Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, March 27, 1885, Image 1

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    ;t;heS be vie w
" ... , .
.. AaA Ur FriaUug; IncliMUuc
Large asi Eeayy Posters ana Sliowy MB ills.
:-"' -t - '-. :- :.-- : -'. -. - :- ; -'.:
; N sally and expedltiouaiy exMk4 '.
.at Portland paicaa.
BY -
J.. R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor.
One Year ;
Six Months -Three
S2 50
1- 50
1 00
Thess uw the terras of those paying In dauce - The
Rcview oilers fine Inducements to advertiser. Tetin
NO. 51
Watemer. Jeweler . and Optician,
Dealer In Wa telle. Clock. Jewrlrj',
iiertarle and KycgtaemeM.
Cigass, Tobacco & Fancy Goods.
Tht only reliable utomer in town for the proiier adjust
ment of Spectacle ; always on hand.
Depot ef the Genuine? Brazilian PibbU Spec
tacles and Eyeglasses.
Offick-First Door South of Fostoflice,
Boot and Shoe Store J
On Jackson Street, Opposite the Post Office,
Keel hand the Urgestaud heat assortment of
Eastern and San Franelwco ltoots autl
Mhoe. (Walters, Slippers,
And everything ia the Boot and Shoe line, and
Hoot and Mhoes Made to Order, and
I'vrfeet Fit Guaranteed.
! use the Best of Leather and Warran all
. my work.
Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice.
I keep always on hand
Musical Instruments and Violin Strings
a specialty.
Having purchased the above named mills of
E. Stephens & Co.. we are now prepared to fur
nish any amount of the best quality of
ever offered to the public in Douglas county.
We will furnish at the mill at the following
prices: -
No. 1 rougk lumber $13 V M
Xo. 1 flooring. 6 inch ....... .. .$24 V At
No. 1 flooring. 4 inch :..$ VM
No. I flnsihing lumber, . . . . ....t'OVM
No. 1 tinUhing lumber dresscdoii 2 Bides $21 M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 1 sides $2ti V M
Office on Main Htreet, opposite Cosmopolitan
'Hntl.. -
Next Door. Live Oak Saloon.
Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike
Home Hade Furniture,
wu.nuu, OIlF.UO.
Constantly on hand.
I have the Beat
South ef Portland.
And all of my own manufacture. .
A'o Two Prices to Customers.
ResMteiU of Douglas County are requested to give rue a
call before piuchaMng eiaewhwe.
Oakland, Oregon.
RICHARD THOMAS, Proprietor. .
This Hotel has been established for a num
ber of years, and has become very pop
ular with the traveling public.
Table supplied with the Best the Market affords
Motel at the Depot of the Railroad.
Staple Ury Goods,
Kei eoofitantly on hand a general amortment of
Extra Fine Groceries,
A full stock of
&ucU m required by th Public Couuty BchoyU.
Alt klndu of Stationery, Toys and
Fauejr Artlele, : ; "
Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes
uneoKaon eoruana.ana procures
: ' Drafts on San Francisco.
Promptly attended to and goods shipped
with care, i ; . r .f .
Portland, Oregon.
Midway the last of those drear months
Tliat winter knows.
While yet the earth Is hidd n 'neath
Tue lingering snows.
And the nortu wind detiant mill
Hist trumpet.- blows.
Is set a duy an full of sweets
A summer rose.
The tldinjrs of its coming spread
The birds anionic.
And soon the sturdy evergreens
Are filled with song;
The daintiest though s of I'oesy
About it throng.
And manv )reeu)us xems of Art
'i'o it belong. .
For oh', 'tis l.ove,'t:s Love, that aava":
"This day la mine
This day when alf true I ver haste,
. With eyes ilint ihine
And llpa t Kit .smile, tluvr Hearts to lay
: Upon the s n'ine
Long years to me made sa:-red"by
M. V alentine. "
UarJrr'x ITtrkly.
A Valentine Story of Over
Hundred Years Ago.
' ll was a gray, gloomy day in late
October; dur ug tltelast wtndc- of their
sojourn 'at the old -f:milycMUintry ho ise
on the Kenneb:c. This ane'ent house,
built of Hallowell grani'.e. was of the
El zabethian style of architecture," with
castellated wails and a large , stniare
hall down into wh!ch Vou looked from
the galler es on the " second and third
lloors. and which opened upon a deep
l orch altogether delectable in its viuey
seclusion, so sn
. geslive of
e ;..- .
moonlight or day I ght
Three connecting rooms frorttrd tlie
river which flow d at the foot of a rap
idly su'jp'ng lawn, and from the library
window at tb-'.-o.ith end of this triad
of totm .con Id be swn a lovely r.ver
iietu e framed beiw -en tall oaks and
.:ergreens, at the extremity of an open
ing a quarter of a mile long, at least,
cut through the primeval forest straight
to the bank of ,11m Ke inebe.v
This was the work of Downing, who,
years before, had cut and trimmed and
fashioned these slopes and dells into
fair, regular beauty. Iiut time and a
proper degree of neglect had brought
back a bewitching wildness, a gypsy
like abandon of straggl. ng vines and
lawless growths, more fascinating to
town-bred girls than the most perfect
landscape gardening could possibly be.
Three hundred and eighty acres com
prised this estate of rairview, and it
once had a tieer pane ot a hunureu
acres, but that was long ago.
i4jdwbi three
days,' a steady down-pour, gladdening
o the hearts of the country lolk, whose
wells, owing to the long drought, had
on j; since refused water. Caleb Atkins,
coming down from the village as usual,
with meat and mdk, had expressed to
the cook that morning his opinion that
the ram was 1 keh' to last a "consider
able spell," to which statement cook
signified her assent With the remark
that next week was court week, and it
alwavs rained court week. -
"Cook has ; the universally " logical
fem'nine mind,"!1 observed Beatrix, -'Who
had overhead this colloquy wh le whist-
mr and ' waiting for Ajax. at the hall
door. "If it always rains court week.
why, then, of course, it's always court
week, isn't it? Wonder if Supreme
Courts and .storms prevail s'mmtane-
ously over the universe! I'll ask her.
Oh! oh! you big, black, wicked, splendid
old. fellow! '. This last to Ajax, who
came to-her whistle with a bound and
a leap, planting h'.s big muddy paws
on . her shonmers, una staving her
remonstrances', with a sweeping lap of
h's huge tongue, which fairly h.d from
view her piquim' merry face.
"Oh, shut that ; do)r, do, Trix, and
behave in a civilized manner,' growled
Marjory, from the depths of the Sleepy
Hollow cha'r by the hall lire. She was
reading The fair Maki of Perth for
perhaps the twenty-fifth t me, and was
right "in the thick of the tournament
where'n fell the sons offorquil ad
vancing -todath with the cry "One
more for Hector!"' .
.Whatever of "modern authorship the
library of Fairview lacked, it was rich
in the' older novelists, and owned a
most sumptuous edit'on, creamy pages
bound, in fragrant Russia, of the prince
pf romantic novelists, Walter Scott.
Instantly turning at the sonnd'of her
vOcc, the big dog sprung into her lap,
planting it huge- paw, only partially
clean -ed, on an 'exquisite engraving of
the said tournament and die ting a
satisfactory shr'ek from her, he
plunged upon the ofa whereon Sue was
dozing ttn d 4! ream i lig. am 1 then dashed
up the oaken star, close, followed by
the laughing, shrieking , girls, casting
back glances of intense delight at his
Sttcees in inaugurating the frolic he so
mueh loved, ami having reached the
landiugjtittHe thirds floor. BtoA wav
ing his huge tali and' watching with an
actual twinkle of his eyes the breath
less run of the jrirls up .the last flight.
They, were nearer the .storm area by
fifty-feet up there than in the hallgbe
low. aud the wind and rain suemed to
bt1 holdiug high' carnival, whistling ia
the waterspouts, roaring down the
ehimt eys and pelt'ng p't.Tessly against
the wind ws and upon the slate caps of
the numerous buy And or el .windows.
;;yhsdow4o the at looke I out upon
the lei' schooners lying just below, be
draggltHiand dripping from tUe,t'pd of
their m1z'.en masts to the water line'.
An occasional sailor was sem shrouded
in oil clothes. ,
They swung back the door at the end
of the long upper hall aud peered up
the duskv stairway. . '
VFascinat'nff, isn't it? ' remarked
Afar jory. "It s a real cosey at tie d ay.
Iet's go up!'
: "Noth'ng new up there, I suppose?"
rejo'ned Trx. "We've rummaged
everything Madame Heath's brocaded
wedd ng gown ami General Heath's
queer old uniform, and Major Brock
ton's kit, in the? 1812 war. and Great
grandfather Brockton's w'g aud gown,
and all the old bonne' s and mob caps
and camlet cloaks." h
"And (ieneral Heath's delicious old
love letter and tin? letters he wrote
when be , quarrtded T with his son Jo,
who had the honor. of being my great-grat-grandfather,
you "know said
Slariory, with a toss of her gold-brown
Meanwhile they were running up the
attic stairs and through the center of
the kiltie, skirting- the massive ehtni
nes, each one of which could almost
have held "in its interior a" seaside cot
tage. The attics were large and high, as
the attics H such a house should be,
but although .tolerably well lighted
were, rich iu those deej); dark, shadowy
corners and recesse.v whose ghostly
MiZgest'ons makeo ie"s flesh creep.
There was. one part'pularly dark re
cess where the low attic of the west
wing debouched into the main attic,
into wh rh -Marjory suddenly, disap
peared atrd shortly "emergetl, her hait
festooned with dnty cobwebs, and her
eves bl nking as thoe of an owl sud
denly launched into the sunlight might
do. " She va dragging a small black
trunk bv it b as handle, sa'd trunk
Le'.iijy as, robwebbv as her
head, and
mouldy with the mould of
"That is what I calb seiond-sigltt.,'
she sad, sw ug ng it around the
expertness, of- a genuine baggage
smasher. "I d d not know this thing
was thenfnever hear of it before, and
should have sa d I had exploded every
inch of til s enchanted land. '
The girls looked at it. It was brass
b mud and fastened by a solid hook
of brass. She touehed the hook ami
the cover flew up, disclo-ing a
mass of papiirs. The three sigheu sim
uliaheously.. They had hoped for
someth'ng more precious, more start
ling; m br de s trousseau, perhaps,
fragrant age and attar of rose - a
service of untique silver or even a
casket of pearls ;would .not have sur
prised, but merely satisfied them.
"Ah. if it had only been a skeleton!"
sighed "Marjory. ."It's big enough for
a small (iinevra;" . and she took up a
thirl flat Uok which lay on the top and
opened it. On the blank page was
wrtten "Molly St. Leger. Her album.'
A yellow paper fastened a faded
blue ribbon dropped from between the
leaves of the album. Mar'orv loosed
the r.bboii and d sclosed a folded sheet.
"And who is this Molly it. Leger who
had an album in 17bT. and who re
ceived valeatines in 176? For as true
as you, girls, this is a genu'ne val
entine, one "hundred and ten years old
if it is a day, with cupids and hearts
ami two doves a-cooing. Oh, what a
jolly lind for a rainy day! It's like
reading a page of Walter' Scott, " said
Marjory, who by this time you know as
a dear lover of romance,
"Girls! girls! and so you've found it
at last, ' er e I out a cheery voice at
their elbows. "Every, descendant of
Molly St. Leger's has to find that trunk
sometime and hear her story. But no
body, ever linds it t.ll the right time
womes. though . it may be uuder their
very noses. V '-,. . . . .'. ' ' ;.. '.'"
if ller story! and who's to tell us, , I
should to knowP'queried Trix. i
"I am," promptly replied aunt Pene
lope, "and right here. Time andplace
couhln't be better."
"Wouldn't it be more comfortable by
the hall lire?" timidly suggested Sue,
who is kittenish in her tastes, and likes
to curl up and purr in a cosey corner.
But the, others, aunt Pen included,
scouted the prosaic suggestion. "
Oh. no; r'ght here, with the bearing
rain just above our heads. It's delici
ous: .murmured Inx, stretching her
self on a discarded fug, with her head
on Ajax's shaggy sides. Marjory hav
ing sat down in a huge chair with
spidery legs which instantly collapsed,
lay back comfortably among the ruins
while aunt Pen began:
(It may as well be explained here that
Fa rview is richer in that species ; of
wealth which 'pertains;, to attics," than
most, of even very old family mansions.
For after the Boston Fire of 1871 many
ancient relics were transported thither
for safety, not only tho e belonging to
Molly St. Leger' s direct descendants,
but 'also heirlooms of families into
which those descendants had married.)
"Molly St. Leger was not a native
born American citizen. She was born
and lived in a delightful old castle in
England a castle that would do your
heart good just to see, Marjory, with
real battlements and a turret chamber
Molly's own the very- one from
which slue fled, not with, but to our an
cestor, Abram. Hunt. ' I aw it all last
year when I was in England the old
garden with its box two hundred years
old, cut into all sorts ! of queer shapes,
peacocks, Greek vases, and,, maids-of-honor,
and its fish-pond with moldy
backed carp as old as the time of
William the Conqueror, - for aught I
knew. The St. Legers came over with
William, and are to this day as dis-
tinctively French in feature as in name.
Molly's portrait shows her to have
been a brunette, with black eyes. She
wa small and slght with rosy cheeks,
and you look like her, Trix. -
'Molly s mother died when she was
a baby, and she was brought tip under
the supervision. of; her lather S sister,
dowager Lady Dunbarton ; as unconi
prom sng a 'Tory as her" father, and
unbending in her views' on all social
m.ntrrs. Mollv's earl:es tdavmatu
w; AbraiA'Hunti tli fifth on of John
Hmt, who lield the nearest living and
who, almost as poor r Anthony Trol
lope's Mr. Crawley, - found great difffj-
cultv m providing, for ' so many sons.
and'Abram was destined to trade. (
The rijrid Lady Duubarton made no
objection t the childish intimacy b
tween Molly and Abram, never dream
ing that a St- Leger could so far forget
lier rank as to form an attachment for
any one in a 'lower sat'on, and that
Molly should,fancy hersejfjn love with
rft young man destined ja trade, was !a
supposition tit to cause the St. Legers,
who bad slept peaceably in
..the churchyard' precincts, to rise from
their graves.'
"But the fatal discovery was finally
made and Mollv wa forthwith shut up
in her turret chamber and ordered to
forget Abram instantly. She was
further informed that she could not
leave her turret 1 11 Abram was fairly
at sea on his way; to Boston, in New
England, wh'ther his father had de
cided to send him. Molly's own maid,
Phoebe, was taken from her, lest Molly
should win her by her blandishments
to carry some, message to Abram, and
. Lady Dumbarton herself took anas
her the surve llance of her rebellious
niece, and a hard f.m; she had -of it.
But love proverbially laughs at
locksmiths aud surve:llance, and one
day Molly's pet dove brought to her
window, "tueked under, his snowy wing,
a note from Abram, and this was fol
lowed by sundry other notelets brought
by the same w nged carrier, so that
Molly knew exactly the day and hour
on w'h'ch Abram started tor America,
and he, sk'rt ng the castle at safe
d stance, saw a tiny handkerchief flut
tering from the turret vv ndow, and
went on his wav with high courage aud
hope in his heart. '"
"As soon as iie was fairly at sea
Mollv was released from hef imprison
ment, and both her father and aunt had
reason to congratulate themselves upon f
the evcellent,theulKlu;ng eflect of their
course of discipline. Mollv, who hithy
erto had apparently cared for little but
the pleasure of ' the moment, rambling
abroad on her. pony.
embroidering, t
plavinsr the soinnet or read in?:, sud
denly tlevelojed a remarkable taste for
housewifery. Like the Greek -Penelope,
she busied herself of mornings with
the maids at their spinning and weav
ing. She learned the art of bread-
makinir and of ale-brewing, the best
.methods for the management of poir-roi
try and the raising of pigs ami calve.
and," altogether, promised at la.t toj
mature into a thrifty, entirely respect-:
. j . - .
"No letters came from 'Abram. Those
were not days of much letter writing,
and furthermore, letters coming to
Molly through the post must have
passed through her father's hands. H it
Molly had a brave heart and she had
promised in her last note to Abram to
go to him whenever he should send for
her. ami that was to !; when he was
fa'rly established iu business and a
proper eseoit could be had."
"Now, Aunt Pen," a-ked Beatrix,
demurely, ."do yoi consider that an
altogether right . ami - proper thing
for our revered ancestress to prom
"Well." repVed Aunt Pen, hesitating
between her ent're sympathy with
Molly and her troublesome eonvict'on
that she ought to pirtnt the proper
moral. "Molly must have done that or
else given h,m uj entirely. It wascer
ta'n her father would never relent.
Luckily, however," she continued,
w.lh a sigh of relief. wt? have
not to decide that ; wc. have
only to do with the story. Two years
parsed and Molly was then twenty.
Vou know the old cus oni of St. 'aleii
tiue's Day? The lirst one you mt af
ter the sun hail risen was to be your
Valentine for the year. Like many
other Saint's davs, St. Valentine' s Day
was he'd in much mo e s tcrel o'tserv
anee by our ancestors than by us.
And many a gift had"" Molly,.-, received
from Abram in his character of 'alen
tine. If I'm not. ni's'aken there is. one
in that very trunk, a tiny white s lk
box painted with wh te rosebuds, and
containing a rosebud. It was the one
Abram sent her i.rt bt'am Jo weu
away" - : . I
: Sue, who sat nearest the brass-bound i
tiunk, thrust her hand under the mass j
of papers, and after a slight search,
brought up the - box. She opened it.
Jtcontained a pinch of dry diit.
"Mo t things are du..t ,1 after a hun
dred years," said Aunt PenTxmeerfully.
And she went on. "Well, on the morn
ing of St, Valentine's Day, just at
dawn, Molly was awakened by a slight
rustling .at her window. Her dove
fluttered in upon her bed, and under
his snowy wing, in the old place., was a
note tied with a bit of blue ribbon.
Molly loosed the ribbon and down fell
tha valent ne which you hold in your
hand. Marjory. Read it, please." And
Majory, s'ttingup among the ruins of
the spider-leg cha'r,' read :
"O Molly, Molly, fair and sweet
' As 1h the Olitee to-morrow
,. That brinss yon to your lover's side,
' tar, far iroru yr :et nnt sorrow '.
Once more nnto your easement, love,
My uies.snfrereo;nt.s flying;
Fling hack the lattice lake him in
Your Valentine espying. .
"Come, come, my Mollv, here 1 Wait,
The aood shio snrea'ls her sails:
Uearinx such precious freight as thou,
Mie ll fear not storms nor ;ales.
tiood-bye to England's flowery tields,
Her hawthorne, eglantine;
Come with the springtime's hastening
My life-louj? Yak-ntine""
"Our ancestor rhymed better than he
drew," remarked Sue, peeping over
Marjory's shoulder. "Those euoing
doves look precisely like two tiirhtins
crows." .
"What a deligtfully drea Iful facility
you have, Sue, for taking the poetry
out of everything." sa'd Beatrix.
"Sdence'in the assembly!" saM Aunt
Pen. "There was another slip of
paper, signed by John Hunt, Abram's
brother and contidant,
savino' that a
carriage with post-horses would be in leverage uu me ure, suatviug out vig
waitina: the uext.' night, at a certain orously the clinging tea leaves. It was
place, to convey Molly with the great
est possible speed to. Portsmouth,
Whence the ship was to sail on the
following day. Her escort was to -be
John Hunt himself, who, recently mar
ried, was going with his wife to seek
his fortune also, in that, distant New
E igland. '. ' . - V. : i'' .;
"MollyC dropped the valentine and
note almost with a feelincr of dismay.
She was a loyal-hearted maiden, as her
truth to her lover, shows, anu it was
not without a deep pang of regretful
love' that she turned at the door that
night and looked, her last upon the
little turret chamber wherein her
twenty, happy years had sped. Very
sunny ami happy she then felt, not-
withstanding certain threatening shad
ows."' She. left a tender little note : for
her father, in which she pleaded for
giveness, and dwelt upon her love in
such a way as softened his obdurate
old heart in spite of himself. And so
with her faithful Phoebe, and her tame
dOve folded in tluj,. kerchief - at her
bosom, Molly sp ?d jdown .the avenue
.under the fitful light of the waniug
moon, and turning aga'n at the point
where the castle turrets are last seen,
looked long and lovingly on the home
of her eh hlhood and young - woman
hood.. She never saw it again. For
though her father ultimately forgave
Molly, and; visited her in" the New
: World ; after the lievolnt onary War,
she never revisited her old home which
her oldest son inherited.
"After some three weeks of buffet
ing and storms, the ship which carried
our Molly sighted Cape Cod, and as
she sailed steadily onward through the
Narrows into oar beautiful harbor of
Bo ton, the first object that caught
Molly's eye was no!,' as now, the gilded
dome of "the State House, but a tall
mast, y,ih a long arm or crane, from
which hung a huge iron pot the- bea
con Hipon that bill called Beaconi.1
"Molly's destination was a
friend of Abram's, who lived on what
is now Joy street, m the immediate
neighborhood of Thomas Hancock's
house, which he afterwards l 'f t to his
nephew, John Hancock. Mo'ly soon
became fanrliafty acquainted w th
IWothy, or Holly (uincy, .afterward
the wife of John Hancoclc, for Abram
Hunt was a partner in the firm of
which Dolly's father, Edmund Quincy,
was senior m-Tuui r. ,
"In a feMf. weeks .Molly and Abram
were marr ed, , an I went to keeping
r Sprmgate, though Molly
I a special liking for Beacon
its sloDinc huekleberrv oas-
Hill, vriti;
tures and siiarkliiur sprinors, as beinr
the first "place bf her residence in New
England. "
"Huckleberry pastures .on Beacon
Hill!'1 ejaculated Sue.
Sue thinks.'' said Trix scornfully,
"that Beacon street and the Back Bay,
as they exist to-day, were a part of th.;
original creation; and Sue. who lives
avenue, was si-
(Aunt Pen,-it see ns, d d not deem it
n...sieJ tnovnl.m thM.o-'iri ivi.n
" ' . ....... . . . v .. . ... ...... ... I .... ..... tv.
as native nostonians, were, of course,
familiar.. with the ' topography of old
Boston. - where - Springate was. But
others may like to know. In or near
what is now Spring Lane was one of
those springs with which the peninsula
abounded, and a fence having been
built round about it, with a gate for
entrance, the immediate neighborhood
was known as Springate. )
'Molly had come to New England in
a time of ferment. Echoes of the
storm .., gathering in the Western
World nad reached the ancestral
home, but her father only . 'poon,
pooh'd. at'. the. bare supposition of
a successful .-rebellion against the au
thority of his Most Christian Majesty,
George ,lhe Third. So Molly was
jrreatly surprised and disappointed, I
fear, to rind that Abram was as arrant
a rebel as could be found in thel'olou
ies: bitter again; ! taxatiou, and ready
to follow Hancock and Adams to anr
length. ,
"As I have sa'd, her friendship with
Mrs. Hancock was warm and intimat,
and s'te.ass'sted at many of her famous
codfish dinners, ami was present at
that historical breakfast when Madam
Hancock en terra ned Admiral D'Esta
ing and three hundred of his officers,
and not hiving suflic'enl milk to sup
ply the wants of her guests, scut out
Iter servants to milk the cows pastured
on the Common, with orders that all
owners .who complained should be scut
to her.
-."Abram Hunt was one of the famous
Bosfrm Tea Party, and there is a charm
ing story of Molly connected with it.
Although partially disguised as an In-
umn-.A.oram wore ti s .white lop boots.
and after the tea party was over, ss he
stood by the parlor lire giving .Molly,
who now sympathized with h m in his
rebellious feelings, some details of the
a'l'air, he shook out from the tops his of
boots a quantity of tea which had
lodged therein upon the hearth, and
then swept it carefully into the fire,
"But Molly noticed that a small
quantity, ot tea still remained in the
top boots, and this she removed with
out Abram' s knowledge. The next day
Plnebe, whom Molly still employed in
confidential matters, look a note to
Dolly Quincy, inviting her to take a
cup of tea with Mollv that evening.
"A cup. of tea! The temptation wa
irresistible even to so determined a
rebel as Dorothy Quincy. She came;
the tea was made one cup had been
drank and .'Molly was on the point of
pouring out a second when footsteps
were heard coming rapidly through the
hall. Abram' s footsteps, unmistakably
and Molly guiltily hustled the tea
pot out of sight under the edge of her
ample train. But alas! the .delicious
fragrance could not be so promptly or
effectually hidden. Abram sniffed the
aroma suspiciously. ;
- "'Molly,' ho said with- unusal stern
ness, 'is it possible you are making
tea?' .;.
" How can I,1 answered Molly, col
oring under his eye, but smiling ro
guishly, 'when yon yourself tipped the
last pound into Boston Harbor?'
"But Abram was not to be cajoled.
Molly,' he said. I am not deceived I
know you are. making tea. Give it to
me;' and Molly reluctantly, drew out
the tiny teapot from its silken hiding
place.;; . . , ; '-. f .
"Without a moment's hesitat'o a
Abram walked to the fire-place and
injured '.out every drop of the precious
with feelings ; of. intense satisfaction,
doubtless,; that both Molly and Dollv
Quincy relecteJ that they had; at least
drank one cup of the fxrb d'jeu tea,
though it was many a day - tefore they
had. another. - . ' 1 -- -
"Molly after wara had her full share
of the o ires and anxietie , of the Uevo-
lutioaary W ar, for Abram became a
served valiantlyiud fatthlully.
-She was a friend of Lafayette's, and
when he made his last visit to America,
she was ah old woman and Abram had
been dead many years; She. was living
with her son in lioxbury, and she had
a strong desire once more - to see and
take the hand of her old friend. So
she came to lioston on a sliort visit to
await his coming. But a few days be
fore his arrival he suddenly d ed, and
as they were taking her home, upon
the Dover street bridge the funeral pro
cession met Lafayette's incoming car-
and so they .met.
"Almost any day, girls, vou may see
t he descendants of Molly's carrier dove
flying about the Common and . above
the roofs on Beacon Hill and drinking
frotn the fountains and ponds.''
It was a silent group that went in
the gloaming from out the attic down
to the fire-lighted hall below after aunt
Pen's story was done. ' Marjory still
carried the valentine in her hand. The
"Fair Maid of Perth"' lav upon the rug
oefore the fire, just as Molly had drop
po I the volume in the beginning of the
frolic with Ajax. "I am glad." she
said, as she picked it up, "that all ro
mance and poetry is not shut up in
books Mrs. Francia A. Humphrey,
in Wide Awake.
ine True uoapi or irnmnciai salvation.
It may be doubted whether Dr. Frank-
lin's services in the. fields of scie'fce and I
politics were of so much importaii e to
mankind as his precepts and practie'-,,
thrift and economy. His life iSt most!
impressive illustration of whf may be
accomplished by systematic industry, i
self-denial and proper care for earn
ings. Franklin was never mean stingy nor
miserly. On the contrary he .was a
philanthropist who spent Mime and
money freely for the advantage of Jiis
fellow men,- and whose benevolencwas
attested by many gifts. ; What he "'did,
and what he taught others to do, was
to live frugally: and temperatty, work
diligently and" waste no money in un
necessary purchases. His - homily .. pro
verbs have passed into the common
speech of the people. How many hun
dreds of thousands of dollars are saved
from foolish expenditure in this country
every year by the remembrance of
Franklin's advice to "never buy a thing
you don't need bee tuse it is'cheap?"
A good many young men and some
old ones are chiefly ambitious to be
callei "good fcl'ows." They like the
reputation of being "open handetl.,
They are willing to sacrifice a til be or
it may be. a quarter, of their ; income
every week for the sake of what1, they
call "a good t'nie" and the dub'ouk ap
proval of a parcel of other men as tool
i h as themselves. - ? f
Thrift should be a sort of everyday
religion with persona of small means or
small income, and this class includes
ninety-nine-hundredtbs of the men' jn
Detroit. It indues nearly every mi
who works with his bauds; nearly every
person engaged in UacYuig of any
kind; ninetcen-twentieths of those em
ployed in stores and other mercantile
establishments; three-qu irierV at least
of those who are in the professions
calle I "learned;" nearly every one who
gets his living by newspaper work or
other literary i or quasi-literary pursuit;
articles almost ' without exception, and,
indeed, ther great bulk" of our popula
tion. There is possibly one per cent, of
our people who have either by their
own exertions, or by good Tuck, or by
some other means, come into thtown
ership of sufficient property to render
exhortation to economical habits unnec
essary for them, and besides they are for
the most part sufficiently inclined to save
their pennies without encouragement
frOm others; but how many of the nine-ty-and-nine
live as carefully as they
ought? , I
Some of those men who spend every
cent they make month after month aud
V-ear after year have unthrifty wives, and
for them, if for anybody, the recording
angel ought to drop a tear upon the
evil entry and blot it out; but most oi
those who scatter as they go have no
body to blame but tin m -elves. The de
sire to. dress in 'style; to make a show of
generous living an la display of costly
hospitality: to in huge m expensive ar
ticles of food and flr.nfc; inawofd, the
temptation to live- b.vyOnd one s means
is the cause of more domestic miser',
more diappointmmt, more life-failures
and more weariness that ends in death
than any other single danger to which
people of general respectability are ex
posed.' .:''.; : ' '- ".:;"
".Except in case of sickness or extraor
dinarv calamity it is the duty Of everv
man in early or middle life, who has em
ployment of any kind, to lav uo some
thing out of what he makes, .tie may
be able to set apart fifty dollars a week,
or only one, but something should go in
store for t'ie future. A husband, if he
is worth haviujr, will aim to make con
stant additions to a permanent family
fund, and t ic wife, if she is worth hav
ing, will help bin, j
A tliriflless habit; ought to be reck
oned a disgra n and amoujj sensible
people it is. It; is a nuiuitestation of
selhsliiH'ss seii-:ndfilgeuce or possi
bly a pervert hI good-heartedn ess. wind
is a' ways "'to be condemned. " In tin
lorg run it v o ks a hardship upon tin
off.'inVrV friends a-i well as npob him
self. It is sure to bring uuhappiness to
his own home. S mple habits,.? inex
pensive tastes,, cautious expenditures of
money, will do more to bring prosperity
a td real enjoyment into a - l.o isehoid
than all other material alv; n ages com
bined.;' Tiie do.t.'imt of thrift is the
true g)sjel of financial ."t-alvatiou with
out which no life can be at its best or
happiest. De'roii A.'.
' ; f i
Shells that Travel.
' .. ' - -i i - :' if ' ;
The great to ic'i of strombua has a
veritable sword that it thrusts.jjut, sticks
into the gtoiind, and" by a nuiscular ef
fort jerks itself along, making a decided
leap. Tee squids that are' the bright
est forms of uioilusivs-t-leap entirely
clear of the water, often several feet.
They are the ink bta 'ers and from their
ink bags comes the sepia used by
artist; while their bone is the cuttle
fish-bone of commerce. Many of the
cockles have a method of flying through
the water that is quite novel. . They are
e-enerally beautifully colors and have
long streaming tentacles, and sudden
ly, without warning, they dart up from
the bottoiu, and by-; a' violent oening
and shutt'ng of their "valves tlieylrush
away, wit h their lonu, redlish hair
treamin'r after them, nresentinff a rerv
curious appearance". - The" shelf known
a the Liiia ans is parncmanv re
markable for these flights, and alV the
scallops are iumpcrs and leapers. When
placed in a boat they have been known
to leap but, and the ordinary scallop has
been known to jump out of a' pot when
placed upon a stove. ReJioboth
(Ma.) Sunday Herald. ,
A Fish Story. ;
"Don't flounder around so!" said the
cYabh dhi.ickerel. "
"S!iuf up or I'll whaleyou!" said the
other. : : . ' 'f
"Will vou 'do it a porpoise?" asked
the" m acker 1.
replitl the other.
. I beg you be clam, gentlemen," en
treated a lobster.
s "Or eel set in hot water' cnea
sheepshead, on his mussel; and they all
went off for currents. Pittsburgh
' i m ii " . .
The Mormon Church has more mis
sionaries than the American Board of
Foreign Missions. Chicago Herald.. '.
How the Lady and Gentleman and theBooi
- 1 Are MstinguUhi.
Good behavior everywhere narks the
lady and gentleman. , Hough, -511-mau-
nerljv Unseemly conduct dist' the
boor. Just what constitutes "food be-
havior, however,
which difference-
is a matter aoout
of opinion prevail. "
Mere awkwardness may indicate, only
lack of knowledge and consentient em
barrassment, and ' not rudeness, in the
unmannerly sense. There arc persons
who simply ftiLin politeness, not from
iatenfon,; but rom a lack of knowl-
elge. Mere suavity is not all of polite
ness. - ioi is that form of ojd con
duct which entertauis in a private par-
Kr suitable for public occasions. Po
liteness in a street car, at church, ia
the theater, on the street, ami in any
puuuc piace, is uinerent irom that in a
parlor, as to its form of manifestation.
- Touching street cars, it is ; often "a
question whether gentlemen should al
ways rise and offer ladies their seats.
No doubt it is polite to do so. In the
case of the aged or infirm, or a woman
with a child in her arms, it is specially
desirable that the seat should be offered.
But in other cases, while it is' polite to
do so,"it i also equally polite to recog
nize the courtesy. ' Ladies have them
selves to blame for the lack of courtesy
in this particular that is often seen.
Because tbey do not acknowledge the
favor, and also because they are not .
usually careful to give room for others
when they! might, an indifference 'to the '
courtesy due them is sometimes seen.
It is far mjore common than wasthe
case yeails ago for ladies to be left
standing iu crowded cars. " The reason
is what we state above. Were they
more courteous they would receive
.. . i ii i ,
more ai teuuou in uie particulars nameu.
It is not expected that strangers should "
eultivate familiarity, but there are little
concession of courtesy that contribute
to case antl comfort that are proper in
all public places. And when these are
shitwn thev are apt to be reciprocated.
And this touches the essence of what
is politeness in publ c. It involves the
pronii perception of the riglits and
comlorts of others, and the wdling and
grae-ful concession of these. Where
thiis done, even if the manner be not
all that could be desired, the spirit and
purpose answer. . These are apt to be
evident in the manner. And where
there i a purpose and effort to inak
others agreeable, the essence of true
politeness will appear. But selfishness,
that seeks only personal enjoyment, at
the expense of all others, is the essence o,
of impoliteness. There . appear nn pub
lic life many who are polished as to
oiuw ard manner who are, at the same
time, at variance with all the rules of
good conduct. A stately bow, a pol
ished expression, ' do not answer for
that regard for the comfort of others
which is fhe material element in
conduct. . : - :
How frequently these points are il
lustrated in public places. There are
petvons who are noticed in all public
assemblies for their self-important airs,
their evident effort at display, and their,
desire to attract admiration. But they
are egotistic, cold and proud. They
have given pleasure to ndne. They
only strutted as a peacock would, and
attracted attention. Another enters,
quiet, unassuming, but cheerful and
bright. There inviting smile that .
draws kindly attention and friendly
feeling. Soon many gather round to
be entertained with conversation and
delighted with the agreeable manner,
the geniality of this person. . Yet his
manner was unstudied, and he was
l a?Jit' It:. t
merely aaiaoie. riis muuence, Howev
er, was kindly and permanent. The
sunshine be scattered mellowed the
soil of othei" hearts for weeks to come.
Which was really polite? Which was
the true gentleman or lady? Evidently
the one who scattered seeds of kind.
And the lesson is well worth our learn
ing. Riglit conduct in public looks to
the happiness of others. PhiladdjMd
How, When
aud the Variety That Should
J Jle Planted.
There is hothing that presents a more
attractive (appearance to the weary
traveler over the highways of the coun
try, especiilly in summer, than to see
upon their sides lines of shade trees
that have been set perhaps by a former
generation.! We were pained at ono
time to hear a farmer say: "I wouldn't
care if there wasn't a shade treibv the
side of the k-oad. 1 don't thinjj t he frost
l . : jt. :. l . l
ets out asisuuu ju iuc spiui uuu iiiu
roads are baa. It has been sa d that
the coiulitrion of the roads of .country
are an indjx to the civilization of that
countr3T.,'viAItbouglt. the reference was
probably to the condition, it might ap
ply with einal propriety to the crerieral
character.' There is something grand
about one of these old roads with trees
whose branches interlace over'the trav
eled path, forming a shaded arch. Such
scenes are occasionally met with, and
let the present generation hesitate not
to render such service as they owe to
those whd L'ome after them by continu
ing the wo k of setting shade trees by
the roadside.
If taken Sn the early spring there is
but little jdifiiculty "in making trees
trrtvar if t.hcv .rA eare.fiillv rn.isfd nnrf
t,. w , --- - :
the roots ; ;are not cut off too much."
They can Usually be selected in for
ests, and can be taken up a clamp
of earth. ; "Before setting the top and
branches should be well cut bade, and
when placed in the hole prepared for it
the earth should be worked about the
roots so asj to come in perfect contact
with them, and insure certain growth.
Of the varieties most desirable may be
maple. Tlie white ash also veu Id find
an appropriate place, as well as the
soft maplel' At setting it is well to
have some protection placed about the
trees to prevent injury. Although a
labor of love, he w ho wal ks i n the
shade of trees will sound the praise of
him who performed the labor. (Jer
mantown Telegraph.'
- - - ... . i .r--. - - ' . : ' V. - .'-..'".
,. .. ;i - ;; -
Many atsociations sell old pajers
for a mere pittance, that.would be worth
much more if gathered up while they
are comparatively fresh and distributed
in hospitals, iails and . almshouses. Y.
irifri i i liiHi i i in I'll iiiiiiin flirt in ii iimi- i
I If. C. A. Watchman.