Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, February 14, 1885, Image 1

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.... ...
J.,B. N. BELL, - - Proprietor.
Ons. Year - - - - '- - $2 60
Six Months - - - - - - 1 60
Three Months - - "'""."' 100
" These u-e the terms of those paying in advance The
Bktixw offers fine inducements to advertisers. Terms
H A.S THE ' I. . -
i - And other Printing, hkiuding
Large anl Esau Pesters am Eaui-BiHs,
- KesUy sad expeditiously executed
NO. 45.
.Rose tot"
Watclmiaier, Jeweler and Optician,
Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Spectacles and !Eyeffl&e.
and i nu use OF
Cigais, Tobacco & Fancy Goods.
Th only reliable ODtomer in town lor the proper adjust
ment of Spectacles ; always on hand.
Depot of the Genuine Brazilian ?ebbl 8peo-
taclei and Eyeglasses.
O stick First Door South of Fostoffice,
Boot and Shoe Storo
On Jackson Street, Opposite the Post Offlce,
Keeps on hand the largest and best assortment of
Caatern and Han Francisco Boots and
Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers,
And everything In the Boot and Shoe "line, and
Boots and Shoes Made to Order,' and
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
I use the Best of Leather and Warran all
my work.
Repairing Neatly Dona, on Short Notice.
I keep always on hand
Musical Instruments and Violin Strings
a specialty.,
flaring purchased the above named mills of
! E.Stephens & Co., are now prepared to fur-
. nun any amount or tne best quality oi
ever offered to the public In Douglas county.
We will furnish at .the mill at the following
No. 1 rougk lumber..'....,...... ...$12 I'M
No. 1 flooring. 6 inch .$24 M
No. 1 flooring:. 4 inch . . . ..$26 -M
No. 1 finslhinsc lumber. . . $20 M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides $26 M
fj. F. LANE.
Office on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan
33 AR B J2 I S H O 3?
- Next Door Liye Oak Saloon,
Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike
Home Hade Furniture,
Constantly on hand.
I have the Best
South f Portland. .
And all of my own manufacture.
Ko Two Prices to Customers. . -
Residents of Douglas County are requested to gire me a
can before purchasing elsewnere.
Oakland, Oregon.
This Hotel has been established for a num
ber of years, and has become very pop
ular with the traveling public.
Table supplied with the Best the Market affords
Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad.
Staple Dry G-oods,
Keeps constantly on band a general assortment of
Extra Fine Groceries,
A fun stock of
Such as required by tbslPublic County Schools.
All kinds of Stationery, Toys and
Fancy Articles,
to sun BOTH YOUNG ad old.
Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes
uneoKs on jfortiand, and procures
Drafts on San Francisco.
Promptly attended to and goods shipped
witn care.
Portland, Oregon.
Smoothing' soft tbe nestling head
Of a maiden fancy-led,
Thus the grave-eyed woman said:
"Richest gifts are those we make,
Dearer than the love we take
That wo give for love's own sake. . , .
"Weill know the heart's unrest;
Mine has been the common quest
To be loved and therefore blest.
"Favors undeserved were mine;
At my feet as on a shrine
Love has laid Its gifts divine.
"Sweet the offerings seemed, and yet
With their sweetness came regret,
And a sense of unpaid debt.
"Heart of mine unsatisfied,
Was it vanity or pride
That a deeper joy denied?
"Hands that ope but to receive.
Empty close; they only live
Richly who can richly give.
"Still," she sighed, with moistening eyes,
"Love is sweet in any .guise;
v But its best is sacrifice! - -
"He who, giving, does not crave,
Likest is to Him who gave
Life itself the loved to save.
''Love that self-forgetful gives
Sows surprise of ripened sheaves,
Late or soon its own receives."
John Oreenltaf WhUtier, N. Y. Independent.
Marria&e, Murder, Desertion and
Miraculous Detection.
A Girl in Male Attire Grosses the Ocean
to Find Her Father Success of Her
Mission A Romance in
. Real Life. '
Perhaps the most romantic and start
ling storyjof facts that has ever come to
light in Iowa was related to your cor
respondent to-day, and which is cer
rainly unknown to the citizens of
Dubuque, i My informant is one of the
oldest and most influential citizens of
this city. In answer to the well-known
reporter's query,' "What's new?" he
said; "I have along and interesting
story to tell you, and you will be the
first newspaper man. to whom it has
ever been told by me." Leaning back
in his cushioned chair and placing his
heels on an old-fashioned looking desk,
he told the following story: Away back
in the early days of Dubuque a family,
consisting of man and wife and one
daughter, came here from St. Louis.
Their names will be withheld for the
present, but may. be given later. The
husband and father engaged in the busi
ness of a miner, and for a time was
quite successful. He was rather shabbily
dressed; but showed signs of refinement
and education in youth. He was a
Frenchman. After a while he lost what
little money he had in the mining busi
ness,: and became almost destitute. Du
buque Jin those days was a dreary wil
derness, built mainly of frame shanties,
and populated for the most part by In
dians. I He, without any prospects
of making a living for ; himself and
family Js became a wreck, bordering upon y
insanity, the sequel of which was his
being iqund dangling from a rope in his
own room, cold in death, having com
mitted suicide. His poor widow and
orphan girl were prostrated with grief;
the former fainted at the ghastly sight
and remained in a comatose condition
for more than two days, at the end of
which , time preparations were " com
pleted fo the interment of the supposed
dead body. It was even inclosed in a
casket, when -the startling discovery
was made that the person was only in a
swoon, it is needless to say that the
supposed lifeless form was immediately
removed, and such restoratives as were
procurable . were quickly administered
by willing; hands. She rapidly recov
ered, and was soon in her 'former state
of health, but, as I have made known,
in a very destitute condition, and how
to eke out a living for herself and child
added much to her distress. Eventuallv
she obtained a situation as "maid of all
work." In addition to this she taught
her child how to read, write, etc. Years
rolled by? and the child grew to be a
s , .
young iaay, earning ner own living.
Dubuque was at this time- rapidlv arrow
ing. Immigrants poured in from all
directions, enlarging Dubuque to quite
a village.
Among the new arrivals was a boy
who emigrated from Europe at the age
of eighteen to seek a livelihood in the
great West. He possessed a remarka
ble ambition to rise in the world. He
commenced on a starvation salary, and
was afterward employed m a little gro
cery store, where he soon became a
partner in the business. About this
time he. met and fell in love with the
young lady I have just referred to.
Though poorly clad she was ' exception
ally pretty and quite intelligent., 1 his
brief acquaintance was only an intro
duction to a long and clandestine court
ship which followed, a description of
which is iunnccessary. Suffice it to say
it did not deviate much from the "rules
in use at the present time. It was of a
fourteen months1 duration and ended,
a3 the average play does, in a happy
marriagej though this happiness, it must
be said, was ' short-lived. L Five years
swiftly passed the mother-in-law dur
ing this time died and three bright
little children were the fruits of that
period of conjugal life. Two were boys
and one a girl. ; W hen the youngest
was onlv three months o.d the iajet
beea'me'engaged in a quarrel with his
partner in business, during which he,
unintentionally, it is said, dealt him a
blow on the forehead, wounding him m
such a manner as to cause his death
few weeks after. He was held for trial
for murder the trial lasting fourteen
dars and convicted of manslaughter,
and was accordingly sentenced to life
imprisonment at hard labor. This was
a terrible blow to the young wife and
mother, and for a time fears of her be
coming insane were entertained, but
she braved the billowv sea of grief and
soon landed safe on tne shores of good
health. The imprisoned life was soon
chanced to a free one. for after a life
nrirl Anath ctmcrcrlrt hfi succeeded in re
leisinsr himself from the prison walls.
His escape was not detected for several
days, ; and his whereabouts was un
known. A diligent search was kept up
for some time, but no trace of him
could be found. We will follow him,
Tmmpdiatelv after his escaDe
he nroeeeded to New York, where h(.
tooK nassasre for Dublin, and vrriTed
there five weeks later, this being ie
time it took in those days to sail across
ho Atianf c. His arrival was greeted
warmly by his many friends and rela
tions, as they were completely ignorant
of his past career. Communication
with his wife and family was necessarily
cut off, as such action might possibly
lead to his discovery and j capture. We
next find him employed in an extensive
linen factory on Sackville street, hold
ing the responsible position of foreman
ot tne entire establishment. His uiteg-
nty, ambition of furthering his
plovers business interests, and honesty
in discharge of his duties in that po
sition gained for him the confidence of
hia employers, and he was soon made
general manager of the concern at an
enormous salary. The announcement
of his marriage to the daughter of the
senior member of the firm in question
created quite a sensation, as they were,
socially speaking, not. suited for each
other,- she - being of very, high social
standing in the metropolis of the great
but little island, while on the other hand
he was comparatively ignorant and ob
scure in that respect. This was the
primary, if not the principal cause of
frequent quarrels thereafter. Time
passed, ana two children were born to
We will now take a trip back to his
former, or Amei'ican, wife and children,
from whom he was forced to part sev
eral years previous. After h:s escape
from prison the news spread rapidly
over the wires that a man answering
his description was killed at Lancaster,
Pa. This news was received as offieial
by the authorities, although the body
had not been identified as the escaped
convict. The poor woman also re
ceived the news as positive proof of her
husband's terrible fate. Herself and
family accordingly remained in mourn
for over a year for a man who was then
alive and who was to be untrue to his
devoted wife and children. The expi
ration of several years of supposed
widowed life brought back to light the
great mystery and an awful tale.
On a cold December evening a tat
tered but intelligent looking boy, ap
parently of sixteen summers, appeared
at the door of her residence and po
litely asked for some eatables, sajring
he was on a long, fatiguing journey,
ana witnout money, ine request was
readily granted, and after politely
thanking her for her kindness and tell
ing where he was from he took his
leave. No more was heard of him or
seen of him there.
The summer of 18 witnessed a
grand steamboat excursion on the Miss
issippi from St. Louis. Among the
large number aboard was the boy who
appeared in Dubuque as an outcast, but
who had now grown to respectable
manhood under the rays of a Southern
sun. As late would have it, tbe gener
ous old lady who had befriended him
when he was destitute was also aboard,
accompaniea oy ner aaugnter. lie im
mediately recognized her, introduced
himself, and an interesting conversa
tion followed, in the course of which a
pressing invitation was extended to him
to pay them a visit in their Dubuque
home. The invitation was accepted and
a short time afterward fulfilled. It may.
perhaps, seem strange, but it is never
theless a fact, that the names of both
parties remained a secret until the day
of his visit. Imagine their position and
the friendship that arose when the facts
became known and the inquiry whioh
followed may be termed the "key" to
the deep mystery existing, the circum
stances of which are already known to
the reader. The scene following the
young man's story, of his early life, his
parents, etc, beggars description, as it
was now settled beyond a particle of
doubt that the supposed dead husband
and father was no other than the man
before alluded to, and what is still more
remarkable, the mysterious acquaint
ance proved to be his son. born to his
illegal wife. He said that he left home
because of his father's brutal treatment
of his mother. A secret correspondence
between the wronged woman in Dublin
and her son in Dubuque ensued, when
for the first time did her terrible po
sition as an illegal Wife become known
to her. A pen picture of his grief and
consternation on receipt of the news of
this startling disclosure is beyond the
writers ability; it can be better lm
agined than described. Suffice it to say.
the meeting of herself and husband was
Dy no means anecuonate. ine crisis
comes at a later stage. "
The correspondence was uninter
ruptedly carried on until the actual
situation of all concerned was revealed.
and in some unaccountable manner the
United States authorities were made
cognizant of the fact that an American
convict and murderer had been discov
ered in Dublin. The Secretary of State
made a prudent investigation of the
case which resulted in establishing the
true identity or tne man in question,
but for some reason or other his arrest
was not demanded, consequently we
nave no more to add to this chapter.
During this time his American wife and
daughter were sorely afflicted, and in a
perplexed state of mind, not knowing
whether to recognize the young man as
an impostor, or endeavor to obtain the
real facts in the case. They chose the
latter, and at once dispatched a letter
to the address given by the informant,
but no answer came. A second and a
third was written with the same result.
Many long and anxious days and sleep
less mgnts were passed in vain.
Now that all efforts to communicate
with him by letter were of no avail, an
other plan was concocted to carry out
their purpose. 1 he mother was grow
ing old ana - leebie and unable to un
dergo the hardship and fatigue incident
to a sea voyage, this being the only me
dium through whicli the proof of the
young man's story could be ascer
tained. Not to be baffled, the daugh
ter, who was only in her teens, made
the sensational assertion that she would
dispense with petticoats and don the
pantaloons. This was accomplished.
and she at once set out'on her long and
perilous journey, leaving the feeble
mother to take care of herself, the other
two children having died in the mean
time. As she presented more of a mas
culine than feminine appearance her
plan was very suceessiui, but she ven
tured no familiarity with any of her
"fellow men," although she dined and
made her toilet in the same rooms as
those occupied by tbe other male pas
sengers.; After a long and tedious voy
age she arrived in the. beautiful and
home-like city of Dublin. Her next ex
ploit was to endeavor to procure em
ployment at the establishment where
her father was supposed to be employed.
To this end many shrewd and ingenious
nquines were made relative to the hrm. i
The desired information being ob
tained, she at once appeared at the
office, wearing male attire. Her appli
cation for a clerkship was made to an
intelligent-looking gentleman, appar
ently thirtv-five years tld, who politely
informed her that a good recommenda
tion would be : necessary before she
could be employed, and adding that if
such could be obtained he would be
most happy to employ her. She de
parted discouraged t and down-hearted,
knowing that the required document
could not be had in a strange city. She
wandered several days about the streets
and suburbs, and at last was inspired
with a hopeful thought, and called upon a
clergyman, to whom she told the entire
story of her experience, etc., since leav
ing Dubuque. After due hesitation, he
gave her a letter ofrrecommendations
etnrning with this, she was at once
employed and worked faithfully for
several weeks before she gained sight
of her father. The meeting was an af
fecting one. She ran to him, threw her
self at his feet, and cried out: "O, fa
ther! father! I'm your daughter and
came from America to look for you."
The scene will never be forgotten by
the few who chanced to be present. A
great sensation followed; the entire
press of Dublin devoting several col
umns each dav to comment and criti
cism on the male-female clerk. The ille
gal wife was now beyond all doubt as
to her position, and immediately applied
for a divorce, which was granted after
considerable difficulty. The three
children who were the fruits of their
maiTied life were claimed by her and
granted by the court with the exception
of the boy, who immigrated to America,
who was given to the father. The glad
tidings of the nndmg of the father were
immediately dispatched to her mother
in Dubuque, and for the first time in
almost a quaiter of a century, commu
nication was opened between the legal
husband and wife, which resulted in her
emigration to the city of Dublin, where
a few years of happy life were spent,
when she died, and was shortly after
followed to the shores of the unknown
beyond by our hero. At the time; of
his death he was immensely rich, and
willed a handsome foi-tune to our little
heroine (his daughter), also half of his
entire estate to his son who , was the
means of bringing about the happy end.
But to the son's loss, he has never
been heard of since. Should he be in
existence still this little communication
we hope will be the agent to establish
some clue to his whereabouts, and con
vey to him the news of his good luck.
Uf the wronged woman and her two
daughters we have nothing to tell, for the
reason that their lives from the time of
our last sight of them here are entirely
unknown to our informant, and as to
the heroine, she is living that happiest
life of woman, "an old maid," and at
tributes this happiness to the panta
loons. Dubuque Cor. Minneapolis Trib
une. "'
Shoes, Fertilizers, Ladles Switches, But- i
tons and Glue Made Oat of Defunct
Equine. ;' v
A crowd had gathered on a South
Side street corner, where 'a horse with
a broken leg had been shot. As the
owner st6od ruefully surveying his loss
a fat, dark complexioned man elbowed
his way up and said, as he smiled
"Say, mister, I'll cart that horse away
if you will give it to me. Is it a bar
The owner pondered a moment.
looked around at the crowd, and re
' "The animal is no use tome, and I
guess you can have it, but I'm blessed
if I know what you want with it. You
can have it if you will tell me."
"All right. You see a dead horse
represents considerable money to me,
and when I can get one, I am going to
drop onto it every time. I'll haul the
animal out to my place, where I .-.will
skin it and tan the hide, or else sell it
raw to one of the tanneries. It will
then go to some boot and shoe firm, who
will proceed to make it '. up into shoes.
The leather, being soft and waterproof,
makes up nicely and commands a fancy
price. '.
"Shoes made of cordovan, as the
leather is called, are considered the
proper thing by swells and sell well.
The tail, when it is long and bushy, can
be made into a nice horse-brush or
switch for ladies. To make a nice
switch. 1 take out the bone from the
tail and tack the skin onto a handle,
and there we have it, all ready for use
as soon as it gets dry." '
"But, what do you do with the re
mainder of the body the bones and
flesh?" -
"O, they come in handy. I raise
lots of hunting dogsJ Of course, if I
were to buy beef for them it would cost
me a small fortune. When I get or buy
dead horses I save some of the meat,
feeding the dogs on that. ' They thrive
on it, and it don't cost me much.
"The hoofs I sell to some glue factory,
where they are boiled down and made
into glue. Do I make use of the bones?
Of course I do. Sometimes I grind
them up and sell them as fertilizers.
Ground bone is the stuff to spread on
your garden if you want to raise good
crops. When I am busy and want to
dispose of them I sell them to some
button-factory. They make buttons,
large and small, out of bones. I have
seen some knife : handles made from
bone, but it cracks easily and is not
used much. Buttons are more generally
made from horse bones than anything
else in that line.
"Now, if you want any meat for your
cats let me know, and I will supply
vou," but the former possessor of the
horse did not seem to relish the idea of
his cats being fed on horseflesh, and de
clined the offer with thanks. Milwaukee
k. New Orleans minister recently
married a colored couple, and at the
conclusion unnecessarily remarked:
"On such occasions as this it is custom
ary to kiss the bride, but in this case we
will omit it" The indignant bride
groom -very pertinently replied: On
such an occasion as dis it am customary
to gib de minister $10, but in dis case
we will omit it" .V. O. Time.
VThat the Grocery Keepers In the New
York Tenement House Iiegrlon Make Out
of Their Patrons. .
The corner groceryman in tenement
house districts charges the highest prices
for the necessaries of life, and reaps
therefrom the greatest profit. Bread,
butter, coal, tea, coffee, potatoes, and
the like on all these he makes a profit
of 100 or 150 per cent The continual
mortgage on the poor man's salary at
the close of the week by the claims of
the grocer, the uncompromising refusal
to take a cent less than the amount
shown on the pass-book, the threat to
sell him out if he won't pay, the neces-
sity of feeding his wife and children -r
all combine to make hundreds of honest
and hard-working men subject to the
leeches who cling to their purses and
grow fat and sleek. The cost of living
to a- poor man is considerably greater,
in proportion, than that incurred by the
richest ra'lway magnate in the country.
He is taxed for everything.! When the
Government reduces the taxes on tea or
coffee the consumer derives no advan
tage. The price of the adulterated ar
ticle is the same as that of the unadul
terated. The extremely poor man may
theoret'cally be the child of the State,
and his interests as carefully conserved
as those of the East India Company, but
in reality he is allowed to shift for him
self and to defend himself from all the
enemies that his paltry income of two
dollars or three dollars a day raises up
against him.
Good potatoes can be bought at the
market for $1.80 a barrel. They are
not the highly cultivated vegetable
tha Early Rose or such varieties bat
they are big, wholesome potatoes that
contain fully as much nutriment as the
more expensive kinds. The price
charged at the corner grocery for- a
small measure of ordinary potatoes is
ten cents. As not a few of the meas
ures are arranged with false, bottoms,
there is sometimes five of them to the
peck. But allowing that the men are
honest enough to give fair measure, the
cost of a peck is forty cents, or $1.60 a
bushel, and $6.40 a barrel. This method
of selling potatoes enables the gro3ar to
obtain a profit of 225 per c int. on a
single barrel of potatoes. The profit
when the question of credit arises is
considerably larger. ' Then the custo
mer is required to pay fifteen cents a
small measure, sixty cents a peck, $2.40
a bushel and $9.60 a barrel, or a modest
gain to the dealer of 500 per cent
orner grocerymen say that tney would
rather sell a barrel of potatoes than a
ton of coal, notwithstanding : the fact
that they make 150 per cent on the lat
ter commodity. When false measure
ments are reckoned, the enormous profit
on a, single barrel of potatoes will be
come nearly double. The grocer in these
stores does not deliver articles that are
purchased. The cost of help is reduced
to the mimmum,-ana almost the only
thing that eat into a coruer-grocery-
man s prohts are theexpenses of sup
porting his own family. Although it is
a criminal ofl'ense to defraud persons by
means of weights and measures of false
quantities, the inspectors usually either
wink at the violations of the law or are
believed to be satisfied with a little
present now and then.
Coffee is capable of more adulteration
than perhaps any other article of do
mestic consumption, without the fraud
becoming manifest With this fact in
view the eroceryman uses the facilities
for cheating to their full extent and
reaps the consequent profits. Lower
grades of coffee only . are sold in- the
low groceries. Mocha and Java seldom
find their way among the very poor,
simply because they cost too .much. To
adulterate ground coffee, powdered
locust bark is used in combination with
the well-known chicory, lo increase
the quantity of the bean cofl'ee a small
edible bean is roasted and mixed. It is
so like the coffee-bean in size, shape and
color that it is difficult to distmgu sh
the one from the other. An enterprising
Jerseyman managed to invent a ma
chine to turn out coffee beans in black
walnut and jstained pine woods, and
these also are used to adulterate the
better quality of coffee. Brazilian coffee
is generally used by the cheap grocers.
It comes m prettily piaitea bags . in
quantities of seventy-six pounds. A bag
costs $7.60, or ten cents a pound for
large quantities. By judicious adultera
tion of one-fifth of a pound of wooden
bean to four-fifths of a pound of coffee
bean, the price is lowered two cents,
and makes the coffee, as sold, cost eight
cents, a pound. For cash this quality of
coffee is sold for twenty cents a half
pouna or thirty-five cents a whole pound
At this rate a bag of coffee that origi
nally cost $7.60 would sell for $30.40, or
at a profit of about 300 per cent. As
the price of coffee is raised ten cents
pound when sold on credit, a half pound
would cost twenty-five cents and a bag
would be sold for thirtv-eight dollars,
leaving a profit of $20.40 on seventy-six
pounds of Brazilian coffee. The .pro
fuse use pf the bean in' adulteration is
extremely injurious, and causes sleep
lessness. The adulterations of coffee
are much more flagrant than the use of
glucose in sugar or oleomargarine in
butter, and - yet the ' Government : has
taken no measures to suppress it by law.
In consequence, the person who is not
able to go to an importer and pay
twenty-five dollars for a bag of Mocha,
is in considerable danger of drinking
walnut infusion instead of honest conee.
It is only the poorest persons who are
anxious to secure credit The American
workingman is nothing if not independ
ent So long as he . pays cash on the
nail he will do so with a promptness
that might bo emulated by more fa
vored persons. It is his wife, usually,
who runs him into debt and makes him
adopt the credit system willingly. It i3
distasteful to him at first Then he
begins to see that once in he can not
get out of the meshes that the corner
groceryman has spread for him, and he
makes a noble effort to break loose.
He struggles, but in vain, and ever
afterward is the slave of a remorseless
master. When he wants to buy tea and
enjoy a quiet cup now and then, instead
of going to the importer and paying $5
orlo for a chestenough to last him a
year-rhe goes to the corner grocery
man. ; A chest of Formosa tea of the
lower grade weighs fifty-six pounds, and
costs the grocer ten cents a pound. He
charges thirty cents a half-pound where
oah is paid, and forty cents where credit
is requisted. At this rate a chest which
cost him just f?5.60 to open in his own
store brings him in a profit of $28, as he
can sell the hfty-six pounds for $33.60.
If he sells the chest on ' credit, as is
almost invariably the case, he obtains a
return of $4480 on his investment
of $5.60, a profit of $39.20. But the
v 7 fcJl' v? V, VS. M llil V I J
prout of 7UO per, cent lie goes to work
and adulterates the already poor tea
and serves up! a decoction that might
make a wen-constitutea cat wince.' - Bv
this method he' increases his profit one-
quarter as much again, and after ex
hausting - the resources of "his trade,
makes a $5 chest of 4ea pay him about
$oo, or a profit of about l.OOO per cent
And with all this he hangs over his
miserable customer's head the fear of
having his home sold to - the highest
bidder. -A. Y. Commercial Advertiser.
Slaughter of Bird for Ladies Hats
Mr. Ilergh Thinks ot It.
Walking up Broadway one fine after
noon lately, a Tribune reporter noticed
an unusually large display of plumage
on ladies' hats. He saw the wings,
plumes, heads, and bills of red b'r'ds,
yellow birds, robins and humming-birds,
and almost every variety ; of the feath
ered songster . known, : doing duty in
adorning the hcadwear and trimmings
of the enthusiastic devotees of fashion.
In many instances the birds that looked
so pretty on these jaunty hats were
complete, and the stuffed songster
looked as gay as in life. In the windows
of a millinery store, frequented mainly
.by wealthy ladies of fashion, the repor
ter saw many hats thus decorated. With
a hesitating step he went in, and was
met by a stout dame, who- wore an
elaborate dress dotted with dead fire-
flics. In life these fh-e-flies had under
gone a squeezing process, which caused
me pnospnorus in inem to exuae, ana
has tbe effect of making a brilliant cos
tume. The store-keeper informed the repor
ter that the fire-flies are imported from
warm countries,' mainly the Indies,
where they are prepared for market
She had them for sale. One of the
large counters was almost entirely cov
ered with stuffed birds and various parts
of birds, ready to be placed on hats and
trimmings, as the fancy or taste of the
wearer might suggest. ,
"Are you not afraid of being arrested
for crueltv?" asked the reporter.
"No, indeed! We import them," re
plied the woman, looking the reporter
out of countenance. "They would not
arrest a woman?" she asked, or rather
stated, in the most assuring manner.
The reporter called on President
Bergh, who said: "I shave noticed lately
that this cruel onslaught Js increasing.
There is a greater display of these little
tortured creatures than ever before. I
notice it in the fashionable stores in up
per Broadway, in cheap Sixth Avenue,
and down in Eighth Avenue. This wan
ton slaughter, flaying birds alive and
tearing feathers from their quivering
bodies is the most barbarous cruelty
that can be practiced. It is an insult
to the civilization which we boast The
savages can do no more than that. If he
does take a few feathers from a fowl it is
the pride of a warrior that prompts him,
not a merciless vanity, and he is there
fore more excusable than our more cul
tivated and refined people. The feath
ers are plucked from these living birds,
and their limbs are torn from them
while in the agonies of death, under the
impression that if the feathers are cured
while the blood is warm they have a
fresher and more lasting tint.
"They may import a few," continued
Mr. Bergh, "but the demand for birds
has become so great -ot late that the
Jersey farmers are now trapping pig
eons and raising squabs for this market,
to be sacrificed to cruel fashion's
whims. The squabs are killed when
only a few weeks old apd their plumage
is fresh and bright A stuffed squab
sometimes looks more 'cunning on a
hat than a full-fledged pigeon. Stuffed
squirrels are also largely used. .'What
is more ridiculous and yet suggestive of
insatiable yanity than to see a couple of
squirrels on a woman's hat? These
squirrels are brought over from Jersey
and the Long Island bogs by boys who
sell them at fifteen or twenty cents
each. The young squirrels are gen
erally selected for this bloody sacrifice
because of their more desirable size.
Cats were formerly used, but there was
so much trouble in - cutting their skins
down to the proper size that kittens
have been substituted.
"It seems that nothing not even the
most defenseless and prettiest of God's
creatures the birds of the " air, can
escape the merciless hands of fashion's
slaves. Fashion has such an unlimited
power that our women are not . only
deaf to mercy, but ruin their own health
and sacrifice their lives in following its
arbitrary decrees. A few years ago
England, and even India, took steps to
prevent the slaughter of birds. - But
America has done practically rnothing.
"If the wealthy ladies of fashion of
this city should set the fashion by dis
countenancing this cruel practice, a
great deal could be accomplished. If
the leaders of society would cease using
ornaments that were obtained only
through cruelty, there would soon be
no demand for them. i The prevention
of this slaughter rests with the leaders
of fashion more than with this society,
for the work 'is done so secretly that we
cau not trace the doers to their butcher
shops' or get even the slightest evidence.
We only see the results of their cruelty.
So popular has this cruelty of plucking
live animals become that live geese are
picked under the impression that the
feathers make a better bed than if they
N. Y. Tribune. ...
Farmer .-Jones borrowed Smith's
wheel-barrow. He loaned the wheel
barrow to Brown on condition that
Brown would lend him his plow. He
loaned the plow to Robinson on condi
tion that Robinson would lend him hia.
horse. By this time Jone3 didn't well
know.which belonged to whom, so he
sold the horse and pocketed the money.
This is a profitable business. It is called
rehypothecation. TJus Judge.
Tha annual product of maple sugar
m the United btates reaches forty mil
lion pounds.
That Anecdote That Mr. Saw-sage Tried
to Relate and the Exasperating Obstacles
He Met With. -
I think that one ; reason there are so
few good story tellers among us is that
the listeners are, in many instances, so
willfully and stubbornly nnappreciative
that it tends towards discouraging the
skillful narration of first-class anec
dotes. ; There were four of us together com
ing across "the divide" a few years
ago, and this principle was then and
there elucidated. Gibbon, Gregg and
myself were congenial ', acquaintances,
and we would have enjoyed the long
ride if it had not been for a man named
Sawsage, who had only recently es
caped from some low-priced education
al institution.,:. He had acquired & few
cast-iron facts of the cyclopaedia" vari
ety, and with the odor -of the vale
dictory all through his clothes he wa3
making a tour of the coast and Colo
rado. He was what you might call
one of those really statistical, brainy
young reservoirs of information, who
urst forth from the alma mater with
the intention of .going to Congress in
two years, but finally compromise the
matter forty years' later by running for
Overseer of Highways and getting
snowed . under about 137 majority.
When Gibbon saw Mr. Sawsage get
on the stage he said to me, in a low
voice: "Nye, we are undone. Saw
sage will, doubtless, endeavor to relate
some anecdote to us on the way, and
then I shall commit an atrocious
crime." .... '
But he didn't do so the first ten miles.
He "contented himself by shedding other
information and explaining things that"
he had just found in his physical
geography and stunning us with the
hard words that always float around
in the aquarium which young men refer
to as their brains. '
Finally, however, some one reminded
him of a story. Gregg tried to turn the
conversation, but it was of no use.
Said he: "It seems that many years ago
a traveler or tourist of some description,
whose name is immaterial "
"Funny name," said Gregg. "Don't
you think so, Gibbon?"
Yes. Foreign er, probably. I k n e w
a man named Jimmy Terrial once,
We discussed the name for four or five
miles, and then allowed Sawsage. to pro
ceed. :;;:;".
"Well, as I was going to say, this
tourist, traveler or sojourner was pro
pounding inquiries relative to the cli
mate, changes and isothernal "
"Now, pardon me," said Gibbon,
"but are you sure that word is not pro
nounced isothermal?" ,
I ventured to remark that is-other-mal
was the oorrect accent, while Gregg
sided with Sawsage. From a quiet dis
cussion this grew into a regular row
which lasted at least ten miles. Then
we allowed the narrative to proceed. -
"Well, at least to make a long story
6hort, the traveler and a native of this
country " ;
"Remember his name?" asked Gregg.
"We've got the other man's name, we
ought to have this one."
No, says Sawsage. "I didn't give
the tourist's name, vou remember.' .
"I beg pardon, said Gregg. "I don't
want to seem querulous and all tbe time
kicking up a row with a comparative
stranger, but you certainly gave us the
other gentleman's name."
W e then had a: long and highly en
joyable quarrel, during which Gibbon
and I challenged Grogg and Sawsage to
fight us in a dark room, each man to be
blindfolded and armed with an adze.
Best man to pay all funeral expenses
and scrub out the room next day.
To this Gregg agreed," but bawsage
said he wasn 't a very expert pdzeman,
and wanted to apologize.
Uibbon and 1 hesitated, finally we
agreed to think it over, but in the mean
time we begged Sawsage to- go ahead
with his story, as we would reach the
home station in five minutes more.
At last he made out to tell the story
that Adam found under the currant
bushes when he went into the Garden
of Eden, about the place where the
year was divided imo "nine montns
winter and three months late into the
fall." '-
At the station Sawsage went on east
by the train, and we took No. 3 for Salt
Lake City. On the way Gregg, Gibbon
and I each sent a telegram to Mr. Saw
sage separately, which read as folio vs.
to wi:
E. Ptolemy Sawpaffe, care Conductor No. 4:
I have heard that li. C. etcry of yours before. 9
Collect. -
- And we had, too. Bill Nyet n ban
Francisco In gleside.
The First English Menagerie.
The first English menagerie is a
pretty old affair, dating from the days
of that furious hunter, who thought
more of a deer than a man,King Henry
L With a pajs'onate fondness for the
marvels of distant countries, he used to
beg fervently from foreign sovereigns
for lions, leopards lynxes, camels and
other animals that were not produced
in England, and he kept his favorite
wonders in the park of Woodstock.
, Paul, Earl of Orkney, although a sub
ject to the King of Norway, was con
stantly sending pre ents of that kind to
f ratify the wh m of Henry, wita whom
e was desirous of being on terms of
friendship. ;
One especial pet was "a - creature
called a porcupine,'' which animal is
found in Africa, says a chronicler of
the time and "which the inhabitants
call of the urchin kind, covered with
bristly hairs; which it naturally ; darts
against the dogs when pursuing it;
moreover, these are, as I have seen,
more than a span long, sharp "at each
extremity, like the quills of a goose
where the ' feather ceases, but' rather
thicker, and speckled, as it were, with
black and white."
The first elephant arrived "in En
gland at a much later period, being sent
across the Channel in 1255, as a present
from the King of France to Henry III.
Crowds of people, as may be imagined,
flocked to see the novel monster.
Golden Days. ..
At a recent book-sale in London, a
copy of the Mazarin Bible brought $18,
500, which is said to be the largest
price ever paid for a printed book.