-t ' j M t ! t A ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, APRIL, 16, 1886. KJogue," you who are familiar with tho laws of etymology know, strictiy philosophical grounds, that 1 the letters of a word, or a syllable be come transposed permanently for rea sons that, in some cases, seem almost un explainable. Now, it is self-evident that in the root "g-o-g-u-e" the "n" and have been thus transposed, that its original sncllin was ff-o-u-ff-e." Further, it is self-eveident that tho svl- lable orisrinallv ended with the letter r," and that aftw long use It was drop- a .o,a .;5i n,Qf n nt most common verb?, adjectives, etc be come bv long familiar usuage, more or less irregular and fragmentary in form. Taking this philosophical, ety- mological view of the subject, tho word in full was originally "peda-1 goiiger" or "boy-gouger. Now, were I to stop here you would all freely ac-1 knowledge the luminousness of your I conception of the word "pedagogue common giier. sometimes i; was per and the invaluable service that the fitted to stand on the-floor and hold sience of etymology has rendered you mT arm out straight from my body, my in attaining that conception, but I J have more etymology to bring to bear upon the subject, especially the root "gogue." There are weightly reasons in favor of a different derivation of the syllable ;ogue.' Thea rsons lead mo to in- fer that it is quite possible that the syl- lable had oririnallr in nlaco of the "c" thftlofctftr. "rV'f.W. these letters ac J cordinglyto the laws of euphony be- ; tn . Th wnrrl would then have been "netb aflogue,"or "boy-flouge." Again the laws of etymology seem to have set i.--o stitutms therefore the syllable .U' . . i n .ill n o l oa i'iwiiiw iin . ill. in l ... i vi. . m iTmn t hn trAnn rfl'l Q Ttnfmip rt I "boy-fiogger" the "g" being doubled according to the laws of euphony. I must confess my preference for the lat ter derivation of the syllable if for no other reason than its superior etymological ingenuity.. Tha word pedagogue was doubtless applied as an epithet of distinction to some of the remote ancestors of the profession, who manifested superior skill in rousing the energies of youth by a judicious exhi- rewufiWWa very spienaia specimen bition of muscle. I have spoken of of "e ancient pedagogue.'' He de "Ye Ancient Pedacoirae" cenus as ex- 8erve8 Particular attention. It so tinct It is extinct wherever the spirit of nrojrress. civilization and refinement, has penetrated. Perhaps in the dim shadow regions outlying the world of ' progress, he may still linger with his & o Dircnen rod and Daixm his summo bona of laming and government A half century since the common schools of the countrr. almost without exception, were in no flattering condi- tion. Scholarship exnerience. fitness for the work of the school room were not the considerations that usually de cided the choice of teaching. They kept school because they could get a dollar or two more a month than for - cutting cord wood. Certificates were . granted to those who could read, write and eppher to the rule of three. And last but not least to the one who could jerk the big boys out of their "number 9's" and leave the boots standing on the floor, undisturbed by the sudden departure of the owner. TIio order of the school-room was simple, and primi tive, reading, writing, and spelling, interspersed with the loud halleujah's of some urchin jubilant under inspira tion of tho switch. The only classes were in reading and spelling; the only object in their for- . mation being to acquire accuracy in "toeing the mark." Ye pedagogue usually passed around the room two or three times a day to show the big boys and girls how to do their sums. Read ing was an interesting process. When the word of command was given, the pupils at the head went into spasms, lie bent his leg, coiled it about the other, twisted his neck, dropped his head to one side, lopped his off ear, cocked the opposite eye, clutched the book vigorously at the angle of exactly 45 degrees,' with one hand punching the first letter, of first word, of the first lino, with the index finger of the other. After these preliminary steps were taken, he filled his lungs, opened his mouth wide anc irregular and seized upon each letter in turn, with a succes sion of monotonous, unearthly, diabol ical howls, till the perspiration oozed at every pore, and his lungs collapsed. But spelling was the great exercise of the school. It consisted in taking the words letter by letter, holding oyer each an "Irish wake,"then on tiptoe, with mouth so extensive that the part of the head above became a peninsula, the word was pronounced. But the in- A -11 -i. 1 L .... leuwbu&j pare oi process consisted in "toeing the mark." This mark was a most interesting object, when orna mented with the pedal wealth of the school-room. For clustered about it were little toes, and big toes, clean ' toes and dirty toes, bound toes and sore toes, boy's toes and girl's toes, some moving and some in repose, some twist ing uneasily, some digging into the floor, some coquetting with the mark till alas! one of the luckless, by some miscalculation, was discouraged by the hawk-eyed boy below to be off the mark, whereupon the hawk-eyed went above the possessor of the nnfortunate toe, who in turn informed the hawk eved bov.that he would "lick him when school was ou." The teacher, over hearing the remark, "warms the wax in the ear" of the remarket, who, thereupon, resolves to lick "ye peda- S0110 wbonheu "bi enough." It I oHcnuijr uimerstouu limb me I :i i j i i i i . BOI3IUI, eyeu dov wnose toes adhered to the mark durinc the entire exercise was to be a missionary to the heathen when he became a man. But if "ye ancient pedagogne" was not remarkable for book-learning or ability to teach he was ingenious in rFing the spirit of j-ebellion. often led When a mere child' wwsity rae to test his Mlit7 t0 eradicate juve- ni,e tasca. sa"y to the jcomplete satisfaction of my curiosity, i On such occasions 1 was sometimes! "tricked out by the morbid taste ef "ye peda- with the most singular devices, "WW w 1 i jiy tangieu cum were snrouued in a fools-can: my ears ornamented with spilt goose-quills; another spare quill was attached to the tip of my tongue; another etill was appended to my nose, H the above members thus sharing in hand grasping a rule, on the end of which rested a book. . That was tire some. Another gymnastic perform ance in which I sometimes engaged un der the supervision of the teacher was to assume a frog-like attitude and then I .. i. i j x i. i j.?... lvu "ut m UUJlu w wut" T ,ar 8Pot on tbe floor when Vth ever ,uuscie " J uou7 segment of 4 circle and mY J ambition about to be gified, I experienced tnemost singular emotions an unex- aS3ault? on an unprotected quar I i. Mti.: 4. r.-t r ! a pf'"1"" mB wo , wun a wnooP freaitawe to jtne nowe iea man, aiBLuroea my pians ana checked my triumph. IJnA nt m v tirnt. tPiirhprs wna j - - - an older sister. Her besetting; weakness was a fear that she would be suspected of showing partiality to j her little brother. Some vicious pupils know ing this weakness forged scandalous tales against me. when imy sister showed her partiality for me by invit ing me to the middle of the room, when she beat time for me and j I danced, -Mother, whom I very: distinctly t ii. i aPPened that in our district dwelt a butcher whose spouse had j a wonder- kindsman an intellectual luminary The butcher communicated the fact to the school board who decided to se cure the light of this luminary to shine upon our benighted district The fame of this kindsman sptead tbwwghout the district, and on the nrst afty 01 8011001 ine PUPUS enterea school-room with a feeling akin to veneration. A glance at the phenom enon caused every other; feeling to yield to that of astonishment. He was tall and guant His legs could not have been much lengthened with out the entire omission of the body. They were uniform in size, with the ex ception of knotty prominences where the knees are usually located. His feet were covered with a cow's hide. The leg3 united and ramified into a hollow-chested, unshapely body, perched upon which was a head for phrenolog ical study. His nose resembled an in verted butchers cloaver. On each side of the cleaver were depressions in which reposed a drab colored eye. His lower jaw resembled the working-beam of a steam encine. He loved the "weed." From the corners of his mouth tiny rills flowed down each side of the chin. He had some skull, to ac commodate his thin, straight locks. With elbows resting on the desk, hands clasping his classic head, his jaws slow ly grinding the weed, and gazing dream ily upon his little flock, he would Bit hour after hour. At the j end of six weeks the Bchool board extinguished the luminary to prevent the whole school from being sun struck. But pleasant i3 it, after thus con templating the countenances of "ye pedagogues," gazing gloomily, unat tractively, dimly down from the pic tured halls of memory, to turn to one whose brightness lights up the chill ob scurity about it, : A face fair, allur ing and self- radianf from the light and warmth of the soul within. Noble minded, pure souled, largo hearted, faithful teacher. ; Though for long years the grass has grown green above thy mouldering form, thy living exam ple, thy work of devise and encourage ment, thy patient labor, thy sympathy, and quiet winning ways, will ever be remembered and cherished by those, who by thy timely counsel, correct teaching, and enabling influence, have been made better men and batter women. But the shortcomings of "y e ancient pedagogue," was due, a good deal to the circumstances by which he was surrounded.. But little honor or re spect was attached to the teacher's work. When a man proved himself incompetent for ordinary business, it was positive proof that nature intended him for a pedagogue. The compensa tion for the work was meager, and no one unless compelled to do so would engage in it But thanks to the Pes talozzies, the Arnolds, the Manns, a lustre has been ' given the teacher's profession, a profession now the most honored, and boasting the best talent WORTHY Of Confidence. A VTR'Q Sarsaparlllata a medicine that, M I til O during nearly 40 yean. In nil parts of the workl, has proved its efli cacy as tbe best blood alterative known to medical science. SARSAPARILLA ffiffffSK fenuine Honduras Sarsaparllla) la its ase, and its powers are enhanced by the extracts oJ Yellow Dock and Stif lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other potent ingredients. IQ your blood vitiated by derangements IO of the digestive and as'slmllatory func tions? is it tainted by Scrofula? or docs it contain the poison of Mercury or Contagious Disease? yiip leading physicians of tlic United Int States, who know tho composition of Ayek's Saiisaparilla, say that nothing else so good for the purifica tion of. the blood is within the range of pharmacy. n sj I by the use of this remedy Is it UltLl possible for a person who has corrupted blood to attain sound health and prevent transmission of the de structive taint to posterity. TLinDnilPUl V effective renovation inUnUUunLT of the system must include not only the removal of cor ruption from the blood, but its enrich ment and the strengthening of the vital organs. L nri iadi C witnesses, all over the KLLIADLCi world, testify that this work is better accomplished by A yer's Sarsaparilla than by any other remedy. Dl nnn that Is corrupted through dls DLuULI ease is made pure, and blood weakened through diminution of the red corpuscles Is made strong, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. DllDirVIIJP tho blood and building rUnlrTlilU up the system require time In serious cases, but benefit will be derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla more speedily than from anything else, urniniur for which Hkeenects are riltUIUlrlL falsely claimed, is abun dant in the market, under many names, but the only preparation that has stood tue test of tunc, and proved worthy of tha world's confidence, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED by Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottles for $5. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WAR IN EUROPE! Removal! Removal! Removal! On account of our rcmova into our new Store we propose to offer our entire stock of Gen eial Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times and scarcity of money, will en able everybody to buy our goods. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we move Our Stock is larger andbette assorted than any in the City, 60ME AND EXAMINE And be your own judge, Before purchasing Elsewhere. Wefguarantce our clothes to fit in every particular. WE MEAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our place of business is one door north of the Post Office. CARO BROTHERS. Coos Bay Stage Line! LAIRD & CALVERT, PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN H HOURS' WHERE connection is mule with Cooa Boy Steam era for all points on the Bay. Stages leave the Post office at Rcscburg every morning, except Sunday calling at the hotels before leaving. THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BAY Particular attention given to the comfort of pass sengers. Cireful drivers .nd g od stock. NEW STORE AT DILLRD9 OB. would respectfully inform the public tbat he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a tirst-class store. Give htm a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods. &AH orders promptly attended to. MISCELLANEOUS JpUlimiUliE PAL At F, UNCLE JOHN G1LDERSLEEVE . Has tbe finest stock of faniitnrn .nth r..i..i " arvwvu va M. V II tMIU which he Kllti oa choap m it can be bought in the State. The new faugled JJO UBLE BED L 0 UNO E. . AND PATENT CORNICES. Also has on hanil a full assortment of beds and hol ding, chairs, tables, ' BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinda of Cliildrens Chairs, etc. j. gildersleeve. old dvoj) Will stand for the Season at Joseph Carton's Livery Sta ble inMoseburg, Beginning March 1st and continuing three months. COZS DROP Ii a thoroughbred Jersey Bull, pale red, short horns, weighs 1100 pounds, is five years old, and has all the char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. - Insurance - ' - - $3.00 To insure sexof Calf, $6.00 N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, i Wagon Shop, ; Blacksmith Bliop.4 CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE oiinfie to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small coatings. Mouey refunded if work Is not salisfaetory. Portland prices ! bave telegrams and exprcssage. LMGENBERG'S Um aact BfiQ Stare, i Jackson StreetfOpposIte Post Office, i Bosebtirg, Oregon. KEEPS ON HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment ot Eastern and San Francisco and other makes ol BOOTS. SHOES, GAITERS, SLH1- PEKS and everj thing in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGEtfBERG. CIVIL BEND STORE V. L. ARRXNGTON, DEALER IN - Dry Goods droceies eto All Kinds of Produce Taken; in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND or BLACKSMITH SHOP! Jk1 Adamson'a Old Stand. Jackson Street. ' MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES! All Kiuds of Repairing Done, Terms ar Reasonable. GaknON & Blackmas. GBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, : : : : Manager. -DEAL IN Wool and Grain! also, agents for Agricultural Implements OF AI.Ii KINDS VITE TRANSACT A GENERAL BUSI- ncss in our line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Urain. A full lino of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a call. W- F. OWENS. THE New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon oat far .-si Leading Check Restaurant in the City. 8IFERD & HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND ORECOH faTPrivatcRooma of the Latest Designs for Ladles! OrKW DAY AND NIGHT. INSURE IN THE STATE IIURANUI1 DO, OF OKBGOSa' Capital ..$100,000.00 TO Farmers Qompatiy Insures only Farm Property, Private dwellings, School bouses and Churches. Also Detached dwellings in Cities and Towns with contents. I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. David S. West, agent. Office.at Court House, Rosebarg Or. UilTCH With the Moat Perfect mad Sncee ful lactation of the Ilea. TXXI3 CHAZO FOLDING INCUBATOR. i to pet out or order, ftocotlgr espeneoce. and Terr littlo labor and time n Derating Needana r. Ifatcne all fertile egxs. The upper portion folSa back ".Ike the I dol a trunk bei. 1 sa. Boran loexpioas. noonitnei, ciocKWorK. regulator. emr-lMwM th.... eaai talm Willi use lutwi iwi . ... Tenn. From eblck In the know It Is the 42 Rnnvanw pianaior urooaer r PfagUll M Til oi ra eggs uatciied ery good success - I III III I 1 r bad oner lot of chickens. HELEN OKMOOUFF. BtliWOIT. 111. Tonr fncuhatnr beats all the bens set 145 egg under F.D. CRAIG, lOO EGOS HIZ.K SIS coo tea IEXD 4 boo sol JtOO " soli 1009 'i. vL. 100 u I also deal in Thresh eus, Engines, (The cnt Boiler feeder known) Steam ii mm km If you knew how cheflp"I sell Bells for Farms, Schools or Chckciies ; You would surelyjhavc one. General Agent for, The Siiipmax Engine, Coal Oil for fuel Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Office Foot of Morrison Oregon. GIVE ME A CALL T. H ITC H But before you do that come 'round to W. Gr. WOODWARD'S n Aft-NESS -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OB A SADDLE Ons of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brouiht to Town. I use nothing but the lest leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. G. Woodward Mosehurg. SUCCESSOR TO- ! A 1 1 m n r a wm .DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Roseburcj lias on hand constantly a (iencraJ Merchandise and will and patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsiiferation ofthe scarcity of money and the present depression ii: business, will study their own interests by calling on hun f nd examining 13efore purchasing elsewhere, I do not claii i to sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all -who patronize me tftat tlioy will get their goods At The Lowest Produce Of All Kinds tfrain & Cofj Drain. GENERATE DRY GOODS Teas Hardware, o O &JITB, CJ1FS, BOOTS JHSTJD crs will find onr stock complete, comprising manjj possible here Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we bnjf only. .MARGIN made. Perfect acenracy giiaranteed alltUea, all weight. Prices reduced. f -7 r..; l-MaaMMOanvam Bf T.T- f Tl T 9mllfY' SpoWn Tarrt Rifles, world rcnUmed. The itandard for if 1 H 1 1 1 1 I I r target shooting, hunting, and shooting galleries. Ail 1 calibres from to 45. JUjSjSW MARLIH FIRE ARMS CO., SEW HAYEH, COfiB. chicks by otp nnn Pr6nerheat la main DM a day and replaclni EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell a! from 50c to $1 per Pound. '!? Brooder and will care for the dhlcka a ton' aa the need artificial heat. thu. aavlng expenae of epeolal broode? 8 Both ai an Incubator and a a Brooder It Is unsurpassed br any nmhln m mat ter what the cost, and la theureil, chrpat and oi oawlls mmmtiP "ndlUatefor publlo lavor. Thetlg IncubawrST?" ? ,"' A"r Pcron should lave a wylnfliatcS WOTkof tbShem b"tcncVn from w iQ 84 daf " equ-1 iUebeS I A R I FS -r'Vcm thonaandt who are ttrtiirellna for nccnnlar ,"VJ!.iT?" Independence will find artificial reSl "ng of iukrf ryirtJjEIJi rf.Julr Ihelcast noasthlo Spltil alni Isc o Ore (list prepare watt water lor an incuoaior. . ... , uuiiiB. iUUW SOOeggt I batched 10? Craig Incubator. I best one made. Voor flmtrf. Uvvmrta 30 ehlck-s. I eet lot In Incuhato and have r, good, healthy chicks as a result, r C. W. MAYS. ' KiviBTow, I Neb.-Hatehed one brood to get fnj band In. fully CO per cent of all eggs put In. No trouble to keep an even tempera ture. Shall run It all winter. VAN DEUSEW. ELtZAnrrnrowir. N. V. By os tng the Crniu Incubator I roniiir are unexcelled, D. C. HATCH. Tttfau ... 63 culCK. Had first trial. Key- for hatching. I hen and have my first attempts at artificial tuvu- unuuu m cuniiHUT e success. A. W4LTEII DUHAND. 1NVKNTOR AWtl at iti mm . ... HAMuFAcxTaEB. iiorin CYansioiia 111 CRVr IV ayra-ai'Dsi tmtrl r a a . Contains more useful poultry Information than aiiy ti book. Describe Ui.wY,,af!arJ?',lli?;,l2:,8e8' bro"1(r. Incubator, tio. TXlXfc) HOW to UAJU& 10VO per cent. tro0t on fio iLlt ; V 1 Mill Machinery, P i'S, Inspirators Fitting Goods, Belti xo, Oils. Also No Dust. No fetrcet Portland WRiIIT. mi Oregon. large and complete assortment of be pleased to see his old friends . ' Liviuqr Profit. Taken At Market Price, Sol. Abraham. Douglas Co DEALERS IN , Oregon. AND GROCERIES, Crockery, fi SHOES. articles it is Im to enumerate. all can be satisfied aad sell for cash 3 U P Co 33ost Xjo. Tlio "World for 1TTTA iwamill rtvn na tn VI mIiM 4A mini twwrll' SA ral. and tha only absolutely saf rifle made. All (tylea, I i Wi I PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLE8, " ST. '.CHARLES HOTEL (EUROPEAN PLAN) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY UESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Brick Building -180 Rooms. In the Cuntrr of the City COIt. FROST AND .MORRISON STS., IH.'UTLAXD KiniOI'EAX PLAN. i;smoxi HOTEL, Ii First Class In Every Particular, Corner Frost A! JIi.nnimx Srs PORTLAND, OREGON Thomas Uiimmn, I'mi rictr. rpHE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles Ueiliax, Proprietor; Tho very best in the Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME THIS LA ROE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offurs superior ac-..m,.iai;,.ia at nonular nrii-cs. Mcals 2c, Rooms 26c. and 60c. Only three blocks from all Oeiots and Steamer landings. Free Bnss to and from the Hotel No Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviation from regular rates of f 1.00 per Day. mard-tf E. LEWISTON. Prop'r. Establbbcd 1S12.) A. ROBERTS, Comer First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING AND OF OREGON. "THE PLACE TO BUY. J B 09NGLE Haimfactumr, Wholosale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, tJLLEATHEB A5D SADDLEBT HARDWARE 103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTANTEK. Great Overland Route ! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD -ONLY LINE RUNNING Pullman Palaoe Bleeping Oars, Magmnoent Day Ooaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul and Minneapolis ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNINC PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST -OYER THE m NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, Tnmc o-rrrirairn' AND ALL POINTS- -riAsrn AND nOUTIIEASm j) AND OOUTIIEAS Yia St. Paul and Minneapolis. Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- Leave Portland at 3.-00 p. r., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 P. M., third day. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. jl, arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. R. & N. Co.'s boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. Charltok. General Western Passenger Agent, AO. & Wasliington C Portland, Oregon. lr. UERKBOLIV "iUp-SUirs over L. Be fil' Jewelry Stor- ROSEEUSC'ORECCH. T H. O'M ALLEY, O Troniii-tor of il ROSEBURG! MAKUJ.K WORK&. Auu i)eaIT ii; ToMii6TOMfs, Taili -h, Ktc;. Mh.j. ReiT i.f Ilf.ftaliVK!. re. K21 CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS ANB CCPYRiCMTS Obtained, and nil other liusiuefe in the U. 8 Talent. Office attended to toe MODERATE FEES. Send MOD EE on DIIAWIXO. We dvic u patentability free of clrje; aud we make NO CHANdE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Eiint- Moncy Order Dlv., and to officials of the V. S. ratent office. lor circular, advice, terms an reference" to actual client in your own State comity, write to , A. BXOW & CO., Oiioeite Patent Offioe,- Washington, D. C. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Having dissolved the conartnrrshm prf.t. in between Bunnell & Bowcn Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in their tine m a WORKMANLIKE MARKER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. O. ct3 H. TPo.ilijsf. A. Full Line of Staple aud Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cdtlekt, Glassware, Crockery. Queensware, Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge Drain Hotel! DRAIN - - OREGON. Coos Bay Stage Office at the Hotel. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Baooaob Handled Fres or Cuarub. W. Ro MOORE," PROP. MEDICAL. DH. IVlHSTTIliJ, THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEAENEY. ST., SAN FUANCISCO, CAL. . Treat all Chronic, Special and Prirate Diseases with Wonderful Succesa. . THE CHEAT rnCLISH RET'EDY. - -"ISA MsVfcU r A1L1.N u OVI E for Net votu Debilty . Seminal Weaknea. Ex- iiaunted Tltality, Bperma, itorriiea, ' Lost Uanhood- ' , jlmpotency, f aralytis, 1 Pructatorrnea, and all the (terrible eSecta of -Self-.abuse, yottthfnl folliea and excesses in maturer years, radi u Loes of Memory .Litude lioctnrnal Em iSaianft. avArRinntnarwiiv 'V iinnneasoi Yumn.Ait In the Head, EXCESSES IN DRINKING intoxicating liquors, tna rital fluid passing nnobserred in the urine, and many ouier dis eases that lead to insanity and death. Dr. Miktik, who is A KEariAa PursiaAK, Cradc atb of tub Ukiversitt of Pixkstlvaria, will agree to forfeit Kitb HfSDRBB Dollars for a ease of this kind the VIT L RESTOBTIVE (under his Special advice and treatment) will not cure, tr for anything impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mirtib treats all private diseases successfully without mcrcurrl CossiiiATios Frbk. Thorough examination and ad vice, including analyses of urine, $5.00. Price, of VITAL RESTORATIVE, 1.0 a bottlo, or four times th quantity, 5.00; sent to any address upon receipt of Price, or C. O, D., secured from observation, and in private name if desired by Dr. Hiktir, 11 Kearst Sthkbt, Sas Frascisco, Cal. Send for list ot ques tions and pamphlet. , AH. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symytoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy I n regards to all business transactions. Dr. Mixtib's Kidxkt Rehi-dt. NEPHRETirim Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Csomplaint Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leu chorrhea etc. For sale by a drng gists; Jl a bottle or six bottles for fivcdollars. Dr. Mikttks Dakdelios Pills are the- best and the cheapest Dtsi rtsia and BiLioi s cure in the market. i or sale by all druggists. SMAJLL FOX MAUKS OAS BE BEHOVED. 3L.1S03ST & CO . LoLdon, Perfumers to H. U. the Queen, have ted and patented tbe world-renowned OBLITERATOR, which removes Small Pox Marks, of hnvner standing. The applicatioa is simplo and bar causes no Inconvenience, and contains nothinz jurious. . Trice 12.50. SUPEF LU0U3 HAIR Leon & Co.'s DEPILATORY" Removes Superfloaus Hair in a few minute without pain or unpleasant sensation never grow again. Simple and harmless Fu directions. Sent by mail. Price tl GEO. W. SHaAV GENERAL AGENT 219 Tremont Street, Boston, MaBS. Mention This Paper. - ... IThsn Baby was sick, ws gars her Castoria, When aba was a Child, sb cried for Caatoria, When she became Kiss, she clang to Castoria, Wbea tha bad Children, ts gave tittm Castoria, BARKER &WILLIS, DEALEla IN ' GROCERIES, i - . PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY, Prodnco bought and tbe highest cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGOIT. t v.. 7 :