BOSEBMG REVIEW FRIDAY-. OCTOBER 23, 1885. STATIC HEWS. liAtio county lias three citizens over 90 year of age One man, J B, Gajr. niear, 84 yearn old, has lived in Oregon sixty-five years. .The wheat crop of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho tms yi-ar aggregates to 23,000,000 bushelK, as against 17,000. 000 bushels for last year. .' --.,. ...... '.'! . ; : Jndge Deady has granted the O. & C. railroad authority to cut rates from Corvallis to an'Frausisco, to meet the opposition of the Oregon Pacific. A material reduction has Wen made by the Oregon Railway and Navigation Ccm any in the rice of their lands in Oregon and Washington Territory. The Brown case cost Klamath county several thousand do'lan and the ex pense of building the new bridge, which will amount to a considerable BU'n, will swell the indebtedness of the county to about $12,000. Chinamen are leaving Portland fast. All the berths on the ship Colouia, which sails' atont the 20th, were taken long ago. . About 120 Chinamen left for San Francisco a few days since with tickets for Hong Ko: g by tho Pacific Hail Steamship company's steamers. It appears that nothing is to come of all the talk about the tease of the lines of the Oregon Railway and Nav iration Company by the North ren Pa cific and the Union Pcilic. The Ore gon Railway and the Navigation Com pany's earnings show a constant in crease, and its directory is satisfied to let well enough alone. It is stated on good authority in railroad circles that tho Oregon Pacific proposes tocommence work in a month on its eastern extension to Boise City, IV T.t there to connect with the Chicago nd Northwestern from the east. The opinion prevails to some extent that trains will run into Yaqnina City, overland, on June 15th next. Bjb Atchinson, an Irishman of Yam hill, has a family that is a fortune in itselfJ His three'grown-up ' daughters are beautiful specimens of the natural oddity called Albino, so indispensable to the museum or side-show. The eins are as . w as a :uy. i net m quite heavy hair is aIn?ost white, eye lashes and eyebrows olorlessy eyes pink tand their skin "is as soft and velvety as it is white. ' r According' to tho census taken by the Assessor, Jackson county has a K)puiauon oi over y,uuu. jvsniana has about 1200, 'Jacksonville 900 and Mhdford 500. These figures are as correct as they well can be; but it is the general supposition that ther-fftn many Jiindred mors-people in the county thanjeported. To take the -CfrilSUS nceni-atfcly and fully freveral months should be exclusively devoted thereto, r" -' . " The Rosebueq Review may console itself with the reflection that it is in no , way responsible ; for the extra session ,of the legislature. It labored long and (earnestly with the Governor, exhorting ,'hiiu to stand firm against the councils ;Of the bad men who want a Republican .Senator elected; but it is another case of "love's labor lost,9 and there is dan ger of the "Review" "sonring" toward the Governor who wouldn't place him self under the protection of its friendly .direction. Tidings. Seven years ago, in Connecticut, Miss Alice Cheney let a gentleman friend take tier ring, on the inside of which her Dame was engraved. He vent West and lost it. Recently a Colerado lady found it in the os sesfionof a Chyenne Indian, and by writing to the Cheneys of South Man Chester, Conn., succeeded in restoring it to the ' owner. In a novel, who would not have laughed at the romance that might have been built cn such an incident? -Hartford Post. Tue Raleigh (N. C.) News (Dem.) is one-of the n.any Soutlu rn palters which." loyally support the Pi t sident m his reform policy. It khvs: "The views of the President on the subject of civil service reform will coincide. with those of the great mass of Democrats through out the country. The President will be sustained in this matter, as has been in all others of imjwrtance so far, by the members of his par-? without con siderable exception." The Washington Post ((Dem.) says: "That Mr. Cleve land will be upheld by the serious and patriotic sentiment of the country is a conclusion not to be escaped." Mr, H. Kenton of Albany, who has recently, perfected a sluicing machine for separating fine gold from the black .sand of the sea-coast, is now trying it .on thejaqiiina beach. Tho machine consists of a series of sluice boxes, lined with popper, and armed with magnets beneath ire i .copper. The black sand eoniufca principally of iron, which be- incj held by the magnets, affords an .easy raeansof sejarating the gold from ;it. The machine lias been tried in ; Southern Oregon with most satisfactory results, and in the test upon the sands of tho Yaquina btach, which are known to abound in fine particles of geld, the experiments will be regarded with .interest. .:-V.-;; In some sections of country thistles are aw intolerable nuisance. We have 8'e,i them in fields of ffrain where hand bindinswould be impossible without bnckskin, gloves, and then' attended .with? some inconvenience. A Michigan farmer adopts a novel mode of eradica tion.' It consists of placing salt upon theniwhen young, when sheep will gnaw; them close to the ground. If theystart again renew the operation. Another mode is to wait until they are wvll -grown and the stalks are hollow, and then cut thein just before a rain or shower; The wtalks fill ith water, .causing the decay of the root. Ger mantown Telegraph. ii . . . , v '. .-. .. . : - - .. - ., ... A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with' which slight Colds and Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of the throat cud luus, i. a consideration which should impel every prudent person to keen ut hand, as a household reniedv. a bottle of A YElt'S CHEERY TECTOllAL. Nothing else gives such immediate relief and works so sure a cure in all afiectiona of this elasa. That eminent phyaieian, rrof. F. Swcetzer, of tho Mahic Medical School, Brunswick, Me., say : "Medical ncicnco lias produced no other ano dyne expectorant so good as Ater's Cuxrrt FxcTonAi IlU invaluable for diaeusc of the thront and luugt." The' same opinion is expressed by tho well-known Dr.L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who fays : "I liavo never found, in tlilrty.firo year of continuous study and practice of medicine, any 1 reparation of ao great value aATSB'sCBiRBT HctovulU for treatment of diseases of tho throat and iunga. It not only breaks up colds and cures severe coughs, bnt is mora effoctiro than anything else in relieving; even the mot serious bronchial and pulmonary affections." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new claimant for popular coiifi dencc, but a medicine which is to-day suvins the lives of the third generation who nave como into being since it was first offered to the public. There U not a household hi which this invaluable remedy: has once been in-: troduced where its use has ever been abandoned,; and there is not a person who has ever given it a proper trial for anv throat or lung disease suscep tible of cure, who has not been made well bv it. . AYtll'S CHERRY PECTORAL has, in numberless instances, cured obstinate' cases of chronic Bronchitis, Laryngitis, and even acute Pneumonia, and has saved inany patients in the earlier stages of Pulmonary Consumption. It U a medicine that only requires to be taken in small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every house where there aro children, as there U nothing so good as AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These are all plain facts, which can be verified by anybody, and thou Id be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Or, J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mua. Sold by all Druggists. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MOPE, Removal! Removal! Removal! On account of our removal into our new Store we propose to offer our entire stock of Gen cial Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times and scarcity of money; will en, able everybody to buy our goods. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we move Our Stock is larger andbet tc r assorted than any in the City, COZ&E A1TD EXAMINE And be your own judge, Before purchasing Elsewhere. We guarantee our dothes to fit in every particular. WE MEAN BUSINESS .......... . .. t ti. . - And no mistake. Our placeof business is OLe door north of the Post Office H. C. Stanton DEALER IN STAPLE DRY GOOD?! Keeps Constantly on Hand a General Ass rtment of ILLOW and VJ LAShWARE ALSO CRQCKERY CORDAGE A I'ull Stock of: s ;v ' SCELOOIj booxso. STATIONERY, TOYS, & FANCY 1 APwTIOLES. Famishes Checks on i'ortland, and procures i Drafts on Saa Francisco. POST-OFFICE STORE ROSEBIXRG MISCELLANEOUS pUAMlURE PALACF, UNCLE JOHN G1LDERSLEEYE Has tlie finest stock of furniture south of Portland which he sells x cheap as it can bo buujht' io the State. The new funded DO UBL E BED L 0 UNO E. f AND I PATENT CORNICES. Also has on band a full assortment of beds and bed 'ding, chairs, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Childrens Chairs, etc. ' J. GILDEItSLEEVE. CHINESE WASH HOUSE. ; : AND ..-., . 'j. LABOR AGENCY! Yuno Sa.m Proprietor. THIS POPULAR LAUNhRYMAN HAS OPENED butanes at his old stand in Koseburg, o;p08it Carlon'a Livery Stable, lit prejwred to cuiitract for Ctiinese "Laborers, Ami furnish COOKS, , ' : ' : FA11M HELP, - WOOD CHOPPERS, J KAILL'OAD HANDS Or C lineso Labor of any description on short notice. JgUNELLfr BOW HA1 BROS. FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wajjon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKE HASTINGS FROM ONE " ounce to three tons weight. Small Cu pol, for small castiugs. lUoucy refunded if work is not satisfactory. Portland prices ! Shvo telegrams and expressajje. LANGENBERG'S Boot and Shoo Store, JaeLaon Street,;Oiiosfto Post Office, ottcburg;, Oregos. TrKEPS ON HAN'D THK LARGKfc'T AND BEST other ntaku, .f ButTS, SUuFS, OAITKKS, SLIP- Uii O . .. t ' it im . . ' i evrrj nnn; in mo Ux.xn ana stioe une, ana . SELLS CUtiAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Onler, and Perfect - ' Fit Uaarantevd. I use the Pst of Leather aud Warrant all J -; niy work. ' : ' Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Aho a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aud f VIOLIN STIUNG.S. i Z.OUIS JLANaEftBERG. CIVIL BEND STORE V. I. ARRINGTON, DEALLR l.V Dry Good3 Q-rocsios to Ail Kinds of ProJ'JC3 Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, bOt'O. CO., OR EC OX. T. L. Gaxnos, C. A. Bl.v'ckmas j CARRIAGE, WAGON, ':lA', AND K2T BLACHBMIVH SHOP! -: Ailamson's OKI Stand. Jackson Street. M A N UFA OT (J R ERS OF CARniAaES, HACKS, BUiSGiES! All Kind of U-vairiu D.m". IVr 113 ar Keasonablo. Uannon & Ulackman. GBANGE BUSINESS.. , ASSOCIATION, OF U0SE3O g. W. F. OWENS, : : .: : Manager. .- -DE Ali IN- Wool and Grain ! , i - ALSO, AGENTS FOR , iloEicuLTUEAL: Implements v OF ALL KINDS. 11TB TRANSACT A GENEUAL BUSI lf ; ness ia taut line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool aud (Jrain. : A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, orfnrnished on short notice at Lowest Prices. Oihce and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEI'OT. Give nn a call. 1 . w- r. OWENS. $200,000; - .... t is nusasTs oiva awat. Send u 6 cenw postage, and by mailyou will il fru a package of gods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America, all about the &200,OOoui preseiitwith eaeh box. Agents wanted e verswhere, i either sex. of all ajrea, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their of a homes, fortunes forall workers absolutely as ured. JUon't delay. 1I. & Co., Portland g9 JIEAXTSOCK, . 1 Oak'lXxi, Oregok Wagonmaker ' and , j . , .Undertalrer, KEEPS CONSTANTLY- ON . HAND A ' tine assortment of CoQius and B"rial Caskets, which , he will sell at reasonable prices, 1 Also keeps a large stock of all ma terials uecessars for repairing and making VN'airOns, Bougie., ' Plows and Machinery of all kinds; - mm scni six canta or post-ice ;n-l receive free, a costly box-f oods which w'A help all. of either sex t more money risrbt away than any thins elM In the world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure ' .. . . . I .) . Nll,..l . M . . . A wjt 0'irv:sr i tvu r. a-ia wo., aqkusui, uuac, Awarded Premium, at State Fair! I- Xf uaaag H f . '. . : - R Fl .t.T . "r7srs--vs; V-;4l rns lymp nas tne only wick movement -i - v ;.w?? VV El re1 mr 1,0 "einsr or ick, and also the- onh fV "-iii. ' t V'fl u,,,vc"lcu" iu' " "b n il up jjunectiy even. ..acff..'-;N, m " iv lne w,tK mm utreir it lumea uown until &$f&iagtlr &:fs4 jl the stop work acti an I permit el to go out with '"'tiLcjff' " ' fl ut beiuy hlown, a miuuie or less beta? all the ej-'j no j rgf. - --7 jimerojuiaea. FOUNT LAMP, 11. Tlie ton of the fount is o constnu ted asl bold any small nnorititvof oil that mifht act 'entHy run over, thereby preventing damage 1 lurniiure. cart'tis. eve. 12. Tho iusiiraiii-o comraniee reer.mnicnd.lhr uae, beeatise they tht-y aro nun-explosive, tc. TH; ERILLIAKT AND ITEMJY L!CHT Produed by thee l.-imns because of their I ecu liar codstmctir.n. the min rrini-itJrs .(nnr double draft, the outer air tube giving but;dp supply of oxygen, which is neceawtry to insui penect coniiiuwiun ana increLT Durmr.g n odorous and toisonc us niat.tor which esc-mx s i other lamps) and the inner or "sTead-r" Ri tubes steailying the name nne preqenting its ctir ing in contact with the chimney. Made by a prominent authority invcs the follow ins; lesull: THE TEST OF LICKT Ordinar lamps, 8 11 candle power. Gas lamps, 2t candle power. Improved new Chicago hieoiiic lnim s. 52 .V can die ower. Are uuuJe and can bi bad cither m iirass, Mcke or Gold Bronze: THE FfjLLOWiNG STYLES FOUNT LAMP ("an be attached to any tras oi oil fixture, side bracket, etc., eolds 1 (juartcf oi and bums 7-8 hours. Price 2.50 to $X00 STAND LAMP For tahle or desk use. Hold 1 tu art of oil and burn 7-8 hours. $3-Lu $3.50 LIBRARY roiTUT Miwle expresfly library ex tension bangers. Holds 1 uuart tf oil and burnt, 1-9 hours. Price $2.75 to $3 ATA NIGHT FOUNT-Same as Fount Lcmi- only ha3 a lnjgcr oil reervir and eonieucntI, wi i Duru longer. i rice, ?3 io qz.zz. Send For One. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! STAND LAMP. Can Only be Obtained from Us. If eitci But before you do IF. G. .. WOODWARD'S H -AND- Buy a lew Set of Harness OE A BABDIiE' 1 One of the Biggej-t ami Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. I use nothing but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME &s Woodward Roseburg. E. W Woolsey & Son, V Breeders and Importers of Thoroughbred bpanish Merino Sheep. -ixltoxi, COuuty, Octl. TE HAVE ON HAND FOR SALK TIIIS SEASON 1 and l.wes, which we will deliver at uoeourjj at UR Flock is of Hammond and Atwond stock orijpi vearlv new strains t blocxt from the U'st Flocks 0 I ?Ok jiurity of blood, absolute freed nm from nil . on the Coast and has taken-First Premiums at Addiess aa aboY or Fraxk Woolsey, cor. 1st and A streets, Portland, Or ? Represented in Rosoburg by W.: F. Owens, und all orders received by bim or direct will receive prompt attention. . , , -, , ::. r; ' . ' : - - . . -ssrsfti, , .V. . . zr Lw Hi- S -m-m, For Sale Cheap for Cash or Approved credit 'Thorough-Bred Merino Sheep Male and Female, at our place, six miles north of Roseburg, near Wilbur. " Correspondence solicited. jul3-Gra THOS. SMITH fc SON.' POSITIVELY NON-EXPLOSIVE! THE CHICAGO FLECrmC LAMP! 52 OANDLE POWER!. "SEE ONE AND BE CONVINCED." ADDRK5S: . OdlOAaO ELEOTIU LAMP AO. Cor. lirs. oi Washington St;ctts, PortJand, or. Among its many advantage may be enumerated U10 lOlltlWKIjr . . . 1. The lamp, by tb laws vt nature, ia posi tively kon-expuisivk. 2. 1 1 cannot break or rniolce a chimney. 3. Ah ordinary chimnev can be used. 4. The lamp burns at a cost of i cent per hour. 5. The w!;k is furnished free with every Limp. One wick will last 6 to 8 months. 7. The Jomps being: made of braes cannot break, but one lamp will last a life time. 8. What you save on chimneys in one year alone will si fflce to pay for a lamp, that UPI tHat come 'round to ROO YEARLING AND TAVO YEAR OLD HAMS prices to suit ine tines. Corrcpotidenee solicited. ally, and wc have xjsired uo cxpeiise in introducing of liciristered St(.ck in Vermont State. ditc ise anl careful breed rfc? it standi1 seconil to Houe State and County Fairs,' wherever exhibited. , Spanish Merino Backs. I Lave-on hand a number of fine Bucks, from one year old and upwards. Price 10. Where a number ire pur chase.! a liberal discount will be made. Ca31at my place, five miles wrest of Roseburg. Heniy Conn, Sr. Aj- PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. C. W. KXOWLES; L. D. BttOWN. ''". ''. '' ST, CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN ) I BROWN & KNOWLES, Proprietors. ' ' FIRST CLASS IN EYERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Brick Bull dinar : i r 130 Booms. - In the Ceuter o f tt.e City COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND EUROPEAN PLAN. JVSMOXD HOTEL, i First Class In Every Particular, Corker Fuoxt akd iIiKiuso. Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Tuomas Guineas, Proprietor. ESMOND RESTAURANT, H. MtLLEJt,. Proprietor, Corner Front and Morrison Streets, J PORTLAKD, OREGON. K:ial Arrauyemeuts for-Veddiujf and Biuucr Parties and Banquets. . k ' rnilE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles Heilmax, Proprietor. The very best in the Market is et before you. ; THE INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME THI LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers suerior accomodations at popular Prices. Meals P0e, Rooms 25c. and 50c. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landings, Free Buss to and from the Hotel, fco Chinese fccrv&nt. No overcharges or deviation from regular rates of 91-00 per bav. taaiii-tf E. LEWISTQN. Prop'r. Established 1S52. 7 A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING :r' OTHtSR." HOTTER G : " AND ' S5B50SAHS TMhm OTP OREGON. PLACS TO BU. J J B CONGLE If anufacturer,. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, i . . ' CSLLeatiier and Saddlery Hard ware 104 and 110 Front Strcot PORTLAND ORIiGOK The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class Instruction to the young and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in the short est time consistent with thorough work, and at the least expense. Day and evening sessions through out the year. Students admitted anytime. Cata logue on application. A. P. Akmstbong, PrincipaL FOR A BUSINESS EDUCATION OOTOTHJt ... K. W. cor. Socoi.d and Salmon Bts. . SmCGC. JOURNAL, for fnrormntienc Addreea , ;W. s. JAMES, Principal, UectiuD this paiMtr. j Cox US, Portland, Or. WES.E . R H0TCHKISS ' '' AND ' ISTeat Dressmaking! ROSEBURG " OREGON. WILL FURNISH JOV THK BEST AND FIXES ! Goods in the Market. " Ladiea Wear, Laces, Ruchlngs, Hosiery and Jewelry. Miss srsip. lewis has charge or the . Dress making; Deartinentf which insures a Good and Fashionable fib. Near the Depot FOR SALE! W m T7ERLEY OFFERS FOR SALE . I . JV h'a tiae farm of 407 acrea of No. 1 Grass and Farm Land, 8 miles north of Oakland, i 50 Acres of as pood Ptow land as there i in the StateY .; A Good Spring on eTery 40 Acrta. 'Also' for Bale with the farm 24 head of Thoroughbred Short Horn 'Dur ham Cattle, 70 Tons, Hay, Horses, Cattle, Wagons, Hogs, Milk Cows, Fanning Uten sils, Seed Oats.' Terms made known ly applvin to W. T.KEitLEY; Oakland, Or. HELP f jr'rktsr peotI5- Send Id cents pos- uge, ana we win mau you frkb, a reyai valuable sample box of roods that will put yon in tho way of making more money in a few days than you evertnongni possible at anv business. Capital not required. You can tlv at home and work in spare time only, or all the time.. AH of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. &0 cents to 5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work way test the busiuass, We make this as paralleled offer; To all 'who are not well satisfied we wVU send 81 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc, sent free.?" Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't de ay. Address Stiksos k Co., Portlaud, Maine. MARBLE WORKS. ' ; 5 ' lYIrs. R Breckenridge AGENT F0l: Importer .and Manufacturer of MONUMENTSaHEADSTONES : Of , American aud foreign Marble and Scotch Granite. Kbiicaates given for Copiug In; SautI Stone, ALo Afcnt for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Enclosure. ROSEBURQ, - - OREGON J II. O'M ALI.EY Propiit-tor of the ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKSJ And Dealer in . : ToOMBSTONtS, TAELKTS, ETC. Shop Rear of llcgaii's Store. - 0 113 3 3 II Ei. ROSEBURG - GROCERY StOnS ' ROUT. EAST0N PUOrP.IETOR. Javksm Street, one door South of Mrs. Comptea' ." HIS JEST Itl t'Cl YED A STOCK OF CANDIES, NUTS, CAKES, CRACKERS, TEAS, SPICES, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS COFFEES, ETC.,, ETC., ETC I Exchange Goods for Good Buttfr and Fresh E"".s. MY GOODS ARE ALL FRESH, rout. at CT. XI.. "ar.2?lS.C3," ' : A Full Line of - . .' ' ', .:.; .' j . Staple and Fancy Groccricf,-- Table and Pocket Cctlert,' Glassware. Crocliery ' Quern ivjavct Etc. Goods Delivered nnywliero in tie City limits, Free of Charge. G'roeerY ATSD VARIETY STORE!' M S. KOXfllKiSS, ' . : A Full Stock of Family Grscoiie. V TjlAKMElIS WILL FIND IT TO iTIEIIt ADYAkT jj tuif! to !urcua-e tlieir urover;e. . Near the D ot Cie ne a Call. W, S. lIcTCbkiu. t a s.irrn. w., ; Froprieir.r ,f Uisj CITY BAKERY AND .7 . CANDY FACTORY. ' T"EEPS. CONSTANTLY CN HASP A 111.1. IV ' Stock of IJi-ead, Cikes, I'iea Plain and ;Fay (Jra.ker, -tc. Also a tiiie e'ett-.'w of f reach mmi' Ainerican Candies aud chocolate Cuait. MEDICAL- DR. LiCElC'S MOXDERFUL j .German IuvigoraWr ' Slen who sre suffering frMi'" w.a'u.-e ana tVoaknes tiro's on by early i nijruddc ar exceKseic csusinr uerroas Uebilitv, premature dt-cay, lost nihilhood, etc., bat. ing: tried in Tain every tenr n rcmedv. should ra cure hnniedialely Hit. LlEUlG'Ji liiVlGOliAlCSt No. 2. ' -'- : " -' .-' - ' ' ' THE DOCTOR will agree to forfeit ll.OCO far . case undertaken, not cured. The itaon trhy so many cannot f ot cured of weakness and tlis aba diseases is owintr to a cowidkatiou t.-alled lJ;OSTA. TOKKHKA with llyi era-isthcia, ' wbitb rcquiras' seet-ial treatment. ' . . , -t. Dlt. HEBIO'S IXVtCORATOU No. J, under mnx ad. ice and special treatment, is the only ioititcmr for PROSTATCKRBKA. . ' , . . Dlt. .LIE WG & CO. for the pait ninetrea year'a have made an exensive Siciulty of the treat sasalef ' diseases of iren, - . If finiphs appear on the face, if yon become list less aud dcspomlcut, looktml Utt the' complicate with 'Seminal Weakntts aud 1( ss of ViUlity kneaa asProstatorrhea. liimdreds of. lives have been last and thousands have iost tl.eir proierty and pieatare in life from its effeds, Vsrieocelel or wenny veins of the scrotum, often the unt,ui ected cans ot Lt Manhood, DebJity, etc. eto. LR. LIKBKi'8 Invir ' orator, No. 2, is the only known reined yfac th above complication; and a perfect and perma nsu cire w ill be suaranteed in all cases undertaken mat) -tier ourspecial advice nid treatment, .5 Most powerful electric belt free t our patieais.'. To prove the wonderful jiomd the LNVIGOKA TOIt, A $2 KOTTLE GITEN ii;EE. .t!all r address, -l9' -v.';;'- s --w Dr- Uelis & Co's Private Sicpeaajury. ' 400 Ucary St., .Kan . Fraucisco, CaL t , . , THE SPECIALIST. ' . . J. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAX rKANCISCO, CAt. Treats all Chronic Speeiai and Private ' -. ' Dbe-uk-a with Wonderful Eucceiw. ' 'it -. THE GEAT BWiiBn REOEBT. - "-J US A NEVER TAIL1SC . J- . - - w U . I WJ 1i i'lausteJ TitaiitT. I' uorrnea, Lost Masae . I frostatorrbeK. i 11 2 hbuse, youthful fllieta4 fM. eses in saatarr jrer. 'uch as Lom of MsBscTy, SLsiawtude Noetursil Zsa IN DKINKINU intoxicating liquors, tn vital faii -passing unobsen ed in the urine, and many c-Uiar 4is ' eases that lead to insanity and death;- Da. iiiXTiR, who ia A l;.iui PiiTgicujc, Cta- ... in or ma Usiversitt or rEsssrLvasu. will atrrae to forfe't Fivar ill ndhrd Douakb' for a casa at ikia ; kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE funded his ,tJ,m advice and treatment) w ill not cure, cr for anvthia impure or in jurious found in it. Cn. Mjrta"traatB : u pnvaie uisear'es s!iccesHfullv without a:er ary CosBCMATio Frek. Thorough cxaruiiiatjon and ai yice, mcluding anelysi of mine, , $5,C0. r Prica e VITAL HESTORATIVE, L0 a b,Uie, or four tiS th quantitr, T..00; sent to iiy address uponresaitt in private name if desired hy Ra. Mixns. li k'aaas -1 tions and jmphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE.1' :" Vim be sent to any one applying bv letter, aU? '-aym-ton, sex and ajre. hi net secrecy in rrar si all busiuess transactions. ' j Da. Hmml Kidxry Eembdt, NErHRETlcra Cures all kinds of .Kidney , and Bladder Csr mplal. a! .. Gonorrhea, Gh-et, Leuchormca etc " For sale hr all " ' - ..v. v- BU uvwu ior nveuoiJEara. i D. Mixncs DKDKLrox f are the best aad tka cheajt Dti W-8U and Etuot g cura In lha matk ' For sale by all drusista. . .' ' ';" ' ' - WTN.m,Te moI,eT than "nithlns; else k 21 n "s m Sb?cs' iiT tbu ""in book out.; " lioginncrg succeed frrandly. None faiL lam free: lUiLmjijo Co. TwtLad, JUiJ l,m