EXCITEMENT UNABATED. That Remarkable Experience of a Rochester Physician Fully Au thenticated. . Cleveland, 0 llerald. Yesterday and the day before we copied into our columns from the Rochester, Y., Democrat and Chron icle, a "remarkable statement made by J. B. Ilenion, M. D.f a gentleman who is well known in this city. In that ar ticle Dr. Ilenion recounted a wonder ful experience which befell him, and the next day we published from the same paper a second article, giving an account of the "Excitement in Roch ester " caused by Dr Hen ion's -statement. It is doubtful if any two arti cles were ever published which caused greater commotion both among pro fessional people and laymen. Since the publication of these two articles, having been besieged with let ters of inquiry, we isent a communica tion to Dr. Hemon, also one to 11. 11. Warner & Co., asking if any additional proof could be given to us as to the validity of the statements published. In answer thereto we have received the following letters, which add interest to the entire subject and verify every statement hitherto made : Rochester, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your favor is received. The published statement, over my sig nature, to which you refer is true in every respect, and I owe my life and present health wholly to the power of Warner's Safe Cure, which snatched me from the very brink of the grave. It is not surprising that people should question the statement I made, for my recovery was as great a marvel to my self, as to my jihysicians and friends. J. B. Henion. M. D. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 21. Sirs: Acknowledging your favor duly received, we would say : The best proof we can give you that the state ments made by Dr. Ilenion are entirely true, and would not have been pub lished unless strictly so, is the following testimonial from the best citizens of Rochester, and a card published by Rev. Dr. Foote, which you are at lib erty to use if you wish. II. II. Warner & Co. To Whom It May Concern: In the Rochester Democrat and Chron icle of. December 31, there appeared a statement in the form of a card from Dr. J. B. Henion, of this city, recount ing his remarkable recovery from Bright's disease of the kidneys, after several doctors of prominence had given him up, by the use of Warner's Safe Cure. We are personally or by reputation acquainted with Dr. Henion and believe he would publish no state ment not literally true. We are also personally or by reputation well ac quainted with H. H. Warner & Co., proprietors of that remedy, whose com mercial and personal standing in this community are of the highest order, and we believe that - they would not publish any statements which were not literally and strictly true in every par ticular. C. R. Parsons, (Mayor of Rochester.) vertiser. W. D. Shuart, (ex-Surrogate Mon roe County.) Edward A. Frost, (ex-Clerk Mon roe County.) E. B. Fenner, (ex-District Attorney Monroe County.) J. M. Davy, (ex-Member of Congress, Rochester.) John S. Morgan, (County Judge, Monroe County.) Hiram Sibley, (Capatalist and Seedsman.) W. C. Rowley, (ex-County Judge, Monroe Co.) John Van Voorhis, (ex-Member of Congress.) To the Editor of tlie Living Church, Chi cago, III.: There was published in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle of the olst of December, a statement made by J. B. Henion, M. D., narrating how he had been cured of Bright's disease of the kidneys, almost in its last stages, by the use of Warner s Safe Cure. 1 was referred to in that statement, as having recommended and urged Dr. Henion to try the remedy, which he did, and was cured. The statement of Dr. Henion is true, so far as it concerns myself, and I believe it to be true in all other respects. He was a parish ioner of mine and I visited him in his sickness. I urged him to take the medicine and would do the same again to any one who was troubled with a disease of the kidneys and liver. Israel Foote, (D. D.,) (Late) Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Rochester, N. Y. A Bad Year for Weddings. Weddings in India will be unlucky if celebrated during this year. Every twelve years in the Hindoo calendar oc curs a year during which it i3 held that no marriage must take place, and ac cordingly within the last few months the matrimonial mirket has been un usually lively. This custom will great ly affect the Government Registration Department,. which is sometimes used to register curious matrimonial pro visions. Thus, in one village, a hus band undertakesby deed never to beat or abuse his wife; another bridegroom registers his promise to live always with his father-in-law or pay a large sum of money in default, and "in another case a low-class Hindoo, who is the son of a second husband, binds himself not . to occupy such seats at marriage cere monies as are intended for those of his class who are sons by first husbands. The Registration Department also late ly prepared a deed whereby two natives belonging to opposite factions under took to enter into a certain religious dispute, the vanquished side to pay an indemnity and become the victor's disci ple. Boston Transcript. Bob saw the pale outlines of the moon in the daytime and told Rob about it, 'Oh, no," Robprotested; you can't see the moon till dark." 'Oh, yes," Rob persisted; "and there it is." Well," said Rob, as he caught sight of it over the tree-tops, "it isn t lighted, anyway." Golden Days. If the water in your Washing is hard or alkali, use the Standard Soap Co.'s Petroleum Bleaching Soap. Its effect will surprise you. - LATE NEWS SUMMARY. Foreign and Domestic. Ice in Cuba is worth ten cents a pound. An extra session of Congress is not improbable. Five men were recently asphyxiated in a Chicago sewer. The puhlic debt was decreased about 3,000,000 during February. There are 150 tradesmen In Paris who deal in nothing but old postage stamps. A large portion of the business section 6t Vassar, Mich., was destroyed by fire. The number of letters posted in the world every year is said to be 52,000,000. 000. The Canadian government has increased the duty on American flour to 75 cents per barrel. The National Theatre at Washington, D. C- was destroyed by fire on the 27 inst. Loss, about $1G0, 0. A Wabash train which left Chicago ran into a snow drift within two hours and re mained there three days. Bear Admiral George Henry Preble, a retired officer, died suddenly at Boston recently; aged 69 years. Athens, Ga., has been thrown into con sternation by the threat of dynamite is case of whisky being voted out. Thirteen anarchists were arrested at Berne, during the day, in addition to the ten captured in the morning raid. A nesrro at Marshall, Texas, caused his wife's death by pouring kerosene over her clothing and setting them on Are. Joseph Edward Cauchan, ex-Governor of .Manitoba, and an eminent lawyer. journalist and statesman, is dead. A woman in the City of Mexico gave birth to seven children in one day. The babies died, but the mother survives. The wages of workmen in the Texas and Pacific Itailroad shops at Marshall, Texas, have been reduced Jzj per cent. The Fenian Brotherhood has been re vived in the East, lbey talk of invading r-i J J !!.. . -ci VfU,i: Advices from Cane Coast Castle state that the British hanged ten of the leading participants in the murders and riots at Wmnebah. An unknown young man arrived at Niazara Falls, walked on the ice bridge, looked around, drew a revolver, and shot : himself dead. Th sfoamp.r T?fnwll Tnwer. from Balti more for Liverpool, was abandonod Janu- arv in a smKine conamou. xwo ui tue crew perished. ' Tim remains of Maior McDermit and fortv-two soldiers have been removed from Fort Churchill and interred in the Carson (Xev.) cemetery. To Drevent another raid into Oklahoma, five troops of cavalry and a company of infantry are encamped at tne i'onca maian Agency ana uamp ttusseu. Jack Burke, a pugilist, is out in a chal lenge to Paddv Kvan to spar four or five rounds, ior oiiu a sine, wiimn two wtems, the winner to take everything. Ahorse sale at Lexington, Ky... attract ed purchasers from different States. In four days zm neaa cnangea nanas, uie amount realized being $,tuu. IT T Vwivln a rn.ilvirn.vTYlfi.il Hprk at New Orleans, has sued the Mississippi Valley Road for $20,000 damages occca- i , m . 1 ..- A. I . sioneu uy ine wrecKiuK ui u train. From a report received by the Horticul tural Society, the entire peach crop of ill Imp. failure, with a Drobabil- ity of the death of young orchards. Thos. Bostvvlck, a well-known saloon keeper at St. Louis, killed Mrs. J. B. Mc Gue, and then fired two bullets into his head and stabbed himself live times. Pekin advices btate that all dignitaries of the Chinese mission have been sum moned to give opinions as to the expedi ency of continuing the war with France. A Catholic missionary organ states that several hundred Catholics resident at Yunnan have been massacred in obedi ence to secret orders from the Chinese Viceroy. An invention by two Canadians, by whieh telephoning and telegraphing can be carried on simultaneously on the same wire, was successfully tested between To ronto and Hamilton. The French envoy, who was about to return from China to France, has been in structed t remain in Shanghai and await the expected resumption of relations with the Chinese Government. At London, Feb. '26, while a number of artillery officers and scientific men were testing a new patent fuse a terrible explo sion occurred. Three men were killed out right, and severally fatally wounded. Fifteen thousand attended the Nation alists' meeting at Phoenix Park. Dublin, recently. Resolutions were adopted de nouncing Speaker Peel for Suspending O'Brien from the House of Comn.ons. Governor Sheldon, rf New Mexico, has offered a reward of -1,000 for the capture of a border ruffian named Dick Rsgers, who has bas been running the town of Raton at intervals during the last three or four weeks. Oders have been issued from the war office at London for the immediate med ical inspection of every regiment of the Brit ish army, with a view of abtaining a cor rect estimate of the number of men avail able for active service. Representative Logan, o Whiteside county, Illinois was stricken with heart disease in the Illinois Legislature Feb. 5.6 and fell dead on the floor of the house His death will not effect any change in the election of United States Senator. Ostrich farming in South Africa has ad vanced with such strides that the number of tame birds there is estimated to have increased from eighty in 1865 to at least 70,000 in 1881, producing feathers for ex port to the value of about $3,000,000 per annum. A petition has been laid before Attorney General Brewster at Washington, asking for the pardon of Douglas Vanderhoof, of St. Paul, who was sentenced in the United States Court to ten years' imprisonment for embezzling $40,000 from the First Na tional Bank of St. Paul. ! The N. Y. Tribune and Chicago Inter Ocean print sensational articles stating tTrat the Fenian centres at Chicago, New York, Buffalo, Philadelphia and Boston have received orders from the head centre to furnish immediately '00 men each to go to Soudan and assist El Mahdi. Within a few davs after the bill was passed by Congress restoring the north eastern corner, of the Yellowstone Park to the public domain, a night stampede was organized and all the valuable coal and mineral lands in that part of the park were covered with location notices. It is now alleged by those who declare that the recently reported Congress of Dynamiters in Paris was a hoax, that the whole affair, was concocted by foreign police for the purpose of alarming Eng land and inducing tier to become a narty to the proposed International-Extradition Treaty against dynamiters. A farmer named Mos"s Caton, living in Union county, Kentucky, aided by his four sons, hanged his wife, wham he mar ried four years ago. Twenty men, led by a county mazistrate, went to Caton's house and ordered him to surrender. He refused, and the officers fired into the house, severely wounding Caton, his son John and daughter Annie. The Senate Committee on Appropria tions has increased the naval appropria tion bill. r The principal item of increase are: An appropriation of $20000 for con tinuing work on the double turretted mon itors; $500,000 for armament of cruiser and gunboats; $115,(C0. for the construe- tinn nf ttool prnipr find ' CllTlboatS- ATI ft .vmonrtfnr general maintainance of the bureau of yards and docks. MARKET REPORTS. Portland. WHEAT Per ctl, valley, $1.151.18J; Walla Walla, $1.101.124. FLO UK Per bbi, standard brands. $4.25; superfine, $3.50; country . brands, BEANS Per ctl. small whites. S2.25: bayos, $3; pinks. $2.50; butter, $2.50. BUTTER -Per fl, choice dairv. 26c; country store, 12j15c; Eastern, 22i'a2dc. CHEESE Per lb, choice local, 15c; im ported, 12Co; 14c. DiUJiD l-'KUiTS Fer lb, apples, 58c; plums, 8Y8c; prunes, 88Jc; peaches, 13c: raisins, $2.25 $ bx. EGGS Per doz, 15c. LARD Per lb, pails, 12c; tins, Eastern, 12c; tins, Oregon, lljc. OAT MEAL Common, $3.50 ctl. CORN MEAL Per ctl. $3. HOMINY Per ctl, $3.75. CRACKED WHEAT Per ctl, $3. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Per ctl, $3.75 (5.50. I RYE FLOUR Per ctl, $4. RICE Per lb China No. 1, 5c; mixed, 4,'c; Hawaiian Islands. Sic. VEG ETA B LES Cabbage, lljc; onions, 2c lb; carrots, 75 $1.00 If sack; turnips, CANNED GOODS--Tomatoes,2S-lb cans I? do., $1.10, gallons, $3.50; pie fruits, as sorted, $1.50, gallons, 4; green corn, $1.25 1.60; oysters, $1.25a2.25; lobsters, $1.75 (a 2.75; jams and jellies, $2.50.: COFFEE lb, Guatemala, green, 114(5 124c; Costa Rica, 12c; old Government Java, 20c. POTATOES-Irish.tf bu, 20g30c; sweets lb, 124c POULTRY Chickens, W doz $3 aS; ducks, $5&6; geese, $810; turkeys, lb, lOllc. PRCVTSIONS-IIams, $ lb, 13 10c; ba con. 1 Ma 12c. GROCERIES Pickels, $ keg, 91.109 1,25; starch, $ lb, 7(a9c; codfish, 6c; mac keael, No. 1, kit, $2, No. 2, $1.75; herring, dried. If 10-lb bx, 75c. SUGARS Quote bbls: (A) patent cube; 7jc; A) crushea, vc; dry granulated, c; golden C, 5c; extra powdered, 7c. - SEEDS Wholesale to farmers ctl. red clover, $!5; alfalfa, $16; white clover, $35; alsike, $2; timothy, puree. $.50; Ken tucky blue grass, extra clean, $l.-; peren neial rye grass. $15: red top, $12; orchard grass, $lt; rye black, $2; bone meal, ton, bone phosphates. $4o. SPICES lb, pepper, 18($25c; mustard, 18c; ginger, 18c; cinnamon, 27Jc; nutmeg, 80c: sage. 30c. . TROPICAL FRUIT Lemons, $6:56.50 V case; bananas, $1 .&; cocoanuts, ,8c; or anges, $2(a 3.50 tf 100. BRAN Per ton, $1315. MIDDLINGS Per ton, $20 25. GROUND BARLEY Per ton $2225 OATS Choice milling, 3(ic; choice feed, 32(flQ34c. HAY Per ton, timothy, baled, $11; loose, $iz. HOPS Per lb, 1012c. WOOL Valley, 1315e; eastern Ore GRAIN BAGS Per lb, Calcutta, 22 36c, 7j7ic. HIDES Per lb, green, dry, 15i tec; one-tnira on tor culls; deer, $12 2"c; bear, black, $1.95(ff5; buckskin, In dian, dressed, oOJ'tiOc; elk, 10c. BROOMS Per doz, $2,256.50. San Francisco. BAGS Calcutta wheat bags, 6c. FLOUR Best city extra, $1.3745.00; medium, $J.a(4.'i5; shipping superfine, $2.7Va 3.75. WHEAT No. 1 grades, $1.25; choice milling parcels, $1.35 t? ctl. BARLEY No. 1 quality, 90 95c; brewing, Sl.Ub7ail.lU. OATS Surprise ani milling. $1.35(5), 1.45; No. 1, $1.201.25: No. 2, $l1.10; off grades, Voc a $i: black, $lei.io V ctl. CORN Large yellow,$1.101.17; small yellow, $1. h(ai.Z'; white, $l.lU(l.ldr ctl CRACKED CORN Per ton, Si7.5028 CORNMEAL Feed, $z7.5'i:8 ton; nne kinds for table, zf(a;3c p ID. SEEDS Mustard, $2.25:3 for brown, and $2'nil2.25 for yellow; canary, 44Jc; hemp, 'A(co'6c rape, 23c; timothy, 5 6c; alfalfa, 15c lb; flax, $i.252.50 ctl. MIDDLINGS -Per ton, $I517. HAY Alfalfa, $8.00(o) 11.00; wheat, $10 !5; oat, $8fel2; barley, $7ll; mixed, $7(559. STRAW Per bale, 6070c. HOPS Per lb, 10(&12c. BRAN Per ton, $1213. RYE Per ctl, $1.16. BUCKWHEAT Per ctl. $l.251.37i. GROUND BARLEY Per1 ton, Sil.oofe 23 50. POTATOES Early rose, $1.15 'a 23; river reds,7590c; Petalumas,95c$'.10; garnet, chile, 5U0c; peerless, 5cfe$I.3U: Hum boldt kidney, $1.10(a)l. 5; do red, $1.15 i ctl; peachbiows, $lff 1.15. ON IONS- Per ctl, $3.00 a 4.00. . DRIED PEAS Green, $2.50; niles, $1.50; blackeye, $2.25 & ctl. BEANS Bayos, $2.503; butter, $1. 0 1.35; pink. $1.651.80; red. $2.12 2.25; lima, $1.501.60; sma l Jwhite. $1.25t.50. pea, $l..M) 1.90 ctl. VEGET ABLES Green peas, 68c $ lb; carrots, 30i0c; turnips, 50(5600; beets, 40 (aj&'c; parsnips, $1; cabbage, 50(5j60c ctl. FRUIT Apples, 3575c; pears, $12; lemons, California, $1(5)$!. 25: limes, Mex ican, $1112; foranges, California. $1.15rz: $1.50 box. DRIED FRUIT Sun-dried apples, 2J 3c; apricots, 9c; blackberries, 9c: figs, 4c; peaches? 14(cftl5c; pears, 4c; plums, 74c; prunes German, 5; do, French, 6 6c, 1? Ib; rfasins, new crop Layers, $1.75 (52 box. 44 ' HIDES Dry. V lb. usual selection. 16J 17c; dry kip, 16l7c: dry calf, 19(gi20c: salted steers, 50 to 55lbs. 7J8. WOOL - Mendocino. 18(5),20c. $ lb.; Humboldt, 18a0c: San Joaquin, 68; eastern Oregon, 14(5. 16c LARD Eastern, 111H for tierces, and 111(1 He for pails; California, 10-tb,88Jic. HONEY Comb, 7c; extracted, 45c lt). BUTTER Fancy, 24c; choice, 22 23c; fair .to good, 2021c; ordinary, 2022c; mixed store shipments dull at 12i17c: pickled roll, 2022ic; firkin, 18:a;i;0c lor good to choice, and l516c for ordinary to fair: Eastern. I215c lb. EGGS V? dozen, 1718c. POULTRY Turkeys, srobblers. 1518c; hens, 18(3)20c; dressed do. 18fo2tc lb; roosters, $5(5)5.50 for old and $6(56.50 f5r young: hens, $6.508.00; broilers, $5(56, as to size; ducks, $5.5' J 6.59 doz: geese, $2.25ra 2.50 pair. TALLOW Grease, 34; crude, 5i6c: refined. 7i7Jc $ To. CHEESE California. 12(5U3c. SALT Per ton, $lf$ 22. RICE Hawaiian, 5J; China, 4(56c. SUGAR Dry granulated, 6Jc: extra fine cubes, 7c; fine crashed, 7c; powder ed, 7ic; extra fine powdered, 8c; extra goHen C, 5J; golden C, 5c. SYRUP American refinery is quoted at 30c in bbls, 32.Jc in hf bbls, 40c in 5-gal kegs, and 50c in 1-gal tins. - -"I'm goinp; to C!" she remark d, as she commence.! to climb up the vocal scale in a manner which, if not musical, was progressive. 'I hope she may be lost," murmured the young man on the sofa to himself as he stopped up both cars and edged toward the door. Detroit Journal. A family of twelve children' now re- siding in England . can count up their aggregate ages to the figure of 972 years. The youngest is -seventy-nine and the oldest is eighty-nine, the aver age for each of the twelve children being eighty-one years. -A young dude, who persisted, in smoking in a ladies' sitting-room at a railway station, was "fired" out of the apartment by a gentleman, who re marked: When there is so much smoke there must be some fire."-Ar. Y. Indcvendcnt. "EIGHT PEAET." "I was rightpeart till the rheumatiz sot in," said a suffering old man who lived near the swamp. Fact is, wherever you live you can't be "right peart" if yom are a victim of this tronblesome disease. Cap tain. C. W. Hotsenpiller, Springfield. O., says: I found great relief from inflam matory rheumatism by using Brown's Iron Bitters." Thousands f other people have found similar relief. FRANK SUDSALL'S OFX3X03. Frank Siddall's name has become a household word wherever purity in soap is prized, and washing-day is robbed of its old fashioned ter rors. By the introduction of the soap which bears his name, he has won a place in the grate ful hearts of the women ut America. - The opinions of a man as shrewd and observant as Mr. Siddall is known to be, are well worthy of consideration in fonniug judgment on a matter into which he has examined. hether in a throng of invited guests, as at his "Silver Weddini" or in theauie.t comfort of his cozy home, it is pleasant to spend an evening wun mt. Siddalt. Desiring to learn tus views concerning an important question of health, one of our editors unseed an hour with him and his family. To look at Mr. and Mrs. Siddall end their son. nobody would suppose that they had ever been invalids. Yet they nave, and all three of them owe their present health to Well, let thera tell the story. '"No," said Air. SiddaU, "you would hardly think my wife an invalid. Certainly she has not the emaciated or feebled appearance. But some time ao, there appeared on her side something which seemed to be a tumor. Two of her relatives had died of cancer and she feared she was to be a victim ot that terrible malady. The tumor, or whatever it was, in creased in size and painfulness. The chafing of the dress against it was a continual reminder of its presence, as well as a constant irritation. We teared the necessity of the surgeon knife as a last resort. " "But we tried another method. I had long known of Compound Oxygen. It had never made any impression on my mind until, after a good deal of disbelief, I had trie i it for my sick headaches. With close application to a largely increasing business which took my whole time and thought. 1 had become a martyr to this dis tressing complaint., ltseemed strange that such an invisible agent as the gas which id inhaled through a tube could male its impress on that condition of the system which produces sick headache. But it did. Alter tak ing the othoe treatment, I found complete rest from brain weariness, and entire exemption from the nausea and the harrowing pains which make up that very unpleasant combination known as sick headache. 1 became an entirely renovated man in my abilitv to attend to daily business. 1 had also for a long series of years snlt'ered severely from constipation. The Com pound Oxygen treatment completely removed this trouble. "So we concluded to try Compound Oxygen for Mrs. Siddall. JJr. Starkey, after a careful examination, pronounced the abnormal growth to be something entirely dillerent from cancer. This was a great relief if the growth could not oe entirely removed, and it gave great conn dence in Dr. Starkev. for some nractitionei s would have tried to mak it out as aggravated and alarming, a case as possible, in order to magnify their skill in case a cure were made. In even the short space of a few days the effect was perceptible. Compound Oxygen was doing its work on the blood. The poison in the circu lation, or whatever it was that had caused the growth of the lump, was driven out of the sys tem. Most of the hard growth was absorbed into the circulation, and thus carried away. The hardness departed. Something like the core of a boil came .out, painlessly. VV ithin four weeks from the time she began to take the Compound Oxygen, -the lump was gone, and the flesh had healed and become as natural and healthy as that on any other oart of the body "Mis. Siddal is now as able as ever to attend to her regular duties, which she heartily enioys. bhe is a wonderful help to me in my extensive business, being at my olnce every day, transact ing with great efficiency, the affairs of her de partment, whiuh consists in the supervision of the twenty may clerks." And how as to your son. Mr. Siddall? "Well, he is now as hearty as needs be; thanks to Compound Oxygen, liis blood w as impure. For years he was ray cashier, with constant duty and heavy responsibility, it wore on him His appetite was irregular and capricious, There were pimples and blotches on his face. indicative ot the condition of his blood. There were dark spots under his eyes, and his Ken eral state was such that although he was not laid up in bed as a chronic invalid, there was danger that he would be. We tried him with the treatment. Compound Oxygen soon did for him what it had done for his mother and my self. It renewed his blood and gave him a heartier vitality. The pimples, blue spots and other indications disappeared. His skin be came sott and natural. His appetite became regular, and his digestion, which or course had been impaired, M as restored to its proper con dition." Then, Mr. Siddall, you have no objection to be quoted as a believer, nrm, thorough and constant, in Compound Oxygen. "Bklikvkh ! Why I consider that in the DISCOVKKV OF COMPOUND OXYOKN, THEKK HAS BEEN GIVEN TO THK WOULD SOMETHING AS VALUABLE AND AS NOTABLE AS J EN NEK GAVE IT IN THK DISCOVKKV OK VACCINATION S Be liever ! Why. see our family experience with it. lielieAer : i es, so much so that l never lose an opportunity to send those of my friends who need medical treatment to Drs. Starkey & Palen, and all that I have heard from are enthusiastic in their approval of it. Xsota word of disappointment from any of them. Believer! Well, 1 have induced four of my clerks to take the treatment. There is Mr. Johnson, form stance. Come round to the office in the morn ing and see him. He had catarrh so badty that at night he had to take a handkerchief to bed with him, ana to .have a basin by the side of the bed, in which to expectorate during the hours when most people are asleep, and now, alter but a tew weeks' treatment, he is almost entirely rid of Ins trouble. His ears were clogged witU catarrh discharge. They are now entirely fre trom it. ' "And so 1 might tell you till morning of such cases, and others of similar importance and value. You cannot speak too highly of Com pound Ox., gen. Von may give my opinion of it as strongly as you please." The writer called to see Mr. Johnson and found him at his post, not only free from catarrhal annoyance, but grateful for it, and enthusiastic in his praises of Compound Oxygen. And now, if any one wishes to know all about this wonderful Compound Oxygen, let him write to Drs. blarney 6c Jt'aien, lltw liirard St., Phil delphia. and they will send him an inter csting little book in which its discovery, nature and action are fully described. It also contains a large record of remarkable cures which have been made during the last twelve or thirteen years in ail tonus or chronic ailment. The four round glove fight between Greenfield and Fryer, was pronounced to be the hardest fight ever seen on a stage. It was decided to be a draw, although greatly in Greenfield s favor. WHAT IS CATARRH ! Catarrh ifl a muco purulent discharge caused by the presence and developnitnt of the vegetable parasite anineoa in tne internal lining memnr&ue ot the nose. This parasite is only developed under fttvorable circum stances, and these are: Morbid state of the blood, as the bUL'hted corpuscle of tulercle, the eerm poison of syphi lis, mercury, toxuiinea. from the retention of the effete matter of the shin, suppressed perspiration, badly ven- tilateu sleeping apartments, anu other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal linintc membrane of' the nose in a constant state of irri tation, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds of these germs, which spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back of throat, causing ulceration of the throat; up the eustachian tubes, causuiir deafness: bur rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness usurping tne proper structure ot tue bronchial tubes, ending in uulmonarv consumutson and death. Many attempts have been made to discover a cure for this distressing disease by the use of inhalents and other ingenious devices, but none of these treatments can do a particle of good until the parasites are either destroyed or removed from the mucous tissue. .- Home time since a well known physician of forty years standing, alter much experimenting, succeeded In dis covering the necessany combination ol ingredients which never fails in absolutely and permanently eradicating this horrible disease, whether standing for one year or forty years. Those who may be suffering from the above disease should, without delay, communicate with the managers, Me.ws. A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King Street West, Toronto, and get full particulars and treatise free by enclosing stamp. Samuels & Sons, grain dealers, of St. Louis, failed. Liabilities, about $200,100. THE WEB FOOT COOK BOOK. Pirst Edition of 500 sold in One Cay Many Advance Orders Already Received. This is the best Cook Book in the market, the recipes having been furnished by well known ladies of Oregon and Wash ington, and they have all been tried by those contributing, thus insuring a prac tical book for the household. Kitchen edi tion, board covers,?l.'2o; cloth covers,? 1.50. Sold by all booksellers and sent post paid on receipt of price by the Publishers. "VV. B. Ayek & Co., Booksellers and Stationers, 93 First St., Portland, Or. the: great IAN CURES. . . Rheumatism Neuralaia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Baclcactve.. Hca5scHe, Toothache, Sore Tli roai. S w c l H ns. ? pra I r, Kruisea, Barut. heniri, 1'roit ISIfn, AMI AM, OTHER IlOiHi.Y TAINS AM ACHES. Sold by EroggUt nn l IifVci-s evprnrwrc Fifty Ct-Bi a bottl. I'lmauin la II .vtrMmi the ni i:t,f;' a. v;:i.f,r co. TPmliWliI tu 1 TiT'Mfn tTft) Bulitmw. BA ! 8. A. HUMOROUS. A Kansas paper in a review of the last vear remarked that' it. was rotable for lha ni mber of weddings and other casual t'c. What lie Got: Soft blue wore h-r e os and lustrous, H r breath was the breath ol" the South. He k ssed that girl on the forehead, ' ' And got a b.n r in the mouth. A student at Wesley an College re cently described a pillar "of their ; audi torium which had been wound with an American flap:, as a barber's pole "emblematic," he said, "of the close shave some of the graduates had to get through." The Board of Trustees of Colum bian University, of Washington, at a recent special meeting, upon the unani mous recommendation of the faculty of its medical department, decided to ad mit women to study medicine in the in stitution, with all the privileges of instruction accorded to tne male stu dents. Washington Post. "No," said the dyinyr punster, with a grim smile; "no, I don't object .to flowers, but don't have any violets, please. 1 shouldn't care to have my grave violated, you know." It was immediately agree J that it was best that be should sro. Boston Transcript. A SOLID CONCERN. There are few, if any banking houses in the country equal in financial streneth and management with the Pacific Bank of ban Francisco, (Jal. Its foundations have been well laid, and its management under the personal supervision of Dr. It. II. Mc Donald accounts for its splendid achieve ments in the past Out of the earnings of the past six months, the Board of Direct ors have declared A dividend of 5 per cent, being at the rate of 10 percent per annum. shows what discreet management will do. The Pacific Bank is growing daily in mer cantile confidence, and its liberal, and at the same time cautious, policy respecting has won for it a host of friends among the merchants and thoughtful financiers, of not only San Francis, o, but the entire Pa cific slope. The Egyptian question Are the camels coming - , FOR THE LADIES. Laughter is the poor man's plaster, Making every burden light; Turning sadness into gladness, Darkest hour to May dawn bright. 'Tis the deepest and the cheapest Cure for ills of this description, But for those that woman's heir to, - Use Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," Cures all weaknesses ..and irregularities, "bearing down" sensations, "internal fever," bloating, displacements, inflamma tion, morning sickness and tendency to cancerous disease. Price reduced to one dollar. By druggists. . , She What are you thinking of? He Nothing. She Egotist. A CAItl. To all who are suffering from er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CILA HGK. This great remedy Win discovered by a missionary in South America. Send self addressed envelope to Kkv. Joseph T. Inmai?, Station D, New York. CATARRH A New Treatment whereby a permanent cure is effected in from one to three applications. Particulars aud trea tise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon &Son, 305 King street west, Toronto, Can. Try Germea for breakfast. THE BEST 701 IIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely I'nrea Dyspepsia Indigestion, Weakness, I inpure 11 load, MaJ aria, Chills and Fever and Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and l,lver. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. ft enriches and purifies the bloods stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c., it has no equal. jOt The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Had only hj BROW CHE9ICAL CO. BALTIMOBC. ID. IPS ILlLaiB "THE OLD RELIABLE." 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! Indorsed all over the World. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. lofppetite.ausea,jawelscos: tive. Painin the HeLjwrith a dullsen sation in the back partT Pain trader with a disinclination to exertion of body ormini, Irritability of temp er, Low spirit3,LQSfjmemoryjWitS a feeling of having neglected some dnty weariness. Pizzinesst Flutter ing of the Hearti DoTsbefore the ey es Yellow Skin.HeadaohetRestlessness at nighty highly colored Urine IF THESE WARNINGS AttE UNHEEDED, EE2ISU3 IXSZA2E3 WILL SOON SI SZTSLCF2S. TDTTS FILLS aro especially adapted to such oases, one dose effects such a change of feeling a3 to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on thus the sys tem is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the IMgestlve Organs, Regu lar Stool, nre produced. Price 35 cents. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or Whiskers changed to a GtossT Black by a single application of this Dye. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murray S.. New York. lmonar BALSAM .OIGHSOS OOUJSnMTION", Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, And all THROAT And LUNG TROUBLES. Sold bv all. Druggists roa Fifty Ckkts. JT. It. UAi jcCS & CO. Proprietors, 417 8AajWE Street. " Sam Franoisot . iiuic'j iv erred ty the JIV1ALK Adopted JAll Sic iiuSPITAl-SOF FRANCE. Vfompt TttraxitlGOit. Simple f-.s, ltoS. Severeon toiS. rampfel' ClviaU ii'.'iii-iiul AJjr 160 Fulton 8t..fewyds, ilfflli! Nothing surprises a man more than be ing killed when he expects to kill some body. I HAD A DREADFUL COUGH, And raised acousiderable amountof blood and matter; besides, I was very thin, and so weak I conld scarcely jro about the house. This was the case of a man with consumption arising from liver complaint, tie recov ered his health completely by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery." w Thousands of others bear bimi lar testimony. When a bet of the drinks is fulfilled the betters are generally filled full. - ' FILES! FILES! FILES! A SURE CURE FOUND ATLAST KG ONE NEED SUITER. A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcer ated Piles bas been discovered by I)r. William (an In dian Remedy) called Dr.- William a Indian Pile Oint ment. A single box has cared the worst chronic casee of 25 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer five min utes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Letlons. instrumeits and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tu mors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gives in stant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, anu for nothing else. Bead what the Hon. J. M. Oottinberry, of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment: "I have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have nover found anything which give such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's In dian Ointment." Vor sale by all druggists and mailed on receipt of price, (1. C F. Richards A Co., 427 and 129 Sansome street, corner Clay, San Francisco j - I've joined the Fenians." said Smith. as he went to dinner. "I'm going to dine a mite. Delicate diseases, affecting male or female, however induced, speedily and ermanently cured. Illustrated book three etter stamps. Consultation free. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, To give pain is 1he tyranny, to ma Re nappy tne true empire, ol beauty. "Brown's Bronchial Troches' will relieve Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh and Throat Diseases. - . mm Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varies. A man-el of purity, Dtrength and wholesomenees. More economical tiicJi the ordinary kinds, and cannot be Bold in cotnieu tionwith the multitude of low test, short weight," alutn or pho8ihate powders. So'.d anly in cans. Royal Baking PowDEa Co., 106 Vail stret, N. Y. IN THE LITTLE ROCKIES. Not The Bright Prospects That Had Been . Painted There. His name was H. H. Asbnry and he had just come in from the Little Rock ies, and spread his bold, bad autograph on the register of the Merchants, when he was solicited by a Day reporter to talk about the mines there. 'I was at Helena when the first inti mation of gold there was given out," he said, "and I got an outfit at Benton, taking the Crow Creek road from there to the scene of the excitement. It re quired eleven days to make the trip. Times were good in the Little Rockies then, and I got as high as thirty cents' to the pan. The gulch proper is three miles long and there are places in it where the bed rock is washed bare for three hundred or four hundred feet at a stretch. The general formation is por phyry, and there are from eighteen to fifty men at work in this one gulch. In the entire mining district there are all told from eighty to one hundred men. They are going aDd coming all the time and the increase in number, if any, is very small, most all appearing to think there is nothing in it. The great draw back is lack of confidence. If one man makes a big find it sort o' livens up the feelings of the rest, but it does not last long. The prospectors soon settle down into idle listlessness. I do not think there is a single claim in the mountains that is paying. One hole was sunk about fifty feet deep but they had no return, then a drain about nine feet deep on People's Creek was made and a few colors were secured in the pan. Now there is no one around the creek. It is utterly deserted. There was a report circulated that one hun dred and thirty dollars was taken out in one day in Little Alder gulch, but it was all bosh, for at all the different camps forty dollars was the largest sum that could be found' as having been taken out in one day. The report that there are traces of diggings there a number of years ago is untrue, for I could not find any evidence of them. - 'The mountain looms up in the midst of a large plain, and branches oft' from one gray peak in all directions. There are many difficulties encountered in operating these mines, the principal be ing a lack of water. There is none to wash out the gold except what is ol tained by the melting of snow during late spring and early summer at the heads of the gulche3. The only reason why this senseless stampede occurred was an attempt to get' people into the country. It is a good grazing region, and on this plan they can alone secure a permanent settlement." St. Paul Day. . . - Mr. Moody, according to a Uincin natian, is the acid which, touching the dormant alkali of the Christian spirit, causes it to effervesce into a revival of religion. Tennessee stands next to the liead In the column of illiterate States, a fact which suggests to the people the neces sity of improving its present defective school system. Chicago Journa1. xne great old gusners. on inorn Creek, in Butler County, have caused a tremendous boom in the prices of real estate there. The largest of these wells are located on the Marsh all, Bartley &nd Wallace farms. Six months ago - the owners of the Marshall farm, 352 acres, could not sell it for $3,000; to-day it cannot be bought for $50,000. The Bartley farm, seventy-five acres, was worth six months ago about $8,000. Yes terday its owner, hitherto a poor iarmer, refused $75,000 for it A school poard, owning one acre of ground among the wells, was offered $50,000 for it, which they refused. Pittsburgh Disvclch. mm Trotal isa? j VI I1' t?. -?) REJfBsns!d' nzf- r S.B.ScDoKa!j,Jr.Tkerre wV s i vp Ssn frasdsss, Col izx k iscs. Bank Irnles, " - Other Ileal list i. to - 8i5o,cso.er and Bank fitoeka, . lSans and IMaeoimtS, 8,37,031 Ine from Bankii, $$$iiZ'' UnnPV Oil llILIlU. f pVif?l. Capital, vnlTupT "ffifii. Ine Jepositors, W-? liTidends Inpaid, - . f I..J.v'-J .1K This Banlc solicits the acconnta of Mer chants, Manufacturers, Corporations, aud Busi ness Firms generally. - . . lu. IX. airJDon&ld, Sres KOflXEK A CII AKE,8an Francisco and Port land, Agents for Decker Bros., Fischer, Behniug Behr Bros, and the Emerson IM&nofl. Also for Mason k Hamblin and the Chase Organs. These agencies ars selected for merit, and represent the bent in the Market Write for description and net prices. jfcgTHfiadquartert for Band Instruments and Bana Supplies. , ftTrnniiiif 1 O I Clii I .Gabler, Koenkh I'ianos; Burdet organs, band instruments. Largest utock ef Sheet Music and Books. Rands su plied at Eastern trieoa - SL (iRAV. sort Poxt Street, San Kmncuco. Established 1861. " P.O. Box 2415. JOHN F. ENGLISH, " . Grain, Produce and General COMMISSIOIl MERCHANT 9709. 313 and 315 Davis Street, SAN FRANCISCO CAL. (Member of S. F. Produce Exchange). . Consignments and orders will receive prompt attention. Cash ad vances made. FETALUMA INCTJBATOH IHHl Still Ahead! 1HH4 3 Gold Medals, 1 Silver, and M First Premiums. rKXCE. . - : - - . $20 I Hatches all Kinds of Eggi All sizes from 30 to 650 eggs. ftendforlarge01u8tratedcircularNo.il. Explains how to hatch and raise chickens profitably. Circulars free. Ad dress PET ALU MA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluina .CaL J. C. MILLER. 'WILL H. WEST. Commission Merchants General and Dairy Produce, No. Ill Front Street, between Washington and Stark, PORTLAND, OREGON. Consignments solicited and returns promptly made. Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Potatws, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Dry and Fresh Fruits Handled. FOR SAFETY . GiveYour Checks s Checkman On Train Coming in to Portland. R. U. AWARE THAT Lcrillard's Cliinas Pkg bearing a red tin tag; that Lorillard's llaM Leaf fine cut : that LoriHard's Navy Clipping:, and that Lorillard's Snu fit's, are the best and cheapest, quality considered 1 - lMPOJSTIII NOBMM' MOHSES, HT. FAIRBANKS & H. WILSEY, THE ONLY direct importers of Norman Stallions from France to California. Every one, is recorded m tlie National Register of Norman Ho'rses, and those in want of this class of Horses, if desired, can purchase them on one or trro years' time, at reasonable inter est, with satisfactory security. We will sell cheaper than the same class of Stallions can be bought any where else in the United States. tW Send for Cat alogue. - Petalmna. Sonoma Co.. Cal. . WATSON, WRIGHT & t!., Wholesale Grocers anil Comiission Mercliants, lO Nortli Front St Portland. San Francisco Office 18 Front St. Handle on commission Wheat, Wool, Hof, Seeds, Furs, Hides, Chickens, Eggs, Lumber, Hoop-poles, Salmon, Mill Feed, Oats, iiarlcy, Onion?, Potatoes, Bacon, Lard, eta Account sales rendered on day of sale. Send for our market report. Correspondence and consignments solicited. film -F)fFifFH-?rcp Warranted to relie " cure Heart Disease J. J. MACK & CO., S.F. UM Goli leialTl Save halt; largest 1J Factory In tne State consnr.iPTion. I have a positive remedy (or the above disease ; by lis ttinnaandsof caasot the vornt kind and of fnng ftasdltiff havoben cured. .l.ioelmni-lsroyfnlth loltsefflcacy.thstl wH snndTM'O BOTTLES I RES, together wttli a YAl.UAUI.KTftKATISK on this dlsaase toaaj snfferer. ;, tiiveeatjircssniKll O. Kddr m. . DB. T. A. SLOQVSt, 181 i-earl St., Sew York.! J"ii BICL'i' or K..--vm:! tor s Ruuic cxpmusiv f or : the cure of deraiiKCHipnis of tho senerative oriin There is no mtMAse awns this lnatrui;nf., thfl con tinuous ftitu.ni r,t F.I! T R 1 C 1 T Y pcrmcat in', thrcuirn the pAi-ts nu?t restore thera to haith" action. Io not otiforii.J tins with Eieotne ilejts Overt tiutd to rnre ati I1 from hid to t-e. It u fot theONKsnccitlc vnrnriM - f orcircuuwsTiTiii,j uii iniormauon, aourcss ;uixj Eleotria Kelt Oa.. 103 Wuabi&irton iL, Chkai, II! or W'P'SY VE'S tlMM rotusa. OjteH tht Knsupetrrf can S "i lt btrotum, OjteH tht mumjwtrd oxtuevf Sore cure without operllo,!. Circular su.l cuittuiUtioa r.te. CT71AL2 SITZTIAZ. AQ ISTCT. 153 nitss Si, Ho Tfck. !ii .r . f strrnrf hrn N fnriecl v.mlStrre Tii,if! Cure. vHhoui Ir'ail.lfervousru .'."nysical Dftbihty, ioRfc 'talit.v Vv"aknt?, Virile- 'ecline, ' Impotency, Overwnr-itiTe ; Conaitious, Frost&titift, Kid ney and Bladder Complain to. v 5 DimsaMCS of the Blooi,Fmp- L l i tions, and all the eni effects tiff F l m". ""..r,..T j,l i - cesse : nemant'ntiy pre- vpfctine; all Involuntary f weakening drains nron the ! ssvsii m, howerer they occur, case may be, and where all other remedies har s failed. A Permanent Car Absoltslely Gaaraateed. Price 2 50 per bottle, or fT b"U:e rorsiu. npen receipt of price, or CO-D to rpy dre-s. sUic ss uearnr Sfrt ci.han Fri-lco i al. . Vfa SfC Sufficient to stiowirs QTrljyfeH SiTaprilyii88! letter' "cousuitTio33"BI confHleritial. by k.tter or at . Office. FR. - N. P. N. U. Ko.C5.-S. JT. N. V. JNo H2-. r A ji5 -tOO0.0C3.Cl ymWywx $ 45o.ooacg, ( tycoons & t-l: r U EGG S CAPACITY J jam i or - m X s if) s- f