Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, October 09, 1885, Image 3

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thC St. ClIAlll.ES, rC'UILAKM. '.
' regular mect'incr on e:liieslav n or Wfiim
C. A. UdATII, W, M.
j. P. Drxcjjt, Skc.
-i on Saturday eveiiinir of
each week at 7 o'clock, in .their hall at Koaebursr.
Members o the or.l?r iu food standing are invited to
attend, liy ordur of the . G.
UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 0, f. O. O. F., meets
at Odd Fellows' Hall on th- fir-taiid tlilril 1 b ursdaj sof
everv uionfh. Visiting: brethren invited to attend.
- L. LixriLs, C. P.
A. C. Marks, Serloe
rV-vUMPQUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. JL, hold
their regular communications every firt
. fy.-M.fe and third Tuesday in ca h month. All
CSfiKSi members in jrood standinsr willtuke due and
timely notice and govern themselves accordingly.
Visiting companions arc invited to meet with the
vhapel when convenient.
J. C. Fl'LLgRTOX, II. P.
W. I. FBteDUxnsRt Sc-'v .
Remember our , c'uLbing rates with the
NewYoik World. : '
"Wephing. Cait. N. Johansen, of Astoria,
was married on the evening of the 4ih to Mrs
h'ary A. Limey," in this city, the .Rev. John
Ikwaid, ctYciating. We whh the happy
couple a long and prosperous life.
Flowers. Ve return cur thanks to Mrs.
W. 15. Drake, of Myrtle Creek, 'for a beauti
ful boquet of elegant flowers of rarest hues and
c. q isite o kr. Also for i sheath' of Tampa
grass twelve feet in height quite a curiosity
end rich as an ornament.
The Band Stand. Under the able man
agement of Malausena. & Clements, the band
stand is progressing finely. We acknowledge
the following additional subscriptions: F. P.
Hogan$i, M. (0. Wimberiy $i, J. J J. Hor
ner $i, Col. Lane $i. Sufc-criptions are still
Lecture. Last Friday evening Mr. L. C.
Hill, of Myrtle Creek, delivered sin interesting
lecture at the Court on "Human Pro
gress" to a small but appreciative, audience.
Mr. Hill h a fluent rapid talker, sensible at
all times,' and eloquent as the occasion de
mands; At some future time "ie will again
address a Koscburg and we hesjeck
for him a crowded hcuse. ;
Kew Invention. While at O.ik'and kut
week we had the gocd fortune to intei icw
Mack Gasgras in regard to his new discovery.
The workings of the machine are jet secret,
so far as -the public is concerned. It is nearly
the perpetual motion, and has a '-wonderful
generating power, which can be used to ad
vantage in conneciion with all machinery. The
inventor described the process, by which the
machine operates very minutely, and he styles
the contrivance a "self-feeder." One of our
leading .citizens has bought the entire right
from Mack Jangras,- paing the handsome vara
of $60,000 th-.refor. Bca Ag"e Fsq. is the
fortunate purchaser.
A' i6,coo Gallon Tank. We were shown
by that accommodating-: landlord , Kklmrd
Thomas, of Oakland., last Monday, all about
Lis new enterprise. lie has lately had a
tank constructed sixty-Jive feet high, and
the tli twenty-six feet de?p, making a col
umn of water
ninety-one feet,
which is done I y a turline wind u heel, manu
factured r.t Sals i a, Oregon, lie has 300 feel
of hose vvhicli entirely protects his and all
a j.'.ceat buiidi igs. 1. 1 order to get a full sup-
p'y of v.-jttr, Mr
1 lum.vs is now di-irrin-? a
nc cii a.iout ten leej.
n diameter. The
whole, up to 'the prese :
$1500. Vve wish the
cess. '
i.tve, has cost about
Meeting ok tisi UKroitM Club.
There was a large attendance at the meeting
of "the Roselxur"; Tcmrerance Reform Club
Tuesday evening, Oct
Called to
order by the I'le.-ident at ?:3o. After 'music
by the Junior Hand and readivg and approval
of minutes, Hon. A. C. Jor.cs delivered the
retnilaf address, tvunlin": out the miseries
heaped upon those who do not chink by those
who do drink, the premium -for si.briety, the
ulUr usclessnes5 of the debauchery. With
116 'ropect of persons rum blisters the gold of
the rich .with tears and adds misery to pinch
ing want. The brightest and dullest ir.U rests
are together brought to ; lower level m his
grasp an 1 that in rightful education is found'
the remedy that will rid tfe land of this evi
After recess there Were recitations and
niuvic furnished by sevt-ral' members, and a
few tcliing remarks by Dr. Woodruff. Rev.
J.."W Miller w&s'cho.ei to speak at the next
The O. ic C. R. j R. The information
thus far published from: time to time, relative
to die Centra' Pacific jhaving secured control
of the Oregon & California company's posses
sions, ha, I con more or less vague. On the
3ist day of July last both companies entered
into a written agreement by which the Oregon
& .California were to sell their property to the
Central Pacific. Thi.i agreement was pub
lished in London on the 15th of last month.
The salient j oints of jhc agreement are as fol
lows: The Oregon Si California agrees to sell
t the Centra! Pacific all its railway lines
(about 451 miles) and their appurtenances, its
rolling stock, supplies land equipment, lands
remaining unsold at the date of agreement,
nd all its rights and flanchixes granted by the
United States. The transfer of the property
i to take place on or l;fore the 1st day of
July, iSS5. The tcrmiof the sale are as fol
lows: For the 9,000,000 or thereabouts of
first mortgage jicnds now outstanding, issued
at the rate of $20,000 per. mile, the Central
Pacific will issue bonds 'at the rate of $30,000
pef nii'e to the jimcont of $10,500,000 paya
ble in forty years, bearing interest at the rate
of 3 per cent, for the first two years and 5 per
cent, thereafter. The Central Pacific agrees
to complete the Connecting link between Ash
land and Delta within three years c the date
of the transfer, so as to form a through line
between Portland and San Francisco. It is
'stated that at a stockholders' meeting held in
Portland on the 30th ult., the agreement was
ratified and' there is hardly a doubt that it was
also ratified by the- bondholders' committee,
though no definite information 'on the subject
has been received here.' Practically the Ore
goh & California railroad company has con
sented to sell upon certain terms; subject to
approval of. the bondholders: the Central
Tacitic has agreed to buy mxm those term?;.
It seems more than likely that the bondholders
Will give consent.- '
- Rain. ' "
Adverthc. -
Items scarce.
Raia needed.
Everything is quiet.
The city election is over.
Buy your trees of Tim Ford.
Drink Roseburg Soda wattr.
Rta I our new advertisements.-
The City Charter needs several amendments.
Miss E2ie Gillette has returned to Ashland.
What has become of the Board of Fire Del
egates. Let the marshal sec that the streets are
cleaned up.
Fix your sidewalks, or the marshal will at
your expense.
Harry Sober the celebrated well digger.
Two in a day.
Miss Nellie Ware, of Eugene City, is visit
ing in our city.
A fathicnable wedding will take place this
week in our city.
Jos. Lynch and family have gone to the
Dalles to reside. s '
Mrs. John-Jones, who has been very sick,
is now improving.
All trees bought of Tim Ford are guaran
teed as represented.
The crcssway at the depot is a great success
as well as a convenience.
Dr. Tilkington of Portland will be at the
McClallen House Saturday.
Rev. Smick returned this week from the
Synod lately held at Portland.
Mr. Fggers sold to Mr. Newman afew.acres
of land this week in West Roseburgi ' - .
Rev. P. A Moses will preach at Deer
Creek on next Sunday at eleven o'clock.
A Methodist camp-meeting is in stssion at
Cleveland and will continue over Sabbath.
Capt. John Mullen from Washington city
D. C, paused a day ia Roseburg this week.
A. J. Bellows shot at four deer this week,
they having been in the field of J. R. N. Bell.
P. F. Baxter called this week, and is look
ing for a situation as he is a fi.-st class painter.
The Bernheim the irrepressible wool agent
was in our office this week showing us some
Mr. Fggers has commenced the erection of
his house on the land recently bought of J. R.
N. Bell.
Robt. Easton has the finest and most deli
cious golden pears we ever ate. Try them
and sec.
Insure in the Traveler's and the Mutual
Self Endowment, J. R. N. Bell agent and
club manager.
Mrs. Judge Smith, who has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. GiUiland, has . returned to
her home in Portland.
There will be a Sunday school picnic at
Oak creek on Saturday Oct. 24th. All are
cordially invited to attend.
Look out for Page and Dimick's ad next
week, in the meantime go there and get the
best bargains now offered.
Traccy and Rrsie A
Ritchy were
married at Drains, October ,4th
M. A.
Mulvaney, J. P., officiating.
Many think the license law too strict in,
Oakland; for "they will not allow a man to sell
his own productions 011 the street.
We are uthcibed to say that D. C. McClal
len will feed all those coming to court on the
fat of the land at the lowest possible rates.
G J. Callahan has some of the finest grapes
ia Douglas county and will soon bring a load
to town. Call at the Review office and leave
your orders. , !
Rev. E. A. McAllister, of Albany, will de
liver a lecture on next Monday evening, at the
Court house. Subject, "Is Universalis m
True or False."
- Wm. Cochran of Looking Glass was in at
tendance on the special session, ("not extra
session") of the County Court this week and
gave us a pleasant call.
John Hall, county commissioner, has re
turned from his trip east, he and ' Mrs. Hall
were well pleased with their trip, but they say,
carry me back to Oregon.
George Bealh was awarded the contract this
week' for building the bridge across the Cala"
pooia, at Oakland, his bid being $Soo, which
was the lowest bid put in.
From Dillard Strode we learn that the
diptheria on Myrtle Creek is spreading some
what. A child of Geo. Brewer died last
week of the terrible disease.
Arrangements are being made for a lecture
next Monday night at the Court House by-
Rev. McAlister. We are particularly favored
with the services of such men.
Fendel Sutherland and wife leit for a visit of
three weeks to Idaho. They have a daughter,
Mrs. Randall, living at Moscow. We wish
them a pleasant journey and safe return.
G. J. Langenberg takes this method of re
turning thanks to the voters of this municipal
ity for their support in re-eleeting him marshal,
and promises simply to do his duty to all.
The funeral of Miss Katie, daughter of Jep
tha and Martha R. Thornton will be preachcel
at the Oak creek church on Sunday, Nov. 1,
1SS5. Rev. Wm. S. Mathews will be present.
E. B. Berg, at Oakland, whose ad. appears
this week, is selling goods in his line lower
than the lowest. He will succeed, for his
wife is the better salesman of the two. Gbre
him a call. '
Ira Genger, Will Singleton and Polk Mar
tin killed a large bear, on Mr. Gengcr's place
three miles east of Roseburg, last Wednesday.
Bruin had been in Mr. Genger's orchard de
vouring apples. "
The. Yankee Doodle Band, assisted by oher
local talent, will shortly entertain the public
with the great drama, "Above the Clouds."
" Like all things done by this progressive band
it will be a success.
J. J. .Cawlfield is ahead in the painting de
sign business. The roof is unique, diamond
shape, and looks well withal., P. Junger is
the painter. Mr. Cawlfield s roof looks like
human life, rather checkered.
From this time forward I assume the agency
of Douglas County for Gen. Grant's memo
r4it tv,k vire II. S. Strance. All orders ad-
! dressed to me at Glendale Douglas County
Oregon, will receive prompt attention. Agents
I wanted. C. W. Brooks.
Isaac Manning formerly of the Statesman
went to Canyonville yesterday to visit his par
ents. He was accompanied by Mr. Piper of
Salem. Isaac has vivacity and will succeed .
Two tramp-burglars broke into the house of
Mrs. Cummins last Tuesday night 'while the
family were attending the meeting of the Re
form Club at the Grange Hall. They took
nothing only something to eat.
. A peculiar virtue in Ayer's Sarsapariila is,
that while it cleanses' and purges the blocd
from all corruptions and impurities, aud there
by roots out disease, it invigorates the whole
system, and makes one young again.
A. Grant of the Capitol mills, Salem, his
wife and daughter have engaged rooms at the
McClallen House, and will arrive Saturday to
spend several days with us. Mr. Grant will
go on a hunting expedition while here.
Those articles written by "Y" on school
government and published in this paper, are
excellent, well written, and deserve to be read
by every school teacher in the county. They
are written by one of the most accomplished
.... 1
teachers in all this section.
Many forget that the hair and scalp need
cleansing. Extensive use of Ayer's Hair Vig
or has proven that it is the best cleansing
agent for the hair that it prevents and re
moves dandruff, cools and soothes the scalp,
and stimulates the hair to renewed growth.
Rudolph Abrahams has bought out Alonzo
Brown at Oakland and will henceforth emrace
largely in the mercantile business at that place.
We know Mr. Abraham to be a gentleman
of high standing and his word is as good as
his bond. We bespeak fcr him a liberal pat
ronage. F.'W. Benson, County School Supt., has
secured a speaker for the forthcoming Insti
tute, some time this winter, that will rejoice
the hearts of all Roseburgers. Mr. Benson
feels sure that he can gain the consent of Dr.
James Browne, of Portland, to be with us on
the occasion mentioned.
Prof. Russell's Academy at Oakland is in
condition, receiving new accession every few
days to le instuctcd in the text books taught
there, which are adopted by "the best school
men of the age. The building is new, with
good apparatus, and the curriculum cannot be
excelled in .the Academic department.
Rev. J. E. Day left last Wednesday morn
ing for his new field of labor at Clatsop Plains
and Ilwaco. He was commissioned to this
charge by the last Presbytery held in Portland.
We regret very much to give him up"as he has
proven himself an able and efficient minister
in our midst. May success autend his labors.
Some very interesting reading on vital issues
are crowded over this week, and we beg our
correspondents to pardon us, as we are making
arrangements to enlarge on account of the
press upon' our advertising space. Stand by
us in the future as you have done in the past,
and we will make you one of the best papers
south of Portland.
G. W. Anderson and wife of Chicago paid
our city a two days visit. They arc-writingup
the country to some extent, and at the same
time, they are selling those fine pictures of
General Grant. Mrs. Anderson is correspon
dent for the Philadelphia Times, and is a wri
ter of no mean ability. Any attention shown
them will not be lost to the good of our coun
try. They went south yesterday evening.
-I heard - Ratliff say td Sol, this week, that
there's to be a grand entertainment at the
Academy in 'about a week. He also said tha-
Mrs. Shortcut Wilbur, is to sing on the occat
sion. bot sard, ne was giaa ot it, tor no ore
else was ever so successful in pleasing a Dram
audience as she. Wesley interrupted their
conversation by saying that -he knew seme
thing about that entertainment, ''too. They
turned inquiringly toward him and he ex
plained that Dr. Kuykendall, Prof. Booth,
Mrs. Dr. Pay ton. Mrs. Callwcll, and others
are to assist in Making this the best eetertain-
ment ever given, and that E. A. Estes will be
there with his violin. "Vou bet, I'm going to
take my girl," said Wes., in conclusion. Sol
and Ratliff made no reply, so I can't say what
their intentions are.
The school has increased in numbers this
week, and among the new ones is Richard
Coke, of Dora, Coos Co.
The camp-meeting closed Monday evening,
bearing as fruits forty conversions, all of which
t .. .1. ... r t -r. ,
oear me marKs 01 genuine work. Kev. s
Jones and Sails are now at Cleveland, con
ducting a similar meeting. '
Will I led rick is still on the sick list but is
improving. Vinton Boots who has been con
C. 1 . - U! . r . .
unco 10 ms room ior some time, is ararn m
school, at which we rejoice.
I went into Estes's grocery store yesterday
and discovered that he has been filling his
shelves with new goods. Then I went to
Drain & Co. 's store, and found them unpack
ing boxes and bundles, and displaying a fine
line of fall and winter goods, from the plainest
cotton to the finest silk. Then I visited Mr.
Cellers, and lo! the same was true there, ami
I said lo myself, "Surely hard times are taking
their flight, and business is improving." Evon
so, let it improve; I hope they may all ge,
rich this year.
Miss Myrtle Russell has been sick this week
but I am glad to say that she is impoving.
F. A. Smith, the artist from Salem, has
pitched his tent in our town, and I hope he
will have plenty of patronage.
Rev. E. Giltins will preaeh in the Academy
Sunday morning and evening.
The Sunday school, which mtets in the
Chapel every Sunday morning is in a very
prosperous condition under the direction ol
Prof. Booth and J. W. Krewson.
- Casaraltan,
"Wild Cherry and Tar.
Every body knows the virtues of Wile
Cherry ami Tar as a relief and cure for any
effections of the Throat and Lungs, combiuef
with these two ingredients arj a few simple
healing remedies in the composition of Dr
liosanco'a Cough and Lung Syrup making it
just the article you should always have in
the house, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Bronchitis. PriceJoOl cents and $1.00
Samp lea free. Soldby S. Hamilton.
Its Delicacy of Flavor
And tho efficacy of its action have rendered
the famous Fquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs
immensely jooular. It cleanses and tones
up the tlggod and feverish system, and
dispels Ilea lacln a, CjM.3 and fevers, For
sa'c by S. Hamilton,
The State of Oregon vs Jacob Weaver, Rec
ognizance. The state of Oregon vs Howard Jones and
James Cannon, Recognizance.
The State of Oregon vs John McCurdy,
Bany Mathews, Lou Reed; Phip Mathews and
F. M. Ingals, Recognizance.
The State of Oregon vs Henry Watcrson;
The State of Oregon vs C. V. Meeker,
The State of Oregon vs Jeff. Roberts, Rec
ognizance. The'State of Oregon vs John Eubanks and
W. W. Moore. Recognizance.
The State of Oregon vs V. S. Bond and
Cynthia C. Mulkey, Recognizance.
The State of Oregon vs Geo. Wells, Lar-.
ceny from a Dwelling.
George Connell vs Ida M. Connell, Di
vorce. James A. Watkins vs, Elizabeth J. Watkins,
J. F. WT. Saubert, riff, vs F. II. Noble, et
id, Dft., Suit in Equity for an accounting and
dissolution of partnership.
Louis Belfils, et al, Plffsy vs John Stephani,
Dft. Suit in Equity for dissolution of partner
ship and for an accounting.
James E. Rice,,et al, Plffs, vs The Oregon
Cinnabar & Quicksilver Mining Co., et al,
Dfts, Suit in Equity to set aside a deed and
for a re-conveyance.
S. Marks & Co. Plffs, vs II. G. Crow, Dft.
Suit in Equity to set aside a fraudulent con
veyance. " -:
W. T. Kerley Plff, vs Harrison Allen, Dft,
Action at Law.
Joseph Cellers Tiff, us D. S. Stryker et al,
Defts. Confirmation. ;t
T. R. Sheridan, et al, riffs, vs J. F. W.
Sawbert, et al, Defts. Confirmation. rV
Rosalia Pelland, et al, Pit's, vs Thomas
O'Reilly, Defts. Suit to quiet title to real prop
erty. Uiraham Wheeler & Co. riffs.' vs M. E-
Pogue, et al, Defts. Confirmation.
Wm. Trask, Plff. vs Voltaire Gurney, ctal,
P. Wasscrman & Co. Plffs, vs R. T. Mc-
Culloch Deft. Confirmation.
School Commissioners Plffs. ' vs Geo. W.
Noah, et al, Defts. Confirmation.
J. Wr. Carlon, Plff. vs J. R. Dioxn Defts.
Action on Bond.
W. II. Byars Plffs. vs The Esther Gold and
Siher Mining Co. Defts. Action at Jaw to re
cover money. If'
John Applegate, Admr. of Estate of Chas.
Applegate, Dec'd, Plff. vs Mary C. Wells,
Deft. Suit in Equity for an Injunction and set
off of claims or money'judgments.
I. R, Dawson. Assigneer of Anlauf Bros, vs
Maria & Co. against J. W. Krewson & Co.
Garnishee, Defts.
J. S. Miller, et al, Plffs. vs Wm. McBee et
al, Defts. Action at law to recover real prop
David Gillam, Plff. vs Nancy Ann Gillam,
Deft. Divorce.
J. H. Jeilett, Pitt, vs Louis Belfils, Deft.
Action at law to recover money.
Wm. R. Willis Plff. vs James S. Levins, et
al, Defts. Action at law to recover money.
Agnes Attcrbury Plff. vs Eliznbeth Harris,
Deft, Action at law to recover money. -
f. R. Flint, Plff. vs Louis Belfils, et al,
Defts, Suit in Equity to foreclose a mortgage.
Solomon Abraham Plff. vs Randolph Rose,
clion at. law to recm-er moner.;-.. ' -
W. T. Kerley, Plff. vs J. G. Flook, et a!,
Defts. Suit in Equity to foreclose a .mortgage.
J. A. Kirkcnd:dl, et al, Tiffs, vs Thomas
Coffee et al, Defts. Action al law to recover
possession of personal property and damages..
Sol. Abraham, PI ff. vs E, Stephens, Deft.
Action at law to recover nlonev.
Phoebe E. Day, Plff. vs J. L. Coon, Deft.
Action at law to recover money.
C. Ball vs S. Minard, et al, Action at law
to recover money.
David Noah, Plff. vs Chauncy L. Hum
phrey et al, Defts. Suit in Equity To foreclose
a mortare.
S. Marks & Co. Tiffs, vs Zettie Minard and
and C. 'Ball, Defts. Action at law to recover
Henry Beckley & Co. riffs, vs Jos. Roberts
et al, Defts. Writ of Review.
J. T. Chancy, Plff. vs J. J. Whitsett ct al,
faction at law to recover money.
C. Ball Plff. vs S. Minard, Deft. "Action at
law to recover money.
Solomon Abraham, Plff. vs Jas, F. Levins;
Deft. Action at law to recover money.-
C..E. Tracy, Plff. vs Jas. McDonald Deft.
Action at law to recover money.
H. Beckley & Co. Plffs. vs Jas. F Levins,
Deft. Action at law to recover money.
N. N. Chapman Plff. vs Jas. D. Casady,
Deft. Suit in Equity to foreclose a mortgage.
Jno. Booth, etal Plffs vs Nettie B. Booth, ct
al Defts. Suit in equity for partition of real
Sol. Abraham, Plff. vs Odeson Commumit
te, Deft. Action at law to recover money.
J. W. Conn, Plff. vs Simon Caro and
Isador Caro Defts. Action at law to recover
School Commissioners, Plffs. vs R. T. Rose,
et al, Deft. Suit to foreclose a mortgage.
Peter McGregor, Plff., vs C. W. Morris, et
al, Deft. Suit in Equity to foreclose a me
chanic's lien.
D. Huff, Tiff, vs the County Court of Doug
las county, Deft. Appeal from County Court
on assessment of damages.
F. P. Hogan. Plff. vs Benj. Huntington
and Mary Huntington, Defts. Suit in equity
to foreclose a mortgage.
Lonverbia E. Jones, Plff. vs W. S. Jones,
Deft. Dfvorce.
J. H. Jellctt, riff, vs Geo. II. Shambrook,
Deft. Action at law to recover money.
The Grave Creek Ditch and Mining Co.,
Plff., vs John Rast, T. J. Criteser and J. C.
Fullerton, Defts. Action at law to recover
money. , :
Syrup of Fig.
Manufactured, only by the California Fig
Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures
Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid
frait remedy may be had of Dr S. Hamilton
at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is
the most pleasant, prompt and effective
remady known, to cleanse tue syftem;fto
act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen
tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches,
Colds and Fevers; to cnre Constipation
Indigestion and kindred il'?..
Parties having Heal Estate for sal or
those wishing to purchase will find it to their
interest to call at my office in if arks bnild
ing, Roseburg Or. J, C. Fullerton, .
A Trip to Coos Bay.
A visit to Coos Bay shows that the business
of our sister county' is steadily on the increase,
not from any boom! but by the influx of popu
lation and capital The vast mass of half
burned trees which-; for the last ten years have
served only as an iijdicaticn of when a settler
attempted to make ia farm are quickly disap
pearihg under the saw and ax of the new set
tiers and well fenced farms are appearing in
their stead. There is no place in Southern
Oregon where a man of grit can sooner make
a competency than in Coos county. No spec
ulator need apply. J
The new saw mill at Empire City is a great
curiosity to all visitors. I shall not attempt
to describe it as I know nothing of the busi
ness, but mill men jfrom this State and the
East unite in declaring it the most perfect on
the Coast. While i examining its wonderful
capacity one naturally enquires how it is to be
sustained. Where are the logs and where is
the market? The latter question is more easily
answered than the first. San Francisco and
other points on the Southern coast and the
isles of the Pacific njay furnish a market, but
to obtain a supply j)f the raw material is a
more difficult problepi. To premise the, hills'
around the sheet of water known at Coos Bay
were thirty years ago clothed with the finest
lumber in the world; Fire and the lumber
man have so demanded them that little but
match wood remains! In the mountains to the
east there still exist
immense forests in their
orignal grandeur but! it is at present inaccessi
ble-, besides it has been found that in the few
years the worm destroys the logs in the boom
at Empire City. T'lje only source of supply left
therefore is the Coqiislle river and its branches,
where the supply isipractically inexhaustible.
But to reach this a rjilroad is necessary and
when a railroad is cdnstucted to the Ccquille,
it would be extended to Roseburg as a matter
of economy. j
The people of Coqs arc somewhat litigous
id the docket was jargc at the September
term. Judge Bean was however epual to the
occasion and disposed of all of it in one week.
It is doubtful if any Of his brother judges can
show so fair a record j and I have heard it sug
gested that if he intends to preserve his health
he must not repeat the experiment.
timod Results in Xcoru Cas:
D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of
Chattanooga, Tcnn., writes, that he was seri
ously afflicted with a Revere cold that "settled
on his lungs: had tried many remedies without
benefit. Bcinc induced to trvDr. Kind's New
Discovery for Consumption, did so and was
entirely cured by use tf a few bottles. Since
which time he has used it in his family for all
Coi'ghs and Colds with best results. This is
the experience of thousands whose lives have
been saved by this Wonderful Discovery.
Trials Bottles free at S. Hamilton's Drug
Store. i
Elk 1Ifil Item.
On Tuesday Sept. 49 was the 50th. anniver-
saryofMrs. Harriet
Garroutle of Elk Head
and also the 24th. anniversary of her marriage
lo Mr. Joseph Garro
Ute. Over a score of
years this happy coup
e have walked hand in
hand through life's struggles, and on this anni
versary gathered around them their children
and grand children and enjoyed an excellent
birthday and marriage dinner. It was pleas
ant to witness such a icene. To think of the
bride of twenty four years' ago surrouned to day
!y grown sons and etaughters were -wishing
"Grand ma" many mr.j-e birthdays.
' The suit of Clark Huff for right of way
has been appealed to tjhe circuit court.
Miss Lina Simpson has returned to her home
near Drain. She has been visiting her sister
at this place.
Hon. Wm. M. Bogqs of Napa City Crd. and
one of the largest vinyhrdist of that place ex
pressed several boxes hi fine grapes to his son
Prof. Boggs. They arrived in a good state and
on being exhibited made Oregonians open
their eyes; bunches wejghing ten, twelve, and
fourteen pounds. 1 low is that for gtapes?
Elk 1 lead has only weekly mail. Such ar
rangements inconveince the residents of this
place. Why not haveimail come toYoncolla
on train and thence here three times p'er week.
j Xerxes .
' What Will Kuriiy Tio It.
One's hair begins to fall out from many
causes. The imbortant question is: What
is sure to make it grow in again? According
to the testimony' of tborisaud, Parker's Hair
Balsam will do it. It quickly covers bald spots
restores the original color when the hair is
grey or faded eradicates dandruff, and causes
the scalp to feel cool and well. It i3 not a
dye, not creaiy highly perfumed, safe.
Never disappoints those who require a n:ce
reliable dressing.
Oak firot'c Item.
The diphtheria is not so bad as it has been
here, but there are two new cases since last
week. j
School opened again Monday morning.
Mr. Treat did not teach last week on account
of the diphtheria. ; j
Jno. Ilervey Tr. returned from Coquille last
Mr. Bowman from Idaho Ty. is visiting at
Mrs. Wm. Hervey's. j
Mr. Jno. Story's folks will start to Washing
ton Ty. tomorrow, where they will make their
future home.
Mr. Jas. Burnett has! returned from Salem
where he spent last week attending the fair.
. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stevenson will start to
Rogue river this week, j
Grandma Bell is home ajrain and intends to
spend the winter with us.
One face is missed in the school room, that
of Wait Bush, whose death was chronicled last
week, Wait was a victini.of diphtheria. He was
a loving child. His disposition was all sun
shine cheering wherever it went. May he rest
in peace. . ;
Tired And Languid Women.
How many women there are of whom these
words are true: ,'they feel languid and tired,
hardly able to bear their weight on their feet.
the bloom all gone from their cheeks, irrita
ble and cross without meaning tobe,nervs al
upset, worried the "with children, fretted
over little things, a burden to themselves.
and yet with ns atute disease." What a
pity it is. But a few bottles of Parker's
Tonic will drive all thii away, and relive
the trobles peouliar to their sex. -
Glorious rain.
The city election last Monday passed off
quietly, a full vole being polled and some
interest manifested. Messrs. - Benedict and
Jones tied as candidates for Trustees, and Mr.
Benedict qualified as the fifth member of the
new board which was organized by the election
of H. C. Stanton as President; 189 votes were
polled and we append the result, leaving out
thg scattering voles for Trustees:
II. C. Stanton...... . .
John Rast ..,..
f. P. Sheridan
L. C. Wheeler.....
P. Benedict
A. C. Jones.
A. Partes. .......... ..............
W. F. Benjamin :
David Moore
B. F. Mathews
G. W. Hoover
. 44
. 40
Jtjhn Chase . .
J. F. Barker.
Tim Ford V....
E. F. Walsh..,
Tohn Howard . .
. . .. 29
G. J. Langenberg .
Jas. Wright
L. L. Hurd
Jas. M -ore . . . . . ,
S. T. Garrison . . .
Citiv fov 1'ilcs.
Piles are frequently preceded by a sense
of weight in the back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pose he has affection of the kidneys ir neigh
boring organs. At times, symptoms of in
digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness
of the 6tomaeh, etc. A moisture, like pers
piration, producing a very disagreeable itch-
ingj after getting warm, ia a common attend
ant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Tiles
yield at once to the application j of Dr.
Bosanco's Pile remedy, which acts directly
upon the parts effected, "absorbing J the tu
mors, allaying the .intense itching, and ef
fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents.
Address, The Dr. Bosaneo Medicine Co.,
Piqna, 0. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. '.
School lleport.
We append - the "report of the Roseburg
Public School for September as made by Prof.
J. B. Horner, Principal There were 18 days
taught by each teacher and no visits made by
the directors. The school is in a flourishing
condition and good progress is being made.
M y y t
c c
3 -
2 -
r 11
t 1 S vo S o I No. Days,
ff I 5s 8 I ' Attendance.'
to w w 8 , No. Days
:. ' ". g 00 Absence. :
vo m t oj No. Days .
. 4- so -vj ti w -..Tardiness.-"-
. w -u w No. P-ys
t s N M vp Enrolled.
jv m w oj No. Girls
o a.M Enrolled.
u cn en Total No.
; o w o n Enrolled. '
. k os o. cn o Average No.
. -t w 01 Belonging.:..
u c en cv cv Av'rage daily
t; N 0 o j Attendance.
, No. of
It so - O Oi O v .
w V lsitors.
I Corporeal
l Moment.
A Trip to m. Scott.
Give an account of. yourself said the City
dad as we returned from Mt. Scott. Well
after we got ready we started and w hen vve were
out of sight you didn t see us any more and the
fellow that couldn't get ready to start with us
of course had to come after. You might have
seen him, he believes as the old woman did
"that whatever keeps out the cold will keep
out the heat," and when we pulled off our
coals and spread the umbrella toward the
exced great light he buttoned a "long ulster
closely under his chin and walked into the
livery stable. .. I
It was Friday and upwards of some distance.
The team had been there before and address-
ed themselves to the journey as though it were
a matter of fact, they were there then and
like the reformation of times noblest cflsprir.g
were on the move. -
We went through Oak Creek, the others
might have gone the other way we didn't in
quire, we heard that one had been riding for
some time away from sunset and upon inquir
ing the distance was told that it is four miles
and a half farther he declared that he didn't
want to go East of the mountains, but to Fall
Creek school house, as though every body did
not know where he was going. He is lately
from the states and got lost in a "cow pen'
which made him very late.
Without changing the subject there are some
very nice homes along the road we went, sug
gestive of the substantial base upon which the
greatness of every state must rest.
We arove at the school house the music
was going and there was" dancing, we walked
in two by two as they did into the ark. Th
floor manager handed out a ticket saying "one
dollar and a quarter" for that was the oath by
which he was to swear. We were not scru
pulous and collectively we could dance to buy
patent scats for the school house. There were
forty numbers sold. We conclude that Mt
Scott is a very good place. We made many
pleasant acquaintances and through a supcrfi
cial robe of nonsence there was evidence of a
possession and respect of culture that makes
life beautiful and great. More anon.
Ala man d
Hard Times . ;
While money ia close, wages and prices
low, expenses should be cut down in every
household. Economy the watch word for
Mothers, head off Doctor bills, by always
keeping in the house, a bottle of Dr. Bo
sanko's Cough and Luna; Syrup. Stops Croup
and pain in the Cbe3t in one night, j It is
just the remedy for hard time?. Price 50
cts. and ?1.00. Samples fre-, Sold by S
Hamilton. i
. Rev. Mr McAllister, of Albany, will presch
at ithc' Court .House next' Monday evening,
l T &
the 1 2th. All are cordially Invited to attend,
No cellection - . j
, Of Confidence. .
AVrP'Q Sarsapariila is a medicine that,
" O durin.f neavlv 40 vcars, in all '
. parts of tho orld, kis proved Its erti
, cacy as the Lest blood alterative known r
to medical seienco. .v - -
SARQAPARII'I A Extracted from
tllOlriiViltml.n the root of the .
genuine Honduras Sr.rapr.rilla) Is Its ;
base, and n powers ro enhanced by :
the extracts of "Yellow Doek and Stif
linia, the Iodide of Potassium and
Iron, and other potent ingredients.
Q your blood vitiated bv donmgementi
w of the digestive and :isVhni!atdrv func
tions? is it tainted by Scrofula? or
does it contain tls polsou of Mercury
or C'ontnvious Disease?.'
THP leading phvIciain of the United
1 HE. states, who know tho composition
of Ayek's Salsatai'ILLA, ay that
1 nothing tdse so good for the purifica
tion of. the blood is within the range of
OfJI V '' t!l U5!e of this remedy is it
III I possible for a person who has
corrupted blood to attain sound health :
and prevent transmission of the de
structive, taint to posterity.
- include not only the removal of cor
ruption from the blood, but its enrich
ment aud the strengthening of tho
vital organ-i. .;..':. i
RCI IAD! ET witnesses, all over tho
CLlfAauZ. world, testify that this
work is better aceomplishea by Ater's
Sarsapaiulla than by any other
." remedy. j
jni flhn '3 crruPted through dis
uLuUU case is made pure, and" blood
weakened through diminution of tho
red corpuscles u made, strong, by
' Ayer's Saksaparilla. i
ciimrrift!r tuc blood aud building
rUttir Ylfala up the system require
time in serious eas-es, but benefit will
be derived from the use of Ayer'8
Sarsaparilla more speedily than
from anything else. i
par-niinirif for which like effects are
filCfilUlilSl falsely claimed, is abun
dant in the market, under many names,
but the onlv preparation that has stood
the test of time, and proved worthy of
th3 world's confidence, la -J
Myers Sars
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists: Price fl;
Six hottl3 for $5.'
11: .13: BERG,
I w il I not ho rmderso!d . L The way
to test tlia Pudding is the eating of it.
'Administrator's Bale.
1 riershroed 'Adrnhililrttor of the Estate of Sarah
Brown, law; of IViUilas county. Orceon.
has been duly lii-er.sed and directed by the County
Conn of Douglas County, Oregon, bvan order m
and eutered of Kecord outho 7th day- of September
iyoa, voen an inc rtgnt ana interest of the tstate
01 mm baran irowu mlho lain! hereinafter described
I .will, ia pursuance of said ordor and . license, outba
2d dav of November, 18is5, n tho hour of 10 o'clock,
a, m. of suid day. on the jtrmises in 'aid1vinni.v
and state, null t .r ci.shU. S. Gold Coin, in hand-I at
rubtic Auction to the- highest and best bidder all
the rijilit., title and interest of said estate in aod to
said real property described as follows: . ,
CtmeK-in$rat a post to sections 3 and 4, 33'andL
S!, T. '25 mid ii, S it. 5 W, ruumnsr 1 thence N. 80
degrees, W. 2j.l3 :baia, then; S. U chains, thenca
E. 7.C0 chains, the sice H. 53.01 chain thmic V. at
drains, tbeuco E. 14.ii7 chains, tkence 54 degrees, B,
10 chains, thence S. 1 decree aud 20 minutes W.
ma chains to tno ?!ae-o nf beinoning-, all beinir
n See. 4. T. 3-1. S. It. 5 W. of the Willamette Mririin
iu Iou..r!as county, Oratfon. j
Also LotW Sand 6 in Liock I in Crow's addition ta
the town of Oh I Oakland, i:i D-jajrhuj-county, Oregon..-l-atid
tiiis 17th day of September liso.
C. A. benlbrede. Administrator.
Oregon, in and for the County of lour!as.
W. ivsiiLKT, Plaintiff, 1
J. G. Floor, Eli.fn Floor ami F. II. Noble, De
fendants. - i
Suit iu Equity to foreclose a Mortgage.
To F. IL Noble- tbo above oamod defendant:
You arc hereby required to appear aud answer the
complaint 011 file against you iu the abo e entitled
Court aii-1 c.w3e wherein W. T. Kerley is pi 11 11 tiff
and .J, O. Flook, Eilca Flook and F. H. Noble are
defendant's S.une beiag a suit to foreclose a mort-
-e 00 real property, on or before tho first day of
tho next regular tcriii thereof, towit: On Monday
the l'Jth day of October !Ss5. And you are hereby
hotiflttd that if you fail to appear and answer the
said eompi.iirt, as above required, the said plaintiff
will apply to Use court, tor me relief i tit-mended in
tho --aid eomrvUnt to wit; For a judgorneut and de-
cree-3i-.f Ioivc': turo ana saio or tne mortjfaijed
premwes deicrilcd In the con.ipfouit.fNed in the suit
and Use proceeds applied to th -ayment of the
costs a'id dtsbursenwnt? and attorney fees of this
suit and the espenswi of said sale and toward the
payment of sni i ttebt Tiieo tinned in u"tn)laint and
that p'aiutiif Imve xs-"uti'v for the balance of said
1 . . 5 . .. 1 , . 1. . I . , . . 1 1
CiH 11 aii.v y ue .m-i ioj suuii ui-uer nu luiuier
relief as the t'cnrb may deem proper.
This Summons is by an Sorderof Hon.
U. S. Bean Jndfre of sa,Ul Court made j on the 24th
day ot August lh5. i
- L.ASS &
Attorneys for riaintifl.
, CjJanrdian SalcV 5
"VTOTICE hereby jven that under and by virttM
1 of an order licensing me as Guardian of the Es
tate of Robert G. and Nancy R. Balderree to sell all the
real estate of my said wards mitde and entered in the
county court of Douarhw County and State of Oreeoa
on Sept. 7th lsss. I 'iyi offer for sale on October
2l8t lsr at one o'oIockP. M. on the! premises for
I c.v-ih in baud and sell to the highest bidder therefar
all the rivjht title a'.Ki mterest of my said wards of in
and to the ft,Iiov.;n described lands to wit: an un
divided two sevenths interest in the following lands
Lots, 4, 5 and H and S. E. of N. W, and W. B.
of S. W. I and Lot 3 of S. 34 and N.t W. i of N. W.
I of S. :M and an undivided ona seventh interest 1ft
tho folio- iptr: Tt 1 and E. J of S. W. J of . tf
and lot FS. 2S all in T. 20 3. 11. 10 Vf. In Dovfb
County and State of Oncer n.
Pated September 131 sS5. ," i
G. IL 'Ealdorre
' . -" - - j- Guardtuia
''-iand O.'Tice at Roseburg-, Oregon, Sept. 24th 18S5
lwi:iv: named settler Las filed notice of his intention
to make final pro- f in Kv.pport of his claim, and that
said proof wil 1 be made before tbo Register or Re- 1
cetrer at Roseburg Land OrSoe on Thursday Novem
ber f th 1S35, viz: William 3. Burchardi Pre-emption .
D. S. No. 4-.HZ for the LoM 4 & 9 Sec. 14 Tp. 22 S. R. .
9 West W. Si. He names tha following witnescrs t
prove hiswritinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said Livid, viz: C. Hacker, Wna, Sajebartl, Job
Uatfleld, Jay Shepherd, all ol Scottsburjr, Dougls-J
County Orcifon. W. F. Bekia.i Registtr.
No! ice for Publication.
1mA Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ''Oct. 8th, 18C5.
i. lowtnrr uamed settler hes tiled notice of hi In
tention to make final proof in sr.pportiot his claim,
and that said proof will be made bcforS the Register
or Reecher at Ro?cburj Jjs,vA Oiliae, on Frilay,
Nosembs-T 15th.' 1685, viz: Win. R. Eteohons Prs
emptitt D. fi; No. 45.5, for the W i of 8W 1 Ssa. 2,
Tunuhin It Wm: ' . J .
J He names trio following w:fnwses! to prove Ms
tu81''? j!U;li"n
j laRd. via: Al. 1 n.-les. JI. L. Envies, J. Matthews,
j allot Patterson. Mill, lkuas t.,- J.i J. Thornton,
W; f. B E VJAMIN, Rc-ioU f
,4 ''I