The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, December 27, 1884, Image 4

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The Dakota Bill has passed the Seuat.
Benton, M. T., has a new f 10,000 school
Trouble among ttie Hocking Valley min
ers still continues;
The postofSce at Belknap, M. T., has
been discontinued. '
The senate discussed the silver coinage
question last week.
Governor Kinkead, of Alaska, has sub
mitted his report to the President.
Eastern Diar iron men held session in
Pittsburg recently to form a general tariff
club. -
Stockmen are said to have a majority in
ine coming session or ine akis
lature. .
The property of George B. Buchanan,
the .Louisville swindler, was soia at auc
tion last week.
General Benjam F. Butler has sold his
house on Capitol Hill, Boston, to -coha
lessees ior sa,ww.
The general display from the Western
and i'acinc states at tne new wiwum "
hibition. could not be liner.
cviow'flr riairJiai-m rt Tfp.w York, has
been cited before the Governor to explain
the management oi nis orace.
The Helena Mining and Reduction Com
vsanw r i i a tout. mt incr flared a divi
dend'of $3d,0UU, payable January a). 1885. nth annual meetine of the
Illinois Horticultural Society took place in
tne state universuy at tnampaiBu, u-i,
last week.
fimmm Xr Cn 'a r bnlr fartorv. DavtOU. O..
was burned last week. It i supposed to
have been the worlc or an lncenaiary. ljoaa
about ?4u,0U0.
The poet Whittier's 77th birthday was
celebrated at Amesburg, Mass., last week.
A large number oi mends cauea iu wu
gratuiate him.
Cavuril Yn5niatiro nrr rtt.hpra at 'Welsh
Mountain, Pa., have started revival meet-
lnjjs, Hoping t convert ado jauzzaru
bis mountain banditti.
Setheimer & Co., dealers in grain at
Carlton, N. Y., assigned last week. They
give prelerences to tne extent oi ?o,ow.
Tney nave been m ousiness ten years.
Tha Vinviaa inmn)iltlA Ml Indian aiTairS
has decided to report adversely the joint
resolution providing for the improvement
ox Indians, Dy giving mem uuuseuomy.
A mo Inritvrit ihtk mftmif Afituriliar IndUS
tries of Dubuque, la., are discharging half
their forces, and making a reduction of 10
per cent in tne wages oi tne remainuer.
A fiVIUcinn ctpfmprfA at. Rlprra. Blanca.
Taraa lnnt-. wnelr hofn-PPtl a Slinsft train
and a Texas Pacific train. One Pullman
car wa3 demolished. No lives were lost.
The New York board of education has
refused to allow public school cnudren to
houses, in aid of thejBartholdi statue ped-
m i -
estai mnu.
- W. "W. Hailey, superintendent of the
TTaIIav Samnltncr Worka. Hailev. M. T..
arrested for embezzlement, has been
bound over to appear before the next
grand jury,
Governor Pattison of Pennsylvania, has
alo-nprl tha death warrants of Dr. Lewis
Beach, of Altoon, and Richard Trenk, of
JPhlladelphia, and botn wm oe nangea
jrenruarv lztn.
Nearly 4.000 citizens of Bloomington
111., have Detitioned the Governor to par
don Edwin Uoodspeed, sentenced for
thirty-three years for murdering Silas
otoltz, thirteen years ago.
John L. Sullivan and Alfred Greenfield
arrested some time aeo on a charge of en'
gaging in a prize tight at Madison Square
Garden, New York, were acquitted by the
Court of General bessions last weeje.
Tha flnlHpr Whita Tad Works, of St.
Louis, Mo., have shut down. The concern
has a capital of $1,OUO,000 and employs 500
men. it nas plenty or money ana oniy
stops on account of over-production and
James Mitchell, a Duciliat. was arrested
at Philadelphia last week on a charge of
. . At V 1 1 I A -
murder, vine amaavit cnarges mm wtui
causing the death of one Muldoon, from
injuries received in a fight near xardley
villa one vear a&ro.
Louise Michel shows signs of softening
of the brain.
Biamark will retire to his county seat
and rest until he recovers.
The Socialists of Germany are enticing
soldiers to join their cause.
The telegraph cable between Victoria
and Dungeness is working badly.
J. N. Bigelow, an American contractor,
will build Victoria's new $lt0,000 theater.
Three men from America have been ar
rested at Mayence with boxes of dynamite
In thtir possession.
The crew of the British ship Melrose, at
Victoria, B. C refuse to go to sea, claim
ing that the vessel is unseaworthy.
The Reichstag has rejected Bismarck's
proposition for the establishment of an
African consulate general at Capetown. 4
Cholera has appeared at Auburvillier,
France, Reappearance of the disease is
attributed to tne mildness of the weather.
The Paris Figaro announces that Min
ister Morton has resigned, because of the
election of Cleveland. Morton denies the
The inhabitants of Pekin and Tien-Tsing
are preparing for winter, as the river Peiho
Is freezing and navigation will shortly be
Gambling houses of the City of Mexico,
shut by the authorities on the entrance of
the new adminiatation, have been re-li-
A Fall Mall Gazette dispatch has an an
nouncement that the cession of De Logoa
bay by Germany to Portugal Is officially
A committee of the London Stock Ex
change has decided to allow Louisville and
Nashville bonds to be quoted on the Ex
change. .
- A company of bull fighters has been
fined 1.CO0 soles, at Lima, Peru, for fur
nishing sport inferior to the specifications
of the contract.
William O'Brien, member of Parliament,
says the Nationalists would possibly meet
a renewal of the crimes act, by impeaching
Spencer, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. .
The Bourse announces that a syndicate
of French and foreign capitalists has taken
1,01 a.000 in drafts issued by the Spanish
Minister of Colonies, payable in one year.
A Vienna dispatch says: The run on the
Lower Austrian Bank has subsided after
$5,000,000 were paid out. The bank re
ceived financial assistance from the gov
ernment. '-
There is much suffering amon z th e 18,000
Chinese who have overrun British Colum
bia. Hundreds are out of employment and
must either steal or starve. Their situa
tion is daily growing worse.
A young man named Gervaslni. aged 18,
was arrested last week in the act of plac
ing a bomb under the police station at Mi
lan, Italy. He confessed that he had been
Instructed to fire the fuse with a lighted
cigar. ,
Colonel Newton, an American writer up
on biology, who recently went to London,
intending to lecture on ' Evolution," was
killed this afternoon by comincr into a col
lision with a cab while riding on a trycicle
In the street.
It is reported that the expedition to go
from Germany to Northeastern Africa un
der Professor Stark, ostensibly or scienti
fic research, is really sent out by Bismarck
as the forerunner for German acquisition
ef territory la that region.
WHEAT Foreizn advices are" of easier
markets. Locally we hear of no new sales,
business beinar at a standstill, yuote vai-
ev at S 1.124 with a possible advance for
round lots if they were in a favored posi
tion. Walla Wailais nominal at $i.uv.
OATS- Sales slow under a light request.
A car of off grade sold at 30c at the end of
the week. The market promises to rule
slow for some time.
POTATOES No new business doing.
In a lecal way 20c per bushel is still quoted.
lilJJiiCj AJN u xs AU& uiaes. ary,
sound, 1416c tfXb, culls, one-third less
salt hides, heavy plump, 57c, light
weights, 7c; kips and calf, be. sheep pelts,
ust shorn, 10c,two months wool, 20c,
lambskins, 1020c, tallow, 6c; burlaps, 40
in. 8c, 45 In., Sc, 60 In., 14c; twine, nour. so
40c, wheat, 85c, fleece, 12 13c; gunnies.
use, wheat saces. 058c:
HOPS 12(9 18c i? IB.
ijLOUR JJ'ancy extra, & bbl, 81.25;
superfine. $3.00; country brands, $2.75.
UKEJ&n jruLuxa Apples v du. &m
60c; lemons, $4.905.00: pears, 4060c;
oranges, bx., 44.60; limes, 100, $1.25;
peaches, v bx, si.ou; piums, toe: ngs, v io;
9c quinces, bx, 75c; grapes. 75c$l.
FISH Extra I'acilic codfish, whole. In
c, 6c, boneless, in bxs, 77c if lb; domestic
Silmon. hf bbla, $3.504.00, bbls. 1 67.0,L
1-15. cans, doz., $1.30; mackerel, o. 1, v
kit. $2.50, No. 2. $1.002 25. No. 1,
bi bbls., $10.00, No. 2, $8.50; herrimrs,
a!ted.hf bbls,$3.25l.dried,10-lb bxs, 1 0i
POULTRY-Chlckens, V doz., spring.
$2.5ufi;3.5J. old. $4.00; ducks. J6.0iKa8.00.
geeae. 8Wa9; turkeys, tt.. 1214c
bXKUPS-H;aiiiornia rennery isuv gai..
bbls., 40c, kgs., 45c, cs., gal. tins, 65c;
Eastern, bbls., y Kai., ouc. k(ts, ooc, cs..
FEED, Etc. Corn meaL lj 100 lbs., $2.75
3; buckwheat, $4&5.50; oat meal, $4;
cracked wheat, $3.25g3.50: bran. V .ton
$i(2?io; snoru. 91010. iiiiuoiibks.
fine. $1620; hay, baled, $1114; chop,
$162ii: oil cake meal, $3032.5O. "
DRIED iTKUrifti Apples, machine-
cured, 15.. 58c, sun-cured. 45c;
peaches, machine-cured, in boxes, 12'allc;
prunes, uerman, in boxes. 1? lb., (a,iuc
plums, sun-cured, pitless. 8c, machine
cured, 810c; pears, machine-cured. 10
12c; sun-cured, 79c; figs, California.. 25-t,
bx.. be: bmyrna. lwaaoc
PROVISIONS New stocks of eastern
in, and these added to the home cured
furnish ample stocks. Jobbing values,
while not nrm, are well maintained.
We quote bacon. 1314c; hams, 164c;
shoulders, olc; eastern bams, I5gluc;
eastern bacon, 14c.
LARD Oregon, kecs. V lb. 12e; tins.
12J24c; Eastern, small tins. Vlimc.
KICJbi band wich Islands, No. 1, v In.,
6j4c; China mixed, Ij'goc; China No. 1,
6c: Kanjzoon, 5jc.
k -Li U lis Prunes, llunaraiun. 9 s
124c: raisins (new), $ bx., $1.502.00.
bxs., $2.002.25, qr bxs., $2.252.50, 8tb
bxs.. $2.252.50; currants, Zante. tb.
m bxs, 89c; citron, lb in drumt, 3i)33c;
almonas, Marseilles, y lb., 15loc, ianc,
Ml; walnuts L'nill, ll)llc, Caliiornta
WOOL Valley, llgil5c; Eastern Oro
eon. 13ffll7c
SPICES $ lb, pepper, 1825c; mustard,
18c; ginger, 18c; cinnamon, 27ic; nutmeg.
80c; sage, 30c.
COFFEE w lb, Guatemala, green, ll(g
lac; uosta Kica, izi3c; old oovern
ment Java, 18:a20c.
BEANS Small white,$3; bayos, $3.50;
pinks, and butters.$.ou.
VEGETABLES Cabbaae. lb, lie; tur
nipa,sck, $ll.E0: carrots.$ll.S0, beets,
$ll.i0; onions, W 15, 109 lie; parsnips,
& ack, $11.25; tomatoes. V 15, 2c.
EGGS f doz.. 37c.
CUEESE-Per lbOrcon choice local. 10c;
imported. 14c.
BUTTER Per lb. choice dairy, 27J30c;
country store, auc; eastern, 5Joc.
ONIONS Quotable at $1374 0 ctl.
BRAN The spot market is quotable at
$18.0019.00 per ton.
GROUND BARLEY Quotable at $21.50
23.5L I? ton.
B U CKWUEAT Quotable at $1.60 1 7 J
DRIED PEAS Green, $2.50; nlles,
$1.25: blacaeye. $2.65 & cti.
WHEAT The week did not open with
much Bpirit, For several davs previous
there was quick demand with free move
ment. Exporters bought liberally, believ
inz that the reported improvement abroad
would not only continue, but also increase
in Btrength as time progressed. Prices
have receded to $1.251.274 ctl for the
better class of shipping quality, and buy
ers are Hot anxious to take in heavy
amounts even at reduced rates. Millers
day $1.30 to $1.32 ctl for choice selec
CHEESE California, 1213c
CORNMEALi Millers ouote feed at 827
2$ $ ton; fine kinds, for the table, in
laree or small packages. 3c v IB.
SEEDS Brown mustard, $2.502.75
yellow, $2.0u2.25; canary, 45c; hemp,
3i33c; rape, 23c; timothy, 5i6c. al
falfa, 12413c tb.; flax, $2.50g2.75 ctl.
HUPS y Id., IJxgloc;
HIDES Dry. V t&. usual selection, 16i
17c; drj kip, I6tl7c; dry calf, 1920c
salted steers, 60 to 00 Ids, vfevje.
WOOL - Mendocino. 18fe20c. V IB.
Humboldt, 1820c; San Joaquin, 1015c
eastern Oregon, 15 19c
LARD California, 10-tb. tins. 828ic
Eastern, 1212c for tierces, and ll12c
15 for pails. .
POULTRY-Live turkeys, gobblers. 19
320c. do. hens, 2021c. do. dressed. 20
22c: roosters, $5.00(45.50 for old. and $5.00
6.00 for young; hens $6.007.50; broil
ers, $3.504.50, according to size: ducks,
$6.5(Ka;u.u!J v doz.; geese. $Z(Z.5U W pair
AI PLES-V bx., 3o60c.
STRAW Quotable at 50C5c & bale.
CRACKED CORN Quotable at $27.50
23 B'ton.
OATS Dealers say there is no change
in tne situation. 1 he market is abun
dantly supplied, and prices continue te
rule in favor of buyers.
We quote: Surprise and milling. $1.35
1.4U; JNO. 1, $1.2SO(gl.3U; o. 2, 51.0Cg
1.10; black. $1.001.15 ctl; new Salinas
feed. $1.10fel.25.
MIDDLINGS Active at $17.50I9.00 If
FLOUR-Moderate activity prevails on
local account. .
We quote: San Francisco extra, beat, at
$4.25 4.80; medium, $3.504.00; shipping
superfine, $2.50(5.3.50.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 21M000 ctls.: flour
85.000 qr. sks.: oats, 500 ctls.; potatoes
1,200 sks.: eggs. 3.000 doz.
BAGS AND BAGGING We quote best
qwality Calcutta' wheat bags, standard size
and weight, at 55c for spot lots; Sao
Quentin factory make, 5; California Jute
Mlllmake,6J7c; potato gunnieB,l0ll$c;
wool bags, 35 40c apiece; Burlap cloth,
6c for 40 inch.
BUTTER Good to choice roll. fb.,
2520c: fair, 1519c; firkin, 2021c; east
era, 12.117ic
EGGS 'f doz.. 37i40c.
POTATOES We ouote wharf rates:
Early rose. 4560c; garnet chile, 6060c;
peerless. 6585c $ cti.
HAY Alfalfa,$a5312 50; wheat,$12.00
18.00; oat, $9.0015.00; barley, $8.CXXg
12.00: mixed. $7.0010.00 ton. ;
BEESWAX This article finds poor cus
tom. Quotable at 2426c 15.
HONEY Extracted, 67o 9 tb for
choice comb, 810c; extracted. 45c
CORN California yehow is Quotable at
$1.001.10 for large, and $1.151.20 for
small; white, $1.401.45; Nebraska, white,
$1.151.25 V ctl. -
TALLOW Grease, 34; crude, 56c;
refined. 78c tb.
BEANS We quote as follows: Bayos.
f$1.0 25; butter, $1.252.00; pink. $1.60
1.80; red, 5Z.252.37. Ilmas, $2.Z52.33:
small white. $1.50(1.75; pea, $1.751.00
l?cU. '
Why do we hear so much about dyspep
sia? Simply because so many people
have it. Why are so many people talking
about their cure from this dreadful dis
ease? Simply beeause they have been
taking Brown's Iron Bitters. Thus it is
with Mrs. Taylor of Lynchburg, Sumter
Co., S. C, who says, VI have used
Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspepsia with
most favorable results. I believe this
medicine is all that is represented." Dy
speptics, and sufferers from neuralgia,
weaknees, tt., should try it.
Natural Phenomena In the Penlnsn
- lar State Explained.
Jacksonville Fla.1 Times-Union.
The Apalachicoia Tribune explains the
great smoke which has been puzzling
observers for years, and which could be
seen on any cloudless dav ascendincr
from the vicinity of Ancilla river, in
Florida. Various efforts have been
made to discover the supposed volcano.
while, on the other hand, some have
concluded that the smoke came from the
camp-fires of some remnant of the Semi
nole Indians. The Times-Democrat ex
pedition threw no light upon he mys
tery, the tall grass, boss and dense un
dergrowth impeding the progress of the
One Capt. Asher is the hero who ar
rived in Apalachicoia, with the follow
ing information, which puts out the
Honda volcano, and the romance is lost
of the poor Seminole lingering in the
land of his fathers. At the same time
it adds to the attractions of the lovely
land of fruits, flowers, and wonders.
Perhaps from the sulphuric pools came
the healing virtues which laid the foun
dation for the legend that in Florida
flowed the waters of eternal youth.
Capt. Asher was in search of palmetto
logs on the Ancilla river when he de
scried the smoke or cloud from a point
in the distance. Remembering the
many reports he had heard about
this smoke, he determined to un
earth this mystery, if possi
ble. So, calling his crew to
gether, and picking up their, traps, the
Earty pursued their way in , the small
oats up the Ancilla river. They trav
eled up the river, or creek, for it hardly
deserves the name of river, for miles.
After ascending from its mouth twenty
five or thirty miles, he judges, he was
brought to an abrupt halt by a rock bar
rier in front Upon investigating he
found that the river ended and was lost
underneath the ground. Seeing that
the smoke became more distinct at this
point, and seemed straight ahead, he had
.the boat hauled np to, the bank and
sprang ashore, determined, if possible,
to pursue his investigations on foot. As
he sprang on shore he gave an exclama
tion of surprise, scattered at various
points were huse roicks. towerinar many
feot above his head a thing unheard rtf
m Honda.
Mr. Asher describes some of the rocks
as being as large as an ordinary dwell
ing and apparently hollow, containing
much water, lie describes them as
being of a flinty appearance, and when
struck .with an iron or steel instrument
to emit thousands of sparks. A mile or
two further on wee seen numerous
rocks that were formed into round
basins, their sides being smooth and
beautifully polished. Mr. Asher sprang
upon the top of one of these basins. As
his foot came in contact with the flinty
substanca a hollow sound was
emitted from the rock. Calling
for a pole, and it bemg handed to him,
he placed it in the center of the basin.
What was his surprise on drawing the
pole to the top may be easily imagined
when h discovered that the rock, being
hollow, was filled with a stror sul
phuric water. Pursuing their way
through the bog, sometimes up to their
knees, again on hard ground tor some
distance, then again scratched and
bruised by the underbrush, and fighting
musquitoes that seemed to resent this
intrusion of their dominion, the little
party had a hard time of it. Presently
they came to where the river issued from
its underground covert and pursued its
way onward, to again disappear in the
bowel3 of the earth.
Mr. Asher states that every few hun
dred yards those pools would make their
appearance, and from them would issue
white, misty clouds that would ascend
heavenward, seeming in the distance
to be clouds of smoke. He stated that
the water in these pools was as clear ae
crystal and filled with beautiful nsh,
both fresh and salt. He caught a great
many of the flsh, and attempte to drink
some of the water, but It was unpalata
ble nauseating to the smell and taste.
He spent several days wandering around
these points, and he says he
never before thought there was 6uch
place in Florida. He discovered several
rocks that he presumed would have
answered very well for houses, being
quite as large, hollow, and the walls as
smooth as glass. He appeared to think
it very strange that these monster rocks
should be found in sueh a low, flat,
marshy section. He says that the
rock3 are separated by a distance of 200
feet, and rear .their black, grimy heads
to heaven from a level plain of marshy
soil. There are no indications of there
having been a hill, much less a volcano;
in this section, and the smoke or cloud
seen so often is simply the vapor rising
from the sulphuric pools.
Lunatic In China.
. Chicago Tribune.
Expert testimony in lunacy does not
seem to be regarded with respect in
China. The Pekin Gazette relates that
a lunatic in that city, who, in a
paroxysm of madness, murdered his
grandmother with a vegetable-knife,
was summarily executed in the dis
agreeble manner known as the "slicing"
frocess. The imperial warrant says
hat parricides and matricides "must be
sliced," and contains no saving clause
concerning the insanity of the prisoner.
The remarkable results which have at
tended the administration of the Vital
izing Treatment of Drs. Starkey & Palen,
1109 Glrard St., Philadelphia, for chronic
and so-called "incurable diseases," are
without a parallel in viedical history.
As dispensers of this new Treatment,
they have, after thirteen years of earnest,
untiring and costly effort to introduce it
to those who need its vitalizing and
health-restoring influences, succeeded in
resting its claims on the basis of facts and
results of so wide and universal a charac
ter: facts and results on record, and
open to the closest investigations that
no room for a question remains as to its
marvelous action in restoring the dis
eased to healtlu If you are a sufferer from
any disease which your physician has
failed to arrest or cure, write to Drs.
Starkey & Palen, and they will send you
documents and reports of " cases from
which you will be able to decide for your
self as to your chances for relief under
their new Treatment.
All orders for the Compound Oxygen
Home Treatment directed to H. E. Math
ews, 606 Montgomery Street, San Fran
cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if
sent directly to us in Philadelphia,
The degraded, half-fed farmers of
France keep the treasury of the Repub
lic always full ! money. The farmer
loves the Republic as much as the Paris
ian detests it. The Republic receives in
its savings banks the money of the poor
tip to one thousand francs, and gives
them three and one-half per cent. ' for
its use. The peasant farmers have
nearly eight hundred million dollars on
deposit in these banks.
Geologists say that if no new de
posits are found, the coal-beds of th
earth will be exhaustca in exactly 10,
87 yean.
Probable Effect of the Chance on Of-
ffcc-llolders Views of an
Old-Timer. i
Correspondence of the Rochester
. Herald. i
"Yes, the principal topic of. conversa
tion here at present is the probable action
of the in-coming administration."
ine 8peaiter was Air. William Al. Asn
ley,; of 6C6 Maine avenue, a man whose
large and intimate acquaintance with
prominent public men here in Washing
ton, renders his opinion or, unusual
"The all-Important Question among the
clerks of the various departments, is who !
isto,go In my opinion there win be very
few changes among the old-time em
ployes who have been here year in and
year-out through several administrations.
The removals will occur among the heads
of departments." . '
" sense of distrust which must nec
essarily pervade the departments is, I
suppose, detrimental to the proper trail-
saction of business?" I
"Well, rather. I reckon. It unfits the
clerks for business. Some get very blue,
for they have purchased little nomes
which they must sacrifice." i
".Last summer it was reported mat
many were ill of malaria. How is itr
"More likelv. ill of a fear of chanae. 1
don't think Washington is so very ma
larious. At the same time I admit that
since residing here, I have not always felt
first-rate. At times I have been greatly
troubled with sharp-shooting pains. One
day my right arm and leg would torture
me with pain, there would bo great red
ness, heat and swelling of the parts, and
pernaps the next day ike left arm and leg
would be similarly affected, j Then again
it would locate in seme particular part of
my body and produce a tenderness which
would well-nigh drive me irantlc. There
would be weeks at a time that I would be
afflicted with an intermitting kind of
pain that would come on every afternoon
and leave me comparatively free from suf
fering during the balance of the twenty
four hours."
"Of course you consulted the doctors
regarding your difficulty?"
"Consulted them? Well. I should say I
did. Some told me I had neuralgia;
others that I had inflammatory rheuma
tism, for which there was no cure."
"Hut didn t they try to relieve your
miseries?" I .
"Yes. they vomited and physicedme,
blistered and bled me, plastered and
oiled me, sweat, steamed and everything
but froze me, but without avail."
"But how did yeu finally recover?"
"I had a friend living in Michigan who
had been afflicted in a similar "Way and
had been cured. He wrote me regarding
his recovery and advised me to try the
remedy which cured him. I procured a
bottle and commenced its use, taking a
tablespoonful after each meal and at bed
time. I had used it about a yveek when I
noticed a decrease of the soreness of the
joints and a general feeling of relief. 1
persevered in its use and finally got no 1
could move around without linipinc,
when I told my friends that it was War
ner's safe rheumatic cure that had put me
on my feet,"
"And do you regard your cure as per
manent?" "This was more than a year ago, the
trouble has not returned, and I haven't
been so well in years as I am now.
"Speaking of President-elect Cleveland,
who, in your opinion will comprise this
cabinet? i
'That Is as difficult to determine as it is
to say what office-holders will go. Many
good men have been mentioned for the
Dositiona. Bavard. Thurman.! Bra&ror Mc
Clellan. rot to mention a lot of lesser
lights. Every prominent politician has a
slate made up which he is backing to win.
but then, as is always the case, some one
will get leit.
The ultimate object of lite below should
be to secure life above. j
, 1- .
Loss of power ini either sex.
however induced, speedily, J thoroughly
and permanently cured. Address, with
three letter stamps for reply land book of
particulars. World's Dispensary Medical
Association, 663 -lain Street, Buffalo,
N. Y. - -: .
The warmest kind of a hatH-one that's
got stove in. j
r .
It you want a handsome photograph go
to the only nrst-class gallery lh rortland,
Abell & bon, 19 Washington street.
Dr. Henley's CVwr, Jieef and Ir&n is
the best fer- ! r-twc "vr fl'm-overed.
Try Gekjika tor Htvakfaat.
CATAUliH A Mew Treatment whereby
. jxntanent cure is effected in from one to
three applications.' Particulars I and trea
tise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon
& Soc, 305 King street west, Toronto, Can.
It's more to a man's credit to keep his
balance in the bank than on a tight rope.
Sweet are the uses of adversity, the
printer's copy said, but he set it up,
sweet are the uses of advertising. Sweet,
indeed, to those who in sicknes and suf
fering have seen the advertisement of
some sovereign remedy, which upon trial
has brought them from deaths door.
'The best thing I ever saw in mypaper
was the advertisement of Dr. ferce's
'Golden Medical Discovery' " is again and
again the testimony of those who have
been healed by it of lung disease,' bron
chial affections, tumors, ulcers, liver; com
plaints and the ills to which flesh 1 heir.
There is always hope for the future, no
matter what our pastors been.
For the Cure or a Cough or ore
Throat. "Broivn's Bronchial Trochts"
are a simple remedy.
Dr. Evory Dear Sir: I have, for over
a year, used your DIAMOND CATARRH
REMED Y whenever I have a cold, and
find it the best remedy I ever used; in
fact it is the only thing that relieves me.
I have found it a sure cure. I cheer
fully recommend the DIAMOND CA
TARRH REMEDY to all. Yours truly,
F. E. KETCHEN, S. F., Cal.
Price 50c per bottle. For sale by Hodge,
Davis & Co., C. A. Plummer & Co. fcnd
Clarke, Woodard & Co., Portland, Or. t
18 p
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica.,
Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, !
Sor Throat, Swell I ne. 8prsvl no. SrnlMM,
Bai-na, WeaicU. throat Ittte j
Sold by SrujgiMjunA lwisr Birrwim Fifty Oeou a botl
rimtton. la H tt)&'u. . J
TliE CltAfU.K A. TOGfilER CO. J
$minh . vv.riruiri0. R-ilHmor. ltd.. U. B. tJ ,
In eases of dy po
rt a, (Utility, rhum
tism, fever and u,
lirer eomrUiiit, inao
tiritT of the kidney
and bladder, constipa
tion and ether orraoio
maladies, Hostettar'i
(Stomach Bitters is a
tried remedy, to which
the medioal brother
hood bare lont their
professional sanction,
and which as a tonlo,
alterative and house
hold spedflo for disor
ders of tb stomach,
liver and bowel has
an unbounded popu
larity. . i
For sale by Drug
gists and Dealers, o
whoa apply for tip
tWt aliaawe r
tS 8
Josiah Davis, North Middletown, HyH
writes: "I am now using a box of your
which, for the past ten days has given me
great pain. This salve is the only remedy that
I have found that has given me any ease. My
ulcerwas caused by varicose veins, and was
pronounced incurable by my medical doctors. I
find, however, that HENRY'S CARBOLIC
SALVE is affecting a cure." Beware of imi
tations. --v""::'-;; :
There is no joy without Its sorrow.
Christmas and Congress for example.
; i "KIrT Uf THE BUD."
Sad to say. many a good thing attains to
nothing more than a fair beginning. On
the other hand it is a matter lor congrat-
Hlation that the growth of some evil
things may be also promptly frustrated.
A large proportion of the cases of the most
wide-spread and fatal of diseases con
sumption have their inception in nasal
catarrh. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is
f leasant, soothing and effectual. Try it.
t has cured thousands. AH druggists.
El Mahdl is an early riser. He likes to
get up early and Bedouin something.
A sure euro for Blind. Bleedincr. Itching and Ulcer
ated Piles has been discovered by Dr. William (an In
dian Remedy) called Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint
ment. A single box ha cured the worst chronio cases
of 26 or 30 years standing. Jo one need suffer five min
utes after applying Una wonderful aootntng memcine.
Lotions. inHtrumei.U and electuaries do more harm than
good. William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tu
mors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night
after getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice, gives in
stant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of
the private parts, ana for nothing else.
Bead what the Hon. J. M. Oottinbtwy, of Cleveland,
say about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment: "I have
used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to
say that I have never found anything which cave such
immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's In
dian Ointment." For sale by all druggists and mailed
on receipt of price, SI. C. F. Richards ft Co., wholesale
agents, ban rancisco
A A It IK To all wno are sutferintr from er
rors and indiscretions of youth, norvous weak
ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will
send a recipe that will cure you, FREE ' OF
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self
addressed envelope to Rsv. Joskbh T. IarxAK,
Station D, New York.
This medicine, comMnlng Iron with pure
vepetaHe tonics, cuickly and completaly
C'nrca Dyspepsia, indlgention, Wenkncs,
Impure Bioed, JIaIaria,C'bills and Fever,
and Neuralgia.
It Is aa unfailine remedy for Diseases of-the
Kidneys and IJver.
It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or
produce constipation olhr Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purines the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belctoing, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves. .
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Tacit of
Energy, &c., it has no equal.
Jty The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper; Take no other.
v.. .l.K. Rntv rHKHtr. CO.. BU.TI.fl OKU, jn
USE! ' fi?flyi!
Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma,
Bold by all Druggists fok Fifty Cents.
J. It. (kAVjSH & CO. Proprietors,
417 8an8jWE8trect. Sam Franci30c.
i (Stationary and Portable.)
Furnished and built (complete) of any capacity. Ho
chine ry CatinS, and Contractors. For de
crlptive catalogue, address tbe manufacturers,
JOHN COOPER, of this Company, and vrho Is also
representing other large manufacturers of a similar
line of goods. Is spending several months in California
and Oregon, and would be pleased to communicate
with and visit parties who desire to purchase nrst-class
machinery. Address John Cooper, Saa Francisco, CaLJ
Be Sore You Get
C o o l Wa t f
SPECIAL NOTICE ! There are many
cheap imitations of this excellent Soap being
placed upon the market called Cold Water
Bleaching Soap. None are genuine but our
Thomas' Cool Water Bleaching Hoap. Insist
orthaving the Cool Water.
Manufactured only by tbe Standard Soap
Company, Office, 204 Sacramento street, S. F.
f DR. f o
kg from KERvora IiEBnjfT, hoer VrraxnYi
Wastino WjjAKKrssia. and all those- dlwisea ov' a
rcaKii. Krca, rwnltlng from Aersea !d
Othkr Cacsks. Speedy relief er.d compete
restoration to Tiooa end Mashjod
OvjtfifsrzEO. Seri a oaca for Uiustrited
Pamphlet fye, Adreea
Voltaio Belt Co. .'Marshall Micli.
. M-rct urn. Ojtm tht rrfcPi at 4
& ,.T'-'ri:' unrtp"' t-rr
:s coKpBSsrca se.s 15.
CI7UX.2 ssaeaiiL ag!-
UUIT : a-v- : KiSS
. . Eletrsuit and Coal-
T ClA-al tflS-nrm I Art J
It. IT. Oroa. 1 1 S Kond t&. P.
TSis BELT or nesroera
tor s mode exprvw.'y for
tb cure of dem-nRenjcnta
Of tha gensranve orpans.
There Is no mwiajce about
this lnstrurnt, the coti
tinaous sti-oau r.f ELEO
T El C 1 T Y perroaD-tln'
thrwiirh lh prta w.'iti
rwtorb them to Leeltliy
a. tlca. lo not eoiifgond
tbw with tieHrio Belt
t vtri;md to cure all llli
frorfthadtoti Ittsfoi
lllLll V' Uilkl tnoONEspsoJ-lo C'jrjv
IDII 1 I la 1- THE I
1 I iHll SlsSseTr W f Warranted to relieve or Mr
I J i JfulKl 1 m L eure Heart Disease.
wend for Dircnlar. aoxsti, ...
1 r "rXwv.ioZT5?
Absolutely Pure.
This powdor never varies. A tnanol of purity,
ctrength and wholesomeness. More economical ttep
the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In comjii
tion with the multitude of low test, short weight.
Alum or phosphate powders. Sold enly in cans.
Royal Baklno rowcm Co., 1C6 Wall street, N. T.
Skeleton Wagons.
Sulkies, Skeleton Wagons, Eoad and Family
AarentH. - - San Frtuielftro. Cal,
1881 Still Ahead! 1884
3 Gold Medals, I Silver, and 14
First Premiums.
PKICE. - - W
' Hatches all Kinds of Fggs
All sizes from 30 to 650 eggs.
fiend for large illustrated circular No. 11. Explains how
to hatch and raise chickens profitably. Circulars free. Ad
dress PET ALUM A INOTJ BATOR CO. Petaluina, OaL
Lis &Cf
1 j Anyone. t maoui'wtura a.i keep
js - conmamy on nana ctry article nse:
f -foytDespnrtingrraterDftytoWIN wltl
J" Fames oi ensnc. eena for mum
si moiii circular. aiUir"SSJ4i.ficyDA
iiU and 62 htMarn Btrr.t, BtTrk' tilj.
Antlsell Goli Mai
gave Iialf. largest
Factory In tne State
81, ac,8 Ellis t.
The most wonderful Cur
ativo Agent In the world.
Full Power Belt, for Lady or Gentleman, price $10.
Cures without the aid cf Klediclno
General Debility ,Kervous Prostration, Rheumatism
Neuralgia, ft I fill B!Bf Disease oi
Sciatica, 1 1 II 1 If II 11 1 1 the Liver,
Paralysi3, If Ml If M 11 1 R Kidney or
Constipation A SI mm y 1 1 1 1 1 y Bladder, .
Seminal Weakness, Dyspepsia, Female Weakness,
Sick Headache, Insipient Catarrh, Insipient Con-
Eumpuon, i-nnie cacK, ana many otner aiseases.
r or puticuurs and Clreslirs aetlress
eouc FHovmtTowB.
339 Sutter St., 8a n Francisco
-ic , .j. ; --
ill t?f 70 EGG a
Mi l 111 1 1
I I rl I U 1 1 1 1
I" - T-ifiiiiiM-iiirii ...M.-iw .".in - a
SJBMaas. - - eSaBasw-' .'.'-.
s r. jT
$290,613 in Oajsli Premiums! mSS
XO PREM1 r3i IiEfSS Til AX f 2. and from
An entirely reliable, legal, and substantial proposition, made by tha mostpopular
Family Newspaper la thia country, the old, reliable, aolid -
which must not te confounded with any irresjonbibla mushroom publication gotten up to back some
illegal lottery or other scheme.
i.'u fi Aiir
iko bcbisem: Iho expenses and
earnings of a rftrcr v.ith 10C.CC0
circulation ili anrroxlmcta as
follows : JtECElrTH : from
advertising, COO inches jer issue, at
the rate of lc. a lino r er 1,000 of
circulation, or St a line for 100,000,
for 62 issues, 364,000; subscription j
deducted from faco value of Cash
Premium Orders, $100,fXX total,
433 800. IXPEXSES: Is
suing 100,000, for rrFt postage,
press-work, etc., $1,200 per issue,
$62,400; editorial work, incideutia'.s,
r20,0O0 total, $32,400.- Leaving
the splendid profit cf $331,600.
Three-fourths of this profit tviil be
made out of the sale of advertising
it had but 10,000 they xwmld pay
but 10 cents a line. Therefore,
every subscriber, as a pro rata
earner- of advcrUslnT i rrofits. is
s:mn timo
i '
cctitecL: To
charge is
paid. ..
1 Capital
1 Capital
1 carJtal
1 Capital
1 Capital
worth to a paper of lOOXX) drcula-1
tion $3.81. We propose to keep
our subscribers the $3. In this pro
rortion we will have $31,000 as
Crofit titer giving back fe subscri
ers cut of tho paper's earnings
the sum of $300,000 in Premiums.
This is a plain statement of facts,
and involves no necessity of resort
ing to iKegal methods as an excuse
for offering "numbered receipts,"
and al!e,7od "future drawing" or
"awards." It is eimply r.roptwe l
to make division with our sub
scribers of an equitaBle share ot tbe
profits which the usee! theirriamej
a subscribers vill seu re,
-isf Py ne
ot oince, anu muks kuuwa
I" " J V'ru 1 " J u JW
De uone. t,ery ses cr mc se picturta sent out secures additional subscri bers, ar.d the advertising pro
fits out cf which to pay the Cash Premiums depend on tbe list of subscr.bera. Tha charirei .0 on
the picture, have nothin-r to do with the sub..ri?tion frto. and will barely over cost cf ad'vertfaW,
delivery, and packing so large a thoet as is required for the three seenes,and no narae will be entered
or sealed Cash Premium Order sent unless the charges for the pictures are enclosed. Those who
received Premium Orders for any of the Capital Cash Fremiums wiS plea w telegraph, at cur expense,
acknowledging amattnt. Ptams rill not bs accepted for picture chargta exce- t from places where
postal notes are not issued. 1
names, and ha can distribute them with the pictures to those whoso canes he sends, or he can keep
them, arid secure for himself all the benefits, lust as ho arranges with those whose names he send
The pictures wdl be sent in dub orders for the following chargest-Five, $2.63; ten, 54.95; fifteen,
7.10; twenty, 89.00; thirty, fI3.C0; forty, C17.M; fifrj, W,BflE-aH al ovetftv, 43a each, or fjjToi
farloo. ..; , . '. . ...
nRQFRVC I rnls'3 b.sslnc torn the word "Go 1" If you send us voar address and 56c, char res
iT. . ., " t-- v - uvUU
two 'Jcliura for there are no blanks. We ex-ect
mrtff rnn riftfirm. vm . H 1 , 1 iAf. rm 1 ( . .
post, or express -a ce. You run
vantage of this opportunity now,
Thousanda naetcned to tbolr Graves.
By rclyias on tesliriioniala writctn in
vivid elowiog laneuage of wme rairacu
lous cures made by some largely pnffeJ
up doctor or patent mediciiio has bat
tened thousan.ia to their graves; the
readers having almost insaue- faith tttat
the same miracle xnll be performed oa
thein, that these testimonials mention,
while the so-railed medicine is all the
time hastening them to their graces. .
Although we have v"L -v
:Tiousaad3 Upon Thousands 1 1!
of testimonisls of the most wonderfu
cures, voluntatlly sent, us, we dot pub
lish them, as they do not make the
cures. It is our medicine, ; Hop Bittc-rs,
that make the cures. It has never failed
and never can. AVe will give reference
to any one for any disease similar to
their own if desired, or will refer to any
neighbor, as there is not a neighborhood
in tho known world but can show lu
cures by Hop Bitters.
VA Losing Joke.
"A prominent physician of Pittsburg eaid to
' a lady patient v. ho was complaining of hor
continued ill health, and of his inability Vto
cure her, jokinply said: Try Itop Bitter.:
4 The lady took it In; earnest and used the Blt
' ters, from which she obtained permanent
health, hhe now laughed at the doctor for hia
'joke, but he is not eo well pleased with it, a it
' cost him a good patient."
: Fees of Doctors. . j
The fee of doctors at $3.00 a visit
would tax & man for a year, and in need
of a daily visit, over $l,C0t) a year for
medical attendonce alonel And one sin
gle bottle of Hop Bitters taken in lime
would save the 1,080 and all the jear'n
sickness. v
Given up by the Doctors
"Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up
and at work, and cured by so simpls a
"I assure you it Js true that he la en
tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop
Bitters, and only ten days ago his doe
tors gave him up and said" he must di,
from Kidney and Liver troubles"
3TNne genuine witkout a bunch, of greti
Hops on the white label. Shun all the, vile, poi
sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops " in their
name. .
Strongest, Purest, Best and Mist Lconottb
ical in the TJarkeL
Nevor Varies in Qve -
Reoommendcd to COSGOIEHS by !e Vjt
' cians, Chemists and monlrs of " ;5
Francisco Hrtrd tf Hea th
San "Fhaxcisco and Sacrajiemto.
1'IAXOt. ItiiANM.
KOIILKR Jk CHASE. San Francisco ana Port-
Bros, and the Emerson I'ianos. Also tor Mason A.
Hamblin and the Chase Organs. These agencies are
selected for merit, and represent tbe lwt in the Market.
Write for description and nt prices. CSTHeadquartera
fer Band Inatmnienf and Batia Supplies.
O I LIU WAY .Gablcr, itqenish Piatv8; Bttrdnf
Organs, band instrurncnta. Jxirgrest stock at Shoe!
Mubic and Books. ' Bands sttrplled at Eastern jr!e
-M. (j.ItAT, 2C-6 Post Street, San Franca co.
TheFamous Knabe Piano
Beet Piano in the world. The Popular Han-inff-ten.
Peaae and other pianos, and the Chicago
Cottage Organs. A. L. Baacrof t & Co., 721 Mar
ket St.. San Francisco CaL. General Agenta.
N. P. N. U. No. 55.-. K. N. ). Ni. 2.
m Acme Electric Belt5S5S2s,SK:
Fair in Portland. It is perfect in mechanical
construction, the; most elegant, efficient, eco
nomical and durable of any Electric Belt on
earth. It is a positive cure for Nervous and Blood
Diseases, Debility, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Liv
er, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Parol yi,
Kheumatism, fcexual Weakness in both sexes.
Office atC II.31ussdorfri"8 Hat fUore,
151 Front street Portland.Or. Price 10. C. O. D.
I have a Dosltiversmedv fur tho abort disease: bv its
use thoasaodsof estcsof the worst ktud ond of Iocs;
staodlnt: have been cared. I ndeeri, ?otronor m vfuli m
IniLsemcecy, thntl wi 1 send TWO DOTT1.E3 iHLZ,
toRtthsr with a XA LPACI.U TEE ATISE ou tills disease
10 ani sufforeri Give express nd P O.xddr ss. i
JH. X. A. SlOCCJI,181 PearlSt., Kew Tori.!
,tfolUhdd S. Xueh Birmbr cesUlm over IflO ftdvrtlumcti
eflsdlM and KnU wantioe enatnondeBU. 6 npl copy Ittc,
alvw. AddwoHEARI A 1LA.VD, CMcya. 111. Nib OA px, m-
rf.m-j ',1 i. :3Mur. arc
w .T. . . " - v.. p ik.
t"be liOSFITAlJH Or riiAKClw Pftmst retditt ViC'OIt.
Simoli c.", x'i f tA. Severe olt. U-fii l-i-i-tf re-.
1 1 xh f n 'til
tl t..,.if ... .....
Jw5M THE GRANpraT OP ELL Til f DDnniOAl Crtt! J
publish- M In tho Winter of 1873, whilo on eidubition in Cmdnnatii Tin tha
iriijijiiLiiia i mi riiiiiiiiiui r?nj-
I"1' " r?;oBnu fanic-HincKen auaience. tne original
painting of "Tub Psodjoai, Sox, inted for A. T. Stewart and
sold by him to too Exhibition Co., for 150,000, was destroyed
by Cre. Fortunately tho painttigr had been photograr heJ a
oetore, anu from this photograph 5Jr. Coo. Forbrl
viunjcufc uuutunau anisr., nas roproauceo, ta a series
oach rabscriber uniertlii3ofroruin
l vuivw iJiumres, a very laicnmi copy ot tlio orifrlnat paintirg.
o Jjavo contraded for the exrlusive riht, and on and after
D c. 18. 1884. tho Cllinir of ail orders wiil
! three pictures, executed in oil colors, on rjyirt r.t ruin tm
to cover cost of advertising, preparment of cost of delivering them to any address all charsres
- -i. - . . .
m CHARGE F03-.
1 Capital rrereluta..., lOO
25Premot$:oeach, xfita
25Prem'8of!f25cach, 625
lOCOOPnn'sof f lOeach.f im).Ooo
Fremlum. .
rremium. .
f38U rrem'sef $2cach,S173,S&3
Casjli Premiums, AgsrreitiES300,Cl3
J?.in . ,Sve P11 are CASH Premiums, of which there are
83,344 of 42 each, and ranging frr-m that amount to 5,000 a
Casd rcEait for EVERY ecescT iBKa, none less thau ?2-and
It Costs Moflj AnytMiigto Sutecribe,'
As the subscrirtion prl-je wEl be deducted when tho Cash Pro
nuum is paid and subscrijjtion beyina ruz&z aiue ko biases.
your nam
letter va will
leg a sealed envelope con
an'i iicu our. immediately on receu t of jour
saaa witn tho Premium Enmv
t-Jr ing an order for tho amount cf Cash Premium that will be
due you, and there will be no wailing or uncertainty.
Ee member, Xo Subscription Trie yaJ be Reel.
. and .So Charsefer Tickets. '
nflHUlTinMCi ---LVcry rubscription appUcant rauet
wwiiuiiiyuw. . accept as a conaition that he will
1 di-
rtcmium tictaro laa conspkuooa rhvco in his house
aDU ' "ere no eecureq taem. Positively this must
; uu iut;iu iu j fftuiura urucr ior coi less icnn
to secure the cecessarv 100.000 in S3 dura, and to be
mi . . . . . .
u.u uum, Atio ulsa rTen.iums paKi tnroujrn any mas-:,
no risk, cxce.jt cf beta? benefited .rin rfrft waif Hii
TO-DAY. Address rAIUIES'S LEIKJEit, CTscssatj, Oeio.