ROSEBURG REV LEY : . HAS THE , IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. ' ' CARDS, BILL HEA0S, LEGAL BLAKKS And other Printing, Incluiiiig Large and Heavy Posters and Shoy Har.d-Eifo " Keatlyand Ex rcditlously executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. o o t ne Year - -Six Months - Three Months - - . - $2 50 . - 1 25 - - - -, I 00 Thses are the terms, ot those paving in TbsBsvisW offer fiuf , Inducements to dvertben. Terras reasonable. VOL. X. ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER, i, 1885. NO. 35. ROSBURG REVIEW ... 13 ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS . BY J. H. BELL, -Proprietor. Rose GE-HEBAi. dibeotoby. Grover ClkvElasd. ...... , . . . .President. Thomas A. Hendricks. . . , ice President. Thos. F. Batard.. Secretory of State Daniel T. MASKixo.Secrotory of Treasury, L. Q. C. Lamatu, Secretary of tho Interior. Wh. C. ExDico-rt ...... . .Secretary o V ar W. C. VVhitwet. ..Secretary of .Navy. VV. T. Vilas ....... .Post Master General . A. H. Garlawd.. . . .. . . .Attorney General. Morribos R. VVaitk. ....... .Chief J nttice. STATE OF OREGON. J. N. Dolpii . . . . ....... . . . .U. 8. Senator. Bikger Hermann. . ...... .Congressman. Z. F. Moodt. ... . .... .". ..... ..Governor. R. P. KiHHtRT..,.. ....Sccretaryof State. !Edward Hutscii. .v. . . .State Treasurer. E. B. McELROY....Sit. Pnb. Instruction. W. H. Byars. i-i . ..... . .SteU Printer. J. B.Waldo, U.J.,) . . , Wm. P. Lord, . . . .Suprenw Judges. W..TnATEB, ) - , SECOND J UDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bi;AN.......k........."....".Jiutito. J. W' Hamilton,.., Prosecuting Attorney John Emmitt, ) , ot,,tnr ' .T H s,tt.w . ... Aviators. Wm. maknino, tTvtfnw Pnnlrro ..P.cpres ntattves. . W, Riddle, C. B. Wilcox. G. W. Kimball .......... Clerk G. A.Tatlob,, t Sheriff. W. N. Moore,....,.. ...Treasurer. F. W. Benson. . . . . .School Super intendent. E. C. Sacry. .... ...... Assessor. J. S. Fitzhuou. County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. MuGke, . . . .Commissioners. Wm. Thiel ..' Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsters. Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURO. H. C Stanton, J John Kast, i T. P. Sheridan, V Trustees. L. C. Wheeler, P. Benedict. f T. Ford . Recorder. G. J. LANGEncERO . Marshal. John Chase... ....Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LAKE, JOHN LANE JANE&LANE, Attorneys at Law. Maip street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' briok, up stairs. Q A. SEllLBREDE, ATTORNEY AT LA W, OAKLAND, OREGOV. Notary Public N. MOORE, General Insurance Agent. .. Office at Court House, Roschurg. 11. (J. HUNTER M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. t'AXYOXVILLE OUEUOX HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL. Oakluml, Oregon. Board $1 psrDay; Single Meals, 25 cents, taTThls boose has lately changed hands and Is thoroughly renovated and refurnished. The travel og public will find the best of accommodations. No .Chlunmeu Employed 8M11H BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS D. C. McCL ALLEN, Proprietor of tho McCLALLEN HOUSE. Largs Sample Rooms for Comuiorclal Travelers. res Coach to and from the house UaXgXt delivered free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Rloliurd TUomnis, I?xoi. rirst'CInsM SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of tho Railroad. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. (Prlnclpaal Business Street.) rjoHlmver, rejron MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. Mrs. R Br ecken ridge - AGENT FOR W. II. HcCORHICK, Importer and Manufacturer of lENTSHEADST ONES Of American and foreign Marble . &ml Scotch Granite Estimates given for Coping in Sand Stone, Also Agent for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Enclosure. ROSEBURO, - OREQON GENERAL Sa MUEL SAKKS, Asher Marks, S. MARKS & Co. -BEALEUS IN. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND-- Illil J)! J! J. Crockeiry, Glassware, Provisiona, ! Wool and Produce CliOTI lon Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. MAKKS & CO UoMelmrtr, Or jVI. josjkihsoist. 111 Lir-i V I I ILJ tJK I a 1 1 IiI ILUI HI I ILJ ' USi m m vv y hi x v Asia & y Ma Keeps a full lino of Dress Goods of every vaviety and Shade. ; A full lino of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. fl 0 w A ft w 0 b A fall line of A fall lino of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Cap3, Boots and Shoes. A full lino of Staple and Fancy Grocevios and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a; full lino kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and M JOSEPHSON. This Space W.N. is N. CORWUTT, Successor to HCu-n.aIlILc, DEALER f, DKY GOODS, CLOTHING, sind 1ATEWT Iff EDICINES. Chciper than tho Cheapest. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roscbtirg, Oregon, . , I o-O o They would announce that they haro just received and now have on - hand one of the largest stocks of Ever Brought to pouglas, Stoves of all Patterns and'Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare thev have o xi n i.? , .1 .. oouniciu vrutfUD, wnicn incy propose selling Cheaper tnan can be purchased elsewhere In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way of Locks, Butlfr, etc., we can oner superior inducements to purchasers. Try Ve can give yon bargains in the folio wing k'sbokakza, farmer's utilitv, BUCK CLARE.ND0X, OCCIDEXT, IRON KIXG, EMPIRE OITT And other Sioves and Ranees. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of ourTINWAll and buyers should learn our prices, s We have also bafrgalns to offer In GUNS, iuuot, no nwi on ouutjuuD SUU JrlSIOlS. Wre are also Agents for the White, Teerless and New Home SEWINO MACHINES, w men we sou at ine lowest rates and warrant e can aiso supply Avcrill and EToor faints. The best' in the market, at lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire prices, and we promise to suit you if any one can. a NEW RESTAURANT. NEXT DOOR TO DR. MARSTERS. FRESH OYSTERS! Meals A.t Sloiirs. KEPT IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. "YE THAT HUNGER," CALL AT OXCE. T- 0. WARD MERCHANDISE - VV. I. Friedlandeb Mllil lift GHOCillS Cigars, Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip- ?! 0 05 o w O fl Clothing. of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all Hat Shapes of latest pattern. Beserved for MOORE, -i J. D. JOHNSON. warns IN- YXC2, JPti 7TW9 1 JT I M3, ImBlJ) tt mtt mW JJPM MjJti I esaOTcxatai g; , BOOTS and 61108, . HATS aud CAl'S ezc. and.when added to their toe beat shbdIv in thoirline of.anr house ia , . . , 1 . ns. branda'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere: dexter, pacific, wide west, such as Winchester, Sharp and other as complete in eycry respect. DON'T FORGET THE t" Daisy Plioto Gallery fi! Now located one door North of the Plain- dealer office, where you can get San Francisco work. at less than ban rnmcisco price. iNOW is your lime to purcnase lor we Will .- . . . nnt lP with vrni . - - j - b We also do enlarrinc from any old and faded picture of anykind, and make you a Beautiful Postal Tortrait that will last always, Call and examine ovr work before going ! ,, T r WAKTV cisewnere. V,. . . PhotOgragher. P P o Z o 0 (D 4 53 m o W t CO E" cr 5" -Tl o cr M o H M H s M 3 30,OOOCASES C3T OF RECTAL' DISEASES! AS . lTiswi-CT(S, riiii"iiti!-i-siii, ITiwtitliiN iuano, Polypus Iteeti. ETC., ETC., CURED IN 6 YEARS BY THE BRINKERHOFFSYSTE M Dr. J. B. Pilklngton I'rojirictor of tho Portland kvb and ear Infirmary and Vaxitarian for Neryoi'8 Diseases has been appointed Agent and Physician fur this in Oregon & W. T. No bevisrk buroical orKBATio.NS, no pais no toss of dlood., Iu 2 months, have cured several cases in which severe cutting op erations have failed. Am permit ted t o refer to Mr Jas. W. Weathcrford, dmsrgiBt formerly of Salem. Mr. Frank Gardiner, machinoat, Mr. R. A. Uampr, Ilarrisburp, and others. If several patients apply, will Bsend one day in each month in Rosuuurg. Add.Tjus for pamphlet etc. J. B. riLlilNQTON M. D. IORTLAXD OK. ggTDr. Pilkington -will bo at the McCIallcn House, Rosebuig from Fri day evening, December 5th to Saturday evening December Gth, 1S85. J. C. SHERIDAN ia.Successor tojr ... R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, " DEALER, IN- Stovcs and Tinware, Roscunrj;, Oregon fpllE timlersigned takee pleasure in an- J. nounciiic to tho public that lie selling everything iu his lino at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! IF YOU WANT STOVES, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS IRON, STJEEL, ffAILS, HORSESHOES, TINWARE. CUTLERY Or anything i my line, call and examine my stock and learn prices before purchasing else where, as I am selling lower than ever. J C. SHERIDAN STANDARD. FOWLS. Plymouth Rock, Wyamlottcs, Brown Leghorns. TTavinar been eniriurcU in the business of brecdh JLXthoroiiKhbred fowlH for the tmst cwht years. 1 .. ..,... ,. .; ........ namcu nrecus as can be had cither on this coast or in the Last. Plymouth Rook, single bird, gj.oo t pairs, eo u cs; trios tf8 to iz. Wyandottes. single t'ird, pairs, S10; trioi 915. Brown Logliorus, single birds, $:J to .r,; pairs, io c. irios, jfs id eio. EGGS IN SEASON First and siectal nremiums awarded mv fowls at the last State Fair, and wherever else exhibited. My strains of tho above varieties of fowls ars known in most parts of Oresnn and Washington, Idaho, Gal. and British Columbia. No one who wants fine birds, and knows what good stock is, will object to the prices stated, which are much less tnan at tne tast. Parties will please state Just what they want, and can i iurniso it i will tell them so. CASH must accomnanv all orders. Send sbniD fn. ll lnnfayl til..i.ii.. T .Mi 1 . v, uiuoiiuHU MWiUlfUi;. JLUU l( HUili bill bplll Or ore oruenng. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. X. B. Wells. Fanro 4 Co.'s exnrcsa niako a nn-'ci i reduction of 20 ercent in faror of all my cuitomcrj J T JASKULEK, I" l radical WslrhmP,. .Wlr n.i nnl W.n ALL WORK WAlllt ANTED. J Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Aj FULL LINK OF CIGARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOOD! rriHE ONLY RELUBT.F. OPTOMER IN TOWN X for the properadiustmcnt of Sp'taclesJ Ucpot oi me uenuinc Brazilian Pebble 5ceta:ios anu e.y glasses. Office in Hamilton s Brick BlotK. i L. BELFILS, Watchmaker. TTAVIXO n.VD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS XX Watchmaker in Oregon, I feel confident of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have the Conntv natcnt riirlit for utile of Concrete ...In . . . I cement npe lor conveying water ta any place 00 - i,. uKLrito. a -nriirn ipilllj; Ti -I lllfilJlwhichwniheipaii, ot either sexto mors money right away than anything else in the werld. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure - At euoe address TRUE and Co., Augusta, Maine THE GREAT FOR m L1UEO Y"w3TftTi Bitter or bad taste in mouth; Wl sr tlltiwi tongu coated white or covered with a brown fur ; pain in the back, sides, ' or Joints oftea mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; less of appetite ; sometimes nausea and waterbrash, o indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations;: bowels alternately costive and lax; tieatdacfae ; loss of memory, with a painful seasatioa of having failed to dp something which . ought to have been don; debility; low spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty an3 high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits sediment. . v'."--- J... SiLlMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEQKTABLE) Is rnerally used In the South to arouse the Torpid liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary enlcacy on the I KIDNEYS, J and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL EPECIFIO FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bilionsness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION OF THE SYSTEM 1 J. H.ZEILIN & CO., sot proprietors, PHILADELPHIA, PA. riucE. si.oo. HUBBARD CREEK MILL CLABKE & BAKER, Props. - . - . ' 1 MI- - 13 Having purchased the above nainea uiins m Stephens & Co., we arc now prepaped to furnish any amount of the hest quality of LUMBER ever offered to tho public iu Douglas County We ill furnish ut the mill at the following prices; o" 1 roujrh lumber ...$12 M o, 1 flooring, 0 inch "-$24 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch l o. 1 finishing lumbor. .$'- No. 1 fiiiishiiiff lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 M o. 1 flnisbiiiK lumber dressed on 4 8idcs"2C M CLA.RKI2 Si BAKU It. DEALER IN uucl '3Xoulliuiai Xrr THE -VEUY 1!K3T- MA'iiiltlAL. 4 c OME AND GKT TEUMS EEFOllE ruKCIIAS- 1113 elsewhere. Olllee iier Depot Uoseburp, , Agent for J. J. WhitsctL's Lumber. Ago & Hauan. New Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of, FRESH and PICKLED meats. STISFACTI0N ASSURED. Hides of all kiwis bought. THE OLD RELIABLE BUarOEIBSBHOffi Established iii 18G7. H. PAIM.Y, Merchant Tailor. Fin-t right-hand room, up slairrt. over Marks' Store. Repairs and Alterations neatly loue. 3IUS. S. A 1IIITIIIiSOX, 1 MILLINERY STORE! Oukulnd, Oit?oii. A OIKS WtLf FiiN'D MV STOCK LARGE AND i Complete. Prices moderate. Gi-rH M DaH. Mnn, S. A. IIutcuissos. SABLE TO ALU V.-:;; be mailed ET2GE!?C to all applicants rjrit-i- -v-si. arj tn rnutnmura of last vear WiUlOUt ordering It It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and direction, for planting all Vegetable and Flower 8KEDS, BULBS, etc. D. M. FERRY & CO.D52,T Tbe BTJTKKS' GUIDE l Issued March and Sept., Leehyur. pages, 8xll4 lneues.Triui over 1 3,000 .Ulnatratlons a whole Pletsure Gallery. G1TKS 'Wholesale Price aim to consumer on mil good for nansIornviiiHy aH Tells how to- order, and glTM exact coat of ererjr ilnsr tob tue. cat drink- wear, or ha,v fan With. TheM IiSV ALU ABLE BOOKS contain lnltomatlon gleaned from the market of the world. We will mall a copy FREB to any ad 1mm niton receipt of 10 eta, to defray ancnM of maMtng. Let ns hear from yon. 1 ) Beepectfnlly, . -v-r- MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 27 dc 239 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111, ROSEBURG SODA WORKS. i c anufactcbes a scpeiuob quality of I TJL ouo nuur, sorsinoniia ouu uiii'cr aik. vi tiers tram abroad filled with promptness and a eio uabic rates M-frXii ...... it p-';'gi zizIlLZl if i HERE BY MY FIRE. i fNcw Tork Star. ! Here by my firo, which cracks and glows, i Idly I sit, while fleecy snows ! Are lying on the earth's cold breast, And must ott all that I love best, Forgetful of my wants and woes. ' '- - l " ' -- 1 Soft-footed slaep a touch bestows, i And weary eyelids part way close, And. fitfully X watce and rest Here by my fire. - The flames are full of frienda and foes, The mute procession comes and goes, Led by a form divinely dressed; Of her I dream. This girlish guest May shari my seat some tome who knows? Here by my fire.: . : : . Down a Tohogsan Slide. IJ. Annoy Knox in Texas Sif tings. ..n In the prow of tlio bigcest toboggaa io Montrc 1 I sat me down. In a row be hind mo sat three ladles and two gentle men. - - ! WAU ready?' , : ! "Yes, ready. " . . t --Stipl . " - ' Wheesh! ssssh! goes the toboggan. Down, down the ice slope we go at the rate of a mile and a quarter a minute. In the second of time that it takes to flash down the first dip the heart stands still--there i3 a feeling of faintnega The sensa tion i3 something like we have all felt in dreams, where we fell' from a precipice down through space to a fearful and vague abyss below. We flash past other toboggans on paral lel sides, for ours is heavily loaded and goes witn more than the usual velocity. Whiz past the plodding tobogganers going up. We so so rapidly that they seem a solid wall, and the Chinese lanterns look as if one continuous line of flame. I have promised the party to give them a specimen of a Texas yell as we go down. After passing the second dip I disgorge a shriek of the largest calibre. When we are beyonf'-the foot of the slide and slow ing up far out on the plain below, that fa miliar cowboy "Cooeo" comes along and overtakes us. We had actually outrun the sound of my voice. Don't believe me, you say? All right Maybe you know more about tobogganing than I da Per haps you would like to finish this letter for me.! Tobogganing is a new pleasure. It Is the most exhilarating sensation that any ono will ever experience until be throws oil this morta body. I used to think that theeensatioa of going over a fence on a good hunter, or following the jack rabbit on a mustang was the acme of pleasurable sensation, but now I do not think so. If I wanted to convert, tho men and women who live in this no?thefti land, I'd preach to them that heaven was one long, eternal, never -ending toboggan slide. A Crescent City Peddler. New Orleans Cor. Courier-Journal. r One of the most t curiou4 littlo scenes which I have witnessed here came in my vision this" morning ct breakfast In a French restaurant. A peddler carflo in trying to sell a lfttlo folder of photo graphic views of the, city. lie tried , sev eral of the guests in vain, and finally he K onhlawav 0 the kitchen wnn uu utwiui uisiujyesvMJut uu stuppou, 1 ad Seleddlcr'cedthf mertaSf the picture at6omecngh. Finally he J tow.tho peddlen f Uaylngpurchased the booVjof views hecidled another waiter 3 he called another waiter i,tm .Tifi , TxrimAa- I and showed it to hii Ho i&rits'of i the view v cussea:ne th8ho naenis 01 iinoviewsv.i to the proprietor, whocxamlned it with a A r uw ... V, V-. siuw.(.W I trreat deal.of Interest, while the waiter re turneogot his uisues ou the tabic where he had placed tlicm, and took them in to the cook. - The whole transaction occupied perhaps fifteen minutes. Tho peddler trledtbe rest of the 'guests, but made no other sale. He carried his goods in hia pockets and had a nunibcr of other things pen-knives ana such like which ho would tako )Ut ono- at a timo and try to sell . LHiad , 4o laugh finally at the absurdity of the thing, and he rebuked me with a iperySpOlito air, gave me a lecture on goctf breeding. imd went away tho piclurPof njAd In- noceficc. uuiunu Wliuuiaiiui,. I Medicar Journal.) A man mav eat anddrink heartUv aU J rrt . . M .it . t... -1 . .I. noW. in one sense of ithe woM: but hi body must keep hard at work all the time or it will die. Suppose the 'stomach re- fused to work within ten minutes after a hearty dinner, the man would die of con- I cramp-colic would rack and - wreck him. supposing tne pores 01 uic sKm-meanmg thnrnhv, tho trlandnlar ftTmfirntu9-witn which they aror connected Cjould go on a "strike, " he would in an houp Ije burn ing up with fever; eppresslftn Vould weigh upon the system, and soon become insupportable. Suppose the liver Tjccame mulish, the appetite would be annihilated, lood would toe oatnea, torturingptuns would invade the small of the back, and the head would ache to bursting. Suppose the kidneys shut up shop, dan ger most imminent, sufferings unbeara able, and death more Certain, would bo tho speedy and unenviable result If the little workshops of r the eye should close, in an hour ho could not chut nor open them without physical force, and in an other hour ho would be blind; or if those of the tongue should close, It wouid be come dry as a bone and stiff as steel. To L-nvri ciipii n rnTnriir5iTinTi ni mnrn nnru do of wisdom; but to work them by the pleasures of eating and drinking Is a mir acle 01 benchcence. London's Lost Dogs. The lost and starvins doirs in London I """""" are carefully collected and taken to a "home, " where, to the number sometimes of 100 a day, they are killed by a process. than which none coma dc more humane. After being given a hearty meal they are placed in cages, graded according to size as nearly as posslble,and with the vicious dogs by themselves. Tho cages are then surrounded witn an atmosphere cnarged .! V 1 1 1 J 1 A i .1 - wun ciuoroiorm anu oisuipmueoi carpqn. In from one to two minutes 61ccd falls upon the animals, often stertorous, like dreaminir. They begin breathing fainter and fainter, and in six minutes are dead. iv,wiAfla T,rnria that .onmnniitinn ThA, Vtn.rtSAA n Pi 1S l1wfnyl T flAHrtfl Af wa aww m jiv-wv. w is completely penectea wumn a weea trnm intormnnf v,. V,V Killing the Hen for the Golden Egg. Alta California.1 The Nevada eold-seekers have discov ered a new use For fowls. It is a common shrht there to see men and women carry- ins: a hen under one arm and a basket of chickens under the other. When they reach their destination the hens are pick eted, and, being already hungry, begin to scratch and cat. After three or four days' honest toil they arc killed and their craws examined for gold. As much as f a has seen found in one craw. Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped lianas, jnuDiains, (jonis, ana ail km . .... , ' -r... upuuns, tiuu positively cures xriies, ,:t tj- i or no pay required. UI UO JMJT iCIJUlICU. .AliS UiUiUllCCU to give perfect satisfaction, or money letunueu" jtiicb cr:i per ooz. TEXT JIOOKS.A'O. ,V. ' Sonic cno has said "Let mo mako the songs of a nation, nnJ I care not who makes its laws," and so do the text books of a nation exert a formative influence upon its character, second to none. "Nowhere is there more need for regard to tho "eternal fitness of things," than in the selection of text books for our common schools. In no plape are tho proprieties not to say decencies, more cruelly outraged, while the price of school books is often unreasonably high. It does not at all meet this criticism to assert it is better to pay a high price for J a good text book than a low' price for a poor one This ib to bui only part of thc-truthr Good text books ought to be sold at a much lower price than they "are, as they arc sold in large quantities, and, except tho cost ot compilation and arrangement, their cost can be reduced to a uniform basis, so that the cost of production is but a small percentage of the retail price. ; 1 There am two important items' of ex pense in the introduct'on of school books One is the maintenance of a large force of men to introduce hooka to committees; and the Other, tho pay ment of mpney to committees to secure their good offices in introducing books into the schools. Both items enter in to the cost of the book to the scholar who has to pay this outlay, with a prof it on it to the publisher. At the same time the profit to the bookseller is made unreasonably -small for this! rea son. Often the matter assumes this , , , rtti.TRi! n rJianw 1 ml: vim nrth nvrlpH -7-- o- is made, and the pupil has not only to buy a book that he does not need to have, but to imv much more than its value, to enable the publisher to bribe tlio committee to compel the scholar to maKe tne change. i Time will allow only a partial review of the tsxt , books nowAused in our schools. Tho cornerstone of common school instruction is the spelling book The one no- used is ' Watson's Com plcte Seller. It is unfortunate that uie auinor 01 tuia wore saouia collect the necessary material for a good spell- ing book, and then destroy its value y fu iuSt,; tucuerut arrangemenu The necessary elemental lessons" are 1 7" t i . w i . . v ttiUllefore the determined onsets o ilioao i gn, accentnatiofis 6"r" '-""-tv"; "uu ouuuuo " " 4' "f - . . T.ot Dl HIM FU IWI T-ITII Wr Til I fl mi" Cl.fIIlll(T 1 - iruutiuciatiuii, ew,, gtvun, aim lucuuie wrhole converted into a mass of hash by massing the words "topically," in stead of arranffins " theiu induc tively and anal vtically Tho ' firet forty-six pages contain twelve and one- half pages of primativc words, ar ranged in connection with other words of similar classification: and so far as , - ' . , . the spelhng lessons are concerned, th1S comprises about all the practical part OI uie UUOK. AUti rest is Bnoueu uy a I , ., n . i . . , I savish adherence to the topical craze. 1 ti.- i 1 1. .1.. t.;i.i i I . .. . . . PCl1 UJ HJ Ui association of objects used in the same J ; I L. . A v. ,v6v. v I 1 : .. this example occurs reading across a pacu.uuvciy- caunpme-aioe -woody-gymnoSen-exogenous:-on page 106 under topic Travel and Traffic, en rnint-bclls-fflide-shorcs-lee shore- chronometer; under Astronomy page S3,-mural-host-Pisces nobular-mac-rocosm; under Mathematics, page 81- concavc-tetragon-isosccles-congrejjate. Now the relation of these words is to one another just us clear as mud. How the child is to be taught to spell, merely by the power of association of 1 .t --.. iz 1 1 gothcr, or for similar uses, when they nave notuing in common, cither m ae - .ii- t . . nvatiuii, Biguiucauon, pronunciation, I or rim?11ii.t is ft mvsfpi v Tl.prn ii nl , , ... . .. . . .. I 80 an aosurauy m stringing togctber nam ana easv words tliat Lave no an - alogy, for a young child to learn sim - ply because the objects they name are sometimes used in the samo connection. On pace 58 occurs this .combination, lounge-solo-etagere-painting-melodian 1 TTn. ;0 fu:Q cnv 1 nt . 1 " W1 U1 a,JK o-o 1 J spell, when probably not one-half the school trustees foi twenty years past I could either si-ell, define or nronounce I I correctly the French word "ctazere" i - j I i without hrstconsultmu the authoiities? I I rni ,1, , . . xne wnoie oook is a conglomeration ot jest such absurdities. Teachers are! not so -much to be blamed for not lik ing to leach orthography from such an ill arranged book. The excellent ma terial in the look is sacrificed to the freak of some theoretical "educator." "In the future, halcyon age, Of which the poets tell,' Miy there be found some kindly page From which to learn to 'spell." W. Should English society punish Stead for his technical ofiense! it will make! work is the man who ought to emigrate: l m - ,,,.f . I nim a martyr, whoso wronirs will rous I .. ;. , 1 the entire nation, and call tlnwn biipK i , . - storm as maypossibly wreck the politi - caiiaonc. jsacramento Keconl-Uninn. JVSTICE. . . . " t ' Ho! For tfc nmn with humble luinil , And aspirations high, - - . v . Who knows tne Hints of human kiod Who'essid Is always nigh. - v Who will dony his selfishness -. " . Ami (fire hc.'pinsr hand. To orery cause la usefulness ' And let his soul expand. Ua! For the man and woman toi, J Who boldly will proclaim, V Ther'ea something yet for them to do. ' r To rescue men from shame. Thev ne're should stand in idleness Until the wtrk Is done Of bringing Into usefulness Thotr brother and their ton. . ' TbeyT reap their harveH bye snd bre, Beyond this tail of tear, Cut here, lor fallen man they sigh In their declining years. . . . Cut Joy and comfort shall be tlieirs , In tbat cclegUal clime. . , , Where Cod the lather niac thcui heii s Add giro them crowns sublime. And robes of white they too shall wear And vie around the throne, .-. . - Of him who did for them prepare . . A mansion and a home. ;' .': ;'.'. . L. C. Hill. The following is the list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Koseburg P. O. Nov. 27th 85.. Alexander W. F. Brown Clarence. Brown, F. N. Barker, J. B. Barker, Mrs. Sarah Barker, W. C. Chenoworth, Jack 2) Carter, Mary Jane Carpenter, Wm. R. Dearman, Edwin Garfield, Jas. R. Harvey, Frank (3) Holandcr, Wm. Kinscy, Mrs. Macy Ballough Miss Annie. Barker Miss S. 13. Butler Miss Mary Becver, Rev. Mr. Bourn, Edward . Brown, Edward Cool, Mr. L. -' Corbctt, Roderick Davis, John Flowers, Mr. L. Ilaney, Wm. T. Iiofta, Mrs. Mary Haradon, Wm. Larout, Mrs. Alice Mosher, Rev. J. G. McTimmons, Joe. ayer' GranviIle (2) lP Wmv I unman, vv. I .. Oneed, Albert 1 u conneu, James Parison, Mr. Louis .Patty, T. J. Smith, Mr. P. C. Thorp, Mrs. Abbic Train, Mr. O. C. Thompson, Jas. Wcthcrford, John Woodruff, Geo. W. Pitzer, Chas Roller, E. Smith, Miss Minnie I1"25' Mrs' Mattie I Thompson W II Walker, J. E. J Watson, Gertrude, When called for please say advertised W. N. Moore P. M. The October number of "The Con-' verted Catholic," edited by Father O'Connor contains ' much inieitsticjy matter. .'- . Tho men who, in Church or State-' present ,latforms" that seek . only to C dod the UoWB 0f opponents ro. down- h.vt,v;nv;,,fta ' who havo tvositivn for them. Cowanlice wins a battle ' only by. accident, and gets and do serves no sympathy in defeat. . Np matter how keen the sense of in justice and bitter the resentment, no good man' ever repented that he yielded to a conciliatory irnpulsj. And no man ever smothered such an impulse without losing what is of more value ti,,, n ,t. i i, : 4i . than a thousand triumi.hs in the ietty contests that waste and embitter so man wr, T -.,1 I". . : : r ,1 -Local Option m Georgia and the FoHr.niile in Tennessee recorrni the SOund lnc.ple homo rule. Ad- vancing on this line, the auti whiskey , . t anti-ciiminal-anti-paupcr sentiment conquest, and holds what it gets, xiiere i3 no rccoii a this uru Keen I . . "sp U) tj1(J fj,.juo.. -Fitzgerald. .BiU Arp," the Georgia htluiorist nMr not. T. . es near Cartersville, in Bai tow coun ty. Both town and county have re cently "gone dry," and 'Bill" com menting on the better treatment which dray mules, horses, and other animals receive from sober masters, savs: "Since Cartersville has gone dry through prohibition the aniaals have a better time. If they understood it I think they would hold a s;rand jubl- lee and ratification meeU,. Thc mules t,)e u ,Q . w d(J v 1 .. for joy I -1 KnorkeH Speechless I .,-r ... "i sec a man a urivin' a wagon down 1 ooutu Jtuth avenue uis yero mornins l when a shutter flew off ob a buildup J aud knocked do wagon sjKiechlcss." I - Interlocutor Ob, no, you dont I mean the wajron: . You mean that the I shutter knocked the driver of the wa- nn cnnnr.u,aBa You couldn't knock a I wagon speechless. Darswharyous wrong. Dis yere I shutter iis flew off de builtlinir. and 1 w " I did't touch do drivah nowhar. I seen it knock do wason sneechlcss. Iknows Mlf.T v . , . y- . wnat 1 sees, 1 rccKon - ueca 1 does. Interlocutor But it's impossible - 1 to knock a wagon speechless. J "Well, it knocked the tongue out ob - 1 dc wagon. I seen it do it. And do I shutter war tried for it in de court." I Interlocutor What did they do with the shutter in court? "Dey hong it dat'a what dey done I wid it. Interlocutor- -What fori I cT.sf fnra Mind The farmer who is always a month behind his thriftier neighbors in farm- I. . , -n . -..w I in a new country he will have to waka . a Inn and catch ut or starve. Buy hia i -r lout and let him go: the Great West wlil auickiy mane mm or oreaic iuqs