Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, February 20, 1885, Image 1

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BY ' "
J. R. N. BELL, - - Proprieto
One Year
Six Months -
Three Months
$2 f I
1 Cl
And other Printing, including
Large ana Heaiy Men ni Sao 37 HaaOils,
Neatly ad expeditiously executed
Thse are the terra of those paying In sdrance Tl i
Bcvie w offers fine inducement to ftdrertiserg. Ten J
reasonable, I
NO. 46.
' Watchmaker. Jeweler an! Ojliciai
Dealer In Watehes. Clocks, Jewelry
npeetaelesi and Eyeglasses.
Cigass, Tobacco & Fancy Goods
Th only reliable Jptomer in town for the proper adjust!
men 01 opectacies ; always on nana.
Depot of the Genuine Brazilian FebbI 8
taciea and Ejegl&wea.
Offick First Door South of Postofflce,
Boot and Shoe Store
On Jackion Street, Opposite the. Post Office,
Keep on hand the largest and best assortment of
Rastern and San Francisco Boots and
Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers,
And ererything In the Boot and Shoe line, and
Boots and Shoes Blade to Order, and
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
I use the Best of Leather and Warran all I
my work.
Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice.
I keep always on hand
Musical Instruments and Violin Strings
a specialty. '
Having purchased the above named mills of
E.Stephens & Co., we are now prepared to fur
nish any amount of the best quality of
ever offered to the public in Douglas county.
We wilt furnish at the mill at the following
No. 1 rouga lumber ...$12$M
No. 1 flooring, 6 inch 924 M
No. 1 flooring, i inch., $28 M
No. 1 flnsihinn lumber ....$20$ M
No, 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 Bides $24 M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides $ 26 $? M
Office on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan
Next Door Live Oak Saloon.
fjhz. . '.ng and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike
Home Hade Furniture,
1 ' ' Constantly on hand.
I have the Best
Bouth t Portland.
And all of my own manufacture.
No Two Prices to Customers.
Resident of Douglas County are requested to sire me a
call before purchasing elsewhere.
, Oakland, Oregon. v k
This Hotel has leen established for a num
ber of years, and has become very Iop
ular with the traveling public.
Table supplied with the Best the Market affords
Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad.
Staple Ury Goods,
Keis constantly on hand a general assortment of
Extra Fine Groceries,
A full stock of
Such as required by the PublJo County "Schools.
All kinds of Stationery, Toys and
Fancy Articles,
Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes
LhCtiKs on Jforuana, ana procures -Drafts
on San Francisco. .
Promptly attended to and goods shipped
witn care.
Portland, Oregon.
Tragedy Which Came
Happening in a Tunnel.
Imbedded in a deep Italian valley lay
the village of Santa Chiara. Mountains
surrounded it on all sides except on the
north, where the valley , narrowed into
a gorge with steep precipitous sides,
forming a natural roadway out into the
open country.
So the valley and village were in a
cul-de-sac, and to this reason the peas
ants attributed a great deal of their
In remote, far-away times a narrow
road had been made over ' the moun
tains toward the south, and the more
enterprising of the "villagers drove their
mules once or. twice a year over this
pass a day and a half journey to the
big town of Monte Caetano, to, sell the
fruits of their industry; but the journey
took time and money, and both were
too valuable to be spent on the road
very often. -
But with the energy and enterprise
of the nineteenth century came a
change. There was much talk of the
inconvenience of not being able to get
to Monte Caetano easily. It was a
large and important town, but its s'ze
and importance would both be much
increased if a free communication could
be opened with the northern railways.
The inhabitants or banta Umara
were startieu one aay oy tne arrival
of engineers, ' but they were destined
to be, yet more astonished. In a few
weeks' the village was over-run with
workmen, the valley resounded with
the blasting of rocks, and they under-
Stood that a great tunnel was to be
made through their mountain.
The work turned out less difficult
than was at first anticipated. The
tunnel had not far to go in unbroken
solid mountain, but emerged occasion
ally into , deep,- narrow nssures, from
thence making a fresh start into the
bowels of the earth.
The work was finished at last, and
an engine decorated triumphantly with
flags passed the whole way down the
line to Monte Caetano, bearing upon
it the engineers, foremen, and chief
workmen, and one or two gentle
men whose united money and ex
ertions had carried the great work
through. They were received at the
new station at Monte Caetano with
enthusiasm, were presented with
handsome testimonials, and made . to
feel themselves real heroes and public
It was one hot, sunny Sunday even
ing in.. Santa Chiara, about a week
after the opening of the great tunnel.
Vespers were over, the bell had not yet
rung for bened.ction, and all the in
habitants of tne little village were
strolling about the vineyards or sit
ting in the churchyard. The village
consisted of a piazza or square,
round which stood the princ" pal houses,
and out of which a few irregularly
bu Ic, straggling streets stretched up
the s'des of the hill. The church stood
at the head of the piazza, in the midst
of the church-yard. The low wall all
round it was a favorite seat of the vil
lagers, where they lounged away many
an idle hour. In the angle of the wall
tood a large, shadv, chestnut tree.
Pippa Novatelli, the prettiest girl in the
village, loaned agajust its .trunk, .with
her little brown hands demurely
clapped together.
Aha! it is true that Pippa has
beauty.1' said old Mariuccia'to another
old crone yet more wrinkled than her
self. "Pippa may have beauty, tut she is
a little demon for all that! The holy
saints don't give everything to one
person, and they have taken too much
pains in the making of her faca to have
given themselves t me to look after her
hi. ar t! Look there! The little viper!"
Pippa was look'ng her best, for hei
betrothed G'anni (called the Bellino on
account of h s s'y-blue eyes) was
there, sitting on the wall, and it was so
amusing to make him jealous, the fool
ish fellow, On the other side, sitting
on tne grass witu ins large dark; eyes
hxed on her, and an indescribable,
daintv grace in the pose of his light ac
tive hgure. sat Tonii o Zei, one of the
subordinates of the engineers, one ol
the flood of newcomers whom the great
tunnel had brought beyond the moun
tains to d sturb the peace of . Santa
Chiara, '
Toniiw had not b.'en long in the vil
Iage. Only three weeks ago he had
pome to replace a Piedmontese who
naa nnisneu an tne skiiieu work and
passed on to new labors elsewhere.
Tonino was a beginner as yet, but he
was quite capable of carrying on his
predecessor's work, and his superiors
pronounced him ' a young fellow of
much promise.
Toaiuo had lost his heart. From the
moment that Pippa passed him, the
day after his arrival, in her dark gown,
with a scarlet handkerchief knotted
round her curly black hair, with her
brown skin and red lips, and the won
derful dark eyes which flashed on him
as she turned her head and looked at
him over her shoulder with a glance. of
mischievous pleasure in his too-evident
admiration. -
Pippa had many lovers. Old Pietro,
with his farm, and the well-known
hoard of money in his big gilt cassone.
Young Ceccho, who possessed nothing
but strong arm 3 and wistful eyes.
Baldovinetto, called il Zoppo, and
Lonzo, who had so taken her refusal to
heart that he sold his patrimony,
bought an organ and a monkey, and
went away over. .the mountains, and
never came;" back again. j : "... L
. liutfafter a weary courtship of alter
nate hopes and despairs, waverings,
coquetteries and heartburnings, at last
Pippa agreed to marry Gianni il Bel
lino, and he thought himself the hap
piest of men. He was a vctlurino on
the great Corniche road, and he pre
pared a sunny little home for his bride
near Sestri. A heuse at the end of a
long avenue of acacia trees, with a
vineyard of its own, & loggia looking
over the sea, and every comforU
that the heart of a little mountain
contadina could desire. When Pippa
should be his wife ; he meant to drive
her there in state, in his big voiturier
carriage, and he would establish her
there, and as he' drove his travelers
backward and forward on the road.
would look out as he passed to see her
nding smiling at the door. The
vision was only too sweet. I he big
carriage with the four horses--Biondo,
Nero, Giallo, and the last purchased,
Pippa were all waiting at Monte
Caetano for the happy day and the
coupe had been relined with a bright,
shiny yellow chintz, to -be worthy of
his Pippa.
But there is no rose without a thorn,
and the brighter : the light the darker
the shadow it throws.
Tonino arrived with the polish of city
life in his manners, and the chic of a
city tailor in the cut of his, clothes, and
he began to make love to Pippa as no
one had ever made love to her before.
He paid her honeyed compliments, he
threw an air of tender, rapt admiration
into the adoring gaze of his dark eye,
he offered her the commonest flower
with an air of devotion which threw
into the shade Gianni's far larger
offering. -
'It is too large!" she cried, '; pettish
ly, rejecting her betrothed's great poy
of roses; and he. had the mortification
of seeing her fix Toni no's insignificant
carnation into her bodice instead.
Gianni flung away his roses fiercely,
and Pippa was so busy talking to
Tonino that not until her foot trod on
it did she perceive that he had done so.
"JS'ow that the tunnel is done and
the way open, vou will be leaving us,"
she said, softly, leaning against the
chestnut tree and playing with the fading
Tonino answered with the soft- caress
ing sound in nis voice that expressed
more devotion than the words he ut
tered. "And if I weie to be called away,
would there be one heart in Santa
Chiara to mourn me; one eye to shed
tears over my departure?
"Can you doubt?" said Pippa.
"Friends are not so easily ; forgotten."
"A fig for friendship!" cried Tonino,
with a snap of his fingers so loud that
all started. .
'That is a strange sentiment, Signor
Rei!" said Gianna, bitterly.
m i . j i i ' .
j.onino oniy scareu ac mm, men turn
ing toward f ippa he rose to his feet
and approached her.
!Ah, dear Pippa," he said, "will you
Keep the secret it l tell you some news
that I received this morning?"
Lo not whisper, said rippa, un
easily. "Gianna does not like it."
"Ah, bah! he does not care! Look
at him."
Pippa turned her head and looked.
Sore, mortified and angry, Gianna was
feigning an indifference he did not feel.
He sat with a stolid look on his broad,
comely face, playing with the ears of
the little bpitz dog which accompanied
him in all his journeys.
x octf iv blue xi uwo uvb aiCf
said Pippa, trying to laugh.
"Then grant me that which I ask,"
said Ton:no, coaxingly. "Walk with
me up the mountain among the vine
yards. You can-not refuse one who
may leave you so soon, and whose heart
is bleeding at the very idea." .
Pippa thought that Gianni should be
more demOnstrafcive. It was tiresome
to see him m'serable; she wanted to see
him angry. . lhis betrothal was very
dull, very monotonous.
She stood upright and said lightly:
"Let us go to the vineyards. We shall
have time for a short walk before bene
Pippa- spoke with her face toward
Gianni, so that he must hear; and, half
thinking that she spoke to him, he
leaped to his feet, ; and the light
sparkled in his blue eyes, but the light
faded away at the sound of her coquet
tish little laugh. -
"No, no, Gianni ! I would not dis
turb you for the world. Sit still; go to
sleep if you can," and, passing her
hand lightly through Tonino's arm.
she walked away with him.
Gianni did not resume his seat, but
stood looking after them. He saw
Tonino bend ng his curly head with
look of devofon, and a dark scowl set
tled on his face.
"Ah, ha ! Gianni, my poor boy,"
said a croaking voice close beside him.
,"So the II: tie traitress plays thee also
false. I knew how it would be. Such
are women. They are all false, they
are all bad, and the pest ot them are
those who wear the mask longest"
" Croak'ng as usual. Father Gi aco
rn o," said Gianna, trying to laugh
"She has not thrown me over, uur
wedding day is fixed."
"But it has not dawned yet. Via!
cried the old man, throwing tibt both
his hands. "Why don't you follow
them?" he cried impatiently. "Ah, ha!
Gianni, though women are false, men
are fools. You should hold them tight,
beat them, keep them tinder. Break their
spirits or they will break your heart.
Go after them I tell you, go after them
Bah! why should I incommode myself
thus? Women will always be false, and
men will always be fools!" and old Gia
como took a prodigious pinch of sn till'.
Gianni walked o!l unwittingly enough.
He was a proud man, and Pippa' a con
duct was hurting him bitterly. He d:d
not wish to lose his dignity and sacrifice
his self-esteem by becoming jealous; it
degraded him in his own eyes. But love
was stronger than will, and he uttered
a short, bitter exclamation of almost
savage disgust with himself because he
could not resist the temptation to fol
low Pippa and his rival.
The sun was beginning to go down;
it was very hot. Tonino and Pippa
found the shade of the long rows of
vines very grateful. The leaves were
uxunant, and the air was hlled with
their warm sweet smell.
Tonino bent lower over Pippa and
said softly:.. "The news I have to tell
you, my l ippa, is that, alter an, per-
tiaps l am not going away irom oania
Pippa was rather taken aback. She
would not have lei Tonino go so far if
she had not thought that he was go ng
away, now at once, thi'ough the, big
tunnel that he had helped to make, and
never coming back again. It was quite
another thing that he was always to be
"Not going away!" she said, with a
ittle quiver in her voice. Tonino
thought the little quiver was one of
happiness. -
Dearest," he said, "it is true. Some
one is requ'red tebe always on the spot.
Every night I must go through the tun
nel to see that all is well. This will bo
necessary for long months, till we see
that the work is perfect in every part.
that no unexpected dangers may arise.
And it is I that have received the ap
po'ntmeht." lonino hit his breast with a sound of
triumph, then suddenly he threw h's
arm round Pippa' s waist.
"bay, beautiful Pippa: dearest of ray
heart, he cried. "Say that you re
joice as I do. We shall not be separat
ed." -
Pippa was too much astonished to
resist. Tonino had his arm round her.
and now he bent forward and kissed
her once, twice, before she could speak,
when there came a sudden shout that
sounded more like the roar of a wild
beast than a human vo'ce, and Gianni
threw h'mself between them, his eyes
flashing, his face convulsed with rage.
Pippa was terrified, and in her terror
she could think of nothing save that
one of the two would be killed. She
threw herself upon Gianni, clinging
round his arms with all her weight,
while she cried with a hoarse voice that
did not sound like her own:
"Fly, Tonino, fly! He will kill you.
We shall all be lost. Fly! fly!"
Tonino was not brave, he turned
and went, gliding away among the
vines with his heal turned back over
his shoulder; and his eyes glaring at
Lrianm with a look of intense hatred.
He has gone," cried Pippa, - sink
mg on her knees, but still clinging
to her betrothed. "Thank heaven, he
is goner
x ou have saved your lover this
once," said uianni between his teeth.
"But opportunities do not lack."
"You would kill him, cried Pippa.
"Had he a hundred lives, I would
take them all!" and Gianni ground his
teeth with the ferocity of a jealous
But why should you kill him?"
cried Pippa, bursting into tears. "He
is nothing to me.
"Tell that to whoever is fool enough
to believe you," said Gianni, scorn
fully. -I-
Oh, Gianni, jare we not betrothed?
"That also is a thing of the past.
Old G acomo is right all women are
Gianni strode away and left her.
Pippa stood looking afteY him. "Gia-
como is right in everything," she said
to herself through her tears. "And
all men are fools. Oh, Gianni! Gi-
But whether he heard her piteous
little cry "or not he did not turn, and
Pippa sat down under the vine leaves
and sobbed as if her heart would
break. '
The sun went down, the church bell
rang, the people poured into the last
service, and still Pippa sat sobbing.
Then she heard the voices of the
congregation as they once more came
out of church.
"Gianni is a good man," she said to
herself. "He never misses Benedic
tion. The holy service will have
softened his heart; he will forgive me.
Thou jh Tonino is going to stay here,
it will not matter, for I shall be the one
to go. Gianni and I will be married at
on e, and we win go away m his big
carr ag i to Sestri. After all, we may
be very hap;y yet. I won't put off the
wedding any more, it shall be at once.
I am sure that Gianni wdl see when he
looks at me that I mean to be good
Pippa had. no tears left to shed; -she
dr'ed her eyes and pu-hed back her
curly hair, and walked down to the vil
lage. "
The people were all clustered togeth
er in the piaz.a, but she saw neither
G anni r.or Toaino amo ig them, and
she thought that they a 1 looked at her
rather strangely.
Old Giacomo came, bubbling up to
her.. ,
"Do you want to know where your
two lovers are, my beaut P" he said.
"Well, Tonino, when he came out of
church, took his bag of tools (you
know them?) ove; his shoulder, lighted
h's lanie.n, ar:d went off through the
tunnel on his usu.d inspection. He
mast have got some way by this t'me."
"And my Gianni?" cried Pippa,
t rem '-ling. " . . ' ' '
'Gianni had an o ld look on his face.
The ev.l eye has crossed him, perhaps
Who knows?"
"But where is he?" she faltered.
"It is very strange," said Giacomo
"but he also took the way of the t .n
nel. He also must be some way in by
th's time, and"
But Pippa waited to hear no more.
A horrible dread had seized upon her ;
a terror cold as a hand of ice la'dupo
her heart. She uttered a shrill little cr
and sped away toward the mounta
as fast as her feet could c iny her.
"Per Bacco !. there will be m'tscJiiu
said one man to snother. Would
not be best to go after them?"
"I shall tell the Priore," said Mar
ucca, wagging h-'r old head a-- s! -went
off in search of the priest. '
In a few minutes quite a crowd had
gathered round the mouth of the tun
nel. "
Meanwhile Pippa ran on and reached
her destination. The opening looked
fearfully dark and gloomy in the fad
ing light, and she had no lantern with
her; but terror lent her courage; she
never hesitated, but quickly crossing
herself she darted in. '
It was quite dark now. Pippa guid
ed herself ' along the wall; she was
obliged . to move slowly , for several
times she caught her foot against one
of the sleepers and nearly fell. Oh,
how pitch dark it was, and how cold!
She gasped for breath. Now her
hands rapidly passing along the wall
encountered something cold and slimy,
and she tried to fling it off, but it
clung. . ,
"A slug," she thought with a shud
der as she got rid of it at last, never
slackening her steps. All was deally
still she could hear her own panting
breath. Now a sort of pale color be
gan through the blackness, and a
warmer breath of air; she could see
again. The big tunnel opened into a
little gorge not ten feet wide. She
looked up through the rocks almost
like one from the bottom of a well, and
saw the friendly blue sky, then taking
courage, plunged on again into deeper
night than before. V' -
Pippa could feel the darkness, the
cold, breathless- atmosphere; she was
getting into the longest, most unbroken
part of the tunnel.
She gasped for breath, her brain
began to reel, her eyes throbbed and
ached with the strain to see where
nothing was visible. .. "-
Then suddenly, quite suddenly it
seemed to her, in the far distance she
perceived a little jnoving spark; alight
that could be nothing but Tonino's
lantern. Her heart beat almost to
suffocation, she paused for one instant
to gain breath, then bounded on, for it
seemed to her intensely strained sense
of hearing that there was someone else
ahead of her, some footsteps swiftly
following the lantern, in pursuit of it.
Pippa pressed on faster and faster,
and the distance between them seemed
to be diminishing. Would she arrive
in time?
" She had grown accustomed to tle
sleepers now and knew mechanically
when to expect them as she ran. She
was getting nearer and nearer.
Suddenly she saw the lantern stop;
there was a sound that made Pippa
pause to listen with the terio. of a
hunted animal. A rush of foot-steps, a
kind of shout, a sound of a death
struggle. Pippa bounded forward with
a cry, the guiding light disappeare l.
she heard the crash as the lantern fell,
and all was total darkness.
Suddenly rang out a sound that filled
the whole tunnel a wild, unearthly
whistle, a distant roar approaching
nearer and nearer. Pippa shrank back,
crouched, pressed against the wall.
The train was coming.
She heard a cry from the fighters:
"Back, back! let go! The train comes!
Maria Santissima!
"Never, never!
Go, then, to thy
The roar increased louder and loud
er; with a terrific noise the train
rushed past; a cold air filled the place,
a sudden dense, sensation of suffoca
tion. What sound was that? A kind
of sickening crash, a9 if something
had been crushed out of all human
recognition vinder those awful wheels.
Then came a dead, awful silence. No
one spoke; no one seemed to breathe.
Then Pippa turned and crept back the
way she had come, -conscious of noth
ing but a frantic desire to get back to
the air, to God's light again.
Round the mouth of the tunnel the
crowd of villagers had assembled, but
no one went in. They stood waiting
uneasily, wondering what was happen
ing. They had seen the train go by-,
and "kept on saying to each other that
it must be all right.
Presently out ot the darkness crept
forth a figure they hardly recognized as
the beautiful Pippa. - Her hands
stretched out blindly before her, her
eyes wide open and unseeing, her lips
livid. .
"But what is it, Pippa! Santa Apos
toli! what has happened?".
But she answered nothing; only
pointed to the tunnel with ghastly
Another! The crowd separated in a
kind of terror, for out of the darkness
staggered forth another panic-stricken
human creature Gianni, who with
trembling hands was struggling at his
shirt-collar trying to tear it open, to
breathe, to get air.
"Heaven help us! but what has hap
pened?" cried the people. Then they
made way for the Priore, who was has
tening forward, followed by old Ma
riuccla. Gianni . reeled forward as if
he were drunken. ' "An accident,
Father," he gasped "a horrible acci
dent, the wheels! the the "
"Give him water," said the priest,
quickly, "and fetch lanterns; Quick,
quick, lose no time, the unhappy man
may yet be living."
But all was not over yet. Once more
out of the mouth of the tunnel appeared
another. "Haste! haste!" he shouted.'
"Bring Pghts! Come at once! Tonino
has been run over by the train! Haste!"
But Pippa caught s ght of him, and
uttered a cry wh ch rang through the
air: "Tonino! it is thou! Gianni!
(iianni!" Then she burst into laughter
so wild and unnatural that the women
all rushed round her. She could not
cease peal after peal shook her from
head to foot They had to throw
water over her several times, and for a
long t me in vain.
-The villagers gathered round the two
men. "I thought I had killed thee,"
faltered Gianni.
"I also thought thou Wast dead,"
said Tomno, shuddering violently,
"Oh! it was horrible, horr ble!"
, .y 11 1 m
uou nas Deen very mercitui to you
both," said the Jrriore, gravely
The two men took off their hats and
muttered an amen.
x ney couia. neuner oi them cease
"But what was that horrible noise,"
as of something crushed?" asked Gian
ni at last, every trace of color aain
leaving his cheek.
"It was my bag of tools," said To
nino, with a pale smile. "Truly, friend,
thou owest me a new set."
' A fortnight later the whole village
went by train through the big tunnel
to Msnte Caetano to see the departure
of (iianni and his br'de. "
They sat in the coupe of the big car
riage, and Fippa' s dark curly hair and
bright eves looked brilliant on the Lack
ground of golden yellow eal co.
four horses were decorated with
r b
wore had
bons of every color, and the bride
a beautiful vezzo of pearls which
come down to her through many
shouted the crowd, and they drove
away along the road through merry
dancing clouds of dust, the little belL
on the harness jingl ng harmoniously.
. Old Giacomo stood watching till they
were out, of sight, then as . he turne J
away he muttered: "AH the same, nil
women are false."
"No!' no!" cried the peasant girls,
laughing and their white tei th.
Giacomo turned round with a kind of
"Bah!" . he' cried,l VAndlOl men are
"That's as may be," said the lads,
and they also laughed. Cornhill 'Mag
Remarkable Carelessness of Those Who
Handle the Staple.
"Um, yum, I smell burnt colton,"
said a cotton buyer in front of Toole,
McGarran & Tondee's warehouse sev
eral days ago
"Here it is," said another buyer,
picking up a handful of scorched cot
ton which was lying on the ground.
"There is no fire in it, though," he ad
ded carelessly.
"How fast will cotton burn?" asked
a Becorder man, who was standing by,
"It will burn faster than anything I
know of," sa d the buyer as he turned,
the staple around in his hand, : and ex
amined it. "Just to show you here,"
and he picked up a handful of the clean
cotton and handed it to the reporter.
"Now wad that up tight and put your
cigar to it. Then fold it up and put
your hands over it."
The reporter did so. The moment
the cigar was applied the cotton caught
and the fire began to sink down like a
drill into the handful. He closed his
hands over it, and in a short time it be
came so hot that he was unable to hold
it.. Picking up another handful he
wrapped it around the fire, and, hold
ing it tightly in both hands, succeeded
in crushing out the fire, as he thought.
When it was again opened, however, it
began to burn as hard asjevcr.
"It- is almost impossible to put the
fire out when once it catches cotton.
The closer a bale is packed the faster
will it burn. . It don't spread out like
anything else, but burns directly to the
center and consumes the inside of the
bale first. I remember once in Savan
nah on the wharf, when I was billing
some compressed bales, that all at once
a boy yelled at me, and looking around
I saw a, bale I had. just passed fall to
pieces and names begin to come from
it. By good luck the hre got no
further. That bale, probablyt had been
burning a couple of days. . Ginhouses
are oiten burned up by the pickers
smoking in the field and letting a spark
drop into a cotton basket. It is dumped
into the wagon and then into the gm
house, and does not get fairly started
before night, and before anyone knows
it the gmhouse is on fare and burnt.
"Big fares m warehouses, he con
tinued, "are often caused by careless
drivers, who smoke as" they drive the
cotton to town. The tiniest kind of a
spark will sink into a bale, and if not
discovered will burn thousands of
dollars worth of cotton. That is why
buyers always carry as much insurance
as they can get. I'heYe is no telling
when j. big hre is go ng to occur."
Americus (Cra.) Record.
Birds That Have Been Taken From Ner
York to Chicago and Found Their Way
Home Again.
"Are there many homing pigeons
owned in Providence,'.' asked a ; News
reporter of a well-known fancier Satur
day. "Well, yes, there are; more than
many people have any idea of." There
are about thirty fanciers in the city,
representing an aggregate of between
400 to 500 "birds. The homing, or. Ant
Werp'pigeon, is a native of Antwerp,
Belgium, and all the pigeons in this
country are raised from that stock.
There are no less than 100 societies in
Antwerp for the flying of homing pig
eons, the natives finding it their favor
ite pastime; and such proportions has
the sport assumed that on Sunday and
fete day3 special trains are run on the
railroads to carry, the birds, and' as
many as 30,000 have been known to be
carried away to be flown the eame day.
The most prominent fancier in this
country, and the man who has probably
imported more pigeons than any other,
is John Van Opstal, of New York, who
has given the majority of his life to the
study of birds.
In the training of pigeons for flying
much care and a great deal of patience
is neces ary. '. .
The young birds are at -1 first ; taken
about a mile away, and at first are re to leave the basket. They are
carried in d fferent directions, so lhat
they ma' become familiar with the city
c r town",; after -which, the distance is
gradually increased from five to fifteen
miles each time. Several are kept in
training from this city to New York.
One characteristic of the homing
p'geons is that they will alight on no
other than their own roof.
"When a race is to- take place the
club number or letters is stamped in
ink usually on the third or fourth flight
ftather of one of the wings, and each
ovyner has also his name and residence
stamped upon the wing."
The longest flight made last year in
this country was from Salem, O., to
Jerse ' City, a distance of 704 miles,
and this year thatdistnncs has been ex
ceeded, several b rds flying from Chi
cago to New York. These birds are
much hardier tha i co nraon h'gh-class
p'geons, and need less care and atten
t on. Frovidente (R.J.) News.
A worm which thirty years ago de
stroyed many of the pine trees in .worifa
Carolina is
again making havoc this
The college which has the largest
number of graduates in Congress is the
University of Virginia; Harvard stands
second and Yale third.
Amherst College is said to be the
only institution of its kind that provides
a special reading-room for the maga
zines and papers of other colleges,
v A striking influence of Christianity
in the barbarous period of Europe is
contained in Alcuin's letter to Charle-:
magne, wherein he reminds him to
show mercy , to prisoners, even as God
will show mercy to him.
Anatomy is more important than
Latin or mathematics combined at the
Edinburgh University, $16,000 being
paid as annual salary to its professor,
against $7,600 allowed to each of the
professors of the other branches.
Germans, who have hitherto been
blind to thef act .that the all work and
no pla y. system of high schools ha re
sulted in making more than half of the
educated classes short-sighted, are now
awaking to the ' fact and are making a
move to give the children more exercise.
Dr.Wolfsoerg, the noted physician, says:
" On the proper education of our chil
dren, based on correct physiological
principles, rests the future of the Em
pire." The class of '75 of the College of
the City of New York has given its
alma mater a rare electrotype collec
tion of ancient coins taken from the
collection in the British Museum.
There are 375 distinct pieces, both sides
of each coin being shown. They em
brace the gold and silver coinage from
700 B. C until the birth of Christ, and
the bronze coinage under the Roman
Empire during' the first two centuries
of the Christian era, thus representing
a complete history of ancient coinage.
The electrotypes are colored in exact
fac-simile of the originals. N. . .I'rib
une. Rev. C. H. Spurgeon recently
issued his 1,800th ' printed sermon- in
regular succession. He said in a meet
ing that he had been five years in pre
paring these 1,800 sermons for the
press. He did not mean in getting
them ready to preach, or the time "re
quired in preaching them, but the ab
solute time spent in revising the short
hand report preparatory to sending the
sermons to the printer. - He never
could get any sermon done in less than
a whole day, and if they divided 1,800
by 365, they w-ould get five years or
"What is the stuff that dreams arc
made of?" inquires a poet. If he wants
to manufacture a hrst-clas3 variety
dream, lobster salad can be highly rec
ommended. Boston Post.
- -Think of your own faults the first
part of the night (when you are awake),
and of the faults of others the latter
part of the night (when you are
asleep). Chinese Proverb. -
Traveler, to railroad newsboy:
Can you get me 'Anderson's Antiqui
ties,', sonny?" "Yes, sir. Next: sta
tion's an eatin' house, and you can get
a sandwich for five cents. Golden
"Mr. Smith, do you dye your
hair?" asked the small boy. "No;why
did you think so?" "O, I dunno, only
it's Wack, and sister said she reckoned
you was bdrn light-headed. ' ' Chicago
"Did you hear any disturbance or
outcry on the street last night, about
twelve o'clock?" asked Kosciusko Mur-
ly of his friend Gilhooly. "No, I
didn't hear anything in particular. But
why do you askr "I was going home
from an oyster supper, and I slipped
and fell right in front of your house. I
thought perhaps 'If reedom shrieked
when Kosciusko fell.'" Texas Sift
ings. . .
She Beats Them All.
There's the girl with the smiling' face,
The girl with the witching eye.
There's the girl with stately grace, -And
the girl that is modest and shy;
j.nere s iue girt wilu iub winning tur,
The girl that's reserved and cold,
Tbere'B the girl with the curly hair, .
And the girl that is rather old ;
There's the girl that is grand and tall.
The girl with the dimpled chin,
But the girl that beats them alt
. IB IUO gl uwt uu guv IUV uu.
All hopes blasted: -Jenks "Ah,"
Blinks, glad to see you. How is Mrs.
Blinks and the baby P" Blinks "Well
very well; only I am a little disappointed
in the baby." "Disappointed! Why,
it's a boy, isn't it?" , "Yes, but you
know the desire of my heart has been to
have a son to succeed me as editor of
the Evening Clarion" ; "Yes, and no
doubt the -youngster will inherit his
father's talents." "But he won't"
"Won't?" "No; I shall never be able
to make anything but a morning paper
editor out of him. He sleeps all day
and stays awake all night" Philadel
phia Call.
Painful Suspense "My dear," he
said as he entered the house, "who is
that gentleman 'across the street?" "I
am not sure, but I think he is an old
beau of mine." "How long has he beea
waving his handkerchief?" "Oh, more
than half an hour." "Is he trying to
flirt with you?" "That's just what an
noys me. He may mean it for me, or
for the lady in the bay window above.
If it's for me I ought to know it, and if
it's for her I'll never sneak to the shame
faced thing again s long as I live! Oh,
George! you don't know how vexatious
and uncertain it is to have roomers
above you! I wish we had a little cot
tage of our own." Detroit Free Press.
: 1 sf t -" -'
A Fretful Hostess.
No hostess is to be more dreaded
than then one who frets under her
duties. If she is absent-minded at the
table and conscious of the blunders in
the service she is an affliction to all
about her. . Let mistakes go. An easy,
attentive . bearing is worth all ; ; the
angel's food and wine and jelly in crea
tion; for is it not the essence of the
angr itself that which outs m
thoroughly at our ease? Oblivion is an
Absolute essential after the guests are
seated at the table. One must be un
conscious of mistakes' if they occur.
We have known instances when an
evening has been marred by the obvi
ous anxiety on the part of the ladies
that nothing should go amiss. In con
sequence, everything went wrong. Let
us then have frequent entertainments
and less expensive ones. Baltimore
Herald. . .