THE New York Coffee House HESTATJRAKTT And Oyster Saloon or- Leading Check Restaurant in tlie, City. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Kosebnrcc Oregon. Has on hand constantly, a large and General Merchandise and will be pleased to seo hJa nlrl fAa and patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration nfiliA Via stPaul ami Slinneanolis. scarcity 01 money ana the present depression in business will 0HlY trakscoktihehtal uke running xuuy mcir. own interests by calling on h-m and examining aaoss &tm bribes tfetore purchasing elsewhere. I do not claim to soil trnnrf fl 4 AAAf 1 , i-T A. 1 J 11 11 . a - O cn, ui ium Limn cost, out wjii assure all who patronize me vt iw;y win get meir gooas At The Lowest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At " Market Price, Sol. Abraham. THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. Treats all. Chronic, Special and Private' Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. 18 A NEVER FAIL1NU JCUEEforNeiTous Debilty Seminal Weakness, Ex u'.uuiku viiaiuy, Bernia 't'Umnotency, Paralysis, ' . '-PrtMt&lorrhM anil all tk. . Jlerrible effects of Self. O jabuse, youthful follies and leacesse in maturer years, ricnas nogs or Memory Lassitude Nocturnal Em. IlimtiM. I I. . i . . f IN DRINKINQ intoxicating; liquors, tne vital fluid passine unobserved in the urine, and many otnerdis eases that lead to insanity and death. Da. JIiSTiK, who is A Keocla Phtsictax, Grabc T?ri? Uki vkrsit or Pxxsstlvaxu, will tgree toforfe-trrrB Hcxdrbo Dollars for a case oft hia kand the VIT I. kestobtivk -.iATSr Anything repaired or made to order. ini,ure ;or injurious found in h. i)"u?JmVnu I uueue. .ncceseiuuv without men-uryl th. LBTORAVE, 1.0 . botOi, or four thnea fpKS,t,A Mnt 10 ny Udre8S nPn receipt OT - -'nd ,rom obseotion, and inpnvate name if desired by Dr. Miktiis, 11 KrIr.xt Steset, Sax Frakcisco, Cai. Send for list of one.. Great Overla)til Route I WOM"w sample bottle e ' THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD 5wV?S2Sft'TSiySl8 'a uuwuch llUfl Tm T. i lung. Da. MrsTis's Kidxtit Rejii!DT,"nephKETCUM Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars, aSaX KSZEi nStSS Jttagiufloent JJay Coaches, and wbip. w ootue or x bottles for svedoiiaf. Elecnt EmieTant Sleflninir flan. TL1". ?"0? ' ro O O 4T O I -"-Wm. iIDI 8IFERD& HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND OREC0H iTrivate Rooms of the Latest Designs for Ladles. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. INSURE IN THE STATE IIURAIH CO, -OF- Capital. .$100,000.00 Insures only Farm Property, Private dwellings, School houses and Churches. Also Detached dwellings in Cities and Towns with contents. I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. - David & West, agent Court House, Roseburg Or. Drain &Cof. lr a in. Bon si as Co,, Oregon GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, ' -Teas; Hardware, Crockery, o O o HATS, CAPS, BOO TSAETD SHOES. .? : 111 ' . . t . . . . ei?ul una oul -biock complete, comprising many articles it is im possible here to enumerate. Vi-,l,J ... ie..ii : ....... iconuny AUYAMj su eAammation or stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to maW purchases here as we buv and sell foruh , only. ttlJk&rl gSTj3BTE3 HZPZtXI 3 Best In; rixo Wbrld for lmrgr OT gmult tram i ; m a . . . 65 mlns: caL ttcraln .TTr"' J7! mkSsTnfTVQ 2&X&JZ ?S h tdard for Jfade in fourteen different style, prices from 916,00 op, sB4 tot illustrated catalogue. All eallbrea from 22 to at. MARLLHFLHE ARMS CO., HEW HAYES, COM. -WITH BERTHS FREE OF C0ST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTE8T TIME EVER MADE EPS I A ajiii Rn.ini a .iv.m .-.wa For sale by all drnreists. SMALL POX MAB.JLS CAN BE EEM0VED. LEON & CO, Loi-don, Perfumer to H. M. tbe Queen, have tea and fa tented tbe world-renovned - OBLITERATOR, hich removes Small Pot MarVa i.... FROM THE COAST ";. TheappHcation U sunple and liar causes no inconvenience, and contains nothiug Jurious. Frice 92.60. . OVER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St Joseph, Atchison, Lcavcnirorth, Kansas City, Burlinjrton, Quincr. St. Louis, S Chicago,S AHD ALL POINTS-- O o i3t t3J AND HOUTHEASm AND OOUTHEAS J STJPJJFLTJOTJS HAIB. Leou & Co.'s "DEPILAI'OBl Removes SnperAsnns Hair in a few minote without pain or unpleasant son sation never grow again. Simple and harmless F directions. Bentbjr matt. Price $1 GEO. W. SHAW GENERAL AGENT 219 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Mention This Paper. "rTnen Baby tu tick, we psra ber Catoria, "WTisn the was a Child, she cried for Castori. "When she became Kias, he clnng to Caatoria, Wbea she had Cliildrea, aha gave then. Caatoria, Via St. Paul And Miuncapolis. -tsr SLEEPING CARS- Are hauled on regular Ex' press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- .M.;tSda f DAIilvi:iri Cit)Y1LL10,: Connection mnAa of S TJ 1 1 I DEALERS IN w iav sj im x aiii a i i Minneapolis to all points EasL Rnuth 5 n -,i . ' aa oontneasr. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 1 1,4 5 l?S N0TIS. CROCK- A. m., arriTingat New Tacoma 6:30 ? ' ulakswake, TOBACCO, p. M., connecting with O. R. & N. Co. 's CIGARS, ETC. ETC. boats for all points on Paget Sound. ClSIlTZSO A. D. CHARLTOy. A SPECIALTY. General Western Passenger Agent, .1 Produce bought and the highest cash JNO. Z Washington SL, j . price paid. Portland, Oregon. I ROSEBURG O REG OIL GROCERIES,