ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, MAY, 7, 1886. TUB RHODE l8LA.Ha ELECTIOX. WAsnixarox letter. I Washington, Apiil 19, 1886. The Labor troubles, the proposed Exposition in Washington, the proba ble fate of the new tariff bill, and the From the N. Y. Tribune and other president's rumored marriage are A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with which Blight Colds and Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of the throat and lungs, is a consideration which should impel every prudent person to keep at hand, as a household remedy, a bottle of AYER'S CHEERY PECTORAL. f Nothing else gives such immediate relief and works so Bure a cure in all affections of this class. That eminent physician. Prof. P. Sweetzer, of the Maine Medical School, Brunswick, Me., says : ; "Medical science has produced no oOier ano dyne expectorant so good aa ATSR'a ChibrT I'ectokai.. Ilia invaluable for dlaeaaea of the tbroat and lungs." ; The same opinion is expressed by the well-known Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who says: I have never fonnd, in thirty-five years or or d MISCELLANEOUS throat and lungi. It not only break np colds and cure severe cough, but la more effective than anything elae in relieving even the most serious bronchial and pulmonary affection. AYER'S i Cherry Pectoral Is not a new claimant for popular confi dence, but a medicine which is to-day saving the lives of the third generation w ho nave come into being since it was first offered to the public. There is not a household in which this invaluable remedy has once been in troduced where its use has ever been abandoned, and there is not a person who has ever iven it a proper trial reliable sources we give the following among the subjects that one hears dis information in reference to the late cussed op the streets here now! At election in the above named state: the Capitol our. lawmakers are talking The Rhode Island election presents about Inter State "Commerce, Secret the peculiarity that it is both a Kepub- sessions, the fisheries question, and lican and Prohibition victory, though appropriation bills, the Republicans and Prohibitionists n enthusiastic meeting was held conducted their campaigns separately. at . Willard's ,! hotel a few evenings The adoption of the Prohibition con- sincej at wllicll representatives business stitutional amendment, and the defeat men of Baltimore and Washington dis- of the candidate on the Republican CUSSC(i the projected Exposition to be state ticket who was beaten, namely, inangurated here in 1889. An ad Attorney General Colt, were parts of dross was presented, which is! to be the same line of action. The Attor- scattered broadcast over the country, ney General's defeat, according to the Betting forth the plan of the groat Providence J ournal, was brought Worldg Fdr Congress is lo be tskei about by "a disapproval of the admin; jo establish a number of ,rmanenEx istration of the attorney general's bibition biuldings in the city Ion the office for a long period, with the belief Mall for the Product3 of th Nortb wiai it. was too mucn under the inhu- South, and Central America, and the ence of the liquor interest and finally Empire of Brazil. The Mall is that the strong feeling of resentment and extensive area of parking extending disgust at the character of the contest rom Capitol to the White House, for the nomination." The Proyidence ineIttding the Smithsonian, Agricult- Morning Star attributea the striking oral, and Monument grounds, i magnitude of the prohibition vote to lth tne intcntion to strip the pro- the fact that the temperence campaign j0Ct of all local purpose, and to make "has been carried on outside of the it nationai and international, politics lines tf all existing political parties ignored in the interest of all and in antagonism to none of them." countlies. For intance, it is suggested The prohibition party, the Star says, thafc a building be erected for the dis- "was not allowed, as a party, to put pay 0I working models in the interest itself forward as the special champion 0f inventors, and that there shall be a of the amendment, and for the first national art callerv sustained not only time in the history of the temperance by the Government, but popularized movement in this state, every voter by bequests from private individuals, felt that he was at perfect liberty to It ia expected that one perhaps both act in accordance with his own judg Houses of Congress will take some ment and conscience that whether he favovable action on the subject this voted 'approved' or not 'approved' it wee would have no affect upon the success As t0 Senators and their secrets, of the party ticket This undoubtedly those wUo have -m tUc Uebate branded brought to the amendment the votes of the secret 8eS9ions as farciaL childish, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of men cowardly, and treacherous,; are Piatt, who have heretofore been unwilling to Logarij Butler and Siddleberger. sacrifice the great principle of prohibi- Senator Logan wa3 wondering how tl0n executive secrets leaked out. News- xneiauureoi tne city ana state paper men alwaya got them in. some y f authorities to enforce the license law is s,,,. Tt;,wi.wP oov his SX,G7tlJlaLm pUEmi VRE PALALF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE : , Has the finest stock of furniture south of Portland which he aclla aa cheap as it can be bought in the State. The new fcinslotl 1)0 UBLE BED LOUNGE. patent cornices. - TEACH 1 1 tjzrzm ANY ONE CAN Become thoroughly posted In three weeks' reviewing with the COMMON SCHOOL SGHOO ! Also has on hand a full assortmeut of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUKI5AUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Childrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE.' 1 1 -CTiuiESioir isqxoies. As to sncceiwfullr pass the most difficult and technical legal examinations for teachers' certificate!. Br tt aid thousands of young people earn an hunoratile and lucrative livelihood. It la the most popular education 2 work pubUaucd. Useful to everybody. Invaluable to teachers. Indispensable to schools. CERTIFICATES CAR! BE OBTAINED. a hatter rpvipw ran be made from this book in one week than from Text Boots In three months. In Dra carina for examinations It has no equal. i paring, u t T nmnvti .rt'iip nnvrtv fjtrtP-'aimi.ti" uau Aifcx. w uuiii 4111. rmwiu It does not deal In proofs or arfrumcnta. Ouestlous are staled, and short and comprehensive answer arlven. It supplies a want lung rcn among rescuers in rcnoiug uni njr aim ouiiirriiRiwiTnjr m unit-rent branches taiiKlit In our school, without recourse to the todlous process of examining the text books from be slnnlnK toend. The arrangement has been carefally studied. The questions on each of the studies embrace all the leading and technical polnis. This work Is especially adapted to Normal training. Institutes, or the nrlvate Horary wnen a j;eiicri rcvu-w ib icquncu w i' ..n. .t . vm. w w m-cu mi be annreclatcd. Many claim that the book can have no equal, considering the assistance It renders In review ing and bringing back to memory the principal questions represented in couimou scuooi studies. f 1" si i ' HT f'J-irrV'M 1 rl - C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTKL, (EUROPEAN PLAN) : C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY MEfcTECT. a Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building ISO Rooms. In the Center of ti e City 6rYold 3SOO 3500 airEsnoirs. AHSWEBS. Each branch Is divided Into two departments, one for Questions and one for an swers. Each question Is nnmbcrcd and a like number Is given the corresponding snswer. Clril Government, Parliamentary Bolra, Btadlns, Made T.txj, InflnltiTes and Participles Penmanship, rbrsiciocy, I tbstimotia: Er-lrarti from Letters to A.B. Craig, representing tltoueaitdt tf reeommen. aatiou,) i Nhw V'OBit. I bare aold OTCr W.nno copies, and the demand still continues. I have never bandied a book which gave such general ailnfetloo. W., Ed l-jplfs Companion. StbaCtsb. N. T. Vou have a splendid book'for teachers and rovlewlnj classes, and It Is bound to have a very l:irgi circulation. Phlp I.U.V by freight. C. W. liAliuKKN. ;ieaier In School Supplies. Bt. Albans. Vt They sell at sight, and are nlglily recommended by our advanced teachers. I' K. LAN K. PnTAX. Tex. I have used your Book for several years, and am much I pleased with it. WSI. A. BANKS A. M. cup t City Schools. Will stand for the Season at Joseph Carton's Livery Sta- u state uistoir, . , Ccosraphy, bietniioseourg. neyinnmy ormmr, March 1st and continuing Physical Geography, three months. GOLD XHEtQ Is a thoroughbred Jersey Bull,'- pale red, short horns, ": weighs 1100 pounds, Orthography. IOneCopv. 51. KO) Two Copies, SS.SOt Thre Copies, 8 SS Six Copies, SS.OO. CT K.t by mall., AUENTS W4MTW SEXIl )IS CENTS for canvassing books terms and Instructions to ngents; rccoiiiincutls, description, binding, etc Thirty cents allowed If returned In exchange for Question Book. ( ) As H. CHA1G, Caldwell, Racine Cc, Wis. I tV Remit by Money Order or Postal Note on East Troy, Wis., or by Begls I tercd Letter on Caldwell, Vla. biiiull amounts, by common mail. saaamoni If you knew how cheapI sell Bells for Faums, ScaioOLS or CHCRCHE3 You would sui-elyjhave oiic. wno .nas ever giveu ib ii"i . - , ; i for any throat ftr lung disease suscep- 13 five years old, and has all tlio cnar- weifbv' it' Wlf ha8 n0t acterisUcs of the Jersey Stock. ;; AYER'S CHEKKY rECTOKAXi Has, r .T,T6S. in numberless instances, cured obstinate nJ.fciua. urfae?u1eBKr Insurance -$3.00 jaitfK To insure sex of Calf, $0.00 medicine that only requires to be taken in small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and Is needed in every Jiouso where there are children, as there is nothing so good as AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These are all plain facts, which can bo verified bv anybodv, and should bo re- memberccf by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes. Sold by all Druggists. v I GENERAt! MERCHANDISE. WAR IN EUROPE! N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Removal! I Removal! On account of our removal into our new Store we propose CIVIL BEND STORE to offer our entire stock of Gen IT T TtTWnTfi1ff Xf,.l1orl;0 iA I .O PllW ( V. XJ. aVUMIVIVM, DEALER IN Dry Goods Qroceics etc wav. Senator luddieoercer cave 111s cited as another strong influence. The i(Iea of hov they were exposed. "I "vuv wu w have a private secretary," said lie: " faU back upon license because it was walk down tho avenue with Lim, he too plain to everyboby that license had aska me ft queation 6r tw0) and 'oeing failed to do what was claimed for it Bmarter than I am, he knows more in No doubt, too, the prohibition cam- five millXLtss than I learn in a week paign was conducted with great vigor Then gives it to somebody else and and effect The Women's Christian new8paper fraternity gets it." Temperance union took a large share in Hon Mr Wbitthorne, who has been the woik. The speakers- were able ap1)ointed to succeed Judge Jackson in and numerous. Yet the obstacles to tne u. S. Senate, wUl need no intro be overcome were so great that the duction to the halls of Congress. He most sanguine scarcely dared to hope 6eryed with difitincti0n in the lower for victory. A three-fifths instead of House daring the rorty-Fourth, Forty a mere majority vote was required for Fiffck Fortv Sixth and Forty-Seventh the adoption of the amendment, and tongreS3eSt As chairman of the Na- atsucli low prices that notwith--while the existence of a property anal-1 1 n t, , I - ification was thought to operate to the MmMt Md roCces8ful in exposing the standing the present hard times advantage of the prohibitionists, they the rascalitieg of the Navy Depart- anQ scarcity of money, will en. themselves claimed that the practice of ,af nj(ir fJ,rit nn(i fiV.Sr.r.rfii-v ! buying registration for the poor voters, E0i.eson able cveryhody to buy our which their opponents resorted to, There Las been great improvement .nnfl. more than offsat this. The fact that . .. .1 t... . - faUUJa' . in tne ways 01 aomg uusiuess in nio the city of Providence contains mofe Governmenfc Departments here under than half the vote of the state was also the new rcgime aQd there ate evi supposedto be strongly against the dences 0f new life. Further reforms adoption of the amendment, but the leoked f or the thiough passage of, event proves that nearly every voting wn t,of nr.r1 final r in- precinct in Providence gave a majority tere8t It providea for a reclassifies Must be Sold before we move lor proamnion. tion and reorganization of the cml QurStbck is larger andbette r The Star thinks the liquor men in. service at Washington, and its pur- assortcd than any in the City, jured their own position by their excess- Pse 13 10 so ttmuo "uc Ui tu" ive confidence and by pushing them- Departments that the same kind of selves to the front in politics. , Their work will receive the same pay. Un. strength, according to this view, ruined der the present plan there are decks them. They thought it unnecssary to drawing ?720 to 8340 who are doing make concessions, and so roused a pub- he wrk in reSard to uah'r lie sentiment that overthrew them, amount as clerks who get from $1,200 The legislature-elect is one which will to $1,600 a year, undoubted! nass the laws nerRSSftrv to The last classification was made in carry outthe constitutional amendment 1854 when ttere were onl 719 clerks Wagon Shop, ' Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE ounce to three tons weight Small Cu pola for small castings. Money refunded if ....1. n Dnti.tnirnnr Knn. nun I iru-fM i vt Ui n ia uuv oniioiwvwt j. v. f Save telegrams and cxprcsaage. LAHGENBERS'S at and! SfiQ gtap, Jackson Street, Opite Post Office, Boaebnrg, Oregon. KEErS ON HAND TUE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco. and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIP PEBS and everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect, Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done on Short Notice Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and trrrT TXT t7TnTTr0 : - LOUIS LANQEffBEUG. mm, 3 ?J - I I also deal in Thhe-sheus Exgixes, lill MacLintry, Tirairs, Inspirators (The best Boiler feeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, Belting, Oils. Also General Agent for, The Sin pman Engine, Coal Oil jfor fuel, No Dust. No Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Office Foot of Morrison Street Portland Oregon. GIVE ME A CALL. Z T. WRIGHT. HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round ! i G. WOODWARD'S to w. -AND- rORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS Or. EIKRRCOLI, "ttlUp-Stairs over L. Ke Ill's Jewelry Slot- RCS' BURC CCECCH. J." COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND El'ROI'EAN PLAN. SMQXL HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Cursek -Frost ami MoitKiaox Sre PORTLAND, OREGON Thomas Guineax, Proprietor. UtE ST. CHAKLES RESTAURANT. Cuarles Heilman, Proprietor. The very best in the Market is Bet before you. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTKL, Cor. Third and E Streets Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, TRICES TO SUIT THE TIME Tills LARGE AND WELL-APrOINTED HOUSE offers siirior accomodations at popular prices. Meals 25c, Rooms 2rc. and 50c. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landings. Free Buna to and from the Hotel No Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviation from regular rates of 11.00 per Dav. maro-tf E. LEW I ST ON. Propr. Established 1&2. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or, THE LEADING CLGTOtm HOTTER AND ' OP OREGON. mi THE ENTIRE STOCK tir ta.: COME AND EXAMINE I i And be your own judge, Before purchasing Elsewhera. WE MEAN BUSINESS CARO BROTHERS. "We;guarautee our clothes to and, if the city and Btate authorities e departments, now there are fit .rnvery particular m mm lO ft1 TT i-IUtn ..wMMNaniArit 4"ll At A ' can be relied upon to enforce the atat- iVJl' u,lUB1 lulB soiuwv ute, Rhode Island wUl, by the middle re four classes-class 1, receiving of the summer, be in a fair -way to test 1.200: class 2, 51,400: class 3, f 1,600: the new system thoronahlr. The ex- nd cla39 4t 1,800. Clerks have been i i i i .i i. ii i tent of the prohibition feeling in the empioyea ana assea w B , Our place of . state, however caused, has surprised " uul"km c8 6 Ar nrfh nf tlm ., . .. ' . nrt.anonfW tw ia fl rrrfiat deal of business is OLe door uortii ot tne even trio most active campaigners on i j . nff that Eide. Two weeks before the eleo waste to the taxpayers in the Depart- I OSt Umce. tion none of them expected that the , mente. But as there is no fixed limit , amendment would carry. Even allow- to the revenues of the Government i'nn fn t.TiA btToI ;flnoa 0v I and the burdens of tax-payers, the cited, it is a fair presumption that the waste is not perceived While the qqS gy &2l2 Line! temperance sentiment ot tne state is "ow "uui-a ..0 much more extensive and decided than ernmental house in order, it proposes wasbeUeved. Unhampered by consid- to subject the men and women em- . ' . - . i laia a flmmnnrh investlffa- erauons oi pariy poiiucs it coria maKe i ' o TUPniiril ' Tfl mn"? PITY IN U HOURSI itself felt freely and fully, audit has tion, weed out the incompetent, and THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN M HOURS i ! i. . I- . I wiiBfMhnfa fha nLhAin nn fl!l to erl&Die 1 aone so wun me results maicaiea.i l"13"w",'v' -" i , ... . Suchatriumnh in the face of hearv them to do the greatest amount and best lSrZ: odds, and after a campaign which, it Kn& of work which they are capable. office at Braebunc every owrnuw, except Sunday maataaA -..a 1 AorODOSOf WOlk, a Croup Of Con- calling at the hotels before leavmg. ive indicates a nre-existine conviction gressmen were chatting a few days THE BEST ROUT TO COOS B A. Y ive, luaicaies a pre-exisung COnviCWOn 1 6 . j - ai, ParUcular attention riven to the comfort of pass on the part of a much larger body of ago. &en auusion wm QM drlvers ,nd (id 8totlt voters than was counted upon, and a popular idea that men in legislative - strength of determination Showing positions work little and geb good pay. strong feeling cn the question. Mr. Scott, the wealthiest Member m . tha House, spoke up: "I have worked Amonc tho rlflfxrafna fn fTio nriinfr . - . -r . rf n o -a - o harder since i oecame a jjgioiau, LAHM) & CALVERT, ! PROPRIETORS. NEW Republican convention, from the coun-1 Mh e than ever before in mv life. iy oi iiianon, is me name oi o. it. T .f . ork everv. dav that I am in e ' - .... STORE AT - iii.i.i:ia or. Murphy, Republican "boss." ''Boss" Murphy is not an offensive partisan. Washington at eight o clock m tne fRait mnrninc and I seldom get to bed ho-lU MU 17 IM Oh, no! He's a civil service reformer, - m:dni2ht. and my work is not . , . f f h ... af, . , , . . . I " W - I UVUIU ICfllWWUUI l"Vl Fv.w WUMH uv j. x.-aPFVu. im ite dori9 then." me democratic has on hand a fiae assortment of inspector tor uregon. 1 urn the milUonaire added that he had had no r . rmeerto caloutl-Portland.World. LUtkm of having to work like ,,ry ds' rccr.ies Democrats of Multnomah, remember the discord and dissatisfaction in the Republican party as a result of expectation that The Statesman is abusing .Mr. Dav nmrt, for exDOsins the swamp land bad nominations, can only benefit Itonlv your party by the selecuon of the very o bestmenintheorgUonforeva- PP tty on nous pontionB on the ticket See to it RJ Ulblican adminstration.-Lead- 1 n f rt-i-vz-vrl man era nnminntl far PA fil V UUttV jJWU Jjpill MAW MWa-www - - - - - I Wmlfl ler. Iteady-SIade Clotliiiig and ia fact everything usually kept at a hist-elasa store. Oive bim a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods SaJUl orders promptly attended to. Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE II Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. lf L. Gannon, CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND BLACKSMITH SH0FI Adamson'a Old Stand. Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES I All Kinds of Eepairiug Done, Terras ar One of the Biest and Best Stock' of Goods ever Brought to Town. I uso nothing but the best leather, and have got C. A. Blackman EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. Gr- Woodwards Moscburg. ! SUCCESSOR TO- 9 Reasonable, Gannon a Blackmas. Alfaliam OBAMOE BUSINESS -DEALERS IN- FT I ASSOCIATION GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OF ROSEBURG W, F. OWENS, -DEAL IN- Manager. I IRoseburc; Oregon. iMnnl nnri Krnitl I as 011 iant constantly a large and, complete assortment of IIUUI uiiu wihiii Ueneral Merchandise and will be pleased to see Ins old inends aud patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration ofthe scarcity of money arid tne present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling ion hmi and examining ALSO, AGENTS FOR Agricultural Implements of aix kinds- WE TRANSACT A UKNEItAi, KUSI W ness in ont line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Grain. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con on hand, or furnished on short notice S!2 t$&& w&rehou.?e ati C0st? or lcss cost, but will assure all who patronize me OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a call. , 7 . . 4, . ' , , 1 W- F- OWENS- TiiiJ New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon QQQDS Aim Before purchasing elsewhere, I do not claim lo sell goods tiat thoy will get their goods At The Lowest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken' At Market Price. Sol. Abraham. ta. tar- "El Leading Check Restaurant) In the City, Drain & Co,f Drain. Douglus Co,, Oregon. GENERAL DEALERS IN SIFERD & HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS' J32 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND r 0REC0N jtSrFrivatc lloouia of tho( Latest Designs for Ladies. OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. . DRY GOODS AND INSURE IN THE STATE IIURMOB CO. Capital. . ..... . . .....$100,000.00 Insures only Farm Property," Private dwellings, School houses and Churches. Also DetachedTdweUinga in Cities arid Towns with contents. I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches'for sale on reasonable terms. v j David S. West, agent Officc,at Court House, Rosehurg Or. Teas; GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery, o -O o4 I HA CJk&S, BOOTS AZVI) SHOES. crs will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is im possible here to enumerate. i i Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing all can be satisGcd that it i3 for their interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash only. M'A'RCIN 3vt a q-w gravrea gJTHE PLACE TO BUY.. J B C0NGLE Uanutacturar, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, TaXEATUER AND SADDLERY UaRDWARB 108 aiulUO Front Street PORTLAND OREGON Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTAXTEH. P q- O'MALLKY, Propi if tor of i be lOtSERURti MARBLE WORKS. Ana Dealer. iu TooMBSTONES, TAl'MiTS, ETC.' Shop Rear f IIoc&uV ! ire. CAVEATS. TRACr MARKS AN B COPYRIGHTS. Obtained, and all other business in the V. S Patent, Office attended to for MODERATE FEES. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as liatentaliility free of charge; and ae make NO CHANGE UNLESS WK OBTAIN PATENT. ' We refer here to the Post master, the Supt.. Money Order Pi v., and to officials of the V. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terma an references to actual clients in your own State county, write to - ; ' , A. SNOW & CO., Opposite rtent Office,- Washington, V. C. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. . Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in their line in a WORKMANLIKE MANSER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. O. cto 1rvr,l3C!3, A Full Line of Staple aid Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware, Crockery Qneensware, Etc. Goods Delivered any where in the City limits, Free of Cliarge. Drain Hotel! DRAIN OREGON. Coos Bay Stage Office at the Hotel. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- TlAnotaK Hivni.rn Fp.rr ttr Chlrck. MRS. BLACKWOOD Proprietress MEDICAL DH. AITlSTTUb, THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST, SAN FBANCISCO, CAL. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private ' Diseases with Wonderful Success. ! THE 0SEAT rriCliSH KEOEDY. JCCSEforNeivous Debilty 'Seminal Weakness. Ex (fllmpotency, Paralysis, Prustatorrhea, and all the terrible effect mf Belf- bose, youthful follies and 47 jexceasea in maturer yeara. sucu aa uoea 01 Memory Laaaitude Nocturnal Em i8iana, aversion to society Great Overland Route! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROA ONLY LINE RUNNING- Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Cars: WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul ami Minneapolis ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING PALACE1 DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVER THE- m NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, Qiiincy, St. Louis, S Chicago, -AND ALL P0INTS- O O Dim ness of Vision. Ni'iacs in the Head, EXCE.SSIUS IN DRINKINO intoxicating liquors, tne vital fluid passing unobserved in the urine, and many otner dis eases that lead to insanity and death. Dr. MixTia, who is A KwsrLAa l"i!T8fciAX, Or.APr atb of tii a University of PexxsvLvaxia, will aree to forfe't Krva Hlndrfd Dollars for a case of this kind the VIT L RESTORT1V E (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, cr for anything impure or injurious found In it. I)a. Hivrnt treats all private diseases successfully without fiicrcuryi Coxsi ltatiox Fbee. Thorough examination and ad vice, including analysis of urine, 85.00. Price of VITAL RESTORATIVE, $1.S0 a bottlo, or four times th quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upo n receipt of Price, or C. O, D., secured from observatfnn, and in private name if desired by Da. Mintjb, 11 Kkaknt Strekt, Sax Kra.ncisco, Cal. Send for list ot qucs tions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, statin; symytoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy i n regards to all business transactions. Dr. MiMTE'i KroxKT Rkotdt, NEPHRETICCM Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Csomplaints Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leuchorrhea etc For sale by a druggists; SI a bottle or six bottles tor fivcdollars. Dr. Mintirs Daxdxlios Pitxa are the best and tha cheapest Dtsi Ersia and Bilioi s cure in the market. For sale by ail druggists. 51 17 AND nOUTIIEASm ASl AND OOUTHEASJ t-f-?-'lt..fTm TTP 'TV-Tire t-J 'J- Best In inxG World for lanre or small ram made la 32 calibre, 40 grains powder; 38 cal. (SmhKiiini n m.iT.a ml. T and RSraina. The strongest ahootroc Tllle made. Perfect accuracy guaranteed mad tha only absolutely safe rtflo made. All styles, all sixes, all weights. Prices reduced. - I BflVaa n) Gallery, Pportina and Tarfet Rtflea, world renowned. ThestaMard for il 3lalii tlr target aboottng, bunting, and shooung gallerlea. All calibres from Bto 5jlffl fflSr. MJLRL1H FIRE ARMS CO., JEW HAYEK, COBB. Via St. Paul and Miuncapolls. BMICrlliaJMTr -sr SLEEPING CARS jet Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3.00 P. M., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 p. H., third day. Connection made at St Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 1 1 :4 5 A. m., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. R. ds N. Ca's boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. CharltoV General Western Passenger Agent, No, 2 Washington St, Portland, Oregon, SMALL FOX MAEKS OAS BE BEM0VED LEON & CO . Loi.dou, rcrfumcrs to II. M. the Queen, Lara ted and patented the world-renoarued OBLITERATOR, mhich removes Small Vox Marks, of however standing. The application ia simple and bar causes no inconvenience, and contains nothinjr Jurious. Trice 82.60. SUPEILUOUS HAIR. Leon & Co 's "DEPILATORY" Removes Supcrflouus Ilair lit a few ruiuuta without pain or unpleasant sensation caver grow again. Simple and harmless Fa directions. Sent by mail. I'rica $1 GEO. W. SHAW GENERAL AGENT 219 Treuiont Street, Boston, Mass. Mention This Paper. TTben Baby was aick, we gar her Caatorta, When she was Child, she cried for Caatoria, Wbon she became Kiaa, she clang to Caatoria, When she had ChUdxen, she gaT Uiam Castoria, BARKER &WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, . CIGARS, ETC. ETC. . ... A SPECIALTY. . . Produce Ixwght and the highest cash