Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, April 16, 1886, Image 3

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FRIDAY, APRIL 16tb, 1886.
House to RENT.-Any person desiring to
rent a house, call at once on Henry Easton.
JJask UALl-CLUiiLast Monday afternoon
a base ball club was, organized by Claude
Cannon. Leon Jones was elected captain,
Eddie Patterson secretary, Willis McElroy
From Drain. Mr. J. A. Underhill has
leen nominated Justice of the Fcace on the
Democratic ticket for Pass Creek. A wise
nomination; every voter should sec that Mr.
Underbill's name is on his ticket. Lets have
a squire in Drain that we can find when
I. O. O. F. Ceiebration. The memlcrs
of I'hilctcrian Lodge at this place are doing all
in their power to make the forthcoming ecle
bralion of their natal day in America a grand
success. This is a noble order, and is doing
much to alleviate the distressed and is spend
ing millions for tliis purpose.
A I'.iktiiimy Sukprisf. On last Friday
evening several of our young people including
the Junior ISrass Band surprised Mrs. Belle
Horner with a surprise of about fifteen dollars
worth of presents. The evening was spent in
a way enjpyablc to all; and at an early hour
all repaired to their respective homes.
Stim.Thky Come. John Steel and wife
of Newton, Kansas, relatives of G. W. Wona
coii havo come lo Oregon to stay and arc now
occupying the Champagne house opposite the
Catholic Church. They came to Douglas be
cause they read The Review of Jan. Sth, and
now say that the description of this connty was
not an exaggerated one.
Treasures Notice. All persons holding
county warrants endorsed prior to January 7th,
1SS6 are hereby notified to present them at
the treasures office in the Court House in
Roseburg, on or before April 30th, 1SS6 as
interest will cense from that date, April 16th,
1S86. I). S. West,
Co. Treasurer.
'ashin; Machine. This is to certify
that wc have tried the new washing machine,
The Laundry Queen, being sold by George
Muncy, and can say it is the best and only
machine that will wash collars and cuffs wi
out rubbintr. It will do all he claims fif it.
Mrs. M. F.Lewis, Mrs. M. M. Grills. Yd rs
A. O. Rose, Mrs. M. Joscphson, and
T. 1'. Parrott.
The Ro;ur River Bridge. The con
tract for building the bridge across Rogue
River at Grant's Tass was let last week to Mr.
Rates for $6464.00, leaving a balance of
$.5436.00 to be returned to the state Treasury
as the state appropriated $10,000.00 for that
purpose, and can be used for nothing else.
Sec Oregon's laws, page 41, section I, "Fx.
tra session" Nov. 1885.
Successful Surgical Operation. A
skillful and successful operation was performed
on Mr. James II. Reane, of Myrtle Creek, for
varicose aneurism, by Dr. Graham of this city
assisted by Drs. Hoover and Cathcy. The
enlarged arteries and veins occupied the entire
palmer space extending to the fore arm which
were very much enlarged. This trouble com
menced six years ago, and has continued to
increase in size and lately became' the source
ol great pain and considerable distress. We
understand that Mr. Beane is doing well.
Dissolution. The dissolution notice of
the firm of S. Marks & Co., W. I. Fried
lander retiring, will be seen in this issue. We
shall regret very much if Mr. Fnedlander and
family should leave our city and hope that he
will remain among us. The old firm consist
ing of Samuel and Ashcr Marks, will continue
lo conduct the business however in the future
as in the past, upon the principle to live and
let live- This Ls certainly the strongest firm in
the county and will therefore be regreted the
Roseiiurg Reform Club. Dr. U. A.
Cathey of Canyonville addressed a large audi
ence in the club room Tuesday evening, who
listened very attentively to his remarks; the
Doctor showed himself to be fully alive to the
enormous amount pf evil perpetuated upon
our people by the! liquor traffic but still clings
fondly to the forlorn hope that moral suasion
will accomplish tho desired result, with time a
necessary element!. Mr. Ezra S. Fowler of
Oakland Cal. followed with a short address,
his remarks were rxrintcd with logical illustra
tions that commanded the best attention of the
house. The programme was good and con
sisted of songs, readings, tablcaus, recitations,
dialogues, and instrumental music. Hon.W.
F.' Owens well addressed the club at ils next
meeting. W. Alexander; Sec.
It i: M O fit ATIC l'RIM ARIES.
The following names were duly elected del
egates to the County Convention.
Cox James
Geliger G. W.
Wimbcrly M. O.
Lane L. F.
Willis W. A.
ISoggcss Thomas
Richards Clark
L. 1
Chase John
Farquar Thos .
Carlon W. J.
Duncan Riley
Landers Henry
Hall C.
Ritzcr Jacob.
Mosher, Chairman
David S. West, Secretary.
John Ellison
Perry Cook
G. W-. Grub1e.
Ulaekwood Win.
Boyle J.
Cloiigh Joe.
Boyle I.
Gazlcy Jr. J. F.
Hunter R. C.
Burnett J D. Newton Jas.
Dunnivan Jas. Weaver John
Ledgerwood Win. McKanc T. J.
II. A. Adams.
Wm. Goodman
Jeff Williams
George Yarbrough
J. M. D11.1.ARD
V. L. Arrington
George Majory
H. O. Waters
V, L. Arrington
Chairman, .
At East Umi'qua .
Shrum S. J. Engles II. L.
At M r. Sco 1 t.
Thornton J. J. Odcn Charles
at c amas valley.
Leonard Coon, J. W. Iludlcson
Jesse Baker.
at ten mile.
Byron John . Williams Tbos.
W. N. McCulloch.
F. 1 1. Pinkston, J. M, Stark,
T.P. Maupin, Ira Wimbcrly.
At Valley.
Wright W. T. Caldwell W. K.
Ward F. J
I)r. T. Mackey Robert Ashworth
Peter Nelson Win . Dewar John Cowan Jr.
1 Irs.
The Coffee House.
The great1 musicale on May 5th.
Oregon packed fruit at Chase & Ford's.
Chase & Ford have canned fruits and lunch
A new lot of candies just received at Chase
& Ford's.
II. Gates aud Geo. Learned went to Siuslaw
this week.
Do not forget to look at the Eastern Stars
May the 5th.
Langcnburg has the lcst cigars 111 town, go
and try one.
Hon. W. I . Friedlandcr was fifty years old
last Tuesday.
Peter McKinney returned from California
yesterday morning.
Walter Jackson the Havana merchant is
among us this weeks.
Extra choice seed and cooking jotatoes for
sale at M. R. Howell's.
Received at L. Langenburg's a fine new
stock of boots and shoes.
Go to Chase & Ford's and get one of those
nice lawn croquette sets.
New goods at II. C. Stanton's, straw hats a
specially until all are gone, j '
Wm. Carl bought of A. C. Marks a fine bay
team paying $300 therelor. i
Mrs. A. M Crawford of Marsfield is visiting
friends in our city at present.
Miss Birdie Short from Empire City is vis
iting at Col. Lane's at present.
Prof. G. T. Russell was in our city yester
day. We were all glad to see him.
Timothy Ford went to Portland Monday to
attend the Horticultural Association.
George Muncy will go to the country with
his celebrated washing machine next week.
Mrs. Harry Lambert gives the most palata
ble meals lobe found in the city for 25 cents.
Dr. Little at Oakland relieves you at once
of that terrible toothache in a dental manner.
For LAniE Back, side or chest, use Shiloh's
Porous riastcr. Price 25 cents at S. Ilamil
tons. Charley Kohn was in our city a few days
the first of the week. He has many friends
Maurice and Abbie Abraham came home
from the University on a short vacation last
Prof. Tobias' address is the best anti-dya
peptic remedy wc have found for a long time.
Read it.
The Bowcn Bros, arc now turning out tome
ot the very best hacks, wagons and vehicles of
all kinds.
Wm. Carl the stage man and contractor
grasped our hand cordially in Roseburg last
II. S. Stangecamc over from Wilbur Wed
nesday and rcpoits everything flourishing in
his section.
Geo. W. Jones (Shakespeare) is out again
and we arc glad to see his genial expression
on our streets.
At Moore's Restaurent can be had for 25
cents as gootLdinner as you pay 50 cents for
in some places.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis
immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Si
Hamilton. Agent.
W. N. Moore made the larcest sales this
week that hehas made since in 'business.
Good for you Billy.
Miss Lorena Woodruff, of Roseburg, is
teaching an excellent school in the adjoining
District west of Roseburg.
Chase & Ford on the earner want to, and
will sell you, anything in their line, cheaper
than anywhere else in town.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is
sold by us cm a guarantee. It cures Consump.
tion. Sold by S. Hamilton.
Willis Kramer bought the 1 Iotcl property
of D. S. K. Buiek It is rood property and
Mr. Kramer secured a bargain.
A cup of Mr. Abraham's "Sunbeam Tea"
gives out the very sunshine its leaves drank in
while growing on its parent stem.
Sleetless Nights, made miserable by that
terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy
for you. For sale by S. Hamilton.
The Orgon Central railroad will go yet we
believe. Roseburg will be in pocket many
thousands ol dollars by the enterprise.
Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer isguaren
teed to cure you. Sold by S. Hamilton.
Sheridan Bros, have just received car loads
of new goods direct from St. Louis of hard
ware. Go quickly and take your choice.
If you want asct of teeth, or want teeth ex
tracted, in first class shape, or any dental work
done, go to Dr. Little of Oakland Oregon.
Jas. P. Gilmorc and family arrived at this
place from. Goldendale last Saturday. They
will remain in Oregon the rest of their days.
E. M. Moore opened out his Agricultural- i
implement-wagon store this week and will of
fer the best possible terms to his customers. j
Hon. W. F. Owens, Rev. J. W. Miller, j
Col. Lane and a number of others attended
the Prohibition convention at Salem this week.
Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath
secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price
50 cents, Nasal Injector free at S, Ilamil
Dr. F. G. Ochmo has bought the-beautiful
residence of S. C. Flint now occupied by Louis
Bcllils, and will move into it about the first of
Louis Langcnburg will sell you musical in
struments of all kinds from a jews harp to a
jyi octavo piano; also instruction books of all
Walter Buick enroute to Wyoming paused
jn Roseburg a few days this week to visit his
parents. Walter is one of our leading cattle
: The Coffee House kept by Mrs. Harry Lam
bert is rapidly gaining In popularity and many
are now taking meals at this excellent res
taurant. The City Bakery has now everything that
the most fastidious epicure would delight in,
go and ask Joseph for some of those delicious
A few good books well consulted are ex
cellent fireside company. Unless you are
somewhat choice, you may find no better as"
We are sorry to say Hut Allen Arrington of
Civil Bend is not able to sit up more than half
his time. Since his return from California he
las not improved any. i
For dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you
have a printed guarantee on every bottle j of
Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure.
For sale by S. Hamilton. ;
S. F. Flocd of the Star, and the oraclo with
our typos, has been spending several days
with us of late. It is always pleasant and in
structive to have him around.
We are glad to see Hon. J. C. Fullerton so
much improved in health, and he now looks as
fleet as a gazelle, but not swift enough to dis
tance tho clumsy editor ofTiiE Review.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and
all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75
cents per bottle. For sale By S. Hamilton,
Prof. G. V. Boors directs us to withdraw
his name from the Democratic county conven
tion in favor of Prof. G. T. Russell of Oakland
for Supt. of public schools in Douglas county
John Bruckner was arrested for obstructing
the public highway running through his farm,
and was caused to pay two fines and costs
amountini-io $221.25. The law must be
obeyed. ?
It is wan mucli pleasure that wc call your
attention to the railroad articles passing The
Review signed "Push" a leading citizen of
Oregon, and one who understands something
of railroad matters.
The Review,. Roselmrg's able Democratic
newspaper has just closed its first decade. It:
next number will lie Vol. 11, No. 1. Wc
hope it will prove a mine of wealth to its able
editor, J. R. N. Bell. West Side.
The report of the Board of Commissioners
on Assessment and Taxation, with a bill to be
presented to the Legislature for their approval
is to hand This is an exhaustive lesumc .f
the Assessment and Taxation laws.
There will be divine service in St. Clements
Church, Oakland, on next Sunday morning
mm evening, .finer me service in me eve
ning the Rev. O . Parker will deliver a fare
well address. All arc most cordially invited
to attend.
Hall's Hair Rencwcr renews, cleanses,
brightens, and invigorates the hair, and re
stores faded or gray liair to its youthful color
and lustre. People with trrav hair should use
the renewer, and thus conceal from the world
their bleached locks and advancing age.
By lack of open air exercise, and the want
of sufficient care in the matter of diet, the
whole physical mechanism becomes impaired
during the winter. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
proper remedy lo take in the spring of the
year to purify the blood, excite the liver to ac
tion, and restore health and vigor.
I desire to state to my friends that I have
tried the new washer being sold by Geo; Mun
cy in this county and can say it is the best I
ever saw. It will do ils work quicker and
better than any other machine. You can piek
more wool in ten minutes with the machine
than you could in two days by hand,
Nellie Moore.
Ezra S. Fowler of Oakland California will
hold services next Sunday evening in the M.
E. Church in the interest of the Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Fowler has been connected with this in
stitution for four years. Young men shuuld
attend, and help forward this noble work.
Rev. J. W. Miller the pastor will preach there
in the morning. All invited to both services.
Roseburg Or. April 14th, 1SS6.
We have tried the Laundry Queen washer
sold by Geo. Muncy an agent. It is the only
machine we ever saw that would wash collars
and cuffs without rubbing. This machine will
do just what they recommend it to do for
clothes and bed-clothes. It can't be beat, and
is a light machine. Mrs. Mosher, Mrs. L. D.
Carle, Mrs. S. M. Gates and Mrs. A. L.
We call attention of our readers to an adver
tisement of the Chicago Cottage Organ Com
pany in another column, and we take pleasure
in recommending to the general public a com
pany whose Organs have attained a popular
reputation for their superior musical qualities,
artistic beauty and general excellence: Tins
company ranks among the largest and best in
the United States, having a capacity for man
ufacturing 800 Organs per month, and its or
gans are shipped into nearly every inhabitablt
portion of the globe. The members compos
ing the fi rm of the Chicago Cottage Organ
Company are men of experience, integrity,
skilled in their line, conduct their business on
an equitable basis, and their future is destined
to be a bright one.
Hugh Anderson, who went lo the city not
long ago has returned.
The schooner Laura Matson, came in last
week, and the Vesta started for the city yes
terday. '
Miss Polly Burchard, who has been visiting
here for several weeks, returned to her home,
near Scottsburg.
Messrs Morcll Melvin-and Chamberlain went
to Norfolk to-day. It is quilo an attractive
place up there.
Wm. Fields, letter known as Happy Jack,
left Gardiner April olh, on the Vesta. We
shall miss him very much for he was the "gay
est of the gay" when In a crowd.
. The M isses Goodlow, Patterson, and Saw
yer of Scottsburg were in Gardiner last week.
While they were here, the fun loving people
of our town gave them a social dance w hich
was enjoyed by all.
A Democratic convention was held last
week to elect delegates to attend the county
convention. J. M. Cowan, Robt. Ashworth,
Wm. Dewar T. C. McKay and Tele Nelson
will represent us in Roseburg April 281I1, at
the convention.
Mr. Jewett and wife nee Miss Hues just ar
rived here yesterday, and were serenaded by
our boys last night. Here's our hand Jewett,
and we wish that you and your amiable wife
may have a safo journey over life's troubled
pathway, and your road may bo strewn with
thornlcss roses.
Copious showers of rain.
Rev. E. G. Michael is holding a protracted
meeting at the Day school house.
Miss May Starr of Calapooia is flourishing
the rod of dicipline in the Cole district.
Some of the Oakland politicians played a
practical joke on our noted wire workers and
Our school under the efficient management
of Mr. Underwood is progressing finely. This
district was fortunate in securing the services
of Mr. Underwood.
Jas. Richard is favorably spoken of for the
Legislature on the Democratic ticket. Mr. R
is a good man for the place and we suggest he
be nominated by acclamation.
Jas. Starr Esq., has purchased one of Dr,
Coles fine shorthorn calves. James undoubt
edly contemplates showing with Uncle Jim
Richard for the sweep stakes at the next state
Calapooia precinct will furnish sufficient
material for the different offices; other pre
cincts please ask for nothing, but keep out of
the way and give our politicians plenty of elbow
room lor they must all get in this time as Pro
hibition will carry the day two years hence
So mote it be, 1 S, B
Wednesday, - April 7th.
AI. Langenberg appointed supervisor of
Road District No, 47.
Wm. Stephens appointed supervisor of Road
District No. 37.
Canyonville Precinct limited to one Justice
of the Peace.
Assistance to Benjamine Mctzkcr from the
County discontinued.
In the matter of petition of J. M. Ellison for
right of way for. draining land through the
premises of A. T. Winniford. The viewers
appointed, report adversely. The report is
accepted and further proceedings in the prenv
ises discontinued.
The petition of S. Glove and others to va
cato a portion of the County road in the vicin
ity of okum donation claim, was laid over
until the July term.
Thursday, April Sth.
Liquor License granted to Reid and Nelson
Varrelman and Brant and B. M, Akerbald of
Gardiner, and William Wade and Gus Mitch
ell of Scottslmrg.
-Susana llankins was declared a county
charge. ;
Delinquent lax list tiled by G. A. Taylor
sheriff, accepted aud clerk ordered to prepare
and make out a delinquent list therefrom.
Newton Livingston appointed supervisor of
road district No. 27.
Fri day, April 9th
Petition for county road from Scotts valley
to Elk Head laid over till -July term.
Liqoor license granted Stilly Riddle of Can
Calapooia precinct was exlented so as to in
clude all settlers in the vicinity of Jesse Clayton
and J. C. Hutchinson's places below Coles
Wm. J. Hughes presented a petition for
Road of Public Easement across the land of
M. Tipton and Washington Hughes and E.
Anderson, J. S. Boncbrakc and J. : Slrader
were appointed viewers to report at the next
regular term.
One hundred dollars was appropriated to
assist the citizens of Camas valley in build
ing a bridge across the Coquille river west of
Camas valley.
Sidney Cole was appointed Road Supervis
or of Road district No. 10.
Bills to the amount of about $4,000 were
allowed during the session.
Probate Court.
Final Settlement in case of Sarah Brown es
tate, Jas. W. Weaver, Cynthia Applcgatc,
J. II. Carter.
Order for sale of Real properly in the Estate
of Cornelia Hill.
IJuky List.
For the May term of Circuit Court.
Riddle A. Riddle Farmer
Rice I. F. Sr. Calapooia, "
Gilpatritk Oiin. Cow Creek, "
Smith Jerome Calapooia, "
Hargan W. F.lkton, "
Hogan F. P. Deer Creek, -Merchant
Hunter D. W. " " Farmer
Fisher Adam "' "
Brockwcy B. B. Ten Mile "
Estes E. A. Pass Creek Agent
Hazard C. E. Calapooia Farmer
Maupin C. If. Elkton "
Ovcrstrcct J. Canyonville "
Gazlcy Elmer , "
Booth R. A. Pass Creek Publisher
Wiley J. S. Myrtle Creek Farmer
Bean W. S. Pass Creek "
Metz F. A. Calapooia : "
Love Wm. Wilbur ; " ,
Cornelius J. 15. Riddle "
Whitsctt J. J. " Deer Creek ' "
Weaver Edwin Myrtle Creek ! "
Chapman Lewis Canyonville ! "
Levins Douglas Cow Creek Merchant
Beasily H. O. Looking Glass Farmer
Winningham Isaac Ten Mile "
Redfield Samuel Cow Creek j "
Cornutt Noah Riddle Merchant
Reeil J. Wesley Gardiner Farmer
Burnett J. D. Myrtle Creek ; "
Palmer P. P. Scottslmrg "
Eayle I'tihit ileitis-
I have been silent for a long lime, and now
lake my pencil in hand to inform you that
you must stop my paper! yes, for you are
making such a success of it that my wife reads
it as soon as it comes and neglects her work
and when I want her to do a little job forme,
she says wait until I finish reading this article
and read it she must if I have to do without
my dinner. I don't know as you have her en
gaged to act as agent for your paper, but I
have heard her tell the neighbors that The
Review was woith more thau all the papers
together, that were published in this county.
Wrc have hail one of the most pleasant win
ters out here thai could be immagined, only
tfeink of a winter in this latitude with mercury
always above zero and so little frost that gera
niums, oleanders and such plants can be left
out most of the time with no damage from the
frosts. But with all our pleasant winter there
has been considerable loss of stock on ac
count of the lack of rain last fall to start the
grass, so that the stock started into the winter
Almost everybody i. through fanning except
plowing for corn, and the present indications I
are that wc will have an abundant harvest this I
Bro. Roberts preached here a shoit time
ago to a good audiancc but the conduct of
some of the youngsters was such as to disturb
the preacher i as well as the congregation
whereupon he gave them a severe reprimand.
Since my last we have organized our Prohi
bition Club, elected A. C. Hoi welt Pres. and
A. J. Flory as Sec. The Prohibitionists in
this county held their convention in Medford
on the 2jinst. and nominated a full ticket and
eight delegates to attend the State convention.
We have but little hopes of electing the entire
ticket, as the Republicans and Democrats of
this county are to closely aided with the whis
key power that they will unite to defeat any
that will work against thecurse of intemperance.
This last item brings to my mind a poem I
saw in the Union Signal that I will cut out
and send with the request that you publish it
jn your valuable paper.
G. W. Catchinir of Canvonville hn 1
litre visiting relatives and while here had a
birth-day dinner with Mr. Ilowlett, on the l6lh
of last month, each of them celebrating their
54th birth-day, and he decided that it was the
best dinner he had ever eaten in Oregon, and
one would think so, fat turkey, ham and eggs
etc., but why try to describe a dinner tliat
Mrs. II would prepare, and I assure you
that "Lip" enjoyed it as well as anybody
could as it was the first turkey he had ever eaten
in Oregon, aid all present expressed the wish
that Bro. Bell could be here and enjoy the
dinner with us.
Mrs. Uno has seen what I have written and
she says you must not stop the paper.
; Uno.
VANDYKE. Mrs. W. S. Vandyke of Garden Bot
tom died Wednesday night of consumption, aged
about 23 years. She leaves a husband and two little
children to mourn her untimely death.
You would scare expect a man like me
Who smokes cigars and drinks whiskee
To stand npon a temperance stage
And speak in this enlighened age.
Great crimes from little drinking grow
And cancer from the smoking flow
The widows groans. The orphans teais
Are caused by drinking whiskee and beer.
And fellow citizens you will see
A reformer I have come to be
And right here I'll let you know
That the rum power must go.
- -
Enyllsh Settlement Item.
Spring and fleas have come to stay
And the bed -bugs keep out of the way.
Most of the young folks spent Sunday out
horse-back riding. .
Mrs. Cook who is suffering from paralysis is
improving slowly.
One of the severest rain storms wc have had
for some time occurred on last Tuesday.
Miss Ella Stephens Is preparing for a trip to
eastern Oregon. We wish her a pleasant jour
ney. -
Miss Amy Underwood who has been scverly
ill for the past two months is able to be out
and breathe the fresh air.
Miss Rose Buffington who has been working
for Mrs. Belle Palmer of Drain, has returned
home to spend a few weeks.
Olie Green and brothers have their shingle
mill completed and are turning out from fifteen
to twenty thousand per day. ,
Mr.. Vance Buffington succeeded in killing
a coyote last week: We are glad and hope
you will succeed in killing more.
Laync and brothers saw mill at the head
Driver valley is now completed and thev can
furnish this county with first-class lumber, give
mem a can.
Our Settlement is most complete, lacking
nothing but a Relorm club and church, strange
that no preacher ever occupies a Sunday in
preaching to us.
C. M. Underwood has sent and got a fine
set ot carpenter tools. We think he will let
the harness business go, and take up with the
carpenter s trade.
Mr. James Underwood who is engaged in
teaching at the Calapooia school house, spent
Saturday and Sunday with us. We arc always
glad to sec you Jimmie.
We hear James Medley is going lo learn
the carpenter's trade this summer . Success to
you James, we can assure you of the contract
of a bridge in this settlement. I
Our school is prospering fine under the man
agement of Miss Henderson. She is an excel
lent teacher and the children of the place should
embrace the opportunity of going to school and
cumng the many useful ways of this life.
We see in the last week's paper that Miss
Annie Harvey and Napoleon Rice were united
iu the holy bonds of matrimony. They are
a bright and promising young couple, and we
wish them a long and prospering life. And
may all their sorrows be small ones.
Ilatle Flat Items.
Spyglass Point is slowly improving.
Ike Bogard's barber shop is complete,
William Stuart is the carpenter o( this place.
Orlando Rice is thinking of building In the
J. C. Manlcy who cut his foot some time
ago is now able to walk.
Jack Smith is going to run for Sheriff. We
must have some officer in this town.
Harry Worncr has purchased a while mule
and intends to start a pack train to Ilaxle
town. '
Stormy weather.
Items scarce, because I can't think of any.
Fred Gabbert is the happiest man in town,
because of a big boy at his house.
If you want to see something nice call on
Mr. and Mrs. Drake and see their flower gar-
en when in town. ,
The Myrtle Creek Cornet Band Is progress
ing slowly, on account ot some members, with
rawing, and new ones coming In.
School is progressing finely under the man
agement of Trof. Wilson and Miss Callahan,
with over sixty scholars in attendance.
Wc hear M. Purkeypile of this place spoken
of as a candidate for Treasurer on the Demo
cratic ticket, he is the right man in the right
lace, if elected will make a good officer.
Anon .
jyttlartt Items.
Business in this burg is quite dull.'
As the Register law was declared void, what
lid the last Legislature do that was valid?
Any one wanting goods call at J. M. Dillard's
he says he will continue to sell goods just the
Every one knows B. C. Agcc will be a can-
idate before the convention and of course
will lie nominated and elected.
Grain sowing is completed and farmers are
joyful over these April showers; they foretell
good crops and plenty of grass.
We must put forward good, solier minded
Democrats on our tickets and elect them, so
says every good citizen. V. L Arrington
claims to be one.
The school at Civil Bend is running on full
time with Mr. Jay Shepard as engineer, and
by the way he intends to come forward in the
Republican Convention for school superint
iperint a:
lit to CM
dent, and if nominated will be a crcd
office, I forgot to say if elected.
South Iterr Creek IteiHS.
As we have not seen any items from South
Deer Creek for some time we will give you
some scattering items.
Grain in the valley looks well.
The farmers are all done farming.
The Simmon Erosion Mr. J. Whitsctls fine
ranch have 200 acres of wheat which looks
Mr. J. Whitsctt is furnishing every body
with lumber and still has over 200,000 ft. of
first class lumber on hands (a good time for
farmers to build barns, fences etc.)
Among the most energetic farmers are Mr.
Bucll, who has 200 acres in and bids lair for
an abundant yield. Mr. Buell. has only two
teams. We say Mr. Buell has done well.
Mr. Thos. and Robt. Boggcs arc wide
awake to business on the farm. The boys
will build a large barn on their valuable farm
this spring. The barn will be about 60180 ft.
Mr. Sam and Lafayette Whitsctt Henry
Boltenliouse and Co., are farming largely on
Deer Creek. Miss Rosa Whitsett is keeping
house for the boys, and if you will stop
and see the boys they will favor you with ex
cclcnt music on the violin.
Miss Lo Hamblin is again
C. N. Gaddis spent the
place .
tsmong us.
Sabbath at
Trof. John Tapp has rm
ived to Cott'agi
John Freyer Jr. of Elkt&n
was in town
Miss Louisa Crouch will 1
New York.
; For a good cigar call on J
keeps them.
pave shortly for
II. Shuiie he
Robert Dear is thinking of
going into the
hotel business.
Smith Bailey has purchased the Hargan
horse o Elkton.
Dr. II. B, Sacry sjient Sunday with the
Dears of Red Hills.
We are happy to report the
speedy recovery
of Thos. Howard's little chikl
You ought to sec Zenc getting on Doc,
Pages horse from a step ladddr.
McGregor and Settle arc making good head
way moving Mr. Pinkston 's h use.
Mrs. CoraAVilson (nee Cora Pike) was con
nnca to her room Ihursday frdm a sovere cold.
Mrs, Sue Clemens will occipy the Parker
House just vacated by W. K. Ilanna's family,
Tt. . . I . .
i iic proiracien meeting now being held at
this place is being largely attended by all
Miss Whitmorc who has been nsiiing Miss
Clara Young left for hei li..m in California
Dr. Sehlbrede of Cottage G Jove, a brother
of C. A. Sehlbrede spent several days in our
city last week.
Mrs. D. B. Hamblin has
returned from
rvosermrg at which place she ha been spend
ing the winter.
Mrs. Melinda Crouch will shortly com
mence having a stono fouudatio 1 placed undei
her city residence.
T , I
C. M. Hall has just received
a lull assort
itions from a
menl of Hardware of all descrip
needle to a harrow tooth.
Miss Laura Pinkston who Ls I rachinc school
at Rice Hill was visiting her phrcnts at this
place Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Phene Smith was home Sunday Irom
near Yoncolla at which place she has a school.
James Clemens is laid up with a severe cold;
A, F. Brown has purchased t! le large safe
formerly used by Chcnoweth, SUcarns & Co.
which adds greatly to the appcirance of his
It is hard to think of a preacher ordering a
poor innocent cripple put out of church as was
done at this place during the revival meetings
hold this week.
jay joncs ins rumored nas pi
irehased the
Dodge farm just east of Emery ft Herstinc's
mill and will move thereon abouj the first of
June. Jay, this looks rather susi icious-
It is rumored that our cattle king, P. B.
Beckley will shortly move on the Putnam
place on Thief creek wc are sorry to have so
prominent a business man leave c ur midst.
Dr. E. J. Page of the firm of Eago & Dim-
mick left Tuesday for the purpose! of purchas
ing a full stock of paints, oil, glass, school
lxxks, etc., which will arrive shortly and be
placed before the public.
In reading the list of delegates I !ro. Howard
was announced as Rev. John Howdard and
none of the other ministers receive d the title
inis led Kev. 1. w. Miller to call attenion to
the fact in a humorous strain, which I!ro.
Howard quickly turned upon the ithcr by say
ing, "the secretary has it right, there is that
much difference between us." This brought
down the house.
That was an amusing incident when, Mr.
Bryant, the cow 1oy delegate, in ariswer to Mr.
Owens said something as follows: "Mr.
Owens must not speak for the Christians, he
may speak for the politicians, but I propose
to speak for the followers of the (Lord Jesus
Christ." Flem saw the point.
Judge Tarker presided with nvich dignity
and ability and his stentorian vo ce brought
down the house when an extra delegate to the
state convention was nominated hd said,
are all full now!"
It was altogether a very digniticjl assembly;
and spoke with much sincerity. There was
evidently some present who were after the
loaves and fishes but good judgement pre
vailed and the better sentiment ruled.
RMdle Items.
A clean up will shortly be made it Catching
Rros. Placer Mines on Cow Creek
Grain, and crops of all kinds arc looking
splendid in the beautiful valley of C ow Creek.
N. Cornult, our popular merchar t is reciev
ing large quantities of groceries and dry goods.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Riddle have got e to Port
land on business.
S. Catching is running the Ridi Ie Hotel,
formerly run by B. Riddle. Mr. t atching is
one ol the best Jlolcl men in the WTcst.
The Democrats of this precinct assembled
hero the 6lh and elected J. Cox and Tony
Thomson delegates to the Dcmocra ic county
Mr. Elmer Catching and Miss Ella Yokum
were united in Ihe bonds of mhtrimonial
alliance last Tuesday at the residence of the
brides father.
Will Q. Brown
School Report.
The following is the Roseburg sclibol report
for the month of March. The
number of
days taught was sixteen: It is ascertained that
the entire number of pupils enrolled during
the term is 288 and that the number in atten
dance during March was 264.
5 S I -2.
hj h iJ
2 J $ K!
5 p5 fcA
aught.TS j '6 ' 16 .
AUendance. "W 6 3 3989
A&eSP I 39 85 ,8 ,34 276
tSjSS. 1 30 5- 36 6 1 79
EnrolS8 I 39 38 37 45 59
En'og 1 3 .9 26 53 ,29
EnSlS?- I 70 57 63 98 I 288
iTongigN I 46 63 88 264
Av'rageda'y 6 6 6 '
Attendance, j q '
No. of new 7002 o
Pupils Boys, j 7 " 1 y
No. of new I .
TapibGiib I - 6 0 0 1 I 7
A resolution reported by the Committee on
business and adopted by the Prohibition Con-
vention of Douglas County, Oregon, Apr. 8th
lS86- ' .
T,nr 4 I 1 r T
itr.Kr,.-y 4 iaq;o numucr ui 1 cmpcr
ance men in oom me ucmocrauc ana ne
publican parlies still cling to the forlorn hope
.1 . .1 .. . ......
111.11 lilt-Mr rACTUViicn niriiAc itfiii aiiAm
.v.v j'u.wva n.u jvi ""
Prohibition as one of the Cardinal principles
of their party and openly declare in fayor of
me absolute destruction ol the Liquor trarhc, I lollowmg number of delegates
Y-l t .... a....... 'In. "
1 ncreiore ie it lurther resolved that this con
vention holding the success of Prohibition
above all other questions now before the Amer
.cm ovunie party leauy inciuaea, nereoy ae
tia.c, umi a me ucmocrauc ana Kepuuiican
1 " " " """" a"au
county and slate platforms, for prohibition
uu. wuui iiiiic uy Biaic ana national
..uiuiauiiK .nun on sucn piauorm wno are
luuwMcm icmperance men lavonng rroniDi
Then it is hereby made the duly of Ihe
Chairman of the County Central Committee
to assemble the same and by public notice
through the press, withdraw the nominees of
this,convention in favor ofand in behalf of the
party openly and frankly espousing the cause
ol Prohibition.
.iiiiu uv u lur cr resolved mat in case nci
A,i i .....
tner parly adopt Prohibition as a cardinal
principle of its party-then it shall lxf the duty
of the Chairman of the County Centra. Com
......v. .vmuit nils v-uutciiuuu 10 per
icci complete county ticket lor all county
otticcrs. B. F. Raup
7ie Heart Beats.
Canyonville, April 6th, 18S6.
Review: I
would lik. cnin . -
paper, as it is the leading paper of the county.
for the following of alcohol and the heart by
ur. n. li. Kichardson of London, the noted
physician, he was able to convey a consider-
able amount of conviction to an intelligent
scholar by simple experiment. The scholar
was singing the praises of the ruddy bumper
carefully; what does it say?" "Your pulse
says seventy-lour, he then sat down in a chair
and the
3 K""c uown 10
seventy. He then laid down' on the lounge,
and said "will you take it again?" The reply,
why, it is only sixty-four; what an cxtraordi-
niu Ihinnl" I a lkAn 1 1 I I
"""K- - - wucu you lie
uuw t ...tint. i me way nature gives
vour heart rest. V mi knowlnnfLinrrl l..t :
' ..v. ....... .Wui ,1
but that lcatintr orcan is resting in ihnf ipni
if you reckon it up, it is a great deal of rest
I.V U.;nn,l...- .1,. l,.. :.
.jmb ...v..... ,a uomg ten
miokc! icss a nnnuie, multiply mat by sixty
saying that he could not get through the day vX s permanent cure. 1'rice 50 cents,
without il, when the doctor said to him, "will SZZnliS8r "
you be kind enough to feel my pulse as I 1L
stand here?" He did so, he said "count it rwi,.
ana it is six hundred; multiply it by eight c on lne ijiver, ruaneys and Bowel gen
hours and within a frani.m ii ! c nnn dmi tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches.
different, as the heart isih,;,,,, ,. r
, , , ' .
uioou ai every stroKe 11 makes a dittcrcnce of
30,000 ounces of lifting durine the nicht -
When you lie down at nirht without anv ai.
cohol, that is the rest your heart ges, but
when vou take vour w,n, or ,. 1 ' J
o j -
b-biv -
allow your heart that rest, for the influence of
alcohol is to increaso the number of strokes
instead of getting this rest, you put on some-
t;i, T ' ,
b "v a"" me result
-r 7. U....I.W. icuci
day s work until you have taken a little more
of the ruddy bumper, which vou sav Is ih
soul of a man below.
' ,
X. X.
Corresponded ee.
Drain, April 11, 18S6.
Ed. Review: The political "kettle'
seems to be boiling over, we are flooded with
persons who are over willing to serve the dear
people and it is astonishing to see persons
who heretofore have been content to serve in J
the humbler walks of life leap fsuddcnly up
and claim that the party owes them the posl-
tion they clamor for while at the same time
l-'y-j iiv. uui wuni mt ui iu me 1 any who i!
endeavoring to insure success by placing strong
men uoon the t ckel. As we are mn fh
PVA t if 1 rAnvfnlSAn it li- A X-. LmcJ aU-a I
V " " - ..opjg, UMi
tnese canoiaaies naving no snaaow ol a chanc e
for election will gracefully retire and thereby
hasten the labors of the convention and better I
still fchow their good sense and save them-
oi.c .1...' j-i r
..v ..... mnui, U.UUO.U. ennui
oflVxr.l t ..1. :.t. i.-r .t 1 if.
.iv..u .v. u iuMi uciuic uic jjuont i
neither can we foster those who hare in the I
past assisted in slaughtering any portion of our
1 . , . 1. 7 .if .-I
. i.c uii-u uciuic u.c convention
wno snouiu De nominated and that to by ac-
climation, I refer to Prof. Geo. T. Russell of I
Oakland who is in everv resnect oualified for
the position to which he aspires and against
' 1
whom no one can say aught. He is a grad
uate of Yale College and as an educator has I
no superior in the state, every teacher in j
Douglas county knows this and is willing to I
accord him that honor and no better man I
could be found to be placed at the head of I
educational atlairs of this county than Mr. I
Russell. He will poll more votes from the I
ranks of teachers than any one else. So let I
the convention nominate Mr. Russell as he is
the choice of the people. A Teacher. I
wiu,:.!,...,..!: it. 1 ...-. 1
mM,,uulS u,c' arKc extern 01 territory
covered liv ibis niwinfl fh Tln..u.r.i:. T.: I
. 1 " .
at uIu.nCr on tne evening 01 me jaded appetite, and encourages healthful re
5th mst, was by far the largest gathering of the rxse. Its ingredients are safe, and
kind ever held in the precinct. - One reason
contributing to secure a full attendance, was
thai strong efforts had been made to have every
Democrat in the precinct registered, and many
in attendance at the primary came to town for
the purpose of registering not having heard of
the action of the Supreme Court declaring the
registry act void. The meeting was called to
order by Hon. Justice Wade. On motion of
John Cowan Sr. Dr. Thomas Mackey .was
elected Chairman and J. Shade Dungan Sec.
After reciting in a suitable preamble what was
deemed good and sufficient reasons for holding
the precinct Primary on the 5th instead of the
6th as indicated by the Central Committee,
a resolution was . adopted to proceed with
election of delegates to attend the Democratic
County Convention to be held at Roseburg
on the 28th, of April. The following named
gentlemen were thereupon unanimously elected
delegates. '
Dr. T. C. Mackey Robert Ash worth
rctcr Nelson Wm. Dewar
John Cowan Jr.
It is to be hoped that the approaching Con
ventions, both county and state, may be char
acterized by harmony and good judgement in
selecting their county and state tickets. C.
Pain in the side, the skin and eyes assume a
thick yellow coat, digestion impaired, sinking
sensation at the pit of the stomach, the bowels
are irregular, the mind fretful, the memory
weakened, sometimes a slight cough, coldness
of the hands and feet, loss of appetite at times
and unnatural craving for food, dizziness of
the head, blurred sight, depressed spirits, bad
breath, feeling of having left something undone.
Take Simmons Liver Regvlator, it will remove
I all these feelings and nuke you well.
A convention of the Democratic party of the
State of Oregon is hereby called to meet at the
city of Portland on Tuesday, the 4th day of
May, A. D: 1886. at the hour of 11 o'clock
- r .1 -
- a. m,, ior me purpose ol nominating candid-
- 1 ales lor blale officers and
representative in
I Congress.
I .
- - 1 mjj me uLMJuruonmeM ol rpnrpsrn tnl inn
t K
adopted by the State Central Committee, the
I several counties will be entitled to send' the
- liaker 8 Lafce
I Benton j jj,ne
- 1 Clackamas 9 -Linn
- 1 Clatsop r j Maridh
I Columbia Morrow
v-ws 5 Multnomah.... UsS
of I Crook. 3 g
lawicuny... 1 Tillamook '
I IJouglas .....9 Umatilla iQ
- 1 UiHiam 3 Union
Washington .
Total .,
Tackson .
j Josephine..
Chairman Dem. State Central Committee
P. H. D'ARCY. Set-retarv.
Portland, Oregon, March 20, 1886.
The Only Perfect Jirmettw
f "Wtual eonslipaUon, dyspepsia and kin-
- Syrup of Figs. aTS
- 1 me ojsiem, h is easily taken and perfectly
1WIU111.U, vi Hie vj o. Hamilton.
Cure or Filet.
Piles are frequently vrecededbv a iu
of weight in the back, loins and In
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pose he has affection of the kidneys or neigh.
1 wring organs. At times, symptoms of in-
1 . . '
ofTh-VXT ?.?iDeM
piration, producing a very disaRreeable itch-
m8 fter flet"n? warm, is a common attend.
a? 1 . Bllnd Bleeding and Itching riles
upon the parts effected, absorbbiff th tii
morf allaying the intense itching, and ef-
iwuDg a permanent cure.
jln delicate health and all who sufler from hah.
Ilual constipation will find ihe pleasant liquid
remedy. It acts promptly yet gently on the
Bowels, Kidneys, Liver and Stomach, and
lls no sicken or debilitate. For sale by
I Su rum or Flam, i
Manufactured only by the California Fiir
I Un.,,n r. o v ".'. n 1 , T .
1 ujiuu wi oau r ruiciBco 1 ,ai is nun.
I Own True Laxative. This Dle&aant linriT
Temta may had of Dr S. Hamilton
oroue uoiiar per uouie. it IS
the most pleasant, prompt and effective
I remedy known, to cleanse tne system to
s TP sn '
ST? . snpation
1 juiaigesuon ana Kinarea u'j.
I , . iL
1 Bringing Gladness
I To millions, pleasine their palates and clen-
1 ... . . r
'TS?nm,f Z'a ,rS K!d"
H?' I acliv-
iiy. outii is me mission oi tne iamous (Jali-
I fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Fics.
IS00' and $i bottles for sale by S. Hamilloi.
- nru rn. 3 m
Wild Cherry and Tar.
v fw v,v ,
uaerryanaxarasa r0 wdoure lor any
I effection of the Throat and Limes, eombinp.!
I with these two ingredient! are a few imnl
t t .. .. . .r
noauug remedies in tne composition of l)r
Bosanco'a Cough and Lung Syrup making it
just the article you should always have in
the house, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and
ttoncnins. 1 rioe ou cents and f 1.00.
a ampies tree. Bold by S. Hamilton.
Hard Timet.
While money is close, warts and orices low.
expenses should be cut down in every house
hold. Economy the watch word for Mothnrc
I hca R Doctor bills, by always keepinc in
theJh,ouse bottle of Dr. Bosar.ko's Cough
3 cures
I r . . , . .
1 me ucsi 111 one mum. it is lust the rem.
101 nara unes. rnce sects, and $1.00,
o,u uy o. Mammon.
Excitement Xn Texas.
Great excitement ha. rw,n nl In
vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was so
Pf1".1688.116 coul? n, tm? ,OT
h' head; ery body said he was dyine of
consumntton. Atrial hnttla nf TV
v t-v ... -
avw jiscovery was sent mm, r inding re-"
Met, be boucht a laree bottle and a I kit nf
1 l"X . If T W a m .
f w iaie filU; by the time be
hd. taken two boxes of Pills and two bot-
ties of the Discovery, he was well and had
gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. This
Great Discovery for Consumption is for sale
- au ""Eg"-
A Word To Workers.
M yur avocations are mentally or physically
laborious, il they subject you to exposure in
inclement weather, if they confine you to the
desk, and are of a nature to involve wear and
tear the brain, and nervous strain, you may
occasionally require some renovating tonic.
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is the article for
yu 'l stimulates the failing energies, invigorates
lne body and cheers the mind. It enables the
system to throw off the debilitating effects ol
undue fatigue, gives renewed vigor to the, or
gans of digestion, arouses the liver artinn I..
- . ?. . '
fact ve. which it verr often U m-lih 1..
' . .. . '
wnose pursuits are sedentary, renews the
tials; which consist in the hearty endorsement
0f persons of every class of society, are ,.
convincing. . Admirably is it adapted to the
medical wants of workers.
S? VJk
Oaklaws Farm. A visit to this great horse Impor-
ting and breeding establishment convinces us that
Its reputation, which has ex tended to an parte ol the
WArU haa hnM na41w a. . . .. . . M.
. 'itu. jiwotveu ai wane,
Illinois, iU proprietor, Mr. X. W. Dunham, with r.
markable foreeiifht earl oomprehended the need and
probable demand for improvement In the wonk
boraes of the country; and, In 187, lo a small way
commenced the work which has attained sneh grand
proportions, the sales to data having acxrented
several millions ol doDars. The adaptability ot Per
cherOB stallions in preference to other draft breeds
In crossing on the native mares of this" country has
long been established. To this fact may be attribu
ted the increasing demand tor Percheron stallion
tht requires an annual importation of several hun
dred to supply the needs of "Oaklawn la select,
this Stock only horses of individual excellence, pos
easing pedigrees tracing through an ancestry ol
choice breeding are purchased; certificates of regis
try in the Percheron Stud Book of France being de
manded as a proof of such breeding.
Wilbur Items.
All quiet in this village.
The winter term of school cW,l i,d r-
day, and the spring term commenced on Mon
day with a good attendance.
Miss Ella Cooper returned home last Fri
day, on which day her father P. CWr was
in town.
We notice that correspondents from Dillard,
and other places are urging the name of
U.S. Strange for the office of School Supt.
Mr, Strange long experience in the school
ofourcounfy has well qualified him for the
duties of the office, and as he was raised in
Douglas county wM certainly b nominated