ROSEBURG REVIEW 13 IRSL'ED FRIDAY MORNINGS . ' r.v J, It. N; BELL, - Proprietor. One Year -------- 2 :.0 Six Months - - - - - - - -12-3 Three Months ------- 1 00 These are the tonus of those piiy'mK in isdvane-C. The Rbyiew oilers fine inducements to ad-.erliserj. Terms reasonable. GENEBAL DIKE0T0BT- C. itovKit Clf.vei.asi rrvi-'.t "t Tiios. F. Uayakd Secretary of .State Daniel T. MAKSiNfi.Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. LamaK. .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C Ksdkott.. Secretary o War W. C. Whitney Secretary of Navy. VV. T. Vilas..'. Post Master r.eneral. A. II. Garland .Attorney General. Morrison 11. Wattk Chief Justice. j STATE OF OltEGOy. i:5;SS::::::::::l Hinckr Hermann Coiiyrehsinaii. Z. F. MooDY ... Governor. It. P. Eabhaut Secretarvof State. Edward Hiiist ii State Treasurer. J E. B. McELUOY Supt. Tub. Instruction. V. H. Byabs Stats Printer, j J. B. Waldo, C.J.,).. WM..P. Loan, y Supn W. V. Thayer, CI1U! J .lilCS. I SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. II. S. llKAN.. Juil.e, J. . W .HAMILTON I'rosCCUttllg Attorney " J 1 "DOUGLAS COUNTY. Joirs "Em mitt, l J. If. Suite, j Wm. Manmsu, seuators. ; ! .i nr i. V ,laiies utalies. (i. W, Riddle, ( 1 C. P.. Will-ox," J (1. W. KimbALI ..Cler!;. G. A. Taylob, . Sheriff. D. S. West, .Treasurer. F. W. Benson School Superintendent. E. C. Saury. .. pAssw:T. J. S. FrrzHuou CouHty .luiljje. J. Hall, C.A. M Gee, .-. . .Commissioiicis Wm. Thiel Surveyor. Du. S. S. Maksteus CoroLcr. CITY OF ROSEBURG. 11. C. Stan ton, John Rast, i J. P. Shekidan, L. V. WllEELEli, 1 P. Benedict. ; Trustee!; T. Fold ....... Recorder. , Marshal. ; , Treasurer, i J. J. Lan':eiibei:: John Chase PROFESSIONAL- L l I.ANE, JOHN LAN! ANE & LANE, ' Attorneys at I aw. Mam street,, opposite Cosmopolitan I !--to'. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at L:iv. Office in Marl.s' brick, up stairs. s. WHITEMORE M. I). MYRTLE CliEKK OUECiON. Office at ii. dyer's btokk. ; t - Residence at Henry A Adams'. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AjXYOXVILLE OUEUOX K. L. MILLER, M. D SUROEOS. ' "'-" Homeopathic Phjsician. Ofliicc up stairs in . the old Sheridan XJiiok, on Jackson Strec6, Roseburg, Oregon. : Chronic diseases a speciality. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL Oaklaml, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, ajJThis house has lately eliangcd hands and is orou(hly renovated and refurnished. Tlie travel njj public will find the best of accunimodations. INro CliiimmCii Umployetl. S3U1H CAILEY. a i;soi.(.-n;i.Y nasr class 1). C. McCfiALLEN, rroprietor ot the McCL ALLEN HOUSE. liarje Sample Rooms for Couitncreial ' Travelers. rcc (,'tiach to and from the house ' Uae delivered free of charge. DEPOT UOTL'b, OAKLAND, OREGON. If.iolitii'rt Thomas, Ii-ti. SLE FPING ACCOMO 1 ) AT IONS and the Table supplied with the Bestthe,Markct affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. HOOK ES ICESTAl 1MXT. (I'riiKipii! DuiintHS Street.) I5o."flni"jLr? Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Mark.-t AllVmL. Mrs. R. Br eeken ridge AGENT t'Oli W. II. McC0B2IQ&, Importer and Manufacturer of . MONUMENTSSHEADSTONES ' - Of American and foreign Marble and Scotch Granite. ! , - Estimates given for Cpig in Saud ' t0Qe' ! Also Agent for Walker's Iron Fence for; Cemeteiy Enclosure. . i ROSEBURQ. - - OU fiOOW! - j i ', 1 ; ; ...... ' ' VOL. X. JlOSEBURGREGOyf FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 18S(. NO. 47. ,," J'"" ' "I"'" ' ' -. -, - - r i T;V-C"rr: : GENERAL Sami kl -Mauks, Ashek . MARKS & Co. DEALERS IN HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND- PTiiii, ;im IT Crockery-, Glassware, I Provisions, Cig-ars, oo! and roduce ion Bought AND TH VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. 5S. 3r.VI5iv.f9 liomlMii-g-, Or. L. JOSEPPISON. Kt-i j.s ;i full line of Dicks Good's of every variety and Shade. A A full line 'of Silks. 0 A full line of Satins, Drocadea and Velvets. X' A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. .V full line Jl 0 b A f .til line of Furnishing Goods. A full line o Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Statde and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. ! And Jast, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plurues and Tips, with all ! kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. MJOBEPHSON. All Kinds Of .fencv Groceries, Stationery. . - Photograph and . Perfumery, Autograph Albums, ' ; ; . Crockery and; - Stand, Haiid; fand Queens Ware, Hanging " Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, . and TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. .Call And See Me At The . Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND'EGGS BOUGHT. - ; ' N. COUfflUTT, Successor to J. DEALER DRY GOODS, DOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS DKU(SS semi PATENT IffEDICIWES. Cheaper than the Cheapest. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, 15)sel)iirg, Oregon, o O o They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of eneiral Hardware, etc. Ever Brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They arc prepared to declare they have Southern Oregon, which thev propose selling lu the shape of P.UILDINt; MATERIALS, in the way ol Locks, Butts, etc., wo can utfi-r superior inducements to purchasers. Try us. We can give you bargains in the following JiCf'K S UOXANZA, VAKMElt S VTILITY, CLAKEXDO.N", OCCIDENT, And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen arc constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR and buyers should learn our prices. Wc have also bargaius to otter in HUNS, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Ritlce, as well as Shotguns and l'i;-tols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Home SEWING MACHINES, which wc sell at the lowest rates and w arrant as complete in cyery respect We can also supply Averill and RTib"ber Paints. The best n the market, at lowest rates. rices, ami we promise th alios. as ;i:umi, A GRADUATE , ,,,, i ,.i ,,f the of the I Mivi-rsitv of fa. at fhlladlplisa au-i .Ss has h,tod for the l.racfae of Lis pr-fesdon m r0F RURG - OREGON. . . i Ortkv antKredeuee, Wuluu-toa street opposite the Catholic Church. MERCHANDISE Marks, V. I. Friedlander 111114111 SB nuiiui ifi 3 Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip- CASH Sf Oil, o m W o of iiotlfuis. I7IIZoorc D. JOHNSON. IX 9 too best supply in their line of;any house iu Cheaper than can bo purchased elsewhere brands'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere: I'EXTEli, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, IRON KING, EMPIRE CITY Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire as to 10 sun you u any one can, DONT FORGET THE tW Daisy Tlioto Gallery Now located one door North of the Plain dealer office, where you can get San l-'rancisco work at less than San rrancisco price. Now is your time to purchase lor we will not be with you long. Wc also do enlarging from any old and laoeu picture 01 any Kinti, ami make you a Beautiful Postal Portrait that will last always. Call and examine our work licfore eoirnr etsewncre. i, . aku, Photogragher llUUUlllfiB Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, j Roaebnrg - - - Oregon 'TRANSACT A GENERAL j BANKING BUSINESS lgbt Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of cxchangQ ou the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections, made ou all accessablcpoiuts at reasonable rates. JOSEPH SHINDLEU. j PROPRIETOR -rOf The .j CITY BAKERY AND KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A full stock of Bread, '- '.ikes, Pies,; Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Choc ate Goods. 3o,ooo euYsiiS (3T OF RECTAL DISEASES! .AS Xilt?!s, lS'ftnl TJl;ei'.o, FissureN, Iini'itti!-siiii, XT'if-ititliiJS in itno, Il3-iii; , iict?ti. ETC., ETC., CURED IN 6 YEARS BYTHEBRINKERHOFFSYSTEM Dr. J." Ii. I'ilkiiif-tcu proprietor of the 1' or t land kve and ear 1nhu.m.u;y and Vanitakiax for Xkkvoi s Diskahks liusbecn npjioiiued A;,'uiit and 1'Uynician for this in On g.m & w. T. No skvekk sukuicai. OI'EKATIOXH, no P.MS no LOSS of KLOOD. Ill 2 iiiontlis, have cured several case.3 in which severe cutting up cratioiia have failed. Am i riiiit,ttd to rttei- to Mr Jas. W. Wcatherford, druijiot formerly of Salem. -Mr. Frank Gardiner, machiiicgt, Mr. K. A. Kampy Harribhurjf, and others. If several patients I'pply will sjtend one day in each month in Hosclmr.;. Address for pamphlet etc. J. B. riLKlXGTON il. V. rOUTL.VXD OU. "Dr.' Pilkinyton will be at the McClallen House, lloseburg from Fri day evening, March 5th to Saturday evening M"aich Gth, 1SSG. J. C. SHERIDAN iSuccessor to jvx R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, DEALER IN- ' I HARDWARE i Stoves and Tinware, Uoselmrg, Oregun HE nndersigued takee pleasitr nouncinz to the nublic tliat f t Lclliir everything in his lino at prices th j . DEFY COIlPETIlJlOHr IF YOU WANTT I STOVES, , TOOLS , ifiON, STEEL, JJAILS, ; H ESESHOES, TINWAEE, CUTLEEY Or anything iu my lino, call and examine my atock and learn prices before purchasing else where, asl am selling lower ovv.l '. J. C. SHER1I AN J. JASKULEK, rractlcaf Watchmaker, jeweler autl Optician . ALL WORK W'ARUANTED. Dealer In Watches; Clock?, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OF CIGARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMEIt IX TOWN for the proper ail iustment of Spectacles. Iclnt of the Genuine Rraziiian I'uhhle Sectaelca and Eve glasses, omce in Hamilton s JJriek Uloek. A GIFT Send 10 ccnta ikisUisjc. and we . will mail you free a royal, val- ilahle, KainHc bi of gtMjU.s that will out von in the w:lv- of making more money at once, than anything cltie in America. IJoth sexes of all ajjes can live at home and work iu spare tunc, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pav sure for, those who start at once. Ktixsov & Co.. Portland Maine. O. P.TOMPKINS, I PURCHASING Agent of ALL KINDS OF MEFCHANOISL' A., orders from the country filkJ u hort notice from Erery Class or Kind of Goods from' First-Class Stock. Absolutely no charges or comniifsion. will be charged for filling orders. OFFICE: 107 first street, At D. Wr. Fkextice's iVnland.Or rHXt to til tpplfeuu, u to Htuntri of !'5,, ottUrtaj ii. It eoDUiM about ISO pxt, dirwtioM fcrpluUni all rtrirti- of VEttETABLE IS. E'i'LS HMkeTOwdMIl7 Sen tor IU , D. M. FERRY CO., Detroit. Michigan. T BELFILS, li. Watc Ltuaker. HAVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS Matchmaker In Oregon, I feel cohfldeiit of trivinjr satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have the County patent riiflit for sale of Concrete icmcui ripe lor couveyinit water tony place ac wred l. Beuiia K (yiOYAUMWJIt 2k J Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A n.-antl i f j urity, strength and whoicsonienesa. More eeoiiumical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, shout weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ou!y in tans. ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO., PC Wall St. N. Y. HUBBARD GREEK MILLS, CLARKE & RAKER, Props. . Having purchased t!;e aho-c named mills of' E. Stephens & Co., we are now prepaped to furuisli any amount of the hcstipiality of IL."CJMI31ili. ever offered ! the public iu Douglas County. We will furnish at the mill at the Mlowm;,' prices; No- 1 roU'h luiuher....". JJ No, 1 flooriii;;, 0 incl s2l M No. 1 Houring, t inch iia M No. 1 liiMsliini; lumber . M No. 1 liiiishiiej lumber dressed ou 2 sides M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on I sides""'' M CLARKE & RAKER. DEALER IN Jiuiil-i-, Doors nutl M.oiillin OF THE VERY REST .MATERIAL, j COME AND GET TERMS KEFORE I'lTRCHAS iiijf elsewhere. Ollice near Depot, ....Rosehur-. Ao-eiit for J. J. Whiisell's Luinlx-r. A goo & Hunan. ew Butcher Shop . We keep all kinds of FRESH -and PICKLED meats. STISFACT10N -ASSURED. Ilutcs'qf all lands bought.' ; ' THE OLD RELIABLE- . : Established in 1867. Jacob Oit3zcr H TARRY, . Merchai.t Tailor. . in the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marks Store. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. .MRS. S. A. IIUTCMIXSOK, MILLINERY STORE! Oaknlud, . Oregon. LADIES WILL F.SD M? STOCK LARGE AND Complete. Prices moderate. MADAME AND MR. DROUILHATS STAR OF PORTLAND Restaurant. 69AN0 691 ALDER STREET, n -lton House iiuii.nn MEALS A LA CARTE 15 CT.S. I P. Kates for Regular Boarders to suit the times. iiTSptcial Terms made with persons ill tiiriii'r alin. tiers for Weil.liiife's, Parties, Club lie-unions amf.Snci- nes mi minis, oy nin orner a little inadvaiice. f'-TPnvate R oms for Ladii without extraihare. Accomodation Itooms forGtiests from 2 to i.riicrsons! 1 AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS Work in this line, and ask a share of the patroiRi'c of Rosebtirg and vicin ity. i;lisia v. ckoip. Next il .r to.L. Ilol.'lls Jewelry Store, KixbeurgOr. The BITTERS' GCIDK U lulled March and Spt., i each year. 49 816 pages, sxxil incneayvrlUiOTer ' 3, BOO lUlostraUons a -whole Picture Gallery. GIVES "Wholesale Prices direct to consumer on all goods for personal or OamHy use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost ot everr thtng you use, eat, drink, wear, or hare fan with. These INVALUABLE! BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of tin world. Wo will mall a copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt ot 10 ets. to defray expense of matting. Let tu bear from yon. m Keepee trolly, CTasaat(2 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 91 C WkMH ATtBHC (ICHCa, HI, ii i i LINES ON A QLD SONG. It'a the cnrlonse8t thing ir creation, M'honcvcr I hear that old Bong : "Do They Miss Me at Home." I'm so conjured My Hfo seems as short as it's Ions ! For everything 'pears llltel adzackly It 'peared In the years past and gone, w ben I started out spnrkln' at twenty, uu uivu my nisi uecKerciicr on: Thon?n I'm wrinkclder, older and grayer Rll?ht Tn w til fin mr nnrii mis was incn, juu suiKo up mat sons: Me." "uo ruey miss And I'ln Intat a Tminratrl. on-. In t I'm a-standin' back tbereiln the fun-lea A-wishin' for evening come, And a-wliisperin' over anil over Them words: "Do They Miss Me at Home?" You soe, Marthy EHetf shil sting It The flrst 'time I heard It j and so, As she was my very first sweetheart, I reminds me of her, don't you know How her face ust to look m the twOllfiht As I tuck her to spellin' t and she Krrp' humrnln' that song 'tel I a.nt her. Pine blank, el sho ever missed Me! I can jest shet my eyes, aJ you sing it, i And hcer her low answeVin words. And then the clad chirp of the crickets As clear as the twitter of birds ; And the dust in the road Ib like velvet, And the ragweed and fennel and grass Is as sweet as the scent ofj the lilies OX Eden of old, as we pass. "Do They Miss Me at Home?" Sing it lower And softer and sweet ius the breeze That powdered our path with the snowy White bloom of the old locus' trees. Let the wblpporwills ho'p you to sing It, And the echoes 'way over the hill, 'Tel the moon boolges out in a chorus Of stars, and our voices js still. Cut oh ! "They's. a chord in the music That's missed when herrvoice ts away," Though I listen from midnight 'tel morning, And dawn 'tel the dusk of theday And I grope through thei dark, lookin' up 'ards And on through the heavenly dome. With my longln' soul singin' and sobnln' TlmwArilo. lili.. rl'l. ... fer; ... . . . n. joiv . . a uo . uu o.iae-y miss aio at llOulcr Ii. I'. Johnson, in Indianapolis Journal. HIDDEN TKEASUKE. A Bitter Misundorsanding Turned to Swoot Accord. It was many aiid maiiy a year ago, on a bl-12-ht autumn niornintr. tlmt. thn slbVv besran wliich ended inst of lnt. In the days when Los Angeles was still one oi mo "cow couMies,,, noted for grazing, and for little,' else not even climate two horses stood tethered to trees in front of the Lafavcttc Hotel. Very picturesque was t to old Lafayette of those departed days; a long, low, lwd-6ry building of darkened brick, With double wooden veranda across its entire front, and old-fashioned double- leafed glass doors that opened there upon. It sat well baeli from the street, behind a row ob immense pepper-trees; antt wncn, in me sptiec between the hotlSn rtTwl tlio cdrnnt iirilil iol mrnilinm wcrghclil. lire belles aiid beaux of . the icy pouita iiiiy tne auxpie Duicomes oi fort antl.wrath of guest3 at the house. it was tue year oi a vresiiieniiai cam paign, and die preceding night had seen a caucus here. The comparative chances of the candidates was the theme - ------ - . - u 3 l II U 11 V .1 from the hostelry, untied -their horses ii um me iree-'joses. unit mounteiL 'J Wfcaa I1VU-U1ULU liiVU, tl- I f journey. - ' I I S!C we' go directlT over to : Chapel's, and I wc go directly over to : Chapel's, and uuuiv uiu turn uviuic leaving, ii we findho bunch we want we can : pay on . delivery here." . ' v;- . yljloh't care to lay jap my treasure hv bnnkslHrhfrA tliinvr-a Htinrl in And otiV" said.the other, cynically. ' - j uufc uiK.ein oa sy uisixusuuir : ma nnnrfln rnlnlnrCl 1iindiln T14 tint have been so anxious io hear the speech lnction rjut lor tne convenicnco oi oe- notSkd many strwghtcr men than old "Nor many trickici than bia dandy sonrjCluco Chapel tnust spend three be shlU not pay for his follies from my pocket. ; No, sir! J We'll cache ; the mnriAifr HQ vira QnrrAcil in - '.. " "Have your own wiy about it," said Benjamin Anway ; 'l)ank of deposit or Vinrtlr nt cnnrl it ia alii nna tr ma Tha thenle of my song at ne present time is cattle." , . Then the partners veered off to the subjects qf brands ana increase, as they ieuu oiuwiy vm-ougn me narrow streets of "Sonora," the Spanish quarter. Here were the low, p?ison-like houses of the old Mexican tofn, with walls of bare atlobc, or else of stucco tinted in livejy shades of pink, j or blue, or buff; here were the drmking-shops,' each with its Surrounding cordon of horses, whose riders-rvaqueros, shep-shcarers, per haps horse-thieves frdm the Trabuco wei fe making merry within ; hero was the open", treeless plaza, where the maromo ros played nativn rope-dancers ' and trick-plaj-ers ; here the hard-beaten ground and great wooden screen, where all day long the players of pclota kept their ball ilyiuv and bounding. The cumbrous vehicles of those days gave ho hint of the jingling horse-cars that should traverse, in the near future, that narrow thoroughfare ; in the clink of metallic; . disks, Hung: by Mexican boys playiug cualri(o$i on jlhe outskirts of the vineyard, there was no forecast of the beating hammers ami the clank of driving-wheels that their 'son's hear in that sclf-saijie spot to-day. Onward the travelers fared, through the present blooming suburb of East Los Angeles that.was then but a s icep pasture.'ruotig the'stony bed of Arrpyo Jjeco, amid its clustering sycamore4 and over the up lands beyond, all bstrrcu and untilled. On," among the live-oaks and the chap arral, until finally John Huntley threw his rein. "Here we arc hurc we'll cache our money." t So under a live-oak the two dis mounted. It was h young tree, and froin a neculiar liitlformntinn. in nn ith those about it. V " wise io we com ti sen w So many paces to t stct)3 thence at rio-lit u; north, so manv kmgle.5 to the cast. a little pit wa.s . stjooped in the dry, crumoy sou, ana a unsliing from the buckskin baT wm Lddle-horn and in terred there. The earth and snravel Bucklen'a Ai-nica Salve The Best Sal.viJ in the world for Cuts, Bruises, jSStires, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sor Tetter, Chaniied Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and rotiveIv cures Piles. or no pay rcfuired, It is guaranteetl to give perfect sat sftction, or money re funded' Price 23 cts t box. Far sk by MakstekA 6: Co THE HEART OF OOI). The following is a letter ci;prd and ent to Harry Seeber by Lis daughter, an accomplished young lady in Chicago. Harry you could do no better than to conform to these suggestions. j Mn. Moody's evening service. -; Every seat in the Chicago Avenue Church last right was occupied before the ten-Ices fairly opened, and Mr. Moody succeeded in stirring up : k &:'eat deal of enthus'asm among the men m regard to his scheme in form ing a m?lc choir. He has been urging this matter all the weel-, and a large immber of men have signified their wi'linprness ti iovi, tlie choir and be trained to s'ng gospel liyns. 'J?he praise seivice wh'ch preceded the meet ing was very earnest, the hymns being sung with spirit bv the vast assem blage. Mr. Moody stated that a col- lcstion would be taken up to pay the expenses, and all who wanted to give would have an opportunity. The church is non-denominational, was free to all, and everybody in that part of the city that didn't have a regular place of worship to come to that church, and if it wasn't large enough to hold them an addit'on would be bui!t. Before Mr. Moody began to speak the Rev. Mr. Goss, pastor of the church, read the story of the man who went to Jericho and fell among theives its told in the tenth chapter of Luke, and Mr. Moody said that he proposed to toll the audiance something about the heart of God. He thought if he could speak of the heart of God as he wanted to, all hearts in tho audiance would be taken captive. Men had a false idea of Christ. They thought He was their enemy, but he was their friend who loved them more than anvone else. He said that some time ago he had rea' the four cospcls through to find ou what it was that moved the heart of Christ, and it was found that it was clrefly the sufferings and soriMr of otheia that brought out hfSlove. Jesus Christ wanted to sympathize with all men. He didn't intend they should go on suffeving. He would remove all suffering if they would only let V ii. The case of the leper, who was rbhiy'eiflcd" from his home and his family, was instanced as an illustration-' ot Christ s love tor suffering humanity The lejcr, cut eff from all men, and urable to help himself, went i to Chris j fid said, "If Thou wilt, Thou caWt make me clean," and Christ did so with a word. The leiKir wra r.iajlfi t-i . "VIU. X 11X3 lsnS WtS IaltXuO -trnc l to his home, and there was joy there. Leprosy was a Jarful discs., but the leprosy of sin Wfls wol'JOofc-alT Uio lLome3 t the lLomcs that had been wrecked and made desolate by s;n. Christ, however, would re mdye all tt "s saffer ng and tribulation if they would only throw themselves upon His , mecy. : The" case of the prodigal son was alluded to, and the love of Chrs compared with the love of that father who made the Tenst on .the return of his errhg boy. Mr. Moody S. d t.iat ,ro could tell them about the heart of Christ. It was like a great ocean. But it was ready to re ceive and pardon all who would only throw themselves upon it. ' In closing -Mr. Moody said ha i'n. tended to change the service a little, and would ask all who would like tn see him personally to go down stairs into the lecture-iooni while the "last hymn was being sung. A great many men took adveatage of the invitation. To-night there wiM be a song Bervice and social service at the church, at which iadi- 3 w ill be adr'ttel fo the gallery pud men to the main floor. No tickets, will be required, -vor .i iiutEn max'h covxTiti: Theteare many indications of return ing prosperity in Southern Oregon. The winter has been a mild and open uiie, aim ock oi ajj Kinds has fared much better than usual. The outlook foi crops is remarkably good. The market that was opened up for fruit and vegatablcs by the extension of the O. efc 0. railroad into Jackson and Josephine counties has stimulated these branches of agriculture to a point of profit not realized until recently, and where licginnings were made last year the result was sufficiently encour aging to insure a greater effort this year. The class of immigration that has found its way to Southern Oregon counties is largely of a permanent kind. Home scokeis, who know what they want, who have indulged in no Arca dian dreams, who do not expert some thing for nothing, with climate and scenery thrown in, have found in ninnv localities in Southern Oregon places where am be secured, with a reasonable promise of plenty for the present and a certainty of a surplus for the futuie. This is all that industry and sobriety seek m immiirration Self-dependent, healthful, intelligent men and women, accustomed rn fh. ... , ways of thrift and well grounded in the ROSEBURG REVIEW 1 : , IIASgl'lIE? FINEST JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And othcr Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bills Neatly and Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. . principles of econemy doSiot fail any where to keep themselves above want: and when; to get rid of tho rigors of a severe climate, they come to this state with well defined purposes and in the expectation that the same provident care that made it possible for them to be in easy circumstances in the middle west will enable theni to surround . themselves witB plenty here, they will not be disappointed. . There is ' reoin for this class of people all over this state, while idlers, .professional men and people of vain expectations and noineans, are already crowding each other and bewailing tho mischantJo that brought them hither. , Of? Industrious men, who come here to work for hire, there are already jnore than can find profitable employment in the few in dustries of the state. Hence such of this class as leave steady employment at even very small wages,' and .come to r ... . . viegon, mase a great mistake. There is little or no railroad building going on in the state at present or in imme diate prospect, little manufacturing of any kind and few indnstiics that are not already full handed, w ith plerr tv of T as? , vu4vijjVUVJ vuab xa likely to occur. For obvious reasons, therefore, Oregon is not at present a hired man's country. Still less is it a country where. idlers cr.i hope to find smooth cailing and vagabonds a sup port. Orejonian. - . i .1 PVZZIE. Several months since we offered the Review for one year as a prize for the solution of the puzzle we give below; ancfalso the proposition- made at the time wc reprint, with the answers to the puzzle which you will readily understand by reading the numbers in paralels. Each line fjis written by the auUior named. No one has solved it, so we must take tljpcake. 4 e give pciow a puzzle tarnished us by a mg lady oi i'ortland of literary merit, and as a prize to anyone who will solve the zzle, the Review for one year free, i This will require much study, but the information attained in the labor bestowed, will more than compensate for the trouble. The answers must be your own work. '' Woman. Each line is a quotation from separate stand ard authors of England and America, and is the result of diligent research among ihe extensive and varied writings of thirty leading poets. 1. Woman! Jjlestpartncrofpurjoys and woes! 2. Blessing antTLIest wherever she goes. 3- Eager to hope, but not less firm to bear; 4- O born to soothe distress and lighten care. i roiound as reason ami as justice dear; Yet suffering vice compels her tear. v Meekly to bear with wrong and cheer decay And wipe the mourner's bitter tear away,: O womanl woBian! thcu art form'd to bless! For woman is all truth and steadfastness." -Holy, divine, good, amiable, or sweet. Each softest, U-uest virtue there should 6. 7- 8. 9 10. 11. 12. meet - '" 3- were made to give our eyes delight,. 14- So lopd and true, so beautiful and bright. S '.. Ya watchful sprite that made e'en man your care, 16. You are nol free because" you're mote than 'fair. - . . , IJV Oh, man! how sublime. from . heaven bis birth. - ' , 1 8. "And you ot man was made, man but of earth. . . . ' . 19. Cay smiles to comfort; April showers to move; ' . 20. The important business of your life is lov:; 21. Here woman reigns; the mother; daugh ter, wile, --- . 22. The beloved and cherhed idoiof mv I r. 23. There is something in their hearts wL Vi passes speecn, 24. There isacharm novtlgar mind can reach; 25. A rosebud set with w Lful thorn. t6. StiUyourcharmsir!yf.mdeslthetr.C3adorn. 27. Sacred by birth and built bv hands daw. 28. Pure and unspotted a the ermine. 29. Her worth, her warmth of heart inU friendship say, . . 30. All my fortunes at thy foot IU lav. ANSWERS. - Sand. 16. Etherege. Cowpcr. 17. Bulwcr. , Byron. 18. Randolph.; Mrs. Barbauld - iq. ParnelL 1 1. 2. 3- 4. 5 6. 7 8. .9. to. Savage. Crable. Mrs. Hcmans. J. Grahame. J. Bird.' Chaucer. Milton. , Jonson.. Young. Patterson. T. Brown. 20. 21. 22. 25- 26. Lyttleion. Montgomery.- Prentice. Story. W.. Allison. Tennyson. Hillhouse. 1. 2. 27. Dryden. 28. Daveriaut. 29..Scott.- ' . 30- Shakespeare. 3. 14. 5- You might si)end an hour nrofif.b'l as the old yeai closes in pondering tho ' questioh: What is my present attitude towaru uou and eternity. . ; ; Tlie poet John G. AVhittir tret a about thirty lettoia a day, mostly ap- plications lor autographs, and aa L. answers all of them he complains that they accumulate dreadfully when be is sick, aad when he geta well he is a-ab made Bick by trying to catch m in hi corresiondence. Death ia the sunset to this our material existence: to morrow. tb spiritual sun of a blighter tind morrl beautiful day will appear in tile fi.? mament of our being thai; shall stAna at high meridian of that r-fi-noiT t - whose horizon ia crimsoned wWi. n never fading light of Mmmyffcit ' l. w. v. x eel. . , James WhitcomV ifiley, ihe in;iiana poet, who thinks And writes in tL ncculiar dialpol rf . !,.. n, . "mil OWlte W launched intptlife as a tsign paiuter 1 X