ROSEBURG REVIEW 13 ISSUED -f FRIDAY MORNINGS BY J. 11. N. BELL, - Proprietor. T- $2 50 One lear - - - . Six Months - - - - - " " - 1 20 Three Months - - - .- " 1 00 Th. a the terras ol those pay'iog in advance. TkiSnin offers fine Inducements to advertisers. Terms reasonable. I GEfiESAL DIEECT02Y. ro Oi tttw.asd. . . .'" President. Tuo? F. Bayard Secretary of State Daniel T. MASSo,Secretary of Treasury t i-i r t ... .tj Sno.retarv of tne Interior. nr.. r. p..,vtt Secretary o War Y 31. V. :j ..ivn. ..... - V f! AVhitsev ..Secretary of Navy.. W T Vilas ost Master (jrcnerai . 'ti'n.DiiKn Attorney General, Lnrn n Waits. Chief Justice. STATE OF OBEGON. J. N. Dolpii U.S. Senators T TI MIlrtlMI I lhVn Hermans.'.. Congressman. Z. F. Moody Urnor- R. PEarhart.. Edward Hirscii. K. B- McElroy.. V. H. Byars. . . . ....Sccrciaryoi 3u.i.e. Stato Treasurer. .Supt, Pub. Instruction, Stato Printer, J. B. Waldo, C. J., "j VVm. P. Lord. .Supreme Judges. V. W. Titye!:, ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. It. 8. BiJax. Judge. J. W Hajbctos.... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUKTY. John EMSirrr, ....... ...Senators. J. 11. SHUPE. ) VVm. Manning, ) IlEsny IIookes, f (I. W. Riddle, ( C. B. Wilcox,' ) (J. W. Kimball. G-. A. Taylor, IX S. West F. VV. Benson.... E. C. Sacry. . . . . . .,Rcpre3 ntatives. ...Clerk. Sheriff. ". . .Treasurer. School Superintendent. Assessor. J. S. Fitzhcgii J. Hall, C. A. McCee, Wm. Tiiiel County Judge. Commissioners. Surveyor. Da, S. S. Marsters . .CoroLer. CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C Stanton, I John Rast. I. P. Sheridan, Trustees. L. C. VVllEELER, P. Benedict. T. Ford Recorder. O. J. Lang En berg Marshal. John Chase Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL L F. f,ANE. JOHN LANE IV ANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLEIITON, Attorney at Law. Olllee in Marks' brick, upstairs. S. WIHTEMORE M. D. MYRTLE CREEK OREGON. Inquire at Selig's store or at Henry Adams'. R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'r CAXYONVILLE OIlE!OX HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL Ouklauil, Oregon. Joard $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, iiTTnis house has lately changed hands and Is oroughly renovated and refurnished. The travel ng public will find the best of accommodations. No Chiuamcu Employo!. BMilll BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS D. C. McCL ALLEN, Proprietor of the McCL ALLEN HOUSE. Laixo S'ample Rooms for Commercial I Travelers. roc Coach to and from tho house Bisgase delivered free of charge DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. "l?,ilvcl Thomas, l?ioi. .First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. " ' AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at tho Depot, of the Railroad. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. (Principaal Business Street.) IJosoljm-tr, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS. LODGING 25 CENTS I We Keep the Best tho Market Affords. Mrs. R. Breckenridge AGENT FOB w. h. Mccormick, Importer and Manufacturer of fl ONUMENTSf HEADSTONES Of. American and foreign Marble and Scotch Granite. P.Mtimnfva cirfm for Coning in Sand Stone. Also Agent for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Enclosnre. ROSEBURG. - OREGON CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOHN YAJf BUREJf. VOL. X. GENERAL MERCHANDISE- Samuel Marks, Asiier Marks, S. HARKS & Co. -DEALERS IN- II10I HAVE iCONSTANTLY ON IIAND- D RY 'J Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Ill I! b fv i wool ana proauoe tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. ATVllItM CO - M. JOSJKPIISOjSt. raw YOBS Gill Sf Oil, Kecja a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy variety and Shade. A fail line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A lull Hue of Clothing. o CO A-o A f ull lino of -Furttisluug Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. ' A full line of Crockery and Glassware- : And last, but not least, a full line kinds of Ladies" Hat Trimmings and MJOSEPHSON. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery Perfumery, Crockery and Queens Ware, TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. W- TeT. Moore COR1VUTT, Successor to J. D. J 011$ SON. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING Kj1uJ AJ-lliN DllUGS niid 'PATENT I?f EIISCIIiiS Cheaper than tho Cheapest. SHREIDAN Kosclmrg, Oregon, o O o They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of Ever Brought to Douglas, Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare thev have bouthcrn Oregon, which they propose selling In tho shape ot BUILDING MATJSiUALo, m the way ol l-octs, .Butts, etc., we can offer superior inducements to nurchasera. We can give you bargains in the following brands ol SsiUVba not equaled eisewnere BUCK S BONANZA, FARMER 8 UTILITY, CLARENDON. OCCIDENT. IRON KING, EMPIRE OITY And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TIN WAR utiu uuui-9 buuuiu mitfu uur (inwa. 1 t i.i i : WOi have also bargains to offer in UUJ(S, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Rillee. as well as Shotguns and Pistols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and JSew Home fekWUSU AlAUUiiM), which we sell at the lowest rate3 and warrant We can also supply AveriU and TLe best in tho market at lowest rates. rices, and we promise Dr. THOMAS GRAHAM, A GRADUATE Of the Univcraty of Ta. at Philadelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profesfion in ROSEBURG - - OREGON. Office and residence. Washington strest opposite the Catholic Church. Ros W. I. Friedlander AI3ISI "1 GOODS m urn Cigars, Boots and Shoes. e n 01 every uescno- RoKcburi;, Or. 0 CD Ui 0 of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, witb'all Hat Shapes of . latest pattern. - f-Xnniwn Photograph and Autograph Albums, Stand, Hand, and Hanging Lamps. WARE, and TEN THOUSAND BOOTS and SHOES, II ATS .Hid CATS UAio ""U O 1 etc. and, when added to their tne best supply in their line of'any house in Cheaper than can oe purchased eisewnere Try us. DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, - as complete in eyery respect. EuTrter Paints. Give ns a call, inspect onr stock; inqnire as to to suit you it any one can. DON'T FORGET THE- Daisy Photo Gallery JgJ Now located one door North of the Plain- dealer office, where you can get San Francisco work at less than ban i rancisco price. Now is your time to purchase lor we will not be with you long. We also do enlarging from any old and faded picture of any kind, and make you a Beautiful Fastal Portrait that will last always. Call and examine ovt work before going, elsewhere. T. C. WARD, Photogragher ( BROTHERS.. Hfiir&wasfe, eouF ROSEBURG OREGON. ; FRIDAY, JANUARY, 22, p. I Q z o 0 W 0 a H H H a to CD -S I t3 m M 5" CT (D 'Jl 30,000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES ! AS ITissssiii'tiPS, riMivitAs-ani, Fistitlns in ano, Polypus liecti. ETC., ETC., CURED IN 6 YEARS BY THE BRINKERHCFF SYSTEM Dr. J. 11. I'ilkington Troiirictor of tlie PortlanJ eye and ear Infirmary and Vanitaiuax (or Kekvois Diseases has boon appointed Agent and l'hysiclan for this in Orccon tc Y. T. No severe suboical operations, no pais no loss of blood. In 2 months, have cured several cases in which severe cutting; op. eratiuns have failed. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jas. W. Wcathcrford, druggist formerly of Salem. Mr. Frank Gardiner, machincst, Mr. R. A. Ranipy. Harristmrg, and others. If several patients apply, will spend ono day in each month In Roecburj. Add, -ess for pamphlet etc. J. B. PILK1NG TON M. t. PORTLAND OH. fSTDr. Pilkinston will be nt the McClallcn House, Roseburg from Fri day evening, Fobuary 5th to Saturday evening Febuary 6th, 1886. f " , , J. C. SHERIDAN .Successor to7 - R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, DEALER IN- ; Stoves and Tinware, Roseburg, Cir &iii rpHE undersigned takee pleasuro in an I nouncinz to the public that he sellius everything in his line at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! -IF YOU WANT- STOVES. AGBIOULTUML TOOLS IfiON, STE1IL, HAILS, H0S3E3H0ES, TIN W ABE, OUTLEfiY Or anything in my line, call and examine my stock and learn prices belore purchasing else where, as 1 am selling lower than ever. J C. SHERIDAN J. JASKULEK, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician . ALL W01JK V AH RANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clockp, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. a rur.L LINE OP rTi2AT?3 TnmrnoA, PASftYfinniw. VA'.4S.alW M. VAIilVV . ' ' - - rnHE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TVWS A forthenroneradluatmentof SnctacleK. Depot 'the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Siwetaclcs glMaoa. office in Hamiltons Brick Bio ik. a:ia iij'8 GIFT Send 10 cents postage, and wo will mail you free a royal, val uable, sample box of mds that u-ill not you in tho way of making more money at once, than anj'tbin. cltic in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at homo and worn in Smrc time, or all the tiino. Uauitai not required. We will start yon. Immense pay sure for, tnoso vrno start at once. Sti.vson s, CO., roruanu Maine. O.P.TOMPKINS, Agent of iiLuninuuui m i' ui iit.uiuL.' All orders from the country filled on short notice from Ercry Class or Kind of Goods from Firtst-Class Stock. Absolutely no charges or commission. will be charged for filling orders. f)Py"lflf 107 FIRST STREET, I UrTIUti At D. W. Prentice's Portland.Or WmtnayRganiBplhaaM,deto s.f jmr viummu orxUrlAf u. uaukiitMlNWN, 00 Ulmlrmu.i, utom, tututu Mirlptlon. tM nloibl. inetaM tor pUbttm U nrtotla. of VE6BTABL& mot fUwEBIEKH) BITLBfl, lavataaM. an. dw1IIt . MarkM Owteam. 8m4 tor u.m . D. M. FERRY A CO Dvtrott. Mkmisan. L. BELFILS, Watclnakei HAVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS Watchmaker in Oregon, I feel confident of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have the County patent riirht for sale of Concrete Cement Pipe for conveying water to anv place de sired L. i . . . Review, Absolutely Pure. This pawdcr never varies. A marvel of ru-.-.ty, BtrciiL'tli and wlioksemer.CoS. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and ca:mat' be sold i:i cr.m- petiti on with the multitude of lw test, elir.nt weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ou!y in cans. ROYAL RAKING I-OWDEii CO., ICC Wall St. N. Y. GR fe'LAIlKE ct DAK EH, Propa. Having purchased tl-o ahove named uiUSs o( K. Stephens 4: Co., we are now pvepaped to furnish any amount of the Lett quality of LUAErEH. ever offered to the public in Douglas County. V.e M M will furnish at the mill at the follnwni prirca; Ko-1 rough lumber ...$12 Ko, 1 fliKiring, 0 inch... 21 No. 1 flmiring, 4 inch $2 No. 1 finishing lumber $20 M M M No. 1 finishing; lumber drcsted-on 2 sides 4-21 Ho. 1 finishing lumber dresiiVid ou 4 isidc-,,2U P CLARKE i CAKl'.It. l6 o, mkmsim, DEALER IN limiloi, SsiiI Door iiud 3XoiilcliiiH OF TUB VERY BEST MATE it I Af CSS OME ASD GET TERMS BEFQUE PUliCilAU- Oflice near De;ot, . Ujsebur . Ajrent for J. J. Whitsett's Lumber. Ages & Hauan. New Butclier Shop We keep all kinds of FRESH and PICKLED meats. STISFACT10N ASSURED. Hides of all hinds bought. TUE OLD RELIABLE K? Tt m m vj rr rs rj 2m ex jj iyf & Established in 1SC7. H. PARRY, Mtrc'.iM.t Tailor. in the Ue-.l l-'ronl. next door to A. (.' . Mar Sti;re. Repairs and Aluratii-iis neatly t'one. SIRS. S. A. HUTCSIKXSOX, MILLINERY STOKE! Ojil;ilnl, Ori-'ron. T A DIES vILL V.SD Mf STOCK LARGE AND J Complete. I'ricv3 nioderaU'. CI' M a Call. Mns. S. A. UtTciiixsos MADAME AND MR. DROUiLKAT'S Oim i n All r ;nr i urn oiAii ur run i liAKiM -Restaurant. MEALS A LA CARTE 15 CTS. UP. xai,cj,iui Aicuittroaruersiosuiiiaeuuies- -S Special Terms made with rniraonailrsirinr- ,(;. ners lor weddings, Varties.Club Reunions anil Soci- iics or all Kimla, by (riving order a little in advance. fff"Pnvate R oms for LadieswiUinnt. ; AccooioUaiiun Ucuuis for Guests from 2 to K'.jfcrauuB. AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS "Work in this line, and ask a Mime of tho patronage of Roseburg and vicin ity. ELM IN A V.-CKU1SP. Next dmr to L. Bclflis Jcn elry Store, Roseburg Or. " 1 - " i The BUYERS' GUIDE U larned Mrnrch and Bepl L each reeor US paceet ikiIIk lncAsa,wltni over f 3,500 illmtraUoiM m rbola Pletore liallery. CITES WboleaaJe Prleea rlfreet to consumer on tOl froode for penoaal or flunlly vae Telia how to order, susd kItca exact coat of ercrjr- tliiBf; yam. nae, eat, Artiilc, wear, or hare fom wltlb These UTVAXUABVE BOOKS cmaiamn lntonemtlon gleaneet xrosm the market of the world. We will laatl a eonr FREE to any ad- drM upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray xnemao of maMtiur. lt un hear firom jrosa. O - Beapectfollj-, . CSt MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. SST s 829 WakMh Atcmo, Catcsoi LU, UBEAED EEK IILLS. 188)5. Willi sandaled fte mil Kej't en it i vi ry w? ; In an unknown and imh Oct hi!!, vale, -Ji;:ic, aisi Nc.r paused till s i-t (f Where stands Sr.n Lui land, :,1 retch r s.i! MOSTLY LIES. Paid Jones: "I hardly lever ride, for crowded cars 1 can't abide, And carriuB-es 1 do Ucinisc lain bo fond of exercise." "I brin,-r niy lunch," sasd Smith, elato, "For noisy restaurants!! linte; IJesWes. 1 diiil my itiipctita For dinner when I'm home at nijrht." Said Brown : "I'm toufch: I never wear An overcoat. I do dcMare 1 do not feel the cold ko those Hulf-frozon eliups tveitfhed d uovru v:ia clothes." "T never touch cijfors."! 'They're made of stull' Green snokp. unlit to Mii;ko; J or nealthlulnpss or q omlort rir-e Give me my fragrant brier iipc." And so wo all opolcpiio Aim iHiiKo excuses nijostiy lies, lloeauso wo daro not iy with Kenso We jro without to savu expense. HEIRESS Oil-! 0 HEIIlESrJ, Why Mattio Meroflit-h Wanted to Learn -4 The old Oxwced fariru-house was looii- ins; its very best ana prettiest in tho yellow Axmist sum diine, as Mat tie te foot-iiath with Meredith came up her trim traveling satchel in her hand Mrs. Oxweed was :cdinj 1 Lor vo'.ino; goslings at the lutchtin door; she started up to welcome the unexpected guest. "Why, my dearie," she cried, "I thought you would lie waltzing at New port or counting over your beaux at Saratoga before this time!" But Mattie shook her goldeu-browu curls. "No," she said, " am tired of Kew- port and Saratoga flon't suit me this year. Do you know what I have cone here for, Mrs. Oxwefd?" "I couldn't possil Jy guess." said the terly brr.shing the fumed hat. farmer s wife, teu dust from Mattio's i: "lo learn now t, p do hwisevcrlu" said Mattic. "Bless me!" said I. rs. Oxweed, "whr. what has a young laily like you to do wiui ciruagcry r' "But, you do it, lpn t vou?" "That s because I'lm oblio-ful to." huI Airs. Uxweca laughing. . .. . - . . I o ' "And that s preciaclv why want to do it," said Mattie. Aeriouslv: "Things have changed, SIrt. - Oxweed. Life looks very diuerently to me from what it used to do! "Deary, dear," said the kindly farm er s wile. "1 couliln t have believed it. Riches has win is, says the Good Book; and I'm sure there's proof enough f it in this krorld. And vonr poor ma, how doei she take it, "Mi.s $5' "Mamma is as"! well as usual," said Mattie, "But ploa4o let me come in. and have a cup ofitea, Mrs. Oxweed. I'm alittlc tired witi the journey." xo oo sure, deary, to be sure, said Mrs. Oxweed. "Teaisjustredy. But, I've got five boardcrfi, Miss Mattie." "l won t be in thq way," said Mattie, pleadingly. "You can tuck mo any where. I should sojlike the little gar ret bedroom, Mrs. pxweed, that looks out into the bough of tho cherry tree." And you shall have it my dear, and welcome," said Mrs. Oxweed. "But the two young theological students have the big front rpom, and Mr. Joyce Hazeltine, that writes funny lectures, has the back bedropm, and Mr. John Jefferson has the foom on the wing, nnu i-aeuioniuit v,qopt?r biceps m uiu slope-roofed room off the parlor. We're pretty well crowded, my dear. But 1 T ' 1 A. " . 1 . t there is always room for von." "I remember them all," said Mattic with sparkling eves, "except Mr. Haze l tine. We used to have such merry times last year, didii t we: "And every one qt em was dead m lovo with you," snid Mrs. Oxweed. "Oh, you needn't blush and look so confused, Miss Maine; lU human na ture, isn't it?" And Mattic, resting on the big parlor sofa where tho cooli green lights silted through the maple boughs half an hour later, could hear the voices of the boarders at their tea. "Miss Meredith ljack again?" cried Mr. Jefferson. "Why, it will be a re "iiiss Meredith 4 newal of old times! as a most charming y?"? la,1JV' falJ Dover, the eldest SSTJ,,. Laidlaw, tho younger, who had very rea nair and a ltoman nose. "xue prettiest gujt x ever saw in my hie, said lieutenant cooper. "Really,' exclairhcd Mr. Hazeltine, aeouaintance. ' Mrs. Oxweed bridled and fluttered wit;h pleasure. Years ago, before she had married her firmer husband, she had been Mattie Meredith's nurse, and she loved tho girl still with almost ma ternal tenderness. "And you'll find every word they say is true, Air. Hazeltine, said she. "Uut dear me! things isr't as they used to be. I'm afraid, from what Miss Mattie has told me, that Mr. Meredith has had bad luck with his investments. She won't be an heiresl any longer, poor dear!' I "i.h.J said Mr. Uxwecu, pausing in his task of carving cold lamb. "But what will she do, Alary Ann?" "What other folk- does, to be sure.' said his wife, brlsklv. "Bless her heart! she ain't onb lo sit down and lament over spilled! milk. She told me with her own lips that she had come here to learn to dolhousework "Ilousf-.vork, eh 3" said Mr. Oxweed. "But I didn't s'poe as the young ladies called that sort o thing genteel nowa days. Painting oil cheenjv now, or giving music lessons, or fine sewing" . "Oxweed! hold vour tongue!" said his wife. "Whatever Miss Mattie Mere dith does will be right and proper. And that's enough for yiu and me to know." Mattio lay quita still on tho sola, thinking. And as she thought a curi- ous smile came dimpling over her face, "Perhaps it is lust as weU. after all." she said to herself. ' m. 42. When she joined tho little group on the yeranda that evening, with the pur plo dusk glooming - oyer the head of Black Mountain, and the night-birds whistling sweetly in the woods, her welcome was various. Mr. Jefferson, a tall, handsome man, who was sup posed to be "well off," bowed low, but a little formally. Mr. Davidson Dover's spectacled gaze shone frigidly upon her, as he glanced up from nis big "Com mentary on tho Gospels." "I hopo I see you well,!' said he. ! Mr. Laidlaw bowed, scraped and dropped her hand almost as soon as he had taken it, and retreated back into tho parlor, murmuring something about letters to write. Lieutenant Cooper shook hands so cordially that the pretty pink knuckles smarted full live minutes afterwards, and tuen seated himself as closely to her as the rules and regulations of civilized so ciety wourd permit. Mr. Hazeltino paid somethincr polite, and retired into a fch ado wed corner, doubtless to think up "something lunny" lor tne new scries of- lectures which he was going to deliver la the Southwest that autumn. Mattie Meredith spoko up, as soon as Khe had established herscli on the set tee, with the cat in her lap "Mr. Jefferson," said she, "what do girls do when they want to earn their own livinr ' Mr. Jefferson twisted and turned in his seat like an impaled beetle. "Reallr," said ho, "you have con suited a poor oracle, I I am not cfipable of advising in such an emer gency as this. Very sorry, of course, but ' "Perhaps Mr. Dover could suggest something," mischievously asked Mat tie. "Oh, I assure you, nothing of the kind," said Mr. Dover. "There's the factories, you kno.w, and and Laid law might have some idea " "Oh, no; no ideas at all," said Mr. Laidlaw. "The mosquitoes torment mc to drrih We. I guess I'lltakemy desk up str r-, -f tho company will ex cuse me. ', Lieutenant Cooucr said nothing; but later on in the evening he proposed to waiK aovrn to t'ic little spring in tho WOOtll-J. "The moon is just rising," he said. "and really there is no dew to speak of. ricasc come. Miss Meredith!" So Mattie wrapped her white and gold burnous around her, and walked with him down tho shaded path, where they had so often walked before. But, close besido the spring, he turned abruptly to her, and stopped. "jViissijlereaiUi," said he, "we have known each ther for some time now. I'm only a poor naval officer, but I've my pay, and there is always the pros pect of promotion. It goes' to my heart to hear you talk of earning your own living a delicate girl like you. Let me earn it lor you. 1 romise to become my wife. For, indeed," he added in his honest, straightforward way,- "I've loved you ever since I met you here last summer. As an heiress l should not have ventured to ask you to share my humble lot. But now " "Oh, Lieutenant Cooper!" she began. and then paused. - .. . . . . "Xes, l know it seems presumptu ous, said he. "lsut we ve a pretty old homestead in Virginia, where your lather and mother would be heartily welcome. And l would worK fingers to the bone to provide every comfort for you and them, and Oh, jiattie, is it possiDic that you can teacn yourself to love me?" "l might try," slyly murmured Aiaiue. -mat is, u- . And tlmn shrt found hprsrdf flnRnorl in the arms of the man who had loved her so long and so faithfully. "But you're very much mistaken," sue added, after a little. "Not in supposing that you love meP" said the Lieutenant, in somo appre hension. "In believing that I am suclua pau- no losses whatever. I came out here to learn to do housework, because I've just joined a Domestic Club, one of whose rules tlmf. rvrrv mornhpr miiKt thoroughly understand the details of lier own household; but dear old Mrs. Oxweed took it for granted that I was penniless, and when I saw that all the rest believed the same thing I couldn't resist the mischievous impulse to gauge mpul tneir true regard lor me; ana yon, for me; Harry, are the caly one who w?.s will ing to lift a linger in mv behalf. "Hi eh or poor," said the Lieutenant, stoutly, "would go to the end of the world for you. Mattie! So ho won his wife. It was a long time before Mrs. Ox vv eed would believe that Mattio Mere dith was as much of an heiress as ever, for she could not possibly credit it that any girl could learn housework for her own pleasure. "Young ladies are so queer nowa days, said she. Amy Randolph, tn it. i. Ledger. On a certain street in JJenver is a stone mansion of surpassing elegance. which, with its grounds, cost nearly one million dollars. Directly opposite, on a vacant lot, n a tent, boarded np inside as 'far as the angle of the roof. The back t nd of U U pierced with a stove-pipe and in the front end area door and window. In the window hangs a curtain of costly lace and in the tent i.i a piano of cxouisite tone, The tent itself did not cost twenty dol- lire I in iititnn nnhnlf rvrxr onH fnr. niture inside are said to have cost over three thousand dollars. The owner, planted Lis tent here over twcnty-fiVe years ago, and is one of the moderately successful Colarado miners, being worth about fifty thousand dollars. He rrrfir hin ifnt to nnv Hwpllino' house. and savs he would not exchange it for W indsor Cas lie. Denver Xeics. The boundaries of the region known as the West have been pcrpetn- ,.nr t.l.;.:. wwi.: i:t..t: I old folks it commenced along the foot- UIi, uere 5ecras lo imv c iionnsuea in hills of the Alleghcnies. A'few years very much the eumo sort of second lIL1? l501110? Wi0 hand wisdom: During the trial of a ins; Oiiiiiirt ui luo juisaip jji. AU-uav i the bonadary lies on the blulis ol tho Missouri, in tho neighborhood of Kan- sas City, Beyond that point lies the region of tradition, prophecy, adven- ture. discovery, enterprise, heroism the West. Vhicaaj Timci, r In Montreal last year more fires occurred on Friday than any otherday. Cuts." Bruises. Sores. Ulcer. SaIi Krienm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapiied ' -, CiiiJblains, Corn?, and all Skm Lmpiior.3, a Ad positivclv cures Piles, or no pay rcqiitrcu. It is guaranteed to givs pevfect satisfaction, or money ief unded- Price 25 cts box.- Fur silc by Marstkrs & Co ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE FIIIEST J011 OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other PrintiEg, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Billi Neatly and Expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. rAXXETtES. People who have more polish than principle use it lavishly. Trusting to luck is only another tame for trusting to laziness. ; Do bo natural; a poor diamond is better than it good imitation. It takes two women, his mother and his wife, to make a great man. There is no bigotry like that of "free thought" run to seed. New. York Tribune. " In character, in manner, in style in all things', the supreme elegance ia simplicity. The Athenians were the first agnos tics they erected an altar "to the un known god.". Lebanon Herald. Slander is a two-bladed sworJ, with hilt in the middle, and no hand-piece. It cuts the striker first and deepest Tlierecan be no study without time; and the mind must abide and dwel npon things, or be always a stranger to the inside of them. South. A Chicago communist has astonished the world by killing himself. The tel egraph fails to inform us whether the means imployed was too much beer or too much talk. ' A witty Scotchman calls the "Sun day sickness" which keeps the people from the house of God but interrupts no week-day work, Morbis Sabbatic us. Those who suffer from it should call in "the Great Physician." - "I have been unfortunate in love matters," said a well-known bass ginger at tho Paris opera the other day. "My first sweetheart' entered a convent, death robbed me of the second, and the third-is niy wife." Figaro. A disciple of Black stone at Albany, Ga., was met carrying home a 'possum. He was asked: "Hello, J., what is that!" "'Possum!" "What are yon going to do with him I" "I'm going to have a big 'possum supjier.'' . 'How many will be theitl" "Two; me and the 'possum!" God calls some to be pioneers, to tke positive ground, to repudiate any compromise with evil. And such ex-tremw('walkingia-llihvlight shin ing at any particular era, have almost invariably triumphed, olthongh five year might" be " filej with conflict T. S. Ia Due. ' As every officer in our late war seems to feel that it is necessary for him to "vindicate" himself; and as in nHtin himself each one miiRft ... , ... , . . , , I strike down another, it begins to. look as if in the end everybody and no body will be vindicated. The advan- I J tage of having the last word is somc- thing to the warnora who survive their former comrades or foes. It is a matter to be thankful for, ; and in a .good tense proud of it, if a man can say that, as, to the popular of outbreaking vice, he never knew any thing about them; that he never t d ace of debaucheiT; that p " does not know the taste of intoxicating nquora. Happy is the man who can . , , .. , , , , , numbly declare to a friend such blessed ignorance, such wise ignorance, as that I T i r, . . John A. Broad up. "And so tho Romans once invaded Great Britain," said Miiis Gilligan, to whom iier Uncle Charles had been reading of Cwsar's conquest; "That accounts for it, then!" "Accounts for whatl" asked Uncle Charles. "For there being so many Latin words which resemble our English ones. The Romans very naturally picked np a good many of our expressions while in England. Wonder I never thought of that before." "My impotted sheep jumped the fence last night," a Tonnessee farmer is n,,,,! savins "and Lit down into I ..... . . . "e ground the last vestige ot my ira ported fruit-trees. .Soon after that i t. i i : " a i :hj my shepherd dogs went m and killed most of my imported sneep. Ana theil j took aown my imported breech- I v. loader, and killed the dogs, llie next man that talks progiessiva farming to ... . . , . tri ei raa w,,! get a lsbot of Sesame caliber. I'm going lck to cotton my- C1i n I ' " A certain queer old character, when asked what was his ooinion on anv subject, would never answer till toe nake.1 his wife nlmiit ir. TIja T)nt.h- case m ixmisvi lie, recently, a witness persisted in testifying to what his wife ; .... a - Jv ""'"i" course, me ai- torney obj-.cted, and it was ruletl out It - . r liiu juugi". iie wouia proceed again to tell "shust hoir it vas." whn riiw ATfnrno .mll, ' . . vou knmv thalr "Mv vif inl.l ma " " 1 i.- i- .. ,. severai umes- Presently the, judga became unable lo contain himself j longer: "Snpnoso vour wife were ta Uii vnn kMMr.0 .t.,. I , , ; 4v;vr i r a- v would yu tninkr " "Vel, 5 Uey vos down," . V