Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, May 29, 1885, Image 3

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Ht. Scott Items-'
tFo:u our Kegula
lar Correspondent.
Sueep shoaiing ia in full blast. ; ;
Foot racing is the lending exercise.
Stuck is looking remarkably welt for
tiV;3 time of the year and gr.tiu ditto."'
11. and J. Dixon have sold some $700
worth. of mutton sheep to Mat Rpqtl of
Eugene' for the Poi timid markeL," tbjj
week. .'. . y
Mr. Daniel Welter can bo aeon driv
ing a spirited span of horses to a brand
new hack Sundays. Wonder who will
re the next to invest in so neat and
convenient fin article.
The"" recent rains was a great relief
ar.d blessing to the farmers jnd stock
uien of this section as tha ground was
be-jOiinng dry and the .glass on the
surrounding hills was almost dried up.
The young bloods of this vicinity
are becoming rather boisterous as a
couple if them' lust week made arrange-
rnants to light according to prize rules,
and went so fai as to choose seconds,
but tins ar.grof one them cooling dur
iug tb. fpia't hours of the night, we
si;!pys, ht fuilod to put in an appear
:t,;vj -at tiij uppoiuted time and place.
Fabeu. ,
talo Point, Jaslison County. - -
.Thinking that a note from Jackson
county might be cf juteicst to your
nrujy. reader, I thought I would drop
vou a fVw li is'.'.
We hud a severe frost on the lowland
in ilie valley ' tin ' ibtv night of the 22d,
gieatly to the detriment of the garden
ers. ' ' '.' '
We have been having frequent show,
ers of rain for the last two weeks uud
the result in tbe farmers and Stockmen
me looking pleased. Late sewn grain
ia doing well. . "-.,..
We have a flo'msinhig lodgs of the
1. 0. G. f. ut. this placv, also, one ut
Browubborough, each mimbfiiiig about
forty members, and the two. lodges are
crippling the saloon .t this plaea.
Eagle Point had a grand picnic on
the 2ld inst. The schools of Antelope
and Esi'Ih Point districts -consolidated
an I had a very pleasant time.' We
had line display of elocution, by the
papils, a Kiimptuoirs fn'st if the ; l,est
Hi.; Siiiii airoruS and in the afternoon" a
'':tn"!j oi bast
biiSl in which the Ea-rle
IViut I ovh won thrt lmiriiv
1 1 ji u-a Rsular n Imi .
Mi s Tzzle C"nutt has "roue to Cai.--
yonville t j en i i uti s umkii!.
JJ. F L: r eud, wire starred f,r!iMto dfStecs. . Ti. weath-r.-Zat
Portlaiid Wednesday wht-te they '
j-vet to Uvt'. ;'- r . '.r :.:?.
Jani'-s Wilson "our 'bwckaaiith1 has
di-tooiert-d a quary- nitv.e . Hpposed to
o nC-mi gold and if it" proves lu bf guld
it is rich " '' .:.' -
Th' re . ia considerable xciterreat
a'ont a" new placer mine disco vtrtnl br
Oeorgo Ellitf and ! Georg MvC'artV.
Fro.n hat wo can learn tlV hnve
s. ruck i
1 rich
J. A i
,. Soma 1a.?y.
Rov. J. R;:N: fifcit the editor t.f the
It wtjbmg "xlcview" has been in Jack
h nvil!e during the week. On Tties
dive he was serenaded . by the
Vdvcr Cornet-dJahd nt lha robidi nee of
'V. J. pivmala Tho lie", gentleman
is an pleauan tau l gonial as of ) 6io and J
v;;ia entertsiined at a succession cf le-cr-ptions
froni his' old time friends here.
He savs-his life work is the rnitiiatr'",
bat ha gives a share of his" time to the
Temperance cause, and is also bringing
his sjilendid talents to bear in the news
paper wcrk in which be is how inter-
h Mav his shadow never crow
' f otirth ofJuljj
Onr people are well aware of the fact
that when tho Yankee Doodle vDand
inukrtaks anything it is wv ii carried
out and is bound W be a success. It
is therefore with . gieat pleasurothat
we inform" tho citizens of Douglas
coiMity Unit this organization hiis tak
eri full charge of the 4th of July eel
t bralion at this place iJ will make it
a long to ' e rtmeni ocred ; occasion.
Tho Americon eagle will plume him
txtior a loftier-flight to tha soul atir
rii; melody of Yankee Doodle
. Wedding ' -
The Review oftce. wt i the scene of a
happy eveat this week when on Thurs
day last Mr, J. IL Pope and Mrs. J. F.
Hurdison called aril requested the ssr
viees o our chip in uniting them in
the holy bonds of rnacrimcny, The
entire force ras cdle J into the sanc
tum sanctorum and were witnesses to
the solemn ceremony. Tho best wishes
of the Review is extended to the hap
py couple, and may they live long and
Ser victs will bo held at the new
school house cn Rice cuek Sunday
-lay Slst,. fourth quartet ly meeting.
J. R. Roberta.
Memorial Day will bo observed to
morrow, May 30th, by' Reno Post 3o.
29 Grand Army of the Republic, and
as. Memorial Day has" become a dav
upon, which, not' only the graves of
those who fefi in their country's cause
are decorated, bnt on which day all
citizens, who have friends and relatives
j resting in our cemeteries usnallv unite
with the members of the Posts of the
Grand Army of tW Republic, to show
ilieir respect for - dear departed ones,
the citizens of Roseburg and vicinity
are requested and invitod to participate
in the solemn ceremonies " of the day.
The following programme has. been
determined upon bv the committee of
arrangements for the occasion: The
members of Reno Post No 20 G. A.R.
will meet at their: head quarters in the
Grange hall at 9 o'clock, : A. M. and
from there march in a body to the
Presbyterian church where ; memorial
services will be conducted, and j where
all citizens are vecuested to conrrerate
and listen to the following exercises:
Music Song, "America" by the Choir. .
Introductory Jioniat Its by,?oat Commander
Music "Th Little O.-toroon." k
Prayer by Pvevt John Howard.
Music ''Tenting on the Old Camp Ground"
fveadin of Memorial I'octu
Music -O Wrap the, Flag Around Me, Boys"
Memorial Oration by Rev. ..- V A..Smiek.
Music The Faded Coat of Blue.
Remarks by Hon. J. C. Fallerton.
Music Duet and Chorus, 'Decoration. Day.'
The music will bo in charge of that
popular vocalist, Mrs. S C. Flint,
assisted by excellent home t dent.
: At 1:30 o'clock P. M. the members
of Reno Post will meet ut Sloeuiu's
hail and form into procession followed
by citizens 'on foot, thou by .f carriages
of those citizens who desire to partici
ple, nd proceed to the Odd Fellow's
cemetery where flowers will be strewn
on the graves 'of the departed loved
one?, from there the 'procession will
move to; the Masonic cemetery and
again do honors to tLe silent sleepers
It is requested that all flag be raised
at half mast during the day. ; , . :
Eain ha3 Cassd. -At
length the rain has eeu3ed to de
sc. nd throughout the eutiro northwest
coast, and from ):tsent appearances a
continuation' of bright, wat m, giowing
weather may be expected. Dispak-hes
from all' joints east of Portland show
no rain has falien, and the weather at
present ia reported char. f tir, cool or
cloudy, .according" to the variable dis
position of '-the- weather clerk. The
warmest place east of the Cascades is
dJinatiil.j, tha glasi tube allowing sev-
nty degrees. The lowest temperature
w Meachair, tao inercurial digit point-
Iila..d tC-.laV serves as a fair index
t ihe prevailing siatof tho " atmos
phere in '-Rogue River, U:njqna and
Willamette.-valleys; ; Evidently the
"aqueous distillations that fructify"
havti ceased for a saaon, and hot air
and cloudless skies may ; now be ex
pected for" some . weeks to '-come. Ex,
. Very roolisli. ;"
Tha Statesman, with characteristic
ignorance has something tc say in re
yard to ,"offensi ve partisans" in con -TiPction
with the recent appointments
of Messrs. Towusend and Jones to be
Receivers at Lakeview and IloseVurg
to BuceceJ Messrs. Kuox and Fullerton
respectively. The latter gentlemen
were not removed, Mr. iStatesman.
Their time had expired and the admin
istration bad been requested by the
gentlemen themselves to relieve them.
And .further, ttiere is no. law, written
or unwritten, why a Democrat shoubl
nothiive an ofnee, nnloss said law was
pasfiod by the last Republican Logisla
rure of Oregon, and consequently i3
null, void, invalid, unconstitutional and
idiotoc. And just one word more, the
Democrats propose to have the offices,
and to give: the country an honest,
able, Democratic administraton. Stop
whining," Statesman. ,
New Stock of Gooda.
H. Parry, the popular tailor, of thia
place has received from Pan Trancfsco
an invoice of new goods in his line.
Tney consist of elegant suitings and
pants goods, and thie is now r.o need
to send away for your cloUies. Give
him a call, get measured,' select your
cloth, pay a deposit and get anew suit
and dress up.. His prices ure moder
ate and li3 guarnnters satisfaction.
County Treasurer Moore accom
panied by Clerk Kimb ill leaves this
evening for a short visit to Jackson
ville. "No use to take George along,
William, the clerk in Jackson county
understands how to issuo a license.
Messrs'. Wilcox and Samuel Moore will
have charge of the clerk and treasurer's
oiees respectively. -- . -
v , . -i ' .-k
' , . TreasurerV'Kotice.' : .
All parties holding County warrants
endorsed prior to SeptemberM6th 1884
-ill please present theii claims to the
County Treasurer, as interest will cease
from June 1st 1885..
Lazy days. ,
Decoration Day to-morrow.
Send along your subscriptions.-
The cars are full every evening.
J. W. Lane; of Portland,-is in town.
Caro Bros, new brick is progressing.
Bird cages cheap for cash at Jask
uleka. " ' ".","''
.When intown, drop into the Review
office. . .
Haying is now in progress about
our city. - -
Insura your life and limb in the
There was a row in Chiua - town
Thursday night.
The Portland Daily News is writing
up the state by counties. . - -r-.
Richard Smith,- .with Staver & Wal
ker, Portland is in town. . !f "
Warren Imbler 13 the new knight of
the yard stick at Hogan's. -
Everybody should participate in the
Decoration Day exercises. . .
Miss Mollie Lehman has gone to
Sumner, Coos county, to teach school
J. J. WJiitsetts new siw mill is
now running, and lKkont for ttisnew
'J. L. Quackenbush sole froprietor
of the black diamond paint; culled this
The co.nmencernent exercises of th
various colleges in Oregon are about to
Any beauty is a joy forever, then go
ar.d look at the beautiful card receivers
at Jaskeleks the jeweler. .
The reduction in railroad fares is
highly appteciated and the charges are
now considered somewhat reasonable.
Head M. Josephson's nw. ad, and
tfien go and see that... lie means busi
ness, mid will ' sell goods af living
prices. ;.r': ,-.?; '."
Go to J. Jaskuleks and see those
tino new carving sets, castorsf, cam
receivers, call bells, prize cups, gold
lined etc, just received.
Our readers will miss tha newsy and
spicy letters of our Oak'and and Drain
correspondents this week. Casarltan
and Observer don't disappoint-' us any
W. II. Halloway, formerly of Rose
burg, is in" jail ?n Hillsboro, charged
with larceny, and' has g'nt for lion."
Jj. F. Lane to defend him, but M'V
Lano cannot go on account of business
IL G. Scrogg3, Jr. the popular real
estate'age-ht, is doing miv.-h to advertise
Douglas couiitV.. He has placed a largo
r-. h , - " - .
miiuUr ofhis pamphlets in Portland
at the headquarters of the Oregon' Ira-'-hiigrirt
ion Hoard.
Tho hazing business is carried to. such
an extent in some of the schools and
colleges in London at to cause tVouiilo.
One death at' King's College occurred
lately which bioke up the school for a
timo. It is an intolerable practice in
either hemisphere. . . ;
Ja1-. Laird, the crack Jehu of the
Coos bay wagon road, came m last Sui
day with an extra from Roseburg,
banging ns passengers John Kenyory
Alex. Lang, Hon. J5. Herman,-Judge
R. S. Bean, District Attorney J. W,
Hamilton and W. R. Willis. Mail.
Prof. J. B. Horner has sent us an
instrumental pince of raus'c ent!t'ed
Mt. Hood March written by , himself
Which we regartl excellent as an Oregon
production. It has all the cres. "tempos.'
pocoralis.- etc. to make the dynamics
all that could be desired although we
ate not connoisseurs in this line at this
Capt. Powell cf the U. S. engineers
in company with Col. Mendall called
on Col. Lano hi3 week. They were on
their way to the coast to inspect what
appropriations would be necessary, to
Lrecommend to the next Congress Jov
the improvements of the harbors on
this coast. Col. Mendall was the -instructor
of Col. Lane in earlnjr years,
and was in Oregon in an early day.
. "Knocking the Persimmon." :
A man may have ever so long a pole
but if he refuses to knock the persim
mon, once, some short-poled fellow will
have knocked it re he has a chance
again'! Kev. J. Li. N. Bell, in Rose
burg IIevisw.
What short "pole" fellow has been
ki ocking persimmons Bro. Bell? Please
tell us." How long a pole does it re
quire te "knock the persimmon" in
Roseburg? We have long sought infor
mation on this question but have found
it uofc. Many times have we asked Col.
Kelsay buthe has continually refused
to enlighten us. But now we are happy
for Bro. Bell in his next isstie: will give
ns the required length of the polo.
Bentcn Leader. . .
" If the erudite and garlant Col. Kel
s y wtio has long. been an acknowledged
authority on ihte - - rjant subject re
fuses to enligUi.a . ,f .iiere must be
some cause for it which we -as a novice
in the matter must respect. Suppose
you take a few lessons in the school of
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1885.
if rc-mlar meetings on Wednxsday on or before
leacu iuii moon.
O. A. BEAT1I,' W. M.
J. P. Dukcas, Sk.
" '"-- -a Nfu s. 1. it; O. t. meet
iffleasseS''- on Saturday evening.
each wetk at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Honeburg.
Members o the or i sr ia good staudiiijr are Invited to
attend. : Br order of the A. O.
: fTVTfw KvnAMPMEWT. No. . f. O. O. F.. meets
at Odd Fellows' Hall tn ths firstaad third Thursdsyaof
ever? luonfa. - Visiting brethreu invited to attend. -
i - ' . L. Kiiurai, C l
A. C. Marks, Scribe . . - .
."ClIPQUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. M-, hold
their reiriilar conununloation every first
and i third Tuesday in each month. All
TiKimhtirs in irood btandinir will take due and
timely notice -and govern themselves accordingly.
visum? companions are invited to nice iui .vuo
napei When conveuient.
W. I. FarBDLAjfDBB, Se'w. v . ;
the Uoltos. St Charles. Uilji as, Esaoto, O ccidss-
La.vd. Parties in want of laud sliouid;
call oa R. G. Scroegs, 3r.t office with Lane:
& Lane. . ' .
Thanks. The Yankee Doodle Band takes
this means of returning thanka to the ladies
of Roseburij for thoir .assistance a5 the festi
val, which made it so successful.
Arm Broken Raphael Dixon was rtn
fortauate Tuesday afternoon in boinj; kicked
by a horse anil having an arm broken. Dr.
Bunnell was sent for and stst the fractured
member, -
. JJbntf.d. Messrs L. & O. Schultz. of
Canyonvi le, have rented the- Eherhne yri3t
mill iu this county and will transact a gen
eral mi ling business. We bespeak for them
a share of the paolic patronage.
LEAnixo BttiiNEss House. Tho - firm of
II. Wollenberg & Bros Canyonville is the
leailinn morcantile establish meut r of the
southern portion of Douglas county. For
everything in the line of general merchandise
4ive them a ca!!. f; ;
Clobsixo Ratkh. -We have made such
arrangements with the N. Y. World as to be
able to faraisb the World and Review for
one year for.3.09, This proi psitiun applies
to -ill new subscribers paying iu dvanc,
and to all old subscribers paying arrearages
a ud oue year iu advance.
Iiipoktaut Mektiko. The nieetiugof the
Hope Compauy iext Friday evening wili
be a very important one and a full atten
dance is desired. Tw o delegates to the State
Fire Association which meets at Astoria on
Juue 10th are to be chosen and other busi
ness transacted. Members should not fail
to remember this.
TIanD-Some Pictures. The Traveler's In
surance Company haye made us a present of
three beautiful pictures. One of ' iheni rep
resents in a group the leadiug journalists of
America, witn fac simile of their newspapers
another is an engraving t.f Fresicleiit Liiuvln
aud his Ouncrah and tho last J3urihohh
status, f Libert'.'. '";,; :':-'..
Ross LAxe Veddiso. Lewis G. Ross
cf Jacksonville, son of Oj!. John K. Ross
was married on the 13th to Miss Laii
daugh tor of J oseph 'Laue.of Lftkeview aurl
gran 1 daughter o1(Jn. Jojeph.IuMj -Ti;p
bride has' many friends iu this County where
she formerly lived '"'.who extend to her and
her hasWad their best wishes fcr a loug life
fall of unv.loyed happinea.
Ths Mails, Tha mail service by steamer,
from Sari Francisco, Cal , to Porilmd, O;.,
has been discontinued by Second Ass slanC
Postmaster. Gtueral Knott, aud 'the moil
J will hereafter bu sent by rail aud-' stage;""-A
saving of $22,030 per sauam is tuas eil'woted
and the mail arrives at Portland, Or., fojr
hours ea.dier than by tha old route. Th
change takes effect on June 15th.
A Reprimand. We are always pleased
to receive items of news; but that youna:
gentU man who last week handed iu an in
teresting personal item to the Review,
hou:d have kuown better than to furnished
the same identical word for word paraa;rapli 1
to the "Piaindtiaier." People object to be
written upaa thouah they were th subjects
of reading notices at ten cents a line. -
IkSANB. Friday !ast, Samucl Whitney
a painter, who has been ju Itseburg pome
fivo" weeks and lately engaged to paint Cyrus
Smith's residence, four miles south of tOwn,:
was brought m and examined for being in
sane, it appears that he is crazy on the sub
ject of spiritna'ism and Saturday inorniug
he was conveyed to the asfIum. He is some
thirty four year3 of age and,. hails from Cleve
land, Ohio. ". . v-
CoKceut avd FamvAt,. The Strawberry
Festival and Promenade 'Conceit given by
the Yankee Doodle Band at Slojiuns TLdl
ooj'uesday evening was an eojoyalilt affair.
Sweet mu.ic was furnished by tha band en
tire, which is showing marked improvement
under the tutorship of Prof. .Jones. After
rthe festival the room was cleared and ' the
young folks engaged m dancing ' for a "Jew
hours, the string department of the band
discoursing the music. The receipts were
considerable and everybody happy.
ArroiSTEp. Hon. A. C. Jones of this
place has been appointed Receiver of the
Land Office here," in place of Hon. J.'C. Ful
lerton, whoee time had expired. ;, Tbia is -a
good appointment and 83 it was the Hrdt fruit
of the Democratic victory in Douglas county
the news was reclved with unbounded joy
by the lremocracy. Mr. Jones will take pos
session of the otBc6 the first of July," Mr."
Jones was a Cleveland elector last year, and
II 1 .1 f ....
is wen Known inrounotrt tna.BiaLe as ais
tiaguished lawyer, true Democrat and hon-i
orablo gentleman.
Ca mpm RETistr. There will be a t-imp-!
meetmp; held near the Hudson school house'
about four miles below Myrtle Creek on tho
rail mad to begin Thursday Jun 11th, and
to continue over the second Sabbath in Jnne.
We hope to have a boarding tcht on the
ground and to be able to sell meal ticket at
10 cents eacTi.;The meeting will be held for
the advancement of the eviso of Christ
....... . 7 ..
Let all who can come and camp the first day
of the meeting. A cordial invitation is ex
ended to ail. AVe expect ministerial rssii
tance daring the meeting.
J. R, Roberts, B. T. SiiAr.p Pastors.
Pleasant Weather,
McClallen leads.
; Go to Garrison's Ilotel''
' Correspondence solicited.
Immigrants on every train.
The fire pmgs have baeu paiated r"ftdv
Colonel Mendall was iu town this week,
Job work neately executed at this ofSce..
Our correspondents alighted us thi3 week.
The cauipmeetia,? near Oakland is in full
The band netted nearely $10,00 by their
festival.' : . -
Land hunters are becoming more plenti
ful every day. -
- John ITowanl of Oakknd paid Koseburz
visit this week.
Jas. Mahoney of Oakland ;Was ia town
Monday evening. ;- v
' A frejsh stock of candicsjusfc received at
the City Bakery. ,-
Send alonr your names fi t the Lest local
paper the Kkview. ' , . .
, Hail! gentle spring, ".said Thoiapson, and
gentle spring Bailed! v
Hon. A. F. C.impbsll made a flying visit
to Eugene City this week.
Let love through all your actions run, and
aud all your words be mild,
, WnuCurll, of Oaill station,, was in town
this week, en route to Albany i; -. - "
The social club gave their regular monthly
dance on Thursday evening last.
Louis Belfils is abaent, but Mr. FlcxJk will
sell groceries as cheap as can be bought.
The Russian Bear and the English Lion,
one is afraid, and the other is glad of it.
Some little sickness in' tho surrounding
country, and but little we are glad to say.
A beautiful article ou the character of
Oen. Gordon, the Soudanhero, Is printed in
another column. .
E. . Hursh, of the Plaindealcr, returned
tiiis week from an extended trip to the Will
ainette. ... -
i'tBuhnell & Bowen Bros, have been busy
ibis week manufacturing a dray for Mrs.
Van Buren. -
Sol Abrahams has hid the iron doors of
his' 3ioie painted jjrecu, and is making other
improvements. - ; : j
: Col. Frizzelle was on -Tuesday's train
oound southward. He was looking hale and
hearty as of yore. ; x . .
j We understand that tho devotees of the
prize rinj; have introduced tho Queensberry
rules at Myrtle Creek . " j
I Cread Floed left on Wednesday's train to
accept his new employment as railway mail
age. n t between Taeorae and Portland V
i J. W. t)oweH'8 little boy Alva, met with
the misfortune of haviug his finger severely
hurt this week by a horse tramping1 upon it.
George Borrod;u!e, a Rose burner of early
daya, but now of - Sau Francisco, paid us a
pleasant visit PhursdV He is now a com
mercial traveler, i ;
. llcv. I D Driver stopped over at Uoseburg
ast Wednesday night and took the stage for
Coos Bay next mbruing."-;.; He is on his regu
lar round of Q-iaroarty meetings ,
The sdiool ia F-oura iy valley uuder the
l.Unakement of Arthur Kuiykt is given ea
.tiie satisfaction a:id th-s young gentleman is
spoken of as a dm-class teacher. ; ''-'-'.
Sol. Abraham i went eouth Monday to
look after his iate'rest in the county seat
contest in Josephiue county which is to be
decided .the first Monday in June. .; -
Go to, the tiET-iEW office aud get married,
subscribe tor tho puper, pay your arrearages
and then you will Le happy and make .us to
eujoy the highest Etaie of earthy felicity.
It. S. Sheridan stepped on the end of a
board Saturday evening last, which so turned
with him as to sprain his ankle. He was
ornamented with crutches a day or two this
week m consequence.
v Roseburg boasted of a three legged chick
en; but it was so unfortunate as to attract
the eye of the Plaindealcr reporter last week
and is now missing. A rather strong case
of circuuibtamial evidence.
Some gentleman called at the office of
Oi lunel Lane laBt Wednesday morurn, and
found hitu in a devotional attitude, which
proves that the legal corner across the street
is still in reach of moral suasion.
i. G. N. Frazier this wet k received Ua dol
lars from the Travelers Iusurunce rompany
on hia accident policy, he having Leen in
'ju red some, time since, and "laid up for a
: week. Insure iu this reliable company.'
Mr. Walker of New York, who represents
the largest wool interests itx the United
States called this week in company with
Hon. W. F. Owens our Douglas County
wool : mat). Ihe wool, interests of this
county attructs attention from afar, and our
sheep moa should make a note of this, and
alwivyspul tha very best-aud"' oleiaest iato
the market. '
r Syrap ot Fis:3. . -
" Manufactured only by tho California Fig
Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal.ts Natures
-Own True Laxative. ; . This pleasant Jiouid
fruit remedy may le had of Dr T, Hamilton
at l'tfty cents or one dollar per bottle. Jt is
the moHt pleasaut, prompt and effective
remady knowc, to e'eaose the system; to
act ou the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen
tly but ; thoroughly; ; to dispel Headaches',
Ctdds and FeveVsJ to euro Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred il'. ' '
Oil froai Nature's Wells.
The skin on the he&dis kept soft and flex
ible by a secretion from; the oil glands'.
I When these are clogsed the hair dies
and falls off,, Parker's Hair Balsam renews
their action, restores the original color to the
hair and makes it soft and glossy. It also
eradicates dandruff. Notgr asy, not a dye,
delictoasly perfumed. Dtsiihtfttl for a lady's
toilet table. The t est of dressingsl Frtfer"
alle to all similar articles because of its su
perior cleanliness and purity.
The Rarest of UomMnations.
True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy
of action has been attained ia tbe famous
California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs.
Its pleasant taste and beneScial effects have
rendered it immensely popular, For sale by
Pr, S. Hamilton. "
-Portland claims a population of 29,000,
exclusive of Chinese. . :.... vr
There are 205 convicts io the State pen
itentiary 20 being for lite.
; All hopes for tho mental recovery of
ex -Senator Nesnuth have been given up.
Plenty of rain is reported ia all parts of
the State, aud prospects lor (rood crops era excellent.
Archbishop G ross of the Catholic church
has arrived at Portland and ttkea ebarge of this
diocese. . .
Ex-Senator Mitchell will shortly return
to Portland to permanently locate. Trubably the
Senatorial bea is huuimiuj; In his bonnet.
-The publishers aud editors of Oregon
U1 meet at Portland on Juna 13ih to complete the
onranlzabiua of the Suite Press Association. . :, - -.
Gov. Whiteaker..ha3 tiled his bond for
$75,0')0 at coliecter of internal revenue for Oregon
and will take pvtsessiouof the office in June.
The Grand Army ot the Republic ia this
state umbers 8-5 member Anions these are rep-'
rejotitutives from S3 etatei and territories, repre
Matia; ia all t'J3 regiments.
The State Fair is to begin on the 2 1st
of September and continue one week, thus conflict
ing with the Lano county fair which has the same
dates. This is a great miatake.
The cheese factory at Cove, Oregon, uses
the milk of 123 cows, and will increase the uuuiber
to over 800 daring the season. The daily yield of
chaste will reach U00 pounds era long.
" W ork on the Indian School buildings at
Salem will be commenced .soon. There are 219 stu
dents, 150 of v. hom have been removed to. Salem, the
rast remaining for the present at Forest Grove.
De vol's foundry 7 and Adams' agricul
tuial works, Salom, were destroyed bj fire of an
incendiary origm, last week Loss 8,3iX, insurance
$3,500. An-attempt was made at the same time to
burn a saw-mill, but tho incipient flames were dis
covered. ,7
The cattle shipments to the Mortana
ranges from Oregon aud Washiiifft on thissoason will
amount to 30,000 of 40,000 bead, v The shipment of
live stock will cease to be much of a business as the
shipping of slaughtered meat in refrigerators will be
much cheaper and better. ' .
A lare number of sheep which had beeu
just sheared rnd dipped in Eastern Oregon, died dur
ing the prolonged rain of the first of the month.
Bands which h id already been driven to the mo un
tain suffered most. The loss will no doubt reach
several thousand ia the country. .
The City of Stayton, Marion county,
was incorporated by the last Legi&lature. Officers
hive been elected aud everybody was jubilant. It
now traaspire that the enacting clause was left out
of the original bill aud therefore it is null aud void.
1'blly one more fur the last Legislature.
According to the Walla Walla Journal
the Northern Pacific railroad has contracted to hau
wheat from uregon to Chicago for 31 cents a hundred
pounds. This is a vistaiR-e of 2,600 mih-s and is
almost the same rate as paid from Kosebury to Port
land a dutance of 200 miles. The Hoult bill should
have tackied tha freight question. - :. .
According to the Telegram ten-families
were to start from Viscoasin, havii.gfor their des
tination tMiine portion of bouthern Oregon. Each
family will average from three ito four persona.
Tbey are all baid to possess considerable meaui, and
heir object is to purchase farms adjacent to each
othari and make this stato their permanent home.
Heppner Times: Sinca J. Q. Wilson left
here for his home in Salem, which was last Tuesday-,
(May 12th) 1300 head of bis sheep have ptrishod.
They wore dipped in a warm solution Just after being
sheared and turned out in the cold lain. On the 13th
when it w&3 quits cold and very stormy, the sheers
chilled to death. This is a big loss and the eadl3 not
yet, as others are dropping eff nightly. . ;
. Martin Mackey iudicted for thi murder
of Mike Pur cell iu Josephine count? wns tried on a
change of venue to Jackson countv and convicted of
murder hi the second degree. As this was under tho
old constitutional jury law he was Indicted, it is
more than probable that the verdict will stand. His
sun, Wm Mackey, who was indicted for the same crime
was discharged aj there was but little evidence against
him. The Cost to Josephine county was
The ueiigh school building in Port
land, now being erected on the block bounded by
Morrison, Alder, Lownsdalg end Twelfth streets, is
to be completed b the 2:Hh of next August. Accor
ding to the contracts under which the work is being
done the building will cost 81 23.0C0, which, with
830,000 paid for the land, will make the total cost
$153,000. It will be the finest educational building
ou the Pacific coast and one of the tr.ef.t in the Uni
ted States. It ia 00x140 feet and four stories high,
the front tower retching to a he:ght of 1C8 feet and
be flag staff 218 feet. - It will accommodate from
700 to SOU scholars.
Lund Corners.
J. tate Legislature:
To establish a:l corners o f Goreroinr nt surreys.
where the witness tres have beeucut. or have ialieu
down, and where there reinalus the stump on which
the bearing marks or blazes can 6tul be seen, or
where other evidences of the Government corners
may or can be found, whereby the said cornera es-
tablishod by Governuieut surveys can be positively
located by any of such or othe.r decid ing evidences,
said corner or corners to be reestablished ia the man
ner Drescribed iu this Section for establi?hine corners,
and shall keep a serrate record of the same iu a
book called Bearing. 'trees oi u . uurveys, anu
giving thtfcdate, and n-imea of persons preeut, and
turn said record over to his successor. ' When so re
established, they slmll bs rocogniaed thereafter ss
tho legal and permanent corner or corners- -
. v Jt; mi2iLi, uouoty surveyor.
f jr working people Send 10 conts ios
taga, and we will mill you fkbk, a rsyal
valuable sample box of goods that will
put yoa iu tho way of making more mouey in a few
days than you eer thouriit possible at anv business.
Capital not reauirad. You can liva at home aad
worK in soaro time only, or all the time. All of
both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents
will send j
particulars, directions, etc, sent irei. Immense pay
ubsolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't de
lay. Address bnasex & Co., Portiaud, Maiue.
Wood! Wood!
the wood buyers of Roseburg that he will furn
ish thim a nice article of wood- for lew unney than
the can buy from ai.y other wood hauler in Doug
las county at the uneard-of price of 93-50 per cord
f.r four-fo.t wood; $2 ier tier for IS and 18 Such
w-od. Good measure and satisfaction guaranteed.
Give ma your order or leave it rith i. F. Barker.
Foi; Sale Clu ap.
run three seasons ia all in good order is a six
foot cut and is just as good as new and will he sold
for fifty cents on the dollar of cost price. ' Enquire
of Frank MoMallen oue and oie hall mile south - of
Roseburg on west side of the river. F. Mcilullon.
htreets, siae 00x130 feet, which will give FOUR
buildii g lots 32x90 feet. G ood business house and
also good dwelling, well furnished, fine well, with
pum, also wood shed and other out buildings, and
alt welt fenced. For particulars enquire at Krvisw
otficj. , -;-." . . - ...
In the matter of tbe Estate "of Henry G Merman,
deceswed. ...-..:, :-.,...,.
X signed, administratrix of the Estate ol Henry
iiatermau, deceased, has filed her anal account io
aid matter, iu the County Court of Douglas count?
Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tuesday,
tbe Ith day of July 1S85, at the hour of 10 o'clock,
a u of said dav as the time for bearing objections to
sucn nnai account and tne settlement tnere'i. -Dated
May 28th, 1385, bUSANA GATERUAK, Ad
miuistratrix; Lane & Lane, her Attorneys. .
Si easily earned -every evening.. rnt ail wuo j XTr X.iTr- ' vi'v '
work uwy test the buiiuess, we mana tnis ua i r j' ; 7 J Ji - j S T :'i
offer: To all who are not well Satisfied we ?". . J. "u- f; I "
(1 to uay for thetrouble of writhig us. Full ?; S E' Motion - l ;a 'u-h oi rta"'a
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon in and
for Douglas County. -:, .
T, R. Sheridan aud J. P. Sheridan, Partners doliijr
bnsines under ths firm name of Sherinun Br..,
Plaintiffs, -; : - V
- s - "
J. F. W. Saubert and K. K. Saubert, bU t ife; 1?.
U. Noble and &, M. Nvble, his wife. The said
F. W. Saubert and F- il. Noble buing partnar un
der the firm name of Saube & Noble and 11.
. Josephson, Defendants
Notice ia hereby given that by srirtue of an execu
tion issued out of the Circuit Court for l'ougius
coun y, Oregon, on the 20th day of May ISSa anU K
me directed aud deli veredin pursu-.ince of a Jucgtnent
and deciee duly made and en u-red in s.vd circuit
Court on the 5th da of Slay lSo ia favor of the
above named Plaintiffs and against t..e above named
Defendants, J. F W. S-iobert and Jl. K. Saubrt, his
wife, and F. H. Noble, afl'i S. M. Noble, bis wife, ana
said J. F. W. Saubert and F. H. Noble being- part
ners under the firm name ol Saubert & Nohle t'or the
suni of $6d.&) and an attoruey's foe of $:5.Q and
$02.69 eoBts aud disbursements, and for the ft re'-los-ure
of a mortgage ou real property by said Sauherfc
& Noble to said Sheridan liros and fr r the sale of tlie
mortgaged premises to satisfy foii Judgment, at
torney's foe and cottts and disbursements and
whereas said Execution comuiaiuls me th it out- of
the said mortgaged premises for the foreclosure and
sale of which said decree and Judgment were recov- '
ered, I satisfy the said sum aud attorney's fee, caa
and disbursements. I have levied upon and on Sat
urday June 27th, between the hours of oVloi k a m m
aud 4 o'clock r at, to-wit, at tha hour of 2 o'clock r m a
ol said;day, will sell rt public auction to the liighot
bidder for casta in hand at the Court Hoie Iaor iu -Uoseburg,
Oregon, all the right, title and interest of
the said Defendants, J. F. V. Saubert, 11. E. Sau
bert, F, 11 Noble, rt Mfcoblc, or either of thuni, in
and to the following described mortgaged premise,
to-wit, Begmnius: at the North East corner of S P
Blakely's Donation lana claim ia section 13, Towu
khip 20, kiouth Range 4. West, in Doujlas county,
ureguti, anu ruiiumg tnence soma a cuains, t tencii
South-70 degrees West 11 chains, thence North 14
degrees East 5.30 chains to North boundary of said '
claim, tnenoe in an eautesly uirectiou alonsr north
boundary to the place of beginning and containing '
5.60 acrna, also and Island, known and described as
Lots number 7 and 8 m section 15 Towurhip-23
South of range 4 West in Douglas eountv. OTejron. .
containing 9.95 acres, together with the Saw Mill,
Mill Duns, races, houses and other impro omenta
situate on or belonging or in any wise appertaining;
tnereto, also an. tne ngnt, utie ana interest ot raid ;
parties in and to all roads and rights of way for
traveling or maintaining, having or using -right of
way over, upon or across the lauds of Willmra Trak
aud 8. P. Blakely, to and from said sawmill arc
premises, all of tne above described premises, herult-
taments, tcnemeutsand appurtenances being deede l
to and ia the name of F. li. . Noble but ownod un i
possessed bvihe said J. F. V. Saubert and F. H.
Noble as co-partners. - -
Witness ray baud this 2SLh day of Mav. 1SSS.
O. A . TAYLOR, Sheriff of Douglas county, Orcgo i.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orogou within-
and for the County of Douglas. ;
Rosalie Pelland and Zepha Pelland, her husband,
vs.- i .
1 Thomas O'Reilly aud Frank M. Baker, Defendants.
Suit in Equity to quiet title to real estate. "
, To Thomas O'Ecilly and Frank 51. Baker, the above
named Defendants: In the name of the State of Or-.
egon, you are required to appear and answer tha -
complaint or Piamtius med against you in the above
entitled Suit, in the above eutitled Court, on or be
fore the frstdav of the next regular term thereof,
to-wit, on Monday the 19thday of Octolier 18S..lf j-ou -fail
to j appear and answer Plaintiffs will apply t
the Court forthe relief demanded iu said CouipUint,
to-wit; - - :. - .
A decree that the defendants and all persons claim
ing under them by title accruing subsequent to.
this suit, be forever barred from all claim to any
estate of inheritance iu the E of S E J of Sec lo
and the W J of S W J. of Sec. 11 in T 25 S of R 4
in the district of lands subject to rale at the Laud
Office of the Southern district of Oregon. - -
This Summons is published by order of Hon. R. S.
Beau, Judge cfsaid Court dated May 5th, 1385.
Administrator' s Notice.
JL it may concern tnat the undersigned bna been
duly appointed by the County Cwirt. of Douglas
County. Oregon Administrator, with "ill annoxei of
the estate ot John F. Suthcriia, late of said county,
decfiastd. :--- - !
All persons Indebted to Said estate are hereby no
tified to make immediate payment to the. under-,
signed at bis office in the city of Oakland, in said
county, and all parties having elaims agaiitat taid -estate
are hereby required to present the samo, with
projer vouchers duly erificd, t the tmdersigued at
h's law office in tbe city of Oakland, in said county
and State, within sfx months fruni date hereof.
Dated HajTlfth, 1835.
.'1. C. A. SEULBREDE, .
Administrator, with wiil annexed, of the estate of
John F. Sutheriht, deceased. mf-jl-7'
!uat'(linir.s Sale.
XI ; of a license f; the County Ciurt of Dong-aa
joucty, Oregon, made on the 11 th day of May, A. D -1SS5,
authorising me so to do, f will on Tuesday tho
lbth of June,la65 between thf hoursof 10 o'cloc!c,a k. ,
and 4 o'clock, P. Mi of said day, on thettaid lands
id Myrtle Cieek precinct, Douglas county, Oregon,
offer for sale to tbet highest bidder for Cash tho fol
lowing described premises, to wit: An undivided one
half interest in aad to Lot numbered one, S of is K
, and S E of X fc? J of Section 30, Towushii) 29 S.
of R 4 West of tho i Willamette meridian iu Douglas
County, Oregon, containing V,2 and 93-100 acre of
land. Alex. McCahty,
j . Guardian of the Estate of
Olive Oatman, a minor.
Ey Lane & Lane,
his Attorneys.
. ing under the fbm name and style of Abraham,
Wbeeler & Co., contesting of Sol. Abraham, ftudolph
Abraham, L. V. Wheeler and W. M. Wbeeler is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Any debt due
from the firm are M bo paid by -Sol, Abraham, and .
all accounts due to the linn are to be paid to tha
said Sol. Abraham. I .- BOl ABKAHAM.-T.-
ltoscburg, Orcgin, ) K. ABRAHAM.
; May S.h, ldj . "i L. . WHEELEK,
Land Offlce at Ro-wburg, Oregon, Apr.lil, lSi,- '
lowing named mettler hq filid notice of his in
tei'.tioii to make inal proof in wunort of his claim.
and hat said proof; wili be male boIre the Kc ister .
11 West,
He names the following witnesses t;i prove hiscon-
thiuous residence upon, uud nltivautu rt staid land,
viz: Mai tin Miller of Dora; Frank Scofltld of Dora, .
John Miller of Dura: John Woekly of Looking GIms.
' - Reginjr... ,
AdtTliIlistatrix, Notice
dersumed has by the County Court of Doutrlaa
County, Oregon, been appointed Administrat rix ot
the Estate of Geo. W. Hunter, deceased. All partiea
indebted to said estate are hereby n. tilled to make
immcniate payment to the undersigned at her resi
dence, twelve miles east of Myrtle Crcec, isail
county, and all parties hav'itg claims against the
said estate will present the same to tho uu leni-ned
duly verifiedj within six moutes from tho date here
of. -. . - - - -, :-
Datod AprU 29,'131. MARY HUNTER
I - Administratrix
Assignee's Noficc.
XS Dement of Myrtle Cieck, Douglas County,
Oregon, on tho 17th day of Apnl, 13 j., made a gen
eral assignment to the undersigned 11. W. Stephen.
jsnn of an ma property under me provi-aon oi tne
SUtute of Oregon entitled "-An act to Secure Tedit-
ors a just dl vuion of the estates of debtors wn con -vey
to assigns f or the benefit of creditors," an 1 that
the undenignedfhas duly qualified s such as. vnec.
Tlieref ore. All persons having claims a eaii st th
said George Dement are hereby notified to j'TMsejit
the same, under oath, to the u ndvrnigncd at i yrtla.
Creek, Douglas Couuty, Oregon, witbin threa nuiiitha
from this date. All persons indebted to Gcor;e De
ment are required to make immtvliute payrcent W.
me.. 11. W. STEPHENS)".,
L. P. Mosnca," : v , - - Awigice. -
Atty lor Assignee - .
.... Datel April 21, ' . . - "
For Sale.;
He la of the "Myers" Jersey stfwk of Jaqks ja
county; Is 7-S Jersey, five eir old and is of w dark -btiii
lie color, weighs 1300 pounds; U peaceabie an.l
kind. Will be sold reasonable. Eofiufre t my
J place, one and one half mile south f Khu rg, o:
i west side of tae river. FRANK SfcMULLEN