THE REVIEW IS ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS, BY J. R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor. r . . HAS TH5 . ; FIN EST JOB OFFICE Df DOUGLAS COUNTY. CASES, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLAKIS, And ether Fdsttna tnolwitng Iirgc am Esau Fcstsrs a:I Si: it Eni-Ems, "j ,: NetaadaapedlUoasJycseatted lew o One Year Six Months -Three Months $2 50 1 50 1 00 These are the tsnns of those paying to advance The Rkvicw offers fine Inducement to advertisers. Terms reasonable. . VOL. X. ROSEBUEG, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1885. NO. 8. AT PORTLAND PRICES. in o JOHN LAXE. LANE & LANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. i J. C. FULLERTON, A HP" T n T? "NT TP V AT T A TTT A-. A W M.H J-i M MJ A VV ! ' Office In Marks' brick, up staire. A. F. CAMPBELL, ATT OR N E Y AT LAW, Office Next door to Hogan's Store. W. N. MOORE, General Insurance -Agent, O fllce at Court House, . ROSEBURG, : : : : : OREGON'. lineal Instate Cerent, Office with Lane & Lane, oppoaite the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Itesebuxg, Douglas County, Oregon. ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE AND CITY property Bought, Sold or Leased on Com mission. Exchanges of Real Kotate effected. mar20-tf J. JASKULEK, PRACTICAL Watckaler. Jeweler anl Optician, ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer In Watches, Cloeks, Jbewelrj-, Spectacle and Eyeglasses. AND A FULL LIKE Of Cigais, Tobacco & Fancy Goods. Tht ouly reliable Optomer m tows for the proper adjust ment of Spectacles ; always on hand. Depot ef the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Speo tacles and Eyeglasses. Office In Hamilton Brick Block, Boot and Shoe Store ROSEBLBG, OREGO.V, On Jackson Street, Opposite th Post Office, Keeps on hand the largest and best assortment of Eastern and Sinn Francisco Roots and Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, auu OTUkuuig All wo XXJUb ttUU Oil CXI 1UJO, via SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and "Warran all my work. - Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice. I keep always on hand TOYS AND NOTIONS. Musical Instruments and Violin Strings a specialty. LOUIS LAXGEXnElKJ. XR. MINTIE, . THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearny Ht.,San Francisco, Cal. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private diseases with wonderful success, i THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY l3 A NEVER FAILI.VG cure lor Nervous De- jility, Seminal Weak ness, Exhausted Vital ity. Spermatorrhoea, LOST HA.HH llOOO, fmpotency. Paralysis. Prostatorrhoea, and all the terrible effects of telf-abuse.youthf ul fol iesaad excess in ma urer years, such as I-iosa of Memory. Las;. tude, Nociupnal jumsssions, aversion to society, T)mniica f Viann 7fiaAa in fIA a v cesses In drinking intoxicating 1 i . uors, the vital fluid passing unobserved in the urine, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and dealh. lr. Jlintie, who is A Regular Phymi slan. Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Hollars for a case of this kind the Vital Restorative (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, or for any thing impure or injurious found in it. lr. Mlutle treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation Free. Thorough examination and advice, including analysis of urine. $5.00. Price of Vital Re storative. $1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D.. secured from observa tion, and in private name if desired bv lr. Hflntle, 11 Kearny Street, Nan Fran cisco. Cal. Send f'jr lists of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE, Will be sent to any one apply ing by letter.stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in ro gards to all business transactions. Iir. Mlntie's Kidney Remedy, XE PIIItETICUM, Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Leuchorrhoea, etc. For sale by .all druggsitB; $1 a bottle or six bottles for $5. -DR.5IIXTIE H DAXIELIO PILLS are the best and cheapest 1YSPEPSIA and HILIOITS cure in the market. For sale by all druggists. - . DR. LIEBIC'S WONDERFUL German Invigorator MEN WHO ARE 8CFFER- ing from Disease and Weakness b -ought on by early imprudence or ex cesses, causing nervous debility, premature decay, lost manhood, etc.. having tried in vain every known remedy, should procure immedi ately Dlt. LIEBIGS IN VIGOR ATOR NO?2 THE DOCTOR will agree to forfeit $1000 'for a case undertaken., not cured. The reason why bo many cannot get cured of weakness and above diseases is owing to a complication railed PR03TATORRHEA with Hyperesthesia; which requires special treatment. DR. LIEBIGS INVIGORATOR NO. 2. under our advice and special treatment, is the only positive cure for PROSTATORRHEA. DIwLIKBlG &CO. for the oast ninfctnen have made an exclusive specialty of the treat ment oi aiseases oi men. If nim nles apnear on the face, if rou hefnm listless and despondent, look out for the compli cation with Scmiaal Weakness and loss of Vi tality known as Prostatorrhea. Hundreds of lives nave been lost, and thousands have lost their property and pleasure in life from its ef fects, v ancoceie, or wormy veins ot me scro tum, often the unsuspected cause of Lost Alan hood, Debilty, etc. DR. LIEBIG S Invigorator. iio. 2, is thetonly known remedy for the above complication, and a perfect and permanent cure will be guaranteed la all cases undertaken node our special advice and treatment. . Most Dowerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the INVIG- , Call or address. Dr. Lleblg & Co's Private Dispensary, 400 Geary St., San Francisco. Cal. L. F. LANE. Samuel Mares. Asher Marks. CZABKS & CO., DEALERS lit MM - HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND ciotiii, 1 1 Crockery. Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of Every Description Bought AXI) THE VERY II I II EST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. MARKS CO., - HITCH "LTJP I J3u.t befoi'e yon do tliat come 'i;otiiicl to W. G. WOODWARD'S AND Buy a New Set of Harness OH A SADDLE. On of tho Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. I use nothJnK f ' r , . but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DONT FAIL TO CALL ON ME! W. Gr. Woodward, H-osebnrg" Or. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OREGON. They would announce that they have just received and now hare on 4iand one of the largest stocks of .GENERAL IASBWA3! Ever brought to Douglas, Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinware, They are prepared to declare they have the ern Oregon, wh ich they propose selling Cheaper than any one can purchase elsewhere. In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way of Locks, Butts, etc., we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try us. We can (rive you bargains in the following BUCK'S BONANZA, FARMER'S UTILITY, OCCIDENT. And other CLAKENXWN, The best of workmen are constantly employed buyers should learn our prices- We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, well as in Shotguns and Pistols. , . , We are also Aeents for the White. Peerless we sell at lowest rates and warrant as complete -Averill and Rubber I?aint35 The best in the market, at lowest rates. Give pi ivcs, (uiu c uluic uj JOHN FRASER, Home Hade Furniture, WJMlUIt; OKEGOJI. DPHOLSTERY, SPM MATTRESSES, ETC, . Constantly on band. FURNITURE. A have the Be STOCK OF FURNITURE South ef Portland. And all of my own manufacture. 9io Two Prices to Customers. Residents of Dowlas County are requested to Eire me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED. The BeTrEEff" GUIDE is Issued Sept. and March, each year : 224 pages, 8 x 1 1 J inches, with over i,300 illustrations a w hole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or r'. family use. Tells how to -toNiJ ' order, and gives exact f f coat f ev" erythingyou t i 1 I nse, drink,' eat, wear, or . JSW- have fun with. These invaluable ; 1 looks contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail . a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. t 4t t WsbMk Avena-v Ckleaca, 1U. W. I. Friedlander. MERCHANDISE ais - Roseburo;, Oregon. OJ 111 - and, when added to their best supply in their line of any house in South brands of STOVES not equaled elsewhere : DEXTER, PACIFIC, IRON KINO, Stoves and Ranges. WIDE WEST. EMPIRE CITY in the manufacture of our TINWARE, and such as Winchester. Sham and other Rifles, as and New Home SEWING MACHINES, which in every respect. We can also supply us a call, inspect our stock, iaquire as to our sun juu u au une can. CHINESE WASH HOUSE -AND- SAM YOUNG, - - Proprietor. mlUS POPtTT.AR T. A ITVOPVlf 1 XT uc X again opened business at his old stand in Roseburg. on Main street; two doors south of Bo wen's blacksmith shop. He is prepared to contract for Chinese Laborers . And furnish COOKS, FARM HELP, WOODCIIOPPERS, RAILROAD HANDS Or Chinese Labor of any description on,short notice. L. OELFILS, ' WATCHMAKER, HAVING HAD 28 YEARS' iEXPERIENCK as watchmaker in Oregon. I feel confident of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted t me. i also have a large stock of Watches Clocks and Jewelry which will be sold very rea sonably. - I have the Countv-oatent rizht for the sale ef Concrete Cement Pipe for conveying water to any place desired- L. BKLib XLS. Groceries, p . GRANGE . BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, ; : : : Manager. DEAL IX Wool and Grain Also, AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of All Kinds. 7E TRANSACT A GENERAL BUSINESS m In our line and pa the Highest Market Prices for Wool &ud Graia. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept constantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a call. W. P. OWE. H . C. 3 T A H TO PJ , DEALER IN Itaple Bry G-oods, Keeps constantly on band a general assortment f Extra Fine Groceries, WOOD, WILLOW AND GLASSWARE, ALSO CROCKERY AND CORDAGE, A full stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, Such as required by ths Public County Schools. All kinds or Stationery. Tsyi aid Fancy Articles, T SUIT BOTH rOUNO AND X.9. Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes Cheeks on Portland, and procures -Drafts on San Francisco. HUBBARD CREEKIILLS CLARK & BAKER, Props. Having purchased the above named mills of E.Stephens & Co., we are now prepared to fur nish any amount of the best quality of LUMBER ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We will furnish at the mill at the following Tnices No. 1 rough lumber $12M No. 1 flooring, 6 inch ; 824 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch... .. .S26 V M No. 1 finsihinsr lumber. S20 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $21 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides $26 M CLARK & BAKER. 4 EL DORADO Water S. HAMILTON, Agent, Roseburg, Or. Geo. W. Jones:" r- Dear Sir I hare delayed answering your letter in order to send you the enclosed certificate. Mr. Bart Reeve declines to give a testimonial at present for the reason that he has been under tho treatment of a num ber of Physicians and thinks that they might not like it if be were to make the affirmation of the effect tout Mineral Water had upon him. I will describe the case to you as near as I can : He had been sick about two years and an unnatural belt had formed around him just below theribs. He drank your Mineral Water three or four dajw and the belt went off in such a way as to cause his legs and feet to swell, but that noon dis appeared, and he is now in comfortable health. The doctors had all given up that he could not get well. There are a number of persons here who have spoken to me for some of the water to use iu "various cases, and I woulu like to use a little myself. I think it is the best nervous remedy I ever knew. Please send me five gallons of the water. Respectfully, E. A HANSEE. Jefferson, Oregon. ! SEEDS! ALL KINDS OF THE BEST DUALITY. ALL ORDERS Promptly attended to and goods shipped with care. Address, 1IACIIENY A BEXO, Portland. Oregon. DEPOT HOTEL, Oakland, Oregon. RICHARD THOMAS, Proprietor. This Hotel has been established for a num ber ef years, and has become very pop ular with the traveling public. FIEST-CLASS SLEEPING. ACCOMMODATIONS . -AKDIHI- Table implied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. Proprietor of the " . CITY BAKERY Ml CADDY FACTORY. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL stock of Bread. Cakes. Pies. Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of rench and American uandies and Chocolate Goods. Roseburg Soda Works. JOIIX XEV1LLE, Prop'r. MANUFACTURES A SUPERIOR QUAL ity of Soda Water, Sarsanarilla -and Ginger Ale. OrderB from abroad filled with promptness and at reasonable rates. llllfl mors money than stjanrthlng elsa by takln an I J j aeency for ths best Billing book out. Begin- ' s nrs sced grandly. None fall. Tanns f re. jiALLXZtr Book Co., Portland, Mains. Mineral He Apologized A story is told of a Naugatuck man who purchased a load of wood of ono cf his neighbor. The wood was of su h poor quality and so crooked that he complained bitterly about it Finally, after eshaust'ng his' vocabulary, he said: 'If I ever see a meaner load of .wood than this I'll apologize to you for what I have said." ; The man who bought the wood moved to Westport, and after several years had passed came home one night and looked ov;r a load of woo.i that had been left in his yard during the day- He walkei around it a few times," and finally went into the house and said to his wife: "I have got to go to Naugatuck right away. "Wh.t have you got to go to Naujratuck now for?" inquired his wife. Why I told Mr. So-and-So that if 1 ever found a meaner load of wood than the one that sold mo I would apolo gize ,Jo him for what I sard about it; I EaveTound it and am going." And he at once took the train for Naugn tuck and apologised to the man according to his promise. Bridgeport " Conn.) "Why a man laughs at a joke in stead of weeping, and why one weepa at a stroke of pathos instead of laugh ing, are questions," says a recent Ger man writer in discussing the positive results of science in the department of psychology, "which are just as blind as ever they were in Parmenides or Plato; but the man who should reverse the process would be voted mad by his fellows, nevertheless." gar Pi Mil Twelve Miles from Roseburg. on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. IV0B W r MILL! Any amount ef LumberSngar Pine, Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring. Rus tic, Mouldings, Etc. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD We have appointed A. J. BELLOWS andHENRY GATES agents for Roseburg, who will have Lumber always on hand. Will deliver to any part of the city from the Mill at reasonable rates. PRICES AT MILL: Rough Lumber. 9 09 M Flooring. 18 M) M Rustic 18 00 M Mrs. HOOVER, DEALER XX Fine Millinery AND Fancy . Goods, ROSEBURG, : : : : : : OREGON Ladies will find my Stock Large and Com plete. Prices Moderate. MRS. H. E. HOOVER. THE CENTRAL HOTEL HAVING AGAIN ASSUMED THE MAN agement of this well known House, of which we are the owners, we take this method of informing the public that it will be First-Class in Every Particular! Meals and Lodging per day. Meals.......... Lodging .....$100 25 ...... 25 Satisfaction diaaranteed. Free Coach to all Evening Trains. . ' T. E. Garrison, THE PEOPLE'S Grocery Store, O. H. FLOOK HAS JUST OPENED A NEW AND NICE stockof Family Groceries in the Belflls Building, where he will be elad to see all want ing Goods in his line. Country produce taken in exchange. Orders from the country will receive careful attention. , BUNNELL & BOWEN BBOS., FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, "Wagon Shop, BLACKSMITH SHOP. CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM 1 OUNCE to 3 tons weiffht. Small Cunola for small Castings. Money refunded if work is not the best. Portland prices! Save telegrams and expressage. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS D. C. McClallen PROPRIETOR OP THS McOLALLEN HOUSE, Roseburg, Oregon. Large Sample Booms for Commercial Travelers Free Coach to and from the house. Baggage delivered free of charge. ROSEBURG Marble Works, J. H. O'KIALLEY, DEALER IN Tombstones, Tablets, Etc. Shop Kearof Hoa-an's Store. H. PARRY, F1e reliant Tailor, EOSEBURG, OREGON. First right-hand room, up stairs, orer Marks Store. Bepairt and Alterations Neatly Bone. WAR DECLARED! Printers Strike at Last Every Prospect that they will be Successful! For some time past it has been gen erally conceded that the firms who, in order to secure and hold their trade are obliged to resort to the system of sending drummers on the road, are not the firms for a business man to deal with, unless he is satisfied with seventy-five cents for a dollar. A business man (and printers and pub lishers are generally good business mea) can readily understand that a traveler's expenses have to be paid, and out of the profits of his sales. A drummer's expenses average about ten dollars per day, when upon long trips of three and four months. That means simply ten per cent, added to price of your goods. The drummer figures- in this way : He calls upon a publisher, who, we will say, wants a power press, and has made up his mind to buy the best, thinking (and rightly, too,) that the best is, in the long run, the cheapest. He has decided upon a Campbell, or perhaps a Cottrell press (and couldn't have made a better choice), and figured carefully upon the freight, etc. for getting, of course, the drummer's ten per cent. ; but the drummer doesn't forget it. He talks all round, nibbles first on one press and then upon another, until he at last finds a machine that may be $100 or $200 less in price than the publisher's choice, and finding that the publisher is not familiar with the price, make o"r working qualities of the press, he then exerts his entire chin-power upon eulogizing this power press. Perhaps it is a "Prouty" it will grind out anything, from quartz to sausages, in three colors. The publisher orders a press gets a quartz crusher; drum mer makes ten days' expenses hur ries along to - reach some pleasant loafing town thinks he's smart has not time to see this publisher next trip. In short, the drummer for second-class houses, (for such are they that will foist inferior type and ma chinery upon printers and publishers, under the plea that they are " cheap," knowing that they must get ten per cent, more than any o(her house, in order to pay the drummer) aims to make his expenses by plausibly representing goods for what they are not, at a re duced price. Now, there is a difference between this second-class firm's drummer and the first class. You take the. largest house, for instance, in the business. They figure that they have four-fifths of all the trade ; they make more sales, though on smaller margins ; they are reliable; they don't lose customers; their aggregate profits are larger ; they say, "We can afford to devote the profits of a portion of our business to securing new business, or to estab lishing a branch where it will be an accommodation and & help tp ur customers;" or, if the trade is limited and will not support a branch house, they can send out their traveler. The firm handles only the best type, presses and machinery in the world. Their traveler is required to sell only the best and always at one price. There is no chance for publishers being im posed upon if they are determined to buy the best. Then buy from the best firm in your line of business, and you will buy from Palmer & Key. ; If you are located in Oregon or Washington Territory, buy from the Portland house, where you can pur chase lower than the drummer can sell you by ten per cent. A CONSUL'S DILEMMA. Hie Unfortunate Position In Willed a Brlt-r- !ttli Officer Wtw Placed During the War a d ills Happy Deliverance Colonel Edward CantwelJ, who is at present one of the professors at the Georjria Military Academy, in Savan nah, was military Governor of Norfolk under the C. S. A., in" 1862, and or dered the British Consul to report for duty on the home guard. But the lat ter was more willing to serve his coun try in the paths of peace and pleasant ness, and objected on ths ground of be .ng Consul at Norfolk. r "Consul to what Government, sir?" To the United States Government." "But. sir. vou are not in the United States; you "are n t :e Confederate States, and vou must show me papers ic;redi tins you to the Confederate States of America." "But my Government don t recognize you as a Government." 4,Verv well. then, my Government don't recognize you as a Consul. You must shoulder your musitet ana jo n your company, was the laconic an swer o.f Colonel Cantwell. However, the unwarlike Consul threatened to have a gunboat come and bombard Norfolk before he would O ' sa-d the Colonel, "that is iust what I would like to see, for then the tln'.tml Kf.atoa will oy to work to nrht you, as it claims that Norfolk is still yart of the Union, and then, between you and theUnited btates fighting, we shall go free. However, the ena oi it was me von ml flrmpftlpd to Mr. Beniamin. Confed erate Secretary of War, who ordered his exemption from military duty, ana sr thp thrpp-cornered war that Colonel f!nnt.wp.ll wanted to see did not arise. and consequently the u. . A. aia mot . A - l T , .. . . o0 iree. oavunnuii views. -Mem parent "Here, my son. what is th s? lou wer? not av schoo, nil last wet-k." Astoa'shed boy "How do vou know?" Indignant father Your teacher told me so." Wary b jv "iid he see mer rathful pa pa "No. not once'." Triumphant bo" "The:i how c'oss he know I wa n't there? h tchanac ; A Noted Journalist &xt& Ant&or. .,v: .Yr t ST V t i rx ' -win,- i- iSvr I 1 COL. DOSK PIATT. lAdecendant of one of the early French settlers, his grandfather a distinguished of ficer of the Revolution, and bis father a merchant and banker of Cincinnati, Donn Piatt retains many of the characteristics of the Frenchman, - A native of Ohio, be studied law, was admitted to the bar, and shortly after placed on the beach from which he was appointed to the diplomatic service at Paris by President Pierce. Ac the outbreak of our civil war he entered as a private, and ' soon after accepted a position on the staff of Gen. Robert C. Schenck, serving with honor through Ihe war. In 1865 CoL Ptatt was elected from Logan county to the Ohio legis lature, here he made himself obnoxious to the politicians by his advocation of reform measures. Sickening of politics, with an experience that has since proved invaluable to him, he turned his attention to journal -ism. For three years Washington correspond ent of The Cincinnati Commercial he sup plied that paper with a letter a day during the sessions of congress. These letters were a tremendous success, the reason for which Col. Piatt says was that "the American public longed for personalities and I catered to that taste. In Washington I found the house a cave of the winds, and the senate a preposterous fog-bank. My holding a solemn old pump of a senator up to ridicule was as startling as it was delicious to the public.1' At the end of his three years worTi as cor respondent he joined with George Alfred Townsend in starting The Washington Cap itol. Townsend shortly afterwards retmd from the paper, as did Mr. Piatt i- time. , iTloreitce Pools a Hotel Cleric. - L New York Sun. Florence, the actor, got a little fun out of the anti-Jewish crusade at a summer hotel. His jovial face has Iruh lines in it, but no lineament could be construed as J ewish, Ht had read about the situation, and it cam ini o his mind as he walked up to the registry. Ee wrote in the book "S. Isaacs, New York." The clerk looked at the signature "in sudden alarm, and then gazed, earnestly into the coimodian's visage. "Is that your name, xiip. to stammered, quite thrown eflt his aial steaiy balance.. "Dot ish my name, yes," was the reply, in excellent dialect "i socks Solomon I-socks." 'Than I am Rorry to say that we can't give you a rooM.' uiis point the bystanders laughed, an:. i .ib actor's joke was. duly noted fer publica tion. The river of Jay-liTfe-See. EDWIN D. B1THER. This now famous jockey was brought up on the stock farm of Mr. Case, the owner of Jay-T5ye-See, at Racine, Wisconsin Though but thirty years of age he has already shown remarkable judgment as a trainer, ana cool ness and patience as a driver. ' Not Too Proud. From Texas Sif tings. 1 A gentleman who owns a fine tract of cedar land not far from Austin, Tex., a few days ago was told that some negroes were cutting down the timber, so he roae oat to see about it. To bis astonishment he found a wealthy white neighbor, with a team and wa?on, hauling on! the timber. "Why, I am astonished, colonel," said the owner of the land. "I heard that a lot of negroes were stealing nry timber and here I find you, a white man, cutting my timber. You ought to be ashamed of yourself." "Well,to tell the truth," responded the other party. "I do hate to steal the timber like a darkey, but these cedar trees nake such bully fence rails that 1 concluded to drop all pride of race." The Editor orTbe Irlslt World., PATRICK rORD. ' Patrick Ford began newspaper work ai printers boy on Garrison's Liberator ia Bos ton. He afterward published a paper in Charleston, S.C. With his present paper he wields a large influence among our ciSzena of Irish birth. He has raised funds as great as $250,000 for various patriotic purposes. Mr. Ford is ot an extremely retiring deposi tion. He lives in Brook '.yn, "N. Y and is not seen at the office of his paper in Kew York more than once a year. Tht Way to tho Journalistic Heart. . " Oil City (Pa.) P.Iizzard. The editorial heart was gladdened through the editorial stomach to-day by a gift of some excellent apples and luscious peachss from the store of John LlcCun9. .