t - ..(.. ' - - . s p . y i I V I - V7 stew -s, 9 TP?V fl " , M ' tt " 0 ': ROSEBURG Kose iirg;:( j Review, ; . ;' " " " - ' 1 1 """" 1 " i .. .. . . . I TTAT -m e- ' ' 1 f : - " " - - . t . ROSEBURG REVIEW ; IS ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS BY ' THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N. BELL, - - Editor. One Year -Six Months -Three Months 2 50 125 1 00 GENERAL DIREOTOBY- Jkovkr Cleveland. , ' Prcdiilent, Thos. F. Bayard .Secretary of State Daniel T. MANKixG.Secretary of Treasury, L. Q. C. Lamati. .Secretary of the Interior, Wm. C. Esdicott Secretary o War W. C. Whitney.. Secretary of Navy. VV. T. Vila...-. Post Master General, A, H. Garland. ........ Attorney General. Morrison K. Waitb Chief J ustice. STATE OF OREGON. j:H:MSi::::::::::u-s- . KiSfiER Hermann Congressman. Z. F. Moody....... Governor. It. P. Earhart Sccrctaryof State. Edward Hirscii "... .State Treasurer. E. B. MoELROY....8npt. Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byars.... Stata Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J., 1 Wm. P. Lord, ....Suprema Judges. W. W.Thaybti, V SECOND JUDICIAL DISTrJCT. r. s. ban. .-r ..: : .v . . . Jmi. J. W' HAmLToK.... Prosecuting Attorney? DOUGLAS COUNTY. John Emmitt, ir n i. n. ouuFK. ; j Wm. Manning, ) IlENRy Rogers, ( O. VV. Kiddle, ( C. B. Wilcox, J G. W. Kimball. G. A. Taylor, .. . D. S. West F. W. Benson. r, E. C. Sacry 0. S. Fitzhugu . Senators. , .Reprcs ntatives. ....Clerk. ..Sheriff. Treasurer. . School Superintendent. Assessor. County J mitre. J. HALL. C. A. McGek .fYimmisnionp.ra Wm. Thiel Surveyor Dr. S. S. Marsters Coroner CITY OF ROSEBURG. 1 1. C. Stanton, ! John Rast, J. P. Sheridan, . . .! Trustees. Li. c v heeler, 1 P. Benedict. .T FfrBB .'.Recorder o. J. LiANgeiibero Marshal. John Chase... Treasurer. ROSEBURG, OREGON. FHIDAY, MARCH, 19, 1886. GENERAL MERCHANDISE- - mo. so. REVIEW UAS.THK FIHBST JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, IncTodiniF j Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bills Keatly and Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. Samuel Marks, Asher Marks, S. HARKS & Co. W. I. Friedlaxder DEALERS IN . III IlMi lllOIIIIiil HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND- - 1 3 Buy goods, iijiRiis Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. PROFESSIONAL- L F. LANE, OHN LAXE JANE & LANE, . Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, np stairs. g WIIITEMORE M. D. MY11TLE CHEEK ORECON. Office at h. dter's store. Residence at Henry A. Adams'. R. a HLIOTER M. D. i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CAKYOXVILLB OREGON Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM .Rosolmrg, Or. Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, Rosebnrg - - - Oregon- . j TRANSACT A GENERAL ii BANKING- BUSINESS - j sight Draft Drawn on I'ortJaud, San Francisco. New York and other! points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of hurono. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all; accessablepoints at reasonable ratea. . . - !. JOSEPH SIIINDLER. PRO PHI E T O R CITY BAKERY ' AND I ID Will, KEErs CONSTANTLY ON IIANp A full stock of Bread, Cakes, Ties, 'Iain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a finest-lotion of French and American Candies and Choc- ate Goods. j 30,000 OASES ! "52TOP RECTAL DISEASES! Central Hotel ! UOSEBUUG, OREGON, " orrpsjTE CAitLos's liveut stable. Board and Lwlging per day . . week $I.OO S.ool j Without Lodging 4-OQ Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents- Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. iMRS. E. GARRISON, Trop. John Kenedy, Clerk. i O. C. Perkins, Steward. No Chinese employed. Opium Habit Cured. . t I will cure any one who Las voo traeted, tho Opium habit, no matter how long tiBcd, in four weeks without injury to themselves, and so they will have no desire for Opium again. E5fIt6oni3 and Lodging furnished at my office, in Rosoburg. Communica tions and treatment strictly private. J. "Woodruff M. D. A nOWLASI FOR AX OLIVER. Reply to Dr. Grahams article in tlm Plaindealer of March 5th. in'st. by S. S. Marsters. diotions and falso-hoods," "qnacks" and ignoramuses." Such men are no more competent, to judge of medical science than the king of Dahomy is competent . Ed itor Review: In the Plaindtal J ge 01 "Pltcan insUtutions. er of March 5th appears an article ?0'ever Iccd in other things, in from Dr.. Graham designed as an answer to an article, which appeared in the Review of Feb. 5th headed "A new theory. Allopathy Urs Prohibi tion." After a careful examination of the doctor's article I find that he has cautiously avoided any allusion to any, and every argument and proposi Absolutely Pure. This powder uevcr varies. A marvel of purity. strength and whoiesomencss. Mori economical j than the ordinary kinds, and oanuot be gold in co petition ith the multitude of low! test, ehont weiirnt uum nr nhiwnhHLn iviwii... u. .1 .1 1 ... Koseburg, Oregon. I cau. roval baking towder co., ice wan Bfc JS. T. ! AS o Pi 05 0 b 'M. JOSEPHSON. fill GASH: Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tii. with nil kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. A o XIX O riles, llocstal Ulcers, I Mi assures, I?rwvlts-mii, Fistulas inuno, j Polypus 14ecti. ETC., ETC., i CURED IN 6 YEARS BY THE BRINKERHOFF SYSTEM Dr. J. B. Pilkington Proprietor of the Ptland ktb and bar I.NPXRjiARv and Vasitakiam for Nwrois DnjEASF.liasbconappoiI1ed Agent and Phsiciaii for this in Oregon & W. T. No sevbrb soicai. orRRATioxs, no tais no was of blood. In 2 ironths, have cured several cases iu which severe cutting op rnoiiB nave railed. Am permitted to refer to Mr Jas. W. Weatherford, dniKgist formerly of Salem. Mr. Frank Gardiner, machinest, Mr. R. A. Kampy Harrisburg, and others. If several patients apply willsend one day in each month in Rostmrg. Address for pamphlet etc. J. B. PILKINGTON M. D. TORTLAND OR. TDr. Pilkington will be at the McClallen House, Roseburg from Fri day evening, March 5th to Saturday evening March Gth, 1886. HUBBARD CREEK MILLS, CLARKE & BAKER, Props. Having purchased the abore named mills ef E. Stephens ft Co., vre are now prepaped to furnish any amount of tho best quality of LUMBER Mrs. R. Breokenridge , AGENT FOR w. h. Mccormick, Importer and Manufacturer of MONlIENTSllHEADOfS Of American and foreign Marble the doctrines which underlie the study . of disease and the employment of remedies, allopathic practitioners have ; nothing to support them but absurdi ties and baseless sophisms; and Dr. Graham knows it and knowing it, he as well as every other allopathist dares not discuss the principles of their nrac- tion, Bet forth iu the article which hl rCIr ? ?"at!?f J22SL essayed t6 answer. From first to- last 7 IU" weU that u wouId he does not offer a single argument, I,rove 6 de knell to their system neither does he attempt even a denial , med,"n T'y know it lives only of any its propositions in any particu- . 7 .A and Vlolence uPn the PV- ' lar except one, and that one is, that !" ,If lts ow" hors are to be "allopathic practitioners use alchoholic , 7 " " W . 0nQlct with the stimulants and narcotics" iu the treat- 7 f' . ' a"d ltS Tet7 auu 18 e utrucuon. it is a svstom of "hmfM murderous qiiafeerv" all and every medical author of his LT ,T "oyea more lives than own school: He antagonizes the facts 8COUrScs of tLe human mln:,,-u.:n.nf n i. war pestilence and famine com ' , v.Uug ut an uwaci n is ier- I U , I, ,, . . , sons m our country and he deniA, . " un3 a'opea aiseasea ment of disease. Rv dpnvino- fli fUf J l-i -" vfc I . . , Diuiun lumseii in concraaictm" and Scotch Granite. over offered to the public Iu J)oag)a County. We I Estimates given for CoplDg stone, Also Agent for Walker's Iron Cemetery Enclosure. will furnish at the mill at the following prices; No-.l rough lumber fr$ No, 1 flooriug, 6 inch ....124 No. 1 flooring, 4 Inch WO No. 1 finishing lumber 20 No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on t sides......(24 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sldes"H M CLARKE & BAKER. ROSEBURQ. fact, which his ten dollars worth, of opium and his own prescription amply prove. His great aim, seems to be to abuse and insult the author of the ar ticle, and the Editor of the Review, for publishing it; also to glorify and exalt allopathy and allopathic practi tioners. The article states that the 1I xl. . . ... In Sand "1,uPBWc sJem ot medicine is based upon the "dogma" that one disease is Fence for to be cured by making another disease in its place; that upon this proposition and increased their mortality, and that eighty or ninety per cent of those who employ allopathic practitioners would be better off without them, the Blight good ever derived being counter balanced by a huge sum of evil: and that it is not a science, but a shapeless assemblage ot inaccurate ideas, puorile speculations, and deceptive remedies, With allopathic literature abounding: is sucli astounding admissions as lb above; amid the ghosts of slaughtered OREO ON COMB .A.CTX SX2X MB M JOSEPHSON. K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Physician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of the late H. Gatterman, Oak Street, near R. R. track, Roseburg. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BMLEY'S HOTEL Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 7hig bouse has lately changed hands and is oroughly . renovated aud refurnished. The travel ng public will find the best of accommodations. No Cliinaincn Employed. sunn bailey. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery Photograph and . Perfumery, Autograph Albums, Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, and TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. VFLLloore J. C. SHERIDAN j Ja.Succe.S3or toy R. S & J.CSHERTDAlSr V I DEALER IN Stoves and Tinware, Rosoluirg, regon rnHE unilersianed takce pleasure in an- 1 nouncing to the public that he selling oriji,uUn. u ins line at prices tliat DEFY COMPETITION! IF 40U WANT- STOVES, IBOH, STEEL, ITAILS, H43EJH OES, TIN W ABE, CUTLERY i DEALER IN JLiuiiitei', Hanli, Doom and 3XouIclius OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL. GOME AND GET TERMS BEFORE PURCHAS ing elsewhere. Office near Depot, ..... Roseburg. Agent' for J. J. WhitsetlV Lumber. 'I Agee & Hanaa. New Butcher Shop H. C. Stanton . DEALER IN ( STAPLli Dili GOODS! We keep all kinds of FRESH and AGBIOULTUML TOOLS PICKLED meats. STISFACTION ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bought. wr conmuTT, Successor t Successor to J. D. JOHNSON. DEALER IN Or anything in my line, call aud examine my stock aud learn prices before purchasing else- j wuere, us jl am selling jower than ever. I C. SHERIDAN T JASKULEK, U. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler aud Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer In Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FVIAj like of CIGARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. THE OLD RELIABLE BvvoBassBor. Established in 1867. Jacob Bittzer H. PARRY, Merchant Tailor. Marks in the Red Front, next door to A. C. j Store. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMS! ING fce. Boots, & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY, ' a full ' of I GROCERIES ! Wood Ami Willow WARE. CROCKERY fc GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS I AND STATIONARY Subscription AGENCY. ouDscnption received for allj Eastern and European Publications. vw, UUUIO anU BliUJl.e. milE ONLY RELURir OPTOMER .v T,mv niAnuitKtn : i.J0f,E0Pe JXJJ L Jllil Vjf, I! A TS and U A I'S X , Z'" Vra.Vlla" lc""10 "Pectacics and Eye ' A"--to u VVi O I glasses. Office in Hamilton 'g Brick Block. DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES Cheaper than tho Cheapest. A GIFT ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS fRS. D. C. McCLALLEN. Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. M' Larg Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. ree Coaeb to aud from the house f Baggage delivered free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Rloliara Thomas, Prop. JFlrst Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND TUE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Deiot of tbo Railroad. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roseburg, rcgon, They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of eneral Hardware, etc. Ever Brought to Douglas, and, when added to their toves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar P,eyfre Prcpred to declare they have toe best supply in their line ofjany house in Southern Oregon, which they propose selling Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere mine snapeoi tSUlLiDlaG MATERIALS, in the way ol Locks. Butts, etc.. we can rr. - - ' ' Send 10 cents postago, and wo will mail you free a roval, val uable, sample box of goods tlmt. ill i,.,t v.... I., .I." of making more money at once, than anything else In America. Both iwina t u ,...., ..si... 8paJ? tlme- or ftl1 tb "He. Cai.ital not required. We will start you. Immense pay mire for. Uir.se who start at once. Stisso.n & Co., Portland i O.P.TOMPKINS, I PURCHASINf Agent of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE! A., orders froni the country filled on short ; notice from Erery Class or Kind of Goods from First-Class Stock. offer superior Inducements to nnrchasern. Trv ii - . sr r i . s, v wsuaa W e can give you bargains in the following brands'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere: wii - , f BUCK'S B0XANZA, FABMEE'S CTILITT, DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, Alwntely fc"0 charges MOOKE 'S UESTAUUXT. ' (Princijiaal Business Street.) Roseburg', Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS . We eep the Best the Market AffordsJ OCCIDJEIfT, KISG, EMPIRE QITY And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS,' such as Winchester, Sharp and other ..uvo, iu ruim ouoiguns ana i iscois. ; We are also Agents for the White, Tearless and New Home SEWINU MACHINES, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete fn eyery respeet We can also supply j f ' AveriU and Kutoor Paints. me best n the market at lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect ouf stock; inquire as to rices, auu we promise to sun you u any one can. or commission will be charged for filling orders. umcE: 107 FIRST At D. X. Trent-ice's I STREET, Tortland,Or mm f . m f, m etSL.2& Dr. THOMAS A GRADUATE Of tho Cuivorstty of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LOS DON ENGLAND has located for Uhe practice o! hig profession in ROSEBURG . . . OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church. ron lass. a n S .1" ri" of VEGLTARI F u.u.,1. Ml3 for it, , Detroit, Miohigan, L. DONT FORGET THE Daisy Photo Gallery JS Now located one door Korth of the PlAin. dealer office, where you can get San Francisco worn at less man ban r rancsco price. v - nori7t 'Zr PUrCftftSe,0r WC "B ..ATCWlMrAKIia , , , , -nti, . dent of 'lxin satUfaction in U work e also do enlarging from any old and f " , 8twl min watches, clocks, and jewelry. faded picture of any kind, and make you a -,T repau" muic1 instrument. Beautiful Tastal Portrait that will last alwavs. !T.aV.e County Wtent rieht for sale of Concrete c ii j . . tment Pipe for conveyin water to anr pUce de Call and examine our work before going ,lr ln "glw County, c j elsew here. T. C. WARD. I lso teach anr kin.l V kwm.. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM WYANDOTTES, PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BROWN T.P.riTTnRVo' aj T AWES WILL PJND MY BTOOK l.inna in I r..T, AJ Complete. Prices moderate. AiiJB. XJ1K1SJS LEADING VARIE Or,,, m Call. Me. S. A. HpTcmasoa MRS. S. A. Ill TIIL80, i MILLINERY STORE! I " ! aunliul, Orotfon.j MADAME AND MR. DR0UILHAT8 STAR OF PORTLAND T Restaurant. 69 AND 691 ALDER STREET, Holton IIonwBulId.ii MEALS A LA CAR T E 15 CTS. UP. TIES. I KEFT NO OTIIERSJ Mr six Wyandotte Hens made a recori last season i one nunareo ana twenty six eggs each In six u,,...n.F, irom aunary iom, to July 16th. Aside rrom tnetr numy they are the handsomest fowt 1 nare ever Handled. Egg. one Mitiafc g ww nniBgi luree aett'nsa t9. My P I rmontk Rooks Hare always stood at the front for sereral years, Jways winning- the highest honors whenever on ex HatifnFP-Ml-l -j.a. ..... .. ... . D,woa- . settin, 2.M, two seUlngs 4. ws uiai uaruers W BUlt tH6 times. I vroe setUnfg W. A few choice trios fursale at 10 eacn. single birds from $3 to 95. j My Stock of Brown Leghorn Cannot be sur aased in this or any othor country. My strain is a direct cross between fowls I Imported rom Bonner of Massachusetts and Keefcr of Illinois. Eggs, one setting 12.50 two setting 14 1 three set tings W. A few extra choice Cockerels for sale at 4 to $5. All my fowls bare had splendid range, are healthy and finely marked. I guarantiee a good natch and perfect satisfaction. Send jstamp for handsomely illustrated catalogue. Caeh must accompany all orders. Addross, J. M. GARRISON. - Forest Grove Orenron- Expreas charges light, Wells, Fargo A Co's. OICTUfcl T.nn. J ...l.t. nm tnr uZij, . persons acsinng din-, uZot SS P!f e8' ClHb e"'ons andVl t; ln,l8 hy vixinK ordw little In advance. Accomodate nm . "ithMit extra charge. Accomodat, on Rooms for Guests from t to i5 persons. BUSS AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS oi. ui iuia line, and ask a shar. of the patronage of Roseburg and ricin- K.B.- EL31INA V. CRUMP. I npTem Wms t011 Iow u Next door to L. Bclfll. Jewelry Store, Rosbeurg Or. customer. J. M. 0. V VL J Th BiTTEBaV 0TJTDE la I wad Uterrli aad SepC. eaebwemr. J$9' SOS' fmfm, XU tXCiM.WlUeTW 3, COO lUxMtrUlense waeis rieteje Beilsij. WTYim TTtmlla r. 1 1 1 r to tonnmTM em sOl sroeds for PemU or tkmUy sue. OUlakowte f?r ftrtm ezstet cost of smry JWim ye, sue, eat, drtxtk, -vrear, r Witla. TIaese IMVALV ABUt BOOKS emstesa taftnrasetloai srlsswed em the auu-icets ef the world. We wm small m copy rBE to suar ad drees npoA receipt of 10 eta. to defray ! t ma-ft toia;. TmK m hear iVoam row. O ; BespeetiUIr, - MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. COFFEE HOUE. MEAL8 AT ALL HOURS. Meals after 9 o'clock P. M. 50ct. at ! other hours 25cts. - Second door north of Marks Brick on Jackson Street. We give the best the market affords. Mrs. Ha rkt Lambert. Brewster's Patent Beta Holder. Tour tinea are where yon pot them not enaeraorter reel, vne agent aoiauaos. la ft 4va. ana dealer sold a doc ia u A-rm. Bampias worta 1M rxxs. Write brteraia, UU I - of "regularism" rests the entire use of mmM and surrounded with physical poisons as medicines, and allopathy - T. mental lmes, tha was accused of being the cause of their X 7 ' "' a"d bod Dft introduction into medical practice: that Graham,ca!Is degrading to the col these poisons produce intemperance T tfl9 KEVIEW to lM5mit M vkTand crime. wr,tr t, ""ce to the evil workings of thia system, weaken, degrade and permanent ntic fraud' which w' a relic of bar- if injure the mental and moral faculties; m aescenaed ti-om the dark ages, that they were fillinx our land with!Lbut now clothed in 0e" habiliments of disease, suffering and woe; our prisons ?ience fni under the protest of heat with convicts, our insane asylums with X?S the. sick is 80winS broad-cast in 60- inmatea, and the grave with suicides. ciety disease suffering and woe. No All thepo facts, Dr. Graham W nnl. wonder Oraham declares it de. deny, neither does he intimate that S01'11 to fiivo a practice a turn the arguments based upon tbem are Upon tnreshin floor of common . falser Hence so far as tLa'anfl.nr f sense and winnowing before the winds that article is concerned. lie has notliin of loS"tcal investigation; for "no culm-it to answer, for Dr. Graham bar not Gr! fe,fc the Laifcer draw with good touched an argument or proposition i'iniou of tb law." set forth and they therefore stan,! nn. 0f Iate yeara the words quack and shaken and unquestioned. It is verv 1uacker7 have been quite-familiar to important for truth and humanity' the Public- TJie7 are used with irreat sake .tljat Dr.Graham so cunningly fieedom b7 a pertain class who ssera ; avoided every fact and pnnciple con- l tbink thatt!iee terms possess such tamed in the article which he nrnterxlml 0vei wlielming argumentative forcp. to answer. Full well ho knew that he that to appljr ttem makes annecewart t r . could not attack them with reason, or y "ter otlorts of reason. The meet them with argument and if he de- mSt common employment of them is nied them the proof would be bv the alloPathic r self-styled "regular' forthcoming, and the worthlessness Practitione'-s who make use of these of that time honored system, christened hrse3 Rs a supised reproach to all medical science, would be exposed to thir W011113 a sort of annthilator tho public gazein all its native ugliness. Upon aI1 Parties whose opinions these Tho propositions themselves are! vital gentlemen do not happen to fancy, questions. They effect humanity in S Wel1 do tl,e PeoPle understand this every department of existence, of soul reSOlt ? Pcrsolities that all honest and body, physically, meutally and le Ple instinctively leave its use to morally. They involve the mosf I 'ow politiciaits and common black-' sacred and the most vital interests of Suards- 11 Dr. Graham wishes to ex- uioit, nimseir to the world as having no better arguments and no greater calibre than that of calling names I cheerfully allow him a monoply of that practice. He says it is a slander for an outsider (a quack if you please) to say that such is their mode of practice. O! the human family; to ignore them if true, (and I will thank him who can, to disprove them,) is to rebel against the ovalaws of Jehh aud to rush into the jaws of death. The journalist vhr would refuse his columns to a fair and impartial discussion of such a momen tous question would show by that re- fllKfll flint lia c 1 . , .Mnuiufim oi numam shades of the dark ages! A ty and that hecared nothing for the hay- slandcr" for one outside of the alio- oc, desolation and ruin, which might F Dls t0 wbat ths7 panctice. be brought upon human Wings by a A "sIa,lder" o show the nature, and poisonous medication. Bro. Bell hftH tendency of poisons when taken into richly merited the esteem of everv 0,6 haman WJ- A "slander," to let" friend of humanity, for the noble stand P6 knovr tbo Peiplt and and moral courage which be has dis- P10"06 oE a class of men. who claim played amid the allopathic influences . . lC&I JcnowIedSe and the exclu wfiich were brought to bear, to deter "Je "?ht f tLe rob,nwn of all men him from oneninr hin rr,lmr,J 16 theif dictation. A "slander." to discbssionof these great problems of dl8Pute the D"ine right of Allopathy humanlife. Allopathic physicians may to 8eal the sUll the tongue, and - 1 e i . ClOflA fTlA ln KT; MwAr.fe . ? e curse ana rant, out Uod and the neo. t'oo ngmnst any in- pie will bless Bro. Bell. Dr. Graham begins his tirade of abuse, by accusing his opponent as being "ignorant of or thography, English composition and medical science." In relation to or thography and English composition, it would have been greatly to his credit if he had remembered the old adage; "Those who live in glass houses should' not throw stones," for his articlo is a sad comment upon both orthography I rr T VT anrl PW.d. ' ia?. "TPV Harvey-the amiable - "u vixiruTv,iuii. xn re"ard to medical science, Dr. Graham is not a proper judge, for he belongs to a class of physicians, who are steeped m Tconjjaiion oi medical science. A "slander," to- expose the hollow pre tentions and eroneotis doctrines of "regulai ism,"-whose regularity has al ways consisted in opposing every im portant discovery made in medicine, and in persecuting the discoverer with a bitterness and malevolence, which stoped at nothing short of his destruc tion, root and branch. Such was the fate of Ambros Pare-the illustrious Jenner the he roic Thompson and scores of lesser note, who have felt the poisoned sting of allopathic bigotry, for daring to ira- prejudice and hatml. fo,, V. on ineir "regular" mode. oE r w ---e vraa lUtll- I I.. I vu,.t 01 mioutsiao of their own ranks: has fo p:-omulgator. The cry, "quack." g, and to-day there are but few who swear their students upon the re' ? "TT T. lhat alIoPath7 ceipt of their fnrJm.- luuSUk Wlta witerness and its 1 w uciuici countennncfl nr nffiiiiou i pntctitionerr;;; F"?-Graham essenc.ofmedicalscience.theastounl tm ing doctnneof making disease and MiidldMrnfSl? weakening the powers of nature with no about the same kind of cunning the most deadly poisons, and. who de- M, the lonS Med Sent " Esophs fable clare aU outside oi their ranks, who do , 10 1 er J1 other ami- i " 4SX VBWIMh