GENEBAL KOTES AUD MEWS. rnenmonia caused iieai-ly a fifth of the ' "leajiha in Boston during March, The President lias appointed Israel Lavr ton to te superintendent of tho mint at San --Francisco. Perry Dav$i, of PainrKiJler fame, has lsen -an inmate of a Pennsylvania almshouse -for $he last fifteen years. Seventeen houses were moved from Yaki ma City to North Yakima .during tf?o past freek. ,.. - . , Another cloudburst in Siskiyou county, Cl., last week, some eight or nine miles porth of Yreka, did considerable damage to piacy settlers. ; ' The fish wheel at Bra.lfprd's island is tak ing abont two tons of salmon a day, less than a fourth of wht wag being taken at this time ast year. " Jim Ben wick won th five furlong race at ftoney Island on the I lth, in 1:022. Flocks of blackbirds are cheeking the de- ' Mies Emma Nevada, the American prima donna, was recently the guest pf the Pnnce and Princess of Wales. Hoggin's California horse Tyrant got bad-; , y left in the fJaat, after gaining a great rep-; jitatiop on previous races. - California by recent telegraphic dates, daimo 862,000 tons of wheat for export, and ' introduces good figures to prove it. t The excitement in Arizona on account of the Indian outbreak is increasing, and the citizens are askirg the government for bet ter protection than that afforded by the few troops there. A number of settlers have been killed and the Indians have not yet been punished. L. J3.'; Meyers, the American champion Amateur runner, won every tHng near Man chester, Errand, on the 13th. He ran a half mile in 1:51 J. ' ' I. N Bibbs, the absconding postmaster of JLwiaton, Idaho, who stole $20,000, has been caught at Harn'son river, B. C, with 10, 600 in his possession. -- The secretary of the treasury has issued a circular directing customs officers to collect ij alien immigrant tax of 50 cents each from foreigners coming to this country as tourists or travelers in transit to other countries, as - jvell as from those coming to this country to reside. . A shrewd Indianapolis man, out of work, . wrote an unsigned note, stating that he had Irowned himself, and begging that the ca jial might be. dragged for the body. Then he applied to the authorities and eeenred the job of dragging for tho body, and cleared a hundred dollars for the work. A dispatch from Paikersburg, West Vir ginia, June 18th, says the situation in Jack pon county is becoming pcrious. A hundred families are on the vere of starvation, and pnless aid is spepdily extended by the. re mainder of the State or the ojtside world the most disastrous results may be expected. New Orleans, June 21. Director General Burke has gone to Washington to make ar rangements for securing the .135,000 appro priated by the last congress for the payment of c'aims ol foreign creditors of tho exposi tion. This sum, together with the amount he old company Mill receive from the new company for the plant, etc., will be suffi cient to pay all the former company's credi tors in full. Lord Randolph Churchill insists upon a thorough re-organization of the Conservative party, sending Sir Stafford Northcote to, the lpse of Lords, making Sir Michael Hicks iknch leader iu the House of Commons and excluding other members of the old cabinet. The President has appointed William A. pay of Illinois to be second Auditor of the " treasury, vice Orange Ferris, resigned by request. Shasta county, Cal., is h-.ving a big boom In quartz, some rich ledges having lately been discovered near the Middle Cr;ek H. . JL station, Brazil is prepairing lor the gradual eman cipation pf her slave?, and the law governing process estimates that a human being, as an prticle of merchandise, depreciates at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. The Qtieenhas created Lord Wolseley a knight of the order of St. Patrick, in suc cession to Lord O'Hagan. This is in recog nition of his success against El Mahda, The report of the grand secretary of the 1,0. G. T . shows 104 lodges in good work ing order, with a membership of 3203 males 84?, females 1466. It is estimated that here are 225 members who have not re ported. The peach regions of Delaware, Mary land and Virginia indicate that the crop will Je the largest in ten years, if not the great est ever known. The discharged railroad men at the rate of 100 per day are leaving Yakima, many walking and carrying blankets. A man back east has committed suicide by wallewing a handful of tacks. It is certainly a funny way of "tacking" himself up. At Whatcom, W. T. recently 320,000 feet of lumber was sold for SI GOO, or ?5 a thous and feet, considerably less than the logs cost Secretary Whitney delights to study na yal architecture. He ia a Ligger man than old Noah. The President 13 regarded as a sort of jolly big uncle by the two littlo daughters of Col Lamont. James Garfield, the son of the late Presi. dent, is a tall b'ond, while Ids brother Har prisa short brunette. A storm in Iowa last Sunday killed many people and destroyed about one million dol lars worth of property. Farris is prepairing to get rid of her nn mcrous beggars by sending them to Cayenne there to colonize and support emsciyes by beflfging from each other. The idea is bor rowed from the man who got rich by chang jjngj his money from the right pocket to the eft and back again, deducting interest and discount at each transfer. ThelW.T. Dk Witt Talm age contem plates making a European journey during the summer. He v ill leave early in J uly and toiu his wife and daughter who have already sailed for England, in Switzerland, lie will Remain until the first f September. SOUTHEEH EEVIVALIST. Sam Jones' Terse Eemarks and Sayings. One sin cuts the soul adrift from God. ' If I had a cveei I'd sell it to a mu seum. What's culture worth if it's notliing but whitewash on a rascal? I'd rather be in heaven learning my A B C's than in hell reading Greek. I have little taste for theology and botany, but I love religion and flowers. I can't bribe God's grand j ury nor de fythe court that tries me at the last day. "I have doubts," says one. Well you just quit your meanness and you will quit doubting. If a man hasn't enough religion to pray in his family he hasn't enough to save his soul with. ; God have mercy on a man whe pro fesses to be a Christian and has not got it from head to foot. Be honest and pay your debts. There's too many men in the Church boarding with their wives. I've seen men not afraid to die, but I never saw a man that was not afraid of the judgement of God. Everybody ought to keep good com pany. -There is not an angel in heaven proof against bad company. It's not so much when and where a man join3 the Church. It's all right, just so he sticks up to it. Twelve years ago I consecrated my self to God, and since that time have never had an invitation to a ball. Amman's hates and his likes deter mine character; a man's infirmities de termine what he is and who he is. If you are ready to say to-night, "I've done, I've quit." then you are right where God can put his hand on you. ' ' ' ' . I would rather associate with a dog than with a profane swearer. I say things that sound strange, but I've weighed 'em. If you want to know where all the gratitude of my heart centres to-day I will tell you. I go back to that August day when I got Christ. Religion is a reality with me, as much so as the fact that I've got four fingers on each hand. "I believe," is i the ground on which I stand. What is judgement! It is the equi ble adjustment of all issues. What is it in the ecclesiastical sense? It is the final session of the Church in heaven. If you will let me, I would cut loose the last ligament that binds you to sin and let you swim out into the bottom less, boundless ocean of the love of God. Perhaps if you don't talk of your religion it is because you hav'nt any religion to talk about. Folks with ill health don't go 'round bragging on their physician. I would not take the record of some people who hear my voice to-day, and go to the judgment bar. of Christ for all the money in the universe of God, and goodness knows I am poor enongh. A man will tell you that no one can get religion without going to the altar. Why, altars started down in Georgia sixty-nine years ago,' and I tell you, you can be a christian without an altar, Conscience! Thank God for every cultivated and enlightened concience on the face of the earth. The saddest sisjht the world ever saw is an outraged conscience that lias been outraged by sin until it is as if it had been seared and branded with a hot iron. Thank God for a bee-line to a good World. Do you know what that means? The bee, after going from flower to flower with its velvet trdad, and after extracting the honey, soars above the tree-tops, and makes a bee- line for its hive. Happy, happy, thrice happy will we be when we can strike a bee-line for a good world. What is the record of the members of the Churches of this town? Ten thousand gallons of liquor sold to-day by a member of the Methodist Church, My God! A mother's tears a Church's prayers can never wipe it out.- I can't defy the great God that tries me at the last day. I cannot rush up in the face of the great God, who m the beginning held a flaming mass of eternity in his powerful arm until every spark that flew faom it made a world. Many fellows pray for rain with their tubs bottom side up. God can' fill a tub in that way, unless he ex ercises gravity. You put your tub right side up, hoops tight, and close up under the eaves, and you will hear something thunder. It is not asking much of you to ask you to believe on the Lord J esus Christ. I believed on him for twenty-five yearr but I did not believe on him as much, as the devil did. The devil believed on him and trembled I believed on him and went on drinking. I have as much right to go out and get drunk as any man in Nashville, Who gave you the right? Who gave you the right to lie and to swear and to steal? I do not want any man to ioin the Church and do like he does. An old woman gava the best defini tion of religion and repentance 1 ever heard. Repentance is being so sorry Tor your meanness you won't do it any more. Religion is, if God will just forgive me for it I ain't going to want to do it any more, : State Sews The State library has received about $500 worih of law books from Saint Louis and San Francisco. This is the second lot of books received within two mqnths. -.,-.... All work on the go vernment jetty at Yaquina bay . has ceas d. Mr. Pol hemus the superintendant, will re main a few days longer taking sound ings of the bar. O. G. Savage, who sued the city of Salem for 20,000 for injuries re ceived sometur.e ago, by falling throug a rotten bridge, has recov ered $1200 and costs. The Session laws have just been completed and are now in the binder's hands. They contain over 600 pages, and are the largest ever issued in Or egon, The rules and regulations for applications for pardons from tho Pen itentiary, have also been published in pamphlet form,- by the governor's ad visory committee. Th car of the United states' fish commissioners reached Portland re cently, with 10,000 hard Bhell clams from Tacoma, and of a variety un known on the Atlantic coast. They are packed in the sai.d of their native beds and covered with seaweed, which is watered twice a day with salt wa ter. They are to be planted at Wood's Hole, in Massachusetts. ' Morrow county has five prisoners in jail. There are more'entries for the State Fair races this year, than ever before. 'Two attempts which have been made lately to wreck a tiain near Turner, were unsuccessful. r Edward Hilton of Umatilla countv, was murdered by an Indian while out hunting recently. Eastern Oregon contiguous to Snake - river, ; will yield about nine million bushels of wheat this year. Belva Lock wood is coming to lec ture in Oregon. Columbia river salmon, are put up by Chinamen at 42 cents a case. Oue hundred and nine Perchercn horses valued at $90, 000, were shipped from New York a few days ajro. to Baker countv. William Dunbar, a Portland com mission me -chant, was recentl v con victed for having oleomargarine or im itation butter in his store for sale, and not marking the samo as required by the law. A Boston drummer who had trac ed a great deal and knew "every thing," r( in his mind,.) -was relieved of a $400 diamond pin recently, wfnle on a spree in 'the noble stale of Or- ejron ve Know. Judgo Bo'so has issued a peremp tory mandamus, compelling the Hon. R P. Earhart, Secretary of St ite, to issue warrants on the State Treasurer in favor of the State Agricultural col lege, for the amount due it under the provisions of an act passed by the last legislature. The thirty third degree of the A. F. & A. M., has been recently conferred on a few Masons in Oregon,- for their proficiency. There are only eight gen- tlemn-in the state who have had this distinguished honor conferred upon them. About forty per cent of the shad sent to Oiegon, died, but the Willam ette river at Portland received 500,000 and the Snake river at Ainsworth, 100,000. Senator Sherman. s remarks in Sa lem and Portland to encourage home industry, and patronize small man ufactures, were very important. There are a great many small manufacturers, who if given encouragement, will m time be of great benefit to the state." The Coos Bay News is informed that Getchells cannery on the Ccqui'lo, will be run to its full capacity this Beason. The cannery will furnish the fishermen with boats and nets, and will pay them a stipulated price for the salmon. It u theintention to run 15 boats beside seines, when the season opens. A correspondent at Washington, says the President ard the administra tion are entirely opposed to all acqui sition of territory, whether of Mexico, Cuba, or elsewhere. He believes that we have now as much territory, ,fnd as large an amount of illiterate and incon gruous material in our population, as we can safely manage. That he is to tally opposed to an aggrandizing for eign iolicy, and believes we have work enough to do at home, reforming our own administration. To get much for little, is the real quintessence nf happiness. Muoh for little has been the cry of Jew and Gentile for thousands of years, and to get much for little, men sacrifice their fortunes, their lives, and their sacred honor. On the one side, to get much money for little work,, and on the oth er sde, to get much work for littlo money, make most of the trouble be tween employer and em ployed.-American Miller, Making Syrup from Beets. We were pleased to meet with a gentleman, -Mr. - Page Minor, who is interested in works situated on the Columbia river, near Cape Horn, for the manufacture of syrup from beets. We had not been aware that any ex periment was in progress amon us for the growing of sugar beet", or for ma kins use of them in manufactures. It seems that this concern has worked the beet to very good advantage, and has now oil hand 3000 keep of syrup made from them. Of course, it re quires some rectifying process to en Ue them to make good syrup or sugar, but if they have established the fact that sugar beets can be grown to advantage, that is something done of importance. Sn gar and syrups are so low in price now, that it will be a dif ficult .matter to establish extensive manufactories. Wo read that Euro pean sugar making from the beet, is proving slow business just now be cause sugars are so cheap, and in con sequence those factories are paid heavy subsiclie?.. To have demonstrated that we can grow sugur beets to advantage, is something gained, and to manufac ture "at all, is valuable experiment. We wish the- enterprising gentleman interested in the work all possible suc cecs. Willamette Farmer. - Tjssful Monkejs The newest service rendered by n.on keys to mankind, was recently illus trated in London. In one of the school districts, there weie a great many pa rents who reported " no children " in their families; and in order to ascer tain the real number of children in the district, tho school officers resorted to an ingenious expedient. Two monkeys were gay ly dressed: put in a wagon: and accompanied by a brass band, were paraded through the streets of the district. At once, crowds of chil dren made their appearance. The pro cession was stopped in a park, and the school officers began their work, dis tributing candies to the voungstersj and taking their names and addresses. lhey round out, that over sixty pa-r rents kept their children from school So the monkevs and the brass band brought about 200 little girls and boys to sciiooi, wincn surely, was a verv good use for the monkevs. When any farm crop commands a paying price, it is folly for the farmer to turn speculator, and hold for a pos sible lise. Once a crop brings a pi ice above the ateragf, hundreds of thou sands of faiiicrs i in mediately jump a' tho con :hijion teat they can make an etra proH by j-reducing ihaf crop, with the rifciilt, that in a fsw mouths the amount of that croj on the market is doubled or trebled, and prices fall lo.ver than Wore the rise. Not Ions igo, some hales of hops were sold in the state of New York at Sheriffs sale for seven cents a pound. Those hops at one time, could have been sold at one dollar or more, a pound; but the owner had turned speculator, and ex peeted still higher prices. While this is an extreme case, yet the incident is suggestive to those who have farm pro duce to sl), and especially to those who are owirg money, and dependant upon the return of sales of their crops for the means of payment. State Rights Democrat. There are some new developments in the Maxwell-Preller murder at St. Louis, which will probably make' an examination of the full details of the tragedy, necessary. It is now intima ted, that a conspiracy to defraud an insurance company, is at the bottom of the whole affair. It is even claimed, that.Preller i3 still alive, and that the body found in the trunk, was the sub ject of a medical student, put there for the purpose of leaving the impression, that Prellcr had been murdered, in or dor that twenty 'thousand dollars insu ranee said to have heen placed in Lou don, might be secured by certain par ties. Preller's relatives are very anx ious to get tho money, but the com pany refuses to pay, until it is clearly demonstrated that Prellei hs been the victim of a cruel murder, and is not a party to a fraud. Frauds of the same character have been perpetrated before, ana this mystery bhould be sifted to the botiom. - Revilland said very lately in speech in London; To-day, France is a "tabula rasa," a nation without a religion. In that fallow ground, it is true, weeds grow. ; Frivolity and li centiousness abound, especially in Paris, and in some other districts; but foreignerswho have themselves con tributed to make Paris what it is, must not isdge of all France, by Paris. The day of grace for France, has not yet passed. She has given more mar tyrs than any country in Europe, and the sowing time, has been a time o weeping, It often is so, as the sower thinks of the risks that intervene be tween sowing and reaping; but ia this case the harvest is certain, for God is faithfuL REGflt! STATE UU. SGI! 33K.iisr,ORi:ao2sr. Graduates Receive State FOR rAKTICULAES, ADDKESS - HENRY I,. Would Respectfully Announce to , Tha Ever Before to Xuunish taKVEIT TIIIIN G JJS THEIR MTV iC.TSa- HAVING lately added a New J. A. Fav Moulding aa of the VEK Y JB&bT ' A FINE STOCK OF MOULDINGS A"ND SUGAR FINE CEuAK RUSTIC, CHAIN SAWKU I'LOOKINU rUKNlSiiiSlJ UJX SHOKl 'UJJ!.. UAH.x LUMBER and FEA'CINU furnished at UAKi) TIME PHICUS. Oood sound CEDUt POSTS, liAJLlJNG, PICKETS, oiCy lor t I3i& e.-NCiau a special. . T7OR Reference seo Residence of Cy. smith, 4 miles bound to make the best Lumber and to pre satisfaction. ; Uivc us a trial. A 11 orders left with Thou. Sheridan will be promptly filled, and all Lumber delivered on shor Dotice after May 1st. All orUem blioula be Aadrcbsea . John or Robert Booth will undersold ! in Lumber. i - . have the best. not b8 They Simuel Marks, Af?iiER S. MARKS1 l Co. -DEALERS IN ' HAVE CONSTANTLY ON II AND- - Croclssry, Glassware, Wool and Produce iion AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. . S. MA-XIICS .to CO ITCH But before you do W. G-. WOODWARD' MIT .0- n -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SABBIiB One of the Biggest and'Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. I use nothing ibut the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DONT FAIL TO CALL ON ME l W. C? Woodward ZZoqeburg. 00L! Educational Diploma. ! , ' . BENSON, A. M PLAIN, OREGON. the Public that They are Beiter Matching Mac'une we will Keep au immense sto-jlt ! ! WELL SEASONED CEDAPw PINE LUMBER! j - - above town or ur. Hamilton s, uoseDury. ne are to ; Voltaire' Grumy 1 LOOKING GLASS OREGON. Mai - k?,; .W.-...J. Fkiedla:;per Provisions, Cigars, ' Boats and Slices. o esenp- - Ro$oburg, Or. UP! tliat come 'round to f every D Bough! f M (fl P M - - AT ;;WrT)TTiTiA:i would respsctfally inform tha pnMc that has ou Laud a tins asiortmeut of Dry C 9iL4, Groceries, and in fut every thin? ti3 j il!y kapS i a t c ass store. Give mm a call ; Goods at Low Pricoo "AH Kiatls of Protluco Taken .11 yq f jr G tsA onlera pro.nptly attaaJtd to 1 9 ni u sin Owned by J. W. Carlon, t'1 noted lloi scuian. . ! This Fumoos Horse is IGh hands high, weighs over 1,400 lbs, iaot m hogjny Bay Color. , Six yewra old next June, Pel feci in Form, Limb and Boil v.. .. :.. . : CiLYDSS was sired at Salem hy tlie noted imported G lex eld, winner t the Centennial 1876, uid iinpovted into the United States ly Jus, bur rows, purchased in 187G by Major Bruce, and by him brought, to Oiegon. Gleneld was sired by the greit Scotch . prizs winner, Johnny Copp, that won moi-c prizes than anyother horso in his day.'..;-H:s dam was by thojnstly renowned, Glexald. CLYDE'S dam is t!io noted Henry a n.i Ilamiltonian, brought from Illi nois to Oregon in ISGrf, and pu refused by Jesse Cornelius. "Tin attention of all Farmers and Horsemen is called to the above partic ulars, and they are asked Lo call and see. this beautiful horse and get terms. Good pusttirage ftirnishei at reason able . rates. E et v possiWe care will be taken to preveiit aceiilents or. es capes, but no rsp')U.sioiii-y ussumed. For further partietilars see or address J. W. CAlvLON, Fvo.seburg, Oregon. mi m 8 SHOWS ) liilixli&U LSUifil how . to proportion cornice?, to make moulding ilovv to make Eave and Make 'mould' ding; gunge a.tapmiug stick 8 square; make. u top mitre box; get tho length of hii rafters; "-jet tl.e backing for the same, ir t th e trt a JHC k rafteis; Wt the length of " alh'V ' rafters; "et th hip for a ei'iK-ave rt..f; get the , j anl pitch rojf; cut the lop end of mould ing for . ake; strike a circle with a square; draw a spir.d. AUo the 47th pioblem; of titl id explaiiii! in a Ufff vt a v, tjr; t. itvntrhl t u7Jtji&-a, Piacni iiO wnts. FOii SALE AT THE REVIEW j OFFICE. F.03EBTJ 111 G POCEUY STOUR ROBr. EAST )N, rEOPItlETOR. r' - 1 .. - ...---. . Jackson Street, door tcuth ;t Mr. Comjtm'. ISA JUST 2J2'IE3VSD A ' A STOCK. OF CANDIES, NUT,", CAKES, c Backers, teas, spici, SUGARS, .CANNED GOODS COFFEES, ETC., ETC., ETC, I Exchange Goods for Good Butter; and Fresh Eugs MY GOCD3 mRE ALL FRESH, ; , HOBi EASTOX. BlacksmithinG 1. '5J. M ATI5EWS IIAVIXO LEASED BOW B i Bros. Blacksmith Bbop is wtvr pi-fparcd to to 1 work in the tilaek iuli!iii Line iu a hrgt'dM uuunr. . IIo net&ofsiaK a ;eciiUY ' .- ISAAC 'MATHEWS, Hs Just Opened Opposite Carlons Stable. J nicy Hog t Moderate Prices I OJlIfli f,en'1 six c'n1' 'lr posUsrs. en I ft lite fi J1r'lve free, costly boxot sttHxl il l i 8 LA jwlticU will help all, f either ex to more money rilit away tluvn an tiling else ia th world, f ortune? aw.iit the workers absolutely ur M or d -rut- THUK nd Va., Aujraots, Mjjn. 1085 rflVAlXABLETO w;u be mailed F'nrrr?:J 'i ti to all applicanu f 1 1 . C - i and to customer! of last year itioat " ordering it. It contains illustrations, prlcea, deicriptions and directions for plantinf a3 Verrtable and Flower 8I2.1DS, t D.M.FERRYaCO.DJSiT Pedes'.rians and teamsteifj at tiia North turn to the right at meeting. Drivers in England invariably turn to Jie left. ; In France and Switzerland they turn to the right. In the South ern (states, they have no well settled custom, but now a crusarle has been begun by the newspapers there, to fix tho habit of turning to the right One of thera "' re marks that " preachers shculd talk it from the pulpits, teach ers s:)Ould inculcate it upon the minds of their pupils, and parents should teach i: to their children. n n s fs r 1 J Far' . -. . - .: 'V f , .1 i. ..,