ROSEBURG REVIEW. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1885. A Tribute to Gen-Joseph Lane- from the Standard. ' Toward the close of a bright, Oregon May day, after the gentle showers had fallen over the thirsting hills and val leys of the beautiful Umpqua country, w hile the sun was sir, king in the ocean of the Yest, beyond the towering Coast Bangp, in' company with a traveling comjariion returning from a diive through the. hills overlooking thecharm ing Yoncolla valley we espied alxiuta mile from the town of ltos.eb.urg a graceful, sloping knoll enclosed. With in the enclosure white headstones tow ered toward thw arched vaults of heav en, telling us that there was a "Uity of the Dead." We wandered to wheie the pioneers of this part of Southern Oregon were sleeping the sleep tbsit knows no wak ing; pondered over theraves, many of vhich the sod had been recently turned. Here rested the yonug, whom the Giver of life had taken in their purity: and the figed, whose liv es had gone ' out in their twilight. The sweet-tuned larks gaily chanted their refrain over the new made graves, while the bluebnda hopped among the ! tranches of the majestic oaks, and occasionally a pair of graceful turtle cloves of the locality strayed here to coo, unmindful of all else. Here in, this intensely romantic spot of South ern Oregon, in siglifr of the scenes he loved so well in life, lies all that was mortal of tire brave General, the hon ored pioneer, the able statesman, Nes tor of the Oregon Democracy, n I the only man who, thus far, from our State, ha3 achieved a wational reputation Joseph Lane. - In a neat and substantial mausoleum powering above all the surrounding ob jects as the occupant, when of .the earth earthly, towered above his fellowmen, peacpfully awaiting the resurrection morn, sleeps this gallant wholesouled pioneer. The inscription on a white marble slab reads: In Memory of Gexeral Joseph Laxe, Corn, December 14, 1801 Di.-d, " i . April 19, 18S1. Alongside, rests the dust of his aged companion through life, the forid, faith ful mother and honored wife, upqn Syhose covering is inscribed: ; v In Memory of - Polly, JVife of General Joseph Lane, Born, March 16, 1802. Died, August 16, 1870. Numberless herds grazing upon the adjacent hills, even seemed to revere Ihe place, while the grand old oaks, stand around like sentineled mourners bf the honored pioneer. The entire genius of the place is a Bcere" to fire the sentiment even of the stoic r It was inspiring and awful, enough to make the unregeoerated heart cry out, like the evil spirit did in the olden time, under the influence of the. Man of Sorrow ' It brought to our mind the song of the poet: ' "To him, yah in the love of Nature holds iommunion with her risible farms, she 8pek a various la-iguige: y " The oak -:, Shall aend its ro ts abroad, and pierce thy mould. Yet not to thy eternal resting: place Shalt thou relur l alone, nor couldst thou wiah Couch more Kutgnificeut. Takethewings Of morning and ' the Barcan desert pierce Or loae thyself in the continuous wooda Where ro'ls the Oregon, and hears no sound gave its own dashing yet the dead are there." ' Sleep on brave soul, in the presence of the pioneers, dead and living, round and about your peaceful tomb! The song birds carol over thy romantic grave, and the beautiful wild flowers of ihe hills you loved so well grow round and about it! Thy face is turned to ward the City of the Ne'w Jerusalem, and thy noble, whole-soul has gone over and beyond the Great Kiver, un like that which of life was bent with age bonyant and triumphant in the glorious raiment of life eternal, S. . The Kedmei's (Mabration- Your correspondent was one of the exoursionists to Jacksonville, to the dedication of the Rcdnien's hall on the 1,2 th. Was much pierced with this u'aique tiiid aUr"g"nal order. The hall was packed by. a very appreciative and p immeudable audience. The music by he choir was transcendenlal, its pathos wooing the Gieat Spirit. The two bands, in attendence, Cottonwood and ihe 'J acksoimlle both ' merit medals for he sweet music discoursed cn that memorable occasion. The Ilierogly phical dedication of the Temple was, lieyond my ken, excepi that com mon to another order. It may be the best order in the world, still I would class it under the genus Cimex, and it must te a Hexdpod. Still I may be as bad- jy mistaKen as 1 was in supposing cpj. ivoss to be the big Bamboo y Chief, be cause he was clad in a line "buckskin costume. Ou mv return hitherwaid I spent a day in the flourishing town 6t Medford which bids fair to become tlio principal town of the valley. S'ince the demise of Central Point, star ed by Jacksonville to kill Medford, il has taken a'secend boom, in fold M.'K in tile latter' place told me that Jacksonville hit' it just where she missed it, wl.en she did not get the E. H i the start, i e the Dutcl.tnan shot the co jn. Subscribe for the Review. ED1T0EI &IT NUTE& Speaking of the Redmen's dedica tion last week,' when we , closed, we now continue: by saying that it was. a success. The singing was most excel lent all was performed in a most im pressive manner. We have bften'orer much of the valley sinc our last, and everywhere from the northern part to the southern extremity, ' beyond Ashland, wv soe signs of marked improvement in the last four years. Jacksox County with her rills and rivers her fertile lands and prunes, her forests and her everglades, her g"azing and agricultural lands, her fruits and flowers, her salubrious cli mate amVgorgeous scenery altogether make it almost paradisical and second only to Old Douglas. . Jacksonville, Ashland, Medfcrd, and other towns in the county are making more headway than one would at first suppose. Tim part of Southern Oregon is se curing some good . immigration, and yet as m Douglas County we find some who avo like the canine that slept in the i). anger, "he would not eat the hay neither would he,iet ,the ox eat it." Some say "too many peoplodiore now," but if you could see the untilled lands lying in waste all over this vast terri tory, where many industrious hands could find profitable employment, cer tainly we are forced to conclude that this country ought to be, and will be, the heritage of homeless and landless in other states east of the Rockies. The hospitality of the citizens of this county has become proverbial and this writer is in a situation to know beyond all Gavil that it is most certainly true. TiiE Railroad on reaching this val by gave an unhealthy impulse to spec ulation, and now some few who said some yeas ngo "we must have a util road," and became unduly excited over the jn'o.spects, and as one of Jackson county's representatives said in the legislature in the palmy days of Ben. Holliday, "give us about 150 miles of llolliday's monopoly and we wilt be satisfied." They have it, and the wis dom of that Solon has not yet been verified. A wealthy proprietor said the other clay that the stage line was more beneficial to this county than the railroad. Of this wo are not sure, but that erery one vvhu expected to grcw into better c;rcumstauce3 because of the railroad, some of them, at least, have been sadly disappointed. The "Beall side track" trouble still continues,, but we are led to believe fiat the track will bo laid, and remain intact, as it should be. . ' We should be glad to to speak of personal friends, but we appreciate the fact that the undertaking 'would be too great. We had the pleasure of calling on all of the numerous newspaper men in the county. They ah gave-us a kindly greeting. At Eagle Point we had the verv ... best entertainment at of our old friend Peter Simmons, who is now the proprietor of the Pioneer Hotel at that place. Travelers will do well to stop there. To read Mr. llolman's article in re gard to Southern Oregon in the Ore got'ianof a recent issue a person would be led to suppose that nothing inter vened between the Willamette and Rogue river valleys or that Mr. II. had travelled t distance of about 150 mifles on "thin air." The real facts are that the entire length of Douglas couu ty lies between and is far in advance of either of the above mentioned local ities in climate, natural resources and adaptability with the single exception of growing wine grapes, and. thore is even room for a doubt in that particu lar. Our seasons are just as early, if not a little moie so, and in the matter of early fruits and vegetables the Ump qua Yalhy is in the lead of all other localities in the State. We have never had even a partial failure of crops on account of drouth, or from any other cause,. and at the s.ime time never have an excess of rain. h " . A colchy of infidels was founded five years go in Baiton county, Missouri. A coi respondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat who spent a day and a half in the new town called Liberal, says that the experiment is a failure; that the town, instead of keeping pace with other towns of the same age has fallen far behind them, and instead of being the happy, prosperous commu nity it promised to be, is shrivelled contracted, torn into by dissensions and iu a condition where only prompt action in behalf of its friends toward a reorganization will 'save, it from disin- tegratiou. Never in the history of our nation did a President make a better start for a pure, clean -and acceptable adminis tration of the nations affair's, than has Steph n Grover Cleveland. He is un doubtedly a man of wonderful execu tive ability, and as long as he remains in his present practise lie will be pres ident, and the nation will prosper.- Ex Ex-Go vornor Newell of Washington Territory who recently passed trough this valley on an official visit to Kla math county as . inspector of Indian Agencies, has returned to his home in O . . ... Olympia, and favors the publisher of the Olympia Transcript with an inter esting sketch of the Indians at. the different agencies in Oregon, and a dis- cription of the he passed through on his tour of inspection. The following is what he has to say of the Valleys . of western and southern Oregon: . "The Governor speaks of the gieat basin Iving between the Coast rancre and the Cascade mountains, three hun dred miles long and one hundred wide, containing the great valleys of the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue rivers million of acres as one of the most beautiful, fertile and favored bodies of land known to mankind, all rich alluvial soil of inexaustable fertil ity, flat, undulating and hilly, calcula ted to sustain millions of people by agricultural productions, wheat and other grains of the latitude, grass, hops tobacco, and fruit especially, unexcelled in varjety and perfection, melons, sweet potatoes, almonds peanuts, apri cot?, nectaiii.( S? peaches; many cf the peach trees being a foot in diameter and twentv-five yeais old, full of bloom and as vigorous as ever. The fall growth is already far advanced, owing to the warm temperature. The County Commissioners of Jack son county recently appropriated $250 to disseminate information?4 concerning that county. Here is an example worthy of being followed by our Com missioners. Douglas county with all its great resources must be advertised to the world and our vt lleys and hills will becom the- workshop of thousands. Let us give a strong pull this year and get out of the mire of hard times. People are Hocking from all sections to Oregon. Let us show up our tlnice favored county its climate, its boun tiful soil and natural resource?, and unite our own prosperity in the com mon advancement of all. To-day all is changed. Nature can not smile too much upon her happy children; she cannot deck herself too gaily. The war is over, long over. Its memories have btcom sof tenoned its asperities have disappeai-cd. On our beautiful giounds an Iowa com pany wears the gray; a mobile com pany wears the. blue. No more stran gers or sojourne rs are. the people of the south and of the wear, to one an other, they aro friend?, brothers, Amer icans united even by the fact that brave men from each section illustrated its prowess in fields of strife iu days gone by '-Mobile Register. Are You Tired of Being Sick! We want to say a word to the men, wnmen and jirla who work in stores, offices ami fac tories. 'There ar hundreds of thousinds of you in the country. Verv few of you are well. You arc shut up too much aud exercise too little. ."In this way you are sick. -Your Mood is bad, your digestion poor, your head often aches, you don't feel like work. Your liver, stomach and kidneys are out of order. Par ker's Tonic has cured hundreds of such coses. It is pure, sure and pleasant. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, 'Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents pei box. For sale by S. Hamilton. RTB 1SH5 INVAUJAB LB TO ALL! V."l"i be mailed C'DCTC to all applicants r w C !u and to customers of last vear without ordering it It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc D. M. FERRY&CO.DSS2lT ROSEBURG GROCERY STORE ItOBT. E ASTON, PROHUETOK. Ja,clc ton street, one door South of JJrs. Comj)toirs. HAS JiST UIXEIYES) A STOCK OF CANDIES, NUTS, CAKES, CRACKERS, TEAS, SPICES, SUGARS, CANNED, GOODS m COFFEES, ETC., ETC., ETC, I Exchange Goods for Good Butter and Fresh Eggs.. MY GOODS ARE ALL FRE&H, " UoBl'. EASTON. Assignee's Sfoike. "VfOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT GEORGE J. Dement of Mjrtlc l.'ieek, Jtugias County Oregon, on the 17th day of April, I3.s5, matfe a gen eral iiKsintueut to the unc!ersijrned 11. W. stjhen. sn ijf all his rojcrt,v inider ihj provision of the Statute of tJieijon tntitleu "An act to Secure Credit ors a just division ff the estates of debtors who con vey to a-ssiiis fur the benefit of Cfeditors, and that the undersigned hai duly qualified as rech assignee. Toerelare, All jiersotn havin? i-lsiins a?aixut the said George Ieaent are hereby notified to pronent. the same, under oath, to the undersigned at Myrtle, Creek, Doulas County, Oen, wiiuiti three months from this date. All persons indebted to Ueorge De ment are required to make immediate payment to ma. II. W. STEl'IIENssuN, L. F. Mokhbr, Assignee. - "Atty for Asstirnee patel April 21, !Si5, PORTLAS D ADVERTISE MENTS. c. w. kxgwles, , l. d. drown. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, BROWN & KNOWLES, Proprietors. COIL FRONT AND MORRISON STS-, PORTLAND. IS A TIRE-PROOF BRICK BUILDING OF ISO Itooiua, locateJ in the center ol the City. Five minutes walk to the Post offlee. Kept on the Euro leaii plan. Kooms from M cents to Si.OO ior day. The KesUurant i the finest in the city, the tables ure supplied with the best. Meals, from 15 ceiita up. trench Dawier, 50 cents Free C'oaoh to and from the Hou.-iC. A safe Elevator is in the IIoue. Solic iting a share of the patron, I am, Verv Trulv Yours, I. O. BRCWX- Bex. L. Noueex. W. II. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, (KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) CORNER CF FIRST AND MCF.RISCN ST, POUTL1NEV - - OltEGON. NORDEN & ANDRUS. Props. Free Coach, to an J from the House. JUST OPENED. . ... The New Esmond. Til OS.GUINEAN, PROPRIETOR. New House, Xcw Furniture, New cvci'ytliius. All mode, n Improvements : r--Hydraulic Elevator, etc. European or American plan. JUST OPENED. INTERNATIONAL Co Tliird aud E Streets, Portland, Oraon. UEDUCIiD RATES, l'KICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, rp.Hls LAKCE A NO W E ! .L- A "TO I N T E I ) HOUSE X oife' sUjHu'ior aK'Ci.i fw at piijiulur prices. :o, Si. uii c. iiu.i :xO. uufy tmeo btwiv tiotu alt lejops mm ri.ctuici' l.iim..Kd 1' iuo Uuss to anJ from ihe Hotel No . nervuutJ. .No oeieiisircj or-deiatuu froiu raj lUr r.twd oi SI. 00 i cr ba. .ui-tf J2. L.HIV2STQN. I'rop'r. Louis Eppingor, IIanager. EUROPEAN PLAN. Saniine ftooaij for Oom-uercial Trav rOUTLAND, , OUEO Melton House 3C ES O T -iW. TT 3ES -A. 2XT T - SOL. ilSanager. CO Alder trcet, near 4th, POKTI.AND, Ort'On. KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. -:. the ' NEW YORK COFEEE IlOUE, RESTAURANT AND Oystez- alooii- THE LEADING CHECK RESTAUKAN't IN CITY S1FERD & HACKNEY. PROPS. Open Day and Niht. Private Rooms for Ladies. 132 Fir-st Street Portland Oreifon. Established 18o2. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. .THE LEADING ' .. AND. SSISCHAHT -ff&IiOB , OF OREGON. CTTHE PLACE TO BUY.JgJi J B CONGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, tftXEATHEU AND SAnDLERY HARDWARE. 108 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON. TAPE WORM Infallible Cure iii onc-Iinlf, to two hours time without any pain, or danger whatever to the patient. A'o interrifption of business. Iosc: tablc spooufuls. For pu it if u!a is, apply to John Wilhelm, Agent GT Alder Street, Portland. Masonic Temple. ' - , , .- DRY GOODS GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. Strictly ...One Price. CARO 'BROTHERS' &4 DEALEHS Hry Goods, Groceries, Croeteery, Clothing, . TrunhSj ITalices , DRESS GOODS, -VELVETS, FANCY OOODS, SILKS, CLOACS, JERSEYS, . Evcryliiing in the line of 3KXE!tAL .tXDISG will be sold from this date on, at bed-rock prices. iive us a call and convince yourself of our tiREAT I5AR(;AI,S at the SRITLY ONE IRIE STORE. (0) Would Respecifllly Announce to the Public that They are Better Tua Ever Lefoue to Iuunisu TTAVINO lilelv added a New J. A. Fay Moulding au Matohhi- Machine we will keep an immense stoA XI if tUc VEU t lilibT syiooiajaal A FINE STOCK OF MOULDINGS! WELL SEASONED CEDAR AND SUGAR PINE LUMBER! j - ! r T?IXE CEDAR RUSTIC, GBAIN SAWED FLOORING FURNISUED ON SHOUT OTOE. n.Us l1 LUMliERaad FENOl.VO furnished at IIAKl) TIME FhlCES. "d sound CliAU TU.-ilo, UAlLi.NU, l'lC'KETS,-&e.,llir FINE FEMCINO a iecialti. 1 10R Reference !ee Residence cf Cy. Smith, 4 mile above town or Dr. lUmilton' Rosebur-. are bound to make tiie LuuAer and Wive naiWactMiii. t.ive u a trial. . 4 n order left witU Tlio:.. 'Sheridan will be tnmpUy filled, and all Lumber delivered on ahort notice l. xitcr May 1st. All orders should be Addressed t . Voltaire Clumpy - LOOKING tiLABS OUKUON. THIS SPACE IS M. JOJEPHSON STAL CLYDE! Owned by J. W. Carlon, the noted Horseman. This Fainoi's Horse is 16i hands high, weighs over 1,400 lbs, is oE ina hogonv Bav Color, fcfix yent-8 old next Jmip, Perfect in Form, Limb and Body. .' CLYDE was sired at Salem by the noted imported Gi.eneld, winner at the Centennial 1876, and imported into the United States by Jus, Bur rows, purchased in 187o by . Mjor BriiCf, and by him brought to Oregon. (Jleneld was sired by the greit Scotch prize winner, Johnny Copp, that won more prizes than any other horso in his day. II's dam was by the justly renowned, Glenald. " CLYDE'S dam is . tLe noted -Henry an. I Hamiltonian, brought from Illi nois to Oregon in 1868, and purchased by Jesse Cornelius. . The attention of all Farmers and Horsemen is called to the above partic ulars, and they are asked to call and see this beautiful horse aud get terms. Good pasturage furnishei at reason able rates. Every possible care will be taken to prevent accidents or es capes, but no responsibility assumed. For further particulars, see or address J. W. CARLON Roselmrff, Oregon. ,000s is pRKSEvra oivex AW.iT. Send a VUuVUU cents postage, aim ty m.ii;you will get rnEK a package of goods of larfi value, tbat ill siart you in oK lliai wiu at once onng jiu jii mouey faster than anjtbing cl.e in" America. All alut the $'200,00oii prexeiita with each Ixix. Agent wanted ever-hjre, of cilber sex, id all axea, fr all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their v n hotiies. fortune for all worker absolutely as sured. Don't delay. II. U.VLLEJ, Co., Portland, Maine. mm. send six c?nts for postatre. aal receive free, a costly box of irooda which w.ll he'pall, of either sex to more money right away tnau anytmng eise in tne world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once address TUUli an J Co,, Augusta, Maine, FINE ON 3 IX- SATINS, VELVETS, ETC, 1ROTMERS , Hustle oi Hand-11, .'RESERVED FOR S NEW. AD. NOTICE! NOT fnhc Co-partnership hereto- L foro existing between . S. & J. C. Sheridan is this day dissolved ; by mutual consent, the firm retiring from. business. All notes imd accounts due the firm must be paid within sixty days or costs will be ad ded. - . Hardware, stoves and tin ware will be sold at cost for CASH ONLY from this datel R. 3. & J.C. Shcidan. ff i Rcsoburg, April 31, 1S85. LiiTi'.l Corners. milE FOLLOWING LAW WAS PASSKO BY TUE X late LesUture: i- To etUbli.-h ud comers of Ooremnu-nt mirrey, where tbe witncB tree have been cut', or have lubeu down, and where there remains thu stuinn o.i which the bearing mark or blazes, can Mill bo secM, or w here other evidences of the O r .rtiment corner may or ean be found, whereby the aaid corner c tablixhod by Government aurvey cau te po-dtivciy located by any of ueh or other decaving ev idc-acet, said corner or corners" to bo reestablished in the man ner iireseribed in thisSection foreUblivhuieorncrs, aad shall keep a itcperate record of the swine in book called liearinjr Tree of U S. Sureys, and , rivi"ig the date, and names of persona present; and I turn said rceord over to hia successor. When so re ' established, they shall be recognized thereafter I the legal and oennanent corner or corners. - ! j WM. THIEL, County Surveyor. BLACKSMITHINGi P. 31. 3I1TIIEWS HAVING LEASED BOW EN Bro. Blacksmith Shop in now prepared to ro al work in tho U lack -matting Line uy u.amcr. Uorscshoeinir a ipecialtY. a first fclai AT' J.M,DILLABD wouKl reiiOottalJy iuform t lw paflo that a ' has ou hauvl a Hue assortment of i ry & j j ;1 $f i ?3 z c r I cs, Rc;nly-3l!iile Cljtliin aa.l iu f ijt everytlii ii an illy k-ip; lb a . c ass stoi-u, ISlve him a call. Goods at liow Prices AH kiiisai I'l'odui T;ikeii .n E zzx i n i i5 f j 13 J 1 4 . orders proi2it)Jy atiia It l tj. Dr. A. SE0i!), ' SPECIALIST. Cur.'s all Otir iulc -Diiaasev CaUrr'.i, Asthma, C.iiisatuptioii, Keurali iibeuuiatism, Paiitlysi.-, B.-iIita Dis ease. !;psy, White cJWclUu, Stir juiii-.s, etc. This treatment ihormghly puriiia iliu bl.wd. driving a'l..... impurities util corrupt ruitter f.eai the whlt syeleat aud briux tac. and tvery uerve uud njUccle ti a licalihy AiteunJ ii natural Mork. " " ; All who are surtViiuif froui Caron c Didest's are reaueied lo call Therj will be no charge tor cyns. lting witU tiie patient, 'ierius in all caSfes rean- able. A. Skcoki. Coaio)"itan Hotel. .Rose burg. Oreou. PROPERTY FRONTlNii ON THREE PaiSCIPLt: Hitesm, size i)xl;0 feet, nljioh will jfive t'uUft bJildiu Kts :!iJciK led. Otvud biuititM iv.jUaeimi also d'sHiiv, woll fui'iitiod, fins wejl, -!tu I'Uiiiji, ulso w.xnl she J and other out buildiui, aud all well fenced, for particulars-enquire at lU'.'i ollije. CIVIL UEjoT Sf ore. . i DEALER IN Drj 03daGr coo its etc Ail Kinds of ProJjja Tak:n i.i Exj!ui CIVIL REND, DO 173. CO., OREGON. S i J,! i . i r x r'ii,vx ;ij ).i San I 10 c mt pj. JiJi 5 il 'ixi. a ia .vj will ;.itil v'.u r' ji frf.ul ti v"a!.b si.ii e n x o: zuni-JLi t!il .11 jua in tha v.ty oi itt iKiiix iii-re t.x.r.tvy in e ii ciiii y u c Oi" v.i jJiftit ,i isytuie ta.i Ijiim.ig. L'.tal :i n ro l t:t-o.l. t-iu isiti livj at uoujj .i I work in si;ai"j inu rt-dy, or ail tivj ti iu. Ad u( bj'h sevas, tl ii!l ae;, ;;i-in.liy Aiooj;f;ii. M ccsu to .) eartJ evo.-y ej.iiti. T.iat all u wan., vvortc m o te .t ; ,iueJ, we m.koUi.sja parad.:le 1 tiIer; T.i. all who ;ire not.wcli satisiio.l we Vul ou-J jji i ;i:vy f-r the wjuiil j v-i writing us. Ku.l jiariical.irs, Ju, eu?..c:it frej. lm;iu-nw iibduktily HUru Jur Sli uii., ui onee. t)i. Au la V. xJd.x-s i Co.. i rtia!j, M.duj. United St.itos Lju.1 Olllce, Kokedui, Oregon, Fb ruary 25, lss.'i !V)Ti.:i: h imriKisY gixxx that jiin' u. lA Dali'.y h is npitds I tr jurclia-i the -So itii h.df utj. r'j. iua'lcr and lit : o ..f sj-u,.ti 1 i" i-) S, 11 $ W, Wiliaiiicbe msri liiin, u )J, r tiie net 6t ,oiirs f ,h:r.c 3d, 1S78 for thu sule of timber' m t Sio Mutes of n i.ia. h-con, Ncrad.t aad mo 1'crriu.ry of Vd!iiiix5!;. Any and alt iartids Waiiuiir; ndvi "scly a-iy of the ;bo. j.,, ii.,t fj):. tiicir ' laim Ji-ith'the lle'trit-r f !; L:md Otfi rj at Kosc".urjr durinj the -ixi-y dy t'OMioatviii Lcicof or their r.i:iv.s iil fco ftarred if laiatc." Wui. r.liiiNJVMlS febiSCt tetUie ADMIXrST.VTOn'S NOTICR "Vforicras hereby uivex ra.vTT.ii-: undeu- il ftiuo l h is b'J'i duly .ipiMbiot.l by ihe Cuuniy tJifri of 'Jiiii;'!..! ciii'.uty, Oivnii. A l linustrtor uf the Kjt e if .Sar.vh tirowii, bite of taid uouittv, iv eca,;il. All pfrsons 'uvtnj claim Rnst H.iid E. tale ae hurebv rc'iuired t'i present the same, wix proper r-i-i -huH, wi;.h'.n six mm tin frtin dtte of ihi:; n.s,ice, t Uic uiideiNined, at bin l:tv. ollb-e bi Oukla-id, U.unrl us iToutity, iri,i u March l.UhlSiiS i:. A. SKlibKitKDE. AdininMtrAUr. T'lrs. K. Erekearide, AGENT FOlt W. E. KoOOSHZCS, ' Importer niuUManufacturer of MOSUME HTS HEADSTONES kji iuicriean aiKi oreiu mx.vie ainl Svutcl) (Jrauite. Kjsimales given for Coping in Sand Alo Agent for Wa'.ker'tf Irou Fence for Ceuietuiy Enclosure. ROSEBURG. - "OREGQN. aiiu at iMi.u'Hi, VI C'JJ'U1( April i t iOo joTfcK h ni:Ri;Y mxes that the kol- 1 hivk-imr nuniil wr.fVr nKI itiut ki I r and i hat said proof wdi be male before the Register or lieceivcr at Kosebuiy Land Oafc6, on TneUyt June 2, viz: Isaac r. Weekly U .incite id .No. 3OS0 for the lots 7, 8 a::l 0, S. E. of S. W." aud & W. J of S. E. 1, taction '16, i. S3 dauth of Itano U West, lie names tbe folio wlnir witnesses to prove hlcn tinuous re.sidenue upon, and itultivatiou of aaid land, viz: Mai tin Miller of Dora; Frank ijtficld of Iora, John irillor Dora: John Vco!-:!v of Looking GImi. W. V. BLiSJAMIS, ltclUrr. ' A'tliiJilstralrix' Notice. VfOTlCK IS IIEltKUY GIVEN' THAT THE UN. i.X - dcr!f'.ied has by the County Court of Uoug-ta County, Oienn, been appoint,! Ad;ninitratria of the Evle oi Geo. . IlutiUjr, devca.eiV' All parties indbb;cd K u-iid ctalo are hereby it. u;ied tmiak imnicniate ayijieiit to tbe uid :rsined at her reai deuec, twelve miles east of Myrtle Cree'r; Iitsaif county, a::d all p.rlie. hav.i: clai aaintt the suid eU will pre Hint tbe same t- the un-lerijrned dulv verified, a ttbtu nix monteii from the date here of. Dated April 29, XSSI. 11 ARY HUNTER Adiiiiniitvratrix. BiJLEY'S HOTEL. Oak!an il, Oregon. ' Board $1 p;r Day; Singls. Meals, 25 cent?, - iSSTThis bouise has Isitefy changed hands- and U thoroughly runovatei and refurnished. The travel ins public ill find the best of accommodations. IVo Cliiimmvn ICmpIoj-oU. CilllU DA1LEY