Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, December 25, 1885, Image 4

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There is' no country" ( without its
drawbacks ' Even California contains
a few mugwump,. Chicago Sun.
Be silent unleesyou can speak kind
ly, helpfully. That which prompts you
to bruise others has the dyspepsay.
Spiritual digestion is bettor than con
gestion or -explosion.
TIv Democrats carried the recent
city elections in Albany and Astoria,
both of which have been strongly Re
publican. . This is a forerunner of what
wo m.iy expect in June next.
Hon. "John W. Daniel, the well,
known southern orator and a gentleman
of national reputation as a politician
and law-writer, has been elected by the
Virginia l.whtura to succeed Senator
Mahorio. A decided change for the
better.' . '
Piultsnio-ulh is moving to suppress
the small boy with the "nigger bhooter"
Good idea. And when the job is done
Lincoln will pay liberally for the le
ceipt. -'-Lincoln (Xeb.) "journal. Sa
lem too. -Statesman. Ruseburg also.
The Marsbfield hotel has fired its
Chineso help. From this it would ap
pear that Coos Buy is making a move
to lid Jtself of the heathens, One
thing is certain, that Coos Buy, when
it t;kes a notion will ship the mongols
on short notice. Coquille City Herald.
A reprobate has . been arrested in
Philadelpliia, who' advertised to send
for fifty: cents "A book that every
sporting man should read: better "than
any thing of the kind ever printed; 300
pages and no trash.", lie carried out
his agreement to lhotter by sending
a copy of the New Testament,- which
might have been purchased elsewhere
for half the price.
On Monday jiight and Tuesday fore
noon the first snow of the season 'fell
at this place, and since then there hns
been occasional storms, though at no
time, has the snow been more than two
.. inches deep, nor has th? mercury been
lower than ten degrees above zero.
Farther east, we understand, the storm
was more severe, and in' Summit Prai
rie and on Mountain creek the snow is
reported to be six inches in depth.
This amount of snow will bo no detri
ment to.tho stock interests, as there is
plenty of grass .yet uncovered an d
what u covered is growing under the
i . O
snow. Ochoco Review.
Myrtle Creels Items..
. . s
Fine weather. - .
Health generally good.'1
Brother Dillard pi cached liere twice
last Sunday to a full Louse.
- Seeding in full blast and farmers
wear a smile on our streets.
Mr. Willis Kramer has butchered
one hundred and five of the finest hogs
in the country, we think,
A great many ere fixing up their
old rifles in hopes to get the beef or a
fine fat turkey at the .shooting match
to come off on Christmas day.
The Chrstn:as tree i all tho t.Alk
among the little' ones. Mrs. Drake
knd Ritchie will net give the Christ
mas supper as was reported some time
Mr. Frank lALhor ir.c t wich a severe
accident last Saturday, he fell and
broke his arm bet won tho wii.jt and
elbow Dr. MeCavty cifc the arm audit
is doing well. Dr. know i Lew.
. Mr. Simon Selig has just finished
setting a fine orchard of small fruit
such as plums... prunes, cherries etc.
Also a fine lot of choice .ornamental
trees. His grounds are "destined to be
tho admiration of the country if he
goes on as he has begun. Others
should take notice and do likewise.-
Conversation listened to on our
fctrcti. "Hello! how are you Bob
anyway, hows things in general." "Oh
all right as far us I know, that is with
von &av thaU"
;Va,- jli j n::.L!0 formerly it:i lr, T.K.--.V. )i
Ik-.'.hj-p t,f a supeivt;!::c:i V..t it cvu'.J i-;
ci.r'.l by a Kind's toirch. T!:.- rcrlj ,-
wiijr u :-w,flud Y.nov; t!:ii . .
ranjlv ho cnrvi'l Ijv 1;. ', i ;y;-,
: . .. i . i 1 ... i t ; - - i - - .
Awarded PPvEmujm' .at State' "Fair!
i gUfXl 7 UJIE PA LA CI-1,
' . u:ici jci;:i c?ldehsleeve
lira ; ;;-$; , ,!
i '
ruKittaro' south c-f F'orUitU'i i t j
. as ii ciii i .!( ' - j
tLn of' ih2 V.qc
Tsiiin aficr pi A : i i
i-nrlhr fcyiiiptonritrs c'--v -A; ,.-.r.l
i:7:-2n:i fUitaceoiii. l".ris vi;
mors, Iioils, CV.;-I-.-:ii-;"", .! -. : v-'
i':n-nleiJt. Iioer?, ?.or :: -:;.;:
sSit.I Collapse, trc. if ;.''.. : . j .
t;:ri.1, iSUln'-.v U .: r
i'.'Lrivu1i".r t'cr.;,e. ,..::. ' ..
o1.-" iitb'-r i.v, r--V'tU' ' f: :.. ..
pt d'Juccdby i:;
,JKK 05Z All!) V.r. JON', I.NXT.l."
Good tVl.i.'T'Pt C- -cjled ViN'i The Y.x
. ' I. 1 .1. k 1
r ,..
i. --
-Y .
2 O
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It rctuiot LrcaV or S"a'
An ortUnan-.ehijntv -
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K-.l an alter:.: vs h.: . -tL
jsystejn Jiei ;
. th'.' KLiuurCll ;j! -i.;i;-J !.;.
a.j 1 ni'"-rci:ry. At t!'
ricVic.i autl vitalize: i '..: h- x
1.. .lUhful actfou to ti j , ,i 1
r.Juv(.-n:it!:ijue cv.lli'j ,
: S j w C -ij3 t- i." ,.- ; v.:
1 CO!U0- J Of . .
l:ii;Uu tbf Ioi'i'Ks ' ;'.;
L 'j:i, a'ul ii:,--ri,i;;. . i"
tcu'-y. f; n fi.liv 1 : . :
pouuaocl. It-' fr:rni.i i
to this miUi:u1 profwslt;!,
j,3-k-iar.H conliir.'lv
! :k r.
1 cc'r.i v..- r
' : - t j 7j s-
ij 14 C I
"i U-.ittk.. hnt'oncianv win last alUc-tw."'. '"" i ":
i r.t; 'Vf';H- ymi snv-5 on -c!imr.or'i;i;."-.'::-ii-.ii-.'-.t"
v:i i !.n , . , ... ; ( ' ' , ' '-
Y'"l , i h ti: mj .. I
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!'... c, K lit i'r .t ;). ;ti w . u., , j..,,.,-;;. ,..
, l'l, Tin- w; : (ri.os .'-ilf it t-.;-;i-1 v.'ii ,
.;p:u nt.-i:i.f lil i n.luuti' oj Io s iuin , ;, , illx.
tunc n-uniacii. - . i
f-'r-f f,
i . i V.
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(-' - ; i'.- i'. s.
, ...... !.;,. til
,:s - :i- 'Vii .Ll:i:c t.r
1 UU2-i i LV .1 1 :
When you go to seek, truth take
it 3'ith you. -Fletcher. 1
A colttTwater ratification meeting is
conductive to freeze speech. -
' "Which is. the most favorite .word
with woman? . The last one. ;
A sufficient measure of ciyilkation
f is tho influence ot good vvoaieu. Era-
. crson. - y
, Duty and the present are ours; re
suits and futurity belong th God.-U.
Creelev. '
A shoemaker may be joor all his
.. life, but if he will work he is sure to
make money at last.
If a man could bo conscious of all
" that is said of him in his absence ho
would probably become a very modest
man indeed.
Always think tho best of man. To
think the worst is the sure mark of a
mean spirit and a base soul. Lord
Vas'jar ia said to have a genuine
, Greek professor. To arms! to arms!
the Greek! "the Greek! Bmgharnton
"Republican.; ' !,
The KO-culJed friend who retails dis
agreeable thing to you except under
the pressure of neccsiitv, is either your
ill-wisher or a fool.
A prohibition journal says that Pro
fessor : Froat had - taken the stump.
His brother J ack is getting i eady to
take the rest of the landscape. Inr
liogton Free Press.
Emerson, it is said, rarely sought
. twice the fwciety df a- person who made
h;ni laugh out loud Writers on Lon
- don humorous papers' were always his
v tavonte companions.
Mrs. Ilarriet Prescott Spoflbrd has
written a White' Mountain romance
for "Wide Awake," entitled "A Girl
and a Jewfl," It will run six months
a' a serial in that magazine. - J
Berlin has over one million adher
V cntot the evangelieab faith, and yet
' has but thirty-eight churches and thir
' teen chapels, -with a' combined seating
capacity of less than 50,000.
The City Council of Birmingham,
Ala. hi3 passed a law prohibiting any
business houses, of -whatever kind, to
keep open on Sunday, " except drug
stores for the sale of "medicines.
- It is estimated, on a rough calcu
lation, that there are at least 2,000000
tingle men in Franco who have means
to marry, who are of an age to'' marry,
"and-wh'j have no special reasons for
not marrying. .
. Customer Aren't you afraid to
leave all those clothes hanging out on
.' the side'-walk with nobody to Watch
them! I should think somebody would
steal: them. " Dealer Stheal doze
. glcthcsl Mein himmel, no? Confiden
tially) Vy,,ruein friend, I dell you, I
serls dsze.glothes so scheap that it
doesn't pay to stheal them. ' . 1
"Didn't you hear about that poor fel
low that went' to the saloon and got
ills dose?'' "Yes I heard that, but v. hr.t
can we4tP about itV "Well it appears
that wc can do nothing for we have
no law.-' . "Oli yes we have law
enough but we don't uso it, if it is at
tempted it is only sham for they will
arrest a man and take him to Iiosebur"
and try him, prove him guilty, place
him under bonds of a few dollars and
send him back to sell poison sixain to
our boys until the next term of ccu't !
and soon.'' "Court begone, what's it i
good for, they v.iJI sell whiskey ia ! r:
spite oftheeourt, principle or decency.
Biitl tell you if ho gives awav il::U
fifteen gallons of poison on Christmas I
j or makes the attempt to do r,o we will i
f - . . ... i
ionn a ccurt or our own that will i
amount io something, and thirga will !
pop you' bet. v "Good for yon. I tay !
remember me to the old lady and I will I
get home or thing.1, will jump before j
Christmas." OuTSjn;:t!. j
Muddy roads.
Davo i-i te besr, bl.ick's.iii-h.
For :;:! ivses .:.;.. cl ly ilh: I.
llio Ij-ou. It i tu:,eev.'ra'i '.i i"1 .
.":. or V''"'T'''a'l!'J'1 !' "!
nr.'! H:iaa i. ; i.i".:-: -i -.c;1. ,
v. ; , tlu b.v1 ; . ,
ciiw, in tin -world.
ifCid bv all Dru.-ji.-a:;: .
Six Lotfiw f ir ;-. '
. i-vt-Xi ;:v.; v:; i:a-5 i.:M,i) u. ,-,. ;,, ,, , f .,. , .
'V teul,-'iC- .ls i'WiKU-eu-tv etr..-t far ! .lentalj.v rim ..vcr, t-r.t.;-..-a1j!.:.ii.,Xisiw
. ,.'lil;A-ui';:, , 12. ij-j iii-,:i..n-i m-, ... .-,,!
,,u :"'":'ijI1 ; THE ERiLLVIiT .'.KJ 5r:;.j,' LTLT
; I'nuiwii'd by Uicc !an:i s ; v.- f :s.
j tlnTible c!rai"t, the enter nir ;t;j.- ,(Vi!-'':ikii.
j '.:rptitvV ot OKypxu, ttilkh 1 .;'-:;r? l.'s it;
! : A li i:ti I UAM.S -i.-roui .j 1, .' i,. .. . .',
. .. , ... ; il!u;r I vuspr- unl : ... .., ' -
V tlc; t'll.: 'lil (11 vl:,.j I i.,ttT. ! . . ' . . I ' ' I
ii'-r hi i.f'!!!.'i'i. v nil t i.o ' 1 ,
Aladu by a i-roiwiueui ri; v
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tvi " ivt. ftiAj'Lb's i;i:taui:at.
CiiAlMl.s ii:j-.;:-. 'if.pvii'to:
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I ! ' RlV' ('"!1W1' ';:!,! 1 j,':biure servants. Sa i
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Cornci First and ,'iior Et,-c:t For.L:!id, ?
3; at
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or cmudoiT.
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Oil uOCOUJil ': , , -A
inlc nevv" Sicr-j .w !..";. ;
to oficr our entire siick cf Gen-
rrri 1 vr-
1 a
? y j i U
V A ' .
Times in' Looking Gh;a3 -are liveW. ' u, ,t i tj '.i
Dili Tiu-nj' came to goo us the other t
r 9
LiJ tii
r. 1 .t
r ..:,.'.' ' , i
Birthday parties are the rngo dov. n ;
to Audy'-s.
Charley and Howard are running
the. skating link.
Most of the farmers say the ground
is too" wet to plow. ; - , ,
Sir. Itawn of Coles valiev is staving
this winter with us.
1 wonder what makes Frank conic
up thia way cu Sundays.
Tho captain and Jim say they wont
awim and harrow for any man.
Lieutenant Lawrence and Curt
waters are the bos3 carpenters.
Frank McKinney says he thinks his'
hand will be all O. K. by Christmas.
Soino dogs got mad the other night
and killed fifteen head of uncle Peter's
sheep, you had better 'look a little out
fr your dogs. !
1 understand that the lion. W. V.
Owens is going to give us a prohibition
speech on the first in January.
Come ahead Fieiu we will all turn
out. !
' : ii;.No.
j i--rj-'
i . M'nmnii.
Is there a gentle ouo fitting besides
your hearth one who goe about her
daily round of duty with an uncom
plaining patience? Deal tenderly with
her, for when she goes forth fur the
last time, there will creep a shadow
over the household-darker than any
twilight ever east, a-shadow that no
sunlight will ever chase away. Gently
share her vexations and dissapate tho
clouds of despondency. Remember
that her heart isf tender and true,' and
that cold looks or enstrangei affec tions
shrouds her in gloom. Like the mi
mosa, she shrinks at the touch. Like
the tendril?, she weaves her thoughts
and feelings around some object. She
is often reminded of her duty, but man
seldom. ..Every book and paper
contains some allusion to her ex
cellencies or follies. Every noble man
pnise3 her virtues and extols her ouiet
unobstrnsive . acts of goodness yet
how many fail to accord the one , near
est and dearest, the one w ho sits at his
board the full measure of praise dneto
her intrinsic worth.
) -ct such iov," nne-: r- ; ; ;
fl TP tTh nn r?! :
V-, 4 f1 H
tin IU r-i h rt f '
I Slafrafaciuriir, WlioU-sile and llctai! Dculcr lii
; !S:cL::.-.T.riii ax!)' r:iY IfAr.L'. '
and ECAvrcliy cf v::('a:z; , Y.l
able evcrvV-o- ioy ola
i k. . H v 5: !, L l . -i.
i 0jl -r -' -T-y -- :1,'r! i't 'iovk cf Gx,h ever l:'ion-!;t to
J :j i n.
; i -( r..'! If.,- I-.. . '. .. I . . 1 . . t 1
. ' v " ' l" - ana ,aro got 1 y -p
s-r - iv.
A. iCiji .sAd j. i 5..". j y.-v
MlHt be M-iil t ..A;y- .
Uui'ic- 1.- l.'.y.S-' " - -afcoijel
thnu .Any iu ilu C.7A
-" a
sii;.! tiKHjsa'vl- H". i'e Au,!
i; Ii.c ir. ,. c : ,
"f tV.-. ::',:: . . '
fanhooa. 1 . .
i-..t' ", .N.-
al.,-.c . j-.i. :;, ,
t'Ur.' Xi'i . t" l AJ" "-i s
; A falllinfi fir-t clans Furniture, i ' -i" i -V-p;!'l. A
I : , . i TO i'r..-. i. IftO '..iri.:.
A.,;-repaired or imtdo to oid.-r. J 'oi.A'- 'r
IN 3JARi:',S uld store.
V 7
di-biJity. j-.rcmM'jre ilii-.v, J.,t ; ' .';.ji. t A, .
itijf tricit u) rain f vc-y hi'r -. n ,.,.n.i.-.-" ji'-...'..: j
cure iiiinu:: itt-: lii ?.i::i;;..-.s :i :!!: A'i'o:':
7 HE I. -OTiR .'.;,! j t. ..-". 'it -1 fr-
e.'At u-i..'--..' lm, r. t v .-.t!. Uic' riii,.!" !.. ,i
n any cii.'..a - i rvr -J cr vr:-j arI !.
tAA'Ao i". "A'- H:'-1'"-! -.n'iu.i i-n'osrA-
TUi,i.ii.-,A v,,. i Tt. .u-i!.a;, sc.pijr
6C-cc!;-.I trd:;i-Ui.'.i.
):. LiKiG i'xtu ; . A 4.r! , ,.s:.ftll vo.-.r,
so i..a:jes!Jt . -Ii..,-- : t ;u Uc:.- c-'it of
y 5cu-.-h j.t r-i.-'..
li w:.iis iw-wif i -., r... .. -' tr i -. -. t-.i -
ii. : v.
1. 1-
i; :;- of
i iJ ; ' ; i , T' . ar
- tbSMt.N.A iU.V.MAS.
N.,jt - -s - .. ... ... : .- 1
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. ; i.i-', "irs n-M '-
-.. :...-iS fnr th
i t 1 v:(ifiiicn
- ; ' is--. ! k.i i.r.u
I .-! 41 free t- uir patients
A" rt iN li.or.A-
Dr- Lii. si,;- Ct IA 1 . ,i . t.- r. i-. -. : 'r
400 Ccr
J-)!?. Al Lis; T1J5
Vivff Grcttfnul Itottte!
IHfc liUHlllLnN FkG F Q nA!LR0A!);:- : '-'eailv .sr.. ,an h.-a.n-o, m:
i. ; 1U'3- ail, !jH'i-!sl I''iv-ai
cons Ai-iB Ajv.ii:
And jc your ov;n mufo,
lit in cjvery particular.
, , ..:oi,iiijM'.J J.L.-: :4:;.. - --- vv '0 lliiihASl IAra-vr:-:
'c" ' ir,2-zvy c- , . -i -. A Vs.-; A. '- a - AS'' " a-. ... , , ... i h ri -nuiVut.
.V.:.i:;,;, : : ; .-.-J V-L-A- A A V '---;-' " --'"-J a:;.i iiiliiapul.. j tenr 1, j
, -,i!;iri:-V;-;':i::;''s i " FASTEST TIMJ: EVta MADE I iEi!Bt
7- fMJAZuALiuri E? V, Wool?.ey & Son, - ' ' FROM THE COAST ; uit,U ' ;;itt '
"A "p ?Ais'I.AgA-,;M:
.;;::; Av -'-'
! n,r r-.7 Goich"-. . a-.u CAvVr"! ,; . ;' "l "aliu
l Pl, tC' . . . . m ,-i rv-'JAis-j.-i ,v-h -v i-.i t!-.,oii,'u.s DtL'iltv
! b't i,i..tiraut fciccpi::. U -r?, ; m v. lllt..a. Kx-
j'i'K M VA-.-iIN(n'OX ANf OAIA.OX 1 ;AV r.i-l.IVwu.;;-:
i:i n.if i-.iv ii.c iii'-a-r
. . r . . T " .. , 1 . A t i . r t.
Ami no mi,-.hi.i;!'. Uur i!;l -e oi j.. f .. ;i ..;:r:-r. 1 i..ti.!t.r...i.t. kM-t co:i-
V c't liMi'i, t.i-1 tuuinutu on ;.:iio:-t notice
t I i i (!.'j-.'o iifi.J Wartiiuu
business i. ot.o -loor norlb oi'
I;OFt OfijC(. -
t.u i xv -i- j. - ft
Breetk.-s ar.d hpsitc:s cf Thorc-jghLred Spanish Merino Sheep.
i-,-.', !--n-. -.Tin' i,.--r(iv :;,..a ..1..U V 4A - v I-'' VA,V..AW' :;:' '. .. ' ' '- vu.mi ou.
( V yearly iiewt,r;. ns . .f l.l.n iV..... !.!... .. i t.. ... , , . . , ,-. 1 ! L At- '''
I-tj.ji . ..ri,. fii , ," .' " ' : i ii'.,;isicira .-uli'.-li ill ui ill', in ;.;i! p.
! Addiesr, us above. :r Voolsi:v, cor. lot and A sta-et.-, Fortl.n.d, Or
. - SC? ! Kcprntcd in JA .hurS hy V. F. Owens. :d all ordor:; recoived 1 him
f- '.. A, - '.''-r'M !1' Jirct-t will refti'.c Hitcnticn. -
i'A'A -A-;':'5; AA:i-5ft;i5i5 i': ;
I -ii -i.
Ou in Minnesota they tax dogs at
their par value. Hie number of twen-ty-hve-ccnt
dogs' in 'Minnesota is said
to be astonishing. Burlinstton Fretv
Press. " -
line assortment of Collins aiu. H-U.-I '-'"'--"A -fA 'i-A-.-,VS
Caskets. M'hi,h ho will slII at ixrM.riiinlj ' Lv-"A"-':-'V'---'V?5
pnees. Also keeps a largo stock oi all ma-' I , .
tcriali nccesaars 'for repair and makiny i i1-!" o.ilo Ciio.ip tor Cash or approved
W Busgie-, riosand Mad. i aery of t.,...jjt Thorongh-Bred Merino Sheep
all kinds. 1
j Jlalc and Female, at our place, six
ip.iU'o ci Jlc,-iLui-ir, near Wilbur.
Correxpondonec wSicited.
-' O 'Al -i-w O -1 -if-i xi5 CrfeS a
&8 OIS -'An TtK.iS. hAWni ,J(LV. j
-AT "A ''-' ; -'!.....':-.. ' ." .
i ' ' V.w U . 'L;'t2 aif I by ns.iiiyou ;
wiliti-ct FRr.Ka paoktiseof of larsr value, Unit
Koycburr, Oregon. ,
Has oirJian.l confctantIy a laige nd complete iissortmcut of
oyta the -
To Jjj;s:s.: fit v.
from the coast tv- ? J'; ;;toc;v, f;;-
n t itt l'M.-v. , .r . i t ft ....... i A . -
ii ' l'ii-o d- -.-l ) J j i!tf. Mi,A.K.ll rV;vKNY
tluii ami 4tritti'ul. '.
, . , 1 i.v..,. ...
t Will SKI Html. . Biiv t. : ... 1
v-uivB -n miius . 1 u.o-.y c ,iu ::;.t.','prCi..,LiJ-.irt.
,;"'""Tl1"' i-r. I'-.r!. l.val
dnijfRim; M ft ..,ttie ..rfcU 1 ..t'k", fr i: tilollure.
Dr. Sfixrii. Ihmt.:.- n p,r us r.r-- i ...i, ,.,.,1 ti,e
For sale by ail liniisLs.
5 fttii-iniTi-i I
iv u i v ti vi V i i
S;Sl Louis, CliicagoJ
. . . ' . wji uwt y ,u in work th:. win nt tmce iin vu in wjiciuuuv il ltl AiilU COlliniOro t!orf nAnf r- V V i i l'l rlir
il 4l J'"tt'.SvA:. patrons, as weU o nov ones, who in consideration of ho I -Mi.mwpolis to nil ,tois jst, Sctl
WOUlii rcSPeotfulIv inform the r.ll Olie !.!:;: ho : ,,v A' ' 1 "r' .i.-ni rk-. '.-r iW:noiy w. , cooivlfir mnnn,. ',.,! 4 . j '. i . . . . I anrl'ond
I VSri1 ANi)' niiUTIIEAS'-n I
o l:
Via St. Tasii ai:d liuucnolis.
j' It (titled on regular JCjc
2i'ess Trains -over the
Entire Lenyth of
Leave at 3:0fJ i. sM.f daily; ar-
uve at-Junncapohs or St. Paul 12:30
SlfflAI,!, FOX
:i.Ja:o & CO,
Loi.i!-.-!, Pl!i-,;:l.!Lri il I. r,.s i:utt ltj ,iav u , , .M
KdaiMiiau-nua tho -i'M-rwio-o4 r..: ..-h ff!!::i Vox M.-.kt, . I,o,vur ion
EUii.liiiff. 1 he apj JicL..!! is an, i.i
cuum:-. cn i'ldiuiiuo, w.a 'xt'.Min n.tbins in
jurkms. rri'.-c ?-.C0. - . .
wouid respectfully inform the puMic th t Le r.'V ' .'' '"'V;,;- A A.'j v;.-. r,,:.- scarcity of mOHOr nv.fl hn imV.-.t.i,t ,1.,. : i . I and Soulhe.Vt
, t .. .. r'-n v. i.,:,:.i. ii. i;,(j.iJiJ.t M Li',, J'f.T lllil, . . ' I I W .. 1. A. ...ill I I I 1 1 I f i I Ull flC IIM
lias on liana a imc ftR8ort:nc-'u -t nHm- . i . j.i j . uauv,o;, u j . t mtpin TiTrr"rAw
study their own jIvavs - hw n.-. 1 no- nn !.;,' .ai - 1 f ACIf IC DIM-jJOX.
IH'y j!eo(l.s rocoi'i'A',
study their own h,Umh by ciljing. oU Ivm ' ,U csaminil P-1FIC WVLSfOX
,.nr f -r tn t - " I Ti a:n loavts Portlaul daily at 11:15
Dr.-Philip SohaLTwiites from iwrtv to
fifty pages of manuscript daily, seme
times for Avoeks at a time, besides at
tending to numerous other duties. His
diet for "days is only pure milk and
fresh erfrs. i
and in f-ict everylLin? r'.'.'Jy
fi:t-c!ais store, tjhc Jii:-: 'i
3. h'tiid lo fonts ptv
Hk r::'-AAi ;j IvAil . '.. :.!., anu-ingai, Xw,- Tacoma C:."0
!...,a; .-,:. nr-xal TI-.Siva I n.v.'n.An,, ,.? 1 r 1 , . . .. ! COnilCflinj 'VVJtil U. ii. it IS. Uo.i
..-.AU!!,..t .-v-.v .ua..,,, -:,i.viC. i .:0 1101 CLUia to fnotU i .oits f-.-r il i.oir.i on r.i.. fJpM.'l
c i-i- ....-.i. t.i. r-,: ' , . .0-w.... . ;"' i -":- -
izo me' A. 1. CiiAirLTox
Al kin 'Is f I'ro'Uii
.UtMM f- "".X. ... ,v,i-. e,f.,.B,r..ol,W)....,1.iC.,v,,t(!W. llll.nd.w,
atiSti.i'.'-ij s,ii. t.,- u!i .A!. aii t tit (!.,(;. ln-tde-
13LAII orders proirfitly attcLutd to. rv. Acazxis-o & cV, iVrtitmo, Maine.
i; a;:.; ; U;;. iU;-: ;tv:; . .! j0St-Oi' IcA-iliaii coM, 1.- v.-; a,,ure all v;o putfon
; jn;: ,o ; u, A!r Ulat 1L'- vril rncir .rf-
At TIig XiOwcat IItIii- 3?rsHt, :
Pioducc Of All Kind. Taken At ;,3r&t Price.
unnrLuou3 haie.
Leon tS: :." iESILATOEJV'f"
B.m.vrt fhijtrflnu, Hair in a fow minu-u
ith..ut i-itin r mij.;,3-.!.t c;...a,;0!i lcvt to
grow ttgsiu. 'o atiil l3' i;il,;-s, -
I'ull i..)u'.:i...n. Trice '-!
;;:: i: j; a ' f.P:, '
P. .M., coimertin" with O. R. it X. Co.'.s i ill Tit :.ur.t Stwt I?ot..n Ar",
liiv-ifa- f.M. 11 . T. . ' O - ! .. .... ' "' -
.'..till; :i t . ...... .. '
VvT.:.' -.-1.;;
." '-.t
t it.
--,!-wi'. ''i.'ivKfni. S-J i-enl n
tr-..- --f.v ikc ! lin-
' iTi.:.'.! v,Vi;.i -l-.t v,-t-n .-.tif,tJ wc
i ' ' I"' .t .f -.--i.lil.jr us. Full
GeiiO.d "Western P.idsc-nger Agent,
Xo. 2 Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon.
' Tlr f "-.',rt-' "-sic tMan at am t!,;i'? tIA- l.v
" J-JLx t ms u ttyi'iuj tnr tho liit ielliin' hunk
Sfsl A "k-MTilln-m " ' ?,lt' -r V""" uwie.l.grHn.lSy. None fail. Tt-rw