''t ,'amr:. r-w-TSS afe.- r TlIliJNDEPENDgT; BATURDAYri)ECElil5EIl 27; '8. s A, , LAUhEL LODGE A. F. M. WILL HOLD YvV reiml.ar rooet ngs oil Wednesday on or More i. .ii each full moon. B. U S KilAN N, W . .A. J. P. Dtnccas, Sec. .-. riULETABTAN LODGE, : - '- V'- 'r:---. No. 8,1. o. O. K., meets h.. r'---A on Thursday evenr-iir of raeh weOt at7oolocs, in weir uau Mwaer , the or J in i,'ood sUuUmy are mv iwcc attend. Btf order of tha N. U. UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. , L O- J- m3et at Odd Fellows' on th first ail tnui rridivs or !....,.nii, Vi ;id:i.'brethraa invited to attend. Cli4 I MiVHJ"M . - i L. UEiHts. c. -. A. C. Harks, Scriba AU CMPQU A CHAPTER, NO.I1.F. A. M., hold V'. their ieuUr eimmaaloa.iou every first 6' and third Tuesday in 1."?,,,ltlJ-,'.0A1 members in jpwd nUuuiin wdi Uke due and timely notice and govern thei.i-cives Visitiui' co:uwt:uoHU are invited to mect vith tuo haoel when convenient. & Fl?LLEBT0S U. r. W". I. Fuot.A.VDKa. Se in Wanted. Four hundred new sub scriliers on the Indepexeent list. Fob Pale. A spleiuHJ upright piano otfertd for Hah cheap. Apply at this oriiee for particulars. A Narrow 'Ejcam..- Three .raca who were nautug iu tuc r.vcrun Uarist.ii.n day, il. Hill, H. JioHlivay ami Jwuu Luhcr got into the swift wafer at the head ol the rapids aouth f Iio.;t burft' iu the endeavor fco rec-iVcr a seuie which tliey haU lost a few lav 8 previous. By son.e un-ans their boat became unnianairel.Ie au.fc capsized leaving them clinging to some willows iu l he middle of the swollen current, ir ieni Oweus, upon beiuji lufutuied of their dajer, tcok a loat aud weut to their rescue. He succeeded iu jjettin the men iu his boat but being una le ,t' row back to thj shore steadied tile boat ahd shot through tiie r.ipids aud laaded thetn Sat'eiy below, welter aud iio douot wider iu regard to ill e waUw ol the Untp.iu thao they wer Itfure they weut tisuio. Mr. Owens rescued Morris Abraham in the same dace and la the stue maimer just a year aoon Christmas day. . A libel.- Li last week's issue we ru' lis'ied a notice ot' JamesG. iiarsha: atatiujj that a eack of wool bad been UmuA at the Grange warelioaso iu Kostbur. Theartu-ie 'was intended. by its author to -reflect Uj;ou th integrity ot ILm. W. F. Oecs. aeut of the GrauL'. Ou tlie day the article waa lU''iisiied Air. Owens had Marshall arreateii for criminal liicl. JNlarshal, in order t avoid farther prosecutiutt, paid 'up the costs and mado out aud signed the, reti action which we publish in another column over his signature, iu ' which he ackuowiedes that he wrote tha aiticia in naetnu oecauee ha waiaury at Air. Owens, and that he knew at the time that the sack cf wool be longed to him. hi.e the Uoace could do lir. O ens uo liana with p rsuns acqaaititeu with the pal ties, he is to be couimeuued for bis prompt action in uiiiiginn his accuser tu a retract'.on. This should be a'warning to persons who viaut to siaader their ui!ibors . not to publish it ii the newspapers Death of '21 ns. Lang cxEUEG.-i Anna l aria LungenUerg died at li:r resideuce,iu ihla city on the 21st. inst. cf old age Sht ws born on the river llart' iu tha German Empire Jtu:e 24t h 1813 nJ at the time of her death was 7i 'years 5 months and 23 days. She was tho mother of our respected town; Tiien Louis, George nud Alphons Lrg enWrg and caiuo to Oregou in 1380 from Iowa to make her home auioug her children, litr husband whom sh accompanied to tlna western coast, died a few mouth after thuir arrival, bhe was but ied under the soUaim cereuio nies of the Catholic church ard laid to rest in their cemetery. Of her round ed and complete life it may be said " ell done thou good and faithful servant." The 18155 Bvoa.-Suuihetn Oivgcm apjfeara to be pre paring fr a big boom durtiig 1885. Hair, .jnipiovtuiientis are expeced with asi-uiance f realization. $150,000 is to be pt nt bv the govi-rn-meiir ar- .Port Oi foul; the Buutln in Oregon ImproxfiiM'i.t C. jis pioiu iseof lUHiiy v aluably uudertakiiy; ' Mi th ba, lti! ll.e UCKlv probabiily br ci:ected lib lhi Cers U-hi Paeifif, hus tun ing . lh t! !o t progi'csn to thl ' il i ii Hi. Xv-'Jt- -fillip vi i m.ikv its itu;ai- j b it . t a..d Sure g:o.viii, ti.iHa.t':'M wi4 uk np MS ft WMllllVll VlUlKt'lpl-' ! .ni 1 th- ' tiliiVH ill be t.ve-. -i ,i f' r : lilii-iii-tvf ti- ft u li'i i ill- iif' G V ', ' opml and money m.oSe. Vv ? .i-ijt .' men of money wili tii;' .in nxct e-. ihr groAih and . io.-p r t the- 'on and boom.. l! p;.c !..- .0'iiin-4 nti. The fcTo:;si.-Tiitt state f jui Ltgs City to its f.u thi i eiisu-iii atl mrih tm lumntbilicM has lieeu visittfl bv the moHt severe stnt iii nn tecord for Oreutm. Stiw i.H leportc 1 from t!ire to sevt-n feet deep in to diib-ivnt ioenlitp w. Pioin tlie DougMS CdutitV; bonlo'in line, south and :. eer thing w lovo Jy and pleasant mh in ye otden ttuie. 1 Cows County having ben visited by m severe wind-storm, ho wevr, which did no damage. Tom (pn-.-itiir.-is whether lite climate of the Stat i cUuitin.-, If ir U ;-h,ng-.ng th. c'.u,,ed - hiiU ..f. Old Umpqua apj.r to Ih- a' barrier Hgui.ist the inclemency of the weather, and like our B publi. nn friends s-re Crying out against a cha ge Tiie .imirw tiave not U .unnM.g thisw,;ik but conimeneetl again Fi idav. rvmih- ern ()rron will count to the front s the garden upot, if things vuhtiuue in the present line, LOCAL ITEMS. Weddings. Bull holiday times. ' - A happy NewYeir. The lawyers are busty. " Cross-walks need cleaning. Frank Ogicrj is ajjain on deck. "Swearing oflj day approacbeth. Lee Rodenlrtrfc' has cone to tho mines. Ed. Sheridan is the bow at a wedding. Side-walks are sadly in need of repairs. It is hard to do withont the regular mails. Wm. lao has been in our city the past week. 4 t Ilt-ury Ablf is doing the boss butcher business. Grass was never better and stock is iu line condition, . ' For lamo Baek. Side or Chest nse Sliiloh's Porous Piaster, i Price 25 cents. i The Cbristmaai E?e dance was enjoyed by those i resent, j No etork lost iu Douglas county, the Paradise of Oregon. Jdo. W. Lane w in the employ of Wells, Faro aud Co. at Portland. Only clevcni feet of suiow at the Coeur d'Aleae muiesjteu days ago. A switch is to put iu by tha railro.td company at J as. Burnett's frni Henry MeDSor beat Chas. Pendej?ast a font rat e fur 500 Christmas t-ve. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cot:gh. Sliiloh's Cure is the Uemedy for you. Charley C ements looks as bright as a new dollar. Wouder what hanneiicd". M a Jfrs. Gihn'irtv of this county, is aiitoiija the 8:iow bound paners at the Dal'es. Old Umpqua seem to be a our. a'l that, is 'eft to eujiy ta old fasoiotud Oregon weather. ; The rainy wratber male To: Criitzei a siwib s a little broader. He was thinking of his mines. ! THAT HACKING COUTH can be so . i i quickly cured by Sliiloh's Cure. We guar antee it. . " . Douglas county may enter a dark horse in the Senatorial contest. If she " does, sand from us d?r - A little child of Thos. Critezer was severe I3' but n-t diini:erouly scalded ou the right am Vv'edne3-l3y . Now is your time to lay in a supply of inerchandixe. Go to Hoyau's and sve from 0 to 30 per cent- Hon. Bmcer Herman, Con irrESinan elect, will proaMy attend the inouguration of President Cleveland. semi-drunk, semi-crazy German is in town and has been a burden to our night watchman. Something should be doue for him. n is an old mau and has a few dol'ars. CATARHII CUilED, health aud sweet breath secured by Shlioh's Catarrh I'emedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. R. L Cavitt, of tlie extreme eastern por tion of the county, was in town this week. He reports no scow and stock m ilaa con dition. I - If strange' lights in the sky are the fore runners of wars and rumorj of wars, a little coid weather seems to he the forerunner of weddings aud rumors of weddings. i All those 'indebted tome will pl?ase pay immediately and save costs so that I can pay a few of those I owe immediately and save cost. I S. F. Floed. SHILOH'S VlTALIZEPi id what you neetl 0 Constipation, Loss of Appetite. Dizzii cs and al! symptons of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. , W. T, WnVht an J family will leave for Santa Barbara, Ca!., to visit friends as soon as the trains bcGt'u 1 mining again. They may extend their visit t a residence. Our people wruld be sorry to lose them. We return our thanks to some discern ing frietid who sent us a present through the mail of a pair of 'ring-streaked and siriptd pair of socks for Christmas. How he knew that th'iy were especially what, we needed we do not know. SUILOIPS CATAR1GI REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, aud Canker Mouth. Tlie Jiici.souvil.e I'ini-id h is j ncd p ure.it many of our C'-i.tt iopoiarieo in itvocatin Mr. i P. I iiouau as (J. S- ilara.ai under ".-.- --,'. ine CltVeikii-l aduiiiilailailuu. da iar ae note aiuon out excoaocs tuviv ccios to e Out ine iipioiou vimcvii.il g io,a laijA r.iot OilCb i it. '1L1 3 !i.-fui. UcluCb. Vt i itjU ttiio.., jiii. oitr.n. lut'gii'y, u:Mju5i-j il'u.t.l Oiiliiy aul :a .c.i tlt imavj . : . ' .. ' .. . ''':'. li IL . - I" I. 0.. 1 i I. tile f1 fc u 'j u.. v o . f. C.ii U .- 1 lll. . C ; IU i ca t Ii t v, 1..1 . ll u id. ISO . ' ; - i " lUi.ii'- iu-; ..ioai v a lit -.Sf'it a a -... r vii.r "' t. i.v, . . " . ... .i.v-- .i ty. W . U" -vi-i..-.i - .- i . - out, Liu ii.tve o-1 it:; -.a ' i. . i.. u-(.J clicul v'tiLL. YtiC aUiFE.; vttn i t i and Lu ei Cuiplain. f aidV V t. liz. ia 4ju.iiiicco 1 to cure you. Tlia BiO-EL ot Daauty. . i On her btow tiitiual-S the glow, ol . " henbdi withi.u What clia.e truiii th invalid of a few luonihs ago. Da yon know the seent of hr reutwJ heaitnl We will til.you. Wiien she 1 1 xf 1 t V. a i '. t 1 1 " a-tk-au l t. hiiiiiit frtllt ainiuti iiinv 1,114 ' " remedv S.i'Ui of Fig -is as igiwMe to il, unto a it i ifcct,v u. cie.. ing the system, calming tht nVrves au-1 j av,akt-i,g tf L.ver, Kilne, Sfom- 1 acli ami J.uwvU to a healthy acttvi-y, sh began jising it, and you see the ' result.' Ladies nia!i ng toknow it the Sv ru, vf figs really pci-s niich on- deiful erlicart-, ran d uin a trial !miie free, of -clwvgW nt S, llniiijttn's Prug 1 blore, l List of.Liccasa. The following is a lUk of Marria-e License) irsued by the County Clerk of Douglas coun ty for the ear of ISSi. - A J Dear F A Brown V L Arringtoa -John Nichois Tnomas AleX3uder Charies E.iioree William E Morris Simou McAliutvr Au. ust Hu tetheir P.obert M Oley Eugene Ambrose Wiiiiam Wootls it S Dickenson Alttert Johuxou itichurd Ash wood Ernest L Kice Wallace Mynatt U E Jordan L St Ores Jonn H Ahlf Joseph ti Brown John McCurdy William Ktlem urg A E Hansbro v' m & Elliott G V Baies -Frauk Marchette J G Wilaco S G Long Wm A Langfeld C Mankelm , fl P Come isou Walter L Wagner Fannie Vail Mary F Johnson Julia S McCortuell E:na WriifJ iSusan It Walker Mary E i'o- i Peruut E Thaaipsou Emma Gauo " Ttiteiiia Tower Linda J Maori Agues E Williams Kusa Gage Mrs Sue fc'awyer Aline Harnes:i Edltli Beaumout Nelllie J Bosauger Olive Catching Mry J Gateii, Fay farmer Carolina F Eickhoff lmaliaeBall Annie E Conn , Ju iaA Wagoner Juba Dysert Mary E Laach Subi- Davis Itosa W&tkius Stel a t itch ' ; Alice J Bracllord Felina E Drtin Dora Joseph Bosa Comutt Eunice Ktrthey Josie E Cnw Margaret M Gurney , Ella M Atkins Abe 15 Steel Mrs Kate Butler Alice Bay I.ia Johns ! - Dtra H 1 is-lale fcMagiiie JSaciry Zerilda Critea r Mary E Roler Add:e Bol ted Ldy M Belcher Sarah Froisr v ; Dniceu.a J Parott ! 31erie Iv Yocmn : Mary E We tier Ssan M b com 11 Alice A Mucins Sarih A!ic Co.vaa i Lucy Tin t AnnrGdlcmiu : Mary A:n D.v;s , M:ry E!leu-Aytch Am a M Nichols Adtliue Hart i Emma Daxis M 13 Glendeuiiimr Annie Smith Amanda J Young a!tie Pi its A ex Eiihley C A Bivi; G W Hawkins S A Iarant J hiiu s alvtit Jistj b Ceiph -. Tnmas Hartley Janus M Fletcher James lico J 1 Hauuan J W Be!l Isaac U Bichey J H Copeiaint J C Shainlirook N T Jewett JTiivs E Gregg B F b-iir ii M C aoman U L BiUillieil J W Kmery 1 j damler Sherman Huff W i Buichard A 11, H Brdtieid Wnl Q Brow a Adna L (ior Juiin McKay M W l..,vi:f Ciiaiies 11 Osleu M iSimi.ioua J P Keru tieotbe Lai.enbcrg Joie S hitney 1J Wilson juararta f v nsuti hwy J BaL r , Cac he l ine lugram E'inor Hime Ida Selig . Millie Sni-ler Martht Smith Mary C Singleton Elia Gn iaAviy Cathariu- Ingram t ir - l E B Chap 1 an j M De. au I S B as ley Frcily Gabbert W G Kinney f bib. i t L inard A T Thompson tiso B iuiford E M Deuvual Ail ia tha Line of Hatriro- There is notliing iu tlu- line of uimric, or ui't'st'?i'v about ibat woiniutful ant popular mediciue, Parker's Tonic. It j is siuijdy -the besc aud most scientific coinbiuution possible of the e-seutiai principles of those vegetable cuiauve? which art powerfully and directly on l ue stomach, liver, kidneys and blood, but there neither is, nor will be, any successful imitation of it. It is all the time curing those who had de spaired of ever getting well. For yourself, your wife and children. Ladies' Msdicai Adviser. A Complete .Medical Work for Women, handsomely bound in cloth and illustrated. Tells how to prevent and cure all uiieased ot the sex, by a treatment at home. Worrh its weigh in gold to very lady suffering from any of these diseases. Ovtr 10,00U sold alteady. Postpaid only 50ctt. . Pos tal note or 2 ct. stainjis. Address NUN DA PUBLISHING CO Nunda, H. Y. Nov. 1st 3-m Twenty-fivo Years in Prison- J. W. Hamilton, District Attorney, and Wm. K. Willis, Attorrey, of Bomc btirg, vvtie iu Eugeno last week at-t-udi.'g a called term of the Circuit Court at lUal place. Ti;e tmn us c-itii. d 10 ny A iron Luicn, o!" Cottag jft'Vf, 101' tvii'ei y. tiUiaiei"oi 1.,- '!!;. iit?it.s t un s aitiiil hit' d - If'iHl-Oi.t. il iil i;i .i l l iV-il O.i 111. i'i 1: . t giUity 11 . ': i in 1 . .1 -, ; . 1.. .CI' V ft rll . l.l i i.U i 11 I.i llj ilif. -i.-, rt..ti voir ec:pe ol I lie . lore g'Uig cl Li- Doivv vuipJoycl In biaoiii; 1 u,., itmi I r. Oil. 01 vtntip, whs tuwacuijiis, t;i Ipjuvc . . ' i"ur' titiiiiig on an bints i tneiii. i tn ,:.i . . . ine UiMdlUI wa IN -tOt KllOAll. A Lue fc-a7h-g Present- Mr V M E Hlj4U.t tCntfh;i-o! TCm a m. a. -.vii.bU.i, HULcUiU-Otl, Ivan , d his lite by n S uiip.o Trial Butt! e I 1 ....' j ! ve : " -i w.-cov , fr Uun- muiUu, wuicu cau.d nun to pt,cniv. , a large ooa:e, that compl,.cd, cured uiui, wueu ij.ior.s, cna..ge oi c.i.uai "d wwj linng else ua.i taiitfd. A-uinua : iioiicinti, uoarsenesa, wwr UougLs uU U luioat nu Jung uiMjaHejj, I- is guaranteni to lure. Irial l.iif!i Iree at S. Hauidum'a Dm-' Store. Lr.'e 3 ' m - v . .. .I - t size one dollar. : Syrup ct Tigs. " Kattn-e's own true Laxative. Pleas- unt to the Palate, acceptable lo the Stomaih, hal'r1les in its nature, pain less in. its action Cures habitual Con stipation, Dilious'tess, Indigestion and kl- dred ills. Cleauses the syslein, purities the blood, regulates tho Liver and acts on the Dm els. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fewvs, etc. Strength ens the organs on which it acts. Bet ter than bitter, nauseous Liver medi cines, pills, salts and draughts. - Sam ple bottles tree, and large bottles for sale bv S. Hamilton. M1EEI2D. UAiii.itl jELI. uu Uecewlxr ut ihe its iuense cf the brldea parents by tLo Kev.W.. Siuick, Mr. Frd'l-iaJrt to Slisa. Ida Sells lintii of My 1 tie Creek. KliSKEV SNIDEit. At liosebur', December 23d, at, the reiideo-" oO.bc brl lca mother, by Kov. J'oha Howard, William O. Kenny, of Melford, Jacltaon eounty, to Mis3 Mollic . cider,- of lh:s City We ackaoieVrj comp'.imeat?, and iu turn extend '; our cci'ir. iiulatioua tLe re sincere aiitl earncBC. j The iiapjy couple arc youo? and tbo world pmenfc) ; to ihtui a future of genuine ba;p;no3s the awocteat fruitd oi whicii we idh tUcin. i S Dr.UVUAL INiiHAi;. 'n Deeemler 0th, by the j Itev. U.K. lUj-moml, 2. 51. Deuvnal, jf Jack- 8on county, to catlij.i.ie lnjra":n oi oous'.iu eounty. s V.'INIi OaD CANXAWAilY.-December 21st, at the residence of l'hos. Wiiiif its by Kev, 'f. il. Sharp, ieo. 3. Wiuif .ird to Hijj Ella (JU:ir.awary both ot l u,Ias coutity. I MIXAIID-SMITH.'-At the Modallen Houte iu Iiosebur, Friday December 20. h, by Hon. J. S. Filzhujjh, Comity Juc!0'e, Bobcrt Lce'Minar.i to Miss Martha Suikb. B th of Doii;,'!us county. THuMSOV SINGLETON. At the re.dJbn ot Baiky singleton, on Deer cre.k; JL. iiiglas count.", .- on TVjducgdjy DeccinVer 24th, by !:c. II. t. Webb of tlie M. E. church, A.T. Tho;ps..n o Miss Carrie Singleton. Both of .Dou'l is coun y. We atkno lede a good supply of c ka and rolu n the yo-nig poo:.3o our ( hrbtmsh. We sins. m . frie:id T,ny not only rt !e a man h tm tl;e Deer creek : boys by tek'ng one of the fre?t flu'-vcr Iro:n Lb; ; lovely vjHcy, bur as the wedding U d bi.Vvi uu.'toiuv. ( to lake piaoe on Chri3trna j, by h a'ins the cere ;v ny derfortne! ths day before, and leaving vitb. hi fair j bcede he ihe ted tho boys out of a firt-el is.s charl j ari. HH7 THI3 to 'mi: ru3LS. , I 'i siie tc fny li nt jl:H i tide ; pnb lisiied in tin Douglas Independent of the 20th Decern beiylSS 4, of which the fallowing is a copy: Wanted, an ownei for one sack of wool, found bv tiiH iind' rniinl in y . . . . 882, near the Change Warehouse. JSaid saj-k wat sold, and proceeds kept bv tlm Ae't, (Jranfe. Owner to D.iV f,",. Iu;tive. Jus. G. Marsh.il. Boseburg, Oregon, Dec. 18, 1ST4." I did not intend to reflect on the personal integrity of Hon, W. F. Ow- b An-pnt for tho GranrO Business I --" ' sS0ciati0H at lloseblirg, Oregon. 0:i I 0 e the controry, I have hud much dealing with 'Mr. Owens arj'l always found hi'n to be strictly honorable and honest. T. further i.tate that the sack cf wool referred to had rolled off tho platform of, and belonged to the Grange Ware house and was duly accounted for and that th foiegaing article was written bv me whilst in a- moment of tempor- . 1 ary anger. Dated at Itoseburg, Douglas courity Oregon,' this 22d day of December, A.J). 1884. jas. g. Marshall. In presence cf: L. F. Lane, ' John Lane. . United Staies Land OIlce, Itoseburg, Oregon, L'ea. 13, 1SS5. . VOTICE IS HKKEUtf GlVLx, PCKaUAAT Tii x Act, of cutcreis of Juie 3, laiS for the sale ol timber lands in the Staie.4 f California, Oregon, e viioa an 1 in W,ihi,,gton TeiTititrv.t'.iAt lie .ry J.Sim U1..113 nan a.jpnea 10 jiun.h tne L it No. 5, , 7 Hiia 6, oee. li, T. 2a S, II. 1 Weji, W'dlaiuette iier iu.au. - Any aud all persona claiming adversely cny of the above ocsCi'iO. u lauu, luuat ine tnoir cl.onu wiiii ifte lijiiLiir 01 uieG. a. LkI id fn juai. uo.seourg, oreg.-n, uti.-ny iiio oixcj aa.y Unii.:aiion herd i, auii fa. vouotti., wio.r riliL will 0c iMrrea uy 9i..i.tii&. vV'.a. . i.S. VMLS', uejii.'-iii. ii'g:.-ii.er. Ic. ti..i, ucjc.ij..d- I I . I .1 i I i. . . Vl.i... lii.O ii,1. 1. ... O. : ..J .O .Jt 1 -.Ul't iri 1..-. Ui i:..i, .oot ....T..a .-. ... vtic c....e -.. ...atj .jiiA.. xi a .-. .11 .H-..J '., . ..j . , - . O... . ; j lii , 1 i t c . -. ... ." ... ., - .......i. -.i ...i.-.-c i. .,;u . -. j , - V'aJ-l, --O 0.1 -til OJuV., I i&.41uf, L. i.LSOU -'..ill-.H .iilO .i-.cv iiiinvo, .00. a uo'.it; bns.ouud to juroola j '-oa.-ty, elate ot vre-u uituer toa uau.e oi uron ; . , AltLl.lll AC LkW Ij rfi.:l)VR? I".10!lfV. ; , 51 r;ii.jN au.u.- as Uauvi:y huown ' : X tae auove.Maiea ueteauani: in the name of the ; ii,aie of uretfon, w .u a.-e no. eoj ru.jairej to -.i.-ar ; :o auower .he eonpiiuui Utl aaoiat jou by uu 1 alt..-.-.i t..iintt..i l'.i.it'lf ti.n xt, ine iooe uaii.ej igluii wi.uii ton Uay iro-u le Oawi ol the .scr.'i;e of tiosiuai.n j lnuvon you if crvc t wttnln tlii enmity, or if serve 1 at any oiuur eounty in tiiib.'ate tue i witinn twenty Ua.w from t.'ie uaU of too service of ih.n baainiu.it upo.iyou, or 11 scrva by publication tnereof you are hvieby re..u red m ap pear nU answer liie e-aid omplan 1 ,,r btfore the riritd-yottiie next te,ul!r term of the nboieu-nica courti which lg the fivw Monday, the i.tb day ot Jan ury lad.i, a 1 i UVvou fail so to i- j-wr and answer, for want thereof, lue f lamtill wiii U:l:e JuUjjn.env i . Z v Jj anJ "-.d uUbu.sen.eM, ; Kftul?tt oV V, dpaf Jiftit?i "wJl'S'j'o.sk" JU,a,,J , 'uovs? ' AttoVncv f Jr 'plaintiff. i V ' - ' ' - 1- 1 Bs'r Xf75 w,nil Ictfw'ou ff wda Li ' ' I I r.ivef8.a eosMy bvc f 11 I I i wliic:i wji help all, of cither sax, t i i IJ - more m' r v uu nythlnjf e! int waH.I. Pf.rfitn.. .wtt. th. . ..!,... .1 1....... 1" w - - -- v. . w Mo&uiuieijr .or. Ai ones adore laUJS and Co., Anffusta, Xia. imi this srs. ' U. - " .; Assignee's Notice. T-JOTICE 13 ni.KKW 01Vi:N THAT H. IL TITCH 1 of l ias cre.lt Preri-ct, loi!glis Ciuaty, btate or Orem, on ihe 2ul day nf Deuvir.bur, lsa'i, nud -njfeoir,J a-tsicotieot to toe ouilcrj-igned J.tt I'rain,' ot ail hi. proocrty; under x)u provision of ihe Atacut- oi Oregon cut tied "An Aeu to .evure LTtditors a ju3: division t.f the K.taies or L'ebtor who convey to as wjrneea for the be.jctii at Lredl jrs." Therefore, AU p.er-ions havi.it' ciums aainsi!, the taid U. it. titoa are nesebv noticed to present thtir ciaiias, under oath, to the unoeraiswd tusiee at thesiore o Dnin 4: Co in Drin, Lii;rUw county, Oretc, whbin three mouth irom this date. Ad persons indebted to lh said it. IU 1 itcanro required lo niiike iinnjevUute paynjeot to me. Dated L'o.-euibcr liih, 1S81. J. C. DRAIN, Assignee. Hermann & Tall, Ati'ysfor Asiitinee. - de2l3-7t Ek cutor's Notice. In the County Court of the St.-.te o Oregon for the County of l-'oiilas ! l!i.he matter o the rotate of E. CJ Dry. deoeased- XTOTICB-1 IIKltEPY .GIVEN, THAT THE L.U.T ll wi-1 and teiitamont of E. O. Irv, -:eeeatied h b-jen duly imiw, and pursuant thcreu too undiar Kigued, by order of the t.ounty Court of i.'oujlus com ty, Oregon, made ard entered tlierein on the 2d day of 1 eUM!r,. A. !.. isil, lns been appointed Executor ot said Kstute, aod has duly quaiilied as uuh. Now, therefore, ail persons having leal ulatins awiust s,ud c?tsre are noiiiied to preieii t .e same' to tha undersigned Executor t Koseburjr, Douglas county with pro;-tr youclwr, within fix it nth irom the date oi tbiei publication to ihe undersijrned Exe cutor of said estate. And all p3i&ont owinj; said estate are ro;uireJ to make uiuucdiitc itayraent thereof to tho .undersigned. . Dated fioscltur.r. l'eeember 6ib, duoo-75 TIIOJlAS 'uKfbDALK, txecuttir. In the County Court for the Sstate of Oregon, county of Douglas. Henry Waller and August Walter,' partners doin busuiuj UuUer the linn name if Walter i; co-, I'.aiouils, vs. h. iiorkley, i-efemlaui. Action at Lnw to leVover Aioitey . To S. lieauioy, Defendant: in the naiaa of the ijiais of Oresoo, you are iieivhy required to apper and a.isUer Uie cviupuuut ti.ed nami yon in ihe itbove e.iiitlua couruao.; action, bj 1 ta plaintiff j, Hen ry i m.or asm Aiyu-si Waiter, nrtiiors' ioi;i ousi nci u.iuer ih . nroi n;;ijie of v'aiiiir Uros. vY w.., oa or bcf,rs me fii ji day oi iho nexs rki'iiir term ui ai:i cxurt, toM'it, Bi nduy, tlie oln Cuj of .lamutrj, A. D.r lj..; an , if you fail tu s aiuwer aiu cuio plaiui ine iiuumft'j will wko juueiaent agui:i yiu f r th-j sum uf one hufiurei una tic itv-suvea anil Uj-Ioj ai!mi-d wtih biterest thcreuii a,t iusrale f eiglii. i cr te a. ;tf annum f' iu loo ith ur.y 01 June, looi ninii ju gun.enl, loencr wuh the o-.ss auu diabneuie.iti. Tlu iMUuii.o'.is is p t;diV:ijl by or ier of Hon. J. S. Filziiush, ju-igfioi siiil County .uu.'i, 01" tue s.ate.it reg.ii, lor the county of iJ.;u0'!a.i. ilade and enter ed Lie 1st day of October. A. i., laSl. HERMAN a BALL, . Attorneys for paiiutiffs. Elicriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court 01 the State of Oregon for the tha Cou'ity of Daugia!. . Fendol butherlin, Plaintiff "V Vi. ' I J. Woi'drnff, incretia Wood- ruS ;id J. 11. jeil-sit. ) 'OTl(JE 14 UEilE.Jir GIVEN HI AT BY VIKTUr. of an order lj:u-a iu if the Circuit Court oj iiij above entuk-d Court 011 the SHib lay ot. November, lis1, and to ma threoted and de livered in pursuance 1 a jut'trmeiit anU decree Uuly niado i.nd enujred i'i s.vi 1 circuit ourt on the 2 111 diy October A. 1 li, i.i livwr of the abue tiiinsd j) hi in tiff and ag.iiii.st. the above n.'.n:e'i detenu ants, J. WoourufI ana Luurjii t Woodruff for the inns of eigiio ktmared ana sevonty-ttine and 17-100 U"Ihir. tiuiher wt. 00. UO aforuvy s f ie utid 1'J.05 i-ot ;iiid oi-liur.ien'io it and wuercas jt.jd defottjaut J. il eliet4 rocovvred a jtmsoient a.r. ia-it a.d aeiendaot J. Wo hirutT for the sum .f einiy-tiirco a id 3 10J d ilivi-s a.ni bgal iiueret frotit -inly 7tii, utte miojit to the nen of tlie p.amtiff herein by mason of hi a vid mortice, aud for no foreclosure i a i;irt Vaifo on real r-pcri.y by said J. Woodruff and l.u cretia Woodruff to -aid 1 ii:.t It Feudel Mi.heriin ana for tho sale of :he uiofltciged prinnsc. to satisfy the dd judgment's tutereist nd c-.nntt. and whl-re.i the S8ia r:xeention comtaatids ir.o tint out of eabl inert ied preaikc-v for tlu forcc!oure attd sale of whioh 'j' do.-re.. and ju lufsnt were recovered, I n.ti,fy the said jn-lfiae'ii' Attorney' fe,-interest and unt m the following mantiar, .to wit: I ii st, i;t payment 01 ir.o costs ana expeim of s.nd rorc closure and sale; Second, in payment of the said attorney f'-e; 'I bud. in p.ij nont of t-w pUm-ms in f.tvor of tha j.hdn'ili t'ert'lol .S.jw-.arjin; i'"our,li, i-i ji-vyment t.f the ju g nieiit of sa'd iitfeiidant J. II. Joilett, a subset ueut lien encumbrance, and the bil.vn: if nv, pav oer to-tho defeiioants J. Woo.1n.ll ana" J.uc-rctii Woddrulf . I bivo levied upon r.nd on Saturday tho lOlh day of January, A. 1), 1SJ., between the hours of nine o'clock m the forenoon slid four oTc!ock in th. afteruooii of wild d iy, tj wit: at the hour of one r, si. of mti'l day will xol at pobiio au jiion to the highest hiodc- for cash in baud, at the Court Hou-e dnor, in Koeb irg, Douv?a county, Oregon, ail the right, title and interest of the defendants J. Woodruff, Lucreti Woodruff aud J. II. Jl-1 ett i' and to the following mortgaged premises, described ns followu: Lou nn. 1 ber four ami fiveand-iouthhalf of lot, number'd twe.itv fveu, and lot mrnbered seven i.i block nuinbereU ei'fbtesn in tho city of li'weburg, Douglas c-iunty, Oregon, with tencmcnt.4, hendiUineuts and anpui teriince. V,'it!!.js my b ind and official signature, this 2d day of December, list. G. A. TAVLOtt, Sharill of Da-.ijl.ts county, Oregon Guardian's 'Sale. rrT!CE IS HERKBY GIVEN TH KT THE UN 1 dersiined ciuaraiin of Creed L. Chsnoweth, muior heir of John Cheiioweth, lave of Douyia; coun ty, orcjrou, deec-uicd, has baea duly licensed ana i reyteJ by the Couaty Court of Donate j iJoitiity ore-' yon, by an order cudo and entered of liejord, on tha Jlatli day of Octoiier, A. D. ViU; to soil all the riyht, title and intercut of naid minor, the same being an undivided one-iourth (il imoro.t, (-iubject to the iiowcr rib'ht or .i)tcret ol ids mother, Mai; m a chon owetu; .11 and to the lo'iowin iie;icribci lieal Lstate in unn-lai County, Oregon, 10 wit: 'I'ha UoiihUo.i Land claim of Jvihn B. Slills and wife Notitljati- n iSo. Slti7, the tsame bemjf the fraoiio'.ial i of Sec. ii, anci the fnictiousl N of Sec. T. 20 rt. K. 5 W. conu-buiijr 010 acre of land, more or Ie:;s; fractional N. h. of the N. JS. of ec -id, T. SJ S., it." 5 W. the same beinjr designate 1 aa lot one .f SiLtion 2J, 'lowi.h:p iO b, lia ise 5 W, comainitiij 23.75 ucr.-u of lau.l, more or le-:s . i e is Ir of tlio S. W. of hcc. IS, and lots 4, and tf.f sicj ill, T. -;i3 o-, if. 4 VV. couta.iinijr 151.51 aere- pi laim, wore or led-.; .be W. J , the vv". oi the u K. J; ihe ri. Jof toe N. E .and lot ie of co. I't, 'f. a s, ii. i VV. coinaini:!,.' alo..y acnv of a a, laot'u r ItMs; Ait mat j.ar- of toe uoa iiioa i. .laii.-i of ii. tV V .ii.s.,le: 'claim .No. II, tiyln'c it : (into t ..f ;h IS,-1 "id ft, i 4 V, tlio soiUl, p.ori'of aii! io vitii;n cniiiii c t.tii:iii!j: VU acre- of fml, in u-e or !..- and lyiiu oa tne no. ihsioe of tho vor-ti I r.i; ; k ru er, ihe fc. j ! t.!e ii i, an i 1 t i.nj of he- ii, 1 lit i V e.inou -on .us -J acre of l .n-i, more ' le-s toe .x j oi the b Ii 4 it t: l;.t, T ii'J ii, i 5 W o .i .a.'.in ee-acro; o; laii.!, oioro or es ; tha S J of Ibe s V 4 ol iS.'ic 1 ; ta.e b ii oi tile n K J of lien ll. me u i 1 -ns n ii i, a to io s i a i II, wtd ihe A Ii 4 .f vai $ ii of ojJ Zli, i &:j O, it "5 W c:. I uiiiiu' -ill -ore- of 1-tiul, ioo.e or ie.. u a. -.'.add one iuiii' oi..i!' e a- in :t;i tit tho N W i ..i cm tt V t -f o -i.j a. T .-j s. i i W, ail of the b s o y.vtiBU i.iu.1. be nj in iAiur'.aj County, jtate ,a e.' :j UJ'-' of -id li.ien-e and r.'.o . I wi 1 nn ...-a i iv ot? .okcj ! a.ii',. iWi, .v. me uoiir or lo ... . i.j k, a. H. ! i.r u..y, -. tie ; rerjji-C'- in . i is.j viy ...vi j.Uc -e l iar iii i.i ii t.-ifi a.-, poolij i it-.oi w b-.' bt.;tet aUJ ne--t. bit dcr ail the I'ttclp., v 5: iiil i M'e-Vk :ii a.d aliuof .i ali-l t llm IjK:i-- 'ti 'lO'.o. j 'i : A h.tpift of ih- i."na.ioa .:-a.t ! . .''.:!.ii ll. ..!!. . and . if.!, Ni:i 'cat oi .. ('-.' i i;i 1 ii o i aJ v oi WU!&iit.;t.te !er.dK3 y;.-f; rfi. v.ie -vaiu ta of ihs No.'.h i'mjfjo river n ...i.i i'jv-.i ana ::, eoiitainin- abriti. 00 a..; e iii i iEJ, o'i'.ie or je ;. Alo lue ntuUvidel i.i-c-a.-t in ail of me N W J of the srWJ of be? S'j, i' 2:i il S t or Wii.auiolte . Mcrali.tu in Doul.-w co, inly, re,.j.i. : - - l win also the h Vur of 19.50 oVaoek, a. m. of 1 day '-"till tiiJ hereinafter i)eorited iirenii-es in nail County and Stite, sell for ca-ih in h and at public ..uctloti to the iovhcut and bet bidder, ail the ri-hi. title aud iatt-rerit of said minor in and to the f jilowinj described premises, to wit: The J:ution LanJ claitn'cf John 11. Mills and wiis, Nf U ioaiio;! No. Blo7, the saire beinjr the fractional 8 o, .-c: SI, and lb i frctiou.d N 4 of Sec 5, T 2'J S, K 5 W c i"t i iinr ti'.O iwrea of tanO, in.ne or iesa, exeept inx thcrtf.Mmso uiueh thureot alic aa the couth side of the North Umptjua river. Fractional N E i of liie N E i of Sec 2G. T2fl S, R 5 W, the lame lin CemU'tated a lot 1 of bee 26, T 2d S,. tt 5 W, c3ulainrt 2 ".7o a -res of land, more or le-. tiie S of the SW A .Sea 14, and lota i, 5 and 0 of bee l-Vf 28 S. Ii 4 W containing 131.11 acres. more or tcs- The V W i . th ? W i of the S ii J, the N E J of the N E and lot 1 of Ho : . T 0 ii. R 5 W con tainiiv -l".5i a.T-; of bind, m ire or .less All that nart oi the wonntijii Land cluim of K, f. Whistler, cl.i:n 41. be n 'a jiortion of Sec 13. T 2 it 4 W. tlie Honth 'art fl xani Ponatton laimconrannnuii acres of wild, more or less, nud lyiajf on the north rile of i iSft'S: Ira fit- rt.mre or le:ll-e S t of tha S E i of Sec 13. T :i. It 5 W c itii iin SO aerei of 1 oi 1, in.ira or t:i the of the S W 1 of Sea 13: the S E 1 of the s E tf e II. the E cf the N K a-.d Ut9 10 and U a.-S thn V K of the 3 K t of See 2X 1 2J S, R 5 VV conttin'nq: 279 avron ot land, more nr AU of the l-.n.-l berin iic 'crib.i.1 to be sold will be sold at the undivided interest of tha aa?d Mhwr, and subject to fie 5tier riifiit or interest of a't Minors motaer. Malinda Cheiiowcth. Javus t hbsoweth, ! cuardian of Creed L. C benoweth, C, A. Schlbrede, Attorcer for Guardian. U. Land OSle at Eosebur?. Orearan. - ; : . Lejeiuiier Ud, lSi. 1 COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT Til IS ; jfiie by Jain'.- MeDouaid Cjjalusir Aifnue jr-y- etie for aljaiatonius bis H.iiHMH'ua V.ntry, No. i, ' 2vrownshm-22 sow.., K:.,i?o v, i j. iicr.. in bouhoi .omitj, UlCcn, vatb a view I j the c-n- coll mou of sdd entry: tuo sunt p-rt.o, re bcabj feumnioned to a .pear at the oltice 01 il. ji- ta.iWcil, it ioiafy lub!ii: att'rain on ihe 15th Cav oi J;v u o, 183&, fat 10 o'ciotk A. M., 10 re"Oj!d and, fuiniiU tcstiiiioiiy LOiicerninQ sawi alleged uUitna.i ntiv.. WM. fi titiXJMUS, H.fcist: r. J. C. iUtita-ii'iUN, Ueecivir. In tho County Court tf tho S'.ata ot Oregon for the County ot Joi'jj!i. Iu the matter of tho estate of lViIiitin Bai'iun, dccca J. " . ; XTOT1CE IS HEliEUY GIVEN THAT THE UN -ciert-ined uiuiUiU'rj.trix of the estate of Wil liam Earton, deceased, baa died her caid account of her ajiumisinir.iii of tuii estit . in tiu Gounty court of Dou.ia Ciuncy, LStte ;f Ure- in. To ij said court by au nrdor t'.uty nude and enured therein on Thurs day, tho 2."ith nay of oO;)t., 11, apjiiunUtd Mouday Jaiunry Zth, loi , at 10 o'clock- a. M. of said uay, at the four; room 01 raid Lourt, in the court house iu iiobe'iurg, j time aid place for hearing objections, if a:;y there bo, to toid liu.v) account and ihe aunieiueut ofaiu estate. TU notice is publudiea by order of lion. J.S. riUhuii, County Juiie. KEBEGCA BAKTON ' Adm.nistrutnx. Willis &, Jones, Attorney for Estate. Xoticc of Final Jsctilemeiit. In tbo County Court of tho Stata of Oregon for the County-of Douglas. In tlm matter of the estate o J. M. M. Veuable, deceased. Vl OTl .E lsi HEKKHY ClVLN THAT THE UN i. dersiguedaflininiatrutrisoftbeebt.atsofJ.ll.il enab.e, oeuadcU, ha liiea her anal account, of her ad laiuiatruUoii of saiu estate in tite county duit o. l'ougla Couury, Suite of Oregon. Tuat said cour by un oruer uui made unit enlercu therein on Tues day vheli ttiua,N oiccpt., l334,aj'iiovod Monday, .lan uary i.th, lsS5 it iCo'uiock a. u. of said day. at the court ro..in of said 1 oitrt. in tlie court- liouAs, in Useburg, a time ar.o vlaee for heai ing objections, if any iheia bii, to &i;d final a"couut ana toe settlement of said estate. Tins notice in oubhuhed by o:uer of Hon. J. S. ir'niiULli, county Juac. JANE VENABLE, - - . - Atln.ii.iairatrix. lienr.ar.n Jfe Ball, Attorneys for Katiitc. iSKvncjLi); People going to Poktland . ""Should kemembeuthat SKVEliAKCE&YOCUM, Aue TliE Photoguaphebs, East Pobtland, Okegonj Cailcy Block, 4ih St. bet. I & J To the Public. Roseburg, Or., Oc-t. 29th lt8L To the Public: Desiring lo engage in other pursuits I hiivw dctermiucd to close out mv en tirti Sloiik: of " Guuerul Merchandise within the next sixty days, atactual cost prices. This is no hu.nbng; I ineaii wimi I say. Any parties purchasing of ine can have the liberty of examin ing in y invoice books and satisfy thein selves as to tho wholesale price paid lor each ai tide. Those desiring to purchase their winter supply ofjGoods, Oiothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockeiy , Glassware and Groceries, will make on an average from 20 lo SO pel cent by availing themselves of this opportunity. My terms will bo strictlv cash for al! bills under $50., aud over that amount approved notes will be taken on three, four and six months' time, bearing iu 'erest. Tiis wiii enable those having wheat and wool. to sell to retain it until tt mere favorably price can be had. I shall begin selling out on the tho above terms on and after Novem ber 1st,: 1884. F. P. IIogan. S HAMILTOIf Dealer in Drills and -Statioaery,- Oilers for sale in Kegs or Tin; 4000 poaiids of riosiecr White hand; oOOtialosssSalem Boiled Linsectl OH; 250 gals. Tur pentine; A complete stock of Paints, Brashes, Varnishes, ami Can Color. (II you arc Solng to lo any painting cali anil set prices before purehas- j ing Elsewhere.) A complete assortment of Selzool Books, ' c!ool .Stationery, Writing iiiper, Envelopes, tc. ivliUh I will sell very Cheap. Gai". ten .See;! Tatent SletlScint-s, iiiiJ -everything that' is kept kt a ili-;t-c!asi Srstfor'e Or-Scr- hy nrxll and Espie. rr:nptly sittJ;Ic;l to. EW STORE AT - Y IItLIjARi9 51. I" J. M. D ILL ARD would respectfully inform the pnldio that he hai ou haud a tine asaortiiient of Dry Goods, CJrocerics, Kendy-SIadc' Clothing, aud in fact everything usually kept at a first c as store, uive linn a cail. Goods at Lew Prices All femdaof Produce Tahen .n Exchange for Goods. t33.AU ordct promptly attendtd fco-TEJ Oakland, Douglas Co.. Or. ZchooY Year Begins r.ianjay, teptenber I, ko. .. - . J'UITION L'Jiit SUSalON tF' TV"ELVE V.'EITIIS: J . nuiary ............ 'irt uniue Junior C'la-s.. '.. , ., ! teeand .j.-mie Junior clam... Firt Grade ilkhiie clas. .......... .. , ..... Seoottd urado, ILdule vl or Ua...,., '.' ': MUSIC. : Tweu'v-four Lessons. .$12 00. L' of liutnuneut ... 2 0. DkAWI.NG A.ND PAINTING. Twenty-foui Lessons... ............. .l 01 to $12 CO. O" Send for Catalogue. Wet). T. niiSsell, Piincipal. S. BmrSli 5 Co. DEALERS IN WEUJI ST B 2S IT AND FANCY GOODS, Next door to the New Balterv. I? x i o e ss Moder ft to! MRS. M. E. BATCHELOIt HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office On Oak street, one door west of the Central Hotel, ; . B0EDURG, OREGON. T. C. I5ACXLEY, PHYSICIAN SUFiGEQII THE CEKTIIALHOTEL. Ciriior of Call and Rote . Streets Ilotieburct Crejjon. Eoard $1 psr Day; Single Meals, 25 ccntt.-. t-3" f his bouse has lately changed hand a -anaid tuoiouiny renovated and lefuruished tlio tiaveiiny public will tiud tha best accoiiiitiouutioiis. NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED. Free 'Bus t o j; n d fro in t he Traill. toMITH CAILEY. (Next Door to Key's Iletaurant.) RoseLurs, Oregon. Finest liquors and the celebrated Kicker cigars passed over the bar to every Lody. M001E & FAllr.lH. ,Rosebur. Oiegon. J. H. CKttcr Whiscy, Best Cigars, And leading papers. Cozy Club Koom for the use cf patroua. JOHN FAEQU Alt. CLAIIM & S UiVil PI10PS. HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE KA.VE uiUis of E. Stei.hcn and Co., we e now pre ; pared to furnish anv ; amount of tho Lett quality a ever offered to the public in Douglas county. , . will furnish at the mill at the fallowing prices: No. 1 rou'jh lumber.. ....... .12 per M No. 1 flooring, inuh. . ...24 per M No. 1 Hoort-i,', 4-inch.. -2perM No. 1 finiMbinjr lumber.. .. . ..... ..$20 per H No. I tinishinjf lumber dressod on 2 sideB..$24 per if No. -finiisbinf lumber dressed on 4 Bides.. $(J per M CLARKE & BAKER. . r-:..fWF'-PT, r.w. I" .. ...-....- .... PT7T? r 5L I A- n IOOU VALUABLE TO A IX! V.'l be mailed F?n r? g? if to all applicants V I- -Xl1 L end to customers oriast vear wituout ordering it It contains illustrations, p rices, descriptions and directions for piartinj all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BlXBS, et D.M.FERRY&CO.DyjE'1 (A U iSbvl U KUNN & CO., of tbo Bmnmric AMirticAK, eon tlnnetonct fts Kollcitors lor 1'atents, Caveats, Trao Mark. CopyrlKhu, for the Uuited Btates. Canada. Enjtland, Francfl, Germany. etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. 'l'hirty-e.n years experience. I'stcnt obtJtlnU tbroueh MUNHA CO. are noticed In the SfiTSTtPio Ambuicas. the largt st, rent, anl mCwUeiT circu.aut scientific paper. t.l.20ayear. SvH"t'y. 'Splendid eneravins-s and in'.restinif la fonnallon. Bpeeimpn copy of tho Scleuilllo Av Icon fntrpi. Artdrf a MUNN A CO., SC'lKNtiria AJJEBiCA-S O.Bce. Broadway. ew ork. y CIVIL BEND STORE V. Ii. AKIillTGTOIT, DEALER IN, Dry .Goo l3l(roD3Pi3Stat3i All Kinds -.of Produce Ta'tM i.i Exahinj. . CIVIL 2END, D0U0. CO., OP.HGON. Tlie winter term cO!nraenc?d Decern"; ber 8th, 1SS4. . ;. - instruction is given by e;p: rlf.TXceJ teachers. Tuition $5 and 05 accordirg to grae. J. II. II. Maesseb, Principal. deel3-H