Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, April 10, 1885, Image 1

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' ; by- - ' '
J. R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor.
AJ mad
HAS tej:
V aad ther PriuUng, Including
tee at Em Festers ai Eail-Eilis,
Keatly and expeditlouisly execatod
A i V
1L Kf
One Tear
Six Months -Three
$2 SO
1 SO
1 00
Tlieee we the terms of thoc paying to advance The
Kkvikw offers fine inducement to advertiser. Terma
NO. 1.
' -:"'tt
''''Inriir-ii.i . .
i fc
V V o
Watctaier, Jeweler ani Optician,
Draler lii Watches, Clocks. Jewelry,
Spectacles and EyeslMsee.
Cigais, Tobacco & Fancy Goods.
Tb otilj reliable Outomer tn town for the proper adjuat
. tueutof Spectacle; always on liana.
D.-pot of the Genuine Brazilian FebbU Spec
tacles and Eyeglasses.
Ofkich -First Door South of Postoffice,
Boot and Shoe Store
- - -. - - ""
Oa" Jackson Street, Opposite the Poe OSes,
Keeps on Land the largest and best assortment of ,
l'aterii and Sau Fi-anelaeo Boats and
MIioeM, alter, Slipper, .
And everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and
It ootid aud Shoes Made to Order, and
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
I use the Best of Leather and Warran all
my work.
Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice.
I keep always on hand
Musical Instruments and Violin' Strings
a specialty.
Having purchased the above named mills of
E. Stephens & Co., w e are now prepared to fur
nish any amount of the best quality of
ever offered to the public in Douglas county.
We will furnish at the mill at th following
prices: -
No. 1 rough lumber........... . .',;.$12'PM
No, 1 flooring:. 6 inch .f24 M
No. 1 flooring:, inch , . . , . ; .$26 M
No. 1 flnsihinjr lumber. . . $20 VM
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 V M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides $26 M
Office on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan
Next Door Live Oak Saloon.
Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike
Home Hade Furniture,
Constantly on hand.
I have the Best
South ef Portland.
And all of my own manufacture.
Xo Two Prices to Customers.
Resident of Douglas County are requested to give me a
oall before purchasing elsewhere.
Oakland, Oregon.
This Hotel has been established for a num
ber of years, and has become very pop
ular with the -traveling public
Table supplied with the Best the Market affords
Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad.
Staple Bry CJ-oods;
Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment oi
Extra Fine Groceries,
. AtSO -
A full stock of
Such as required by the Public County Schools. !j
All kinds of" Stationery, Toys and
Fancy Articles, . .
Buys and Sell9 Legal Tenders, furnishes
Cheeks on Portland, and procures
Drafts on San Francisco.
Promptly attended to and goods shipped
with care.
Portland, Oregon.
Shall I do this, sir, and shall I do that, sir?
Shall I go in. sir, or shall I go Out?
Shall it be bonnet, or shall it be hat, sir?
State your opinion: I'm sadly in doubt.
Shall 1 go r:d ng, or shall I go walking? -
Shall I accept it, Or shall I refuse?
Shall I be silent, or shall I keep talking?
ujvb your aavice, pray; x cau nut won
Thus do we pander to others opinions,
wearing the garb of Society's slaves:
Fashion's a tyrant, and we are her minions.
itoDDing our lire or tne treeaom u craves.
Qujrht I to visit her, ought I to eut her?
Shall 1 be friendly, or shall I be cold?
Shall I look boldly, or peep through the
shutter? j -"-.-
Shall I give silver, or shall T give gold?
What will be said if 1 tay from the dinner?
What will be sa'd if I'm seen at the ball?
Will thev proclaim me a eaint or a sinner?
If not the former. I go not at all.
Thus do we pander to others opinions,
wearing toegarD or society a slaves;
Fashion's a tyrant, and we are her minions.
Robbing our life of the freedom it c wives.
Why not go forward, undaunted.'unf earing,
Doing- the thinar that is lawful and right?
Caring not who may be seeing or hearing, -
Shunning" the a&ricness, ana courting me
lia-ht. - ...i:-:--
Surely, if conse'euce forbear to iipbra'd us.
well may we laugn at tne veraict ot fools;
God is our guide for His service He made
US - :
Not to be ruled by the makers of rules.
Pander no longer to Others opinions;
Wear nt the garb of Society's slaves;
Be not of Fashion the pitiful minions;
Rob not your life of the freedom it craves.
! Xcvnnie Power O'Donoahue. in Ouxinber'
A Lively Experience in Northern
r Wyoming. ;
The Phantom Horse of the Prairies Pur
suit of a Wld Racer That Was
Many Times Taken, Only
to Escape. '
, When I was stationed up in the Wind
River Valley, Wyoming Territory, I had
a most exciting experience with a wild
horse. I had often heard of this horse,
and there was a good deal of romance
attached to his history, much of which,
I suppose, wa pure fiction. Such a
horse, however, did exist, and he was
often seen on the plains, in the canons,
and gazing down at the passers-by from
the mountain tops. At midnight often
a horse was seen flying by the lonely
camps on the prairie, and the Indian
declared they had been startled out ol
their sleep by the shrill neigh "or the
clattering hoofs of the "phantom horse,"
as they called him. The Cheyenne In
dians had stolen him in Kansas, whero
he had been a noted race-horse, and
the Sioux had in tjurn stolen him from
the Cheyennes, who sold him to t.ho
Utes and in a great battle near the
Uintah Mountains the Snake Indians
had captured him from the Utes. Ho
escaped from the Snakes, and for a long
time remained wild on the prairies, but
finally a Mr. Gallagher and a party of
hunters had succeeded in capturing'him
and took hire' to the Salt Lake settle
ments, but he had escaped, took to the
mountains and finally drifted back to
his old pastures on the Wind River.
All efforts to recapture him were in
vain, and when 1 arrived on the Wind
River he had been at large some four
years. 1 knew Mr. Gallagher well and
wrote mm about the horse. lie re
plied there was such a horse, and for
a time he bad been in his possession.
Mr. Gallagher's letter revived ail inter
est in the mysterious horse, and X de
termined, if possible, to capture him at
the earliest opportunity. The Snake
Indians, who inhabited that region, did
not like to talk about him and believed
he was possessed of an evil spirit. They
freely adnitted often seeing him but
would not help to catch him or have
anything to do with him.
fhus ran the legend of the wild horse
or the phantom steed of the Wind River
Mountains, as he was frequently called.
I gave strict instructions to all hunt
ing parties, scouts and trappers to look
out for the wild horse, and if thev saw
him to let me know. Once word came
that he was at Buffalo Bull Lake, sixtv
miles away, and I sent a party of Arra-
phoe Indians and scouts to capture him
After, days of watching they finally
lassooed him and brought him to their
camp. For days they beat,' choked and
starved him, but his brave spirit seemed
unconquerable. His legs were tied
with ropes, and the Indians resorted i to
all their known skill in horsemanship to
' e A . -ft
DreaK and conquer mm. At last" one
ambitious Indian vonth announced he
could ride him, and the rope3 were taken
off. The Indian mounted the wild horse
and both disappeared into the hills. In
the evening the Indian returned to the
camp foot sore and bruised and an
nounced that the horse had thrown him
and escaped into-the mountains. That
was the last seen of him for nearly three
months, when a trapper on Big Wind
Kiver said he saw a horse with an Ind an
saddle on and a rope tied to his under
jaw grazing on the river bottom, and he
attempte ! to approach him, but he fled
into the hills like the wind. The Arra-
phoes no sooner heard of this than they
set out for the Big Wind River, deter-
jnined to capture and bring him in.
will here say that the Arraphoes did not
share the superstition of their neighbors.
the Snakes, in believing the horse had
supernatural powers, or was possessed
of a bad sp'rit. They simply regarded
him as a horse, and were anxious : to
have the honor of being his captors.
In a few days I heard the Arrapahoe
Chief had succeeded in finding where
the horse watered, and skillfully spread
ing his lanat on some bushes had sue
ceeded in catching him. He was tied
. to a tree, and I sent a wagon and some
soldiers to help bring him in. Chained
to the wagon lie was started for eamp,
but had only gone five miles when he
broke tae chain in twain.sand once
more lied to the hills, defying all pur
suit.- - . '
The wild horse was not again heard
of for nearly three months, when one
morning just after breakfast in midsum
mer, a sentinel on post reported a horse
on a bluff overlooking the camp, and on
a closer mspeotion with glasses we saw
it wa? the veritable wild horse with the
chain still about his neck. He seemed
greatly excited, kept- galloping np and
down the bluff with head and tail erect,
steadily looking at our horse and mule
herd, which was quietly grazing in the
valley. I. gave orders to the soldiers
not to disturb the horse or apparently
notice him, but sent word to the herd
ers to move th herd gently toward the
bluff, keeping well in the background
themselves. : The horse presently de
scended the bluffs and approached the
herd, but suddenly taking alarm crossed
the- valley and went up the opposite
h ills. As if charmed by the presence of
his own kind,' he recrossed the valley
and assumed his: old position on the
bluffs. Being assured he came down
and, for a minute joined the mule herd.
Then running round and round he
worked toward the horses and mares.
As long as he would run I let him go,
but seeing he was settling down to cap
ture our mares I started , nim out on the
hills once more Part of the herd was
now driven in, a cavalry company and
some team mules saddled up, and we
waited for) developments. We could
see the long chain about his neck, dang
ling between his forelegs, and appa
rently threshing them at every "step. In
about an hour the horse, apparently ex
hausted, came down from th : hills aud
entered -the herd ' with the mares. 1
now ordered the men in two3, threes
and sixes, to seize the passes leading
into the hills and to picket the bluffs.
Then began a , chase the like of which I
had never seen before. I had sent out
troopers to all the passe, and divided
up a company Into squads of six and
eight, with orders to relieve each other
as fast as their horses became blown.
The pursuing party started the horse,
and he made straight for the hills where
he wasf turned,back and driven across
the valley again. Go where he might
soldiers from every canon and on
every hillside' emerged with lariats,
ready to lasso him. Like most animals
when closely pursued, the horse ran ak
most in a circle, and soon made no ef
fort to enter the hills. His only anx
iety seemed to be to escape the immedi
ate presence of his pursuers, who grad
ually closed in on him. At first he
easily outran the .; swiftest horses, but
now some of the fresher ones were
nearly able to keep up with him. The
chain about Jieck threshed his forelegs
and greatly impeded his onward prog
ress. Suddenly from the wagon cor
ral emerged a teamster mounted on a
tall'saddle mule, and at the sight of the
mule and rider the soldiers set up a
great shout. The mule had a history,
and was known in the command as Old
Abe. Lincoln. He had been the hero of i
many n race and won a bet, for not
withstanding his ungainly appearance
he had pluck, endurance and speed,
such as rarely falls to the lot of a mule.
Stretching himself and shaking his
sraall'whisk tail in the air, Old Abe went
straight for the wild horse. Placing
himself on the outside of the circle at
the horse's shoulder, : Abe stayed with
him, pressing in and in, until he was
going around on a few acres of land. , I
now saw the capture of the horse was
inevitable, and the soldiers of the camp
ran out with guns, sticks and clubs to
keep him within the circle. By com
mon consent Old Abe and his rider were
allowed to do" the chasing, the other
mounted'men merely keeping the horse
in the fatal ring. Abe's rider made one
er two attempts to throw , a rope over
the horse's head, but he dodged it with
wonderful agilitv. -
O es
"Catch him by the chain! Catch him
by the chain i" the soldiers called out,
and Abes rider put up his" rope and
made desperate efforts to get hold of the
chain that hung from the horse's neck.
Onoe or twice he got it, but the horse
tore away. Old Abe seemed to under
stand the business on hand, and was
constantly trying to get ahead of the
horse. He did not seem to know why
he should be required to keep alongside,
and greatly vexed his rider by his ef
forts to pass the horse. At last, how
ever, the chain was secured, and Abe,
either understanding it or being tired
out, merely kept at the horse's side. As
the soldier tugged at the chain it began
to choke the horse, and finally he stag
gered a3 he ran. The soldiers 'now
closed in and threw their lariats at him
as he passed. One went over his head,
and the soldier hung to it until another
and another came to his help The horse
could go no further his eyes , popped
out of nis head, his tongue pro traded
from his mouth, and he fell heavily on
the plain. In -; an instant his forelegs
were bound together, and at last we
had the wild horse safe in our hands. I
examined him carefully, and found him
a dark chestnut "bay in color, and of
medium size. The chain had cut deep
into his neck, making an ugly sore, and
the skin was completely threshed oft
his knees and forelegs by the beating of
the chain. ? He was broad-chested, with
wide nostrils and a big, bright, fiery
eye. The muscles were gathered in
large knots, and the veins on his neck
and body stood out like whip-cords.
After we had securely hoppled his
legs and tied a dozen long ropes to him
we took the chain off his neck and . let
him rise. He seemed completely' con
quered, and moved along quietly enough
to the stables. The horse was by com
mon consent given to me; but I said I
would not have him, and thought he
ought to belong to Old Abe and his
rider. This greatly pleased the soldiers,
and, as Old Abe and his rider belonged
to Captain Phisterer's company, of the
Seventh Infantry, the horse went to that
regiment , " '
Poor-lellow, he seemed glad enough
to be in captivity, and was soon quite
gentle, but they were afraid to ride him
lest he should throw his rider and again
escape to the hills. He would put down
his head, to have the sore on his neck
washed, and, itideed, behaved so well
we soon ceased to talk about him.
Not very long after-his capture a de
tachment of Captain f histerer s com-
pany was going in to Jtorc imager, ana
the'Captam- determined to send, the
wild horse in with them. He was
securely tied behind a wagon and strict
orders given to guard him night and
day until his arrival at Bridger.
On the second day out we heard from
the detachment that the horse had es
caped. It appeared a soldier had taken
him down to the water, using merely a
halter. Whether the horse got
frightened and pulled away, or whether
the soldier for a moment dropped tne
halter-strap, no one could tell, but the
horse got away, fled into the hills, and,
of course, pursuit was useless. -He was
often seen- afterward, hut no one ever
could succeed in recapturing him.
The events of which I have: been
writing occurred in 1869, nearly sixteen
years ago, and the horse is probably
dead before this time, as he was thought
to be eight or ten vears old when we
captured him, hut I doubt not some of
the descendants of this horse now roam
over Northern Wyoming.Ahd it is prob
able not a few of them annoy the cattle
men and horse-growers by stealing
their "mares. If the descendants are as
good stuff as the sire 'they will not
easily be got rid of, and a good many of
them, as well a3 us, will have cause
long to remember our first- experience
in catching a wild horse. Gen. Jame
Lrtibintin Chicago Horseman.
:vV.: . v"; ; v-:
The Illlnolsian Who Was
and Dicing Know
a Millionaire
" I met him on Canal Street, New Or
leans, or rather he came up to me' as I
was leaning against- a - door-post and
asked : vJ . I- .... , --
Be you from Illanoy P" '4
"No Michigan." .
'That's too bad. I wanted to find
somebody from Illanoy."
"No, notyet. See here, I'm plzenly
"Well, I've been a hired man in.Illa
noy for the last thirteen years, gettin'
about $16 a mouth and board. 'I've
alius looked upon board as wuth about
a dollar a week, but- -"
"Well?" '
1 just kinder . filled up back here - at
the restaurant just about half a square
meal just 'nuff to pitch hay or hoe corn
on for an hour, and what d'ye 'spoie.
the figger was?"
"O, about seventy cents.' "
"Seventy -pumpkins! It was $1. SO, or
I'm a sinner. Say!"
"Yes." -
" , "That's $3.90 a day for fodder, or
about $100 a month. A hundred a
month' is twelve hundred a year. Thir
teen times that is about $15,000.
"Yes." . "
"Say, I'll be gosh-baked and forever
stepped on if I haven't been one of these
dumed aristocrats a bloated bond
holdera gosh-fired monopolist all the.-e
thirteen years without knowing itl
Tucked away $15,000 worth fot fodder!
Woosh! but"! want to meet somebody
from Illanoy and pint the finger of
financial independence at him! De
troit Free Presn. ;
The Symptoms of the Grand Passion as
Explained by Two Colored People. ,
Pete Jackson is a colored man work
ing for Tiff Johnson on Onion Creek,
Swayback Lucy is also employed by Tiff
as a house servant. They are very con
fidential with Tiff, and tell him all
about their private affairs. A few days
ago Pete winked mysteriously at Tiff,
and taking him off to one side, said to
him :'-..- - : .
"Mister Johnsing, I wants tor confide
a great secret to yer."
"What is it, Pete?"
"I'se got a great notion ter ask Sway
back Lucy ter marry me."
"Do you think she reciprocates your
affection P"
"What did yer say she did?"
"Do you think -she loves you as much
as you do her?"
"Dat's what I 'spicions.'V
"Did she tell you so?" r
"No, but she mout jess as well hab
jtole me so. When she wasgdin' fru' de
yard I punched her wid a pitchfork, and
she said : G'wav, yer black nigger. I
doan want ter hab yer about me.' I
tells yer, Mister Johnsing, dat when a
woman tells yer ter go 'way, she wants
yer ter stay right dar. Dev m de con
trairiest critters in de world."
"So you think that is a symptom of
love, do you?"
"I does, sah, for a fac'."
: Shortly afterward " another negro
woman heard Swayback Lucy singing
away for dear life in the yard, as happy
as a bird. - .,-'.' .
"What's de matter wid you?"
"I tells yer. Aunt Sukey, I believes
"Has he done tole yer so?" -
"No, but he mout jes3 as well hab
tole me so. He - punched . me wid de
pitched fork. , I tells yer dat means
sumfin'." Texas Siftings.
How They. Appear to a Customer, Ab
stractly and Concretely.
Incidentally we love a barber. We
do.not object to his conversation -j-in-deed,
we admire to listen to his artless
prattle as he whips the thin steel deftly
around our jugular. Neither are we of
that 'class of cynics who rail at the bar
ber's foibles his absolute certainty of
nipping a ' favorite pimple, his feverisk
anxiety to annoint our , head with oil
that shall run down upon our coat-col
lar, to its undoubted detriment, his per
sistence in giving our face a final flirt
with the towel that shall hopelessly -disarrange
the mustache he has with so
great exactness just carefully "adjusted
all these shortcomings and more we can
forgive; but we do wish he would not so
studiously avoid the spot upon our head
or face that the light touching" of his
hands has set to itching.. When the
barber combs our hair, if there be one
spot of all the broad expanse of head
that would be grateful to the soothing
touch of comb or brush, there is some
thing supernatural in the manner with
which the barber avoids it Similarly
with the face. When the bay rum is
filling our nose with cheerful odor and
our eyes with tears, and the barbar
throws over, us the glamor of the drying
towel, is there not always an aggrava
ting spot adjacent to the nose that his
swiftly-flying hands utterly fail to reach?
With all our love for the barber, there
are times and occasions when he mad
dens us UockZati'l Courier-Gazette.
The moment a people begin to be
lieve in themselves and their own ca
pacity to develop their own resources
according to occasion, outsiders see at
a glance that that is the place to put
money, for the'r prosperity will steauily
advance. Columbia ( S. cf .Jt Jieqister.
:---: '; rfx r ' v? '.--".
An Indiana man has pitenied a
model for a straw house. Th walls a: e
to be made of bales of straw or hay, and
then plastered and bolted down. It ?t
said to be preferable to brick kn1 a en
durable. Indianapolis Journal.
Some GooU "Advice By a Woman to Her
Housekeeping Sisters. .
Successful housekeeping! How many
of us fully realize the mean'pg of that
term? As I take it, successful house
keeping does not consist merely in
keeping the house scrupulously clean
from garret to cellar, and the table al
ways supplied with the choicest food;
but in do'ng our work in the easiest
and 'pleasantest manner to ourselves,
and n that way which makes those
about us in every way most comfort
able. And to do this requires ju dgmen t,
pat'ence and much careful study and
forethought We have been deluged
with advice about having a time, a
plan and a place for everything; 1 ut all
ye who have tried it .know how utterly
impossible it is to keep our reohitionar
regarding the last two, especially where
there are young children or frequent
callers to breafc in upon the routine;
but I have found it a great saving of
time and stfeng h to plan by littles.
While ironing, sitting to pare potatoes
or apples, nursing baby, etc., 1 keep
thinking what I shall do next, planning
every step, then if any mistak- s occur
they are onlv mental ones; for instance,
if a trip to the cellar is soon to be made
I ecdjeavor to think of everythi ig ihat
is to be taken, and everything that can
be brought; at that t'ma,' instea I of
runn'ng with or after one th;ng at a
time in the hurried moment in wh:ch
it happens to be thought of.
Try it, ladies, yon have no dea what
a help it is until you do try planning
what you will do next, and just how in
every particular; it is so much easier to
rovise it and correct it in our minds
than with our feet If you are forget
ful, it is convenient to have a slate
hanging in the kitchen en wh'ch you
can note down many of the impormnt
little thfngs which might otherwise, not
be thought of when it would-be easiest
to do them.' On the other side of the
slate yon might kep- a -record of the
names and dates of papers in which you
saw recipes you wish to try or any val
uable hints; for one often sees such,
and whens we take many papers it is
difficult to find what one wants without
some clew; when full, copy into a little
memorandum look.; unless von have
tried enough (and placed in vour tested
receipt book which every housekeeper
should make for her.sejf). to erae and
make room for moreN. Speaking of
planning, I presume nons of aosi retire
at n:ght without see'ng breakfast all 011
I I ne in your mental vision, it .-ave.s so
much hurry and worry in the morning'
ah! this worry, it is the bane of
American women. Let us strive to "al
ways remember
" Tis worry, not wort, that kills." . .
Another oae of the greatest aids in
avoiding bustle and confusion is to be
g n ' in time. It is certainly "much bet
ter to do a th'ng in season than out of
season, and if it must be done why not J
do it in time? form this habit and jt
will soon become a sort of second na
ture to be punctual
1 , have lound it easiest ; as oou as
breakfast work is. done and house in
order (one room at least so 3 011 will not'
be embarrassed if a neighbor steps 111),
to arrange for dinner all that can be
gotten ready at that time; it is no much
nleasanter to have: it off one's m'nd at
onca than to wonder all through the
forenoon, "What shall I gt for din
ner?" And, - when possible, I et the
table at any leisure . time, putting on
salt, spoons, castor, everything that
will not dry out or spoil from getting
too warm or too cool, and that wilt not
attract flies, though, I hope, many are
using screens, thev cost but 1 ttle and,
though they do not afford complete re
lief from the pests,' they.aje a wonder
ful advantage. Another help, where
the household is so fortunate as to have
a baby in it, is to arrange its nap with
reference to the ; dinner hour, if po
s.b'e.'having him asleep at that time;
with a little care to form the' habit a
healthy babe ca generally be put to
sleep an hour before dinner and sleep
till it is all over. Mine dojs--some-times.
On ironing day I have adoj tid the
plan suggested by a writer in a late
paper, always to iron the finest most
ted ous clothes first, for two very good
reasons: first we are fresh and have
mote strength -and patience for them
than when weary at the last, and, sec
end, .f we are hindered in any way so
that anything must be hurried over, or
shook out and left ; 1 11 another-4ime, it
w 11 only be the coarse art e'es, which
will not be hurt so much by such treat
ment As to what pieces need ironing
each one must be her own judge. 1
used to think that every article mustbe,
smooth and nice before putt'ng away,
and they do look nicer, but my
little ones around me now, with minds
and bodies' to be cared for as well as
cTofiing, I find sheets wash-rags, flan
hrfUand cjarse underwear can go with
out sometmes for the sake of hav'ng
the time thui gained to make a child
happy." read a new paper or book,: ar
rar ge some little surprise for papa,"
or at least have time to compose my
self and be calm and pleasant when he
comes; I know we can not always do
this, but let's do so whenever we can, re
member' ng the r faces are very much
like m rrbrs, giving us back a reflec
tion of our own; but I waut to say just
he.-e that when leaving things undone,
o sl:ghtly done, let it not be anything
that will endanger health. Every th'ng
in and about the bouse should always
be so clean and fresh and pure as to in
cur no risk in that direction.
As to a place for everyth ng. have it
so if vou can: where closeOi and cup
boards are scarce .this is difficult and
if out-of-the-way places are chosen
i.orr.e of the careless ones wilf not al
ways put them there, so we th'nk it
best to have boxes, pockets, h oaks and
closetH-oar ; catch-alls in conven'ent
place 1 td keep those th'ng wh eh are
us.d by all members of the family.
Such thmg3 as strings, waite-paper,
sc s n rs, needles, thread, it good lini
ment, camphor, a few simple home
n ed cines, i a court-plaster, ? lantern,
umbrella and numerous o her thirjg .
should be where any one can placi a
hand on them without asking- or
i e trehing for them. This can be done
n the most inconvenient house with a
litllr tact and perseverance;: and
always . be careful to hare
the places for matches, ink,
lye and all poisonous article
far out of the, possible reach of little
hands. None of these things are mere
theories, but a-e a few of the plans
which I have put in practice to aid me
during years of house-work on a farm
where one pair of hands must do the
work of laundre ss, dairymaid, house
maid, seamstress, nurse and cook, and
I recapitulate: "Look ahead;" "Be
g'n in t:me;" . "Think before you step;'1
Have all that you 1 work with con
ven'ent as possible." and "Don't
. And,;ow, if these rules are followed,
thinking of your. work in the pleasant
est light possible, not looking upon it
as a drudgery, and striving ever to be
"strong, pure and patient," I think
you will learn to ; make housekeeping,
in the fullest sense of the word, a
grand success. Vesta - Lcroy, in West
cm Plowman. - . '
- vV-.i:-- ' :- ; '''' ''Z-'ZK'
', " " - ' ' :-"
An Example Which Is Commended to
Farmers Who Live Where Grain Does
Xot Pay for Transportation.
It, is unfortunate that so many
American farmerls are hot In a posit'on
to d-spose of the products of their
farms to the best advantage. No
farmer can afford to raise corn and
sell it at from ten to twenty-five cents
a bushel, and yet - thousands aretjom
pelled;to accept such prices in conse
quence of the pressing demands upon
them for money at the time of gather
ing their crops. After harvest notes
begin td come due, interest and taxes
must be paid, and all those who have
nothing left over from last year's sales
must dispose of some kind of crop to
meet the demands of their creditors
aid the tax gatherer. This is nothing
new to a majority of farmers, and
while they have bsea compelled to
make great sacrifices year after year to
meet the demands upon them com
1 arativelv few are able to get sid of
this incubus which casts a cloud over
their lives and all their operations. .
In the Western States, where the
farmer is compelled to haul his crops
some distance to find ; a market" and
then take whatever a local
may choose to offer, he is
to iare worse tnan m
where there is some competition
among buyers. But ;V the farmer
who is burdened with debts is a .slave,
and the sooner he breaks the bonds
and asserts h's freedom the better,.even
if he has to make some sacrifices in do
ing so. . Of coursti we do not mean to
sax that a farmer should never run in.
debt, but he should avoid placing him
self in a position Where indebtedness
will force him to make continual or
annual sacrifices to meet interest or
pnnc pal. it a man is so situated that When a man d es we jitlrkhij-
lie mnst sell corn for ten orflfteenTtriir with him.
a bu-hel to raise monev to pay debts of
anj' kind, he is certainly making great
sacrifices to meet, his obligations, and
be had better lose all at once than con
t' do this for any considerable
number of years in suecess'on.
. But it may be said that no farmer
should ever sell corn at such prices, be
cause it is worth far more to feed hogs,
heep and cattle. This may AVe " true,
but the farmer must first obtain the
animals named before he can feed them
his surplus grain, and it is just here
that the want of means annoys - many
a farmc most severely. He may. see
how -he could make his corn worth fifty
cents a bushel by turning it into pork
beef or mutton, provided he was able
to hold it and purchase the animals re
quired to' con- time it; but not being
able to command the nei-essary capitaC
he sells at a loss, while other farmers
in better circumstances may make a
frofit on their gra n . even, at- present
ow prices. ' . .. ' :". -', -. '-
We not'ee a recent report of the do
ings of certain farmers in Butler Coun
ty, Kansas, where, distance from ra 1
road communication prevented them
from marketing their corn at present.
fnces without loss. I o avord this, a
arge number combined and gathered
together sx thousand head of cattle,
and to these the corn is being fed dur
ing the winter months. - These cattle
will consume 03,000 - bushels of corn.
and the cost of hauling this amount of
grain will not only ba saved, but by
changing it into beef, the raiser will
probably obtain twice or three times
as much for it as it wo.ild have brought
if "fold last fall. Next spring. ;or as
soon as the cattle are ready for. ship
ment, they can be driven;. to the rail
roads at a-very trifling expense, and
will doubtless command a good price,
for beef has not fallen in valua nearly
sd much as grain during the past year.
In fact, meals of all kinds have held
the r own remarkably well during the
recent " depression in prices of most
k nds of farm products.
The example of the Butler County
farmers shou'd b.i imitated by tho re of
r ther counties in Kansas and else
where; not that all should try cattle,
because such a move might tend to ad
vance the price j of steers aud "other
young stock, but the feeding of gra'n
on the farm to sheep, ; hogs, cattle,
horses and poultry is the true wav to
d'spose of it when priees are so low;
that t can not le sold in its natural
state at a fa'r profit Of course we
can not undertake to advise individuals
as to the best way to obtain the ani
mals they may need in. attempting to
changs their s; stem of farming, but
we w ll say that one good way to begin
th? change is to stop selling off the
i alve i. lambs, pigs and other young
an;maL, and 'or no better reason than
because some butcher or buver offers
what you consider a good or fair
vfci. Better keep the lambs and
calves for a year or two, for as a rule,
thev will advance in value one hun
dred per cent per annum, wjiilo the
value of their food will not be twenty
five per cent This hankering; after a
little ready cash which is not, actually
needed has been the ru n of many an
industrious and otherwise competent
farmer. N. Y. bun.
Every Saturday evening, when
barber shop in Troy is crowded bv
oung mechanics setting their haircut
for Sunday, a priest who is a zealous
temperance advocate arrives to get
signatures to a pledge ot total abst:
nence. He th nss that ne thus save
manr a fellow from spending his
weefi's wages in a spree. -Troy(N, Y.)
Qaeer -Castoms of the Pe ople la the Laud
o? Eternal S ao we.
Miss Olai Krarer is an intelligent
little Exquimau woman, twenty-saven
years 01 age. bhe relates that she wai
born in the northern part of Greenland,
and lived there until she was fifteen
years of age, when, reports having
reached her father oi the warmer,
better country of Iceland, the family
emigrated there on a dcg-sled. During
her; stay of five years In Iceland she
was, to use her own word, "eddicated,"
and learned, among ether things, of
America and her people. -Having
a great desire to satisfy her
curiosity cjoiSeernjag' us, she came with
a number of IcelCnders t o British Am er
ica, and"Arom ' "the Eastern coast
finally came to Manitoba. To an ita
jtttrcr reporter she said: My country .
is very different from this. I will ex
plainj low we build houses In my coun
try. We press (the snow into hard
bricks and build a tent-shaped house.
xnsiae we line tne wails and coor with
fur. We have an opening left for a -door
which is high enough for a child
eight years old. here to go in and out
We ban a fur curtain up at the open
ing. We make our fire in the center of
the snow-house. The re3 are mad 3 of
lean meat oil and bones, for - we have
no wood in my country not as much
as one match. . Fire3 are started with a
flint, but flints are very scarce and the
man who owns one is consMered well
off. The smoke from the fire is kept in
the house, and as we use oil on our '
faces, the smoke and oil make us of a
dark color. We never wash, for therj
is no water and it would freeze on our
faces. A lady in my country uses plentv
of oiL just as ladies here think they look
nice with powder and paint The
ladies of my country have an easy time,
no work but the making of the clothes ,
and the care of her children; only, if
a baby cries she will not take care of it
She throws it into the corner of the
snow house, and when it is quiet sha
takes and pets it 1 will explain for
you how we-marry in my country. The
man must steal his wife. -If h? is
caught trying to get her he is killed, -for
if he is not sharp enough to steal
her they think he is not sharp enough to
take care of her. After he has married
her he can never leave her. . If he do as,
he is killad. T We have no religion in
my country, but we think a gocd man L
will go to a good place, a bad man to a N
bad Tllfft. vW pro fcinfl tn orli ntlior
only we are not kind to the sick, fcr we
fKiTlV if " f rlOV 1trila flnv rv rxst m -
would - not be sick. ; We have bat
two years, sometimes 'six years. I
think it is what you call consamption.' "
i "I will explain for yon how we hunt
in my country. The men kill whales,
walruses, bears and seals. The first .
man wno sncus n:s speur into ina am- .
mal-gets the skin, and the meat is
divided with the others. The meat is
eaten raw. The peoplo liks best the
blood and fat The skins are used for
clothes, whieh are sewed up. with an .
animal's sinews. Our sleds are mada
of skins and bones, and are drawn by
dogs. W hen the dogs are well trained
they are driven without reins. '
V. J V W J ..AV . I
of the furs; a whole family sleep in one
bed. If a man lives alone ho makes
the furs into a sack and crawls into it
when he wants to sleep. We sleep
when "we are sleepy, and eat. when we
are hungry. Oife night-time lasts for .
six months, but we always have light
enough from the snow and stars. Our
daytime we do not Hue the sunlight
and snow make our eves burn like they
would drop out of our heads. - The
two months, twilight is the mo3t pleas
ant time." ;
,V My people grow no taller than a
child of eight iu this country, and they
never live to be over sixty years of
age. This climate," : concluded "Miss
Krarer, ' "weakens me. It f is very
warm.''. And indeed , the ; imie lady
wore her sleeves short, exposing her
arms.: Short arms they were and pe
culiarly shaped. Th9 arms of the Es- '
quimau men are straighter," froin being
used more. Miss Krarer s height is for
ty Inche3, her weight ore hundred and
twenty pounds. ' - -
f'What .d you thmE or the people
ofj this country when you -first saw
them?" was asked Miss Krarer.
i"Oh," she replied, they, looked so
big they almost scared me to aeatn;
and I was much frightened when I
first saw a black" woman. - I thought
she was very dirty." '
Aliss Krarer has sent for her sisters
who are in Iceland to join her. Cincin
atti Enquirer. ' .
v' . - m m - --,4 -
Eating Off Gold. ,
Mrs. Astor's supper to twenty of her
intimate ; friends was given -Monday
nighty .-On this- occasion . the famous
service of solid gold was .used. These
yellow dishes are seldom brought out
from the Astor vault They cost $100.
000, it is said, though I have -heard the
figures exaggerated to $250,COO. Any
how there is. no great extravagance in
them, for the metal can at any time bo
melted into good bullion and only tna
workmanship lost. I have attendeJ
many of the Astor entertainments, but
never one when me goia uiensiis were
displayed. A friend who has bad that
inestimable privilege declared that she
didn't enjoy the experience very much,
after all. - .
"In the first place," she said, "the
eatables were completely overcome and
dominated by the plates on wh'ch they
were serveX The daintiest morsels
seemed ,to have no flavor at all, and
after a while I fancied that they became
impregnated with a peculiar metallic
taste. And then I go': it into my head
that the man sitting opposita me was a
detective in disguise, placed there to
see tht I didn't slip plate into my
bodice. He was afterv'ards introduced
to me, and I had reason to believe that
his covert glances had been purely sen
timental, but they spoiled my supper
all the same. No, thank you, fine china
ware is goad enough for me." Cinein
r i In Wyoming Territoryan ordinari
ly healthful region, there is oce doctor