ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, MARCH, 1 9, 1886. s VMPTVAB r LA ws. This government muter its present management is moying so serenely tJiat those of the ojjo&ite faith are much Editor Review: It has been chraged by the opponents of prohibi tion that such a policy would be an attempt to create a sumptuary law, which having for its object the re straint of individual rights, would be contrary to the principles of our re publican institutions. The opponents of the democratic party, the Plaindeal er especially, claims because the demo cratic platform of 1884 declares against any sumptuary law, it has therefore de clared against a 'prohibitory law. For the benefit of these persons, we would like to quote from Hon. John B. Finch, one of the ablest, most eloquent temperance orators in this country. "Webster defines .sumptuary laws to be 'such as restrain or limit the expense of citzens in appirel, food, furniture and the .like.' If laws 'prohibiting the manufacture and sale of liquors are sumptuary; then the laws prohibiting houses of prostitution, gambling hells. the sale of diseased meat, and quaran lining small-pox and yellow fever are sumptuary I have no patience with men who presume on tho ignorance of people. I A person who will speak of a law prohibiting the traffic in intoxicants 'as sumptuary, is-'either an illiterate ass, a conceited idiot or a political trickster." Temperance people will certainly accept the words of this able and sincere advocate of the cause of prohibition in preferense to any thing from the pen of the Editor of our cotemporary. ' The Democratic par ty believe that the majority should rule in this government for the people, and will favor allowing the- people to vote upon this and all other questions in which they are interested, believing that the will of the people shall be supreme. Cold Wate. Cigar ; Store ! ! DEALER IN ils, IVuts Cigars MCREK1TY. ... " Tub Tribune, so sava tin- World, is f ........ j ... . . . very much afraid that if Cougress grants jiermission to the International Navigation Company to register as troubled in mind and pocket. The! American ten foreign-built vessels it abrasions that are made on the Dero- J will prove an entering wedge for free ocratic cuticle are so slight as to pro-1 trade in vessels for service between (Otlfl'CtiOIlCI'iCSj f Til" duce consternation and alarm on the home ports. 1 his does not follow, part of Republicans who had thought I though if -the people choose, .to m ako to regain their lost power by disaffec- that kind of a wedge of it, it is exelu tion in the ranks of the unterrined. sivelr their business. In the mean l The prognosis of the disease of office J time we should like to see an entering seeking among the Democrats by the wedge of tho possession of a part of J PLACE OF BUSINESS OPPO- Kepublicans, nas not so lar, been pro-1 tne ocean tranic to ioreijm ports, , ' ,. ,. ' . , . 11 --ixi SITE DEPOT, ASHLAND OREG phetic. The Democrats will wc think which can only be secured through the ' recover, but the condition of the office privilege to purchase ships in the goers on the other ; side we think is J cheapest market Our people can be QtlklclliCl FlimitUrC St01"C hopeless. trusted to attempt to make a little I mma , ; money in that way without endanger- -Oj- -t rjXlixvVji Pn TJfvtfw T? Ucf ..wt i"g the builder of home-t)ort ships a Has on hand a full assortment of all J particle. But there is no excuse for kinds of Furniture, which he will sell connmnsr the Drivuesre to one comnanv J i v EDUCATIONAL. .1 1 ooo Reward! mmm mu mjm mm hi y awv mv m: s, in an- I mrmT mi n aw J a . . . .... u to ministers you ask the question, "whoever heard of the preachers get ting out o the church because the devil got inl" Then you say "if implying a duccd & MU u Jou doubt there is an error in the Demo- j or for limiting the number of ships. tt-ii, 5 tlc.,t 1 lit; H HU MTUH i Ullt; lliLU VI- 1UUU1- ?Irvci $tv rrk vrc fv niinff Oi-il . winrlnur EKAT0R W llson of Iowa has mtro- fm m Kr r..t- Also agent for a first class sewing ma fourth class matter, which is now six- chine. EEPABING OF ALL KINDS OF Democrat will correct the error and preserve the body politic. Now sir, I printed matter. The freight of $320 a ton ought to be enough to mv well t. t - i ji i ii.i l . " o i ' ; nave uearu ormu so.newuere, uiat one f . . fc. d f mevchaJtdiMm r . t -V-.i.. i L a.1 i "on I . . ' . n ' uonn v vwy uiu awut uie jrar i. The ass of tbig bjU WQulJ degt i i . . e l t. it. i .:i I 1 i on accout ot neing rti uu Vy tue uevn . d , f t, . , f , , .... . r ! I , ' I nuiu litn,n suppose; aumission ro cue wauou , d nicrchandiSe that 20 throudi puipus out or me out tvisioio organi- the 1)0stoffice. It should bo killed zation or enure li) ana built a new snip which he named society (afterward The Blade says that Postal telegraph church) speaking from your standpoint is dead so far as this Congress is con- was this not an elegant structure! has corned.' So is every other measure that this craft not been afloat ever since? refers te the public welfare. But the are you not still looking to it for a safe business for which Congress was elected landing? did he not act wisely in so do- goos bravely on. The Republican and ing? does it net often become necessary Democratic fight for supremacy and to replace old ships with new onesl has spoils is booming, and monopoly in not the Democratic ship been patched terests are safe from interference or and mended until the sumptuary and control. It is asserted that tne Umo law in regard to habitual criminals, which nrovides that those convicted of a third offence arc punishable by a life sen tence, is the most advanced step ever taken in prison reform by any Ameri can state. Those who devote a large portion of their time to the investiga tion of criminal records and reformatory measures in connection with punish uicnt for crime are strong in the belief that this step marks the beginning of a now era in dealing with criminal class es. i It needs no argument to prove that tho men who have attained the rank of habitual criminals, are too dan gerous to be permitted to run at large in any community. They are the teachers, the organizers, the captains of crime. Without their leadership the great majority of criminals would be like raw recruits in an army with out officers. An illustration of this is seen in the state of affairs that exists in the North-west to-day. The rank and file of strife breeders and malcon ionts who are ready for outrage and eager for, spoil would .be practically harmless but for ihq skill of the habit ual criminals who lead, organize and dij rect them.: Oregonian. JSATOK'S SUCCESSOR. It will be a serious shock to the nerves of the late g.o.p. to learn that the President pnrposes to nominate ex-Senator Brucea4he place vacated in tho Civil Service commission by the resignation of Dorman B. Eaton. Mr. Bruce is a representative colored man and while he is as well qualified for the position as the late Civil Seryice commissioner,; he is in possession of those liberal (qualities of mind that go to make up s conversative scntleman which were noticeably lacking in Mr Eaton. Aftej- the election of Mr. Cleveland and when the Republicans were trying to arouse the fear3 of the negroes of the South by telling them that "Massa Cleaveland would put them back iintq slavery again, Mr Bruce raised his voice and assured the ' pocr. deluded followers of the fanatica "bloody shiA" Republicans, that their cause was safe in hands of the adminis tration. The nomination of Mr. Bruce, as long as a Republican was to be selett. ' ed for tho place, suqws wisdom on the part of the President. World. FURNITURE, ORGANS I PIANO'S ETC. Done at short notice and at rcason- EVERYTHING MaPE To OHDEH. GIVE HIM A CALL. - 0 ,r. -!.. u Wlisou. oi parsons. Ewho wa appointed by the State! haiiraa lady . "i..,..,r LVtlM World's Fair at NowOrleaiu, ii E .i.iiiiiirv rf a reporter, said: "lean not F . . . , TW TI HKVKV Til KA TM KM F Mv Buffering nearly distracted roe. My stomach wi deranjred and my nervous system was complete ly ,roken. I suffered from partial paralysis, rheu matism and neuralgia. Added to the above syrap tonnrwere loss of niomory, vorcc, appetite and lack ol nerve force. My family physician did me no good and bv the advice of a friend, I bought Dr. Turner's Treatment. Two packages completely cured roe. r think the treatment te wonderful in its effenta.. j .,i.,i it in all cases of eeneral or nervous aim iw". - - - .,.,, . debility, anu uiaeasea condition mun """'"'i nvys, liver anu uiowi. To The Women! v , r,M if on arc suffering from eenerai ut bility of the systeui, heaaacne e, l - pr;marv r boin siues, general itw", """"" ! " 1 . . ahfimimn. fliishes of heat, imlpitation of the 1 First grade Junior class. heart, smothering in the breast, fainting sensations, 30,, gTiu0 Jnnior class. . ... .i..i.u;ii. ..iirrhtnir. neuraliria. wakefulness. I 0 nervous wwinv, ..-(,-0, - Ijbs of lwer memory and appetite, weakness of a nrivate nature or Darrennesu, nu w v- 1 :L1..M -I ntwlrarroa of tho t Mim VI1U H1UI1IUIII M I.. J fv-". v. - - . ti .11 1 it hns no eflUal. I fTtlv V-ftlW T noimtio a a u... ,-,-.. 1 ,j i.i i..i "-"r or married. It is a sure cure for dys- instrument. pepsia, malaria, nervous or general Arawing anu 1 aiming . ueuiutTi nervous prosbntbiun tcsuit ing from indiscretions of youth or ox fwaa of maturcr years, or overwork of the brain, and it has no equal for curing all forms of no rvousness and bashfuluess, caused by over In- dul'Tiice, excess or impotence, it n:w oeen useu sucressfully i" thousands of cases by both men and women, and is the best medicine know for the re- pairnient mo procreauve jhjci .oKiiiig vitality. We will gu rantce that three packages will cure the worst case of debility, causing dimness of sicht, defective memory, aversion to society, want of anibition, loss of power, &c. Each package of Tvesik's Trkatmesi contains all medicines necessary for mcr ope moutn a treatment, wwi mo " com plete insWuctions how to exercise, uiet, oatne, etc. One box fcures catarrh. Price 'irurneis xreatmcnt per pacKnge, i; inrec packnKes sent prepaid on roeiit of price. Thou snndifif chses of diseases mentioned above have beoi! cured with one nackace. and knowing as we do its wonderful curative effects, the Treatment haviiu; boen useu in private practice ior over mi n,y years in St I-ouis, wc will give the following written guarantei'S With each order for 3 boxes accompanied by 82, wo pill send our written guarantee to refund the momy 11 the 1 ukatmf.n t uoes not encct a cure. Send motfy by postal note orat our risk. Address t. L. uiasu s (Jo., sixrn anu aiurKci Directs, 01. !,cuis, M. OAKLAND. School Ycir liegins Monday, Sejitcinbcr 7, 1885. office planks are about the only solid ones in it is the Prohibition Star not right in choosing to lose the ship rather than both ship and cargo1? does not the Democratic party refuse to declare for or against any other question so generally affecting the people? no! Then why not this. Let the Democratic party come square to the front face this issue, declare herself in favor of blottins out this accursed traffic and we will all board her for another passage, unless this is done she deserves to sink and surely will, I hope however, the crew and all passengers on board will be saved, more especially The Review and its editor on account of his ability to do good. If this is not too personal I desire space in your column for the same. Yours in haste James Cjiexoweth. Oakland, March 17th, 1886. No sir, your"letter is not too person al. We always take pleasure, in pub lishing articles writteft in a gentleman ly and conscientious manner. The only rejoinder we would make at pres ent is this, John Wesley neycr did leave the ship.' He lived and died a member in good standing in the En glish, or Episcopalian Church. Of course this fact lets your logic ''lose its sweetness on the desert air." Nei ther is your parallel germane to this case. Macauley says, "a change in society necessitates a change of gov ernment." We fully recognize this fact as a . party, and are anxious to settle this matter at the earliest possible mo ment before the tribunal of the enf ran chised American voters, and this trib unal is final in this country, for we can take no appeal to a Ifbuse of Lords. Wo will stay on the old ship, and fight this battle together. - Minister Phelps has dined with Queen Vietoiia at Windsor Castle in the company of the Rothschilds. At no time siirce the battle of Bunker Hill has the tie that binds the two English- speaking nations been more closely drawn than at this verv moment. ICAOO COTTAGE ORGAN Das attained a standard of excellence) which admits of no superior. - Ibcontains every improvement that Inventive genius, BKiu ana money can produce. Dumociats register by all means, and let no side issue cause vou to deflect into some unknown canyon. OTJB t EVERY I j OEQAK AIM I I WAS- IS I BANTED I f FOB . TO - . ft 1 j I ' FIVE EXOEI.. 1 YEAB3 -1 mm Voli'S Vnlley. THE COURSE OF STUDY IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE WANTS OF ANY who may attend. Many noble and brilliant minds glow with a Uc-nirc for knowledge bat circumstances preclude their attending remote or more exclusive institutions; among 6ii ch arc frequently found the biightest and most promising in school. Hence the coarse of study is made almost as full as that of many of our Colleges, while the character of iustructructiou u inferior to noue.. Tuition per Session of Twelve AVeek As a uwjnue umi Mens SEND FOR CATALOGUE. S 4 00 First grade Middle clasa. . . . 5 00 Second grade Middle class. . 6 00 Senior class . 7 00 . 8 00 . 0 (K) jVliisie. $'2m 2 50 00 to 12 tK) GEORGE T. RUSSELL, Principal. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL! OlUSGOlNr ! Graduates Receive (State Educational Diploma FOR PAUTICULHS, ADDKESS IIENKY L. BENSON, President.. DRAIN, Or. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA j VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. I And Connections. . Fare froii Portland t o San Francisco 832; to Sacra- fi monto$30. $1000 REWARD Close wimections made at Ashlaud with stage of the Calif irnia Oregon & Idaho Stajre Comnany. (DKlLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) j I East Side Division. BETWrN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train 1 tEAVE. ARRIVE. rortlandvi 7.30A. M. Ko8ehur(r. ,Tt6.15 P- M. KoFoburg.I C.25P. M. Ashland 4.45 A.M. AslOand..! 7.45 1. M. Rosoburr....5.25 A. M. Roaeuunr.l 5.30 A . M. Portland 4.25 P. M. I Albany Express Train LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland. . . . .4.0f V. M. Lebanon.,. . . .u.ZU r. M. LcUauon. ...... .4.45A. M. I 1'ortlana . . . . iu.iw r. 01. Pullman Paiu:o Sleeping Cars daily bet ween A. osny anil Ashland, The O. and C. U. R. Ferry makes connection with all thercjular trains on East Side Div. from footof F St. Will be (riven any man who will produce a sci entist o Inrfre oxinti ence, and widely know- to lie an honcrablc man who Will assert that re- fiued cast zinc is not one of the most enduring of all known matcrialy to withstand the action a of the woathcr. DETROIT I1HONZE CO., Detroit, Mich. NDDHSEB Fr . SUPERIOffTO !.'fef. nn in a f t A at f y MONUMENTAL j Prices on MONUMENTS nn a in in a f I rrHUlH.Al.lJl fi 45000 WHITE BRONZE AND i STATUARY Were awanlcd llie GOLD MEDAL AT ' WORLD'S FAIR, Nkw Oklkaxs, 1 s s tA- n J. A. Cardwell,. Agent, - Jacksonville, Oregon. - r 1 Jolin Myers says that it is the grand est honor of his life to have presided over the lawless assembly in Portland. That's rough 011 the Democratic party. It has honered John several times. It will not do so any more. Good bve John! Benton Laader. Hon. L, F. Lane being unable to attend the meeting of the Democratic Central Committee to-morrow in Port land, gave his proxy to Hon. Mr. Cat lin of Portland. A Journal that caters to every ele ment that "bobs up serenely" on the political or social world, and has not the moral back-bone to denounce wrong, vicious heresies, is truly a thing to be pitied. ' Catering to every new wind of doctrine may for the time bring coin to such journals, but in the outcome, it will prove a boomerang. The strong journal that ha& an opinion and dare announce it at all necessary times, is the one that is of value to a community or estate. - Tiie Mountain Sentinel says: "The Portland World, edited and published by A. Noltner, i3 a pager of which the Democracy of Oregon can feel justly proud. The World is full of general and local news, and editorially is one of the fullest and best papers on the coast" I The dispatches of the 8th instant stated that "Edmunds had a cold," and was too I hoarse to speak that day. Well, now that is news! Edmunds is a perpetual glacier and any 'cold" that collides with him will be knocko into a howling blizzard. World. If you want to vote, register your name at the precinct polling place on April 5th, Gth or 7th. LIVER To Regulate fflTTT? Favorite home remedy u I H m warranted not to contain a single par m mm mi tide of Mercury or any injurious sub stance, but la purely vegetable. It will Cure an Diseases caused ; by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys ana Stomach. If your liver is out of order, then your whole system is deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive; you hare headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous.: To prevent a more serious con- aiuon, taxe as once Simmons REGULATOR. If you lead a sedentary life, or suffer with i Kidnev Affection, avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. cg If yo have eaten anything hard of digestion, or (eel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you ' will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If yon are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a Ditter, oao tasie in your uvuui. Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor. recti the Bilious Stomach, sweetens the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will retteve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take Simmons Livsr Regulator. PREPARED BV J.H.ZElUn Z C0.,Ph!!ade!phiatPcL TAKE Those Orcrana are celebrated for volume. Duality of tono. ouick response, artistic design. Ed . Review: Thinking a few lines from beauty In finish, perfect construction, making thorn (ha mnar. rlnairftnln tirfrana ror nmnftfl. tins locality win lie oi interest to you we senu schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc, the following: The Reform Club met at the usual place of meetinrj with a large audience. After the usual order of business we were addressed by the lion. II. S. Strange on the subject Pro hibition. He was listened to with marked interest by all present. His argument con tained' many good points worthy of remem brance and sincerely we hope in the future we may have the pleasure of listening to him again. 1 here are thirty-eight members en rolled, and seventeen of them are voters. The next meeting will be on Saturday eve ning, March 20th 1S86, at 7 o'clock P. M. the speaker chosen by the committee is the Ed. of The Review. The programme consists of songs, speeches, dialogues, etc. The at tendance of all interested in the cause are cordially solicited. L. T. Thomison, A. D. Hawx, President. Secretary. ESTABLISHED BEPUTATIOBf. UNEQCALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WOBKKEN, BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THE POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books and Piano Stools. f 1 Catalogues and Price Lists, on application, rasa CHICAGO COTTAGE GR6AN CO. for. Randolph and Ann Stu CHICAGO. ILL OREGON PACIFIC R. R. THE BEST Hair restorative in the world Is IIai.l'8 Hair Kejjewer. It cures all diseases of the scalp, and stimulates the hair glands to healthful action. It stops the falling of the hair; prevents its turning grav; cures baldness, and restores youthful color and freshness of appearance to heads already white with asre. The following are a few illustrations of what is done by HALL'S Yege'talDle Sicilian HAIR RENEWER: S Mrs. nuKsr.F.nRY, 844 Franklin. Me., Brooklyn,!?. 1'., after n severe attack of Ery sipelas in the head, found her hair already gray falling off so rapidly that she soon became quite laid. One bottle of Hall's Haib Re nkweu brought it back aa soft, brown and thick as when die was a girl. J8Q?" Mr. Keri.ixci, an old farmer, near TTar sate, Intl., had scarcely any hair left, and what little there was of it had become nearly white. One bottle of Hall's Hair Resetter stopped it fulling out, and gave him a thick, luxuriant head of hair, as brown and fresh as he ever had. 83- Mrs. A. T. Wall, Grttnfteli, Cheshire, Eng., writes : 'I have found the trrcatest ben efit from the use of II all's Hair Kekktver, it having restored my hair, which was rnpily fall, ing oil", and returned its original color." Br. Emil Seip, Petrolt, Mich., certifieg that "Hall's JIair Kekewer Is excellent for hair trowing, and gives back the natural coloi to faded and gray hair." - Mrs. S. E. Elliott, GU ntille, IP. Ya., says: "One bottle of Hall's Hair Kekewee restored my hair to its natural, youthful color." No injurious Piibtanees enter Into the composition of Hall's Hair Kesewer, and it is not a dvc. Its veeotable ingre dieuts render it in the highest degree bene ficial to the sealp as a preventive of dis ease. Its effects ore natural and lasting, and it does not make the hair dry and brashy, like the so-called restoratives com pounded with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye FOR TIIE , WHISKERS Is, in four respects, superior to all others. 1st It will produce a rich, natural color, brown or black, as desired. 2d The color so produced is permanent, cannot lie washed off, ami will not soil any thinir with which it comes in contact, 3d It is a single preparation, and more convenient of application than any other hair or whisker dye. 4th It contains no deleterious Ingre dient, as do many preparations offered for like use. PREPARED BY R. P. IIALIi & CO., Nashua, S. II Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. SOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Ri-sebura Oregon, March 10, 1830. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-lowing-named settler has filed notiee of hra in tention to ninka final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Reiver at Roseburj Land Office, on Saturday, April, 17 lSS"i, viz: Thomas Wilson preemption D. S. No 87 f"r the S. E. I of S. E. 1 sec. 2 Ti. 31 S. R. 5 West W. M. He names the followinif w itnesses to prove his continuous resilience U.n, and cultivation of, caid land, viz: J. J. Packard, V. Pickett, James I'ickett, J. J. Birch, all of Canyonvillc, loitdas Co. Oregon. Also t the same time and place viz: J. J. Packard Home-lead No. iili iT the N. W. J of X. W. J, S. J of N. W. j & S. W. 1 of N. K. See. U Tn. 31 S. R. 5 West W. SI. He names the following witnesses t- prove his contiiuious residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Thomas wilson, Charlotte Pickett, of Can ynnville and J, J. Birch, James Pickett, of Riddle, Oregon. Also at the same time and place viz: Charlotte Pickett li-westfiad 4H1 for the N. W. 1 of N E. J, N. J of N. W. & s. W. I of N. W. J Sec 12 Tp. 31 S. K. 6 West W. M. He names the follow i,i witnesses to prove bis con tinuous residence upu, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. J. Packard, Thomas Wilson, James Pickett, of Canyouville and J. J, Birch of ltiddlc, Oregon. W. F, Bexjauis, K psWr, Willamette Valley to San f rancisco Via-Yaquina- j TBAIXS LEAVE CORVALLIS Tuesdaj, Thursday, Saturday, at 9 A. M. LEAVE YAQUINA i Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at ii A. SI. The fine A 1 Steamship "Ya'.juina" sails From Yaipiina " From San Francisco Sunday, Slarch 14th, Wednesday, " IMth, Sunday, April, 4th, Wednesday, " 14th, Sunday, " 2ith, Wednesday, March 10th, Fridav, " " l'Jtli, Tuesday " 30th Fridav April 9th Tuesday, ' 20th. The Company reserves the nht to ehamre sailing days. Fares. Cabin, 14; Steerage, S7; freight at reduced and moderate rates. River Boats on the Willamette connect at Corvallis. Low fares and rates. ig For further informatio apply to UoUC( I - ' A 0. F. & P. As't., Corvallis NOTICE. I warn all persons that my wife Clara B. Colby has loft my hod and board, without a Justcaiwc, and I will .not lie resjionsiblc for, or pay an h'lls she mav contract. J.MKS H. CoiBT. Yoneolla Or. Feb. 10, JBSo S i ' West Side Division' BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS j V ail Ti LEAVE. I ! ARRIVE. Portland 9.00 A. M. Corvallis 4.30P.M. Corvalli 8.30 A. M. Portland 3.20 P- M. ) Express Train. 1LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 5.00 P. M. McStinnvillc . . 8.00 P. M. HcMinnriUo.... 5.45 A.M. Portland. .... .830 A. U. Local tickets for sale and baRsragc checked at com pany's up town office, cor. Stark and Second street Tickets for principal points in California can only be :. . . ., ... ....... ...'.. ..Ifiiw. nrocurca ana oajrjrajro cnecscu t-uiuMj - ...v. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or West Side Div. E. KOEULER, E. P. ROGERS. iManagor. i O. F. & Pass Agent. IP 1 W&ZTSET.T ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH KVKUYiTIIING IN LlNli: Is. aving lately fitteJ up a now STEAM SAW MILL on South Deer creek, is prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds on short notice at H' Hard Time Prices. fold. dro Wll stand for tle Season at josejti varion's Jjivery sta ble inRoscburg. Beginning March 1st and continuing three months. Barn lumbar and fencin furnlslieil on short notico. 1 j. j. wnnvEir. GOLD DROP MflTC CHICKS BY With (he Mot Perfect and Success ful lnilttloD of the lieu. I THE ORAIG -a.3srirox7-Kro233VEiar,a?. For Assessor. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the. office of Asscsor, for Douglas county, subject to the decUiori of the ensuing Demo cralic County Convention. J E. II. BURCHARD. BO ROUGH YOU OR 1 Lumber i : WANT DRESSED At Fair Prices? Do you want to Imikl next season? 3f so have your lumber sawed now hat it may be thoroughly seasoned. J. Q. Booth, It will coat no more. ADDIlESS; Cleveland. O,- Ti. A. Booth, Brain Or. PAGE & DIMMICK, oakijAN : t DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, WATCHES, i' U3S- - rORBGrOIV DEALERS IN BOOKS, OILS, puhy, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, VARNISHES, TRUSSES, TOILET GOODS PERFUMERIES, COMBS, BRUSHES, PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, ETC if- Soli OOfl . loo U neS FOLDING INCUBATOR. BlmDUcltv lueii. Molamna toezMoae. ko wineries, cloctcworlc rpuniotnr im.nnn n. Is a tlioroufhored Jersey Bull. Dale flY8Pw.Pe"0I..aer;. S?W"JJ Neds no . a wMuiiug. attiuns iuj icsnsro quo. J 1 i'wwu iuiub ick .iKeineuaoi atruriR. Til 11 ,1 I i inn . i.. i MpaMpMMiiiHiipMHMpp.MHiM vnu uwuu uDbuioi pmi ra utciover nnn or re, suoil norns, wtjiyus nw iuuuu, is five years old, and has all the char acteristics of the Jorst-y Stock. Insurance - - - - $3.00 To insure sex of Calf, $6.00 runlr Tha antra u . . aricston natural sull tm ihe lower portion and receive the ncc atlrotnataak of warm water In thiillrl. HrnmriiraMmiiiii, d bv drawlnir off a oart nt thn hJ.. ..-.i 1.. W1U boiling water, about 19 quart at a time for smaller size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell al from 50c to $1 per Pound. LIJfJ!i? R.rt?' will for tho cMc.lr8iongr8 tlie needartlOclal heat, thus saving expense of special brooder. Botli ai f?. -SUI BroodcrltlsunBurpassed by any niachlne, no niat ter what tUe cost, and Is Uie nhii, ehrap4-t and most easily Sfff-JS?? . ato ,or PODlo vor. Tho Craig incubator can lis rSL,iiJ.?rofl' Sl. nv.fon. , Any person should have a paying hatch wwk of thohetl! lmtcUc,u' tnm "t"il days, and equals the best I A DFf5."rYf"3 thonsandB who ro slrnpfrllnn for pecuniary Independence will rind artinclal roarlns of pouliry a moctnrofltanle home Industry. It requires the least possible canliat. Does not Interfere with household duties. Tho same Are that prepares Uia meals can beat water for au Incubator. ! Rontsoif Strut. MMpnis. Tenn. From SWcggs I hatched l7 chicks in tne i;raift incuoaior. i know It Is t he beet one made. Your plans for brooder arc unexcelled. f ' JJ. Ki. HATCH. 111. Third trtal. nnt. of 78 CRirs batched 65 chirks. Had Terr Rood success first trial. K ev er bad a liner lot of chickens. HELEN OHNDOUFF. filTAKOW. 111. Tonr lncnliatnr seats all tne hens for hatching. l Sot 143 egg tinder hens and have 30 chicks. 1 set 101 tn Incuhntot and have 8? good, hcultliy chicks as a result. C. W. MAYS. Bivertov. Neb. Hatched one brood to get my hand In. fully 60 per cent of all eggs put In. No trouble to keep an even tempera ture. Shall run It all winter. K. VAN DEUSEK. - ELrHiTdtTTiTriwir. N. V. ilv ns ing the Craig Incubator 1 consider ny nrst attempts at artinclal Incu latlon a complete success. A. VVLLI tli UUliAND. 0 G6S 8IZ. poo " BOO 1999 21 F. D. CRAIG, uiH. North EvansfDn, III. rBEND CENTS IX STAMPS FOR CATLOGVF. Contains more useful poultrylnformatlon than anyrjliook. lescnbs UlrS?d8i9!?.a,K: firps. hen-hoiises, brooders. Incubators, eio. TSUUIIOW to WASJB lOOO uer cent. oroBt od cot. If you knew how cheap I sell Bells for Farms, Schools or Churches You would surely have one. : ir'a. Lit CI- 1 4' X H f 0 H I Or B EL tC 1 also deal in Thresher, Engines, Mill Machinery, Pumps, Insiiiratoi's (The best Boiler feeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, Belting, Oils, j Also General Agent for, The ShIpman Engine, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust, No Dirt Send for circular ina prices. Office Foot of Morrison, Street Portland Oregon GIVE ME A CALL. ! ZJ T. WRIGHT. Wr,lUrilTYfrornAHf.OYAriCE y 1 UlPaL OeL 30 th. 1883. '; f JHnde AnI.rofhe flnt itnl bostqnnl. lty f CiiM tor wltbMtiuidlns beat. Every good thing la Cotinter felted, and consumers are CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label Is on each chimney bm above. The leari Top is always clear and bright Glass. Usmafactared OHI.T by GEO. A. UACBETH a CO. PltUtlmrtrli Iad ClaM Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. PETITION To the County Court of the County ol Douglas, e ol Oregon. We, your ititioiiers, lcjral voters of the Prcuiiirl of Scottelmrg, Douglas county, Oregon, ask your honorable body, to jrraiit a Liccnfe to G. lliU:l-l, bo sell s'irituous malt and vinous liquors, ' less quantities than one gallon in the Uyvru of ScoUab urg for one year. S. Nottajfc, C. A. Hendergoxi, Wut. Sa-yer3, K If. Bnrchard, W. C'lementsi, An8rc- Sawyers, M. J. Thonijisoii, II. Weatherly, W. Sa'cbard, 8. Turner W. J. Burchard, J. O. Bureliard, J. N. lledden. C. Hacker, Wm, Hart, II. Butler, Wm. Cmiuriuu, S. Strietland, J. McCahey, E. J. Copeland, W. li. J'xl terson, Asa Andrews, C. lledden, O. Olass, S F. Mc Kolx!rti, Oco. Br wu Geo. Bauer, T.- W. Andrews, (J. 11. Luder. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEXTIIAT TIIE UNDER sigtHsd, will icake aiilication to tho County Court ... . I ...... .. ui..t..fnK .. - . . i . ullrternlof Court.on Wediios.lay the Ttliday of Airil, ISai;, for a License to sell Sftirituous liquors in leas quantities than a gallon, in the to n of St:otUtljurg, for the jieriod of one year. Gi8. SIitchrll, Scottbhurg, DoUgli, Couutv Orcg. Feb. 1, ISiW. CITY DRAYING i r - CONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOHN VAN BlttE. Backlen's Arnica Salve- I The Dest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures! Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or ! money refunded Jrrice '25 cts box. For safely Marste&s & Co i notice to creditors. VTOT1CEIS HEREBYG1VEKTHATTHECNHEU J.1 signed wag on Feb. 13, 1886 .duly appointed Ex ecutrix of the Last Will and Testament of Wm. Street Rice Deed, by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon. Now therefore all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same properly verified, to tne at my residence in Calajiooia precinct, Douirlas County, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated March, lrtth 10. SLutv Rick. Executrix. Suiniuoiis- In the Circuit Court in and for Dou'as County, State of Oregon. John Stimdlcy Haiutiff vs Cyrus Smith, John S. Milier, Prudence George, Re becca Pane and Ellen Hopkins, Dcfeudairs. Action at law to recover real property and damages. To John 3. Miller, Prudence George, lU'bccca Pane, and Kllen Hopkinsi, above named defendants. In the name of Jhc State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby required toapoear and answer the complaint filed against you by ' tho plaiutifl John Standley in the above entitled Court and action on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court tow-it: the first Monday the Sd day of May 1SS0, and if you fail so to answer the said complaint, the plaintiff will take judgement against vou and each of you, for the relief demanded in hist complaint, and that is for the recovery of an undivided one eighth interest iu feeof all that part of Section twenty-two (22) on the East sidtfof the South Umqua Kivcr in Tow nship Twenty eight (2S) South Kaig six (0) West of Willamette meridian foruierlv owned and possessed by Alausou Miller Sr.; alr-o the South east vuarter of the North-east quarter. West half of the North-east qu-irtor, xorth half of the South east quarter, North-wct uarter. North half of South west quarter, and South-west quarter of South-west quarter of Scci-ion twenty three (23)all iu Townxhip Twenty-eight (2.S) South Range six (i) west of Will amctte meridian containing in all about six hundred and forty acres, excepting therefrom the following dcscrilied portion thereof eet off and admeastucd to Susan Miller the wife of Millerdeceascd, as her dower interest therein towit: Beginning at a stake outside of the fence al the South -cast corner of the orchard running North to a stake at the South cast of the stock ell, thence north to a stake it-iml. ing on soutb lank of the Crock or branch, down said Creek or branch following its utcandcruicn to its junction at South I. mKua river; thence up said river to where south line of the field fence joins to the river at a black oak tree about eighteen inches in diameter, thence following said fence with all it angles easterly to the place of hmrimiimr inVlu.i;.,.. orchard, dwelling House, outbuilding, an,s, sheds, and coimlsand appurtenances thereunto belonging; For fifty dollars damages for the wrongful with hold ing of said premises and fox the costs and disburse. mcius incurrcu uercurt This summons is published bv order of linn, rt a Bean, Judge of the said Circuit Court for l.i .u County, State of Oregon, made and entered the 0th day of March 1866. i J. C. Fuusrtox & J. W. Hamilton, j Attorneys for Plaintiff. suimnoiiR. In the Circuit Court in the State of Oregon, iu and for the County of Douglas. Wm. E. Weekly, Plaintiff Peter OverholUer and Hannah Ovcrholteer, Andrew iiwcr ana Harriett uoover, Uefcndants. Suit in Equity to foreclose a mortgage. TO I'ctcr OverholtZ. r ). rv.,PK..I,,....l . . . - ...... ... i . . i . i . 1 1 abows named defenuauts. You and each of you are hereby required to apear and answer the complaint on file against you in the above entitled Court and Cause wherein Wm, E. Weekly is plaintiff and Peter Overholuer, Hannah Overhoitzer, Andrew Hoover, and Harriett lloo cr are defendants same being a suit to foreclose a mortgage on read property, on or before the first day of the next regular term thereof towit: On Monday 3rd dav of Mav lsxe. A...1 you are hereby notified that if vou fail to nn.x .n and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re- uei acmanaea in tne gam complaint towit: That the defendants and each of them and all person claim infe under them subsequent to the commencement of this suit may be foreclosed of all Equity of re- ueiuptiun or omer interest m tne mortgagee prem.. 1 iscs descrilied in the complaint. That the same may be sold embracing within said discribed acre v ", Himry)jt?1irUmancee thereon and the proceeds of such sale be apnlicd to the payment of tne costs and expenses of this suit including seventy five dollars attorney fees and the amount due on said note and mortiraire. with inter est as therein provided that the defendant Peter Overholtzsr may be adjudged to pay any deficiency that maYremaiu after applying all said moneys so applicab's thereto That plaintiff bavo such other and farther rel ief as the Cou rt may deam proer. l tus suiiunuiis u puuusuwi uy an oracr of fion. K. S. Bean, Judjoof said Court made on the 11, day ofMarchlSSfl. Lams A Lask. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE, of 4 IT a T 1 r xippiiuuuon iq x urcnase rimocr JLand. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. INC0MPLI XI ance with the of the act of Comrress approved June 3. 187S, entitled "An act for the sale 01 Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon cvaoa, anu wasmngton Termor v," Peter liiake whose pst-officc address is Gardiner, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, has this day filed in this office his appli cation to purchase the N. E. J of K. W. i Section No. 14, in Township No, 22 South, Range No 12 West of the Willamette meridian. All persons hold ing any adverse claim thereto arc leqnired to present the same at this office within sixtv days from tho first publication of this notice. W. F. Besmjhn, TVitA.1 tbio Mh dav o Var-h 1 5an Register. NOTICE, of Application to Purchase Timber Land. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COMPLI ance with the provisions of the act of Congress approved June 8, lb73. entitled "An act for the sale of rimtjcr Unds in the States of California, Orwron Nevada, and Washington Territorv," Jer.tha h' Grubbe, whose postffice address is WUbnr DonjrlM Co. Or., has this day filed In this office his cation to purchase the S. W, i of 8. K. 4 & s. E 4 of S. W. 1 Section No. 20, m Township No. 25 s,',ath Range No. 5 Wart, of the Willamette meridian All persons holding any adverse claim thereto are re quired to present the same at this office within sixtv dajs from the first publication of this notice. . ; Dated Mar. 8th 1WJ, W. F, EEwanrjr, ' Register