Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, February 27, 1885, Image 3

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AIan Missing. In Tcnmi! eecion a man
by the name of Frank. Hedrtck has uot been
heard of for some time. Some sue dubious
to what has become of him. W e hope that
-lie vril turn up ail right.
Clubbinc! Rates. We h.i-e m-vla such
arrangements with the N. Y. World as to be
able to furnish the World and JiEvlEW for
one year for 3.0, This proposition applies
to all new subscribers pajing iu J.vance,
and to all old subscribers payiug arrearages
and one year "in advance.
KW Pkistei:. Samuel Marks of Can
yon ville gave us a vtiy pleasant call Iat.lj',
and from Lim we learn that Herman Fritrd
landcr, son of Don. W. I. IVledlander of
this town, has gone into the printing busi
ness, from the samples of job work shown
us, he is au expert already. Lee says suc
cess, Herman
KentccUy Chickens. Sometim since
Mrs. W. F. Owens wrnt to Keutucky for
feome fancy chickens, the actual coat being
513,00 for eleven chickens and two ducks,
and when they arrived here last Saturday
Wells Fargo &Co. presented a. bill for ex
pressage of 50,70, the payment of which
was refused by Mrs. Owuns, aud the Express
Co. uow has chickens for sale'
- The Bakqcet. The banquet spread by
Mrs. McC'Iftlleii for the Masons last Wed
iiesday evening; perhaps was the best that has
been in RoaeLurg for a long time, and the so
cial good humor that prevailed among the
brvthern throughout the occasion was highly
enjovablc, aud to lro. Hytnan Abraham
Past Grand Senior Warden, the brtithern of
the Koyal Crait feel much hidcM- d.
A Dream. A geutlemaa of rerjuulicaii
proclivities not far from the deput dreamed
..a dream the other . night, and it was this,
"that the democrats at Salem bought lif teen
republicans aud thus preveuted tlie election
of a Senator, he dreamed futher that the
republicans sold very cheap, on account of
thu djinxiratic exuliiUjr." But when he
awoke he found it was ail a dream.
Dfath or Mrs. J. M. IIodsox. Mrs. J.
M. Hotlsou died litiiir Marshtiehl Coos county
oji Fiid y March 20th. She was formerly
Sarah Jones, daughter of Isa j Jones tf this
place and leaves a husband and three chi. -tlrert
to mourn her loss and a large circle ot
friends and relatives.. Her brother Nicho
las Junes went to her bedside frou this olaee
She was twenty eijbt years of age.
Vatkk Woks More precaution should
e taken iu ttpard to the water works of
1 r. IV ;, .1 ...... r.t ..... J
en Tuesday, it was a lonj time be ore the
water could be gotten into tlia hone. The
water heads should be examined every we-1
oi too, and see that they are in good work
ing order for any wmxi'gency. Three min
ute late at a tire cots thousands of dollars
, Too Sook -A. geutlamau in buainiss-lieie
wa9 asked to'roiu.t" the other day to a whole
sal. house in Portland, the amount he owed
' ''oa'accoutit of tha striii ieney (f t'i-3 money
market," when In fact the account was
not due for thirty days, whereupon tha Rose
burger, replied that "uu account ot the strin
goac.of the mouey market," he would not
remit until th account was fully due, or at
the expiration of the thirty days."
Mr. Campbell. Rev. T- F. Campliel',
father of our Attorney A. F. Campbe.l, came
to this city this week, aud is visiting friends.
Fo some three years he has been eas, trav
'.ling and lecturiiiL', but for the last nine
mouths he brv been iu charge of a pastorate
iu SpringfiekVl Missouri. During his absence
from here he diiivered SfiO. lectures in 395
days, aud is niw freh and vigorous aud
good for many years to come. ' We hop" that
he wil! favor Rosoburg with some of hi3 in
teresting lectures while here, for as we have
' an outline of some of them, we can say that
.any oue hearing them will be protited.
Bio Scaiie. Tuesday morning about ten
o'clock the firo bell tolled the town from its
r Unary pursuits, to a China house bc'ong
ingto A. A. Fiuk, near the McClallen House
which was on fire. The whole liro depart
ment was on hand in quick time, aud the
hook and lJJer boyj got oa first water.
Good work was done by D. C. - McClallen
before the fire laddies arrived. Our deputy
heriff Clay S'ocum, deserves special men
tion for his economic ideas, for we n told
that turns were two buckets full of water left
over after tb firs had been &ubdud, which
h tok back and poured into the well, say
iug " economy, retrjnehment aud reform is
the thing." Loss $10,00 fully covered
-. m f j 1 1 r mi i -i i .i nil .i i
Woolen FAcrony. Win. Lever of Knox
vi'le low bus written a letter to an eutr
getic towusin'U of ours. Ktatiug tha if sutii
cieut eucoarga:nent were given hi.u that hi
wo.iidcome here and build a onion Faot--ory.
He now owns a Jarg factory n tha
city of Knox ville. Mr. Lever' was iu tin
country some three years ao, aud thuught
theuasnow, that, our s.ipfimr quality of
Wool, and our immcuse water power, which
could so easil y be utilized, were advantages
, of our own, which placed us foremost iu this
business refered to. We hear thai some of
" our busiuesa'men are much m favor of this
ehterprisa, and are willing to take stock if
such a company is orgnized. The project is
a goad on, and will bring nuch wealth to our
growing town,
SCHOOL Afl-'FTIVlS. T1T. 1m ASl'lirWll
meetiiiij " of tbe lenal rottrs of this bcIk ot
district next MooJay at the Academy, for
the puipose of electinj; one director, a tlerk,
and alao toousiderthe propriety of V'-tinga
tar. W aabt to have iu Rus'j'uir just nine
mouths public school each year, and no more
.and no less, and in order to that, we ousrht
to have a sufficient local tax with what we
frf f inTi ffi'Mofj j cnatiin tha e.liirkl in
. a. . . T, ii:
the most efficient way. There is uo public
school in Oregon in a email town that has;. M. E. Pogue and
btun so prosperous as the oue in Jacksonville
SIu wlr
let us rot. a tax, and vigorously ph for
ward for a first class school iu onr town that
witl be pride to our fast growing city.
lie. Webb's hand is much better.
For fine candies go to the City Bakery.
Oranges ! O.-anges H at the City Bakery.
The Sunday Schools of our town are in a
flourishing conditiou
Sheep for sale, ste ad. Now is your time
be on Land, and purchase.
Our jeweler J. Jaskulek is in mourning on
account of the lost Senator.
Farms for sale nee ads in this issue.. Call
and get particulars before it is too )ata
Seventeen persons have joined the M. E,
Church at Days Creuk lately.
Born to wife of Vt in. Gammon of Oakland
a son, last week. Much joy we extend.
Born to w.fe of josup'a Cirlou a b y, Feb
20th . All doing well, and Joe is jubdautl''
Receiver Koeliler and supt. Brautcarasup
on an extra this week inspecting tha rail
road. Caro Bros, are se linj their mammoth stock
on terms that you wiil pay. Call and bug
them. !
Decorations for the coming Inaugural cel
ebration in Iioifcburg haye already been com
menced. Services will hereafter be held in the Epis
copal Church on evenings only of the fourth
Sunday of each mouth.
The bargains in clothing at Hogau's are
simply in.nieus duiit.p these bard times
ecoiiomy is the TAtl to wealth, Do not fail
to try Hogan's immense bargains.
Just before going to press Wr. G. Wood
ward s Harness Shy pad ve i tisenient was acci
dentally "pied." 'Hitcd Up". will however
t appear iu it usual place next week.
Rev. F. i Tower will preach at Hiddle
2d Sunday in March at e even o'clock, aud at
CanyonVibe in the evening of the same day,
and at Days Creek on Monday evening fol
lowing. 1
Sam Youiv the boss celestial ha3 just re
touched his new house aud he is now pre
pared to do good work iu his line. He savs
that he allows no opium smoking around him.
See tid this week.
Botu to the wife of Win. Hose in this city,
February 27ch, a son, weight eight pounds.
Mother and child dotug well aud Wiliiaii. is
improving, and has made a great reduction
iu the r:ue of ca tidies and cigars.
Alexander Uuss an old pioneer of Oregon
cjining to Oregon iu 1S53, died at the resi
dence of his niece Mrs. Hairisou Rice near
town last Thursday ajed njrly 8 ) years
Oue by one the pioneers are dropping from
our iew.
Mrs. Mattie Ai Bridge delivered a lect
ure in the Court House last Tuesday even
ing to a crowded house, on Odd Fellowship.
She is par excellence. Some of her i-iriods
are perfect gems of beauty In giving so uc
of the secrets of j the cider, which she did,
ahe struck terror to tiie opposition. She is
a success.
Sunshine and Shower.
Ignorance envies culture.
V. Keriy will start East on Monday noxt.
Miss Itose Johustou of Salem u visiting
relatives in Oakland.
Ex-GovtTiior Chad wick is visiting rela
tives and friends in Oakland.
Temperance people of Oakland are rejoic
ing over the ty.Qi) Liquor Law.
S-jhool meeting Monday next. All prop
erty holders should be on band.
Our Senators returned Monday looking
very well under the circumstances.
P. B. Backiey lost a handsome gold ring
with crmeo set lit eral reward offered.
1'. C. .Parker has a Hue Jersey calf which
he wiil sell. Farmers should examine.
Rev. E. T. Lockard left for Portland Tues
day ou busiacss connected with his Church.
Mis3 Parott is spending vacation among
her many friends at Drain station.
The Oakland social had th ir semi-month
ly hop Monday night. Members report an
exceeding pieasant time.
Mrs. M. Ci ouch has moved out on her line
farm iu Camas Swaie. Her son frank wiil
look after her city property during her ab
Itev. Richardson returned to his home in
Eugene City on Tuesday feeling quite indis
posed We trust he may soon recover his
Mr. Henry Wagner an old pioneer of this
country died at his place of business Wednes
day the 18sh inst. Mr. Wagner was an hon
orable and upright man. highly respected by
all who knew him.
Assessor's Hotica-
In those days csme Sacry, the Assessor-
assessing m trie county of Uoulas. baying
unto all, both Puarajcj aud Teuuessee,
make haste aud furnish me a list of your
assets and iubilitifS for I iudeed demand of
you a true list of your iroierty, out on
mightier than I couie after me (Utile Oils),
wudSu shots i i t;i re t.o; i" p to, i.c
win deinund of you tins S.icii u-s .id k .oU.d
be nettoi lor na tnni you e stiu.ii. wtbu a
i;ni;is ey clous Ui.lo l-ii to co:np!y -vv.-ii ii.b
demaiid. And ;.e fou.i-i ui.'i.j, lllat Ud coiu-pl.-lil
v f tiiove ii Ui.iui i,v, UiJ ui.-
iai e I ii.eiu t-.J ia'.v U IV us l iiUvl tWi
bt t.u i has aiaoe toe ttays Cie5.i.r.
' . ii U SAUKY.
Eiddis It3ia3-
Miss Viola M.n-:U has been quite
sick tor several davj but is now con
valescent. '
Geo. Q line is preparing to build a
new barn, he is now getting out the
j lull,t', !J
Noah Oornutt is ssoiting out an or
chard of seveial hundred trees.
Rev. F. P. Tower wiil preach for us
a week from next Sunday.
Prof. T. J. Wilson has thj Cinyoa
villo school, and will cuiiunence the
fiist MOfiday in March
atives here the fore riar&rf ; ie week,
He SlHVtei1 H ln t0 NJW -,eaM
- . for hedith " J.". probably be
goae . oniumer.
i - m
- IiEPorter.
Trains are on time.
Legislature ettjournecl. .
West Roseburj' is booming.
More strangers in town this week.
Sjiring time is nigh, even at the door.
The chicken thief is abroad in tht
Schnyler Colfax left $550,000 to
ieiatives. '
There aic 19,000 Gootl Templars in
The Good Tetnjlars' Lodge iu Rose
burg is flourishing.
Lots across the i iver for sale and
don't you forg-t it!
The West Side is the neatest paper
coming to this office. '
The weather at present is very warm
with occasional shoa ei-s.
Odd Fellowship is an institution of
benevolence and protection.
II. 0. Stanton gives you epod bar
gains in his line, call and see.
A. fine drove of fat sheep passed
thtongb tho streets Thursday."
Rumors are rift concci ning the early
completion of the O. fc C. R. II.
llejiresentatives are returning home,
some happy and some sorrowful.
Three hundred lives were lost in the
Alps, from the recent snow storm.
35 masons attended the regular
ijodge meeting last Wednesday evening.
A cable line between this coast and
Asia is proposed, aud perhaps will be
S. Marks ct (jo's stare is ihe place to
get good and substantial god3 at a liv
ing price. .
The Nevada t Oregon Railroad Com
pany have changed their name to the
Nevada & California.
D. C. McClallen ha3 just finished
two sample rooms... for diummers and
tbey are just the tiling.
The Daily Standard has the Lest
type of any paper we mid, also it is
f, good local and news paper in genera'.
'Let everybody decorate on March
the 4th without regard to nationality
st-x, or prtvious condition of servitude
The Bowea Bro's run a blacksmith
shop on Main street, and will surely
give satisfaction to all who may pat
ronize them.
The infant daughter of N. Living
stone, agtid about one year, died Feb
ruary 20ih. 'Suffer little children tt
come unto Me."
All persons having County orders at
the Clurk's office must call within three
mouths and get the same or otherwise
they will be cancelled.
The voters of Oregon will be here
after required to register themselves
before they will bs allowed to exercise
the right of franchise.
At the New Orleans Expos? tion, out
of nine exhibits of apples, Oregon has
been awarded six first-class piemiums,
includiniig two silver medals.
The Jacksonville Times and' the Ash
land Tidings are in a state of beliger
ency. Lay on McDufij and dynamited
be he who first cries hold, enough.
Ono of the men that worked on the
bridge across thu iSoutii Umpqua at this
dace last summer, shct himself acci
dentally at Portland a short time ago,
not fatally however.
Page and Dimick of Oakland are
doing" a good business these hard times.
Reason; they give you value leceived
fvr your money. When you want any
thing in their line, call before going
Tub Legsslature adjourned last week
in "confusion worse confounded." The
republicans certainly did badly. The
democrats did well on this occasion to
say the least, for the reason that they
were mature, substantia! men.
, "What makes you so late coming to
school this uiorutiurf" asked tho teachni
pi (ttie of the No.v Yoik public nctioois
) l:ii.
m-(t - i a
.l i'Utv-e.g.i .1 r.t, .-e), a
ee; f nit: t the sr.-ili-.'.i -usUS'" i
it va p i, WHS im; Jp'y.
.. V.'l'Jr V it
laJitJl at
Btiuer Hit:
A -fit t oi
were ioekmg at th jjun, tiie oiijerdHy
while a irgvaut recited its Iiisiory.
"Yes," said a lady, "you've got the can
non; but 1 guess we've got the hill."
We are sorry to hear of the bail con
duct of some young men at Oakland
who attend church for the purpose of
UKsturiilng public worship. It would
be test to desist from inch demeanor,
as it might b.; vrhiaoereU into the oars
of the Grand J urors of DjugUs county.
Rev. T. F. Campbell wiil lecture
Saturday evening in the Presbyterian
Church Will preach in the M. E.
Church, South Sunday morniug, and
in ihe i'resl.vttr-an Church Sunday
- i evening ne subjects of his lectures
art? "Tue Origin of Man" and "Death."
Tma l8Cture3 free- Mr. Catnpbell
, has scarcely an equal in the Iectar,
new. lie is logical, tjrsd and tloquenr.
i t ' . ., A , . .
Do not fail to hear him.
W. I. Friedlander baa returned
Hon. Sol. Abraham has returned
from Salem.
VV'.T. Korly of Oakland was here on
msiness this week.
Ed. Bushey (was expelled from Miss
Hav's school this week. .
Grit. Tolman went to. his home south
of Ashland last Tuesday.
James T. Cooper of Wilbur gave us
a goo J shake of the hand this week.
Sumner Brown son of Hughy Brown,
is very low, but we hope for his recov-
J. H. Hartin, who has ben on the
sick list for some time, is now improv
Hon. A. C. Jones has bcn sick for
a few days this week, but s better
Joo Mensor is acting-landlord at the
Central Hotel during Mr. Bailey'o ab
sence. Rudolph Abraham called for the
first time a few days "since, and Daid
success. - ; """"Vj:
Hon. E. G. Hursh re turn ad from be
low and is now on the tupod of the
Plamdealer. -
Mrs. Mattie A. Bridge will lectuie
again at the Court House th'"s evening
on "Humaa Freedom."
Gen. J. F. Miller of Salem went
fiouth Tuesday evening with some fine
stock, taking it to his stock ranch iu
Hon. Castillo Ball has gone below,
to attend Supreme Court, before which
tke firm he represents has several im
portant cases.
Hyman Abraham of Portland is so
journing iu' Koseburg this week, we
hope thdt he will return to his first love,
Douglas County.
Mr. ConLling of Oregon City, late
of Missouri, has (reuted tho house of
W. F. Owens, near the . drpot, and will
mote his family into it.
Jeplha Wait of the Rocky Mountain
division of tha Northru. Paciiic is
spending a few days in this county
visiting relatives and friends.
John M. Daley of Smith River
Called this week and from him we
learn that th3 logging on River
has been successful this run,
Al. Silverstien, of Portland and San
Francisco, represen ing firms iu both
cities, was in town this week, aud went
south the first part of the week.
.There was a regular meeting of Lau
rel Lodge last Wednesday evening,
when Rudolph Abraham Ehj. received
the finishing touches of the Craft.
At the Central Hotel, Mr. Williams,
who lives iu the forks of the Santiam,
Linn county, has been Ijing sick for
several days, but is some better now.
Gen. T. G. Reams of Jacksonville
we had the pleasure of meeting at the
depot the other evening, and the result
of the interview was profitable to this
We think Hon. J. C. Fullerton
would make a good Democrat now,
for the reason, the Democratic doctrine
is let the majority rul aud not tha mi
nority. Mr. Alex Samuals, whom wo knew
in Corrjllis as one of the best ware
housemen was in this town last Wed
nesday. We hope that he will settle
ln our section.
Walter Sutton of the Gold Beach Ga
zette, Curry County, was in town chis
week. We bop's his work at Salem,
representative of Curry, will be ap
proved by his constituency.
Miss Lilly Cannan who has been
visiting in Our City, her old home, for
KOint days, returned to Corvallis this
week. Mr. Canan is olio of -the pro
prietors of the Occident.! lifted.' in
, j C rv;iis-
n- .
n L'.
( . -4 M -
i :
e, is
Su;it.k Dalle y, "iiiiiie host" of the
Ucntrul llol!, together with Harry
Roberts, fctarted for Port Oriord on
Monday morning last, on a tour of in
sneclion. They expect to return in
about two weeka.
Hon. E; J. Jeffrey of Portland was en
route futsJay as a witness in Jackson
ville. buc was telegraphed at this place,
by Mr. Mallory, that the case would
not come up now in which he was to
testify, hence he returned to Portland
Wednesday morning. ;,:
Professors Merrill and Manciet of
i Portland favored tlm
burg this wek with ssuwrof their es-
thetic luoveiuents on the bycicle auu
roller skates. Abbie Abraham with
i little nion-; trRinin.r will with ImV laiitt.
' ful bjcicle excite the admiration of
many friends here, as be;n fas good as
BOine of thosj who call themselvas i.rj-
j fessionals.
Dr&In Correspondence-
The Academic Groves of Drain, wel
come lie Bltilw ficm week to werk
as a most desirable visitor, and trust to
make of it as acquaintance ripens, val
ued and intimate friend.
Our village is composed of people
who read the newspapers, and who
have an odd fashion of their own,
which insists upon making a wise tlis
crimination between good and bad lit
erature. That which is unworthy they
reject, and that which is meritorious
receives their hairty approval. Hence
of course, the Review i cordially re
ceived. '
If you could have been in the
city of Driu dining the past wcok,
these are the scenes which would, in nil
probability, haye attricted your eye:
At nine' o'clock each morning you
would have seen between eighty and
a hundred boys and girls, quiet and
orderly in demeanor, representing vil
lages aiid farms from all parts f South
ern Oregon, responding gladly to the
call of the Academy bell, to begin the
pleasant labor of acquiring an educa
tion. It is a source of gratification to
our. citizens to know that here at home
ambitious young gentlemen and ladies
can fit themselves for teaching, under
the approval of the state, and without
going away from home to obtain the
highest honors in this direction, that
the state a wai ds.
But 1 wander. You might also have
seen (observe, I say "might") Bro. P. of
the R. R. office smoking a cigar on the
sly. Ho.vover, it would have required
keener eyes than mine, to catch him at
it, since he "swore ofl". You might
have seen Drs. Kuykendall and Pay ton
both looking sorrowful and down cast,
because of the fact that what has been
to both, I am assured, a very pleasant
copartnership in the practice of medi
cine, has been dissolved by the poor
health of Dr. Pay ton who now retires
f.tom the practice. The community
renders the unanimous verdict that it
would be hard to find two gentlemen so
popular and courteous as they.
. You might have seen a handsome
young man whose name reminds you
of a miners dinner, sit down giai-efuliy
and frequcnly at the skating rink, but
I dont think you could have seeu him
going to the north end of town, for he
dotit carry a lantern. Ycu wouH un
doubtedly Jiave seen eveiy body give.
,Go. Kates and wife a cordial welcome
on their breif visit to their old home.
You would have seen several famil
ies a Tew miles north cf town looking
pleased over the creation of the new
school district No. 76.
Yo-a might have seen Jimmv Sterling
voking as cherry as ever, smiling ot tie
big girl.-, and giving the little ons can-
dy. ;
You might have seen Veil a good
many interesting sights, but if I tell
you it all now, there'll be nothing to
say next time.
I almost forgot to say, that before
long you may sen a w-l'II not give them
away, hut if I dont get a big slice of
cake, for keeping still, I'll knock the
smoke-stack off of the saw mill!
You might have seen Hon. Henry
Rogers and wife returning from Salem,
where. Mr. Rogers has been faithfully
representing the interests of Douglas
County. Mr. R. has-made a good
record; and no one can say that he
failed to act wisely and well in every
You might have seen Miss Emma
Hickman, of Oregon City, a .charming
young lady, entering Drain Academy,
having heard at that "distance of its
excellent reputation.
You might have heard on Wednes
evening a Music Recital at tho Acad
ew7 given by Miss Benson and her
class in instrumental music. Had yon
U-eu thern yu would have thoroughly
e)ijiVi it. .
n i
.-, in-"'
iii'". 'i .i - UCC"SS
ii he . fir.-.ifKvor,
J'li-i i i.ii u, has done.
.Ytm niiyiit have seen Mr. Cellar's
store roof burning brilliantly at about
four o'clock Tuesday morning. The
destroying element was subdued before
it did any serious damage.
Death of Mrs- E. A- Jienton
The feul ja t of the following sketch
Oiiceli eU in this county on Oak Creek,
and the sister of Mrs. Dr. Hoover of
this city. We take this from the Ari
zona Silver Belt published in Globe
. Death has again come to onr midst
and laid his icy fingers on one who was
: i- i .
uiucu fcieetneu in tue coratumtv. jjirs.
i li. A. Kenton breathed her" h
ast on
a ! Saturdsv. the 7th inst. - -md klinuh
! K
his;Tet her dissolution at the last was'rapid
uncei. who wri v.nt t.ronar 1 W
!.- '
; deplorabl an i event. 4 Tl3 funeral ser
vices were held at the M. E. church on
Sunday afternoon, in the presence fa
large assemblage of sorrowing friends.
Rev. l W. Johnson made an'appropn
ate 'add i ess and Rev." R. A. Windes
assisted in the service. Harrison Jew
ell spokereulogistic of the deceased la
dy's life, A long cortege followed the
remains to Jhe ceiiietry, w'here the ser
vice was concluded and dust was given
mck to dust. To the bereaved family
we'extend our sincere sympathy.
Death of Philip Petrrs
Another of Oi egou's pioneers gone
o.-rest.. Mr. Philip Peters was born
in Johnstown, Fulton Co. N. Y. Feb.
2 2nd 1822 and died at his residence on
Deer Creek, Douglas Co. Oregon FeU
22nd 1885. He left his home when
a mere boy, and spent several years in
the then western states of Illinois and
Iowa," emigrating to this coast in 1S45.
After spending several years in the
Willamette valley, and the Rogue river
and California mines, he finally settled
on Deer Creek in this vallev, where he
remained until thi day of his death.
He served as a U. S. volunteer du
ring the Cavussi war under Gen. C il:
liam. and had many 'narrow escapes
with the Indians in the -early settle,
men t of the county. The funeral ser -ices
Were conducted at tho Pine Grove
church, bo the Rev. B. T. Sharp m is
ted by the Rev. W. A. Willis, attended
bv a very large number of his neigh
bors and friends. He was never mar
ried. Douglas County loses a good cit
izans in his death. Peace to his ashes.
DaMotta'a Tonsorial E3tibli3lra3at-
We were shown through the larg,
commodious and- handsome Barber
Shop of Philip Da Motta, which extends
from Jackson to Main sueet. The
front room is a lino ono twenty-eight
by thiity feet, with two large and ele
gant show windows on either side the
doors, the ceiling is high and gives the
room an airv a ".id comfortable appear
ance. The Side Boards esthetic in de
sign and beautiful in construction
matching the two Koch's patent Barber
Chairs constructed of walnut and in
laid wiih beautiful woods, made by
special order, and with the latest im
provements, ihe Cup. Case is walnut,
neat and attractive and contains two
dozen private china cups, with artisti
cally engraved name?, besides several
silver-plated cups. The Chandelier,
with various colored globes is bevond
comparison lovely. The bottles are of
the finest Bohemian cut. glass, and the
wash stand of walnut, with hot or cold
water, is near the center of the room,
A neat cigar stand filled with the
choices'"- oven pies a prominent position.
In the rear are the four beautifully
constructed bath rooms, with fine plate
glass mirrors," walnut stands and carpet
These rooms are supplied with
water from boiler tanks over a heater
' of the -very latest patent, ; supplvin
hot water in a few minutes, in con
junction'' with the finest shop prob.i
bly in the United States, Mr. Da Wolta
ranks at the head in his profession.
March 4t!i, 5885.,
National Salute at Sunrise. -Flag
Raising at 9 o clock a. ji.
Casual Addresses.
Salute at Noon and Sunset.
Firewoeks at 7 o'clock, evening.
Grand Ball at Slocum Hall.
Music All Day by" Yankee, - Doodle
Excursion Rates:
The following Liberal Rates have
been obtained from the O. & C. R. R,
tickets are good from the 3d to the yfh
inclusive: .
From Ashland, Medfor-d, Phoeni::
and Gold Hill .......... . .$G.0O
Jump ff Joe. ..... .... . . .... Co.QO
From Otta and Almaden $4.00 1
Fuosi (Jlendale & West Fork $3 00 I
. Nicuols V. ............ .-. . . 2.45
.1 t-f.1 . .....
i'-AS .'" V UVLli (.'KEEK
i . . ;
1 on-,
t iioii Oak Li-.U'Ve. . .
Frojj Dii.laed'..s
Fpom Green's. . .
All Points North to Eugene at
Half Fare.
3Jg Acre far n, with Home, Bam and Orchaad,
giHHl creek, Coanty Koail, veil fenced ia 3 fteiot..
1,000 Acres Land, Orchard, enough for two good
Urais, unimproved. Oooi timber, partly feuceJ.
Too Acres unimproved Lar-d. well watered, 2oo
ac'iea good for farming. All above places fruin l.irte
to b veil niiloi from Koseburjf. Call al Kkviv' offlce.
Administrator's Sale,
xi eignoilAdminiairAwr fUie l;t tte of Cynthia
A. Appleate, deceased, by oruer of the County Court
of iMmin-i county, Oregon, made and entered on the
1st day of lecenibor lsjji, Volume 4, paes 33 and
34 if he Probate urder book, will seU .t public sale
on Monday M-urcu 10vii,18S;', at 1 o'clock in the afier
noo.i oa the premises for cash ia basid the fullwm;,'
oeribed preuiisesund real - property belong"? to
said estate un it: Bejnnnimr at a point 3 chains Westt
of quarter tectum corner between sctione SO and -j
Township 22, 8. R- 5 West, thence forth iO chains,.
tinn.;o North 52J degrees E. 8 20-100 chains, thence
Worth 7 deirriii E. i 85-10 :htiiti8, thenco .South
decrees E. 9 chains, thenccSotuh 20 chains, tiiee
- iwaciw, together wh tbea-part.aneitai!te- !
, unto oei nxi!i)j. LHiea iwi tinir, 'f-i,
- 'S3Uf' Xiib- - applboate, Adm
oi-o-j-'wi January
iy. 3 lit tft.
Easj tf See Ttrongh.
How can a watch no matter how
costly be ej petted - to 0 when the
mainspring won't operate?.. . How can
anyone be well when stomach, liver
or kidneys are out of order! Of course
von sny,""He cannot." Yet thousands
of people drag along miserably in that
condition; not sick abed, hut not abb
to work with comfort and energy. How
foolish, when a bottle or two of Parker's
Tonic would set them all right. Try it,
and et back yo.ur health and spirits.
First right hand room, vnv-Staira err
Marks' Store. Rqmis and alteration
neatly done.
send six C5uta for postage, and
receive f.'ea, a costly Ikix ot iroods
wh'tshwlH help all, of either ex to
uwro money riht away than anything else ta th
yorlJ. 1'ortiuiei tho workers absolutely sure.
At once address TfiUK and Co., Augusta, Maine. .
4QA A A A A is rRESESTa aiVRS aw at. Sendns
UKj.yjXJyh cents jioiUga, aud by milyou
will geFRSB a r.ackaje ui sMtdsof larjr value, that
will start you iu worK teat will at Mice unag jou m
uionev faJt.r than anything else in America. AH
ah nut, the siOO,COoi presents with each box. Agents
wanted everswhtre, of either sex, of ll ajes, for all
the time, or sware tm.e only, to work for us at their
ov n hotijes.- Fortunes for&ll workers absolutely as-
mrd. Don't titUy. II. Hallei & Co., rortland,
Dry Goois.Q-rocsrics, oto.
Ail ' Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange.
Ex. cu tor's S otice.
S dcrsined hava been apMintel Executors of
the las.. Wiil and Testament, audot the Estate of Wil
lijtni S. l'iukston, deceased, late of Douglas countv .
Oregon, by order of the County Court cf said County
and State," made and entered on the 24th day of Janu
ary, 1S85, and they have duly qualified as such: Now
therefore, ail persons having1 claims against said Es
tate are hereby notified to present the same duly ver
ified within six months at the Sheriff's office at Rose
burg, Or;g-on, to either of the unde. signed, and all
persons owinsaid Estate are required to make im
mediate payment as above.
- P. II. riNKSTON,
Dated at Roscburj, January 31st, 1885.
550 -Acres bottom land at $25.00 par acre, 650
Acres I asture Land at 1.00 per acre. 1 200 trvit
trees, one good Dwelling, two Barns. Well watered
with excellent Spring's all over the place. Tlenty '
of Oak wood, a kailroad Side track and many other
conveniences. Also another place consisting of 90
Ac-res of bottom land vt $25.00 per acre, 250 Acre
pasture land at fr'i.COrcr acre, two dwellings aud
ono small barn, well watered, plenty of wrod. These
two places join, you can purchase one or both on
reasonable terms as prices indicate. Apply to Ri
view ctUce for particulars. This is a great bargain.
Notice to the Public.
ALL persons are forbidden . to enter upon any ot
my enclose 1 lands in Flournoy Valley, or to
hunt upon my premise. JUNES 1J. FLOUHNOY.
would respectfully inform the public that h
lias ou Lan.d a tine assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
: - ' - "?- :"
Rcatly-Hadc Clot hie
and iu fact everything nsnally kept at a fir
c'ass store. Give him a call.
Goods at liOw Prices
All kinds of Produce
Taken in Exchange for Gjo.Is
tSLliorisrj prj-npbly "ile
The Buyers' Guide is issued March
and Sept., each year: 224 pages, SJxll J
inches, "with over 3,SOO illustrations
a vriiole picture gallery. Gives wholesala
prices direct to consumers oa all goods for
personal or yw '.: iamil ose.
Tells how to . M&'$ki - order, and -gives
exact t.W cost of ev-
erythingyou fcv tlse drink,
eat wear, ct h a y 3 ' fan
vith. These SS3 inraluabla
hooks contain information pleanedfrom
Jhe markets cf the world. Wo will mail
a copy Frco, to any address upon receipt
cf tha postage S cents. JLit us hear
from you. Respectfully, "
;able to AtLi
V:Z1 be mailed gTOHC
to all applicants
rA tt rntimftrfl nf last ve Wi
iiHns it Tt nntiiina illustrations. miCMM.
descripuons and direction! Carplanttnj a3
Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BIXBI, ,
Mostly Evres9 at a B MtGAIS.
Enquire of Sampson or Feniicl
Sutherland at Oakland, .Doug
las County, Oregon These
Sheep must be sold immedi
ately, Apply early or you will
miss a good chance. ;
- United States L.'.nd Offlia, Kaiedur, Oregon, Fcb-
rua.-y 25, laSS.
la!i'y has ajtplisl to purchase th" South one
hJf of N. E. quarter and lot 5 and of FPction 18
T 2 , II 8 W, Willamette mcdd!n, under the act
of i;:irr'i!i of Jane 3d, : 1378 for tho ctde of timber
1 ;n Wm the Sta of California, Oregon, Nevada and
fie Teri'.or of Washingto'i. .....
A'? an J 'all imrtiei daimin"" adversely any of the l-.m.a imiitt Ota ftt.ii flatm arit.ll RA.afrATr
i tht Lin o:3.h a Uopebursr dnrin? the sixty days
: pi'.i'vo-i nereoi or uicir rinw wm do oarrea dt
h.&; :l T . .. 11 111. A .XtCAtf AH1.1,
MiJj-Ot j - Register.