ROSEBURG. REVIEW. FRIDAY, MAT. 15, 1S65. LAVhtL LODGE A. F. V. WILL IMLD t.,.acauu full moon CI. A.: I4tATU,.V. 11. J. P. DtlXCAS, SEC. "r'r''r rillLETARlAX Lt lodge; mceu Ltcsif on S.iturl.iv evening of c!l wetk at 7 o'clock, in their halt at Koseburu. llsmeri v tne or 1 ;r in ;,-'md taaidi.i are invittd to ate.iJ. ii order of the .'. O. O TOK EyO AMKKEXT, N. 9, L 0. O. F.. meets At Odd Fellows' Kail on t."a firt'U third TBiirSibtytiof voi moufn. " Visiting bretbraa invited to attend. L. UizLnia. U. P. A. C Marks, Saribe .UMPQUA CHAPTER, Noll, F. A-M-, b"ld iC';1' their- rexnUr communications every .first and third Tue-diy in each month. All ' v' member in guod staudimr willt;:ke dncaTid i tnely notice and fcovcrn themselves accordingly. Vininn; companions are invited to meet with the -ha;el when convenient. J. C. FULLERTO.V, H. P. W. I. FRIEDOASDEa, Be"' " Concrete Pipb. Louis IMrils Airent tor the rijr'nt to the celebrated concrete pipe for it rigatioa. t "-. Fie IJesibknce.-W. S. Humphrey is having the foundation laid for a hrndsome resilience juat opposite the residence of IIou. Binder Heiriui. 1 Tub Festival. The strawberry aud ice "cream festival giyen at JSlocum's Hail on 'Wednesday evening by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church was a social success. Clubbivj UatEH. tt'e ha"e made ttich arran jcmeits with the N. Y. World a3 to be ahU to furuisL the Wr'd and Review for oue year for 53.00, This pro -osition applies tn -ill new siilrscribers paying in advance, and to all old subscribers paying arrearages and one year in advance. , A.vothk:i Runaway Mr. II. M. Dum bkt tn secured a tca:n of Rose, the liveryman "ednesehvy evening to go to Wilbur. Thurs day morning ti.e team was found some two miles from town, and fh vehicle scattered iioiu Witichnster ti this place. Mr. Diuu blrton turned uo all rihfc iu Wilbur and is liow in town looking r.ouo the worse for ' exciting tii Oaklakb W. C T. U. Sociai.' The !a die of the W. C. T, U. of Oakland will give a niuhtc.ip strawberry and ice cieani tocia' at Diowu'a Hall "on , Saturday t veniut; May Kith T he .ladies of Oakland and especially of the W- C. T. V. have a peculiar faculty fr making thoir u e ak ji-gs a sa'.-ce-, and all are assured a pleasant time ou the occa kit ii of this entertainment. JlDOK Dkvdy'3 DECISION. J tidjje Deady's dtcwuui w ith regard f o r.iilro.vd charges arc simply the Legislature cannot tlx an all fcolute rat 1 ut can sny that the charge must lu reasonable, and as 4 cents p r mile is rea sonable therfurr; The railroad una, obey. But futheKi: j!aiiii4 that rates where there is river competition Hiay be less than v. here there its U"t, which virtual y g'v'cs t!ie power of diflcriwiuAtioii against cert:;iu ph.ces. It U a m.;i wav around the :ul, but is a tor--poralioU decision after nil. . A;i;lb Mas.-- Ilumor says C. 1 N ats'in lias forwarded h; rosii'iiation of tlie col Jvutors'tip to the I)i:partmeut, for ti;ra . ,oi thnt "I -tii one of thoie who ho'ieve that thfotjices of the government slionl.l be in the hau Is of men in harmouy with tlio ad mmi ration." If that in trm, our respaci lor Mr. Vi.tson- may -be' quoted at 100 per Ct.nt advance hereafter. His resignation rep rtsci ti the ti j rin :p . Tic- 1 ,. hould be executed ai'd f ie cfScjs fi lul by men who dcMie the fut-otx ' thv ad:i inifitration, whether ilia republican or democratic. low a Kxctnisr.!isTS-. -The Iowa editoral excurtion wi'l leave Council lllufi's June 9lh, .-riiv;ji at Poithind about the 13th. . The tra u wjll conssint uf an engine, bairya e car, one dav-ef-ach and enough sh ej v.-s to accom modate the party none but actual editors or pubiinhers will 1m' adhittb The fure for the rornd trip is 21. It is gravely an nounced that l:ut one lt dy can accompany one man. Now this seems really hard heart ed in he great monopoly that brings them over and we have no doubt that this, togeth er with the 21 wiil cut down the atten dance. " Pasd Mi.STKl.L3.-r-'"4'he Yankee Poodle Band jave auother of their iuiinltab'o cuter-tai-.iincutsatSIocum's fall au Tuesday even ing. .Several features duriug the evening de nei ve special nv i.tiou and till M'ere good. Mr. John Chase is a whole tfain in liimself and must be awardetl the bokery. Prof. Junes in his seyend jtceialt es has become a - great favo ite with Rose1 urg audiences, and i'lthe language t 6 not her e hofe Curly McClalleu came prepared to perform his dif ficult parts. Mr. BaldrMge on the gnitar received a generous encere ana Ziler's form a? a statue could not l e improved. It was a pleasant evening and the boys deserved the success they achieved. " JlUN'A WAY- Saturday morning Ob am aX"'e,, team at the depot was left nnatten--. tied while Mr. Crump was Peeking passen- gets. VWheii the xther hack, started, the team Went also and before they were: caught they had commenced to ruu. Tlehacl' was damaged some $70 worth, one of the horses - Beverely lamed by a four iuch splinter in the foot, and the porch over Harmon fe Pi'eh fol's saloon demolisheil. Mr. Champagne bad just had his hack repainted and repaired aud the loss is that much heavier. The horse that was injured belongs to Jos. Cailon as Mr. Champagne's, other horte wrenched its shouj ler some two weeks since aud is out tt pasture not improv'n. v - - ' 1 ' . . - 1 How to Build up a Tows. Horace Gree Jy said: "If you want to keep a town j'rom thriving, dou't erect any rnor buildings than you jcajj convenient'y occupy yourself. If you should have au empty bui ding,' and any one should want to rsat it, ask thrcu times , the value of it. Demand Shy lock pi ices for every foot of. laud that God has given you stewardship over. Turn a cold shoulder to every machanio and business- man who seeks to make a home with you. Look at every new comer with a scowl. Ruu down your work man. ' Fail to advertise m er sui'nort your home a;er. Get your job printing done abroad, ' Wrap yourselves with a coat of itn- p-rvions schis'uness. There is no better way td kill your town," - LOCAL ITEMS. It rained at 1 ist. Times improving. Insure in the Traveler s. Subscribe for the Review. . F. P. Hogan is in Portl nd, . Mauv amusements this weck .Rain never fails ia Oregon after all. . : The European war il ud is blowing over. Considerable wool is beinj delivered in town.- - Avoil accidents by insuring in the "Trav elcrs." ' - . Are you going east on the excursion May 20th. Petty quarrels should be kept out 1 of Court. ' An excursion party from Omaha is doiug V.rA Liid. . - , Soibmou Abraham has gone to Portland ou busuieas. Alias Lulu Willis is visiting friends in Jackson couuty. Gladstone's ministry is upheld only by a slender majority. The town has been billed for the big eas tern excursion on May 20th. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Judge P. C. Porker of Oakland. Dr G. IV, Hoover went, to Jacksonville on the excur&iou train Monday evening. Our 4th of July celebration promises to be u uraud fellah, lake an interest in it every body. , v From all over the land to sunset Cox goes out in loud acclaim, "'Don t you go, Sammy, dou'tgo!" Ti e new jury law has been appealed from Mu tno:uah couuty in a criminal case by Jude Keily. The last dunce of prof. Fehnernan's danc ing dehool last Saturday eveiin was an eu je.yab e alfair. l' P- Crouemiller made a flying trip to Jacksonville this week aud surprised all by buck aloue. China Sam has moved his wash house near Cation's livery stai le. No i pium smoking ai .o wed at Sam's house. The best foundry work done at Bunnell, & Botveu Bros. Get your horses shod there, j our wagons n.ade and repaired there. Rev. J, R. N. Beil of this paj er is jh Jack n eUhty where he will rciuain another week looking after affairs temporal aud eter i-a!j. . "'-.'-.-: '.. ' :1 '' v, - - '.VT ' -j T e mugwumps and the politic ans are de voting their attention to each other," whii Presitlent Cleveland aud the people go hand in hand. People are on the qui vive to know who wiil be successor to Col. J. C. Fitlkrtou, who.'ie term exuited last Monday. Have we a mugwr.nd; amongst u? A joun child of Mr. Sa'do.-c, Jied on Deer C eek from eatinc eqn:rr.l poison it is sup p' Sid Wednesilay week ago. Mr. S.iilei ia a u;w comer to the country. Parties having farms ftr sale or desirin ( to biv ; ny i timber of acrci of land should ' call ii): mod lately on It. '. Scroggs, Real E t.itc Agt.n', with Lain & Lane. W. T. Kerley disposed of one of hu short horn v-ai'5iiii bulls this week to M:, Gos-et fr $225. rinestok in Oregon will pay. Read Mr. Kerley s ad elsewhere in this pa per. .. ;. . We hearti v co icur with the recent actiati of the. State Press Association. Consider ns n perf ct hannojy with the suggestions al t e id y . made. e will giv it fuither notice soon. Our enterprising Real Edate Agent, R. Soioiigs is doing a good business. He has a large iiumlier of farms and business enter prises for sale and if you desire any kind of an opening give him a call. (i those delicious strawbi rrics that grew on the "Bella Vifta" farm.- We know where of we speak, we have tried them, and would te willing to try some more. Strawberries a id cream make a d sh tf w hich a king might hi proud. , An owl wa3 recent'y killed at Dillard's station that was in the habit of ki ling about a dozen chickens a night. It had had its l eak shot off before and the only way it could get sustenance was by killitg many and fucking the I Jood.;: An irate individual called this week to leaiu the name of the Popular Landlord at Dillard who wrote l ist we-k concerning a spook or sp oky. He threatened our prose cutiou but al is quiet on the Umpqua and ve are not afraid of spooks or idiots. Our trip to Calapooia last Suud ty was much enjoyed by ns. .The resid uts of that section,! are frugal industrious, and are man in' a good living. The religious s-ntiinent largely I dominates the entire commuuir, We shal- feel nappy when the opportunity otlera toj visit CaLipooia again. A Good Time. j Deer Ckkek, May 8, 1885. Editor Review. In justice t my friend Mr. Henry White, of Calipooia, I must! let the neighbors know what i going n there. When I was over tc Mr. Sampson Suihei lin's after my sheep I went with a surjrise party to H. C. .White's, and, with all the others, spent one of the most agreeable even ing I ever enjoytd. The old violin was on hand, and the youngsters tripped the light fantastic till midnight and theii retired in good order with the best wishes- for Mr.; and Mrs. White. My thoughts will be on that party for many a day, G. W. Gesokr. A Great Disco vekt. The Coos Bay News gives au account of the machine innde by r-ili, Feruly inslow, of Portland, for the purpose of saving gold in black Band ruiues. It is described as very simple con. taining a coppsr cylinder ia which quicksil ver aud chemicals are placed, the whole cast, iug less than 25. One of these machines U ; now at work at Randolph and has fot$23 per j ton from sand that by the old process yielded only 1. 50. If this be the case, there wi 1 1 no end .to the fortunes in $tote lor tUe lucky j inventors. Oakland News. By arrangement between Rev's Bell and Michael the P. E. of the Willam ette district, the former held the third quarterly meeting for the Roseburg circuit, -H, E. Church J?outh last Sat urday and Sunday at the Calipooia school house. On Sunday the congre gation was large, much larger than the house would accommodate The ser mon at 11 o'clock on Sunday was one of Bro. Bell's best and was enjoyed , by all who heard it. , ". The fourth quarterly meeting will be held at Oakland, B. T. Sharp P. C. Pr -f. ChrkH lecture , at th s place proved a failure no one attending. , The entertainment given by the la dies fo thli place Friday night proved a "rami success. Walter Knott who has been visit- ipg ' Mi-a. Hamblin has returned to Portland. " . , Georgo Sacry is confined to his bed with kidney disease. The Bailey I1ousj supports' a new sixn. Mi . Thiodera cattle buyer has pur chased the"Venable hors Mr. Throder purchased of J. C. Young 225 Jjeuapf yearhngi?. ? fli Uii'leVwood ia building a new residence on his farm. Mrs. J. C. Hutchinson and Mrs. Creel Sacry are visiting at Gardiner. . Miss . Alli Mahonay is visiting Mrs. C.G. Dm-land. Rev. Shtdly pi rathe d a very inter esting sermon on ''Character," Sunday las to a crowded house. We are sorry, to bear of the sickness of J, W. Howard's . relatives, who are here on a visit. School will close on F riday, Mav 2 2d. Dr. J..C. Shanibrook has moved to Jeficrson, w here ; he will locate. We wish the doctor success. Mr. 'Andrews, rente agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. 's 'Express, spent Mtnd-y in town. M r. Pai krr, of Engine, is a guest of Mrs. Geo. St turns. Clay Long has gone to Portland on business. Y The following is a list of officers for the ensuing term of Good Tmilars tit this place: W. C. T., D. W. Stearns-; W V. T, Mrs. E. J. Pag; W. S., C. N. Gaddia; W. A. S., Josie Panott; W. F. S., G Bmshaui Burr; W. T., F, L. Tel; V. M ., Clay Houston; W. D M., .Lillian Russell; W. I. G.., Ros GolF; W. O. G., Sol uyler Rntun; YV. C, E. T. Lockar l: P. W. C. T., C. Ai' S blbrcde. The d.tnee given in the hall Friday rijj,ht piovt-d the grandest tifiuir of thy sensor, both old and young taking part. Mr. Hei st hie and M rs. E. Henderson furnished the music. Dr. Dimnikk is visitirg his mother at Kel' J. H. Wilson's father and mother arrived from the east Tueday eveniiig and are visiting Hubbard. The bilk Prof. Allen was in town this week trying to tell fortunes. Be ware of him. Will C. Powers, of Portland, w ho is soliciting foi the cxcuision ist this month, was in town over Sunday. Henry Little has jetuind after a month's travel through California and Washington Territory looking hale and hearty. Bishop Morris preaches here nsxt Wednesday evening. ; A phvsician from the past will locate at this place shortly. Those were the sweetest roses of the season. -May their beauty and fra- trnuce live forever. ' . " The School Directors who visitid ' Prof. Russell's school during the week xpcak'in highest terms of the man agement in both the academy and pri mary departments. We have just heard of one of those vastly entertaining, mirth-provoking affairs, a nightcap party, with straw berries, cream, cake and other things to interest the public and raise money fur the "cause," to be held at Brown's Hall, Oakland, on' Saturday evening admitted ,free and permitted to buy oir own cap. . Wha will not these W. C. T. U. wemen think; of in the interests gf their "oAitye." It has been our pleasure to examine two tine specimens of pencil work just completed by Miss Lillie D. Barnard, who has been for soma time past under the tuition of our most efficient teacher in drawing and painting, Mrs. G. T. Russel1, at the Academy. . The land scape, "Bitter Root Valley, Montana," and the face in profile, "Come, Bi'die Come," .we' ptonounce most excellent and far above the average. " : ' Tiie Good Templars have contrived to iender their meetings very interest ing. .At the the last meeting the pro gramme consisted of two readings, J'A Good Teni pi a r's Duty," and "Women's Riglitf," by Timothy Titcom; a trio on the Wave.-,"; anl trio and chorus, "Old Friends and Old Times." . . OlSERYER. Brain Items' The few days past - have ien veiy pleasant ones for our village, owing more especially to tlie arrival of wel come showers of rain, which are hav ing a splendid .effect upon fields and gardens. The average citizeh-pf Drain is cheerful or downcast in appearance. just as the crop prospect is good or bad. Just now he is amazingly cheerr f 1. . - On- Fridav evecing" last; the Drain Lyceum held its regular niceiing, and an excellent programme was carried out. The next meeting will discuss the question of "Fiee tiade or tariff for revenue only, as. compared with the nrotectsve svslera." The former will be ably suj poited by Hon. J. C. Drain and tha latter by Judge Geodell. Ou Jast Saturday evening the Good Templars disbanded as such, Mid at once reorganized under the name of Guards of lienor. The r.ew orgaci zation is a teetotal., club, - requiring an .abstinence.: pledge during- membership only, and has an entirely new ritual and secret work, all of which are the result of the labois. of a committee consisting of Dr. Kuykendall, H. M. Callvvell, A. W. Hart and Prof. Ben son. The iew order has leased CelJer's Hall, and will meet regularly on Sat urday nights. ' On Sunday morning and evening Bev. T. L. Jones preached unusually excellent sermons in the Academy chapel to very large audiences Bro, J ones has done a grand woi k for his church this ear. ... Rev. R. L. Shelky has also been doing some good, ean est pastoral Woik for the Christian diurcb, and the com munity aie beginning to appreciate his fidelity to all good caus'is. On Monday evening a concert was given at the Academy chapel which is conceded to .have been the best ever hud in our town. 'Mrs. Short, cf Wil bur; Miss ILilman, of Portland; Miss Benson, of -Comstoclr, i-nd Mr. Da Motla. of Roseburg, with his guitar, very kindly assisted, and the enthusi asm with nhieh they were repeatedly recalled proved the gratification of the Urge audience. Charley Stephens is putting the fin ishing touches on what is probably the handficmest saddle in Douglas county. If you don't think we have a first-class saddler here ccme and look at hit work, - - - The Palmer saw mill is running on full time and tinning out some good lumber. Fits, ear leads' wre sent to Roseburg bv Tuesday's freight. : Tiie skating rink is still a source of enjoy men t. to those who are fend of the riskv exeicise. , Mr. Meniman and his family left foi their farm' in" Coos County on Men- day Oar best wis! es go with them. The State Sthcol is n flour ishing cc;i.ditior, ai-d will next year graduate ore cr mere students, who will receive 'the. State educational di ploma provided for in the act ci eating the school. If any Egyptian fortune teller wants to make a fortune I.e should call on the undersigned and obtain, gratis, some "points" en the future prospects of F. W K., J. G., Charley S., BobC. and others. Of course I have no intention of giving anything away, ..i - CAS ATI ALTON. Kiddle It sms- Editor Review. Rev. F. P. Power cave us au interesting sermon last Sunday. The meeting was well at tended, Mr. A Heather, of Drain, has his photograph gaileiy here now, but will move to Canyouville in a few days. Stilly Riddle and D. A. Levens shifped two carloads of beef cattle to " Portland this week. ,.. H . . ' ' Mrs. J. D. Johnson is visiting friends in this place. J. D. Johnson stated for Montana last Monday with about 200 head" of cattle. Abner Nichols killed six panthers on his sheep range near Nichols Station, tlu3 wek. "Chub" is the boss hun ter in this section of the country with out a doiiV. "I-- The rain is doing the grain in this viciniry'rf.gre; deal of good, but it came too late to make thu crops as good as they were last year. Respectfully, X". C -X. Looking Glass Items Rey. Miller preached to a large con gregation last Sunday. ' ; . E. M. Mooi-cr wife and daughter, from Roeebtyg, paid friends a visit. R iyas, Good man, Fitzgerald, (7. W, Wright, Keyes,- Dodge and Beasley are out prospecting. Dodge has been heard. from in the shape of some rich gold specimens. Gentle shoAvers are refreshing crops. What we have at Lookinglass good health, good church, goc-d school, a happy and prosperous peoplo aud the pi ettiest girls in Oregon. What' we have not at Looking Glacs No jio ks, doctors, dentist?, law yers or cowboys, and r.o URe for thVm, Tom Boy. Gamss Valley It3ia3. - . -. v 11,1,1 " "''-.. Hot weather. Mr.-Wm.. Day, the road supervisor is doing some much' Keexlod improv ment on tha roadi. - Messi-s John Wiley and Wm, Slur ray have gone down ui the mountains for a weeks hunt, Miss McCul loch of Ten Mile spent a few days this week visiting Miss Net tie Ferguson in this valley. : Miss Warren of Looking Glass is visiting In our- vd'ej and gave us a 1 le; s.mtcall. Come again. Mr. Bennett h-s recentlv been to Port Orford and reports timts dull down there. Three verv interesting sermons were didivered here last Sunday by Messrs Johnson, Dillard and Kuykendall. Mr. Estes and family who have. been visiting relatives here for i be past week, have gone to Ashland to perma-. nently reside, Messis Prior, Ferguson & Co. have on hand at their mill a tine lot of lir, sugar pine, cedar ind oak lumber which they will sell cheaper than tho cheapest. Dou't fail to call ou them. - ' ' X. M. T. ' Circuit Couit Proc8edings. Tke state ef Oregon vs M. A. Teller. Grand Larceny. Found Guihy. S ntenced to one year in the penitentiary. - The state vs John Kicholis, murder. Pleads not guilty. The state vs Robert Olford. Pleads guilty. Sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. The state vs Win. Heffrou. J ury disa gred. : The state vs Patrick Gallagher. Not a true bill discharged. ' ) Krewson & Co. vs Jos. Pudoni and H. C. elocum. Action at Jaw to recover money. Verdict for piff for $1050. Mutiou for aew trial overruled. Wm. L. VVihon ysO. &C. R. R. Action at law to recover damages. Dismissed on Plain tiff's motion, costs having been paid. Caroline . Wood vsT. M. Wood, divorce granted." , Jos. B. Tipton vs W. B. -Atterberry. Ac tion at law to recover money. Dismissed without cost to either party. - Henry Conn vs The County of Douglas. Appeal from County Coort an assessment of damages. Verdict for defendant. Geo. W. Jones vs County of Douglas same dismissed on motion of and at cost of appeal lant. W . T, Kerley vs Harrison Allen. Action at law, continued. S- Marks & Co. vs John W. M. McCuIloch action at law to recover money. Verdict for $503, i 5. Jos. Cellars vs D. I Rtryker t a't suit in equity to foreclose mortgage. Default and de cree of foreclosure. Noeburg &. Hirst vs Henry Flook. Action at law to recover money. Settled dismissed aud costs paid. - " : O. L. Wills vs Abraham, Wbeeler& Co. Action at law to recover money. Dismissed on motion oT plaintiff without cost to either party. , . The bug is doin'.; some lively hop ping. The reservoir has been setting ra ther low. The ra;n will doubtless help it some. Four rooms to let over Louis Belfils Jewelry store. They are neat and tasty. Apply at once. The New York World is the great leading democratic paper. Read oui combination offer. 1 . , A county fair seams to be one of the impossibilities this year: Wake up, ob, ye mossbacks. If you dont believe you ean get a good square meal at the Central Ho tel for 25 cents, go and see. Some interesting business will come up before the next meeting of the Hose Company. Members should not fail to. attend. That young man who was horseback riding down the Umpqua all day Sun day was not look'ng for any particulai residence, oh, no! The Jacksonville Sentinel gives us quite . a neat little compliment - this week. The Review is bound to boom. A few more names wanted on our sub scription list. . - ' Oar pioneers should interest them selves m a re-union. Roseburg will have 4th of July celebration and they could easily orgauize on that day. Kep tho matter before the people. It was a pitiful scene m couit at the sentencing of voung Teller for hoie-stealii.g. The plea for mercy by Mr. Campbell was eloquent) Judge Bean's talk to the prisoner solemn and pathetic and the tears of the heroic sister who had labored so hard for her bt others libeity made many a strong heart beat the faster and tears come to to many an eye. The defence was in sanity aud the sentence one year. VALUBBLE IXFORMATlOX.MlV R. G. Scroggs, Jr.. has iast issued for free distribution a sixteen-page pamphlet descriptive of the many inducements offered by Douglas County to persons desiring homes. The book is neatly printed, and contains much valuable information that can be relied upon as correct, ihe work will be extensively circulated in the East, and will no doubt attract attention to this hitherto com paratively neglected but naturally L most favored region of - Oregon. The County Board of Immigration, of h:ch Mr. Scrogss in Secretary, will t .1 . . ' . " snortiy issue extensive cucuiars upon .i . . . , ine same suoiecr. . ana tne nre$Ant vol- riipm arm two Snit'n r i Mi-o. tv,,, mo vi o n 01 re. u w ujbw n ' ""., - i- ------- j- - ,wi lia the district of.Umlssubje A to rale at th Und urae may be considered a? merely a ! &mce the purchase, and hve more will om of tiie southern dissrict of ore-rou. forprnnner of othpr4 n ramn I omA CteM" - - - Tals Knnunons is pubiUhe 1 by oraer of Hon. R. 8. ioreiunneroi oinera -o come.. I come this be;ison. Eeil, jUdSeofsaidco'irdacd siy stb, isca. EGSftlTESS OHAITGU. Sol Abraham Purchasss the Property of . . .Abrahiia,. "Whssler & Cot This wee4 the largest transfer ever made i in Douglas county was consummated. Sol- omon Abraham purchasing the entire "Real aud Personal Property of the firm of Abra ham Wheeler Co. the individual members of .which wero Solomon Abraham. L. Wheeler, W. M. Wheeler and Rudolph Abra'iam. Tlie property consi&ls of the fine two story brick store building and grain ware house and elevator situated in this city and costing ia the neighborhood of $20,000. Aim a large stock of general merchandise.- The steam paw mill at Gtendale with a conacity of 40,000 to 45,U00 feet of lumber per day and twelve .miles of valuable timber and agricul tural land titnated on the O. C. B. R. in cluding the towesite of Grant's Pass. Also the notes accounts, horses and cattle belong ing to the tirm. The sale was conducted in the most friendly and satisfactory manner. the settlement being made in one. hour after the drawing up of the papers, the terms are private but a large amount changed hands. It is ncnecessary for us to introduce Mr. Abrahams to the people of Douglas county among whom he has made his homo for t'.e past S3 years and whose indefatigable indns try and keen business enterpnsu has made him at all times one of our leading citizens," and now as the sole owner of the largest es tablishment in southern Oregon he will at tend to his business personally and his post record is a sufficient guarantee to his o'd friends and w ill attract many new ones. In the sale he has agreed to pay every dollar of indebtedness of the lirm but upon a- review of the books finds that neither he nor the firm owe a dollar. Look out for a fresh stock of goods and great bargains as Mr. Abrahams always leads and never follows. Mr. Rudolph Abrahams and Mr. L. C. IFheeler will rcmam in our city to the satis faction of all, while the genial Walter Wheeler expect3 to leave us shortly to look after his interest in a combined header and thresher having dial osed of the state riuht of Kansas for 25, CC0 so we are informed. He will be greatly missed by everybody and will doubtless at some future day return to the vineclad hills of old Umpqua. NEW THIS WEEK. Guardian's S:ile. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVx"N THAT BY VIRTUE ii . cf a license of tho CXUuty Cuurt of Dousrlaa e'ounty, Ureeo. uiaue ou the 11th dar of Max, A. v. lSis1, authorizing me so to da, I will on Tuesday the 10th of juue.isdj oetweeu tnc hours of 10 o clock, a m an-1 4 o'clock, V. M. of said day, on the said lands m M vrtle Creek preciact, youplas county, Oregon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for Caah the fol lowing described T-remises, to wit: An undivided one half interest in and to Lot numbered one. S of N E 4, and X E J of N K of Section SO, Township 29 S of R Went of the Willamette meridian in Douglas County, Oregon, con tain'msr 1.12 and 03-100 acre cf land. .-. ALEX. jUQUAKTT, Uuardiau of tie Estate of CUve Oatrcan, a minor. Ey Lan 4 Lane, his Attorneys. NOTICE. . DISSOLUTION OP COrPARTSERSniP. rP HE CO-PAaTXERSHIl HERETO POKE EXIST X injr under the Sim came and stvle of Abraham. W heeler & Co., coniiistins of Sol. Abraham. Kudolnh Abraham, L. C. Wheeler and W. M. Wheeler is this day dissolved by mutual consent) Any debte due from the firm are to be paid by Sol, Abraham, and ail account due to the firm are to be paid to the saiu Sol. Abran&m. Koseburg', Oregon, May Si.h, 1SS5 Ad ministrator9 Notice. , - - - tv-ttjt xfiLLt ANNEXED. , JTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO ALL WHOM l it way concern, that the undersigned baa been duly sppointad by the County Court of Douerias County, Oi-egon Administrator, with will annexe-l of the estate of John F. Sutherlin, late of said county, decastd. Ali persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to n;ak immediate payment to the under signed at his ofllee iu the city of Oakland, iu said county, and all parties having elainu ajauist said estate are hereby required to present the same, w ith proper vouchers rtuly erined,to the underagued at h' law off! oe in the city of Oakland, in said couuty and State,. within six months from-datc heiCof. Dated May 12th, lbiia. , 1 C. A. SEHLBREDE. Administrator, with wiil annexed, of the estate cf Joha F. Sutherlin, ooceased. niftjl2-7w L. C. BEARDSLEY, DEiLER'lN r..iimlc!i Srassli, Doors and Moultlin s OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL. . . COME AND GET'TERMS BEFORE rURCn.S injr elseahew. Office noar Depot, .Ro'icbiirj. W. T. KERLEY, OaUlairid, -; - - Ore on j JUST RETURNED FROM iiilu Missouri, where h purchased S eventeen Head of Fine Pedigreed Short Horn Durham Cattle! And has established a Stock Farm at the Red Hills, Eight miles north of Oakland. The next season he will have CALVES FOR SALE - and in vites the attention of the citizens of Douglas county to this new enterprise. A Cut of the Sire of two of his Calves can bo seen at th"t3 office. This Ball Weighs 2500 Pounds! Thin in flesh, and is a beaut. Mr. Kerley can be seen at Oakland and would dispose of two Yourg Bulls this Season These Stock were purchased of the Celebrated Independence Stock Raisers f Chiles, K nox, Davis Bros., and Hughes I I. Cl 1 i -1 1 ...-...'. i """j aiiU are cataniguuu. i ' - : : . . . SOL. A UK AH AM, K. ADKAHAM, - L. C. WHEELER, W. il. WlIEELElt -.-. NEW THIS WEEK. ISAAC MATHEWS, Hs Just Opened . Opposite Carlon's Stable! Jiliey X5ool ' Moderate Prices! (rrincipaal Duslne. a Street.)' Roiseburc:, - MEALS 23 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS 3"We Keep the Best tho Maiket Affords. MRS. NELLIE MOORS. . P. S. Gankox, C. A. BLACKM A5", CARRIAGo, T7AGOI7, . AND- - SBLACKSSITn SHOPI 3 Adanison's Old Stand, Jackson Street.- ,- MAN UF ACT LTR ERS OF CARRIAGES, H;GX3, OUJQIESI All Kinds of Repairing Donr, Terms ar Reasonable. Gannon & Blackmax. IS' TON WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER " Oakland. Oregon FULL. STOCK of" ' ' " Jewelry, lyings, j latent Spectacles Repairing Guaranteed for two years"Ej -Come right aloDg and see for yourself. - MRS, s. a. nuicniso3ft MILLINERY STORE! Oaldand, Ox'eiroxi. LADIES WILL FIND MY STOCK LARGE AN Complete. Prices moderate, . 1 ' Give Me a Call. Mas. S. A.IIcTcmxsoH. NEW MEAT MARKET! W3L T. 31 c JL, LO CII, OAKLAND" OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND .THE BEST . and Jurist Beefsteak to be bad. " - BACON AND LARD FOE SALEi MRS. E. F. H0TCHKISS, I FINE MILLINERY i 1 .-AND- ;., f ; y:jk::i ISs"eat lressmakingl - ROSEBURG. OREGON. ITILL FURNISn YOU THE BEST AND F1NRST V V Ooods in the Market. Ladies Wear, Lacss, Ruchinjs, Hosiery and Jewelry. MISS SUSIE LEWIS HAS CHARGE. OF THS Dress inakiug Derartinent, which immrca a Good and Fashiouuble Ct. Near the Depot. AND ....-. w , . ...' VARIETY STORE! ;A Full Stcck of Family Groceries. FARMERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVAN tu;o to purchase thuir Lrocerie. Near Ue pot. tiive ma a CaiL W, S, HotcuKits. Attention MocUanioa. Ji vpui iivu wi niter, (.u umao uiouiunil How to make Eive and Rake mould- ling; gauge a tapeiicg stick 8 square: make a top mitre box; get the length ef hip rafters; get the backing for the same, get the length of jack rafteis; ;et the length ofrvalley rafters; get the hip for a, concave rcofj get the h I and pitcu root; cut tue Up ena ot mould ing for iakej strike a circle with a. square; draw, a spiral Also the 47 t!i problem of Euclid ': explained in a new way, for the beneht of Carpenters. ! Price 50 cents." - FOR SALE AT THE REVIEW OFFICE. SUSIHONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stte of Orejon wlthla and for the County of Douprb : - , Hosalie Peiland and Zenha Pelland. ber hubaAd. PlaiutiCs - I '-: ' ' - " .'' VS. " Thomas O'Railly and Frank II. Baker. Defendants. Suit in Equity to quiet title t real estate. Xo l nomas O Keiilv and r ra ik U. Baker, tne above named Defending: In tho a lme of the State of Or egon, you are required to s ppcar and answer the coplint of Plalntiifs filed ainst jouin the abo entitled Suit, in the above- entitled Court, on or be fore tba frstdav of tho next regular term thereof, to-wit, on Mcuiday the 13ihda i of Ockilcr issr.U you fail to ti p war and answer I'laiutiffji will apjty to the Court lor the relief deraa ided in said CoiPpUint, to-wit,; : A decree that the defendacls and all ncmons claim ir- under tliem by title ix-eruinfr Bubseiiueiit to this Fuit, be fo-ever barred from ail claim to any estate of inheritance in the E of S E J of See. 10