ROSEBURG REVIEW ,? HAS TEE' 11 our lew. FINEST JOB OFFICE "IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLAKKS- And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Kand-Bilis Neatly and Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. VOL. X. KOSEBURGr, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH, 5, 188G. NO. 48. v ROSEBURG REVIEW ; IS ISSUED , ' FRIDAY MORNINGS BT ' THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CU J. R. NV BELL,' - - Editor. On Year - - ----- ?250 Six Months - - - - 1 25 ThresMontbs - ------ 1 00 QSflE&AL DIEE0T0BY. Qnovaa ClktBlap. .. President. TTaoa. F. Batahd7!t7.. . Secretary of SUte Daniel T. MAHMHO,Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamab. .Secretary of the Interior. V7& C. Esmcott. ... Secretary o W ar TV, C. Whitkbt .Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vila.... . .'. .Post Master General . A. H. Gablasd. ........ Attorney General. Mobbisox B. Waite. ....... .Chief J uBticc. STATE OF OREGON. 3r' V- S Senators. J. IL Mitchell.... J BtNOSB Hkkmakj. ......... .Congressman. Z.F. Moody Governor. R. P. Earhabt..... ....Secretaryof State. Edward Hiesch State Treasurer. E. B. McELROY....Snpt. Pnb. Instrnction. W. H. BTAB3. .State Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J., ) , , Wm. P. Lord, V . .. .Suprema Judges. W. W. Thaykb, ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. K. 8. Bkaw. .... . . Juiltfe, run tt . -' - t i-t.i..... J. IL Shots. : T 'or8' Wm. Mankino, s.Er& C. B. Wilcox, ) G. W. Kimball . Clerk. O. A. Tatlob, . ., Sheriff. D. S. West, Treasurer. F. W. Benson. . . . . .School Superintendent. K. C. Sacbt. .... Assessor. J. S. Fitzhitgh ..County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee, . . ..Commissioners. Wm. Thiel Surveyor. . Db. S. S. Marsters Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURG. H. C. Stanton, ! John Rast, I tP. Sheridan, ? ........ Trustees. . C. Wheeler, I P. Benedict. j T. Fobd Recorder. G. 3. Lakgeubebci Marshal. John Chase... Treasurer. w 1 cgac arrfnai PROFESSIONAL- h F. LAKE, OHN 1.A.MC JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan lintel. 0. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, np stairs. g WHITEMORE M..D. MYRTLE CREEK OREGON. OFFICE AT h. oyer's store. Residence at Henry A. Adams'. R. a HUNTER MD. - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CANYOXTILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D SUBGEOK. Homoeopathic Phjsician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BilLEY'S HOTEL. .Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 43TThlg bouse baa lately changed hands and is oronghly renovated and refurnished. The travcl ttg publle will And the best of accommodations. No Chinamen Employed. SMITH BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS DC. McCL ALLEN, . Proprietor of the MoCL ALLEN HOUSE. - v? Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. t ph Coach to and from the honse BaKSK delivered free of charjje. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAOT5, OREGON. Rioliard Thomas, Prop, First OlnRH SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. (Frincipaal Business Street.) Rosoburg, Oregon MEALS 35 CENTS, .LODGING 25 CENTS We ?oep tba Best tbe Market Affords. Mrs. R. Breckenridge AGErr ifa W. H. IIcCDUinCK, Importer aod "Haaufactarer of MONUMENTSeHEADSTONES Of American ana foreign Marble v , and Scotch Granite. Estirrates given for Coping in Sand Stone, Also Aent for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Enclosure. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON GENERAL Samuel Marks, Abheb S. MAEKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- BSBSBAL -IIAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAJSD UOT mmM Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, ool an AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEEJ. to. X.VUli!-? CO JVI. JOSEPHSON. Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line, of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of nosiorv. A full line of Clothing. 0 CO A ft 0 b A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Cans Boots and Shoes. M A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. & A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plunica and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. M JOSEE'HSOlsr. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery . Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph Albums, Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROU8 TO MENTION. Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. CO&mUTT, Successor to J. D. JOHNSOJV. DEALE IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, UAT8 and OAFS DRUGS smd PATENT IlSEDIGIIf ES, Ciieapcr than the Cleaj)C6t. HERIDAN Roscbarg, o O o Tliey would aunouncc that thoy have just rooetved aud mw ham cm hand ono of the largest stocks of eneml Hardware, etc. Ev-cr Brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made TInwar They are prepared to declare they have toe best supply In their line ofjany honse In Sonthorn Orecon, which they propose selling Cheaper than can be pnrohased elsewhere In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way of Locka, Bntts. eto., we can offer snperior inducement to purchasers. Try ns. We can give you bargains in the following brands'of -STOVES not equaled elsewhere: BUCK'S BOXAIfZA, FARMER'S UTILITY, DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, CLARENDOX, OCCIDENT, IBOK KIKO, EMPIRE CITY And other Sioves and Ranges. The Lest of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, such as Winchester, Sharp od other Kiflee. as well as Shotguns and Pistols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Home SEWIlf M MACHINES, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete In eyery respeot. ' We can also supply Averill and Butoer Fai&ta. The Lest u the market at lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect or ttock; inquire as to rices, auu we promise Dr. THOMAS GRAHAM, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG - - OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church. MERCHANDISE- Mares, W. I. Friellasdeb goods 5 Boots and SKioos GBWS3I 'roduceof every Descrip fion BouRht - Roselmrff, Or. 0 01 m o WARE, and TEN THOUSAND BOOTS and SHOES, BROTHERS, Oregon, vo gut yon u any ou DONT FORQEf TH1 t" Daisy PHeto eaflery Now located one door Forth of the Flain dealer office, where yon can get San Francisco work at less than San Fraacfioe price. Now is your tune to parchfts for we will not be with you long. We also do enlarging from any old and faded picture of any kind, and make you a Beautuul Pastal Portrait that will last always. Call and examine our work befere going elsewhere. T. C. WARD, Douglas County Bank, . HUMPHREY & FLINT, Roseburg - - - - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANIIIITa BUSINESS Slgut Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchaapre on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablcpoints at reasonable rates. JOSEPH SIIINDLER. PROPRIETOR . Of The CITY" BAKERY AND- KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full stock of Bread, Cakes, Pics, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Choc- ate Gooils. 30,000 CASKS OF IJETAL DSSB1SES ISooiul XJlcsoif-!, XfissKiivos!; PriirltnKaul, Fistulas innno, ETC., ETO CURED IH 6 YEARS BY THE BnlNKERHOFF SYSTEM lr. J. 13. Pilkingtou Proprietor f the Portland kyk and r.AR I.snituARY and Vakitacias for Nstrorg Diseasrs has been appointed Agent and Physician for this 1u Oregon & W. T. No severs sraoiCAi, orKRAiioss, no pais no Logs of kwod. In 2 months, have cured several cases in which eovere cutting op orations have failed. Am permitted to refer to Mr Jag. W. Wcathcrford, druggist formerly of Salem Mr. Frank Gardiner, macliinest, Mr. R. A. Rampy Ilarrisburg, and others. If 6cveral patients apply will spend one day In each mouth in Roseburg, Address for pamphlet etc. J. B. riLKING TON XI. D. PORTLAND OK. ( i)v. Pilkingtoa will he nt the McC'lallen House, Roseburg from Fri day evening, March 5th to Saturday evening March 6th, 1886. J. 0.. SHERIDAN. SS.Saccessor to jtj R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, -DEALER IN- Stovcsas! Tinware, Eosebnrg, Orrgon THE undersigned takco pleasure in an nouncing to the public that lie selling cveryimng in nis line at prices tliat DEFY COMPETITION! IF T0U WANT- STOVES, AGSI0ULTFEAL TOOLS IEON, STEEL, KAILS, HiiiU 0ES, TINWAEE, OUTLEftY Or anythine in my lino, call and exam!n mv owvo. uuu ic-am ju iuua oeiore purcnasmg else wuerc, as a am selling lower than evor, i.C. SHERIDAN JJASKULEK, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician ALL WORK WAR RA NTED . Dealer in Watches, Clockp, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglas3e3. A FULIi LINE OF CIUARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOOD3 milE ONLY RKT.Tapt i? nrTArpi? iv nuwvc flf fKft flflnii;,,, r)...:i:' e ' . 1 frtr the ririirura,ull.1in.,Tit ,.c.,.fi i.... T Send 10 cents postajro, and we will nail you free a royal, val uable, sample box of goods of making more money at ,nce, than anything else in Amorica. Both xes of all aitos can live at home and work in s(iarntiine, or all the time. CUnitil not renuired. We will irn. . , , . : -'- uj sure ior. Maine, vu- ro"'nu O.P.TOMPKINS, I PURCHASING Agent of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISL' ; A., orders from the country filled on short notice from ETery Class or Kind of Goods from First-Class Stock. Absolutely no charges or coiunifcsion. will be charged for filling orders. OFFICE: 107 first street, At D. XT. Prentice's Portland Or T ---- J - -)0 n fit. eeei '-" r -iHinm miiiiifcii airwMon r plaeltec all IMMw. 1 1 n - - 1 wtiiMi of muT inie mi Tilsabl W Ml. US, BCLBI, cm. luTalubl B. M. FEKRY A CO., Detroit, Mkmigan. L. BELFILS. Watchmaker. H ATJItO HAD SS TEAES KXPERJEXCE AS Watchmaker in Oregon, I feel confident of giving satisfaction in ail work entrusted to me, r,1 nae the County patent riirbt for aale of Concrete lement Pipe for couvejlnj water to any place de wrea " L. Eelfus. rY Mi V IS Troyal mat 2k X Absolutely Pure- Tins pawder never v .ilcs. A marvel tf rarity, strength and whoiesoiucncss. Mora eoonomical than the ordinary kinds, and oannot bo sold In co potitlon with tho multlludo of low test, ehont weiRiit alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROT All BAKIWO roWDER CO., 100 Wal .. is. x. RFFIf Mill R a Ba mm a lid 1 fiabVi CLARKE BAKER, Props. IUving purchnsod the shots named mlHs of E, SUphonB & Co., wa are now prepaped to furnish any au ouriUof the host quality o! LUMBER evor offered to the pnbllo irwDonglas Connty. will tarnish at the mill at the followtng- prices; We Ho'i rough lumocr.. fu m No, 1 flooring, C Inch .J24 II So. 1 flooring, Inch ...J28 M No. 1 finishing lumber $20 M No. 1 On ishlng lu mber drcteod on i sidos....$24 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed en 4 8ldcS""26 M CLARKB ft BAKER. L. 0. igAEtG&LgY. DEALER IN JL.iunlox-, Sash, Doors and 3Xoulcllnis OP THE VERT BEST MATERIAL. COME AND GET TERMS BEFORE prraCTlAS liig elsewhere. ; Offlco near Depot, ...- Robnrg. ;Agent for J. J. Whitsett'a Lwraber. " Ageo & Han&a. New ButcHer Shop Wc keep all kinds of FRESH and PIOKLED meats. . STISFACT10N ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bought. THE OLD RELIABLE I EstaWished ftt 1867. Jacob Bizcr H. TARRY, lerehMit Tarior. in the Red Fmnt. next doer to A. C. Marks Store. Repairs and AHerhtiens neAtly done. MILLTNERT STORE! Onkaiad, Oregon. JUi Ooniplute. Prices nod en hi. MADAME AND MR. DROUILHAT'S STAR OF PORTLAND Restaurant, G9AMD 691 ALDER STREET, Holton noussBaildm MEAL8 A LA CABTK 15 CTS. CT. Bates for Eeealar Boarders to tmit the times. iJSSwIS w,tfc arsons desiring din- tSfol an'"?8 M.Club Kauniomi andSoct nd8' by tciylDK order liuI advance. --w avau m IU fJV HUUS, AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS Work in this line, and aei a share of the patronage of Rosoburg and ricia ity. . - 7 - . . i EL5IIXA V. CROIP. Kelt door toL. Belflla Jowelry Store, RosbenrgOr. vtt bityezuk emus m Jarosd BftRb Mad Bept cnjr, 49100 para, tm i h.wIUiotw 3.SOO rn hhiid hoU Plslmrs Cimllerv. 6ITKS tTbolaewte Prloea direct to tonmmer on all sroed tor penonal or fluaaHv Me Veil how order, Mtd grrM uau)t Mtt of vrwry Umg you aw, nt, drtak, waeur, or tmm tan with. Wbtm ETVAXTJABXA BOOKS contain lnftmBetton rleaawd from G xomxtoeU mt the world. Wo will mail m copy VBJEB to any ad dreea upon receipt ot 10 eta. la defi-ay cipen or nialHwn, XtwlMaclraa yon. i) BaapaatfhUy i , 4 . MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. J?T t 82 WfcSsA ASJT5 fsscv, 3t TfHAT TtXE IS IT? Time to do well,j Time to live better, , To give up that grudge To answer that: letter, To speak the kin word That may sweeten some sorrow, To do now the giod .You would lea 'e till tomorrow. Time to try hard la that hew situation; Time to build up . On a solid foundation, Giving up needlessly . -Changing and drifting, Leaving the quicksands . That ever are jshifting . IJime q be earnest , ... In laying op uiasure; ' Time to be thoughtful In seeking true "pleasure; Leaving stern justice Of truth being found, Making your word Just as good as your bond. Time to be happy! In doing your best, ' Time to be trustful Leaving the resj, Knowing In whatever Country Or clinje, Ne'er can you call! back time. One moment of E. A. M. THE EXTEHTAIXMEXT. An Eveninff of J'lcasnre. We publish the iddress'of welcome, tho essay on a truo'lady, and the val olodietory of tho Adeiphinns, and wovild' have published much mora if we could have caught it "on the fly." These young ladies acquitted themselves with marked distinction. ADDRESS OF WELCOME. tBY MISS BEtLE MOORE. Mb. President, I Gejimlemen- and Ladies: I have been chosen by - tho Adelphian Society tjo welcome you here this evening and if j were better able to express myself it- would be the most pleasant offlco. You era invited here to-nightto listen to! the closing exer cises of otrr society The Adelphian Literary is the first; Society ever organ- ized in Roseburg, arid has an enrollment of Q0 Members, all of whom have ta ken a great interest in its Buccess. They have exhibited considerable tal ent, as much, I think, as will be found in niany societies composed of older persons. When we first organized, which was about si months ago, we weie, with but few exceptions, igno rant of how a Literary Society should be conductedj since .that time we have learned much about this formula, and have been greatly benefitted by the exercises of each evening. That you may knpw how wo employ ed our time at eachjmeeting, we have not varied the regular routine of work, except, probably to pake it a little more extensive than at our regular meetings. ' I So this evening ydu will witness a fair exhibit of our regular work. Our reason foi bringing the society to a close now is owing to the fact a num ber of tho members will not bo able to attend school during the Spring term, and we do not wish to continue it with out them, and also he evening3 beiDg much shorter in summer. Therefore wo have thought it! best to adjourn to-night with the understanding that tho Literary Socieljj will continue its work the next school term, when we hope to reorganize w-ith a largo mem bership. In behalf of tho members of tho Adelphian Literary Society, gen- tlenicn and ladies, I welcomo you here to-night, A TRUE law. BY MlSd DORA LEWIS. Every one has his own opinion of what "constitutes a! trne lady. Bhe may bp beautiful, wjell educated, and wealthy, or she may bo homely and poor, but the qualities of heavt and mind shine so brightly that all know she is a lady. She must be above all, kind, gentle and loving. All women are not ladies any more than all men are gentlemen. No woman who makes it her chief ccupation to paint her face, and parade the streets, who can not utter a sentence that is not full of slang, hns by no means all tho ele ments of a true lady. In whatever position she occupies she sustains hei self with quiet digni ty. She is never loud nor boastful, 1 ut rather modest and retiring, satisfied with her duties whatever they may je, content in her home and in the 1 v e of those who cluster around its dear hearth, stone. She exerts her Iot ing influence over all with whom she ccmes in contact day by day.; Theioorand oppressed never fail to come t her for help and sympathy. : She ne -er shirks tho re sponsibilities tkat n ay fall to her lot but always eudeavo -g to perform them to the benefit of thitse around her. A woman should Lav j no higher aim in life than to attain t le merited reputa tion of being a la y. The name of lady embraces all that is to bo desired in life. The love and devotion of her :iends; the respe:t of all whom she may meet with, as she passes through the battle of life, and the administra- tiv C ..II . .. I u vx .... At inoiasi meeting ot our society Hon. E. O. Hursh made us n.-.eV a 1 """o auareaa, iu wmcb ne graph- 7 rvuicu guuiDut laegreac lau ings of the present ac: ' H tnM n that a true lady Is never content to dress and play on the piano while her mother is strur-lm to W th work which should have been taken off her shoulders by her daughter. ' It is easy to discern the difference be tween a lady and merely a grown fe male or a woman. See them in ety a woman will be rude, tall make herself noticeable by her ill man ners, and her name will be a common i word among the lowest and the vilest; but how different with a lady her manners are gentlo and kind, and she j will never be spoken of with other than respect. VALEDTCTOllT. OT MISS LIZZIE P ABBOTT. io-night our society closes its work for this school year and it is with- a feeling of sadness that I perform this most honorable duty, which has de- volved upon me namely, that of deliv- cring the valedictory. I am forcibly rommdm nf mv ir..i;i, f A to such an important task. If I could but express my feeling on this occasion, - - -- I trust you would all feel satisfied, but it is impossible for mo to find words to picture to you all that I feel. The nafiia i v uie via. sail v rn fui n n n n w a a jJiaiu- tive sound, but when bidding fare well to anything of as pleasant a char acter as our Adelphian Literary Society has been it contains a world of sadness, The career of this society, since the time of its first meeting has been one of uninterrupted success. I am sure that not one of tho many members de part from its instructive influence without a pang of Borrow, Although our vacation is welcome after our long and continued toil and we will be the better fitted to resume the work after oar rest, but some of the faces will be missed from their accustomed places to be with us no more, they go forth to meet the different responsibilities in life. We part realizing that in ..all probability, we shall all of ns never again be assembled together at our so ciety, but we fervently hope, that those who go forth to battle with the stern realities of life, may fill the particular positions allotted to them among God's people, with honor to themselves, and that they may 'be an example to those who remain to strive to follow in their foofateps. One' word more to the de parting members; be careful of the little duties of daily life. The bricks that compose a handsome building are not to be thought of 'singly but as a part, of a whole structure, and each must be fitted and polished with care, lest the beauty of the whole building be marred. The same with trifling affairs in life, which appear to be of no consequence singly, . but when taken together they magnify to startling pro portions. We cannot close our part ing words without expressing our grat itude for the kind assistance of our teachers, and we also wish to express our thanks for the oft repeated words of enoouragemont from the many citi zens of our prosperous community. And especially is the Adelphian Lit erary Society indebted to the far famed J unior band, for the inspiring music which they have so kindly furnished us, gratus, since the commencement of our society, they are indeed entitled to, and have a thousand fold, our life long gratitude with which they will have to be content until they are bet ter paid. - "Adelphian" is from tho Greek word "Adelphus" which means . brotherly, and the form Adelphian only applies to thoso who go through life ever treat ing others kindly and are ever actuated by brotherly or sisterly affection. Let us all from now throughout the future strive to deal with humanity in all in stances as should brothers and sisters, and wo shall again assemble and clasp glad hands in that grand eternity where true Adelphians meet to rejoice for ever. " A JItnt to Boy i. I stood in the store ' the other day, when a boy came in and applied for a situation. "Can you write a good handr was asked. "Yaas." 'Good at figures," "Yaas." "That will do I do not want yon," said the merchant. ' "But," I said when the boy had gone, "I know that lad to be an honest, industrious boy. Why don't you give him a chancer "Because he hasn't learned to say Yes, sir,' and 'No, sir.' If he answers me as he did when applying for a situ ation, how will he answer customers ai ter being here a month?" wnat could I say to thatt Ho had fallen into a hnbit vnnff .. !, a which turned him awav from the firsc v situation he had ever applied for. $ contniied fromlast week) j J6 replaced, the tarfabe restored to and Huntley drew a deep breath of satisfaction. "Now, sir, our money is safe; no burst to this bank. You ride along to San Beraardinoand I'll go around and beat op the PalosVerdes We'll meet here in ten dajB Trom tow and decide on wnat we want, and here will be our money., all ready to Land ovtr" . -r Benoxam Ar.p'ay f astmora thaa one AiUKiuiK hjvb. uemnu wnere au nis cap itallay fallow. He contemplated the scene with far greater complacency when he returned at the ' Appointed time; content, too, and reassured, when in a distant speck on the opposite road he gradually came to recognize his partner. Their undertaking had held its share of danger. In those days a man .on the quest for buying cattle meant a man with ready money, whose life would not be worth a moment's Eurchase should he encounter any of the iwless gentry of the day. The part- TlO?"fl eat. triAtn rtnnrn -s-h s1!m-ir?3 m a enack from' their knapsacks and the su- Priority of the herdatthePalosVerdes; - SStStTS So eastward bearings, and short they to jg? chaparral that had screened its site rm me uve-oas wnere tucy Qinea. Thus its situation had been concealed till they were close upon, and now only a loose, irregular heap ot scattered earth showed where it had been hidden. Huntley staggered back as under a phys ical blow. An way came near to inspect he hollow closely. UTo nnt it 1 til J i wa . . . I iiunuev, WltU ftn OaW, untley, "It does seem hard." said Anwnv. temperately. Hard!" echoed Huntley, raging; "hard! You call it hard when fortune, was waiting our grasp! I tell you, An way, there is no Providence that will let this tiling befall us; there is no Heaven that will overlook it; there is no God!" He raved on, in a wild burst of blasphemy. Benjamin was no Puritan nor saint, but the other's abandon shocked him. He remonstrated gently, rationally, pa tiently. "Come, John, old man," ho concluded, "no use to make bad worse. Let us look into this; there may be traces some clew that we may follow. Idon't purpose to give np without an effort." But a recent shower had passed, which might have obliterated signs f foot stepsno trace or clew was there. "We'd best go into the town and get assistance," said Benjamin An'vay? "but Bow -I -am-ronvniced it's a hopelesaf quest. The one who knew how to get the money will know how to keep it" He was staring at the other as ho spoke in reality, with the unseeing, un witting gaze of blank despair. But Hunt ley chose o discover in his look- fresh cause for grievance. "By heavens, Anway," ho shouted, with furious passion, "I believe you think I sneaked back here and dug up "Whvr-fn tounded, ou tley," cried Anway, as- are mad to dream of such - a ming!" Huntley persisted; he protested; he swore he would prove an alibi by wit nesses from the ranches where he had stopped. "All this," cried Anway, "is more than folly. You are hunting trouble tt add to tribulation. See here. Hnntlev. I know you did not take the money! Does fcJfc. JVM1 v , - Huntley's whole bearing underwent a change almost instantaneous, as the positive manner of Anway'a utterance - l a i wa bethck mm. .tie Knows it, he mut tered; "how can he know lam inno cent, unless he knows another man gtiUtyP And whoso guilt but his own would he conceal?" From a raging tiger at bay, he became more like a crouching wolf or hyena, prepared to spring on unsuspecting prey. His in sane reasoning fascinated him. The tone of absolute conviction adopted by Anway, in the strength of his moral consciousness, was full of fatal signi ficance to his partner. i 'Perhaps," he said, with lips drawn back to show his teeth, in a horrible canine snarl, "perhaps you came back. Perhaps you have got the money!'' For a moment Benjamin An way's face was Kvid with the terrible white ire that dominates men of his type, wrought np to in tensest passion; for a moment Tiis powerful muscles, tense with tho springs of murder, strained the heavy cloth that garbed them. TJien the consciousness of his power constrained him to for bearance. "You are badly unstrung, John," he said, quietly; "let us o into Los An geles and see what we can find in the way of detective skill perhsp3 the Vigilantes hang out hereabouts." Hut in the City of the Angels thcro was no ability that could trace the treas ure spirited away, Benjamin Anway epeedDy resigned himself, to the loss, as inevitable as it was unforeseen. As his share in tho cache had been greater than Huntley's, to his world ly possessions had been more com pletely merged therein. Now he was, indeed, left destitute. Resolutely, how ever, with tho thought of his helpless family behind him, he applied himself to finding a means of maintenance, and before the . rebellious Huntley left the town Anway had obtained employment, in subordinate capacity, that yet would suffice for his family's greatest needs. Huntley was not without resources. Not all his means had been involved in this speculation that had promised so much and ended so. abortively. He re turned to his mountain home,- uprooted all the ties of his residence there, and presently returned to Los Angeles with his family; but, in lieu of settling within the growing city, ho chose to buy a narrow tract of bind some miles away, and there lived, within sight of the spot where disaster had come upon the part ners. Benjamin Anway, Huntley sedu lously avoided. Weeks ran into months, and months into years; and, like the forms of a dis solving view, so changed the Southern California country. Where herds had browsed unmolested, vineyards and homesteads lay; over' countless acres, where -timorous sheep had nibbled in day-long contentment, all fearless of in vaders, wide groves of the pretentions orange tree now mad a pert display of their golden globes, as some parvenut heiress decks herself with sequins, in ostentation of her wealth. Over to le Qniinuieds ..