ROSEBURG REVIEW 8UPPLKMEWT. FRIDAY, JANUARY, 1886. COBXESPOfTD EKC E-Continued. OAK GROVE ITEMS. Mrs. Henry Smith is quite sick. Mrs. Wm Bush's health is improving. Yes tired heart give up thy grief Which God, unsolved, has given; And let this be thy blest relief, ; I have a tie in heaven. Mrs. Lydia Dascom has returned from Roseburg, where she spent the holidays. ' Mrs. O'Malleyof Roseburg is visiting rela tives here. Mr. Wm Fit Patrick was called to Port land Saturday morning, to see his brother, who is very low with consumption. The smiling faces of Messrs. Marvin and Ed Hervey of Clark's Branch were seen at Oak Grove, not long since. Come again gentleman. The sad intelligence of the death of Johnny Van's valuable Newfoundland dog was re ceived at this place with many regrets. Not only the folks of his household Will miss him and oft speak his name, That his life has ended in sadness Will not cast a blight o'er his fame. The ladies of Oak Grove and Clark, s cold weather has come, in caring for their flowers. Mrs. Stevenson's cilia .lilies are just handsome. The ladies here deserve much credit for the interest manifested in botany. ! I scorn to boast, but we have a competant dress-maker at Oak Grove. Mrs. Sears is the right person in the right place. Ladies desiring gocd work done will d. well to pat ronize her. Another thing ol which I wish speak is Miss Chloe Waite's library. Such another one cannot be found iu any country home. And while I am in Round Prairie I must say that Mr. Burnett has the finest farm in my opinion in the Prairie. But Mr." Waite has the nicest orchard imaginable. If you don't think so teach school here aud board there when cherries are ripe. Mr. Wonacott has more acres plowed than any other farmer at the Grove. One of Cassia Wait's houses is not occupied at present, but Madame Ru mor says M. EAGLE POINT ITEMS. Ed. Review: It has been some time since I have seen anything from this place in the Review, and although there is very little doing in this part of the country on account of the rains and mud, still there is signs of life and there seems to be considerable business doing here - j. We had quite an interesting time here last Wednesday night. An enterprising visitor offered a prize of five dollars to the best speller in the school district, and then the citizens made up a purse of about ten dollars to be J distributed arming the less fortunate. Master Emmit Clark carried off the first prize amid the applause of the large audience that had assembled to witness the contest. A. Pool is putting up a large building; I understand that he designs it for a blacksmith shop, wagon shop and livery stable, and when the hay is out of the upper part, a dancing hall. We had a kind of masquerade ball here the night of the 25th inst. Quite a number were present out of curiosity, and the man agers seem to be satisfied with the result. The ycung folks of Antelope Creek seem to be determined to enjoy themselves this winter. They had a ball Thursday night and a bussing bee on Friday and Saturday nights, and no report of the proceedings of Sunday night. We have had two weddings in this neigh borhood during the last week on the 23d inst. Mr. Culbertson and Miss Cora Swingle, and the other, if not in high life was, high up in the mountains, Hon. A. G. Florey of Eagle Point, and Miss Etlie A. Nye, of Flouce Ruck piecinct. They were married by Rev. A. C. Hewlett, at the residence of the brides' parents, Dec. 25th, and if I was good at des cription as the editor of the Review, I might attempt a description of the contracting j ar- ' ties, but suffice it to say that the groom was dressed in the conventional black, and the bride, in appearence presented the very em' bodyment of plainness, neatn. ss and elegance, rich but not gaudy, Wincing remarkable taste and a cle .r head. I see, in an extract from the Plaindealer, that we have had considerable snow in this part of the country, and I wish you would tell the editor of the Plaindealer that he must hive ' got things mixed that the com munication referred to must have been from Alaska instead of Jackson county, for we have had nosnow or cold Weather as yet, and now there is scarcely any snow visible on the top of the highest mountains, although the stock looks quite badly, on account of the long dry fall, but the grass is growing as well as could be expected. Did you ever hear what the T. E., Kev. E. G. Michael did with that load of poultry ? the wagon, team and driver arrived in good shape, but no acc-mnt of the T. E. or poul try. More anon. Uno. PORTLAND LETTER. Eeitor Review: Mrs. Hampscm has come 1 and gone, whether the revival consequent up on her advent here has been equal to the ex pectations of the builders of the Tabernacle is a matter of doubt. Some good has been the result if nothing more thnn the construction of the building. Anything and everything that furnishes employment for the laboring man does good. . If the good people of Portland would hold a series of revival meetings lor the purpose of reviving her manufacturing interest it would be better for all concerned. It does seem that Portland, and all Oregon for that matter, is running wild on imported goods and wares. 1 T 1 " i r . r 1 . . uuuuicus 01 ions 01 Dutter, cneese, bams, bacon, lard and other eatables are being laid down in Portland right from the great mar kets of the East that should by all means be produced by our farmers, while car load after car load of all kinds of farming implements, wagons and carriages, furniture, etc. are ar riving daily, while the stores and warehouses are fairly groaning with heavy stocks of like g"ods all imported and all goods that could and should be manufactured in Oregon. Sure ly the people will some day wake up and see the onesided policy now being pursued. I understand that Salem, Albany and some other towns are Uking the matter in hand, and are offering parties who will engage in the manufacturing business exemption Irom taxa tion. Lut us hope the good work will go on and on until the hum of machinery may be heard on ev:ry stream, aad prosperity abound tl-ronghout the length and breadth of the land. C. A. Reed. LOCAL AND GENERAL. , Prof. Miller of Philomath College gave one of the intelligent, conservative, yet de termined temperance speeches, at the Presby terian Church, in this city, last Sunday that ....... . iui a long ume. tie said "That if Republicans and Democrats both nominated temperance men. then prohibition -was safe that if either one or the otherparties did not nominatH temperance men, then sup port temperance men irrespective ol party j ir 1 . . ",,""g,B) " nciiner pany nominate tem perance men. then start the machinery of the tniru pany ! work. Rev. H. P. Webb of Albany was at Can yonville last Sunday in attendance on the funeral of O. N. Beals, who died on Saturday before, from a gun shot which he had received about six days previously at the hands of Mr. Patrich by accident. We have printed several hundred papers more than have been ordered to accommodate those who have not had the oportunity to send in their orders, and these papers can be had for ten cents each up to forty number, over that eight cents. From Dr. B. A. Cathey we learn that the Lodge I. O. O. F. at Canyonville had an In stallation at their hall last Saturday night, after which they adjourned to Mr. ; Loomis'; partook of an elegant banquet prepared for them. One hundred and fifty melals were issued in Gen. McClellan's honor during the time he was in the army, and quite a number while he was candidate fir the Presidency. - Pedestrians passing Secretary Mmning.s Washington house see lights burning in the library until into the morning hours. H. J. Wilson, ol Canyonville, gave us a call this week, which was profitable to us and we hope satisfactory to him.