Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, January 31, 1885, Image 1

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    One Tear
Six Months -Three
$3 50
1 60
1 00
And other Printing, including
Large sua Em pesters ana Slioiy Haul-Bills,
' Neatly and expeditious'; executed
TheM are the terms of those paying In adrance The
Bktibw often fine inducements to adTertiaera. Terms
NO. 43.
Watclimaker, ' Jeweler ani Optician,
Oealer la Watches, Cloeka, Jewelry,
Mpeetacle and Eyeglae.
Cigass, Tobacco & Fancy Goods.
Tht only reliable Optomer in town for the proper adjust
ment of Spectacles ; always ou hand.
Depot f tli Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spec
tacles and Eyeglasses.
Office First Door South, of PostofSce,
Boot and Shoe Store
9a Jackson Street, Opposite the Post Office,
Keeps on hand the largest aud best assortment of
Eastern and Han Francisco Boots and
. Mhoes, i alters, Slippers,
And everything In tho Boot and Shoe line, and
Boots and Shoes Blade to Order, and
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
I use the Best of Leather and Warran all
my work.
Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice.
I keep always on hand
Musical Instruments and Violin Strings
a specialty.
Having: purchased the above named mills of
K.Stephens & Co., we are now prepared to fur
nish any amount ot the best quality of
ever offered to the Trablic in Doucla3 county.
We will furnish at the mrll-at the following
prices: -
No. 1 rough lumber. ...... .$12 f M
No. 1 flooring. 8 inch.. $24 $ M
No. 1 flooring, 4 Inch. 26 M
No. 1 flnsihinf? lumber. : 820 $ M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $21 f M
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides $26 M
Ofntfe on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan
lotei - ,s
Next Door Live Oak Saloon.
Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike
Home Made Furniture,
Constantly on hand.
have the Iteat
South ef Portland.
And all of my own manufacture.
X Th'o ITices to Customers.
Reiitdecta of Douglas County are requested to give inc a
call belore imrcnatsiug euewiiere.
Oakland, Oregon.
This Hotel has been established for a num
ber of years, and has become very pop
ular with the traveling public.
Table supplied with tue Best the Market affords
Hotel at tho Depot of the Railroad.
Staple Bry Goods,
Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of
Extra Fine Groceries,
A full stock of
Such as required by the Public County Schools.
All kinds of Stationery, Toys aud
Fancy Articles, ,
. . .. .
Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes
(JheoKs on Portland, and procures
Drafts on San Francisco.
Promptly attended to and goods ahippe
with care.
Portland, Oregon.
Ppthetlc Story of a Scene Wh'ch, Sooner
or Later, Occurs In Every Household.
When the doctor came down-stairs
from the sick-room of Mrs. Marshall the
whole family seemed to have arranged
themselves in the hall to waylay him.
"How soon will mamma dit well?"
asked little Clyde, the baby.
Can mamma come down-stairs next
week?" asked Katy, the eldest daugh
ter and the little housekeeper.
'Do you find my wife much better?"
asked Mr. Marshal, eagerly, pale with
anxiety and nights of watching. v
The doctor did not smile; he did not
even stop to answer their questions.
"I am in a great hurry,' he said, as
he took his hat; . "I must go to a patient
who is dangerously ill. This evening I
will call again. I have left instructions
with the nurse." . -
But the nurse's instructions were all
concerning the comfort of the patient;
she was professionally " discreet and
silent The children playing on the
stairs were told to make no noise. The
loomy day wore on and the pa
tient slept and was not disturbed.
But that night before they went to bed,
they were allowed to go in and kiss
their - mother good-night This priv
ilege had been denied - thera lately, and
their little hearts responded with joy to
the invitation. Mamma was better or
she could not see them.- The doctor
had cured her. ".'.They would love him
for it all their lives!
'She was very pale but smiling, and
her first words to them were:
"I am going ou a journey!"
"A journey," cried the children.
Will you take us with you?"
"No; it is a long, long journey."
"Mamma is going to the South," said
Katy. "The doctor has ordered her to.
She will get well in
the orange groves
"I am going to a far distant country.
more beautiful than even the lovelv
South," said the mother, "and I will
not come back." ,
"You are going alone, mamma?"
asked Katy.
No, said the mother, m a low sweet
"I am not going alone. My Physician
goes with me. Kiss me good-bye, my
ear ones, for in the morning before
you are awake 1 snail be gone. . rou
will all come to me when you arc made
ready, but each must make the journey
In the morning she wa3 gone. When
the children awoke their father told
them of the beautiful country at which
she had safely arrived while they slept.
"How did she go! V ho came for
her?" thev asked, amid their tears.
."The chariot of Israel and the horse
man thereof! their father told them
solemnly. -',' -
People wonder at the peace and hap
piness expressed in the faces of these
motherless children; when asked about
their mother they say; "She has gone
on a journey," and every night and
morning they read in her guide-book of
that land where she now lives: whose
inhabitants shall no more say. I -am
sick, and where God Himself shall wipe
ail tears from their eyes. Detroit Free
The Combination of Agents by Which
Many Shades of Glass Are Made.
With" people who are not acquainted
with the facts, it is a matter frequently
of great curiosity how glass is colored.
The principal factor in the coloring of
glass is the oxide of different metals.
Finest red and very deep pink are col
ored only bv per chloride of cold; blue
by oxide of cobalt, deutoxide of copper,
per chloride ot gold; yellow by oxide of
silver, oxide of antimony, protoxide of
iron, ferrus oxide of manganese, carbon,
protoxide of copper; green, deutoxide
of copper, deutoxide of iron, oxide of
uranium, and by a mixture of the niat
ter.used in tho coloring of yellow and
blue; violet, manganese, oxide of gold
and by mixing red and blue coloring;
red, oxide of gold, manganese, oxide of
silver, protoxide of copper, peroxide of
iron mixture; opal (white), deutoxide of
tin. phosphate of lime from mutton
bones and arsenic; black, gxide of irid
ium, manganese in excess and the ox
ides of cobalt, copper and iron in ex
cess. ;: , "--'
By the combination of these agents a
great many shades of glass are made,
which ! are neither one or " the other
color, but shades for fancy work or for
coloring wherever particular results are
desired for special purposes. The
process is entirely too long for ns to de
scribe,; but it is a very interesting one,
more especially if you have ever seen
the fine colored glasses made by the
French and German workmen, or more
particularly the Bohemian glass-blowers
in J Austria. A great deal of skill
is required, and only the most ex
perienced workmen are emploed in
the finer glasses, for the materials are
verv expensive and the loss would be
verv great if the result was not satis
factory, especially as compared with
the common colored glass even of tho
best quality., Boston Budget.
. i
-'A Conscientious Juror.
Several years ago the Evening Bui
Win was sued for libel for its discussion
of the marble work in the public build
ings. It proved every point that it had
made, and the jury evinced its belief of
the fact by finding for tho plaintiffs
with "one cent" damages. I he jury
had a tough " time of it, however, with
the proverbial "twelfth man." He was
a colored gentleman, and he obstinately
held out for a lone: time asrainst the ver
dict, and his stubborn argument was:
"Ef you's gw'mo to gib the plaintiffs, gib um sumhn...what s wur
suinlin. , 1 be eleven arjrued the case
with him for an hour or so vnthout get
ting any other respouse from him, un
til at last it occurred to one of the jury
men to ask him what he would consid
er as "wurf sumfin" in the way of dam
ares. . 'tWell," said the inteliisrent col
ored jrenlleman, "gib um sumlin wurl
sumfin. Gib um a dollah, enny how!"
He was finallypersuadedthat acent was
the regular form for such a verdict, but
he probably still hold3 to the conviction
that the 'damajres ought to have been
wurf sumfin.1 Philadelphia Bulletin.
Secret of Saccess ic. Preserving: tb
Contents of a Silo.
The silo is a device intended to ex
clude the air from green food fit for the
consumption of cattle as corn-stalks,
clover, rye or other forage crops. It is
a scientific advance upon- the ancient
method of preserving green food by cov
ering it with earth. The silo is a pit usu
ally constructed of masonry, the sides
and bottom of which must be water
proof, into which green fodder is packed
and pressed down with such necessary
covering and weights as to exclude the
air and thus prevent fermentation. The
pits are usually twenty feet in depth,
and v are most cheaply, constructed if
nearly square in form and so divided
bito compartments as to be readily cov
ered with grooved planking noon which
the superincumbent weight is placed.
This form of division is advantageous in"
allowing the use of desirable portions of
the ensSage without removing the pres
sure from the remainder. The pits
should be near the barns or sheds where
cattle are kept. If they can be located
against the slope of a hill it affords 61k
viou3 advantages in filling and after
wards weighting down the mess with
stones or some other form of pressure.
The whole secret of success in preserv
ing the contents of a silo is the thor-
rvncrri AvolnsirtTi tit t.h nir Thft f.rm-
stalk or other fodder is more readily
compressed if it is cut into short lengths
ready for feeding before it is put into the
silo, and the work of filling should be as
rapidly done as possible to prevent the
commencement of the heating or fer
menting process before the silo is filled.
The fodder from a properly con
structed silo is better for cattle when
taken out than when put in and more
readily digested. Another prime ad
vantage is in compact storage. In a silo
with an inside measurement of 40x16
feet and a depth of twenty feet, 250 tons
of fodder may he stored and kept in
good condition indefinitely.
Mr. VV llliam M. Kingerly, who has ex
perimented for the last four years on his
farms at Gwynedd, Pa,, in preserving
green fodder in silos, has a silo capacity
of 1,200 tons. He says that by the oper
ation of this method he is enabled to
easily keep one cow on the produce of.
one acre of ground. He fills his silos
mainly with cornstalks cut in three-quarter-inch
lengths. Aten-hOrse power
engine will cut 109 tons in a day.
The introduction of the silos is likely
to make a considerable change in agri
cultural methods. In England, where
owing to wet weather andT late frosts,
corn can not be brought to maturity,
corn is now sown for fodder and cut
when the plant is in tassel, yielding
thirty tons to the acre. The fodder is
preserved in silos, and the corn is out
of the way in time for a late crop of
turnips. The English farmers find
corn the best crop they can raise for
fodder. "V"-' " " ' - -
The use of ensilage has been . delayed
in this country by imperfect methods of
building the silos and by inattention to
the single requisite to success storage
of . the fodder in good condition and
thorough exclusion of the air. There
is no doubt that in those parts of the
country where cattle are raised and
kept over the winter silos must come!
into general use as a matter of farm
economy. BradstreeV s. -
The Struggle Between a Man and a Fero
cious Panther.
A Bombay shikaree narrates how he
once actually fell into the claws of
panther, and lived to tell the tale. After
describing the incidents of the hunt up
to the time when the beast broke cover,
he says: . ' .
"I had to wait until the panther was
within a few feet of me, and I then put
my rifle down to his head, expecting to
roll him over like a rabbit (as I had suc
ceeded in doing on other occasions),
and then place my second bullet pretty
much where I pleased. To my horror,
there was no report when the hammer
fell. The next moment the panther,
with an angry roar, sprang upon me
Hanging on with the claws of one fore
paw driven into my right shoulder and
the other round me, he tried to eet at
my head and neck, but I fortunately pre
vented this by raising my left arm,
which he instantly seized in his hu
mouth. I shall never forget his sharp,
angry roar, the wicked look of his green
ish yellow eyes within six inches of
mine, the turned-back ears, his fetid
breath upon my cheek, and the feeling
of his hure faners closing to the bone
through my arm above the elbow.
"I endeavored, by giving him my
knee in the stomach, to make bun let
pro. Those who have ever kicked a cat
can imagine what little effect this had,
It was more like using one's knee to t
football than -anything else. The pan
ther, with a roar, gave a tremendous
wrench to my arm, hurled me some five
paces down the side of the hill prone on
my face, bringing mv head in contact
with a tree. Stunned and insensible,
lay some seconds on - the ground, and
the brute, thinking me dead, fortunate-
ly aid not worry me, out, passing over
me, went for the retreating police con
stable who had brought me into the dif
ficulty. I remember, when I came to,
raising my head from the ground, lean
mg my head against the tree, and
smiling with a certain feeling of grim
satisfaction, when my eye caught the
retreating form of the constable and the
pursuing panther down the hill, and
thought the policeman's turn had come.
"Ihe civil surgeon of the station
probed the teeth-wounds in the arm, and
found that the one at the back of the
arm ran right to the bone " and was an
inch and a half deep. The two wounds
on the inner side, in or close to the bi
ceps, were one an inch and, a quarter,
and the other an inch deep, f The claw
wounds on the right shoulder were not
serious, and had fortunately just missed
the large artery near the collar-bone,
injury to which would have resulted in
my bleeding to death in a very few min
utes. Times of India.
For the first feeling of soreness in
the throat there is no better remedy or
safer gargle than a mouthful of strong
salt and water, repeated several tunes.
Vlucago Tribune.
American Manufacturer Far Ahead of
Their Rivals in Any Land.
'Few people," said, a large cracker
andrbiscuit manufacturer "know how
the various kinds of biscuits they so
often eat are manufactured, or the vast
amount of business that is done in this
"Has the business growi. lately ?'
"It has assumed during the past few
years immense proportions, and now we
are " able to compete with any country
in the world in this line."
"To what do you attribute this great
"Principally to machinery and the
care we have taken to place before the
market good and pure articles. -"A. few
years ago we used to' .import in large
quantities sweet biseuits from England,
they on that side being f in advance
of us ini their manufacture, but to-day
we export to .London, and, m fact, to
all parts of the world. The last biscuit
that, fnr ft. Inn rr rim w wS&ro vmoKlo tn
produce was the sugar wafer. We have
recently placed this article in the mar
ket, and a superior one to that produced
in the old country. Then, through our
machines, we are able to sell biscuits
that twelve years ago sold at twenty-
nve cents a pound for nfteen cents.
The reporter and manufacturer
ascended the stairs leading to the top
of the factory. The latter stated that
in this factory not any of the material
was touched by hand until the biscuit
was baked and readv for packing;
that six hundred barrels of flour alone
were used, and large quantities of such
materials as ginger, lard, sugar, cur
rants, etc.
"This," said the merchant,-on reach
ing the top floor, "is where we begin
operations, and from here until the bis
cuit is baked is one continual process.
With these machines we grind the vari
ous ingredients we use. This (pointing
to a large sieve) is for sifting the Hour,
and after that operation it is placed in
this shaft and shot down to the next
floor, where we will follow it. This
shaft was made simply of canvas, and
on the same principle as the shaft in the
grain elevators. The end of the shaft
came into a trough about fifteen feet
long, three wide and three deep. Here
the various ingredients used m the man
ufacture were mixed together, but.only
lightly, as it is placed in another trough
ofa similar size through which a large
piece of twisted steel is turned; this is a
mixer. After it is well mixed it is turned
into another shaft and lowered to the
next floor. " Here the first operation is
to press the dough under verv heaw
rollers, answering the same purpose as
the cook's rolling-pin. This is done a
great number of times until it is rolled
to about half an inch In thickness, when
it is passed into the last machine before
the oven."
"How fast does the stamping machine
workf ' . V:
"Une hundred and hv stamps a
minute, and we have a stamp that will
cut sixty-eight biscuits each stamp; that
makes 7,140 biscuits in one minute.
"How 'long are the biscuits in bak
"Stay, a moment. First look at the
ovens. We have done away with the
old-fashioned tiled ovens. These are
four-story high with walls three feet
thick. They took as much brick to
build as would build a large tenement
house. At each floor is a large wheel
just like a paddle-wheel, only the pad
dles are swung on swivels, and remain
in the same position all the time. One
shelf is filled with biscuits to bake and
then lotvered and the next one filled,
and so! we go on until the first one
comes round cooked. Then they are
pulled off into this chute and placed in
baskets. '
"What is the heat of the oven?"
"it vanes from four hundred to six
hundred degrees. The men are so well
informed that .they know if it is the
right hsat directly thev place their
hands in it. The biscuits take two min
utes and a half to bake. 1 he lires are
never put out."
"What is the next process?"
"The biscuits are sent up to the pack
ing-room, where they are placed in tin
boxes, sealed up, labeled, and ready
for export"
"How many different kinds do you
"Over three hundred, both sweet and
dry, from the navy bread to the sugar
wafers, a. Y. Mail and Express.
Some of the Things Essential To Produce
This Desirable Result.
N. W. asks for a recipe for a blood
purifier, and how to get rid of "black
heads" in the skin, also blotches, red
spots and yellow spots on the face.
The first thing to do to purify the blood
is not to put anything into the mouth
that will make the blood impure, such
as fried meats, rich gravies, pastries,
puddings and cake, but to eat only
plain, clean, nutritious, well-cooked
food at regular meals, and never be
tween meals, and not too much at any
time. Abundance of fruit in the diet is
essential to a clear complexion. There
should be plenty of exercise in the open
air. and plenty of pure air admitted to
the living room3 and especially to the
sleeping rooms.; ea ana couee wu
make some complexions dark and
opaque, or pallid and sallow. Hot wa
ter and milk never produce this effect.
Perfect cleanliness is essential to s
brilliant complexion. The skin must be
washed in cold S or warm water fre
quently and change of garments morn
ing and night rigidly made. A he clothes
worn during the day should be aired at
night, and those worn at night aired
during the day. In new milk,, in one
hundred drops three drops are cream,
Let this proportion of fat m the food be
ooservea, and eruptions oi me skiu win
be very slight, unless there is inherited
humor of some sort. As very rich food
will injure the complexion, so also wu
very poor food. When the blood be
comes impoverished for want of the ele
ments of nutrition in the food, the com
plexion will be bad, as one can easily
see in those who do not have enough to
eat. Late hours are bad for the cem-
)lexion. Plants grown in a cellar are
Reached, and people who turn night
into day are pallid and nerveless. Early
and full sleep is necessary to vigorous
health and its appearance m the face.
Ar. r. Tribune.
rhey Wax and Wane, in m Mysteriona
Manner, Independent of the Seasons. '
We once heard a Zermatt bride ex
press the opinion that glaciers have a
bedeutende Natur of their own; that
they wax and wane in some mysterious
manner, independent of the seasons, and
past finding out M. J, Nenetzy an en
gineer of Canton Vaud, was the first to
point out, in a work published in Zurich
in 1833, that glaciers are always either
waxing or waning; and his conclusions
have been confirmed by several subse
quent observers, notably by Prof. Forel,
of Merges, whose investigations extend
over a considerable period. ; The exact
observation of glacial phenomena, like
icience itself, Is quite modern; but we
have abundant evidence that for ages
past glaciers have s increased and
diminished with periodic regularity. It
is on record that toward the end of the
seventeenth century the Ipwer Grindel-
waid glacier invaded pastures and swept
away trees in the beautiful valley be
tween the Jungfrau and the Faulhorn.
Ihe glaciers of Mount Blanc and Monte
Rosa were also, during the same period,
pushing forward; for several peaks
easily crossed in the fifteenth century
had become impracticable in the eight
eenth. There exists, moreover, a map
of the neighborhood of the Grimsel,
drawn in 1740 by a doctor of Lucerne,
and when Agassiz, m 1845, compared
this map with "the glaciers of the
Aar, he found that they had ad
vanced a-full kilometer that is to
say, their lower extremities were that
much farther down the valley. Less than
iorty years ago the great Aletsch glacier,
which of late has so wofully waned,
was waxing in portentous fashion. It
uprooted trees and threw down houses
which had stood for generations. The
times when glaciers gain ground live
, r . 1 ... .
long m ine memories oi tne mountain
eers of the Alps; for tradition and
history tell of waxing glaciers which
push before them masses of snow so
vast as to overwhelm villages, destroy
human lives, and sweep away flocks and
herds. People are still living in Swit
eerland who retain a vivid recollection of
the terrible time, some sixty-five years
ago, when the swelling glaciers thrust
before them 6uch heaps of snow and
rubbish that meadows were devastated,
woods cut down, dwellings buried, and
their inmates smothered, and goat
herds starved to death in their huts.
Another like period was that between
lbOo and loll. In Canton Grams alone
hundreds of acres of forest and meadow
land were wasted by glaciers and ava
lanche. In August, 1585, the sudden
forward movement of a glacier de
stroyed a herd of cattle in the Vardi
Tuorz (Graubunden) , burying them so
deeply that their bodies were never seen
again. Un December 27, 1819, the vil
lage of Randa, in the Valais, was de
stroyed by a Gletcher-lawme (glacier
avalanche. Almost every building the
village contained was either over
whelmed and crushed or lifted bodilv
upward and thrown on one side. Mill
stones went spinning through the air like
cannon balls; balks of timber were shot
into a wood a mile above the village;
the dead bodies of nine were found hun
dreds of yards from their pastures; and
the church spire was sent flying into
distant meadow, like an arrow from
bow. In 1855 began that long retro
grade movement which seems only now
to be approaching its term. Twenty-
five years ago the two great Chamounix
glaciers appeared to be in a fair way
for reaching the chalets that stand near
the terminal' moraine; and then they
stopped and have gone back ever since,
The shrinkage, though neither simul
taneous nor equal, has been general and
remarkable, and produces a decided and
not altogether desirable change to the
aspect of many Alpine valleys. The
beautiful little Kosenlaue glacier, which
twenty years ago gleamed among the
dark pine woods and green pastures of
the Reichenbach valley, has utterly dis-
J 1 ! 1- Vl J ' 1
appeareu, leaving uemnu. it an unsignc
ly moraine of rocky fragments. In 1857
the Rhone glacier peached as far as the
bridge near the Gletch Hotel; now it is
close unon a mile awav. and wanes vear
by year. The Swiss Alpine Club, among
its other good works, causes to be built
every summer in front of the glacier
little mound of stones painted black.
These mark the glacier's backward
progress, and show that from 1834 to
1883 it shrank at- the rate of from
twenty to seventy meters a year. But
a retrograde movement of the previous
tenv-ears was mucn greater, and we
may even now be on the eve of a move
ment in advance. Venetz attributed the
alterations which he was the first to
make known, if not to discover, to va
riations in temperature; and albeit the
climate of Jburope has not changed m
historic times, and the world's rainfall
is always the same, here are dry years
and wet years, and it was thought that
after a rainy winter glaciers waved, and
that after a droughty one they waned.
But, as Prof. Forel has lately shown,
this theory does not accord with facts.
Ihe Gnndelwald rjarrbuch contains
record of the movements of the glacier
ior . tuxeo centuries, anu uus recora
clearly proves that glaciers advance and
retreat over periods which are measured
by decades. A glacier wanes or waxes
continuously for ten, fifteen or often
forty years; for equally long periods it
may remain stationary, but it never
goes forward one year and back the
next, lhus between 1540 and 157o the
Grindelwald glacier receded; from 1575
to 1602 it" advanced; from 1602 to 1620
it remained stationary; 1703 marked
maximum of advance, 1720 a maximum
of retreat; the next twenty-three years
was a period of growth the following
forty years of retrogression, irom 177b
to 1788 the movement was reversed. In
1819 another period of progression set
in, the same in 1840, and the present
evcloof waning began in 1855. London
Even Boston children are compelled
to endure the criticism handed down
from their ancestors of the first and sec
ond generations. ; " Boston children
seem cold and unnatural,", says Mrs.
lorn J numb; "in .New xork they are
only clever, bat in quiet Philadelphia
they are just what they should be.;'
Ohio has more colleges than any
other State in the Union. Cleveland
Leader. . r
One of the Few Happy Mortals Who Is Al
ways Well Satisfied with Himself.
What is a real dude?
Dude is a very much abused word. It
s a word that has a real meaning and
stands for a real thing. But nine-tenths
of the time it fa applied, it is not used
correctly. Some seem to have an idea
that most any one may be a dude if he
tries, but this is not the case. There is
a great deal more in a dude than clothes
The real dude is something natural. He
is a sort of a freak of nature. The way
he dresses is only one of lus peculiari
ties. Those who are most often called
dudes onlv dress like dudes. The real
Irve dude is not near so plenty as might
be imagined A good sized town gen
erally has no more than three or four of
these curiosities, it is only now and
then that you see a real dude while
walking along the crowded streets? of a
city, but when you do : see one, you
know he is one at a glance, , if you know
what a dude is or have ever seen one
before. There is something about him
that can't be mistaken." He has the
form and bodily appearance of a man,
and though his clothes may be a little
noticeable as being in the extreme of
style, it is hi3 face that gives him away
more than anything else. There is
something about it so remarkably va
cant and expressionless. Something
almost child-like; or rather more like
an idiot, tie is usually a frail, deljcate
looking creature. One wonders as he
sees him how he manages to live through
the heat of summer and the frosts of
winter. Yet he survives the hardships
of life much better than his appearance
would indicate. This is probably be
cause he takes such good care of him
self. He never takes part in the sports
of other young men. They are alto
gether too violent and rude for him,
and then they are nothing but dull, tire
some amusements anyway. Dancing is
as far as he ever goes in the way of ; ex
erting himself, and then he always
clings close to his girl. !
remaps another reason why the
dude, so frail and delicate, lasts so well
is his remarkable freedom from "all
mental disturbances; you will notice he
always takes things very cool and al
ways appears perfectly composed. This,
however, is not the composure and self
possession that comes from strength of
mind. It is the natural result of a lack
of mind. The poor thing has so little
brains that he is incapable of being im
pressed by those things which affect
ordinary mortals. His mind is never
agitated or troubled, because he ; ha
none Hence the dude sleeps well, and
is often less affected by the hard things
of life than many who possess greater
physical endurance. .
Although the dude thinks only oi the
girls as far as he is capable of think
ingand seldom associates with any
one else, there are few girls who think
anything of him, artless it happens to
be one ftist like himself, ilioering' only
in sex. The reason he is tolerated at
all by the girls is because he come
handy. He is very attentive, and is al
ways on hand when wanted. The girls
know he is a fool, and despise him all
the time they arc enjoying ; his favors
and services. :
The dude walks along the street in an
abstracted, self-important manner. He
seems to take little notice of any one or
anything going on about him. He ap
pears to think he is to be looked at not
to look. Although every sensible per
son thinks he looks more like an idiot
than anything else, he is, apparently,
exceedingly well satisfied with himself,
an thinks himself an object of admira-
tion wherever he goes. Hie
Ia It Likely That Our Koadways Will Evei
Be Built of Metal ?
The co-efficient of friction in the caso
of a cart or wagon on a very good roadJ
indeed is about one-thirtieth of the load
that is to say about seventy-four
pounds to the ton; and the co-elficient
of friction in the case of a railroad car
is about l-280th of the load that is to
say about eight pounds per ton. From
which figures it is apparent that the
advantages in traction on , the smooth
surface of an iron rail over those of the
very best road that can possibly be con
structed stand to one another as seven
ty-four to eight
, So far from the roads in the most of
the.American cities being the very best
that can possibly be constructed they
are notoriously bad and very rough in
surface. And as the American w-heel,
with its lightness in structure and thin
ness of tire, is destructive of the best
roadways " that can be constructed in
the ordinary way, the probabilities are
that a lower co-efhcient of faction than
something very considerably above sev
enty-four pounds to the ton will never
be reached on our roads and highways.
Under these c:rcumstances it must
have often suggested itself to many the
feasibility of assimilating the case of the
ordinary carts and carriages on the
streets to that of the tramway cars. In
the c-se of these latter friction is re
duced to its lowest possible limit;" but
it is done-at the expense of cutting up
the streets terribly and injuring them
irreatlv fcr ordinary traffic.
Although it would be out of the ques
tion to lay down lines of rail? in the
streets on which all carts nd carnages
could travel; yet there is one wav out
of the difficulty which must have often
occurred to the minds of many as pos
sible, namely, by constructing a road
way of one single rail, or, in other
words, constructing it entirely of iron,
We are not aware that this has ever
been tried anywhere in a satisfactory
manner, although we have an impres
sion that cast-iron was at one time.
tried in a certain way in St Louis. No
doubt there wtftald be some objections
to it; but still wo can not think of any,
at the moment .which could not be
equally urged against many of the ap
proved road-making materials ordmari
Iy in use. Iron would be hard indeed
for the hoofs of horses; but then noth
ing could be harder than granite, which
is so much preferred.
. Anything that would reduce the fric
tion on our roads from about eighty, as
n is .it present, to e'gnt rounm per ten
ouia certainly do worth a trial, even
i it entailed such a revolution as, the
s'riig.up at our doorway of a veritable'ibabn, or Chemin de Fer, or Via
TerrL Midland Industrial Qazette,
A century-old . school-house was
razed at Hartford, Conn., the other day.
The Kentucky Methodist Conference
reports a loss of 873 members during -
the past year. .
The Superintendent of Public In
struction for Dakota reports fifty thou
sand children enrolled La the schools
last summer.
No other book of the Bible is so
much in demand in India as that of
Proverbs. Its epigramatic wisdom is
highly appreciated by tho Hindoos.
The study of historical and political
science 13 growing in favor among the
universities. At Harvard and John
Hopkins more attention ; is paid these
branches than ever before. N. Y. In
dependent. . A student of the University of
Georgia was given t'lis simple sum: 11
the third f -atftree ivhat would the
fourth of twenty fcbe? This . bright
student after figuring for half an hour,
gave it up. .
The old Christ Church, Boston,
Episcopal, well-known as the North
Church in which the lantern was hung
as a signal to Paul Revere in revolution
ary times, was reopened for worship re
cently. Boston Journal. .-;
It is very important for the preach
er to be iateresting. but it is more im-
f ortant for him to be true to the gospeL
t is a fatal mistake to aim at being in-
as though that were the su
preme end of the gospel ministry. Aim
to save souls. Indianapolis Journal.
At the annual session of the South
ern New York Baptist Association, held
recently at Emanuel Church, the read
ing of the letters from the vanou3
churches showed a general state of pros
perity,-and revealed the gratifying fact
that in nearly all the churches there had
been a deep spiritual interest and an in
crease of membership. N. Y. Times.
There are now in the United States,
exclusively for colored students, 56 nor
mal .schools, with 8,509 students; 43
academies, with 6,633 students; 18 col-.
eges with 2,298; 24 theological schools
with 665; four law schools with 53; and
three medical schools, with 125. It is
evident that much greater facilities for
ne higher education of this race need
to be provided.; N. Y. Examiner.
Sir Lyon Playfair has collected sta
tistics, based upon the death rate, to
show that the health of children has im
proved thirty-three per cent, under the
operation of the compulsory education
act in Great Britain. It would be
interesting to determine whether . this
mproved condition 13 due to the com
fortable housing of the children during
a large portion of the day, or the m
vigoration afforded by enforced mental
activity. vurrent. .
The old South (TJnitarian,l Church
in Poitsmouth, N. H. has had but eight
pastors In 169 years, including the Key..
Alfred Gooding, who was installed over
it the 15th ult- The others- were John
Emerson, who officiated from 1715 till
his death in 1782; William ShurtleiF,
from 1732 till his death in 1747: Job
Strong, from 1749 till his death in 1751;
Samuel Haven, from 1753 till his death
his death in 1833; Andrew Preston
Peabody, from 1833 till bis resignation
in 1850; and James DeNormandie, from
1862 till his resignation in 1883. Boston
Post. '
With Patti the making of $5,000 is
a mere song. iv. . x. Mail ana Express.
Base-ball olavers ; wear out a cood
many diamonds in the course of a year.
Lowell Citizen. : V
Some one asks how the great men
of this country began life. We are un
der the impression that they generally
began We as infants. N. Y. Tribune.
The latest Georgia man hanged by
a mob was seventy-four years old.
There is now and then a locality in
which a murderer is not allowed to die
of old age. Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Ah, Bings, where are you going
for the winter?" "O, I shall take a
run over to Italy and do Mt Vesuvius."
"I see going to a foreign climb."
Rochester Post-Express. :
Robert Bonner ought to look out that
Maud S. doesn't elope with her groom.
That sort of thing is becoming alarm
ingly common with those of her sex.
Lowell Citizen, j .,-
Pearl-rimmed eye-glasses of violet
color are now used extensively by fash
ionables of. both sexes in New York. The
originator was a Vassar school girl.
iv. i. nun. - ',
The most depressing news we have
had for a long time is the report that
Asiatic cholera and Oscar Wilde will
reach America next year. Strict quar
antine regulations against Oscar should
be enforced. Norristown Herald.
Would you like this bound in Tur
key?'? asked a gentlemanly book agent
of his rural customer for "Scatcher's
Universal History of, the World." "O,
no," was the reply, "no use sending on
ic ciear ouc mere; Dina it in rew xorK.
Boston Commercial Bulletin.
Lankson, who looks older than he is
By the way Plampton, - there's about
a year's difference in : our ages, isn't
there? "Plumpton "who looks younger
than he is A year! Why, when I was a
little boy and you used to pass our house
I remember my father saying: "There
goes old Lankson' Life.
A Joke that Kicked "I played a
good joke on my wife last night, said
Tweezers, who isn't kept out of jail on
account oc nis Dngntness. -wnacwas
it?" "I had our colored coachman
stand in the dark .hall and kiss ber so
she'd think it was me." r "What ; did
she do?" "Nothing. She only came
into the parlor where I was sitting
and said: Why, Tweezers, I didn't
know you had got home.' "Chicago
News. ' r.w!i;;.
4I say, young man,," said a physi
cian, stopping him on tho street "you
are not well, lour face is Bushed and
you are in a high fever. Let me feel
your pulse." "I I'm aUright"protested
the jouth. "No, you are not said the
physician, positively. 5 "Your pulse is
over 100, and in less than two minutes
you will be in a cold sweat You take
my advice and go home." "I I can't
fo home. I am resolved to ask old
ones for his daughter's hand to-night
or periau iiLEserauiy m tup - autiuyu.
rong diagnosis," muttered the doc-
tor to blms
mn3elf.--Texas Sifttngs,