Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, January 08, 1886, Image 3

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Jicaufiful City in the Heart
' of a Rich Land-
The county seat o
Douglas couiitv
is now a city of over 1400 inhabitants
situated in the most lieautiful, produc
tive and at the same lime, pisturesrpie
poi tion of Southern Oregon, llosebur-'
is about 150 miles north of the soutl
line of the Statu and two hundred
miles south of Portland, on the Oregon
nnd California railroad; beautifully
situated on the east bank of tlie South
Uiup4ua river, in almost the center of
the county, nnd is the mam railiaod
shipping -point, Hie beauty of its
natural surroundin"s is boiDi' gradually
invproved each year by th
01 handsome residences am
he addition
id business
house", erected by its enterprising cit
izens, who have no desire to seek for a
more pleasant or healthful locality.
They feel that it is useless to look or
ever expect to find a cliiuato belter
tempered and a soil as cvnjy produc
tive as Uoulas county.
Koseburg has the reputation of be
ing full of live, active and enterprising
business men. J his thriny city con
tains in the several departments a birga
Inst el enterprising men, among -whi'.-li
most worthy of special mention, be
'cutiso they aic tho most cnlc-rpi isimj,
wc n:!iim -the following:
J. C. StJEltlPAN.
The gentleman aboved mentioned i
e - .1 .. it i . - i
one oi our "youuir ousisicss men al
though currying, on a business ctdal
ashed twent y years ago by his father
T. 1. Sheridan, and which is still up lo
the t-t:i'ilaid and tiilTy abreast ef t!
limes, lie carries a hiiifc? stock of
;: ibs and buying in bilge tjuaiitllh-s
for eash, ..he - cet3 all i ossiblc advan-
tagen in prices and tian.spoitution and
is thus enabled to lay goods before hi:
customers at prices to challenge com
petition..; His stock consists of evtrv
, 1 11 ! t 1
imng -r.suaiiy iounu in a nibt-ejass
hardware stoic, including all shelf, stoves, tinware, cutlery, am
niithilion, fishing-tackle, cte. The re
pairing department under tho able
management of ''Uncla Jou Williams,"
who has been identified with this siioj
ever since it was founded, is sUll at
the bench and can handle any kind of
work in tho way of manufaturing or re
pairing tm, copper, brass or ironware.
Shop on Jackson street one block north
of Douglas County Hank.
Thete is perhaps no feature of the
business interests of any community
of more actual necessity, of more vitil
importance under the present advanced
state of civilization and commercial
proirress, than the banking establish
ment. Each person in the community
cannot provide hinself with a fire-proof
plaee of gaiety for his earnings artd
what other cash ho may posess and if
he could, it would be a r.eodless expen
diture of money to do so when one or
two such places of safety will suffice
for all in the neighborhood, -Aguin,
the convenience of exchange is a mat
ter highly appreciated by the iner
' chants and others who hava to make
payments 'to distant parties, ltose-
burg long felt the want of such an in-
stilution before the matter was tanen
in band by Messrs Humphrey it Flint,
who organized and established the bank
named at tho head of this notice. . For
thtf benefit of depositors we wilb state
that the proprietors of tho bank here
are old citizens for young men, with
established reputations for honor and
financial responsibility. The Douglas
County Bank sells exchange, makes
collections and does a general banking
business. It is located on Jackson
street and is open during
banking hours.
tho usual
Tho harness business of Roseburg of
which the above named gentleman is
the representative, fills an important
place in the industries of the city. He
lias had many years experience in the
business in this city. The amount
of work turned out by his shop is in
creasing steadily and he well deserves
the increase if attention to tho wants
of his customers, cood coods. first-class
work and reasonabo prices contributed
to success. No man in the state can
do a better job of work than he,
.whether it is on a new set of harness
or in repairing an old one. He keeps
i n stock a full, line of everything
usually' found in a first-class harness
shop. Give him a call at his shop one
block- west of Matks'it Go's, store,
'Ilifeb Up.'?
The "old reliable" shop is still in
the hands of our Teutonic friend "Jako"
and has' been for the last twenty years.
Whatevcr vou want in the butcher line
nuiy bo found at his placo of business,
ana "juko win wait xipon you wun
1..T1J1-1I .1
an t ne "race 01 a rrcnen Uancui ' in as
ter at prices that doty competition.
This establishment, under the con-
trol of Dr. Bunnell, is one of the best
equipped of its class in tho state and is
the only foundcy in Southern Oregon,
lie is prepared to do nil fcinds of work
from tho simplest niece of renairin" to
the production, complete, of a steam
engine. The machine shoo is fitted tin
with lathes, planers, drills, and in fact
everything necessary to the functions
ot a lirst-class establishment. Tlie nat-
tern room and foundry are complete
in every detail, and patterns and cast-
in;3 can be furnished on short notice,
jncie is no work pertaining to a fonn
dry and machine shop that ho i3 not
picparea to cioin tne most reliable and
prompt manner. If you have farm or
null maenmery in need of repairs no
better place can bo tound to have the
wor done. Ho is also prepared
inrnisa iron iron ts tor new buildings
as is evidenced on the several new
brick builJings in this city.
Make Ivoseburg the manufacturing
center that it should lie. There is no
reason why tho manufacturing for the
people of Southern Oregon shonld be
so largely done in other places.
Among the advantages of having the
manufacturing dono here are that the
factories give employment to men, who
with their families, spend tho nioiiey
they earn right here in the purchase of
food, fuel, clothing and other goods.
To do all they can to build up a home
markets the true policy or the merchant
farmer, doctor, lawyer, editor, mechanic
and every other citizen of a community.
And when a manufactory is started,
the way to cherish and build up a home
market, is to' patronize' home factories.
Always give it 'the preference in the
purchase of whatever it manufactures.
Spend your money with it, and it will
be Epeut again right here, kept in circu
lation and ton to one some of it will Cud
its way back: into your pocket, while if
it is sent off it will hardly stand the
transposition charges back.
One ot the leading, aud, in fact, the
only exclusive boot and shoe store in
Uosf burg is tho establishment of Mr.
Langenbera;. Mr. Langenberg came
herein June 1871 and worked at his
trade as a jour, for three years after
which he opene d a shop of his own since
which time by dilligcncc and a determi-'
nation to le second to none he has
gradually men to his present standing
and is to-day conducting one of the
largest boot and shoe stores in southern
Oregon. Ho handles the best gcods
he can buy and sells the same at bed
rued prices. lie makes a specialty of
ladies and misses line shoes, and carry
ing a heavy slock, can suit any taste
in stylo and tpiality, has on endless
variety of bouts and childrens shoes.
Custom work and repairing done in a
neat and artistic manner
and a good fit
call; opposite
guarantee;!. t.iv nun a
the post oluee.
Pit. :;. UAini.TOi;.
1 u a hihloiy of Douglas county
would be incomplete wiihotT'a notice
Ot this gentleman as ho has !n help
ing to make the history ever since the
pioneer days, coming across the plains
in lift and settled in Itcs-.burg in 1855
when he commenced the practice of
meuiciiui una the tiis.ieuci'ag or unnis
Ho first oec
now known
wards ui'.vii
g-jods to th:
led a place on v. hat is
is K!ced's coiner, after
j li-s then t.mall stcck of
coi iti-r now occupied bv
u. l:i ltCG Mr. Ibimii occupied tho brick
Mrs. C,
ton erect
buildi?:-' at i)M.; lit i.Ui'ied 1-V
Josephson'. His re: out store he built
in 1878, where to d ty be has tho hvr.
gi-st and finest stock ef drugs in the
state outside of Portland, "in 1881
the two buildings south of his drug
store were creeled by him and arc oc
cupied by Mes;-rs DaMnttn, and Jasku
lek respectively. During the past few
years he has been hugely and success
fully interested iu real estate. Be
sides being one o.f tho first and most
successful business men of southern
Oregon, he is one of the oldest practi
cioners in the stale. Mr. Hamilton is
still in full vigor and on duty every
day and will in all probability live yet
many years to enjoy the fruits of his
toil, industry ami skill and will ;n his
old ae look upon his sons end daugh
ters with full as much pride as did Es
culapius, of oi l, with the assuiance his
life work lias not been in vain.
In tho mrau time his drug store will
he kept up with the times and anything
usually found in a will appointed estab-
nient will be sold at w holesale or retail
nt prices that defy competition.
tiie first thing a stranger inquires
tor upon aiTiviuw in a town tor a so
journ of a few days, is a good hotel, and
he receives his first impressions of the
town from the kind of accommodations
ie finds time. At llosebu rg it is on
ly necessary to enquire for the Cosmo-
pylitan Hotel. Hero he will
find a
very neat and well conducted
known far and near as Champaign's
Hotel. The wayfaring man here finds
much belter oeconimodalions than
usual. Upon the table is found a
bountiful supply of provisions prepared
in tlie best sty les of the culinary art.
The rooms are comfortable and well
furnished and "'tis a joy to press a pil-
low of a Cosmopolitan chamber bed,"
and take a comfortable nishts repose.
The proprietor of this popular hotel,
rlr. A. Uuampaign, has been a res
ident of Kosebur" since 187G and has
always catered to the public in a, most
satisfactory manner; everything being . Busses are run to and
from all trains and his charges
aro al
Cive wavs in the bounds of icason
him a call.
Dentistry was first brought to per
fection in the United Ktates, and no
profession has made move creditable
advancement than this. Tlie art of!
preserving the natural teeth and sup-
plying their places when lost, is a fine
art and one of vast importance to all
classes of people. Dr. Davis is the
leading representative of it in Koso-
burg. His .works speak for him in all
parts of the county. lie has recently
fitted up parlors in
Hamilton's block
next door to J ask dlek's jewelry store
where he will welcome all his old cus
tomers and as many new ones as may
vcqnire lus services.
These pioucrr liverymen of Roseburg
are still ia the business,-and have
made it a success. They commenced
the business m tho early days or Ore
gon when saddle and packhorses were
the chief inolc of traveling, since which
time they have kept fully abreast of
tho times, and to day you can rido out
of Rose-bun? in any hind of a vehicle
you may wish for with the finest of
teams, or they wilt teed yourliorse3
and give them the best of attention all
at tha most reosonablc rates. Their
barn is s pposite the Central Hotel
One of the leading business cstab
lishmcnts of Roseburg, of several years
standing. is the Cigar, Tobacco
and notion store of the gentleman
above mentioned. Bv strict attention
to business and a prompt business rule
- he has been successful and is at present
prepared to suit his customers to the
best in his line, including fancv goods,
toys, and in fact everything usually
found in a store of this kind. To the
indnlger of the ''fragrant weed" Mr.
to I Marks extends a welcome and guaran
tees his gocds. Among his favorite
brands of cigars may be mentioned the
"kicket aud the fortunate purchaser
will surely kick until he gets an
other. Give him a call.
This convenient house. umW its
present management, is becoming one
of the most popular places on the road
and is f nrnishing tho best of everything
the ma.ket affords at one dollar per
day. To see tho smile of the Stewart
(Perkins) alone is worth the money.
Among all tho business interests of
Iio3eburg, few have aa endearing a I
claim upon tho people, or as readily
command their confidence as the gen-
eral merchandise firm of S. Marks &
Co. They are one of the oldest firms
in the city and have always been iden-
tinea wun rue city ana us growiu as
well as Douglas countyi having had
and now liave business interests in dif-
ferent parts of the county. ; By their
strict integrity and honest dealing they
havo built up an enormous trade and
accumulated property and wealth,
They carry a heavy ; stock of goods
comprising everything usually fonnd
in a general sLore, including staple and
fancy dry goods, boots and shoes, cloth-
ing and groceries, etc. In dress goods,
muslins, linens, flannels, jeans; also
trimmings, laces, gloves and notions
generally, their stock is the largest,
most complete in variety Iti this section.
lu short, a person jean get every-
thing he wants to this store
we believe. This firm deals largely in
county produce and always pay tho
highest market price. They' bny wool,
produce, and grain of all kinds, and
ship large quantities when it is on the
market. They also handle wagons and
farm machinery of the most approved
kinds. S. Marks & Go's. Btore is one
of the haudsomest business houses in
tho state and their extensive warehouse
for receiving cleaning and storing grain
is superior to any building for its
purpose on this northwest . coast, as
has been pronounced by many visitors
from abroad as well as at home.
M. JOstnisON.
One of the well known bust ncss
meu of Roseburg is Mr. M. JoMsphson,
who has a largo stock of general mer-
chandise and is prepared to sell goods
as cheap for cash as can bo done in the
city, lie keeps in stock a full line of
dry goods, and the customer who wants
the best print?, domestics, drees goods,
cassimcrs, jeans, flannels or anything
else usually kept in a first-class dry
goods house can bo accommodated here
at the most reasonable price. His
stock of groceries, canned goods and
tobaccos is largo and select and in-
L-ludes everything that tho customer is
likely to call for. A handsome lino
of queens ware is also found here; also
an immense stock of clothing, boots
and shoes, hats and caps, trunks and
valiccs, and many other things too
numcious to mention. Como and see
, ... i i -iw -i -ar I
how it is yourself and you will find Mr.
Josephson, assisted by "Charlie and
"Bid as clover a trio as you ever met.
The lever which moves tho intellect-
ual world in the present 8ge, is tho
newspaper, and when tho intellectual
world is awake and active, man's ma-
I . 1 1 1 T 1 1 . . i 1
iei mi lnicresia aro not iiKeiy to oc
caught napping yery long at a time.
Vv ero we to ask how Americans man-
..... .:
O X ml 1 " I
wnrlil pvflpsnw in lines nr raviliztxi find I
enlightened progress, our answer would
be, "by establishing newspapers m
every hamlet in the land." When Rose
burg was yet a hamlet, it was fortunate
enough to have newspapers edited by
talented men, and the eity is: still for
tunate in that respect, having two prin
ting offices; well supplied with presses
and material, where two handsome and
ably conducted newspapers are publish
ed, ono representing each of the two
great political parties.
The riaindealer which was estab
lished in 18G9 by Wm. ("Bud") Thomp
son a3 the advocate of the Democratic
principles which were then tho asctn-
dancy, after which it passed into the
hands of Henry Byars and was then
chan2l info a Republcan paper; was
afterwards published by Messrs. Byars
- - - -
i' TTiii-kIi liter which Jlr iivars l'e-
' . .
and proprietor. In September of the
vear mst nast Mr. L. S. K. JJlllck rur-
chased and greatly improved- both
' v. 1 . .
riaivv nnrl f.ioilitins Vtv mtttinr in a
steam cnaine. etc. printing one of the
. ..j.. - j
best weekly newspapers , in the
which is Still the able champion of the
Republican party. But aside from
politics Mr. Uuick and ins able assis-
tants are indefatigable in their advo
cacy of every cause and enterprise
which they deem to be for the good of
the people of Roseburg and Douglas
county, either pecuniarily or morally.
Tho Plaidealer is a handsome folio hav
ing eight columns
i- iU ,i ti,
. C.-...1,
leading Republican paper
The Democratic party is represented
by the Heview, of which J. 11. N.
Loll is editor and proprietor, and was
established m 187'J by John W. .Kelly
as an liulciienacnt pnper under tlie
lianiOOI tllC "JJOllglaS IlltlepeiUleiir.
In 1882 the paper passed into the
. . . . t . . , i,
hands of CastUO Ball who conducted U)C;r midst Xd ths erui Messrs. Parks& Son mcntionck. He carries a full stock of staple
it as the only champion of the Demo- have labored and are now offering groceries and fancy groceries, queensware, nuts, can
cratic party in Douglas county, until of every variety at prices that dcly competi- dies, cigars and tobacco. The store is located
.Tn;w 1 KRS whnn if- was rmrchasod
J .
by the present owner and the name
changed to the RosjEBUito Review.
In this short time Mr. Bell has de-
1 1 j 1 . V l 1
fession, and estabUshed the reputation
of being one Of the leading editors in
veiopeci a genius ior tne eaitonai pro
,, . , . . . , "nr. ij f
tho State. Assisted by Mr. . X.
Floed, who as a journalist is second to
none in the state, the KpviEW has done
murb vigorous work not onlv as the
much vigorous work, pot omy as uie
champion of its political partyi UUt
also tor the building up Oi iioseourgi
and its interests and for developing tne
resources 01 uougias county.
Review is also a neat thirty-two col
m t. 1 m
EW 13 alSO a neac Illy-lWO COl-
folio, creditable to the city and
county. it occupies a commoaious
omco on Jackson Street, south 01 tneicnpi Ktrie flnd workman like manner.
Court House and is supplied ; with all
the latest improvements in the print-
ing line and is prepared to turn out
anything in the way of job plinting
at prices to Buit tho times.
These two papers cairy full lines of
advertising which speaks well for the
business acumen and enterprise
the citv V"1--
tuo city.
To 1 in t k 'PITWQ
i.i jmii.,.
, . , , . J . 1
Dealer in fresh and saltad meats,
sausages, coici pressea coosea corn
beef and fish in season. The amiline
face of Alex Slioimins will alwaya
found at tho block, ready to give yon
th cbriiriftRt most, frfflasin? man
. . 1 . . ' 1 1 M. 1 ?
01 : :i- r - ..i -
ouop on cornir upj.w vr.u,.
fj.nnrftl RlardcRmithinfl' and reoair
v u .1. s Vi ir ntMl
. ! ... ,
in a satisfactory manner at prices
suit the times. - Shop opposite Canon
Uros.' livarv Btaote. ;
The traveling man Boon learns to
appreciate the careful attention aud
hospitality which characterize the nat-
ural landlord and host, call up home
influences, shed contentment upon the
tired soul and induce rest and repose,
even though he be a staanger in a
strange janu. ror ims rcasvu um
McClallcn Houso, in Roseburg, enjoys
a widespread and justly deserved pop-
ularity. It is located between the
Lrnd office and Court House, just near
enough to the business center to be
convenient for business, and just far
enough away for ihe guest to rest and
repose when busiuess is finishod, nn-
annoyoi by the noise and bustle of the
business center. The house is nicely
and comfortably famished; The beds
are neat, clean and comfortable, and
the tables are bountifully spread with
the substantiate and luxuries prepared
i the most wholesome and palatable
style. "Macks" table is always a
feast for a king, and everything is
strictly first-class. Busses are run to
and from all passenger trains. The
bills are reasonable and all who once
put up at the McClallcn Houso are
sure to return if they visit Hoseburg
bowen Bros.
j E-cr since the time when Abel
tended flocks, Cain tilled the ground
and Tubal-Cain struck the first ring-
ing blows upon iron, whose echoes
never ceased to fall upon the ears of
mortals in every age, in every quarter
of the globe, labor has been tlie great
source of wealth and temporal happi-
ne3s I" Roseburg tho ringing blows
uppn iron arc struck by the industri-
ous young men whose names appear at
the head of this notice. At their shop
all kinds of blacksmith work is done,
They make a speciality of shoeing
horses, and their customes never coin-
plain of lamed hotses or of having their
horses lose their shoes in a few days
after they are put on. Henry and
John were both raised to their trado
from infancy, tinder thcii father's
("Old Vulcan") able instruction, whom
they succeeded after Ins death. All
work done in his shop is warranted.
These young vnlcans are located in the
sumo old place formerly occupied by
their father on Main street near the
City Hall. j
wm. watkiks. '
Will shoe your horse, fix your
wagon or carriage, repair your plow or
i .i i it i i i -1.1 i i
do anything elsa in tho blacksmith line
you may havo lor bun to do. He oc-
cipics Henry Oatterman s old stand
and solicits a share of your patronage.
Prices reasonable and eatisfactian guar-
aulecd. Shop' near Marks k (Vs.
grange uusiness association.
.... . .
Far from least anions tlie leading and enter-
I prising business interests is the above named
association oi wmcn lion. vv. r. owens is
manager, lnis company was oigamzeu in
Inr I mimncfk t licrilcinrv rt IhA nAr.
.,- Mri r .. 1
well as to procure ine "est rates 01 iransporia-
Hon for the same, since wnicli time to date it
has been successfully operated. In no class
of invention has the genius and skill of the
inventor lwen displayed to a greater advantage
man in mc puuutuun ""-
turnery lui lining nit avii, iniwiuj inc nui
i .t r t ..,!
anil 111C LUllviliiuil ui iiiv; laimci as ivriiia.u
i,v Th lUllinir.;-
He, who by farming would get rich,
Must plow anil hoe and dig and Bich;
Work hard all day, sleep hard all nite,
Save every cent and not get tite
Ts cnmcwtinl amplioratral bv the successful
introduction and general use of improved
agricultural tools. Mr. Owens sells plows,
harrows, hay-rakes, horse-powers, stoam en -
pines, reancrs. mowers, harvesters, binders
and headers, also wagons and carriages; nays
a", s
the highest cash price lor wool and grain ol
utivriPAt sriimi q.
T. f principal schools of Douglas
countv arc the Roseburg public school,
Umpqua academy, at Wilbur, Oakland acad -
I . i i i i t x- i
I emy al waKiana, anu w xrain nurmai
I V....1 M. l)M,n H Im. n clirilu i r.. nil in
. flounsninR condition. there arc other
schools in the county as gootl only smaller,
and Douelas countv offers the lcst facilities
I . ,
r an education.
I H-
Mr- Easlon has lately purchase, refilled and
stoclc ef groceries of all kinds, green fruits and
vegetables, candies, nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc.
too numerous to mention. Everything new,
neat and attractive. Give him a call for any
thing you want in the way of cauibles.
This is the oioncer flouring mill of Rose
burg and is located in the northern part of
the city. It has been improved and modern-
ized from time to time by ihe introduction of
no ami imnmvnl mnrhinprv. Tt does liolh
a merchant and custom business and has long
since esiaunsiieu a icimuuiuii iui win
and this the proprietors, Messrs. dates &
Criteser, have lalwrcd successfully to keep
up. 1 he manager ana operator, iienry uaies,
is well known as a reliable man and excellent
. . , . t t .
miller. Patronize the Roseburg I-louring
this nineteenth century the wants of
man arc many. iu ine man oi a miuiij
i -i- .1... ..r r. ! . .
4"n. . Kotlung out tne ocsi oi goons are louna
nt their store. Call ana le convinces.
parrott bros.
. .
Tho boot and shoe manufactory of tho
gentlemen above mentioned is the Outgrowth
r lmiinpss started in earlv davs bv their
father, Moses Parrott, and is to-day one of the
--t prospers business fmnsir .the city
inese ceniiciuui!, unvc in iiunni, u.v.
own to manhood in our midst, an honor to
thcir parents and the community, and by
steady habits, persistent industry and sterling
integrity have established for thcmselvfes a
lhat slamls at thehead. They may
indeed ,)C dassed ur younrj business
meof which we make .mention in another
column. '
Having recently openca a new y .
plete stock of funuture they are Vcd o
furnish; outhu at me lowest living raics.
Having recentlv opened a new and
. . 1 . of all kjnds exeCuted
in tne
"Dave' and "Mick" belongs to our list of
"young ; business nxm and fully sustain tkeu
Pula4,on- & ACEE
The centlemeh aboved named have recently
formed a partnership in the butchering busi-
ness and are supplying the market with Ore-
gon's choicest meats of all kind, -,
Oil ,( siieridan anus.
I Among tne leaning ousmra
1 ,rA ,h.t r cheridan Bros. Their
I wu,16 "v e .
i,.,w mnmi niiita n 11 line stocn 01 nan
and sheif hardware, stoves and tinware.
stoves they carry a large 4--."" ""-lf
including the best cook ana neuuu io
be ? S-T thTl o5ble
Tr7 nUtSsTimuniU
I , . , . , , . 1 Jn .1mA.
- 1 nn-i-rt nd table cutlcrv in almost car loads,
- I Ir .. timi Thv also keep' in stock.
-'rrLxrJ l.lind. and shimrles:
uuurs. i " .... w .. : - . t,.
al warrons. plows, and all kinds ol agncuitu
I 1 ;mr.lnents. In the tinware department
I ihra assisred bv Mr. L. A. Sanctuary,
who is esneciallv at home, in being a practical
1 tinner qJ- jnany yearg experience. When yc
to Vooner. or sheet iron ware made
I OJ repairctit give them a caU and you will
' it done in a woriunaniiKe mmncr,
Among the old settlers and prominent busi
ness men of Roseburg is Clay Slocum, who is
at present our efficient deputy Sheriff, and has
at various times held office of honor and trust
ia the County, and as an enterprising citizen,
the Opera House, or Slocum's Hall, as it is
more familiarly called, is a standing monument
to his energy being one of the finest and best
equipped in Southern Oregon.
Mrs. Hotchkiss has been identified witlithe
millinery trade of Roseburg for saTcral years,
and her stock displays a choice variety of silks,
velvets, trimmings, ribbons, feathers, flowers,
tips, plumes, etc., too numerous to mention,
also straw and felt hats, bonnets and hat frames,
ornaments etc., until we are led to wonder
how the ladies can make use of somany pretty
things.; Mrs. Hotchkiss is an expert In her busi
ness and knows just how to get the right twist
to a ribbon, the right bend in the hat, and the
plumo or ornament in just the right place to
make the wearer just too pretty for anything.
It is well known that previous to the
Mohammedan invasion of India it was univer
sally held a sacrilege of the people to wear a
garment made from seperate pieces of cloth
sewed together. Each garment was made
from a single peice. The first instance of a
dress of any kind being worn was made from
the scanty leaves of a fig tree, which Eve
made for herself when he essayed to wear
clothes in the Garden ol Eden, but it was no
doubt very becoming to her, as were Adam's
first pants to him. From that time to this,
gradual but vast improvements have been
made, until now seeming perfection of mens
clothes has been reached at the merchant
tailoring establishment of H. Parry, Roseburg.
He is located on Jackson street next door to
A. C. Marks's Cigar store. If you want a
nice suit that will lit yon call and select from
his handsome piece goods, and have him
take your measure, and cut, fit and make it
for you.
It a matter of more importrnce to a town
than most people imagine that the rcstuarant
and other eating houses should be good and
well conducted. Man is seldom in a good
humor unless he is properly fed, and when a
farmer comes to town to trade, and gels a
good meal or lunch for a reasonable price,
he, in a good humor with the town and feci
like doing business. The stranger, too, in
coming into a community in seeking a location
is likely to be pleased or displeased in accord
ance with the way he is fed. This restuarant
has been established long enough to demon
strate that it is a permanent and successful
affair. Moore's Resturant is located in the
business part of the city Where it is conven
ient to give it a call.
This centlensan is no "little shaver," now,
but he is a shaver all the same and has been,
we suppose, ever sinco he was a little ono.
At any rate it has been several years since he
commenced in Roseburg treating tho people
'barberously. He seemed to be an expert
then and his great experience since ha?, if pos
sible, been adding to his aptness, so that it is
no use for any professor or practitioner of the
tonsorial scissors and art to try to excel him.
He makes a speciality of hair dressing and is
cxpcii in III1S UIBUCII Ol MIC UUS111CSS. VllUb,
U.ML, shon is on wVcon street almost on.
an expert in this branch of the business. Chas,
posite the express office. Give him a call and
you will get your monoy s worth.
Is the postmaster, railroad agent, and mer
chant of Dillards, a new town ten miles south
of Roseburg. He offers extra inducements to
those wishing to purchase goods or having
produce to sell.
' d. s. west,
Land! land! parties wishing to purchase
innu, win tio won location or correspond wiui
u. t. west, Keal Estate Accnt. Vtiice at
I I viicl llAiif: if mruliti or
xhe dressing establishment of the lady
whosc name is alxve mentioned is one ..fiht.
iH;n.gnH mnci rvictiinnahu in i.iw ur
work is aiways neat RIK jn sty)c nnd ;r any
thing is calculated to enhance the beauty of
our "fair ones," Mrs. Compton is the one to
i gUFCest.
!.. r .i
j A writing up of business men and business
1 lnterpsts ni 1 Joiifrln rnnnlv nrTMilrl cMm inivini.
plete in the absence of a notice of the wide
awake and active citizens whose firm name
heads this article, even though their principal
business is mat ol running a sawmill. - They
may correctly be classed among the leading
spirits ot any enterprise ol a public nature,
1 They established their mill in this county in
1870 and have since been constantly and sue
1 cessfully engaged in the lumber nnd sawmiil
imsincss. ui Mr. narae, personally, we can
say mat ne is on "unio man, yet withal gen-
I ml and wnolesouled. An n hrm Mrur:
Clarke and Baker arc popular and in the lead.
UoN. t. c. FI'LLERTCtn.
1 Mr. Fulletton is one of the leading lawyers
I . u :.. i t -.1 i ii -. i
I m ns uny mm iui wictuii years neiu, wun
1 hnnnr nml In lh cntivlfirtinn nf a lh tw.
tion oi Kecciver 01 me u. . Lmt U'hce in
this place. Morally, socially and financially
Mr. niierton stands m the front rank.
1 A . . 1 . r T 11 .
A3 wc k lu lre wc ucar inui ir. ruuer
1 Diaiv aa iiuiiillli:c lui
: .u. r)..i.i: : t
Secretary of State. "So motle it lie."
In no branch of human industry, perhaps is
there a more inviting field for the display ol
cultivated taste, and artistic design than in
the making and trimming of hats and bonnets
! of the ladies of the present day. The con
trast between the coarse top-knot worn by the
dusky maiden who chased the butterfly over
sunny slopes forty years ago and the beauti
ful bonnet made by Mrs. Hoover for the
Roseburg belles of to-day, marks as clearly as
anyuiing can me wonueiui progress ot me
age. Millinery has risen to the position ol
1 one of the fine arts, and only a ladv of culli
vatcd taste as well as a skillful hand can make
!, .-. wtiauivsa. a iic
ladies of Roseburg arc fortunate enough to
have in the millinery establishment of Mrs,
i , t .i. : v. . i i . ,
i nouyci out kiuui can supply men iicmanu
in this line and make them appear as well as
the ladies of any other town. Her shop is on
the Mam street.
An addition to the business interests of Ihc
uiMsu'tiunuw axuscuuij; ui no mean mi-
! w,;n. .AH. ..r o i - e
near me oepot. uive mm a call.
tit vbw BtcTittoivT
The latest addition to the business interests
L 1) 1 ' 4l- . . .
i '-' ir,.j a n v rtL l
D1 oM.uurK is wc new resiaurani next ooor
40 A- Marsters drug store. The building
hs ncc" "ed up in firsl-class shape where
oysters are scrvcil up in Uie liest slylcs, thus
---- i
Meals and coffee served at all hours, night or
dav on the European plan.
lane & lane.
The law firm of Lane & Lane is one of the
best known in the state and is composed of
Hon. Lafayette Lano and his brother, Col.
John Lane. The former has been in public
I "ie mucn ot mc unw ana nis reputation as
lawyer and orator is almost national. Col.
Lane was educated at West Point and served
conscientiousi- not without honors dunn
.. since which Ume h
. . . ... ... . ,
This firm
:. r ".."r-
is professionally strong, and it is superfluous
of I t0 lna' an business entrusted to it by
"ns, ,t
th;9count wUl
a uisiancc as wen as inose
be promptly and efficiently
attended to.
This gentleman has been a resident or R(
burg for the past ten years. He carries m
business o -
This centlcman has been a resident of Rose-
on the
iMrliiMT liii4iinM min in bi ltni ITmalcMll
i I specialty of the nnderUkinff department and
keeps a stock of cothns and caskets on hand,
I . .k. .1 r .v. i:r. .
1 m. iuc uantl Ol Llic utc ui iiic liw 1.1111.1.11, 11111
n..u i. vi :.v iv. ,r:
A, m.llVUll.1 111 111 Tflll Vll tUHIWlUHi:
Of cradle and all th h ,if, hfhomc
comfortable with nice furniture and at its
tiose carefully lays him away in a handsome
K?L'.. lsbU51"m n.?m
die in Douglas county.
Mr. Marsters keens in -lock a full line of
- i . . . 1 . ...
- pure ana unadulterated drugs, chemicals,
paints, and oils, and handles all the staple
patent medicines. His stock also Includes a
full assortment of toilet articles, soaps perfum
ery, etc Prescriptions compounded in a neat
acurate and artistic manner. His store is op-
get I posite Sheridan's Hardware store, on Jackson
i isuwi uivc nun a can,
CAKO l:i:n
Anion; the foroiuusfc bus
city wo find the firm ef (Air
iu general marcli-urlhe. -TI:
;'t nl m:r .
i, dialers I
say, leacicrs aaim:t; tiiu cut.. finMti
t neir
stock coinpiues thelx ;t i e
goods, sliirtinga in a'i r;rr.
variety of brucudos, c;iiiiai
and domestic filUs, snt::i
( yb a of d.-css
idi c-iiilh-s-5
I--- ..-!. 1,111 i r, i
- .'i juidi
colors; cassimcr.-', i.-iin.-:, ikiit
domestia yarns, a fall lino
crashes and tuwej..; Jaces ai l luce gootls m
endless variety; hosiery fviJ Lvii ;.-, taiiisus
and children in ull the lato-if
ami m
shorn everything rcuisito
dry goods aud uotiJti sti.rj.
a. clothing department wil!
and caps, boots aud !ioe.
iu : lir.t-e!as
TIrjy have also ;
elottiin, hats ;
and furnishing
goods for men, youths and
liitys'. t -i cloaks ,
au .i uounaus lor in--
fird a fall stock. To i:i:vV
inn . iiiisscs we '
ui t!: .-:r stock i
mere is a una nae n "ro-tin
glassware, c-t C.tro 15ro
business in 1 hi? city im-3
conducted their business as
a liavo nec-:i in
T7 and have s- j
R maku fritriidr j
of all their ciuto:m:r.?
They aro public t
spirited citizens who tiki-
nn interest . in !
everything calculated to 1-cjscfit tiio town f:r
community as is evideaoad i
blick block which they li
pleted and expect to occupy
For tho ground on which t
jr. 111.; iari;o
vvu ahiiust co:t'.-
. i . i . .
u a few Wcuka.
IIS Jll.lgUlUCCIlti
structure is reared they p i
l i"3'.)J!, which
added to about S'23,000 f r
the buil.l;i!'.
makes a very large showii
X in tlis way ot
improvement, lliesaeond
torv will bo fit -
ted op as a public hall
fke second room
from the corner is occupied 1
tho post office
and grocery store with u.
llooro at the
occupied by
wheel. i ho third room
Cannon Bro's. Tho entire liaildin fronting
on two streets occupies a eito of -'JvOO feet
and withal presents a handsome sp'-arance.
AS eutcrpnsiu men oi p
Caro Bro's deserve euccc-ss ;
lieu and OilCipv.
1 a .
id ptrona3.
Amoug'itho prounnctit bu:
Roscburi the mcrcaiialii
ni-ts interests of
house of , Sol.
Abraham is deserving of srni
i-u prominence.
not only oa account of tho iv'j-.1
ad varied
stock of good s found in t'l
. . ,
Stoin, but ftlUO
on account of tho ontoi-pr:;
that gentleman.. Here i-i
buildings sonth of rortlan i
side appearance but iutori
11113 clmr.uaor of
bun of the finest
not only in 01;!.
- iln!"V:: we'l.
I'.ll.d with
Here aro shelves and. coir.'
prints, dcincstiea, linens,
riety of nice dress good?, ;
Ulli 1
f ,11 .... 1 ;
.i. in 11 1 .. -
varied unc included in a e
dry goods and ladies "and
gents luriir-ijiiiir
go-ids. In another dep:irln;
.. : c.ti -...1
l," 7 - 'u
iiiir f"r men
X --M'tlll;-'! t OI
varied .-wsortmont of e!o!
youtli3 and boys, and a f u
hr.ts and caps, ko tliat nil e:
!i Ijv suit-.;-.!,. tt
boots and shoes them socm;
ti hj n- limit.;
and tho selection of Una sho
cs fr m-iics r.n-l
ini8xoa is particularly fim:
variety of articles clashed
Li tlie
is no; ions the
stock is very complete. AM to llil out th
full measure of tho want) jf tho .ristomer.
' f 11"
the store of Mr. Abraham;
stock ef groceries, ciittlery.
etc. When a customer rc j
fob 1 -;o.
1 i 1 . . r '
110H Sl-liO OI
this gentleman, ho fct-l li!eies-!iii.:iii:;' with
the old (Ifct-k, "Kurcka,"
8:1-1 l.iviui; in a
:ir. Mr. Alira
and kin-Is of
ys grui : mil alt
fult supply fir tlie whole y
nam also deau 111 wagons
agricultoral lmplciueuts, b
kinds of produce.
. ,fi'n .
r! 1 .lit 01 iu.c-
s to attract llic
livery birn- of !
h" Ci-iicr'a-. vou
. '.
a. o. urit
After reaching the businc:
burg, one of the 1 1 buildir
attention of the stranger is tlj
Mr. A. O. KO.c, located on
reach Jackson street on yo
r w ay I rum Ihc !
depot. The building is a i
t nmi t,,b (
tial one ol large demons!
ns. It l.i well I
stocked with good tcasn-i an
vehicle..-, so that j
a stra:i-'er. can i
the way-faring man, tuou-'h
see just where to go when b
wants to take a
ride, lie will find air. Ko
a renial man to
deal with, and his teams g-
ono-; io
Iry them and sec now it is yt
a!:un -
X ilie
I his region is not omy nolc-.! lor iHc
danco of roses, but ibis cityKvas nan
flic gentleman whose r.air.t r.uvicar
head 01 thLS notice, lie islonel l!.e uosi
genial and sociable gcni'fcnwn in llouglas
county. 1 Ie has been a resilient of t!i; county
ever since the hills were holes in the ground,
and says lie intends slaying las long as trout
fishing is g-d in the South Ufinwni.i river.
In the very nature of U
lan, m l
hi:; score
ol Koseourg should l.c a pleasant
there seems to be no incongruity on
as "liilly is the man bclnn
can say "nothing" in the mo
ncr possible and let the "wen
1 the 1-o' C-- He
1 fall c.v"? on tlie
unwilling ear of the disapj jointed seek
a letter. I hen in the most
symmtlH-lie man -
ner, he will sell to the di.-r.
ppointtil individ-
ual the paper, envelope, pea
nnd ml. to write
e" lb.' -.- a -o -lal
e'conj.V "ct ' it' at
a letter for lumseli or wul
for a cent, Just as cheap as
the wholesale house in Y;
-.bin -Ion Ir t'l
individual wants something
still o-ir renial
William will sell him anyt
11 11.7 m the proccrv
line, including lamps, w
Ulen and willow
ware, or will sell him a fr.1
rant "Jl ivana
a paper of fine-cut or a milg of the
weed, which will quiet his
hervcasid enable
him to return home fcelin,; Is happy as though
hi. m,l n li.ll..r.r iC h 1,.. W
dy, nuts or anything in the
'line of ,co:. crlions
to produce upon them a b!
one of the "boys" and a s
h cOcCl. Will is
ill busbies:; man.
He was twice elected to Ii
1 flic re
i i!le
position of treasurer of 1 )oi
Jas cnirity. dur- j
ing the last term of which
ne war, appointed ;
wiicnyouw.ini a letter give
him a call and 11 he canni
one he will do his best to r
supply you with
xoinoaate you in
the way of anything else ytiu may d
'The grand debate, the hnrangue-
the tart reply the logic aijl the wisitom, and
the loud laugh I long to
Reader if in four lines
has described your longin
kno;v them a!!.
L'ooper, tlie pot.
; for a "feast of
reason and flow of soul,"
be fully satisfied al the be
Stanton where the feast i
in r 1
, , r . .
spread upon the
printed page. Here you find everything
to suit your literary taste,
reasonings of Artcnms Wo
rom lirtproietmd
1 to ll'.c t;.!)' and
ion. M: .Slanton
flippant verse of John Mi
has been in the business for
lhelat 13 years and
keens a full lincofschoi.
a-!;;, miscellaneous
boons stationery, wall paj er
1 .itiure
and a variety ol notions,
crocerics, dry goods and
o a hill st
ck of
Give him
a call ii you nave not airctiy dune
so, an 1
you have, call again as the
replete with a choice select
Uk wilt be Kept j
in of Pr;Oi!s. You i
win tinu Mr. Manion a vm
:i:am man to ileal !
with and one who will iriv-
you one hundred
do'lnr every time.
cents worth of gixnls for r
With him you wi'I also hi
1 our vounsr frieiwl
Paul Moshcr, who will crJ-t Vou ith sun-
niest smile to lrive away II
ic'wintry chill pro-
duceil by borca s blast
the old post office huildin;
thout. Re-member
is the place.
healestXte. -
S. B. Hendricks is
ing a oncral fical
Estate business in this cj
y. Mr. Hendricks
having for years been sW-fuliy onoged
in fanning in various nail
qualified to give informi
oi rc-!u is iiuiy
t.on to contcmpla -
aud what kind of
tire settlers also where
lind may be hid, hivini; now a larco list
of farms and city property for Ride. Mr.!
Ilendricks is a strictly reliable business man
. .. . " t .
and of a penial and acctmmoJainr nature.
ror information can qn or address .. li.
Hendricks. Hosoburg, Douglas county, Or-
The establishment -of hanni.n & lilac!; man
is well worthy of a fostti ini patronage, not
only on account of its Jicing a homo manu
factory, but on account of it well-earned
reputation for good, hefnest, reliable work;
while their prices are ti suit the t.tiies. I5o
sides the manufacture pi vehicles theydo
custom work of all kinis in wood and iron,
U. .hrtsinr. and idnu-Uviv-V e!....U1 H...
with them. . '
At tho beeinins of thd
present century only
the rich could afford to
have furniture other
a tabic and a rough
than a few rough chairs,
hewn bedstead or two; 1
ill American ingenuity
skill, and machinery have revolutionized the
furniture trade so thai
now handsome ar
cheap that scarcely
tides in this line are so
any family is too pool-
to hr
Especially is this the cx-i: in this goodly land,
flowing with mush and milk, and grain
crr 1 h Inmrnrn cf rir ic nnu1 n. nww'tv
in every town and city,
"TV. , ' .
in the establishment of
Uncle fohniefiiklcr
sieve one that is a credit to any city and what
you cannot find in it
h'oti need not
supply you wilh
for elsewhere. He can
thine in the way
f lurmtare or re"
pair anything in that lidc.
His shop is one
door west ot the McClallcn House,
In the front rank, and determine! to stay
. . . t .1 T11
ihcrc. wc lind the lirm oi liarucr oc wiins
runri and oueens-ware merchants. They
! occunv a handsome new4rick building on the
i cast side of Jackson street built and mtea up
csiwi.iy for their use during ine last season.
; -t-l. I .1 l . 1. . 9 n .1 ..F.t1 n nm.r f f i xtrt
! J IK'V liaVU LIllllllCIC, .lull mini a Hl.n irav
- aml 'Wans of new goods, are prepared to
! new customers, as well as out ones, a
new and cordial welcome as well as to snow
t.hem a larger and better stock of goods than
ever bclcrc. . 1 hev have opened im an im
mense stock of groceries and queenswarc, in
chilling the finest stock' of fancy grorcries in
th-v-city, consisting largely of canned and bot-
ikdgixids. In staple groceries they cannot
!j beaten. In the queenswarc dejxirtment
t!iCie gcntlcmeh have a large and handsome
slook, aiul offer special inducements to newly
married people lo purchase their outfits in
I (Ins line here, dood gixxls. a full assortment.
boitum prices, fair dealing, staighl-forward
ruincssand gentlemanly demeanor make this
st -ire a popular place to trade.
If is of morS innxrtance than most ier.jon
ie.ncinc that the hotels in a city should be
!irt-c!ass. It is fortunate then for Roseburg
mat near the depot, quite convenient lor the
traveling public is located as neat and iiviting
a Hotel as can be lound anywhere, tlercex-
1 cc'.lciit meals are spread upon the tables. The
! house is a commodius new building built ex
-- - i r .i l ... . ...
picssiy ur ine notei business, and wun an eye
- i l, toe comlorta of the guests. Not only are
me meats good and wholesome, but the bed-
! rooms are neat ami comfortable. Good cigars
arc always on nand m tne oilicc, so lhat the lov
er or the fragrant ' weed is not disappointed
The charges arc only $ 1 per day. -.
kamotta's toxsorial establishment, j
The large, and handsome barber shop of Thi!
i):i.litta is something really grand and un
equalled in the state. It extends frorn Jack- to Mam street. I he Irontroom is twenty
citjht by thirty feet, has two large and elegant
show windows on either side of the door; a high
ccning gives it an airy and comlortaldc appear
ance. beautifully designed side board matching
ii, 1.-. 1 1 u-: ,.i i
. mi. 1 1 ivnii a uaiuti i.iiaiia, wiui:aiiiiv
P,,tV(.l ,! InlaiM are nnrfrif the rlnnnl fnr.
I nituic. A cup case containing two dozen pn-
f v.i'.e dips is another leaturc. A neat cigir
; Ftand filled with the choicest occupies a promi-
j in Ml position in the roon?ra But to attempt to
trr-nncrate all ol the bcautilul and attractive
; ..... -..
u.'rnl(l li: iii-li3 If must 1m u..n li
11. i in .. iKH. w a 1 in-fully appreciated. In the rear are four bcau
cnpleto st'ici of j tifully constructed and furnished bath rooms.
1 rooms are supplied with hot and cold
. . .. ..
. wnt-.-r. In conjunction with probably the linest
v',,, ;:, i;,e United States, Mr. DaMotta ranks
! i K.. Tii.-i.l ill h'n ijrofiK;;inn. nnrl pmnlrtl-c Anlu
hr t flisi workmen, llns elegant tonsorial
prince i-i situated directly opiositc the post (Jive him a crsll. 1
Tlie lumber bti5,incs.s, his particular line, ia
one in which he has been engaged for a num-
I ''cr 'cars' 'la: long had a liberal share
! of the- patronage, and hopes by fair dealing and
1 --
on.toiC puces to retain his old and se
cure i:iany new customers. Mr Beard sley has
a large slock of lumber, sash doors, blinds,
sinngic-:, etc 1 lis luniijcr yard is located near
the depot. Give him a call when in need of a
bill of lumber of any kind.
Mr. Bel lils is ono of the pioneer jewelers ef
Roseburg and is a mechanic of twenty-five
0 .... .
c'"'' ' cxl,u"ence. He also is agent for the
cikIIoss concrete pipe for draining purposes;
v':'ch uy l'lc wa.v, is far superior to wood iron
Cii' in1 t ri'i i1 r t t intift n 1 1 r 1 r lnrt r t Vi I c
7 J. 7 . , 1 ' . V , . WV 1
lor aio. i lc can ic lound at iiu siioo on
lack son fctrcel south
- ':.."""" - " .
I Carries on the business of general merchan-
! dicing in tins thnving Ultle village and is fully
prepared to meet the Wants of the community
in this line. ;
I J. A. STRANGE Wilbur.
i "Tis . strange but true, for truth is always
j strange," yet in this case as strange as may
! s-the words would be just as tru made
: to read "btrange is always truth." t-lie fills
the important office of postmaster, station 1
! agent, telegraph operator, grain merchant,
! etc. at Wilbur. i
j I'm. Reviev: I have no knowledge as to
i w hat to write as I am hardly able to define
what my business consists of. I have resided
i in Oregon since 1844 and in Wilbur since 1851,
'have kept a hotel 29 years and have been en-
" luniniijj aim siocKraismg, nave izoo
. 1 : - c : 1 . t - 1
- acres oi lanci ai ami near vvnour; setlledhere
s ai-uai iticscnwji. ine uujxjua Acaa-
1 s' M 'u' V'" """''T sc"'
i ... I ! . 1.-. t i. i 1
! ,'",' ?.7" ,' , "-
, - -ft'""
a,WJI'3 l,tc:i am' now simt out 'rom those
I ,u,i'-ci'ios eficcts of the saloon and gambling
1 ' prospects are lavorauie 10 building
tin our school unon a hrm basis lhat will merit
- :i 1 1 i-:ii tii:i in iinn-nis ill tu.nri imnrrni nmn r a
: . . w....v..w
I 0,1 a''c?an i" ,ts a'yanlagcs in society, I am
"!s,)!" 111:41 ' al" "ol aule 10 write somcining
that would be of more interest to vour enter
! f"' : SU4-l-cv J,Yr ?our cn,er
i ,n,S c" "nnS vaney mio nouce,
i4-K1 il "-"l-OO.CC COJ1CS. I OUTS C1C.
. .
! Oakland Academy, with Geo. T. Russell.
i L. L. li., l'rincipal, Mrs. F. L. Russell. Pre-
ccptrcss and two a.stanls in the Primary
grade s, now in the seventh year of its exist
cifte was never more prosperous than at the
present nine.
It combines all that could be desired in a
! school location whether viewed 'In a sanitary
! ...... . . : .I...1.- l-l.. . r .
mi iu .in utMiiuuc iijni or yei iui its renr
mcnt as favorable to rapid advancmcnt. This
si'h.);-l offers unusual advantages in thestudyof
llic languages, in Music, Drawing and
Panning, aside from the regular En
l'rf. Uiu
Kujscll is eminently suited to tho
has in progress and ho' is patronized
j v hi r. 11
i- 1,
: by those
3 njKsi: nini nnuw 1110 luiii-rcnce ociween
...1,. 1 .1.- i:ir I 1 .
I thiirough cducatmhal training and the supcr- system which U too cuiAinon. Ue has
: at the prcsrnt time more than a hundred stud-
: . . . 1 . 1 r . r 1
cms wun lair prospects ior more.
j If young gentlemen and young ladies wish
; looiuain a urorougn education ami to come
' "i-jii-sjiiii.- uiciiiiuc ouin in morals
1 a:v ,iUCi,c"b Oakland Academy u the place,
i A- 1'. lROVN.
t the hlr.ingcr llic large and elegant gener
leich.vmlise establishment of A. F. Krown
1 mc
ii one or the first to attract his attention.,
Mr. Drown is an "old timer" and one of the
! nv
successful business men in Oakland.
its geiitlei'iian formerly of i,bo firm
i of CUiciio eth & Steams is the ewbod-
! iiiifiit ryf rMiturnnso nnd nnub lmv.
I m": made his own -way in the world
:.. t ,i.,v t .1.
ful busiiH-oR men in tha county. He
j prtfciit largely engaged in stock,
, mi iinii, i - j., uiiu ittji&s injju in mi; list
1 (; capitalists,
1 t,....
John c. i.rai.v.1 drain'
Mr. Drain one of the pioneers docs a gencr-
; al merchandise business in the town of the
1. . .... r
1 sime name,
also carries on the business of
farming and stock raising in the vicinity
The Echo ia a very neat uix column
folio, published in Drain, a beautiful
little town in the northern part of this
countv. by KuykendaU Bros. I Its
politics aro at present in an incipient
- i stat j yet it shows unmistakable . evi, nf Ron h Id lean T.rr-liv;rir. !' Tf
'ciu u
cuiumiio i "'iwi ininiuov lJnil,oiUO
communications and is devoted to
lnc interests of IJrain, Douglas county
j and humanity. -
n vmax wooi-EMierg ;anyonvillc.
One of the principal merchants of X-'anyon-viilc
is the genii ;man above mentioned. ; His
business is lare and permanent.
' wm. MANNiNGrCanyonville,
Mr. Manning is engaged fn the general mer
chandise business in Canyonville. His stand-
in thr rritumnnilv h.l !uvn tfnli? BltMimt
to j l!)e fact lha, hc U one of Doudas countv
rcprcscniaiivcs in mc i-ecisiaturc.
.. ;.!..
- i
Keeps the post office, blacksmihh shop and
i " u i: ... -. . 1
Docs a general merchandise business-at
Riddle, alsokeqis a full stock of drugs, patent, sic. aiso Keeps tne t'ost olhce.
Myrtle Creek, Douglas coanty, is situ
ated on tho South Uwpipi-i river at tho "
mouth of Myrtlo creek, a clear and rapid
stream furnishing good wattr power. The
town 'is. built, at. tho foot of fine rolling
hillls, Biirronnded by a good vf Arming and
stock country and a line climate. Therein
a good oieumg hero for immigrants who
nave a little capital,' and but littlo is need
ed. We havo two stores, aud our worthy
merchant, Messrs. Sclig nnd Dyer, arc
doing a fair business, two hotels, one linn
chnrch, and a good school, a fine- llouriii"
mill owuod and run by Willis, Kramer?
Drako and Ritchie have a good blacksmith
and wagou shop and are now adding gome
good machiucry. saw., taming lathe, emery
wheels, etc. Mr. Drako carries the U.S.
mail aud runs a passenger wagou to aud
from the depot .f theO. it V. It, 11.
Mrs. Drake has tho finest flower garden '
in Douglas county. Almost any kind of
flowers will grow hero with but little pro
tection during tlie winter.
I. XI' ME NTs,
Although not a thriving iu this
locality, three linns, among their other bus- "
iness, famish all kinds of 111011 u men ts, head
stones, eto. It by some mishap or by reason
of age a friend or relative should "shuflie ff
this mortal coil" Mrs. Brcckcnridgc, J. 11 . '
O'Mallcy or Mortio Hndivan will furnish1
the desired memento.
One of the best jewelers iu this section of
the country is J. Jaskulek, who has been in
business ia this city for seven veara riast '
Coming to Roseburg with but little capital,
he coinmenefd business iu a small way when
we first formed lib acquaintance, but having
the requisite skill, together with iiidustrv
and integrity his business has increased until
he owns the finest stock of clocks, watchen. I
jewelery and plate to le fiitinj in the stale 7
outside of Portland. Mr. Jaskulok's rcnrC
seutations as to tho qualities of hU goodare
always accepthd as tho truth and wo do not -
believo ho knowingly ever dtmvcd ayon!
His 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 cent counters in the
Household denartinout will tmrnriac von.
He devotes particular attention to repairing
jowclcry watches, clocks, etc., aiidw wiihat
a most pleasant man to ileal with. -
The business ii carried on in Roseburg by .
two firms Messrs. Ward and McCnli.v -h
and O. Oakes Their work will coin pat fa-
vorably w ith any in the state.
At Looking Glass we find tlie lano ami
well slocked general merchandise store of
Mr. Wm. Cochran, stocked with evervthtmr
that the faimcrs needs in the way of merchan
dise. Mr. Cochran also attends to the mail
department of that district, handling out the
missive alike the mattcr-of- fact business nun "
and the maiden fair, for which Looking Class
is noted far and near. ,
All persons rcctrivin? a samplo conv
of the Review will consLlor' it an in
vitation to become a subicribfr, ami
will writo us a card to soiwl- it right
alons. .
local, unnririKs.
Try the Eldcrado mineral waler.
Moore's is the leading Restaurant.
The Champion skater is W. T. Cary.
Ward and Co., Oysters, ham, anil cjgs.
Nice fresh candy at new I'o:t Office stoic.
Goods at your own price., at V'. NY Moore's.
Ham and eggs at 'Wan! and Cu's. rctua-
rant. .
J. Jaskulck's bargain store is ; all the rage
now. '
The Sun!jcam tea at Sol's is 'the
-v- 1
'Mrs. I)nx;k" c on vou on New
Th McClallen
House Li ! the travelers
The Junior Band still discourses sweet music
ever and anon.
That Sunbeam lea has iust arrived ni Sol .
Abraham's store.
1 : :
T.Ford's fruit trees are trim to name and
don't you forget it. -
We ask espscial attention to our aiticlu rn ;
dairying in this issue. i
Timothy Ford sells the Ust trees, fruit and
ornamental to be found, i
County Court in session and much business
comes before it this term. i
Restaurant Ward and Co., a good meal in '
first class style and on short notice. ..
What do you think of us this week? What :
about "more needed improvements?" -
Mrs. Lydia Iascomb is t;uite ill at Oak
Grove, of which we are sorry to hear. - :
A nice assortment of Eoys overcoats, ranV
ing from 2 years up, at M. Josephsons. "
gOver $44,000,000 put into brick and mortar
m New York city during, the year of 1885.
W. T. Cary the champion skater of America -will
appear at the Rink next Wednesday eve-"
ning. ,
"IIackmetack" a lasting and fragrant per
fume. Price 25 and fifty cenU at i. llaiuil-"
tons. .
At Moore's Restaurent can be had for 25
cents as good dinner as you pay 50 cents lor
in some places. ,
The McClallcn House is the bej house on
the road, and its continual patronage proves
the assertion true.
Shiloh's Cure will imnnidiaicly relieve
Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, S.
Hamilton agent,
A Nasai. Injector free with each bottle
of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy." Price 50 cent
at S. Hamilton's.
Thc .Sunlieam tea pov3ts an exquisite
aroma, and also a flavor lhat 1 ; adapted to the
most sensitive palate. ,
Wm. Smith of Oak Grove smiled n us
Wednesday last and reported general good
health m his vicinity. ) ; .
Shiloh's Catarrh Rkms dy a p isitive
cure for Catarrh. DinhthuTia. and Canker-
Mouth. S. Hamilton aircntJ
Why Will Ycu couch when Shiloh Cure -!
will give immediate relief Puce 10 cts,, 50
cts., and Si.atS. Hamiltons.
The reliability of the statistics and desctio -
lions in this issue is trust wordiy for we have
been persistently accurate as possible
The Elderado mineral walcr at S. I familton's
drag store cures the most obstinate cases of
callarrh, rheumatism and all bloodmaladies.
The promenade concert riven bv the Y. I).
Band, last Thursday nicht, was an eniovable
affair. This band knows how to entcrtaiu its
guests. .
Mrs. Butler, of Canyonville. was brought
to Roseburg Wednesilay, and examined as to
her sanity, and tho aulhorilie committed her
to the asylum.
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of liourUin.
Ind., saysi "Both myself and wife owe our
lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure."
For sale by S. Hamilton. '
Are Vou Made miserable bv Iivli
Constipation Dizziness, Loss of Appetite,
Yellow skin? Shiloh's Vital izcr, is a positive
cure. S. Hamilton agent. .
Rev. Smick and Lockard cave us a nlea.-.-
ant interview Wednesday, and the latter ire
ports Oakland and Wnlmr nourishing, and
the former is suffering from a bad cold,
The Review is ever we'eome at our hnn-v
When you are traveling tiver the Coos bay
wagon road -if yon are hungry try the
A ine teen Mile House. F. M. W.
We print, this week, including snnnlr-mmt
just ninety-five cniircs of papers, by consider
able the largest issue ever sent out m Douglas
county 01 any newspaper ever printed here.
For the mass of informs tion. stniisiirn. ptr..
in this issue of tho Review, wo are indetusl
lo the Portland New.s, government and
county officials, and obliginc; ciiiwns of
There will be divine service in St. George's
Episcopal Church, this city, on next Saturday
evening, the 9th inst., and on Sunday, tho
loth inst., morning -and evening. :AJ1 arc
cordially invited. -
. "Winter Rain," on our first page ,was sug
gested to one of our stall by reading the la
mentations of Mr. Bremner in a recent issue.
From which it will lie seen that Douglas
county is not always afflicted with rains.