ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, APRIL, 2, 1886. nixoixa jjie bell. ' As I stood this morn in the doorway And cheerily rang the bell, I doted much on the chiming That merrily rose and fell. The ringinrjjcaled far o'er the meadow. My pupils' songs rang in their glee, And the echo came back through the wood Surrounding my scholars and me. land One stout, little voice rang out wildly "Ishat the first bell that just rang?" A yes, I responded, by nodding, Then he cried out, "Boys come along." And away o'er the play-ground he galloped His glad shout attending the way, "Teacher says this is only the first bell So we've five minutes longer to play.'' And I thought so like Our Father's voice Were my schoolbell's warning chimes. Telling us of the near future That we may prepare betimes. Mary M. Rice. ADDKESS Of Response Delivered at the last Douglas County Teachers' Institute, by E- A. Booth. The remarks ot onr honored friend arc not calculated to lighten the weight of responsibility that every true teacher feels. The great work ot mind traininsr and the duties neces sarily-connected therewith, are upon us; the charge has been committed to our care, the eyes of the little ones are watching us and the minds that may grow to wonders and become as giants are left as clay in our hands. The well being of their physical nature is greatly dependent upon the habits they are taught in the school and all i of them that is immortal demands of us that training which will best fit it for eternity. By engaging in this work of teaching we virtually accept the trust. We are bound by all that is honorable to prove ourselves true to the under taking. We are held by Ilim who is just as the guardian of our pupils. The truo teacher niav be known by his fidelity to these principles and will turn with contempt upon a thought of be trayal. At this juncture he is left alone to ponder in his own mind, to delvo into his own resources for food for the hungry mind and the manner in which it is to be fed. Where shall he go and of whom Bhall he ask coun sel. The eyes of all are upon him; to mistake ia to wrongs the student, rob tho parent, and bring condemnation upon himself. His first thoughts may be of his own deportment before his pupils; ho readily apprehends the sim ple rulcB of morality, yet finds that he is constantly surrounded by circum stances that show him the mere knowl edge of right is not sufficient, but that ho must apply it, led by his own judge ment. Surely will he find that life is full of situations where his own judge ment is required in their solution But upon this thought alone he cannot lorn? nause. He must measure out to each his portion; it must be adjusted to the nature and capacity of the one who receives it; it must be food for his thoughts; it must bo strength for his mind, and in many instances it will be the very foundation upon which a lifo ia its thieefold sense is built. The mind of the teacher will naturally car ry him back to the time when he re ceived his first lesson, back to the days of old , whore, around the old fireside, at mother's knee, he grasped the first mysteries of "A, B, 0." About him he can daily see the first instructions given to other little ones, by others of this grand army of teachers, lie sees those too around him, whom she taught years ago. The cares of a busy world may have touched the dark hair of those who wero once Ii6r students, and penciled it with glistening threads of stiver; the turmoils and struggles of a sordit life may have chiseled deep lines in the brow of him who once stood by her knee; age, with its lightening touch may have forced the lofty head to bow or the strong arm to tremble, yet the heart ever remains tender and ready with its responsive throb to the name of mother. Allot these recollections, all of these burdened heart-throbs at the sound of that name are closely en twined with tho memory of mother in her pre-eminent capacity as first in structor f childhood. Why, then, tender memories; why do the impres sions received up6n tho tender heart o childhood cling with such pcrtinacy Why do the lessons received at mothers knee become so indeliblv fixed in the mindl Because they were tempered with kindness, candor and love. Be cause she was inspired with enthusiasm sympathized with us in our childish trials and rejoiced with us in eur vic tories. But each must pass from the fireside lesson and give place to thosa who in their turn must follow them. The teacher here usurps the function o the mother, and if he would be as sue ccssful as she has been, he must mani fest the same virtues of that mother, Ho must be inspired with that same enthusiasm and love. He must syin pathizc with them in every trial and sihavr. with them everv iov. and it must be a genuine smypathy, not sioi ulated. In this work pretensions is not sullicient. ' He must possess that l great heart of a child. He must have that faith that encourage the mother to renewed energies and that leads her on in her noble work. Such characteristics may be found in every true teacher, and while they may differ in degree, yet they are necessary elements of success. It is such enthu siasm that brings the teachers to such assemblies as these and sends them to their homes better equipped than be fore. Yet if this bn the work of the teachers and they accomplish it, the work is not done. We have but indi cated the way the v should travel. Though we may have done our work, yet life is but begun, and though the student may have completed the course prescribed in our schools, yet we have led them but to the threshold of knowl edge. Thereafter we will be but one of the number that surrounds them. True we will owe them a duty still. but no more than is demanded of every one with whom they meet. While it is true tnat ttie nuinan minu rrqmres an education, it is also true that much oi it is gaineu oy example as well as precept, this is particularly true of character and habit. I therefore assert that not only the teachers are responsi ble for the characters daily forming, but every individual owes to society and humanity a pure and elevated ex ample that will lead them to a higher life. No one can live to himself, He must either be a light to illumine or a tempest to destroy. A work for all is placed before them and they dare not cease to toil. But all labor has its reward. To-night we are gathering sunshine sullicient for many a dark ay. The friendly hand-shake the ind words and cordial welcome ex tended to us this evening cannot be mistaken. We accept it with a sense of gratitude that we shall ever try to repay. Our hearts are gladdened by your hearty welcome and our very souls respond with thanks. THE EX It OF THE WOK Lit. The tides are caused mainly by the moon, as it were, catching hold of the water as the earth revolves round on its axis. This must cause friction on the earth as it revolves, and friction, as everybody knows, causes loss of power. There is reason to suppose that the action of the tides is slowly but surely ossening the speed of the earth's rota tion, and consequently increasing tho ength of the day, and that this action will continue until the earth revolves on its own axis in the same time that the moon takes to revolve around tho earth. Then!the tlav. instead of beimr 2 1 hours as now, will be about 28 days and the earth will be exposed to the full blaze of the sun for about 1 1 days at a time. The change this will bring about on the face of the earth can hardly be ex aggerated. All life, both animal and vegetable, will bo destroyed; all water will be evaporated; the solid rocks will be scorched and cracked, and the whole world reduced to a dreary and barren wilderness. It is supposed by 80me that the moon has already passed through all this, hence it's shattered and bare-looking surface; that the earth being so much larger, has more quickly acted upon tho oceans which once were upon the moon's surface and stoppec almost entirely its revolution round its own axis, thus causing it to have a day equal to 28 of our days, and the heat of the sun has already done to it what in future aces it will do to the earth. VARIETIES. The largest man in California is said to he Kcan Archibald, a native of Nova Scotia, lie is over seven feet high. built in proportion, and wears a number fifteen boot. William Bender recently threw into the fire a. package containing 10,000 in Government bonds. He had been inking heavilv,1 and fancied some o: his relatives were after his wealth. A modern wit defines tho difference between men and women: "A gives forty cents for a twenty-five cent thing he wants,1 and a women gives twenty-five cents for a forty -cents tiling she does riot want." Merchant: "You want to speak to me," Clerk: "Yes, sir." Merchant "Wliat about! Ulerk: "1 hope you wont take offense, sir, but I'm doing exactly the same work as M. X., and getting thirty francs a month less for it" Merchant: Ah, indeed! Thanks. I will have M. X.'s salary cut down at once." Western Paper. "Well," laid a lawyer, as he entered his condemned client's cell, "good news at last." "A reprieve?" exclaimed the prisoner. "No,' not a reprieve, but your uncle has died and left you $2- 000, and now you can meet your fate with tho satisfying feeling that the noble efforts of your lawyer in your be half will riot go unrewarded." The newspapers, including the Tele gram, which have discovered that Gen eral Terry is a Democrat ought tc post themselves. lie is a Republican. So s Gen. Howard, appointed to succeed Pope. And perhaps the gross parti sanism of two such appointments will make the senate howl with agony. We shall see! The wife of General Winfield Scott once wrote the following verses in an album: Women have many faults: Men kave only two; There is nothing right they say, And nothing that they do! But if naughty men do nothing rii;ht, And never say what's true, What precious fools we women arc To'love them as we doJ Robust Health Ik not always rnjoycu by those who seem to minscss it. The tulnt of corrupted blood may be secretly inidcrmliiini; the constitution. In time," the )oison will err tainly show its eftii'tK, and with till the more virulence the lonirer it has hecn allowed to jH-rmcatc the system. Each pimple, sty. boil, skin disorder and sense of unnatural lassitude, or lmiiruor. is one of Nature's warning.- of t'iie consequences of neglect. Ayer's Sarsapar7a Is the only remedy lliat can be relied upon, in J. II case', to eradicate the taint of hered itary disease and tin- siieeial corruptions of the blood. It is the only alterative that is sufficiently powerful to'thoroughly el-anse the system of Scrofulous anil Mercurial impurities and the pollution of Contagious Diseases. It also neu tralizes the ihiIsoiis left by Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever, and" enables rapid recuperation from the cnfi-cblemcni and d.-billty caused by these diseases. Myriads of Cures Achieved by AYEK's SaHSAI'AHILI.A, in the past furtv years, are at tested, and there Is no blood disease, at all possible of cure, that will not yield to it. Whatever the ailments of this chist,aiil wherever found, from the scurvy of the Arctic circle to the " veldt-sores' of South Africa, this rem edy has afforded-health to the sufferers by" whom it was employed. Druggists everywhere eaji cite numerous cases, with in tlielr personal Knowledge, or remark able cures wrouirht bv It, where all other treatment had beeu unavailing. People will do well to Trust Nothing Else than Ayer's Sahsai'aisim.a.' Numerous crude mixtures are offered to the public as "blood purifiers," which only allure the patient with the pretense of many cheap doses, and with which it is folly to experiment while disease Is steadily be coming more deeji-scnted and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lasting harm. Hear In mind that the only medicine that can radically purify the vitiated blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rREPAKEU BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Trice $1; Six bottles for $5. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WAR IN EUROPE' Removal! Removal! Removal! On account of our removal into our new Store we propose to offer our entire stock of Geu- eial Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times and scarcity of money, will cn. able everybody to buy our goods. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we move Our Stock is larger andbettcr assorted thau any in the City, COME AND EXAMINE And be your own judge, Before purchasing Elsewhere, Wcijmarantco our clothes to fit in every particular. WE MEAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our place of business is one door north of the Post Office. CARO BROTHERS. oos Bay Stage Line! LAIKD & CALVERT, PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN H HOURS' WHERE connection is made with C'oog Bay Steam ere fur all pointe ou the Boy. Stages leave the Post office at Rcsebursr crcry morning, except Sunday calling' at the hotels before leaving. THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BAY Particular attention glrcn to the comfort of pass scngeni. Carcf ill drivers nnd ir oil stock. NEW STORE AT IIL.L.ARI8 OR. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Hade Clothing and in fact everything uauallv kept at a lirst-class store, uive nim a eU. Goods at low Prices. All kind ot Produc Taken in Exchange for Cioods. (3LAU orders promptly attended to. MISCELLANEOUS JPUIiNIl URE PALAGF, UNCLE JOHN G1LDERSLEEVE Has the Oucnt stock of furniture south of IVrtlaud which he tells as cheap as It can be bought in the State. Tho new fancied DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. PATENT CORNICES. Aim lias uii hand a full assortment uf beds and bed ding, cliairg, table, BUUKAUS AND COMMODES. And all kinds of Children Chairs, etc. J. OILDERSLKEVE. ?old diOjp Will stand for the Season at Joseph Carton's Livery Sta ble i nJRoscburg. liegin n ing March 1st and continuing three months. Is a thoroughbred Jersey Bull, jale red, short horns, weighs 1100 pounds, is five years old, and lias all the char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. TERMS: Insurance - - - - $,'i.00 To insure sex of Calf, $0.00 N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith .Shop. riAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE J ounno to three tone weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. 3Ioucy refunded if work te not satisfactory. Portland jiricc3 ! Save telegrams and cxprcsssagc. LANGENBERG'S goofc and he Store, Jackson Strcct.JOpjjoslto Post .Office, RosoTjwg, Oregon. KEEPS ON HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and Sail Francisco and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEUS, SLIl- I'bltS and everything in the Boot ami Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, ami Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANQEPIBERG. CIVIL BEND STORE V. I. ARRINGTON, 1EALEH IN . ' Dry Goods Q-roceios etc All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUO. CO., OUEGON. T. L. Gannon. O. A. Blackman CARRIAdE, WAGON, I AND BLACKSMITH SHOP! Adamson'a Old Stand. Jackson Street. MAtf UFAOTUKEES OF CARRIAGES, HACKS. BUGGIES! All Kiuds of Repairing Done, Terms ar Reasonable. Gannon &'kmas. GBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG- W. F. OWENS, : : : : Manager. -DUAL IN- Wool and Grain! also, agents for Agricultural Implements of all kinds ' nr e transact a general busi If ncss in onr lino and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Gram. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a call W F- OWENS. THE New York Coffee House ZlIlSTiVtTBA.SrT1 And Oyster Saloon Leading Check Hestaurant in the City, SIFERD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND ORECON fSTFritatcKooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies! 0TE5 DAY AND NIGHT. " INSURE IN THE STATE UlAIEm OF HATiEPI OX&X3G-OZKT Capital..... 31 00,000.00 TO Farmers GQmpany Insures only Farm Property, Private dwellings, School houses and Churches. Also Detached dwellings in Cities and Towns with contents. I Lave also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. David S. West, agent Oilictf,at Court House, Roseburg Or. U HTC El SJMvM Y E II P CI Ifll FOLDir ElDlDllcttT Icltyltelf. No lamps, to explode. Vo batteries, clockwork, regulator. en's drawers or oth.-rrTIn to pet out of order, No coster experience, and very little lauV.r and tfrnufn ur-iln trunk. 1'iio cues an invsnces watching. ran with nmni .t ADIES.nhieneml a most profitable the meali can beat 41 Ttnnitanw Kto beats alt the hens vet 143 eggs under 100EGG9 81ZK Sou DM SOO Jfyou knew liow choa'rt I sell Bells Tenn. From 3M eggs Thatched li7 thicks In the Craig Incubator. I now It Is the best one mode. Vonr plans for brooder are unexcelled. f D. C. UATCH. ' Hl.-Thtrd trial, out of 78 ckks hatched 65 chicks. Had Tery gwd suocess first trial. Key ar bad a fin r lot of chickens. HELEN 0KNDOHFF. fiTT A Kn V. ?I1 Vnn. WnhatA. -tr a mm 1HU - 1 ou wouiu sureivziKivo 0110. i- I also deal in TnuESilEus, ExniNKs, The hest Boiler feeder known) Steam General Agent for, The Suii'MAX Engine, Coal Oil for Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Oregon. GIVE ME HITCH UP! But before you do that come round to W. G. WOODWARD'S in AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town use nothing but tho best leather, and hajc got EVEUYT11ING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON W C3F- Woodward Moseburg. ii9 iiBiaiimiiim -SUCCESSOR TO- Almmm -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Has on hand constantly a General Merchandise and will and patrons, as well as new ones, who m co l sideration oil scarcity of money and the present depression in business, w study their own ' interests by mom MMB PRICES Before purchasing elsewhere, I do not claim to sell goods at cost f or less than cost, but will assure all who patronize me tnat th';y will get their goods At The Lowest Idvinr Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Maiket Price, Sol. Abraham, Drain & Co.; Drain. GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. -Teas- Hardware, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES era will Unci . oar stock complete, comprising many articles it is im possible here to enumerate. Would respectfully invite an examination of stock beliuv that it is for their interest to make purchases here as wo only. MARCIN for larrn or made. Perfect accuracy gnanmteed all sues, all wclgtrU, Prices reduced. BATT AflTi Oa-lenr, Sporting and Tarirrt Blfle. worid renowned. Thestanrtard rar llMlM" target shooting, bunting, and shouting gnllcrlrtt All nllbrrs from 22 to 45. K,U.ln fourteen different style, prices from MID iis.09 up. 8cn4 lor Illustrated catalogue, BUUU4UI iUUJ OiUUU VVm iu u uau, vv. u batorT3"3 ii i U EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell al from j50c to $1 per Pound. Snln2ub2tor aSdii 'JiAS-lif.ej",cn',e of J,c',a, ''r.ler. llulh a, ter what ihl cniFfnA ufLU lB ""nuscU by any machine, no mat. th? first tEE?1 UV , Any WW-ipMMv. wrkoffen11 b"'" ftwa to it Us. unaeuu. .7; . ""S " !-'r'K ineunaior can i Fine hatch equals the beat home iKm rT ft requ n-IYno' it'as, Iblc SS ha7 water for an Incubator. Iiul pre) arcs Mwnn. 30 chtcksl I set 101 In Inrnl.atot and have; 97 good, healthy rhl ks asarcsult. C. W. MAYS. BtvERTox, Nch. Hatched one brood :o gi t my hand (n. fully iu per cem uf all crks put In. No trouble tii keep an cvin tempera ture. Shall run Hall winter. ( K. VAN DKCSEW. Etir.AnrTim.iwx. N. Y. l'.y us ing the Craig IncubMor I consider my first attempts at arilntlal lucu ballon a complw Furro. A-iWALiEU DlliAND. for hatching. 1 hens and have F.D.CRAIQ, 'C. North Evanston, III. rSENB CEKTM 1JT STAMPS 11)11 rATALOOlE. contains more useful poultry Information than any ri book. Describes SivireIi"t..3i1'.'!wl'' euros, urn-houses, brtHKlers, Incubators, e:c, TULJ 1IO W to JUUk.K 1900 per ceul. proBI en GO taeuaT for Farms, Sciimw.8 or Cuckciiks Mill Machinery, Fitting (Joods, B i'r.Mrs, Inspirators klting, Oils. Also fLl, No Dust, No Office Foot of Morris nspn street 1'ortland A CALL. Z I. WRIGHT. ME large and complete assortment o be pleased to see his old friends calling on h;nt and examining Douglas Co,, Oregon, Crockery, inn all can be satisiieu luv and sell for casl Best In TIlo World small tn 82 raUbro. 40 eralns powder ; 38 cal 85 amine: 40 cal. 60 irralnn: 4S cal. 70 and 85 Eralni The stroneest sbootlni; rltle and tbe only ateolutelyj safe rtflc made. All styles, - t T TW PTDP f lY NEW USVKN f INN PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KXOWI.ES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN) C, VV, KNOWLES, Proprietor. FlRSTILASij IX I.VKKY KESPEt T. Good Restaurant Connected With The House 'ire-Tmf Ui i.-k Dttildiu;; l!jl) liOolll. In the ftyitor "f I he t itv I OK. KKONT AMI MoltlilMlN sts., I'oUTLANH Ll Ktti LAN 11. VV First Class In very Particular, I'OliTI.ANK, OKKUON TlKIVAM III INK.tX. l'l-'prHtiT. milE ST. L'lIAltLKS llK-STAUHANT. f Cjiaklek Heilmax, 'Proprietor. The very Wst in the Market is set before -you. ! THE INTERNATIONAL - HOTEL, i Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. Kfcll'CKD MATHS, PKIC'ES TO SL'lT THE TIMK rilHI.1 LARiiE AND WELL-Al'I'OINTED HOUSE X offers KiiioriMr a,,in,,iliuiis at HuIar prices. Meals 2,rn-, llooiu an.l ftOy. Only three blocks from all DciM-ts nl Steunier lamliiis. Free Buss to and from the Hotel No Chinese servants. No o ercharti or tleviation from regular rates of $1.00 r hay. , marti tf E. LEWISTON. Proi-'r. EatablibhcJ 16j2. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING CLOTHIER? HOTTER AND OF OREGON. SlfTHE PLACE TO BUY.J J B CONGLE : Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, taXEATnEH and Sadulf.ry Hardware lOa'and 110 Front Street PORTLAND . OREGON Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTAXTLIi. Great Overland Route ! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE RUNNINC- j Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars, j Magnificent Day Coaches, and j Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul ami .Hi mica poll ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNINC PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, t St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth,' Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, IlSt. Louis, S Chicago Mil - AND ALL POINTS- O- EST AND nOUTIIEASm AND OOUTIIliASj o- -O Via St. Paul and liuneapolis. Are Ii aulcd on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 P. sr., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St. Paul 12:30 P. 51., third day. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. m., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. R. t N. Co.'s boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. Dr CHARLTOJr, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. Or. IIKKUCOLD, ftlUp-Sl.-ir:; over L. lie W Jewelry Stor--SiGSDUKC ORECOH. p ? v? i v f ' I if J. Propiii-tor ol ilie f JitliUWKJ MAISIU.K WORKS.! AU Dealt r iu- , ' i Tmsii;.st:nfp, Taij.i;. V.rv. f Shop litTr of II-naii' Hole. : flairs IS CAVEATS. TRADE MAF.KSAKi COPYRECHTS ! Uhtaiiied, mid all olhtr lnisiiitKs In the IT. S' l'aWnt. tfliec atUinleil to Ut MODERATE FEES. ; Semi MODKLOK l)H AWING.- We advis as f patentability free of elurj;e; and we make Noi CHANGE UNLESS VK OlSTAIX PATENT. Ve refer here t" the i'lctmastcr, the fcupt. Money Order lv.t and to oHltials of the C. S. 1'aU-nt orlivc. !'or circular, advice, terms KB reference lo actual clients ill our own State couiilr, write to , A. SXOW & CO., Opiwsite Talvnt OiHee,- Washington, t. C. BUCKSMITH AMD WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. ; Having diuaol veil the copartnership exist iiiK between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, mid are now prepared to do all work in their line in a WORKMANLIKE MANN EH, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. O. cto It- "Curls.s A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table akd Pocket Cutlehy, Glassware, Crockery Queens-ware Etc, Goods Delivered, anywhere .-in the City limits, Free of Charge. ; Drain Hotel! DRAIN - - OREGON. Coos Bay Staye Office at the Hotel. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Baggage IIaxcleb Feek or Cu&kok. . Ro MOORE; PROP. MEDICAL- DR, LIE3IG'S - WOKOiEFUL - German luvigorator Mm who arenoflcriua- JMaeusc ami frteajcrteaa bro n by earljr imprudedc or 6Kcea6cfl. caiHiinir tipnrniia wmmw i,.,iw s v. 4 am debility, premature decay, lust manhood, etc., haT- -ing tried id vain every known reiuerf v. ibuuM pro cure immediately DK. LIEBIU'3 1NV1GOEATOE No. 2. - i - 'n.. THE DOCTOR will areo to forfeit il.Mxi fur' case undertaken, not cured. Tho reason why o "'". eauiioi gel cureu ot weaKness ana tn aiiove diseases is owinir to a complication called I'ROSTA TQKBUEA. with Uyperjesthcsia, whieb requires 8cccit4 tr&tnicnt. -DK. LIEBIO'S "iXVlGOBATOR Xo. 5. nnd. r ur ad .rice and special treatment, is the only positive cure for PKOSTATORKI1EA. ,. DR. LIEBIG Si CO. (or the post nineteen years have made aii exclusive speiiajty of b treatment ot diseases of men. If pimples appear on the face. If yoa become list less and despondent, look out for the complication with Seminal Weakness and loss of Vitality known as Prostatorrhca. llnndredsof lives have been lust and thousands have lust their property and pleaeura in life from its effects. Varicocele; or wormy reias " of the scrotum, often the urumected cause of Lost " Manhood. Dcbilitv. etc. etc.. 1)H LIEBIU'S tnviir. orator. No. 2. is tho onlv known rcmed vfnr th u p 10 1 end perfect and permanen cure will be euanuiteed In all cases undertaken one der ourspocial advice and treatment. Most powerrui electric belts free to our patients. To prove the wonderful powcrof the lNVlcou TOR, A i BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. Call or address, J Dr- Idebie & Co's Private Dispans&ry uu ucary ou can rrancisco, Cw. rR. MINTIE, THE SPECIALIST. - No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Discuses with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. CCRE for Nervous Ucbilty ISertifiiA.! WmbnM. . jhausted Vitalitv, Sjlerma. Otorrhea, Lost Manhood illmnotenrv. Panltai. Prostatorrhca, aud all the .nuiiiuio t'nitis 01 eeit Jouso, youttiful folliesand Texcesscs in maturer years, hobs 01 Memory uwsuuue fiocturnal Em issions. aVfiminn 1aimiM Inmiitas of Vision. Jtuisis in the Head, EXCESSES IN DRINKING intoxicating liciuora. tna vitj.1 flniH passing unobserved In the urine, and many otoer dis eases that lead to insanity and death. UR. MIXTIB, WBO IS A KBOriAH IHTSIC1AS, C.iPC AT Or TUB UKIVMDITT Of pKN'XSTLVAltll. will .r . to forfeit Five Huxprkd Dollars for ease rt this Kinuuie vii lumiwhiivi, (under his rrccia advice and treatmcut) will not cure, tr for any&ine impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mistie treats all private diseases successfully without meruuiwl Cossvltatios Free. Thorough examination ana) ad vice, inchulinsr analysis of urine. S5.00. price of VITAL RESTORATIVE, ei.EO a bottle, or four times tho quantity, $5,00; gent to any address upo n receipt of Price, or C. O, 0., secured from observation, and in private name if desired by Dr. Miktik, i Ksakxt 1 Sthrkt, Sas Francisco, Cau. Send for list of ques tions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applvinjj bv letter, statins; ' syniytoros, sex and age. Strict secrecy i u regards to all business transactions. Dr. Mixtie'e Kidney Rejiedt, NEPIIUETICUM Cures all kinds of Kidney and Madder Csnnilaiirt Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leu cborrhca etc. For sale by a dmjrtfists; 1 a bottle or six bottle for fivcdollars. Dr. Mimiks Dandeliox Pill are the best and the ' cheapest Dysi and Bitiovs cure Id the market For sale by all dniKsriEts. SMALL POX MAEKB CAB BE REMOVED- London, Ferfumers to M. the Queen, bare ted and patented the world-renowned v OBLITEilATOR, hich removes Small Pox Marks, of however standing. The application is simple and bar causes no inconvenience, and contains nothing; Jurioua. Price J2.50. SUPEFLUOUS HALS. Leon & o 's MI)E1ILAT0RV Removes Suicrflouu8 Hair in a few minute without pain or unpleasant sensation never grow again. Simple and harmless . Fit directions. Sent hy mail. Price $1 GEO. W. SHAW. 1 GENERAL AGENT, 219 Treraont Street, Boston, Mass. - Moutitn This Pper,