Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, April 17, 1885, Image 3

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laui.el lgcv.e a. p. v.. wit.i. nnr n
V rtfttliir niiiet'jiifi ou Wednesday oh or before
jf. '!i lull mnnn . ii A R.. A'ril vv m
G. A. RtATlI, W. M.
bjfc-V- No. S.l.u. O. F.; meets
t-anli week lit 7 o'clock , til thair hall "at Hostburg. !
Mjim wn . the tiri ?r iu good standing are invited to '
.a ....... 1 ....... . . w
I'N ION ENCAMPMENT. No. , I. O. O. F., meets
Hi Odd Fellows" Hall ou th fit-stand third Tfaiircitr) s of
tjrv luoiifu. Visiting brethren invited to attend.
L. IjElkils, c. r.
A. C. M vrks Scribe .v.-..,
, ,vffrU.l?(iV CU PTER. No 11, F. A. M., hold
Wi-Sk ir reruUr commanicat'wiiH every tint
-il a,lJ tuiru TueUy in each mouth. All
msrulnsra in ptwd utaiidinif will tukn due and
Jmety notice and govern tlicmsclvea accordingly.
ViKiiiii ro'it!jauii) invited to meet with the
!nilcl when convenient
U. I. PRIgDtAXllEtt, Se-'v
KxiEfcrniSE. I. G. Pcnv, Jr.' is w ide
awake to the interests of bett ers cud new
comers to this county.
Yovl Sai.k oft U K.ST. The South Ump.jna
o-Eherline Mill property with the farm ad
jicent. Apjy to .1 C. Fuilerton.
New DusiNKrfs ilocsE W. S. Utchkiss
amj Mr. K. T llotchkiss, liave ojtt.nKl up
an attractive business ist;.b!iilinK-nt west of
the l'reshyteriau Cburch, oue of a nulleruery
etore tlie other a yrocery storey They , w ill
ruoeive a liberal paVninae no doubt.
Clcbbino Hates. We hare made fuch
arrangements with the N. Y. World aa to be
able to furnish' the AVWId and 1;eiew for
one year for 53.00 This propt.sitiiJi applies
V ill new fiuW-rilns pacing in RtlvanOf,
an I to all eld iub.cribcr3 ptyiujf arrearaej
ilnd one year iu 'advance.
' .... ,: 1 i
Tits W :ui,i. The lisw York World nets
one thousand dollars per dy. Two years
a Mr. Pulitzer, to k the paper with 16,000
subscriber?, nnv its ciroalatiou ii 134,000.'
If we had its net income about six months
we wo:i!d improve the IEVIEW but we are
i.ot Patitzer, neither is this city New YorV.
r , ' .. - '
TES(ns:t C rn"3. A Texas editor visited
a tall, last wejk, waea soma one stepped
I'pMihis c ras. Goin; ho:uef he wrote:
4 While the la lie nres -nt ftn ined tha most
lri l:it comt'dlatioa thii aid of tha Smith
em or the z3of Orio! the gents
wer fho cloudiest, dutlent and stupidest set
to be found outside of a L uidou f; or the
Oregon L;!r'5latnri "
. Dijn?forH:toa Oa::r-.!s. V.. a
inidina;re of V:dl street Xew Ytrk and A.
L. Si'ku, (leiuml Fivi-ht i.d Pupsmyer
Agent O. X- V. J. II. c :me iu spciaar to
liostj'- ur on Jat Monday uwi': rem. mud in
ur eitv Hiitil W t!?4dy tlirii:iii". . Tiiesw
' ' .; leiiien H ere act otiij tuiied bv their wive
and all were fcuta's'.f onr towiibtnau - Sol.'
A -ra't'ii E . All iit strtih by Social
o..r -u-!M'ii t return to IVrilaod by the
last of I'ffi
i i ' .
' .. i'i-!
v,.: i : '
! or.'j
' f 1 .-.
.-;; J ' .' ' a-
if" s.: i. ..
i iHi'v ii eetitii
n. r .i'.i-
; ! f-i ' it.
:ni atiii et
f I
il.. 8
i v lo-ld b'ri to scnsHiu of Court, & i he re
Hlii nii'j't pirn ali;- Jo a lurge KUoibt-r o 'lii
o le.TS in uitendauo." Ad i f th i old resi-.lent-
oi liou as voumy should take a dvely
tut-rent bw matter. ;
Nou'l'H Oa i.OoIN j AN S. A large iinniitt.-n-tion
from' N' vh Carolina came to the ; Will
atnette Val'ey lat week and ttouht Su0,
00J in money with them, and they are so
well pltiaxed that the tailing man among
th m saiiL that 100 more wiil come soou.
We I'now thai, some of th.8eorth Caioliu
ians will muke gool western citizens. It is
likely that some editors in Oregon "will pre
sume that they brought; thi indispensable
weapons the ''shot t;aus, 'Villi them
Scalp Bill. We call especial attention
of tli fanne.ra and shaep owners uf Douglas
county iu reference to giymj- a iouuty on
various kind. of destruetit'e am predaUiry
annuals. Now the cjuystioh is, do the citi
zeiiif the county wsint the (.uuntj Cout to
pay the bounties bffyred in the bill, or do
they not. Some expression from those in
teiesteil, by way of petition or rtramis trance
should be brought to bear upon tho County
Court, as the bil is opt ional with each coun
ty aa to its enforcement. The' county com-
niis4iouer3 will no doubt comply with the J
wishes of the citizen, if they fnly knew
what it is. We are certainly in favor of
paymj- the bounty. Let us hear fiom the
people at once on this metier.
A-O. U. W. SECRfcrAi.r.The affair of
th A. U. W, ami. of tho Krankftn Loan
an.t Building Association, whiah were nnder
harge of the secretary, thys late JTiobert New
comb, are in good '-condition . and there
Widuotbj the least ttisturbaace of them
on account of his death. When he left for
southern California he cxjiected to be absent
Borne time, so nothing was eutrusted to mem
ory, and Dr. Jv A. Child an 1 W. V. Spencer
hrve looked after the financial matters ever
s'nee. (Iraud Mister T. B. Handley will
appoint a grand secretary of the A. . O. XJ.
W. as soon as possible, as provided by- the
by laws of the order, and a secretary of the
tu ildi i. g association will be elected at th
next meeting, which occurs May 6tb. Mr.
Newcomb's life vtoa insured for about $10,
000 iu secret organizations. - s
Immigration Board. The leading citi
zens ami business men '.-of 1ou!js county
ought at once to organize an immijiration
board, and have ful statistical information
on nanet, so that persons couuni? nere couiu
app.y at once to the Board and get all needed
information, ia 1 reference to our county.
By this means many could be", detained, t ut
as it is, they apply to every ore, and no one
seems to be weil informetl on the subject,
that wou d interest our eastern friends when
tKey arrive, p.her -dunttesTii're w ide awake
to'ttiV.iiiterea.V and should longer I
negiectt,l by us. "Ihe gVeatest im m'if atioii
that ever came to-Orou "is now' ui-6n
and arc uiobtfy ol'We better cl. ss, ju.t uch
as ji-.. ... '.i .. i,...i.1 .... ... ... . n ' ...
ed some important facts lust week iu P, r,-'
v ...v.. iv uuim ui iiamiary, " ne co i.-
land ia regu
ard to this ppiHirtunity, which we j stereotcopes, and other things too numerous -IraccV
' to mention. ' : I Cong
should embrace
It rained in time.
Good weather for crops. v -.Advertise
Doufrlas county: '.
Patronize the Rkvifay job offioe.
Travel over the railriad is,
Who will make h move for a Couuty Fair. ,
Drummers are not as numerous this season
as usual. .: . .
H C. Stanton is enlarging his cellar un
der his store.
N. If. Roney, the hridge-builder," waa in
town this week.
Robert New com Vs funeral was one of the
largest ever held in Portland.
Three. more wagono loaded with immi
grants, arrived in town Wednesday.
Eev. H. r. Webb will fill his pn pit here
next Sabbath, morning aud evening.
George IJeale, son of the late Col. Thos.
Beale, has relumed from SanFrauci9co.
" A social daiice will I e given at Slocum's
Hall Saturday evenino; by Prof, yehuemau.
' T he flags vrffie at half-tna&t on April 14th
1n memory of the death of President Lin
cola.. .."
Piivate letters received from Wood Hirer
report the mines looking first rate and new
sti tkes pleuty.
The Hook and Ladder Com nany. were out
praeting Tite-day evening. Why don't the
bote boys get out." ,
W hat do you 'think of us tha week. We
improve little by little, and hope to reach the
climax after a while. ": - "'r,, '
Fifty imwiiiitauts from North Carolina
have settled in thy .AViJuuiette' valley and
many more are expected, .
l'ubiic nieetiiiir at the Court House, on
Saturday afternoon, April 18th,. at 1 o'clock,
P. M. Don't fail to attend.
liev. li. T. Sharp went this week to as
sist Uev. Jones in a; protracted ineetiu- be
ug held in Garden Bottom.
Mr. Lewis of the firm of Lewis & Dryden,
publishers of th Travelers Guide paid Rose;
burg a business visit this week. '
. . .
Safem is feeling jnmd oyer the new arran
K'emeuts for th Statu I'air. It means plenty
of money and crowds of visitors.
A good blind horse for sale, gootl for plow
ing and w orpins; in a machine. He will be
s-1 1 cheap. Apj-iy at this office ' '
Mrs. S- E. FJoed came to lioseburx Mon:
lay to see her cliih?ru and visit fre ids.
VVe hope her stay n.ay I e a ieng one.
A. P,"Delin f i ortlaud 1 as the finest un
dertaker's rioms, this side of New York.
Wheu you go to the city, cai and see thtm
Harry Seibert met with an accident ; last
Tuesday morning i.y about 3 cords of W,-od
fpliing on him. - lie was a little bruised.
A social dance was yiven at McKinney!s
r sideiite iu Frtn;h Sett cment Friday night
!at. It was argely attended by Hoseburg-
Our article on rdii last week informed old"
Jo iter I' uvius th it he w.ts not dointf his
'.ury. He iti.o.c.liatel? ett!d don n toOiisi-
i!-. "...
, .V. Hut t 1, .' lii aj j, llnuvli & Co.
i'oi tiami, d.! Oli iMIiiOHY .'.fct. II was one
o? t f.y kioHii ar.d rtiip-ct.l . buaiuess
..t o in e cu.
We point with pride to on of new ad
vertisements. Our business' ineii are "Iteiu
ing tt realize that judicious advertisitii.' in a
helthy newspaper pas. -
W . F. i jamm has received tids week his
first coupon of $100,00.111 the Mutual Self
luinlowrnet AMsoc'ation. Aic you not sorry
j ou failed to pay yr-ur assessments. .
V heat is a' 6ut the first thin to jump tip
after the report of terious trouble over in
1 umpe. 0.e;on aud Washington are in
good condiiun lo lettlietighf go on.
Oregon has the freshest display at the New
Orleans Exposition, now that tho last ship
ment has ott-Q received. However, there
arc hot so many people left there to see it.
We are making constaut improvements in
the IIeview which are being .h'ighly appre
ciated by our many -readers, -i Place your ad
vert.scmeut in a live ami progressive journal.
. B T. Foster ilitj some handsome i t eiing
for Louis Belrillji show windows this vek.
otu.el and ee it, and then go in and bu
from Floo;.-aud By .tills, who offer such b ir-
,. Beu. Ageo and Eugene Ilannnn have
beiught the tieef shop elotiging to L. Mc
Gregor, aud will in the future give you some
of the jncicst beef steaks you hive Iptel, for a,
long time. ;
Johu Wells and' Dauiel Walker of Ash
laud returned irom Misiouri last Tuesday
bringing witrt thenr9fiue j ic.s, which the
will take to their large stock ranches iu
K amath county. '
- W e have just received from D. G. Clark,
Dcpty Granel Master of Masotis, an. order to
thee fleet iliac he will visit Laurel Lodge No.
13, onicialfy on Saturday eveniug April loth.
Let ail the Craft take uotice,
J. J. Whitsett's new saw mill has arrived
aud he is taking the machinery to its desti
nation on Deer O'reek .He will son be
turning out some first-class luinler, and
many will deal with him because he gives
vuluu received.
Ladies and gentlemen, hoys and gitl, be
sn re ami take that beautiful exercise of hoise
bck r iding, but in order that you do not fait
off and get your necks broken, go 'round to
W. G. AY oodward and buy one of those safe
surcincles and tirst-class blankets, and there
upou will be secure and happy. -
"""The rain, the beautiful rain, the loi g de
sired rain came last Saturday and the varie-
a'ed cdots are seen oil the flowers of spring
1W r,ieUS 'a the fields are iroiniin!i
, .J,,,,, harvests, and t,le hilla ar,e clad in
tbeir rt les of green, and the woiwlland and
forest have donned their shading foilaee, and
who would not live in the far-famed Ump
qna. .; ' -: .-': f .. " ';' ; '
. ' " Loaitt Lanjfcnbtrg is in the front rukto
offer bargains, that ar astonishmji. Jtvst
i think of tbi? large invoice te has just received
of new pois, lifting of,l, be?, and
I tacUf, musical iustrnments, tine lot- oj jiew
- harmoiucaa. cne-t sets., i.ase i ai s sonieoi,
eli.. Hi.rI China kilts f r the ' o' f. scrap il-
. . ' ,
bums, p.v glares, fttere-vse- p e views and
Buy lot in West Roseburg while th
O: n utunitv oflVrs. -
' iAfany . good houses bare been built
iiear tbV depot lately.'-? 1 , -
I Old Doners at the Review office for
i!a at Ri. . (l ' .
The con espo.ldanee from Olalla will
receive attention net -week. . ..
".More ruin more rest," "what ia
CufTeel" "iuore.rain tnor. grass niassa."
-.Don't forget Robert EaStons'-new
- v ! f
grocery store,
iresh atfcles all the'
Jnies Fletcher has begun his new
residence on street near the
H ridge. . V
D. G. Ciark Past Grand iMastei
A. F. A A. il. cf Albany went south
Parties in need of dors anil win
dows will find a complete stock at Sher
idan Bros.
H. Conn Sr. from French Settle
ment was seen on our streets this week,
looking well.
Dou't fail to read tie article under
the head of "Attention Citizents,'' ju
anoLher column. . ; ,
p The payiiiaster passed over the ' r&
road the 14th inst., and the eniployera
were made bapy. ,
, Julius Silbe stein resigned his posi
tion with Caro Bros., this- week and
1ms gone to Port and.
Harry Smith of Round Praiie, and
Vulcan of Canvonvillm J. L. "Awner,"
were in town this week.
W. F. Owens has put the finishing
touches'-on his new house", near the
depot, and it looks well.
Our popular Depot Agent, G. W.
Williams, moved int.) tho new house
of W. F. Owens lieai." the dpot, last
Mrs. E. C Bell came from her
daughters' cm Clarks Branch last Tues
day, to rennin tluring the summer with
her sot', J. II. N. Hell.
v J. D. Burnett, has his side track
completed, and has already shipped one
car load "of fruit. Sue what beneo't it
U to own a rail road.
Tiioa. 'Boggea of TXrev Creek was in
tovn, bsit s'jo ved plainly
by his looki' that he had been sufferirsg
much from poison Oak.
O. II. Fiook's new grocery sti-rcf ill
Louis Bi hills jewelry store, is nftr;ict
jve; These t vo men Wiil do an v thinjr
in tht-ir line to satisfaction, ...
(ini.r W. T. h'f. has, done a . good
busitioss in' his.'.spiyg' bed li;;e. Call
on hin before Sea yes the town if on
want a good Fpruig mtiess.
Kevs Lockaid and Sinick, and a
large deleg.itiou of, niini-ters from - tlu
Viille, went to the semi-annual' Pies
b terv to lie held at Ashla.ud. this w-. k
, V. G, Woodward '.Lat on hand the
Mofgan l.ady saddle with Cheyenne.
r l!, and nis-iy new styles iu our jil.e. is our motto, and out prices
ein-upi'i-than Portland ' .
Our correspondents .from yaiiotis
p.' i ts of the country are very busy this
week autl therefoi w did not write to us.
We ho you will take a little tune and
glean a few iteinsfot us every week in
tho future.
Master Aiva and Mis Bet tha "Bp!
.. .... t : t
lows jiresented hs with, 0-? tinsi at d
first ripe str iwben ies of the betcn
plucked from their vine- thi.s season. I
Tuey are never b.-shind the timet?.
Thos. Gaiipon has opened out in
good style in the old A dam son shop on.
Jacksou street. He builds carfiagfs
repairs '-eincles and iniplements of all
Kind?. Give him u call and before
long we will say more.
Our old time friend,1 Allen Airing,
tjn of Marslitield gave us a very pleas
ant and lucrative call this week. " He
looks a little the worse the wear on
ac'.-ount of his recent illness. His con
valesence is assured however.
Hon. S. F. Wilson of Empire city,
Attorney for the O. S. 1. Company is
iu this city to remain some two waekf,
looking after the interests of the Com-'
pany which he represents. Mr. Wil
son is of thu lirui of Hazard & Wilson
Attorneys sit law.
Lwis O'Neal who is uthe Jacksoi.
county j til under sentence of death for
the., murder f Lewis Mo Daniel, has
made a cotifessioti ; implicating Mrs.
M-uDaniel. The latter has been ar
rested and placed in jail without bail,
"lie sure your sin will find you out."
The Central Hotel is now, under the
present management, one of the very
best'hoteis in the city, clean and r.ea, ttl the brighter morning shail flash its day
and h'ts well prepared viands, which streaks of gold over the horizon of the east,
would tern j.t the appetite e.f rtU epic re. aQd the reunion of friendship shall be made
Terms leason.ble. Go the.e and eiltt i by the voice of the Angel that bits on the
, ",'.,',, righ hand of the throne, until then we say
and get vour nuvieys worth. See Ad. -n farewelJ - -
Reno Past No. 29 G. A. R. will-' "UVis re: 1, lite is earneit,
oh erv e memorial day Mav 30th. A.L An,e ,K''ave " Dot- it3oa!' -.
' , . " '; vr x- Dust tbou art, to dust r-turneth.
sohl-ers, vvbKtlter, meinliera ot the Post . Ani ,
'. .; -: ... - i . Was not spoken of the bouI.
or not re invited to join in trewing 1 ' .
flowers ov h. praxes of th- pparted Eep cs Jiitative Vooihe.s of Marioi-brav.-or
their frti'iids, This ayhes co ny went to Anhland Tuedav to
be i declired a NatiouaL;Hli lay by
The new ad of Irs. Hoover you
should read ye ladies of fashion and
beauty.' G t tbero and see theUatest,
and especially the very latest calletj
the ''catch on," a very beautiful shad
ing hat. Do not all call at .tnce, but
ycu had better be ou time, and get the
li-st choice.
i Mr Prevette, the gentleman i ept esen
ting thts North Carolina delegation that
lately came to, Oregon, 49 in number,
called on ns this week, and is on his
way to Ashland to see the country.- He
n . o lw. if v tA!. crl U'lt 1 (tilt Kft tfr
"" - - ..." .
ulivath. We hope. they, rimy seme
among nr. Heisa minister of the Mis.
siwuary Baptist Church. ;
G. W. Wontiacott of Bound Pi arie
was in town this week, and repons
crops as looking fine. He has about
200 acres in grain, looking well.' He
came from Missouri to Kansas, thence
t v Washinoton -Ty. and thence - to
Oreijon, and he is so well pleased that
he has determined to naturalize here as
a citizen tf Douglas county. " "
Jesse Honck, our old landlord at
Ashland, was thrown from a horse on
the 14th and we are infoinied has died
of the io juries. How sad this news is
to many wdio knew Jesse so favorably.
Wre lemember htm for his kindness to
us and our sick family th. first night
we ever spent in Oregon."-': In 1874 we
met him for the first time and have
Hiitertained the highest regard for him
as a citizen and a la id lord.
Prom Oak Grove-
Miss Mary Ilervej's health is in.-'
proving and she is again able to isit
Lovers of beauty just take a peep at
Mrs. George Stevenson's flowers, "oii
will not regret your trouble.
; The better side of our cominunitv
was. forcibly shown not long since by
tho signature of nearly every citizen
to the remonstrance against another
saloon at Myitle cr.etdc.
The first mouth of school closed friV
day April 10-h. The following pupils
in a writen exfitniuatiou attained 90.
per. cent of aud upwards: Viwla Hel
ve', -Marvin Hervey, El. Hervey,
Mattie Rice, Hattie Bush, J. Flite,
Win. Wounacott, Eil. Wonnacott, D.
Wait, Clmvles McKinzie, .Win. Far
rier, Hattie Rice and Anna Story No.
of jmpiis enrolV'd 27.
aftendanee, 23.
Average tlaily
' M. '
Frcm t :e 19 A:h Housa.
, Cattle are fat enoug i f :eeV -'.-.
Tiv. ve! iujieasi ig over ihe Coos bay
r ad. , " " ' ' .'.
We could not gt-t along wit(ho.u,t the
Tiie mountains will be full of hemes
this hurnn er. :
Crops looking fine and orchard ata
in full bloom.
A school tpacher is nertded very much
in district No. 42.
Tiie 19 mile. hnsi is the best stop-
;ing. place on the Coos bay wagon road.
Plenty of game, such as elk, deer,
and bparanU plenty of fish in Wilson
creek. Scb3?riber.
f 'roai (Jx-een's Station
Miss Rosa Green who has been at
tending school at Drain has returned
Sore throat or 'dit'theria is becoming
prevrdent in this community.
The school house in this district has
been repaired in excellent shape and
the Spring term opened March 30.tb,
with twenty six pupils present.
Eecuiescat ; in Pac3-
Robert Newcomb our old friend and ass
ociate has gone to .'chat bourne from whence
no traveler returns. We have known him
for ten years, and to ua he was always a spe-
cial friend. How ; many times he, with his
wife, who is now in deepest 601 row, used to
gather around our little lire place and while
away the eveuinifs so pleasantly together,
in social chat. But those days are gone, and
he is gone too, aud our hearts are heavy, and
more especially so. because we could not cast
a sprig of eycrureen in his grave. But. we
will wait, for we build our hopes of his bliss
ful residence iu heaven on the htdierand high
er impulses that dominated his nature, while
he contended with lites real conflict He
rose step by step lo. some very responsible
positions in our State, and his premature
death only forbade his greater success which
he would have acheived. '"- He wi'l be missed
in the home, the social circle, the various
lodges of which he was an active member,
aud in the community at large as a useful cit
izen. We offer our siticerest condolence to
his bereaved widow and child, and also' to oth
er relations of his. Old friend farewell,1 nu-
atten i the Presbytery to be held there
I this week.
Oafcland Itsma-
Weather pleasant.
Uucle Hart WoodrufTis improving.
Mrs. H, E. De Wilt is visiting friends
in Oakland.
Mr.' arid Mrs. 0. D. Yett' were in
i' town during the wee.
Our friend B. F. Doos wore a smite
Tuesday, whv? because its a girl,
jMrs. Jano Venablo has jone to vis
it her parents at Shoe String.
John Bckley has purdiased of hi 4
broth ;r James a fine span of mares.
Farmers are rejoicing over the light
rain during the fore part of the week.
Mr.i. Cai twriht of Yoncolla spent
Tuesday with herfiiends at this place.
Julien'a little circus proved a grand
failure after two attempts, two much
juice. ; -
It is rumored that there will be a
restaurant opened next to Bayless'a
''. Prof Ambrosof Rice Hill Seminary !
vas in town Satuiday last visiting old i
friends. . ' . - ; --, : i
', J nst look at Nye. cut a -.veil . with
hs new Bicycle Hand Car, he works'
like a charm. ,
Mire host Richard Thomas is' mak
ing Home improvements in the way of
a store cellar.
James Tetnplin of your city was in
town during tha fore pait of the week
looking natural-as ever.
jMiss Sali'ie HaDibJin has returned
home after" several weeks vki, ; with
relatives in East Portland.
Mrs J. 0. Johnson of your city has
bej?u .visiting her "sister, Mrs. John
Medley for the past week.
The dancing club gave their last
dance of the season Tuesday nighl,
large crowd in attendance.
Ms. .-Wilson will moye her millinery
store next week into her fine new
quarters under Browns hall. -
Will Brown returned Monday from
Eugene where he has boon attending
school for several months past.
A Mr. Holmes of Ashland will occu
py the house vacated by Dr. Harris,
we welcome. s,trj.ngei s to our town.
Rev. Shil.y of Drain preached Sur
day to a Iarg. audience, also received
two members iuto his church by im
mersion. A three year old daughter of Wil
liam Woodscns had the misfortune
while playing with a pet lamb to fall
and break an arm.
Dr Harris moves to. v Hai;rtsburi
where he intends locating permanently,
during the Djctors stay with us he has
gained many friends. '
Croquet is all the. rage now as the
boys of the burg occupied the vacant
space between Young's and Pago fc
Dimmicksfor that purpose.
, Peter McGregor has returned from
Clarks mill whtjre. he has been en
gaged v in buildidg a ferry boat to Its
used at Dimmbks ferry near Eiktou.
Oar old friend, M. Fickle who
been employed in the O. P. Railroad
office at Corvallis is again w-th us.
What his business is we are not prepar
ed, tosay but we can say that things
look suspicious.
The Indies of the Presbyterian church
gave a supper Monday evening in
honor of. several ministers and their
wives who were passing south on the
train to attend the Presln tery ai; Ash
land, it proved a very pleasant affair.
Mrs. Slocum and her daughter, Mrs,
Hud lev, i if Rosebiirg were heie to at
tend, the marriage ceremony of Miss
Beile DodgQ. to Mr. R C. Palmer of
Drain, which took place at the residence
of the brides Kev. Shelly of
Drain officiated. The many friends of
the joung couple congratulate thtm
and wish them much "success through
life. : . ' "':'- ' .'- .
' Prom Kipley. New York-'
- .Having frequently noticed your so
licitations for county correspondence,
I wondered if, a letter from Chataqua
county, New York Would be inappro
priate. Through the generosity of my
brother, a fellow townsmen of yours,
I have .beeiv in receipt of the Indcpcn
dent and Review; for a long term of
yeai sand it is always a welcome visitor.
' Our winter has been one of unpar
alelled severity, and at this writing
Easter Sabbath, we have an abundance
of snow, our roads are almost impHSsi
bl and the ice on Laki- Erie reaches
from shore to shore, and will require
many days of sunshine to dispel. That
you should be enjoying "the . delightful
fragrance of the peach ami cheny blos
soms makes me long to liecomo a resi
dent of Douglas county. Were. I not
detained hereb home duties, the care
of an invalid mother, I should silentiy
fold my tent antj migrate as toon a
Spring weather would conduce to pteas-.
a:it tiavel.
VVr are all good Democrat b?i. and
fully endorse lijs..entue,
Cabinet. - "
Wt Rosabuig is bojmtug.
U ItlTot True?
There can be no argument aa to the
qualities essential to a perfect ' reniedy
for the ills arising troni & disordered or
inactive condition of the Liver, ' Stom
ach aud Bowels.. Everyoue will pdmit
that it should be perfectly safe for old
and young of both sexes, at any and all
times; that it should be acceptable liotli
to' the taste and the stomach; that it
should ne"ver fail to act promptly and
tho. onghly, yet pa-nlessly, and it Mioud
give strength to those" oigans. It is
now well known that. Qy nip of Figs po
ssessas those qualities in a pre-eminent
degree fe. Hamilton is agent for Rosc-buig.
A Startling Discovery.- .
Physicians are often startled py re-,
markable discoveries. The fact"4' that
Dr. King.s : New Discovery for Con
sumption :anl all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily uring patients that
they have given np to t'ie, is startling
them to i-oahze their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this, wonder,
ful discovery ; resulting in onr best
Physicians using it in their practice.
Trial Bottles fiea at S. Hamilton's
Drug Store. Regular Size $1 .00.
Washed-ZJut air-
Thero is a sort of pallid, chalky com
plexion which the novelists call a
"washed-out complexion."-. It is ghastr
ly enough, and no mistake. -- Washed
out, faded, discejJored, or parti-colored
hair is almost as repulsive and melan
choly. Parker's, Hair B,i!sam will re
store your hair to its original coloiv
whatever it was brown, auburn or black
W hy wear moss on your head, wher
you may easily have lively, shining hair
';:.."-" - ..
Syrap of Fis.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant UKhe Palate, acceptable to the
Stoma.di, harmless in its nature, pain
less in its action Cures habitual Con
stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion aud
ki dred ills. Cleanses , the system,
purities the blood, regulates the Liver
and acts on : the Bowels. Breaks up
Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc. Strength
ens the organs, on which it acts. Bet
ter than bitter", nauseous Liver medi
cines, pills, salts and draughts. Sam
ple bottles tree, and large bottles for
sale by S.' Hamilton.
Euckleu's Arnica Salve-
The Best Salve in tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilnlains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaratiteeel
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price '23. cents per box. "For
sale by $ Hamilton.
OFFICE: Next door to Hosan's Store.
BlacksmUhing ami Shoeing.
All work in this line will be attended to
promptly at reasonable rates.
Mvs. , Hoover,
FA.jNTCY goods,
roseburg oregon.
Complete. Prices unxlerate.
Mas ii. e. uojvkr..
of t'li? wfill-knoan House, of which wo are ths
owners, we take .tub method of inTcrn ing the pub
lic that it will be ' -
Steals, cccnu, lodging 23 cents.
fSiltiwAietloii Gunranteetl.
Froe Coach to 11 Kvonlnj Trains.
S. T. & E. Garrison.
Jotm IIeville, Prop.
Soda Waer, Sarsaparilla'aod Ginger Ale. Or
der? from abroad fiilled itb promptness d at rea
gonable rates.
and Nice Stock of ' : ,
. .- ..... .
AV wanting G ji.U. i hi line, Coiui.ry 1 r dce
takft 1 in excauig-c. nt;t iron the untry wilt
reui e prompt attention.
Mrrriflr:! ru
I y 1 1 Bile i ' iu I i A t- i
rTle . Co-irtucrsliip , he rcto
faro existing h3twecn K.'
S. & JVC. Shcridun is tlrU day
dissolved, hv mulual cor-seht
the firm - retiring from business.
" All notes iind accounts due
the firm -must be paid witliia
: sixty davs o; t osts will be ad-
ded. ' j
' Hardware, stoves- and tin-
.... -...
ware will be sold at cost for
CASH ONLY from this date. .
E. S. & J. C. Sheid tn.
Rtscburg, April 3d,' 18S5.
: . - I"- . '
Owned by J. W. Carlon, the noted
This Famous IT orse is 1CJ hands,
high, weighs over 1,400 lbs, is of ma
hogonr Bay Color, fcix years old next.
June, 'Perfect, in Form, " Limb and.
Body. ' . , '--':S 1
DliYDE was sired at Salem by tho
noted imported Glexeld, winner at
the Centennial 1876, and imported
into the United States by Jap, Bur
rows, purchased .in 1876 : by Major
Bruce, and by him brcugbvto Oregon..
Gleneld was sired by the greit Scotch,
prize winner, Johnny Copp, . that wou
more prizes than any other horse in,
his day. IPs dam; was by the justly
reuowned, Glekali.
CLYDE'S dam is the noted Henry
and Haniiltonian, brought from Illi
nois to Oregon in 1868, and purchased,
by Jesse Cornelius.
Tli8 attention .of all Farmers and
Horsemen is called to the above partic
ulars, and they aro asked to call and;
see this beautiful horse and get terms..
Good pasturage furnishei at reason
able rates. Every possible - care will
be taken to prevent accidents or es
capes, but no responsibility assumed
For further particulars ee or address,
J. W. OARLON. Roseburg, Oregon.
Jackson Street, one door South of Mrs. Compton'i..
I Exchange Goods for Good Butter
and Fresh Eggs.
Bros. Blacksmith Shop ia now prepared to to all
work in the UUcktnithing Line 111 a hrat-clana
mauncr. Horseshoeiuit a gpecialtv. .
Land I Corners. ,
lata Legislature: ; - ...
To establish all corners ot Government surveys,,
where tha witness tKes hare bepneuf, or have fallen
down, autl where there remain the stamo on which
the bearing mark or blazes can still be seen, or
where other evidences of the Government corners
may or can be found, whereby the said corners es
t&biishod by Government surveys can be positively
located by any of, such lor othr decaying cvidenceu,
said corneror coruers to be reestablished in the nuui-'
ner prescribed hi thisScution forestablihingcorners,
and shall keep fi&jperate record of the same in a
book called Bca&tg Trees of U S. Surveys, and
giving the dxti, and ti imas of persons present, and
turn wiid record over to his successor. When so re
estublisheil, they shall be recognized.' thereafter ss.
the legal and jerm inent corner or comers.
W.U. Till EL, County Surveyor.
550 Acres b.Tttfwn hid at $2"..00 per arro, 650
Acres pa.-iturc Lxtid .it !ji.0J icr acre. , 1 200 ,riit'i
troas, r.oJ JivvUiij, t.v. Barns. Weil watered "
with eceil:it Si-itif ail over the place. Plenty
of Oak vv.i.d, a tulr..ui Side trak and uianyother
coave.iienjji. - A! in-.rthis." pla'-e eouttisting of 90
Ttsot tKttumiiftiJ vi. Siii.UO per acre, 250 Acres
p3iur U-.kI at Si W 5 or stc.t', two dwbiungi anJ
stnitH hir;i, well w.ite:-el, plenty of w od. These
two places join, ou pa.vilne oaa or both on
roasoiiiiblo terms us prints biili-Jito. Apply to R
vi?- oflj lor narti-.'jUrj. Vhn w a great bargain.
th; syaM mi mil,
ryi ... A t- . .
Coos RiiV Wago.i; Road.
Any amount of lumber, --
i Sugar, Pine, Cedar,t
Yellow Fir, Flooring,
H Rustic, Mouldings,
j Etc, '
I will not be undersold.
: . . . - - . . - - ) - . -r ....
itr Bive ippfinitm 1 t titt f .viva avt-
if Hi Henry Gates agents for Rowbury, wh will;
have Lumber always oa hand. Will deliver to anx!
part or trie city Horn me Mill at reasonable rates.
Prkses at 3X111.
i . S9.00 per M.
i iig.oo per M.
.( . -if is.oo per M
f- 5 SS'- w- J"' " :
descriptions and directions forplantinj all
VegeUble and Flower SKCS, BUM. A, e'rt.
- m
anrfjo turtoraers cn&st year w uzt -r- i