1 .! THE REVIEW THE BEVIEY7 HAS THE - FINEST JOB OFFICE t IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLASTS, And other Printing, including Large ail Hsavj Pesters ail Siow Eaul-Bilis, Keatiy and expeditiously nentd ' AT PORTLAND PRICES. IS ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS, BY J. R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor. our One Year - - -Bix Months Three Months - - - $2 50 - - 1 50 1 00 These ire the terms of those paying la slrsjnce The Rkvizw offers fine Inducements to idyertiaers. Terms reasonable. VOL. -X. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1885. NO. 12. .zsf V 1L V V O JOHN LAKE. LANE & LANE ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main Btreet, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J. C. FULLERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HTJ Office In Marks' brick, up stairs. A. F. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Next door to llogan's Store. W. N. MOORE, General Insurance Agent. .Office at Court House, ROSEBURG, : : : : OREGON. . . SCKOCJGS, JB4 JEfceal Estate .Agfexit, Office with Lane & Lank, opposite the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Roseburje, Douglas County, Oregon. ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE AND CITY property Bought, Sold or Leased on Com mission. Exchanges of Real Estate effected. mar20-tf J. JASECULEK, PRACTICAL Watclmater. Jeweler and Optician, ALL WORK WARRANTED. Deoler In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. AND A FULL USE Of Cigass, Tobacco & Fancy Goods. Th only reliable ()ntomer in town for the proper adjust ment oi spectacles ; always on nana. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spec tacles and Eyeglasses. Office In Hamilton Brick Block, IIOSEUUJXU. OREGON. lANGmiBERG'S Boot and Shoe Store ItOSEB URU, OREGON, On Jackson Street, Opposite the Post Office, Keeps on hand the largest and best assortment of Eastern and San Francisco Roots and Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, And eTerytbing in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Beat of Leather and Warran all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice. I keep always on hand TOYS AND NOTIONS. Musical Instruments and Violin Strings a specialty. ' LOUIS LAXGEXBERG. JOIEL. MINTIE, TI1E SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearny St., San Franciscd.Cal. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private diseases with wonderful success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY - Ofg A nkvER FAILIXG - IniTUK for W.rrnna Iia. oUity. Seminal Weak ness, nxnausted vltal- i ty, Spermatorrhoea, LOST MAX 11001, l ui jv v-n--j .a. ui ai j oio( Proetatorrhoea, and all the terrible effects of Mf-abuse,youthful fol- ies a ad excess in ma- urcr years, sucn as Loss of Memory. Lassi. tuae, xsouiuruai i.iiu&tuons, aversion to society. Dimness of Vision. Noises in the Head, ex cesses In drinking intoxicating liq uors, the vital fluid passing unobserved in the urine, and many other diseases that lead to lnsamtv and death. Dr.iUiitle.who is A Regular Physl slan. Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will aaree to forfeit Hundred Dollars for a case of . this kind the Vital lleistorative (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, or for any thing impure or injurious found in iu Dr. 31 in tie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation Free. Thorough examination and advice, including analysis or urine, ss.uu. trice or vital e storative. $1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5.00; Bent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D., secured from observa tion, and in private name if desired by Dr. nintie. u Kearny Htreet, San Fran Cisco, Cal. Send for lists of questions and pampniec SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE, Will be sent to any one apply ing by letter.statlng symptoms, Bex and age. Strict secrecy in res Cards to all business transactions. Dr. 311 n tie's Kidney Remedy, XE P1IRET1CU jI, Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Leuchorrhcea, etc. For sale by all druggsits; $1 1)B.MIXTIE'S DAXDFXIOX PILLS are the best and cheapest DJTSPEPSIA and uiLiiotJn cure in the market, tor sale by an aruggisis. dr, liebic's WONDERFUL German Invigorator Men who are bcffer- Jng from Disease and eakness broiiehtonby earlv imnnidence op ex cesses, causing nervous debility, premature decay lost manhood, etc., having tried in vain every known remedy, should procure immedi ately DR. L1KBIU S IN VIUOKATOR NO. 2. THE DOCTOR will agree to forfeit $1000 for a case undertaken, not cured. The reason why a many cannot get cured of weakness and above diseases is owing to a complication called PROSTATOrtKxifiA. witn Hyperesthesia, which requires special treatment. DR. LIEBIG'S INVIGORATOR NO. 2. under our advice and special treatment, is the only native cure for PROSTATORRHEA.. ir T.TEBIG &CO. for the past nineteen vears have made an exclusive specialty of the treat ment of diseases or men. if nimnlM aDDear on the face, if you become listless and despondent, look out for the compli cation with Semiaal Weakness and loss of Vi talitv known as Prostatorrhea. Hundreds of Via hiwn lost, and thousands have lost their nroperty and pleasure in life from its ef- frrr Varicocele, or wormy veins or the scro- tn-m nftn the unsuspected cause of Lost Man- .J rwhtlrv. etc. DR. LIEBIG'S Invigorator. No. is the only known remedy for the above enmnlication. and a perfect and permanent on r h cmaranteed In all cases undertaken a advice and treatment. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. t rirAvn t.h wonderful power of the IN VIG OR ATOR, A $2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. Call or address. Dr.Xlebls Co' Private Dispensary, I r. LANE. 400 Geary St., San Francisco, cau Samuel Harks. Ashxb Marks. S. lrlARKS 2c CO., DEALERS IN HEML -HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND- (Mil, Dry Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Wool and Produce of AND THE VERY HI Gil EST CASH PRICES PAID FOB TIIEM. MARKS fc CO., - HITCH XJF1 .Gut before you do W. C. WOODWARD'S If AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE. On of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. "W. Gr. Woodward, Roseburg Or. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OREGON. They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of GENERAL MAHDWAI&E Ever brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinware, They are prepared to declare they have the ern Oregon, which they propose selling Cheaper In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, superior inducements to purchasers. Try us. We can give you bargains in the following BUCK'S BONANZA, FARMER'S UTILITY, ; OCCIDENT, : And other The best of workmen are constantly employed buyers should learn our pricea "We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, well as in Shotguns and Pistols. We are also Aeents for the White. Peerless we Bell at lowest rates ana warrant as complete 1 Averill and Rubber Paints, ThA ht in thft mnrirpt. at lowest rates. Give prices, ana we promise to JOHN FRASER, W W I iinmp mane furniure. WILBUR, OREGO. UPHOLSTERY, IRW MATTRESSES, ETC, Constantly on hsnd. FURNITURE. I have the Rest STOCK OF FURXITUSE South ef Portland. And all of my own msiiafaeture. Xo Two Prices to Customers. Residents of Douglas County are requested to lire me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED. The BwyerjT Guide is issued Sept. and March, each year: 224 pages, 8xllJ inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to eonsumert on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to -f rder, and gives exact if cost of ev erything you I 1 J I nse, drink, eat, wear, or V J have fun with. These i. invaluable books contain information gleaned from the markets of the world, we will mail a copy Free to any address upoa receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear from you. Kespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CC 7 A ss Wbsa Amn CUmws, IU. ; W. l Fried landeb. lERCHAIDISE Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Every Description Bought - Xtosebiirgr, Oregon. that come 'round to n ever Brought to Town. I use nothing DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME ! best supply in their line of any house in South than any one can purchase elsewhere. in tho way of Locks, Butts, etc., we can offer brands of STOVES not equaled elsewhere.: DEXTER, PACIFIC, IRON KINO, Stoves and Ranges. WIDE WEST. EMPIRE CITY in the manufacture of our TINWARE, and such as Winchester, Sharp n otaer Kines, as and New Home SEWING MACHlNKS, waich in every reapecu o tu u uyi"j us a call, inspect our stocK, inquire as to our suit you u any bud u. CHINESE WASH HOUSE -AND Labor Agency ! SAM YOUNG, - - Proprietor. THIS POPULAR LAUNDRTMAN HAS again opened business at his old stand in Roseburg, on Main street, two doors south of Bo wen's blacksmith shop. He is prepared to coatract for Chinese Laborers And furnish COOKS, FARM HELP. WOODCHOPPERS. RAILROAD HANDS Or Chinese Labor of any description on short notice. L. BELFILS. WATCHMAKER, -TTAVINO HAD 28 YEARS 1EXPERTENCE JTx as watchmaker in Oregon, I feel confident of rivinar satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. a. I also have a large stock or watcnes, Clocks and Jewelry which will be sold very rea sonably. I have the County-patent riarht for the sale of Concrete Cement Pipe for conveying water to any place desired. L, BELFILS. GRANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, Manager. I DEAL IN Wool and Grain Also, AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of All Kinds. "t7E TRANSACT A GENERAL BUSINESS t t in our line and pay the Highest Market Price9 for Wool and Grain. A fall line of Agricultural Implements kept constantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a call. W. F. OWENS. H. C. STANTON, DEALER IN Staple Bry Goods, Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Extra Fine Groceries, WOOD, WILLOW AHD GLASSWARE, ALSO CROCKERY AND CORDAGE, A full stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, j Such as required by the Publio County Schools. All kinds of Stationery, Ty and Fancy Articles, TO SUIT BOTH TOCNO AND OLD. Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes Checks on Portland, and procures Drafts on San Francisco. CREEK MILLS CLARK & BAKER, Props. Havlnsr nur chased the above named mills of E.Stephens & Co.. we are now prepared to fur nish any amount of the best quality or LUMBER j ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We will .furnish at the mill at the following nnces: ! No. I tuuek lumberr.i -: ..... ;tl2i9MJ No. 1 flooring, 6 inch "...S24 v M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch. ..S26 M i No. 1 flnsihing lumber. $20 M No. I finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 v M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 Bides $26 $ M CLARK & BAKER. EL DORADO Mineral Water S. HAmLLTOlf, Agent, Roseburg, Or. Geo. If. Jones: Bear Sir I hare delayed answering your letter In order to send you the enclosed certificate. Mr. Bart Reere declines to giro a testimonial at present for the reason that he has been under the treatment of a num ber of Physicians and thinks that they might not like It if he were to make the affirmation of the effect your Mineral Water had upon him. I will describe the case to you as near as I can : Be had been sick about two years and an unnatural belt naa lonnea arouna nun just below the ribs. He drank your Mineral Water three or four days ana tne Deis went on in sucn a way as to cause his legs and feet to swell, but that soon dis appeared, and he is now in comfortable health. The doctors had ail given up that he could not get well. There are a number of persons here who have spoken to me for some of the water to use in various cases, and I would like to use a little myself. I think it is the best nervous remedy I ever knew. Please send me five gallons of the water. Respectfully, Jefferson, Oregon. 1 SEEDS ! ILL KINDS OF THE BEST QUALITY, i , ALL ORDERS Promptly attended to and goods shipped wltn care. Address, HACHEXY A BEXO, Portland, Oregon. DEPOT HOTEL, Oakland, Oregon. RICHAED THOMAS, Proprietor. This Hotel has been established for a num ber ef years, and has become very pop ular with the traveling public. ; FIRST-CLASS SLEEPING ACCOMM0DATI0ITS A'D XH , Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. J.A.S31ITH, j Proprietor of the j CITY Ml CAHDY FACTORY. Tr-TTirPS roVRT A NTIiY ON HAND A tyVLiLi rV Btilr nt Dread. Cakes. Pies. Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc Also a nne selection oi French and American Candies and Chocolate Goods. . i Rnsehiirs Snda VJnrks. www U JOIIX NEVILLE, Prop'r. fffe Tl C ANUFACTURES SUPERIOR ill ity of Soda Water, Sarsanarilla Ginger Ale. Orders from abroad filled with promptness and at reasonable rates. mora money than stUnything else by tsJda agency lor tne test selling book out. Beftin- ners snooeed grandly. Hone fail, Terms free. HAixrar Book Co., Portland. Valae. FOREIGN GOSSIP. The courts of France, it Is said, consider it a libel to overestimate a lady's acre. A .Nuremberg chemist says paste made of starch, glycerine mat and eVDSUm Will rfta!n it nfftcr.'o'tir anH plastic'.ty adhesiveness longer than anr other ce ment. The modified Constitution of Hol land provides that the crown shall pass to the Princess of the House of Orange who is nearest related to the last King when there is no direct issue. . At a reeent meeting of the support ers of the Home for Lost and Starv ng Dogs in London it was stated that the number of dogs brought into the Home during the year ending the 31st of De cember last had been no fewer than 14. 772, being e:ghty-five in excess of the preced ng twelvemonth. In the Tower of London are twenty-one specimens of shieMs, with a pis tol attachment in the center, the weap on being a breech-loader, and slightly projecting, so that it would hardly be noticed by an enemy until it was dis charged. All these shields were car ried in former tmes as "concealed weapons.' Two Frenchmen, the brothers Forre, have invented a new k:nd of harp, made entirely of wood. Instead of str ngs, the inventors use strips of American fir. The sound is produced, as in the ordinary harp, by the con tact of the lingers, but the player wears leather gloves covered with ros'n. The tone of the instrument is sa d to be one of rmrkabl nnritv. m H Twelve Milea from Roseburg. on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. TV" TTI W TVITTiTi Any amount or Lumber--Sugar Pino. Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring, Baa tic, Mouldings, Etc. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD - We have appointed A. J. BELLOWS and HENRY GATES agents for Roseburg, wno win nave .Lumber always on hand. Will deliver to any part of the city from the Mill at reasonable rates. PRICES AT MILL : Rough Lumber $ 9 00 M Flooring 18 DO $ M Rustic , 18 00 M 31rs. HOOVER, DEALER IN Fine Millinery AND R015EBUEO, OREGOX Ladies will find my Stock Large and Com- plete. Prices Moderate. MRS. H. E. HOOVER. the central hotel. HAVING AGAIN ASSUMED THE MAN agement of this well known House, of which we are the owners, we take this method of informing the public that it will be First-Class in Every Particular! Meals and Lodging per day $1 00 Meals , 25 Lodging 25 (Satisfaction Guaranteed. Free Coach to all Evening Trains. S. T. & E. Garrison. THE PEOPLE'S Grocery Store. O. H. FLOOK HAS JUST OPENED A NEW AND NICE stock of Family Groceries in the Belnls Building, where he will be glad to Bee all want ing Goods in his line. Country produce taken in exchange. Orders from the country will receive careful attention. BUNNELL & BOWEN BROS. FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, BLACKSMITH SHOP., C1AN MAKE CASTINGS FROM 1 OUNCE j 3 tonH weight. Small Cupola for small Castings. Money refunded if work is not the best. Portland prices 1 Save telegrams and expressage. I absolutely i FIRST CLASS! D. C. McClallen, PROPRIETOR or ias McOL ALLEN HOUSE Roseburg, Oregon. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers Free Coach to and from the house. Baggage delivered free of charge. ROSEBURG- Marble Works. J. H. O'MALLEY, DEALER IK TombstoneSjTablets, Etc. I Shop Rear of llozan's Store. .73 e reliant Tailor, ROSEBURG, OREGON. First right-hand room, up stairs, over Marks an btore. i ... - , . ,, .. .. , Eepairs and Alteration Neatly Done. THE FATAL MISTAKE. rh tale of a Cot, or the Effects of Cold PoUon. The following illustrations are from a book of illustrated humor by Arthur B, Frost, published by Chas. Scribner'i Sons, and have no reference to The New York Sun office cat: . THE RASH ACT. SUSPICION. TSS PASO. 1HE T.USH THROUOU THE HALL, AND DOWN THE STAIRS NEW FOB THE GOTJT. TREATMENT e 2r s v INTO THE KITCHEN AST) THEN THE CELLAB OUT THSOCGn THE COALrHOLB. TO A TVATEItY GRAVE. On one of our pages to-day will be found a striking and instructive illus tration of th comparative worth of the various kinds of baking powders now in the market. 111 2 " : i i David Stvlurf The well-known preacher who addresses In Central Music Hall every Sunday an audi ence of from 2,500 to 3,000 people, was born in Cincinnati, O., August 18, 1830. His father, tied in. 1S32 and his mother married agauv removing to Readsburg, O., when David was seven years old. Three years later his family ' removed! to a farm near Williamsbursr, O. At eighteen years of age he entered Miami University, at Oxford, O., graduating in 1853. He studied theology at Cincinnati for one yearJ when he was appointed professor of Latin and Greek at the Miami University. Here he remained thirteen years, occasionally preaching till 1666, when he was called to the new Westminster church, of Chicago, which soon united with another, (old school) Presbyterian church, retaining him as pastor. The fire in i 1871 destroyed his church, and he preached in McVicker's thea ter. In 1873-74 he was tried for heresy on charges brought by Professor Patton before the Chicago presbytery. During the very long trial which ensued Mr. Swing withdrew from Presbyterianism and preached in Mc Vicker's theater as an independent minister until the completion of Central music halL where he now preaches. : A Celebrated Detective. THE LATH AIXAK PETKERTOX. The founder of Pinkerton's Detective agency, wno aiea at ms nome in Chicago on July i, was a native of Scotland where he was born in 1819. He learned the cooper's teVIJlulAfme'Xnurdst "eteiteuent ia England he was compelled to flee to i this country for nttering seditious sentiments.- Settling in Dundee, I1L, he continued at his i i trade as a cooper. While gathering hoop poles on an island in a neighboring river he discovered a deserted camp, winch he be lieved had been the resort of ' cotarteTf aiters. - By following up clews suggested by him: the result was that the gang of counterfeiters were caught and punished." This incident Jed to his being frequently employed by th sheriff in capturing the desperadoes that in fested the sparsely populated section in which he lived. His fame reached Chicago, . S - V 11 to that on ms removal were ne was soon after appointed deputy sheriff and afterward ippointed the city's first detective. In 1833 he founded the celebrated detective agency which has since ferreted out some of th Host desperate crimes of the age, and has re tamed its respectability and the confidence of the public through the rule laiu uown by its founder never to operate in a divorce case, or where family matters were in dis pute. . i . ' British Foreign. Secretary. EARIa GRAXVTIXE. In the cabinet of Mr. GI a is tone, lerl OranvUle holds the most difficult position, bat one in which by previous training he is better fitted than probably any ether man I the kingdom. He is 69 years Id, and was first appointed under secretary of foreign affairs in 1840. sinca which he has several times had charge of the office. Ili face indicates the cool deliberated judgment bo brings to matters of state. His popu larity is equaL'to that of the premier. . Gopher-Tall Currency.' i Bismarck Tribune. ! Some of bur counties pay five cents a tail for gophers, and in La Moure they pass as currency. A mm goes into a saloon, and for a drink throws on the counter gopher tails. When the drawer ia full they are taken to the county office and redeemed or paid out, It looks a little novel in church to see gopher narratives going into the contri- bution box.' A Victim of the Crazy Quilt. ' Somerville Journal. "What are you doing; Mary 7" asked a Somerville husband, addressing his wife. 1 am sewin& on a crazy quilt," she replied. "Are there any buttons on itP "If a" "I thought not," he said; 4,it wouldn't be like you to be sewing on anything -that needed buttons," and drawing a deep sigh he pro ceeded to fasten his suspenders with a half burned match. i' . The CoUegian: "What do you think of Fielding T asked a Boston girl of a Harvard rrodnntv "Oh. it's important, of cnursr. but it don't amount to anything good batting." " .,y: without Peck's Sun : A Lird in two that have not been Wi.tr. ; ' the hand is worth thtoujhtha m.h i ! - I I i