THE REVIEW IS ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS, '' BY J. R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor. One Year - - - ' - $2 50 Six Months - - - - - 1 60 Three Months - - - - - , 1 00 These are the tsrma otthoee paying in advance The Review offers fine inducements to advertisers. Terms reasonable. THE - BE VIE W .- HAS THE . FINEST JOB OFFICE IN, DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LE3AL BLANKS, And other Printing, Including - Large M Hsayj Pesters an! Zm Hani-Bills, Neatly and expeditiously exeoated AT PORTLAND PRICES. tl our VOL. X. ROSEBURG, ' OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1885. NO. 7. Rose -RevleWo JOHN LAKE. LANE & LANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J. C. FULLERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ? Office -In Marks' brick, up stairs. A. F. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Office Next door to llogan's Store. W. H. MOORE, General Insurance Agent. OJllf c at Court If ouse, ROSEBURG, : : : : OREGON. It. .CKOiH. JK Otiice with Lane & Lank, opposite the Cosmopolitan Hotel, JIOMebnrg, Douglas County, Oregon. ALL KIN'D3 OF REAL ESTATE AND CITY property Bought, Sold or Leaded on Com mission. Exchanges of Real Estate effected, mar20-tf .J. JASKULEK, - , PRACTICAL Watclmiaier, Jeweler - aiil Optician, ALL WOUK WARRANTED. Oealer In Watchr. Clock. Jewelry, . Npeetarles ami Uyjjtawes. A5D A rVLh USE OF Cigass, Tobacco & Fancy Goods. Tht only reliable Ojitomer m town for the proper adjust ment of Siectaeles ; always oa baud. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spec tacles and Eyeglasses. OfFiCE In Hamilton Brick Block, ko.hkkitih;. ouixo.v. LANGENBERG'S Boot and Shoe Store ItOSKKUItti, OIIECOX,'' On Jackson Street, Opposite the Post Office, Keeps onjmnd the largest and best assortment of Eastern and San Fruueiiseo Hoots and Shoes, Waiters, &llppej-N, And everything lu the Boot and Shoe line, and nnT T ci riTTTi a t- -m -t i a Pitt Boots and Shoes 3Iade to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and "Warran all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice. I keep always on hand TOYS AND NOTIONS. Musical Instruments and Violin Strings a specialty. LOlis IiAXGEXIIERt;. IH,. MIJVTIE, TIIK SPECIALIST. Xo. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. Tekats all Chronic, Special ant Private diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY IS A NBVER KAILIYQ cure for Nervous Le rility, Seminal Weak aess. Exhausted Vital ity. Spermatorrhoea, LOSTMAXIIOOO, mpotency. Paralysis, Prostatftrrhoea, and all Lhe terrible etfects of Self-abuse.youthf ul fol ics and excess in ma urer years, such as Lioss of Memory, Lassi tude, Isociupimi t,iiuttiona, aversion to society. jjimness or lsion. xsoises in tne Jteaa, ex cesses In drinking; Intoxicating liq uors, the vital fluid passing unobserved in the urine, and many other diseases that lead to insanity and death. ' Dr. jflntie. who is A Regular I'Iij hI nlan. Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Hollars for a case of this kind the Vital Restorative (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, orfor any thing impure or injurious found in it. Ir. M Intie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation Free". Thorough examination and advice, including analysis of urine, $5.00. Price of Vital Re , atorative. 81.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D., secured from observa tion, and in private name if desired bv Ir. 3f intie, 11 Kearny Street, San Fran cisco. Cal. Send for lists of questions and pamphlet. KAMl'LB BOTTLE FREE, Will be sent to any one applying by letter.stat ing symptoms, sex and age. tetrict secrecy- in ro gards to all business transactions. Ir. 31 1 n tie's Kidney Remedy. XE FIIUETICI'JI. Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Leuchorrhcea. etc. For sale by all druggsits; $1 a bottle or six bottles for 35. OIl.MIXTIE'S DAXDEMOX PILLS are the best and cheapest OYSPEPSIA and ItlLIOCM cure in the market. For sale by all druggists. DR. LIEBIG'S WONDERFUL German Invigorator Men who are puffer ing from Disease and eakness b ought on by early imprudence or ex cesses, causing nervouB debility, premature decay, lost manhood, etc.. having trietrln vain every known remedy, should procure immedi ately DR. LIKBIO S INVIGORATOR NO. 2. Tf IE DOCTOR will agree to forfeit S1000 for a case undertaken, not cured. The reason whv bo many cannot get cured of weakness and above diseases is owing to a complication called PROSTATORRHEA with Hyperesthesia, which requires special treatment. DR. LIEBIG'S INVIGORATOR NO. 2, under our advice and special treatment, is the only positive cure for PROSTATORRHEA. DR. LIEBIG & CO. for the past nineteen years have made an exclusive specialty of the treat ment of diseases of men. If pimples appear on the face, if you become listless and despondent, look out for the compli cation with Semiaal Weakness and loss of Vi tality known as Prostatorrhea. Hundreds of lives have been lost, and thousands have lost their property and pleasure in life from its ef fects. Varicocele, or wormy reins of the scro tum, often the unsuspected cause of Lost Man hood, Debilty, etc. DR. LIEBIG'S Invigorator. JSo. 2, is the only known remedy for the above complication. - and a perfect and permanent cure will be guaranteed in all cases undertaken nnder our special advice and treatment. Most powerful electric belta free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the INVIG ORATOR, A $2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. Call or address, Br. JLIeblg JL Co's Private Dispensary, 400 Geary St., San Francisco. Cal. L. F. LAXE. I HEALTH Samuel Marks. Asher Marks. S. 1AE1S & CO., DEALERS IN mm MERCHAIDISE -HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND- Dry Crockery, Glassware, Ciiii, revisions, Wool and' Produce of Every Description Bought AXi THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR TIIE3I. S.MARKSaScCO., - HITCH XJS3! J3nt before yon clo that come 'round to W. G. WOODWARD'S AND' Buy a New Set of Harness OB A SADDLE. Ona of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods but the best leather, EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. "W- GJ. Woodward, .Ilosebur": Or. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OREGON. They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of GENERAL HARDWARE Ever brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinware, They are prepared to declare they have the best supply in tlieir line of any house in South em Oregon, wh ich they propose selling Cheaper than any one can purchase elsewhere. In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, superior inducements to purchasers. Try us. We can give you bargains in the following BUCK'S BONANZA. CLARENDON, FARMER'S UTILITY, OCCIDENT, And other The best of workmen are constantly employed buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, well as m bbotguns ana I'istois. We are also Agents for the White. Peerless we sell at lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. We can alsosupply Vverill and Rubber Paints, The be3t in the market, at lowest rates. Give prices, ana we promise 10 JOHN Fit ASER, Home Made Furniture, WILBUR, OREOX, UPHOLSTERY, SPMG MATTRESSES, ETC., Constantly on hand. , FURNITURE. I have the Best STOCK OF FURNITURE South f Portland. And all of my own manufacture. Xo Two Prices to Customers. Resident of Douglas County are requested to give me a call before parch aging elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Tho Bwyerst Guide is issued Sept. and March, each year: 224 pages, 8xllJ inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or j0"',m'ms. - family use. rells how to J0amC rcter, and gives exact t f Y cost of ev ery thing you I I J use, drink, eat, wear, or have fan with. These m invaluable books contain information gleaned front the markets of the world. Ve will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. - Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. !iT A Wak ATeak Cfcteao, 1U W. L Friedlander. Ms Cigars, Boots and Shoes. - RoseburOregon, ever Brought to Town. I use nothing and have got DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME ! in the way of Locks, Butts, etc., we can offer brands of STOVES not equaled elsewhere.: DEXTER, PACIFIC, IRON KING, Stoves and Ranges. WIDE WE3T. EMPIRE CITY in the manufacture of our TINWARE, and such as Winchester, Sharp and other Rifles, as and New Home SEWING MACHINES, which us a call, inspect our stock, inquire as to our sun you 11 any one can. CHINESE WASH HOUSE -AND SAM YOUNG, - - Proprietor THIS POPULAR LAUNDRYMAN HAS again opened business at his old stand in Koseburg. on Mam street, two doors south of Bowen's blacksmith shop. He is prepared to contract for Chinese Laborers And furnish COOKS, FARM HELP, WOODCIIOPPERS, RAILROAD HANDS Or Chinese Labor of any description on short notice. L. BELFILS, WATCHMAKER, HAVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE as watchmaker in Oregon, I feel confident of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I also have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry which will be sold very rea sonably. I have the County-patent right for the sale of Concrete Cement Pipe for conveying water to any place desired. JU BELFILS. GRANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, Manager. -DEAL IN Wool and Grain Also, AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of All Kinds. AI7E TRANSACT A GENER AL BUSINESS V in our line and nay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Grain, -A full line of Agricultural Implements kept consantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE TUE DEPOT. Give us a call. W. P. OWEX8, H. C. STANTON, DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods,' Keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Extra Fine Groceries, WOOD, WILLOW KM GLASSWARE, - ALSO CROCKERY AND CORDAGE, A full stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, Such as required by the Public County Schools. All kinds of Stationery, Toys and Fancy Articles, TO SUIT BOTH YOUNO AND OLD. Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes LhecKs on .Portland, and procures Drafts on San Francisco. HUBBARD CREEK Ji I LIS CLARK & BAKER, Props. Ilavinar nurchased the above named mills of Ji. Stephens ac Co.. we are now Drenared to fur nish any amount of the best quality of LUMBER ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We will furnish at the mill at the following rices: o. 1 rough lumber $12 M No. 1 flooring:, 6 inch.. ...824 $ M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch. . ... . .. . . . , . -. . ,;. . .826 M No. 1 flnsihiner lumber 820 $ M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides $2ti $ M CLARK & BAKER. EL DORADO Mineral Water S. HAMILTON, Agent, Roseburg, Or. Geo. IF. Jones: Dear Sib I have delayed answering your letter in order to send you the enclosed certificate. Mr. Bart Reeve declines to give a testimonial at present for the reason that he has been under the treatment of a num- lr of Physicians and thinks that they might not like it if he were to make the affirmation of the effect your .Mineral Water nau upon him. l will aescrilte tne case to you as near as I can : He had been sick alxut two years and an unnatural belt had formed around him just below the ribs. He drank your Mineral Water three or four days and the belt went off in such a way as to caiiBe his legs and feet to swell, but that soon dis appeared, and he Is now in comfortable health. The doctors had all given up that he could not get well. There are a number of persons here who have spoken to me for some of the water to use ui various cases, and l would like to use a little myself. I think it is the test nervous remedy I ever knew. Please send me five gallons of the water. Respectfully, JK. A. iiAJXSKIS. Jefferson, Oregon. SEEDS! SEEDS SEEDS! ALL KINDS OF THE BEST QUALITY. ALL ORDERS Promptly attended to and goods shipped with care. Address, 1IACJIEX Y Jfc BEXO, Portland, Oregon. DEPOT HOTEL, Oakland, Oregon. RICHARD THOMAS, Proprietor. This Hotel has been established for a nunv ber ef years, and has become very pop ular with the traveling public. FIRST-CLASS SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. .T. A. SMITH, Proprietor of the CITY m CANDY FACTORY. KEEPS CONST ANTLYtN HAND A FULL stock of Bread, Cakes, Pies. Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Chocolate Goods. Roseburg Soda Works. JOIIX NEVILLE, Frop'r. MANUFACTURES A SUPERIOR QUAL itr of Soda Water. SarsaDarilla and Ginger Ale. Orders from abroad filled with promptness and at reasonable rates. more money than atanything elm by takln an agency lot the best telling book out. Begin ner succeed grandly. Nona fail. Terma free, Hallitt Book Co., Portland, Maine. lounrrLadr fat hotel table WDo you know that vulgar person at the ad- uimug lauie who is eaung wiin nis tnife? Another Young Lady Is it possible you don't know Mr. Smith. whose uncle has just died and left him million dollars lounsr Lady No; is that he? How gracefully he handles his knife. N. Y. Sun: Teacher Now, what do you un derstand by brain work?" Bov "When a man works with his head." Teacher "Correct. And what is man ual labor?" Bov "When a man works with his hands." Teacher That's right. To which of these classes do I belong when I teach you. What do I use most in teaching you?" Boy "A strap." Texas Sif tings. "See here," said the managing edi tor, kindly, but firmly, to the young man who has just come to do the fires and dog-nghts, and assume general charge of the entire paper; ,4you must be a little more careful in your gram mar and spelling. You make too much trouble for the compositor and proof reader. You say in th:s article 'he had went' and 'we have never saw.' Then you spell 'separate' with two ps and four es, and you say we have come to the conclution' and 'that we are horra- fide at the bear ideea.' Now, you must be more careful and"- "Aw, well, ook here, Shorty," cried tKe new young man, 'give a fellow a chance. You got to remember I've been in col- egc lor eight years and haven t had a chance to learn anything." The man aging edor forgave him, and pro- oted him to the carrier department. BurdeUe, in BtooMyn Eaqle. it He 1 Twelve Milea from Boseburg. on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. 2V E W MILL! Any amount of Iinmber--8ujrar Pine. Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring:, Rs tle, Mouldings, Etc. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD We have appointed A. J. BELLOWS and HENRY GATES agents forRoeeburg, who will nave Lumber always on nana. Will deliver to any part of the city from the Mill at reasonable rates. PRICES AT MILL : Rough Lumber.. 9 00 M Flooring 18 00 M Rustic 18 00 V M Mix. HOOVER. -DEALER IX Fine Millinery AND ROSEBURG, : : OREGON Ladies will find my Stock Large and Com plete. Prices Moderate. MRS. H. E. HOOVER. THE CENTRAL HOTEL HAVING AGAIN ASSUMED THE MAN agemcnt of this well knoAUTi House, of which we are the owners, we take this method of informing the public that it will bo First-Class in Every Particular! Meals and Lodging per day. .$100 . 25 . 25 Meals Lodging Satisfaction Giuaraitteed. Free Coach to all Evening Trains. ?$. T. fc E. Garrison. THE PEOPLE'S Grocery Store. O. H. PLOOK HAS JUST OPENED A NEW AND NICE stock of Family Groceries in the Belflls Building:, where he will be triad to see all want ing Goods in his line. Country produce taken in exchange. Orders from the country will receive careful attention. BUNNELL & BOWEN BBOS., FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, "Wagon Shop, BLACKSMITH SHOP. riAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM 1 OUNCE J to 3 tons weisrht. Small Cupola for small Castings. Money refunded if work is not the best. Portland prices! Save telegrams and expressage. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS D. C. McClallen, PROPRIETOR OF THE McOLALLEN HOUSE, Roseburg, Oregon. Large Sa mple Rooms for Commercial Travelers Free Coach to and from the house. Baggage delivered free of charge. ROSEBURG Marble Works. J. H. O'M ALLEY, DEALER I2T Tombstones, Tablets, Etc Shop Rear of Hogan's Store. 11. iA.:raE,Y, erchant Tailor, ROSEBURG, OREGON. First right-hand room, up stairs, over Marks . Store.' Repairs and Alterations Neatly Done. MASTERS Or TtfE MENUS. How Hotel twjr.l Trvpare Their iUuy . D'nIips.. "Ilre, wa-.ter, me sons-j roast beef rare, a p'ece of partridgj and the usual vegetables., and be lively about t," was the o d r given by a belated tr:v.-h r at o :e of th;j hotels. Sunday. I .say, Jack," ' subse jusntly re market a cjm;an on, "whit a contfn dritm t must b. fur sonn one to guess what 3011 and I a:iJ savoral othet hun gry transients are going to eat every laV." . "Yes, I sup, oe s;," was Jack's l.t eun'e reply. Wo.ider how the do it?" ont'n--uedthe other 'mu inghv "Xow. ;is...: terday 1 had mut o; thvs day befo';? I ordered roast bjef an 1 '".to-lay I have eaten turkey and craa berry sauc3. It the tastes of others have been cjually as whimsical, th3 f'ence as well as t the abilities of the. eok or the-steward or some one else must have been se verely tested." "But you don't always get whit you want," growled Jack, impatient for the waiter's return. "True, when you are late," respond ed his companion, unmindful of Jack's failing, or his feelings. "But I notice that tne bill of fare at tirst-class hotels;' is very seldom crossed. It is the smaller hotels where you and I meet with our most frequent disappoint ment!. One would naturally suppose that it wo'ld be just the reverse; that large holds, favored a liberal but necessarily uneven trans'ent trade, and furii shing their patto:is with a great var'ety of dishes, would fall short more frequently thau smaller hotels with lim.tfd and more regular patronage, as well as a less nrmber of d shes to l?rve." There was no response from Jack, and his compan"on having finished his meal, sauntered into the office and pro ceeded to quest" on tha clerk as to who was responsible for Ih3 meals served in hot Is. ' "It is d'fferent in different c:t"e," re plied the clerk. "In New York, Chi cago and some other large c';t es the bills of fare of the leading hotels are arranged by the head eoots. The best hotels in Detroit, with but one excep- t:on, ass gn thAt work to their stew- r : d s. The table of the hotel jxeepted is looked after by the proprietors, who have made quite a reputation in that line. The stewards, whose chief duties are usually to purchase the supplies ani attend to the carving, are second ed in their work by a head cook, who in turn depends on a number of second cooks and their helpers and vegetable and pastry cooks. This stall", which in t'ze is regulated by the business of the houses, is, with the except on of the vegetable and pastry cooks, made up of male help. In a few hotels women are employed as pastry cooks. "Put few women are engaged as cooks exceptin very small hotels- They are not competent. A woman cook will scarcely make one thing twice alike. Thev take too many chances; trust to much to luck, and in conse quence fal repeatedly. They hardly ever prepare their dishes according to any iixed rule as to the weight or measurement of the ingredients. - On the contrary, they are disposed to lump things; 'about a teaspoonful of this, about a cupful of that, and when near- y done stir in a little seasoning. They pay no attemt'on to the size of the teaspoon or the cup and insert the seasoning when and where it may please their fancy to do so. Now, a man cook works qirjte to the contrary," oontinued the hot .'l man. "Every in-gi-ed.ent he uses is as accurately meas ured and weighed as though a part of a druggist's presor ptiou, and the mix- ng ami cooking of rfie same are caten ated and t med as carefully as the hours allotted by the doctor for the patient's med c'ne. Even the purity and charac ter of the goods are inquired into. Nothing is left to chance, and he;icc there are no failures to be followed by that feminine excuse: 'I don't see why it is I should have such luck; 1 can't understand it.' " Bit,, how do the cooks know what quantity to preparer Easy nough. About ten o c.oek every morning tn omce iurn sues tne head cook with a list of the probable number of guests there w 11 be at din ner. In case of an unexpected rash subsequent to that hour, supplementary lists are sent to the head cook, ana if he finds there is a likel hoo l of any of the dishes running short, he will order one or more of the second cooks to dis continue dishing and prepare a second dinner. A first-class hotel prides ;tsclf in always naving enough of everything, but occasionally houses that make a mecial effort to secure novelties as soon 1 . . - .1 Ai tney appear in me marhet, a-rc-unable to satisfy late comers, owing to the limited Quantity obtainable. Meats that are left over can be served cold at sub sequent meals; the pastry that remain generally goes to the help; otherwise I ear they wouia not gei many iancj dishes in theirs. "Wages? They tal e a w da range. In Detroit there is one cook, a French man, who receives $1,XK) a year and his board. That is the Vghest price pa d in the city. Other first cooks in the lead ng hotels receive from G03 to 00 and board. The best of them are foreigners. Second cooks or broilers, as they are sometimes called, are paid from $30 to $50 a month; head vegeta ble cooks receive $25 to $35, and their assistants from $10 to $15 a month. Head, nastry cook3 demand from $25 to $10') a month, according to. the house ad the ability of the individual. In most hotels the pastry department is entirely distinct from a'l others. It provides the breads, cakes, pies and puddings, and, when the facilities of the house allow, lurnishes the ice cream, ices, jellies and canned goods. The wages of a majority of the pastry cooks will average about 5zo to jo a month. Of course, in cities like New York, Boston and Chicago wages for cooks are quite different. Here wages for second cooks' and helpers are some what lower in winter than m summer, owing to the close of lake navigation, which during the warm months fur nishes employment to a large number of cooks of medium ability. Detroit Ve . LATE NEWS SUMMARY. V Forelgrn and Domestic. A one-wheel skate has been patented. There are over 8000 Indians 1 Nevada. The losses by the Vincennes. Ind fire aggregate $150,000. In spite of the doctors Gen. O ran t. rpptti n to be steadily gaining. The strike of tailors in Paris is nflrt.lftrA. ted in by 7500 workmen. Ex-Secretarv of State FrflinchuvRAn i gradually but surely dying. Chf na is COinc to work her rnal minpn with labor imported from Europe. James R. Oscrood & Co.. of Hoston ihc well-known publishers, have failed. The Minneapolis mills last week beat tho record by turning out 150,8.8 barrels of flour. It is now thoueht that morpi than twntv people perished in the recent Brooklyn dis aster. - ; .-. The Indians at OnAnnrtll h a.v Iff t their reservation, and a general uprising is In the northern counties of Indiana about two-thirds of the bees died last Winter. The cold wave throughout the West has injured rruits ana vegetables to a consi, eraoie extent. In Mexico, railroad conductors and enci-N neers are arrested and lodged in jail when tney run over a man. T il T" . 1 a . . xu lue iommion r-arnament a resolution favoringreciprocity with the United States was voted down, 68 to 58. The next International convent ion of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held in San Francisc in 18t7. A Toronto Lodge of Free Masons has ex pel'ed one of its members for being a "sec- ' ularist, agnostic and free-thinker. Mrs. Weldon, the vocalist, was awarded in a London court damap-es of $60,000 against Gounod, the composer, for Ubeland breach of contract, "Geo. W. Tripp, 79 years old, of Freeville, N. Y., hanged himself, on being informed that his wife, whose age is 78, had a cancer and could not live. Mr. Walter P. Johnson, a wealthy far mer of Moweaqna, 111., was thrown under a revolving corn-cutter, and fatally woun ded by the machinery. The jury in the case of Dick Short, for stabbing Capt. Phelan, returned a verdict of not guilty. The Judge expressed aston ishment at the verdict. A memorial to Edgar Allan Poe has been ua veiled at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, in New York, Edwin Booth mak the presentation speech. A New York syndicate has purchased 200,000 acres of land in Dickson and Hum phreys counties, Tenn., which will be settled by Northern colonists. The race for the 2,000 guineas stakes at Newmarket, was won by Paradox, which was ridden by Fred Archer. J 'arodox is now the favorite for the English Derby. At Walthamville, Ga., a party of negroes quarreled over a game of poker and six were killed and five injured. The fight assumed the proportions of a small riot. At Charlotte, N. C, recently, a house oc cupied by Minnie Bell and Lizzie Blout, two women of doubtful character, was blown up by dynamite and badly wrecked New York market reports indicate that the winter wheat crop east of the Eocky Mountains this year will fall short 100, 000,000 to 125,000,000 bushels of the crop of Princess Louise sent a cablecram to the CanadianMinister of Militia, asking that fifty pounds of tobacco and five hun dred pipes be presented to the troops in tne isortnwest. . Prince Albert of Saxe-Altenbure was married May 6 to Princess Marie. The ceremony was a quiet one. Emperor Wil liam ana an tne members of the imperial family were present. One of boilers of the Tremont Hotel, at " Galveston, Texas, exploded, killing a num ber of persons, wounding several others and doing great damage to the hotel and neighboring property. Near Lancaster. Pa.. Mav 12th. Mrs. Hi ram Pantz, a woman of unsound mind jumped into a creek with her twoyounges cnuaren ana tney were ail drowned. Their bodies were recovered. The war-ship Niagara, which was gold at auction in Boston recently, for $12,300, aided in laying the first Atlantic cable, and tooK nome tne earnest Japanese embassy visiting the United States. King Louis, of Bavaria, lias ordered tfce manager of the Royal Theatre at Munich to produce bardou s 1 heodora. His Maj esty will be the sole auditor, and the freak will cost 111m zou,uuu francs. -The three men in En eland who nav taxes on the highest assessed value of per sonal property are Giles Lodor, 15,000,000; mcnara xnornton, 5i4,uuu,uuu; ana Uaron Lionel Rothschild, 13,600,CCQ. . ' Sawyer and Mann have beaten Edison in the courts on the priority of electric light patents. The court held that Sawyers in vention was perfected in March, 1878, and the Edison not till October, 1879. In the Ohio Penitentiary a colored con vict named Wilson thrust his head into a kettle of molten iron. When pulled awav. the hair, flesh and scalp were burned off from the forehead to the back of the neck. England does one-third of all bankine business of the world. The Bank of Enar- and holds one-seventeenth of all the de posits of Great Britain. The total amount held is, ia round numbers, 27,OL0,0U0,000. A column of three hundred Canadian troops and police from Battleford, had a fight of seven hours with six hundred In dians under Poundmaker one day last week. Eight white men were killed and twelve wounded. The average maple sugar crop of Ver mont is m the neighborhood of twelve million pounds, but this year it will ex ceed tnat amount, uneureen Mountain State produces about one-third of the suirar crop of the country. James C. Smlddy. the most trusted in- Lmate of the Joliet penitentiary, serving as dspensary ciers, Killed niraself with mor phine because 01 hts failure to receive a pardon which had been promised him. II was serving a lif sentence. The Red Sea has encroached UDon the land as far as Resetta, Egypt, whose in habitants are In great distress. Cattle are dying by hundreds from drinking the salt watei, and all the fresh water has to be brought to the city many miles by rail. , -The White Cross Line Belzian steampr Helvetia, with general cargo which start ed from Antwerp,April 23d, for Montreal. suns on oeaicene, vape unton, JViay tan. This is the fourth steamer of that line which has been lost within as many years. Professor' C. V. Riley, etomoloerist of tha Agricultural Department, says that the united states will soon be visited by two swarms of locusts of the thirteen and seventeen-year species, remaining until July. lie predicts that tney will do but little damage." J.. A prominent citizen of Gordon. Ga., met with a singular death recently. On return ing from a trip over his field be noticed bees swarming. He undertook to hive them, when they turned upon him and set tling upon his face hands and neck, stung him to death. A handcar with a man and boy, names unknown, went through the open draw bridge of the Canadian Southern Railroad across the Detroit river, six miles below Detroit, May 14th, drowning both of them. Another man and woman who were on the handcar jumped off to save themselves.