Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, January 24, 1885, Image 3

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i i n . ,, .
City Laws. Mqissrs Lane and Lano bave
beeu employed by thu City Trustees to revise
anil codify the laws of the city. This is a
much needed work and when ceinpletcd will
he quite beneficial.
Camrto as Esd. The Ail Star Troupe
we learn ceased to twinkle ?.t Albany thi8
week.: .Their play waatbe "AJiihty Dollar"
yet the "Stars" all went into au eclips'-,
cause . of b furatioti, opacity of tho
Almighty Dollar. , -
QrAETERLY MEETixo. Iiev. E. G. Mic
had Presiding1 Elder of the Oregon Li c'
M. E. Church, South, will hold the seoal
Quarterly Meeting for the Rosebar; Circuit
iu our Church ia Rosebur thn 31st. of jan-ua'-y
au l the 1st. of February, All arecoi
dia ly invited to attend. B. T. Shakt P. C
IsceTiariEj. The Flook & Noble grist
iriill came near being destroyed by Ore last
Mtturday night The work ot an incendi
ary without doubt for shaving and dry
kindling ood was piled arotiud the post,
aa l oil poured on, and fire .et to it, but was
discovered by some of Mr Flook's family iu
time, to sare it by hard work. What are
w e c-uning f , . - :
Rev. J. E. Day of Wilbur visited
our City this week.
; Mt. Scott Items came too late for
publication th is week.
John Rast, ha3 just finished a sub
stantial fence around his premises.
Sol. Abrahams Esq. is in "Salem this
weak in attendance on the legislature.
Mitchell stock Beems to bo going
above -par in the Senatorial contest.
Wm. Uallahan of Ten Mile was in
t vu this week, and reports crops
loikin , well,
lion. A. A. Porter, of Josephine
member of the Legislature!
A Kew Namk. About the oo'y reason
we can offer, for changing the name of this
paper is our personal taste iu the appearance
of the, paper, ami also, we desire to settle
i:p all old accounts to" January 1st. 1833,
and th-n move into the future untrammelled.
Hoping all old subscribers will coutinu-s
with us and everybody else will now 'sub
scribe for the Review, we remain Youra
truly. . ' .
Oueoos LsotSLATUas:. Our So'.ons it
fi....,ij ,.... j V.,.,
lilt: oiate vhtioi guju uauiiu
and introducing uew bills. But few bills
thus far have passed, 1 and not many will
b v until the great question is settled, the
tied ion of United States Senator. And we
cannot tell you now exactly, who he will b-.
One thing is apparent that if a certain man
ly any possii 1j combination should bo
elected, tbo Oreoniau and its coadjutors,
would drape themselves in mourning for the
next thirty. days.- It is , net our say but
hope some good uuu who will 'abor for the
whole people- wi 1 be stlec eJ .
Pied In Roseburj?, an the residence of
Mr. Hotchkirfs January 19th. at 1 oc'ock A.
M. II. If." Baxter aged about S3 years. He
was bom in Hliuoia. Deceasd was a stran
ger iu Rusebirg having coma here at the re
quest of hia fricutl Mr. Coiirtnay. with the
hope of regaining his health but alasj Death
had marked him for his prey, and ob hough
ia the prime of life he had to yeild. He said
he would like tu live but Was not afraid to
die. Mr. Baxter, though a stranger, re
ce'ved all the attention, which kind hands
could bestow. Rer,U'U3 services were held
lit the tesldeuce, and at the grave by the
writer of these lines, after which wa left his
body to s!cep tiil God hall bid it rise, hi: y
(J.xl'j graou C Jinbn t his - aged, utiitherwbea.
thiTsa.l iutl:ivnee reaches her.
B. T. Sharp
v TiUiI)iNG Business IIoTjes. Roaeburg is
to. t a congratulated on its many tine and
exteasive business houses. That it is a
pro p;rons and growing city can but be
recognized from the fact that ii has sprung
up from the ordeal of the August fire into
mora beauty than ever. Am-'iig the new
buildings that Have been erected nne are
more worthy of pr.dse than the brick row
built, by Dr. Hamilton. Wo are pleased to
note that Mr. J. Jafckulek has peenrtd one
tf these and opened a Jewelry Emporium,
litre can he found in great piofusion
WaU.-l.oj, Clocks, Je tlry, Fine Pobble
Spectacles, ?ictuns, MumciiI Instruments
and Notions. Iu fast no bouse south of
Portland cani;a Bo choice and .select a stock
as Mrj ; Jasbulek or fctlls so cheaply. Ilia
two tine show windows are filled with novel
attractions and at once attract the eye of the
passer by. Theie is no nse of sending below
fr anjthins$ in his line as his stock is large,
couple: e and select. Drop in and inspect
hU goods. -He a'so keeps a full line of
Cifc-a.-M and choice smokers articles and is
boual to please.
" . i ' " LOCAL ITiI5. .
.- -' . . v
Johnnie Brandt hxa been paying Ri3e
banj a vUit this week.
Rev. Doaatd R ss Presbyterian Divine,
called this wctk, on bin way South. ,
ima Oar Esq. f our City has gne to
P.ieonix Jaci.3MU County to be gone about a
wee. ..
Sheridan pros, have placed their new
iU ar pro f saf in their oi3oe. It is quite
an ornament, , -: ;
31- W.liiivtski of the well- known cigar is ia town, din a good business in
thrt faaious Kicker cigars. '
We ara please l"to note that the eaae3 of
DijithcrU fn South Deer Creek ara improv
ing and hope the spread of the disease h.ts
bi;en checked
James ShellioM's team ran away last
Wednesday- over the Deer Creek bridge aud
broke the wagon up considerably. No- one
hurt however. .
was iu our city over Sunday.
Congress will doubtless be mem
orialized bv the Legislature to forfeit
all land grants to tho O. & C. B. P.,
south of Ilcseburg, on the ground of
non-compliance with the la,w.
James Laird, the stage man, the in
lefatigabl?, irrepressible coast mail car-.
ner, toos tins wait on tiij9 Hurricane
deck of his mule and wended his way to
C004 Bay last Monday morning. 1
The resignation "of Gov. Cleveland
recalls that in 1817 Gov. Torakins, of
New York State, resigned to becopse
Viuo President of the ; United States,
and in 1829 Gov. Martin Van Buren
res'gned to enter Jackson's cabinet as
Secretary i State. At latest nccou.its
Mr. J. G Biaine, of Maine, was not so
much resigned us some other people arr.
The Mortgage Tax L:iw ranst be not
repealed but so amended as to stand the
test in any couit. It is time for peo
ple to learn the do;tiincs of economy
and the hard time? for . the past two
years have impressed this fact upon
our people. Let all property stand its
duo burdens of taxation and all will bo
well. Our farmers are beginning to
piilS through alright, and we already see
the dawn of blighter time3. In the
mean tima let us practice economy and
retrenchment and the severe. lessons of
tho phts will not have been in vain.
In 1734 a theatrical card contained
this decree. We "heieby commend
for the eom'foi t of the public, that per
sons oceupvina the first row of seats
have tp lie down, the second to kneel,
thes third to tit the fourth to stand.''
Moie advice said: '"The public are for
bidden to laugh, because the plav is a
tragedy." The "Times Mercury" espies
the above and adds: "Now-a-days one
woman-may wear a hat big enough to
conceal tlm whole stage from
directly belaud' hr, and no manigor
interferes. AVe have changed too
The Piaindeah-r hrt3 this to say of us:
"The Douglas Independent, has once
aixainc!'iaugtd hands, Bev. J. R. N.
Bdl being the fortunate purchaser this
tim. Tbe consideration is said to be
about $1200. S. F. Floed, one of the
best -newspaper men in Oregon, h: s
b3n -engaged to manage the busings
and he will 110 d mbt make a p;ood pap r
out of it. We learn the name is 10 I e
changed to-th4-Rviex. Here's our
f.J and ws wi.di the now proprietor
success." And row we return the com
pliment, hoping that our relations may
always be mutually pleasant Here is
our T ,vour prosperity ai.d happiness.
'Sir.' 'Cleveland's letter to George
William Curtis President of the IN a-
tional Civil Service .Reform shows
p'aiuly that he, Mr. Cleveland, means
a thorough, ptraight forwaid Demo
crat;e Administration, and means to
bold the Democratic party pei-sonally
responsible for the. transactions of the
n-xt. four years.: Sir. Cleveland goes
' into olhce without commitment,' no
reat swarm of ofdee seekers to be
satiate T, ami thus untrammelled. He
will no doubt giv us a good govnn
inent. Slost as-surdly that ktter has
the right riufj', and no doubt will 1 ave
the desired effect upon the oommunity
' Is it spring time, gentle Annie?
Garney Bros, display a fine "ad" in this
Rev. John Howard is building another
house to reut.
Debris is being removed from thw old Met
ropolitan block...
Lane & Lano have ornamented their office
with a Rail safe, for valuable papers we pre
J .Jaskulek received this week his fine
new Hall safe, made especially for jeweller '
use. It is ornamented with scenery from
the 'olutnbia river and is a thing of beauty.
The O. & C. R. K. has gone into the bauds
of a receiver, on account of unpaid interest
due January 1st. 1S85, Mr. Koehler has
been appointed receiv r by Judge Deady
It is true, Hon. James V. Uannlton was
married to Miss Ostrander, formerly of Cots
County Oregn, at the Dalles last Saturday.
He will be ai hosatnrg with his bride soon.
I have appointed J. IX. N. Hell Esq. Club
Manager for" the '-Mutual Self Endowment
and Benevolent Association at Koseburg,
aud air members can pay their dues and
assessment to him. He will receipt for the
same. JJ. Ii. B.ooks. Gcueral Asent for
B. F. Mathews is the leading blacksmith
of this section and has his shop opposite
Carlou's stavde. All his work is of the very
best quality and our farmers and others
should g ve him a call ard sevure satisfaction.
Uood work, promptly done and low prices
are his "motto. '
.Especial attention is called-to the fact
that J. F. Barker is constantly receiving the
largest assortment of Staple and Fancy
Gorcerif-s ever brought to this place. Ho
makes a specialty in the quality of his Teas,
which are superior to any in the market.
Also in tha variety of hia stack as he is
bound that pr.rties can secure anything and
everything in his line He is constant!
adding new ornches to his business and ly
strict attention to business and low prices
hopes to merit and receive the patronage of
How He Got a Position-
"I applied for a position in a bank
ing house in Wall street six months
ago, and although I proved my 'com
petency, they would not take me. I
had been down ou my luck and looked
old and shabby. An idea struck me,
I ot up a new growth of hair with
Parker,s Hair Balsam, raised a decent
suit of clothe?, applied ngain, and they
took me in a minute." So writes a
clerk with 82,000 salary. Tne moral
is.'ain. Parker's Hair Balsam irives
a person a new fce
All persons knowing themselves indtbted
to the late firm of E- J. Page aud Pat;e &
Venable. will do well to come foward at otue
and pay off thoir notes and accounts. Those
fai inu to comply with this uotine, will fiud
their accounts and notes iu the bunds of an
Attorney for collection, -
Oak laud Ok. Jan 22d. ISSc.
Thanks to Signal ' Oiijjer Nannery
for statement ot rainfall: Ii 1333.
22.48 inces 1884, 2S.80 for season be
gining Sp. 20th 1884 to this date the
rainfall has Wen 14.65. Probabilities
presets that we have our dose for
this season. .
Here we are. - -
Subscribe how.
: What do you think of us.
Read our pew advertisements.
Send us your neighborhood news.
Wonderfully Spring like weather.
Roseburg will celebrate in fine style
SIarch4th. .
Don't forget the Masquerade Ball
February 4th.
Creed Floed and wife returned to
Portland, Saturday,
When, oh when, will the Court
house fence be built?
District No. 17 is to build a sohool
house. Contractors read "ad."
Rev. Father Heinrich left, on his
regular parochial visit to the coast on
The Senatorial election draws near,
and everything indicates the calm be.
fore the s or m.
We understand that the Oakland
election case will be appealed to the
Supreme Court. . -
" Joseph Jacques died at Gale3ville
ast Satin day and was bteietl at Can
yonville, Sunday,
We call-especial? attention to Dr.
Secord's caul and can highly recom
mend hh Remedy.
Jos. Burgman, a prominent citizen
of Portland since 1858 paid Roseburg
hi? first, visit last week. -
Roseburg can boast of being the best
lighted city in the State. A few more
lamps, however ure needed.
The "third house" of the Legislature
is not so large or active es formerly.
lien. Owens is Giaud Slogul.
We are chuck full of good advice to
the Legislature this week. If our So
Jons don't do right, you can't blame us.
Our old time friend F. Hill Esq of
Wilbur was m Roseburg a few days
since, and called at the' Review office.
Call again Brother Hill. ,
A movement is on foot to cut a slice
off of Jackson county ' aud add the
same to Josephine, making Grants
Pass the county seat of the latter.
The Oregon exhibit at New Orleans
is attracting much attention and praise.
It will doubtless bo the'means of indu
cing much immigration' to this State.
Cattle and horses came through the
great snow storm in Eastern Oregon
and Washington, ith but little loss,
and the sheep fared better than was
The people in and abouc Canyon rille
have been much afflicted of late with
Diptheiia. About forty persons have
been attacked, but in only four cases
so far has it proved fatal. Dr. B. A.
Cathay, we learn, is having good suc
cess. :
Success to the Review. ,'
I ' :
Weather beautiful for the last few
Grass and grain growing beautifully
or this ssasou.
U.npqua valley is the Eden of Oregon
no snow-but little frost-just rain
enough-plenty of grass and fat sheep
and cattle. -
A jDramatic .Club has leon organized
ln our town in the last few days. The
uoysnd-girls will giv(? 113 good enter
tainments -food for a erood hearty
... 1 t . W r
augh. - i
We are glad to larn that Hon. J. C.
Hutchinson has been successful in float
ing his logs down the Umpqua to Gar
dner. We understand he has had an
usually good catch and we trust Jims
nnancial reward .vi'.l bo in proportion
fc his untiring efforts in this uncertain
G. B. Winniford has been quite ill
for a week past, but at this writing we
pre glad to say lie is rapidly improving
George is of tha staple kind and we
will rejoice to see him again in perfect
health. . -. "
. Mrs. Persian (formaly Miss Gossett)
who has been on an extended visit to
friends and relations in and about Oak
land left for her beautiful home in
East Portland this week. Come again
Mrs. Pei'oian, W3 will all bo glad to
see vou. . -.
Clias. Hall and J. R. Dodge av that
Mr. W. B. Hawwitte is quite a genius
in his trntle, and that he is rapidly improving.-.
Willie is a good boy. And
we are glad to bearsuci commendation.
Rev. ilr. Richardson is at this time
conducting a protracted maeeting in
our midsr. Hi congregations are large
and attentive, and we have no doubt
but his earaeit elfjrfci will result in
much good.
V H t' i - J I m
j .'AT "
would respectfully inform the public th fc
has ou baud a fine assortment of
Tne Housewife's Favorite.
We will send free . for one entire
year, to "every lady who sends us at
once the names of ten married ladies,
at same address, and 12 two-cent stamps
for postage, our handsome, entertaining J JjfTm ' jDJpT T j AITI
ana instructive oournai, uuicu
Fashions, Jb'ancy Work, Decorating,.
Cooking and Household matters.
Regular price, 1.00. Send to-day,
and secnte next numhar. Addres, DO- Wry U 00.(13, groceries,
Uea-7ia(Le tiotii;n?,
1 . . -
CATAR&II CUBED, health and sweet
breath secured bv Shiiob'a Catarrh Uemedy. "d in fact .everything usually kept at a fir
. ., . v . t : . I c.ass store, "tiive him a call.
xnce of fen -a. xaaaivxnji--i;iin iitu.-
For lame Back. Side or Chest use Shiloh's GOOd.S U fc : ZCV7 2?IiCG3
Porous Plaster. Price 25 ceuls.
All kinds of Produce
Taken n Exchange f o r Gf o o As
tsiAli or.lors promptly attiaUfc.
Rer. J. R. N. Brli has purchased
the". Douglas , Independent, - and will
change the name to the Rosebitrj Re
view. He informs us tl;at the pur
chase was made solely for the beuetit
of his children who were anxious tc en
ter that 'msiuess aud we hope it will
not interfere with his ministerial labors
in any -way. If Bro. Bell is as suc
cessful on the tripod as on the rostrum,
the success of the Review is assured.
West Side.
at large.
The In lependent comes in on th. e
now, and we are happy.
Our protracted meeting was a great
success. Over Seventy converts.
.' Fall rain looks well, and otock cf
Fresh candies every day at the City
. Go to the City Bakery for bread and
pies, cakes, etc.
Nuts of all kinds at the City Bakery.
SHiLOIPS COUGH and Consumption
Cure if sold by us on a guirantee. It cures
KriiLUtrs C-ViAia;;i hk.mwui a
positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, and
Canker Mouth.
SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what yon med
or Coustipatiou, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness
and all symptons of Dyspepsia. Price 10
and 75 cents per bottle.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable
by that terrible conh. Shiloh's Cure is the
Remedy for you.
B. II. Brooks, Esq., of Polk county
is in town in the interest of the Mutual
Self Endowment Associatn and he is
meeting with suceesp. We bespeak
for hint a good I'at cf names, for the
Association commends itself ti, every
one who gives it proper attention.
Rev. Mr. Driver, last Saturday and
Sundav, ureached four as able sermons
aa any we have heard for a long time.
On some lines of thought, we doubt if
he has his peer on the coast. Congre
gations weie large and on Sar.dayeve
ning, standing room was at a premium.
From Noah Ccrnutt we learn that
the Cow creek valley is flourishing.
All the grain swn is looking wU-
and farmers are still sowing and hope
ful. Mr. Co'ruutthas90 head of hogs
to sell and the question with him is
whether to ship or kill them and we
cannot inform him. t
We would adv'Rs iill our reulers
who ihmk of making a Vegetable cr
Flower Garden this spring to send to
D, M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich
and gfb their valuable and beautiful
Seed Annua). This house is entirely
11 -i '--' ' ' '
reliable, and if you wish to gdt exactly
' Wideawake Druggists- ,
Dr. S. Hamilton is always alive to
his business, and spares no pains to se
cure the best of every article in his
fine. He has secured the agency for
the celebrated Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. The only
certain cure known for Consumption,
Colds, lioarsness, Asthma, Hay Fever,
Bronchi tas, or any affection of the
Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive
guarantee. Trial Bottles free,
ular size $1.00.
W. I. Fried lander Esq. returned to
Roscbnrg Thursday, accompanied by
Miss Amelia Marks.
physician & suaoEon
Grocery & Provision Stora
' (Adjoining the Bank.)
Wt keep constantly on hand a iare and varied
Stoc!s ot family Gmcerlna. Give us a call.
IIACKM ETACK, a lasting and fragrant
perfume. , Price 23 and 50 cents.
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure.
SHILOH'S CUilE will - immediately re
lievo Croup, Whooping conah and Bronchiti-
A NASAL INJECTOll free with each bot.
tie ef Shiloh's Catarrh 22emedy. Prie 50
cents. ' -
WHY-WILL YOU cough when ?hiloh'
Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10
cts. 50 cts. and $1.
Office On Oak street, one dogr west of th
Central Hotel,
Transact a Ceneral Banking TJusinen. Si'ht
Drafts drawn on Portland. Sati Kranciafo, Ncvr Yorlt
and other points. BilU of Exoliati on th principal
cities of Europe. : Deposits received subject to check.
THAT HACKING COUGH can be so 1 what you order you cannot do better
nil kinds, ditto.
: We bave Jeen rushed this week ss muchl Cayoles ar disturbing raanv lanibs,
' ia makinj: vhanges in old, and setting m.w ; au,j Cs pt. G. W Shorts imported
adr, and uot ha f done yet, that for' a 1 im- j Coyol(1 llo,r!1 if nct ct.p closely, will ba
perfections we must bi excused. ! 0
. destroyed also.
Au old resident from Oak Criek Mr. Et e'. i . . . ..
As was noticed in the' las issue, tue
Barker tays that the winter ia his section
has been abnost iupreceibmted for mildness
The stork, looks well, and grass is tine-
Douglai lnilei endi.t has passed into
oblivion. The lwper hereafter to wave
The Union services are continuing at the tritm)phahtlyas tlie Rosebnrj; Review,
M. E. Church this week with .d conre- ; w ',;,., r Wl, fpni ,nth to oart with tl os
gition iu attendance, aul oniil rab'e intvr
cat mauifsted upon the subject of rr-.liion
Perhaps there is no llock of ground in all !
ho bae d;st hargeli their duties in the
pant, we cannot but congratul ite o r
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure.
an tee it. -
We -guar-
Syrap oi Tigs
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas-
ant to the Palate, acceptable lo the
Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain
less in its action. Cures habitual (Jon-
th in intrust you" orders to them.
A. G.Williams Esq. of Scio Linn
Co. Oregon wrs in town a few days
this weefc. lie is travlling through the
country to see how he likes it. He
has just returned from Jackson counly
and other places Month, and expresses
Mrs. and Miss Martin of Harrisburg
are at present time in Oakland vis-
o o"
lenderson. Airs. Mai tin in search of
health, and Miss Martin in search of
leasure, both of which can bo found in
our beautifully and healthfully located
Louis Kruso is now in charge of
Wells, Fargo & Co'a office in this place.
e are glad to see Louiein thia positior ,
and will contribute urmite to make
his oliicial pathway smooth.
It is now probable that the Rev. Earl
T, Lockard who expected to ' leave our
town the first of this vear will remain
with u, We trust thi3 may be true.
Mr. Lockaid has been f.i hful and suc
cessful worker since his sojourn with
15. The Sabbath School has never en
oyed such prosperity as it ha dou3 tra
der his wise supervision.
Our friend Cash Gad lis says tho city
authorities are decidedly and p jiitively
inefficient, falling far short of their du
ties, lie says the roads to Old Town
are now ahncst bottomless and the pick
ets around Uncle Calving field resisting!
ami that thv city Council must without
farther delay co-isti uct a plunk walk to
the said old Town or suffer the severest
penalties prescribed by aw,
We had the pleasure by special invi
tation of attending the exercise of the
Literary Society of the Oak land Acade
my on lust Friday night and must say
that all were pie ised beyond measure
The ' Orations, Declarations, Recita
tions and Dialogu;s were rendered in
such a way as to reflect much to the
credit of the teachers, Prof. Russell and
Miss Parott. The oration by llebei
Tower was excellent indeed, Bhowing
much diligent study and research. If
this young man will be patient and stu
dious he will in the near future occu
py an important position among tne
Literati of the land. The recitations
by Miso Lillie Barnard was rendered
in the most forcible manner of any
thin" of the kind wo have ever hoard
since our residence in Oakland. . This
voting lady has talent and should be
industrious in its cultivation.
O23 Ef.YER.,
the bfv. GEO. n rwAvrcn.'ftf p.mir.
bon, In'd., says; "Both myself and wife PEOPLE GOIXG TO PcHTLAXD
owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP
VV regular incetmgj on Wednesday on or before
eeach full moon. ii. IIEUiiAX, W. 31.
J. P. DoxCAs, Sec. '- ' -
'e-ii?; No. 8, 1. O. O. F., meets
as, on Thursday eventnjr of
each wefck at 7 o'clock, in tlieir hall at Koscburjf.
Msm'jcrs tne ordir ui good standing ar i;ivitcd to
.UteuJ. Br order of the H. O.
UXIOX EXCA3IPMENT, Ko. 9, I. O. F., meets
t Odd Fellows' Hall oa the first and third Friday ot
avert rnonfii. VLsitinj; brethren invited to attend. -
., - L. Uklfils, C. P.
A. C. Marks, Scribe
AitTMPQUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. M., hold
their icular communis tio ns every lirst
an-l third Tued;i,j' in. each mcmtli. All
members iu g;ood standiuK will t;iki due and
timely notice and govern theaisclves aceonlinly.
Visiting companions aro inviwd to meet with tho
'Uapel when convenient..
J. C. FtiiiiEaTox, II. P.
-W. I. Fribcisber, Se"V. . . .
Proprietor of th
LV. stock of Bread. Cakes. Plea. Plain and Taney
Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and
American Candies and Chocolate Goodd.
8l.pauon, m.iousness, inuigesuon ana . himgplf deci(p,lv i f:,vor of our beau
.. .1..- 1 :n 1 . 1 t. .
ui. un! u,s. v.eau5e.s tue system, tifnl Umpqua Vallev. , Ha goes to the
purines me uioou, regulates tue Liver j Cost t)jis ; wpt.fc thpnce , om
andactson the Bowels. Breaks j v hoj le maj settle in our midst.
Colds. Chills and Fevers, ete. Strentrtli. I i
en the organs 0,1 whu:h it V,t The Portland News sayn that severa!
AM ." 1 : 1 ' persons have viited ex Senator Nes-
ter than bitter, nauseous Jjiver medi-
cines. oills. salts arid drau-hti San,- nnth, recently at the L.snne Asylum,
iIe bottles tive. and lar2e bottles for "n 1 ,v',(;rt lhat hU chances of iec very
. a u.;.:u' are very slight. It says: One niauia
t 1 ' t . . I ..I C . n.lnln, h
Southern Oregon vacant,, that i. 6o valualde w la!'1 V . "
&s the One owned liy the Caro Broa, where i aide arid worthy hands a3 tiion ot J. 11.
the old Mrtrorditau Hotel ued to ataud. JJ, JjH who is so well aud favorably
We hope to see a flue structure there Ufure 1 . , am0n us". and whom we cli&U
. tJ ,
welcome to the Editorial chair, and
hope all who wish a journal devoted to
All parties should remember that , the
Statin rink at SlocunV Hall i. the leuhnS ; , ()f lhe le at iU
amaaeutent of the - city. - - bvery 1 aesit & -f - ; . . , ' . 1 . : 1
... 1 10 , t Ii 1 " nve it their beartv and substantial sup-
Tiiuriday, aud Satardayjeveinng the r uk is olVB lu luu" ut,w
' epeued aadVtttracta Urye numbers. Do not 1 port, remeni Wing that success largely
forget to attcud and tnjoy yoursfclf, ' depende upon the patrons.
"I Doat Fed Lka Work-'
Are THE Photographers
East Portland,
Bailey Block, 4tk St. hcU l & J
The BcrrxKS? Gctde 13 issued lfarch
and Sept., each year; 224 pages, SJxlli
Inches, with over 3,300 illuctrations
a whol8 picture gallery. G ives vL0lesal3
priccs direct to consumers on all goods for
personal or s? family use.
Telb how to order, and
gives exact. rKL- A ccct of ev
erything you V'A 9j cse, -drink,
eat, wear, or XrfV havo fua
vith. These iii - inraluahlo
books contain iaforxusticn f-leaned &ora
the markets cf the wc Vv'e will rr.ail
I . a copy J?reo to any address upon receipt
' of the postaire 8'centiJ. Xt.t't3 l:ear
froniyou. C Eespectfully,
fiat & 'iX'J tiiiiitij ATecue, tauco, LuU
nH M ' if i .'3
Shop Rear of Hogan's Stor
OFFICE: In Marks' brick, np stairs.
L. F. M03I1ER,
Oilice, Ailjoiuing Hogan's Store.
t.71 r,nlimnta fr E tUL. J
crderingit. It contaius illustrations, prices,
descrlpuons and directions for plaatinj &3
Vegetable and Flower SE2vDS, BUlBS, ete.
D.M. FERRY&CO.e,i!f
OFFICE: la the Court House.
Star Bakery
AXD ' - -
Tlicbest Cigars, Tobacco nA
all liiuda of Urocerce and
a Urn stock ot
that possesses his distracted mind is
Physicians are of ten . startled by re- 1 that it is throiv'h the machinations of
markable discoveries. The fact that j ineillbt5rs o the Democratic pirty that
o " ' ' "J t l ; j..,,.:,.,..! t,;., i;t..... ti
. 11
RiiiiintionHndall Tliront nrl l.m,w H. 1,8 18 "PV uw Jioeny.
eases is daily curing patients that they object of shutting him up, he says, is
have given up lo die, ia startling them ; to jrevent him from participating in
to re-lize their sense of duty, and ex- I the frnits of -the Democratic victorr.
amine into the merits of this wonderful Thert.forPj he implored his friends to
discovery; 1 esnltm in hund-ud of our , . . .
best Physicians using it in their yno-w.nt ,U8 sltuat!on to the .ro1N-r
tise. ' Trial BottWs free at S: Hamil- i authorities, and he felt confident that
ton's Drug Store. Regular Siza $1.00, 1 he ould be released from, the asylum."
Et mates no difference what business
you are engaged in: whether yon are
a preacher, a merchant, a mechanic, a
lawyer or a common laborer,-. you can
do your work well while youi ehal
ick.- Thousands try to, but all in
vain. IJow much better to keep your
organs in "Ood order bv taking Parker's ;
Tonic when .you feil "a little cut of
sorts." It would le money in youi
pocket.".- One liour of good, ! rejoicing
health is worth half a dozen hours full
of languor and pain. - ;
. J. F. Ilawoiih of Nashvill Tenn.,
step son of D. R. B. Wmniford cur
late, County Assessor, called one dy
this week and speaks in ' praise of
our. splendid cliaiate. t
Frosh Bread, Pies and Cakes -
Always on hand. . - J. F. LEVIN3.
A I havo given to my son tianc M. Nali
time as a mau uf tull age. I clai'-n "one of h;s W
and wUl not be respoause lor any w..-v-- .
and aU oenous are wnied uut to cred.t lam on niv
January 10th. 1S35.
Assignee's lice.
Notice is nrm:rtY given that p. n. htch
of l'as3 Creek Precli.ct, l)cr.f:!aK County, 5!ate
ofOroijon, on the 2nd day i DeceiuWr, Its, iu?e
cffenfral a-wijrun.eut to the UiHler.-iiieil J.. Drain,
of all his property; under Ui0irovwi:n ot ihn Statute
uf Oreou entitled 'At Act ta fecure CruUuvra iust
division r.f tho 'battle ot iHshtiirs vho coavey ta A-sig-nccs
for the bencat uf Croilitom.'
Therefore, All iorons having ti iiios ajtinsnne
said B. U. Kitch are hereby notified to present th.-
claims, under tth, to the tincerslgiicd awljruee nt
th Etnr of T)ir.'.: &. Vo. in lriin. loaelM county.
Oregon, within three tcootha from this date. - Ail
parsons indebted to the raid B. U. Fju-'aaro rquirtd
tJ make immetuste payment to mr.
Dated Decesiibtr loth, . Is8t. : .
J. C. DRAl!r, Assignee.
Att';-stor AaBioace ficcl3-t
Roseburg is quite lively , down'
Rtout thr depot. Mr." Sol. .Abraham is
jmtting up some new tenement houses
there, and they are nearing completion..
Art Independent Newspaper of
Democratic Principles, but not Con
trolled by any Set of Politicians or
Manipulators ; Devoted to Collect
ing and Publishing all the News of odoiw thjir
the Day in the most "' I nteresting -Shape
and with the greatest possi
ble Promptness, Accuracy and Im
partiality ; and to the Promotion of
Democratic Ideas and Policy in the
affairs'of Government, Society and
Industry. J .
Bate, by Jfatt, Pottpaid:
DAILY, per Year - - - $8 03
DAILY, per tionth SO
SUNDAY, per Year - - t - - 1 CO
DAILY and SUNDAY per Year 7 CO
WEEKLY, per Year - - 1 CO
Address. THE 8UX,Siev York Ctf.
United Sin? Office,
Ttfwchurg-, Oregon, Too. 13,
lM Act of Con?re? of June 3, 1S73 for the eale of
timber lands in the States r.f California, Oregon, Ne
vada and in Washlntou Territory , that UearvC.Sitn
moiia haa ajrtiwd u purt:!iase the lrft Ko. 6. 6. 7
ana 8, bee. 'M, T. 2i ii, It. 7 West, V.iliamelte ilcr-
idian. , , . .
Any auJ aM persons chimin? adversely any ot the
above defcrilKd lauo, n-.tust ':! their 4.nns with the
lUsrfitcr of he U. S. Land t !Ut! at Vat ebui ff, Or.'n
lurinjr tha sixty dys punncauoit tier. 1, ai-.u iiauf
riat win Dt narrea uy m-iut.
U. S. Land OSca at Rosebarj, Orf n.
.. uecenioer 3d, lai.
,nice by Jatuo MeDunald again t Alfuiice Ooy
i tt.-r ahTn.!,.!!!!! hi l!r.mtstad l.utry, J5o. 4243,
22, Township 22 South, Range 4 Wo t, Wid. Iter.,
1 i
uinmoncd to aojiear
Doujfhis L', Orejon, with a to the can
Utioaofsaid entrj" the said par-lei are hore r
inr.,.m.H t.t a..Mn.T at the office 1 H. A. Ca.lweti,
i Notary luMi? at Lrain on the lyth duv of Januirv,
1S3.-I, at 10o'cio;kj. K rcsj-oid end furai
teiiiui iy co:iC'e.,ntgrisJidr.!,.'s:'jd hasuonr.ien.
J. C. tX'LUVii.:,', lU,;.vr.