The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, December 27, 1884, Image 2

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Ik London banks each one of : tho di-1
rectors serves in turn u Short tuna as
practical Manager of tlm institution.
An Ohio man whs ivjekleatally locked
up in a. bath room ior two hours.
There are some punishments an Ohio
man fears worse than death.
A man Iiu3 to carry tha name given
him in infancy to the grave, but a
woman can change hers.
Sliu can gat
married or become an opera siugeri
Mks. Scoville, Guiieau's sister, is
selling chromos for a jiving. So it
appears that at lea&t one of the family
is doing honest, if not useful work.
Mrs. Belva Lockwood feiiil says that
all she wanted was a fair count. ; In
this she differs fioui many other women,
who, if reports be true, simply want a
rich count.
Tub old lie to theeffuct that Gov.
Cleveland has never been to Washing
ton is still n its travels. : He has been
there several times on business and is
ejoing there again, also on business.
The bill to open the Umatilla reser
vation to settlers:. ha3 been twice pass
ed through the SenaU) by the energy of
Senator Slater, but Mr. George seems
to lack the no'.-essary ability to get it
through the House. It is one of the
most important measures ever befoie
Congress in behalf of our State !
If the Republicans of Oregon! must
Lave tbo United States Sen itir, for
goodness sake 1 il the State bo repre
sented by some man who will; be a
credit to her people. It is true he will
not be of much uso theie, but that
bkould not prevent the Republicans
from sending a man of brains and in
TllE Idaho legislature has met and
organized. Upon tho anti-Mormon
issue the anti-Mormons have a clear
working majority. The principal offi
cers in the council are Ohas. II. .Ward,
president, and J. W. Cunningham,
secretary. In the House of Represent
atives D. II. Touch is speaker and II.
B. McCullnm chief clerk
Death and marriages aro likely to
become obsolete fashions, if expense has
anything to do with it. If people only
realized the cost o funerals, the danger
of communicating disease to innocent
mourners and otner evil results, thev
would give up the foolish habj.t 'bf
.1 f-i-.... I..
ujrwig. iUHiriiuuuy is Hisu' a inxuy
which can only be, indulged in by rich
people nowadays.
rr- It is claimed by those who pretend
to know, that the report that 150,000
will be expended bv CnDt. Powel on
Pott Orford next season, is a certainty,
and that the commencment of the rail
road mentioned is also a certainty, but
rot likely to commence so soon as the
improvement of tho harbor. Port Or
ford is destined to become the principal
deep-water harbor on the North-wtrst
Till Coos Bay News, in its article
on the mines in that vicinity, says
"Some of the miners employed in the
'Caledonia mine have been averajnnsr
twenty-one ons of coal per week, and
they don't claim to be extra miners
either. The steamer Coos Bay takes
over 100 tons per mouth from this
mine, and the col is said to b a.first
class article for sled in as well as for
domestic purposes.
On January 1, the usual large edi
tion of The Oregonian will be pub
lished. Special attention will be given
to render" this issue a complete statis
tical outline of the year 1884. It will
be thoroughly the representative of
Oregon and the Tern tories," iu every
thing that pertains to the interests of
the Great Northwest. The number
issued - will exceed twenty thousand
copies. As an advertising medium it
will haae no equal. Orders for extra
copies should be given earlv.
The State , of Ne w York has tho
most expensive capitol building in the
"jyorld, Ir has already cost sixteen
millions, and at least four millions
more will be necessary to complete it.
A good deal of niony has been squan
dered on the buildiruy but still there is
much to show for the outlay. Th
magnificence of tho public edifices in
America is always H great 'surprise to
-European travelers. The capitol at
Washington never loses its inpressiW
r.ess, growing . upon strangers witn
every visit. The New. York capitol is
claimed by its ad.uirer t.. aurpuss th
National in grandeur anl lN-anty
IMS a ,a.-s..r n.Hjorily
than jmy other member of the next
Harslsfs are again after the
Independent. Onr article of some
context seems to have raised the ire of
tie little gnt who runs the Plaindeal-
er and in his last weeks isim of . that
very excellent paper lie' calls us all
manner of names for saving that Hon.
Sol Ilirsh does not possess any cf the
elements which are requisite to make
a statesman. .
. Now had. w& been as reckless of onr
language as the littl Him h of the
Piaindealer was of his whcn be stated
in his article that "He did not even
know whether Mr. Hirsh has great
anxiety cr eagerness to go to the Unit
ed States Senate." YvV might have
said that the Hon. Sol is a threat
statesman, but , the trouble with
the poor little fellow is that the agree
ment by which all the Hurshes were to
be provided with fat oilices has become
inopperative. We have no grievances
against Stl lXiish or the litile Hursh
of the Piaindealer, and wish all the
Hirshcs well in their busitess ent-r-prises,
but when it comes to recom-
me.iding an unfit -person to ri-p.eseat
Oregon in the United States Senate,
that is another question. Hon. Sol
Ilirsh h-us a right to be United States
Senator if he can get there, and would
n doubt be an improvement on the
present llepubliean member from this
state. But for the good of our com
monwealth, let the legislature show
some discretion and elect a Senator
who possesses some element of states
manship at least, and not a mr
We notice with a great deal of re
gret that many of our exchanges are
advocating the repeal of the Mortgage
Tax Law. Times aio inded hard and
foreign capitol may not seek our shores
as in former years, but the true fritnd
s Oregon will not le n favor of a
short sighted policy that will relieve
th evils of to-day only to make them
ten fold more unendurable m a few
years to come. Money is"scarce; but a
thousand times is it better scarce than
to be secured by mortgages on our
firms. The farmers that tide over
the present dull times do ro by econ
omy and labor. God pity him win. i3
already iroi tgaged to death. With the
products of the farm bringing little or
no price how can debts be paid; and
nay a wise providence be thanked if
debts cannot be incurred. Who are
the suffers to-day? Those whose farms
are mortgaged; , and if foreign capual
could be had in-plenty Oregon would
rbe covered with mortgages. The evils
cf hard times would find a panacea only
to be a greater evil-in the future. A
halt was called on improvidence. A
check was given to extravagance and
we wore bid to look the facts square in
the face: Oregon is a good country,
crops are bountiful and seldom fail, but
work and economy must be the mottoes
of the times. Let the Mortgage Tax
Law stand amended so as to withstand
J udga Deady's technicalities. It is the
hope and strengt h of our growing statw.
Farmers of Douglas County be not de
ceived. Let your representatives un
derstand you on this important issue.
The Portland Daily News of D;c.
23rd. thinking to get even on old
Douglas County for escaping the severe
storm which has recently visited Port
land and tine Willamette resorts to nn
atrocious hvpurbole in publishing what
purports to bo a conversation with a
naaa represented to have but recently
traveled through Douglas County; in
which it makes the Mythical would be
traveler says that south of Rosebnrg the
grass is all snowed under; that thocVt-
tle are starving and sheep dying by the
thousands. This wo know is but the
halncid imagination of somealtachee of
the News oflico for no sensible person
who has been here would, tell such an
atrooicus false-hood for we all know
that the glass is not and has not ben
snowed under this ,'wintei. And that
tattle and sheep -were never fait r at
this season of th year than they ate
at this time. Sjch an unjust slander
on this section vhi;h i3 so situated as
to be less liable to ext'eem chanirvd of
het and cold than other portions of the
coa-t desenes a retraction on the pari
of the News and if that paper 'desire
the good opinion of our people for truth
.nd veracity it will mako the drfsrve I
The. Cartwright says he did not
hurrah for Jeff Davis in the democra
tic procession sonio time since at Dalles
but says lie hurrahed for JeS C. Davis,
the Union General iha has been doai
several i ears. Now then that 's thin,
Just say, now, that, as a goi.d Blaine
man, vou wanted to make it appear
that the detni i:ift TY.II
ing the "rebel yell," vou
vou cou'.i do tl.-i tL;. .
j -fctatcs llht Pemociat,
Gai diner Itcma-
t. v i
every department of business is pros- j
trau;u, ana as n natural consequenen i
t!ie people are grumbling. Ttu maim-
faetme of imi.W, end ship building, j
industries can h-d o:i here, henw the
closing of both mill and sh.p ard has 1
thrown out of employment great'
many men, many or wiu,m have lam-
iheh, and can but poorly afford to be
idle, it is diowevev.. thought by some f
our most observing business men, here
as well u3 parties residing in San Iran-
cisco, who havtslargf financial interests
with us, t hat in a few month a gener
al revival of business can be confidently
A few . political bigots in our midst
profess, to have found a satisfactory and
logical (to them) explanation of the
hard times in the election of a Demo
cratic President, but they unfortunate
ly f rjct 'hat the 'Republican pirty is
yet in power and that for the past
year, under their .administration, the
so-called hard times has been steadily
prostrating the varied industrier of the
country, yet this gret party i reform
with '.millions of gold decked uj, and
at their command, have done absolutely
nothing to avert the present crisis.-.'"''-
Jlany of our citizens have taken ad
vantage f their forced retirement from
thnr usual eficployment and are en
ingd in beautifying their homes, some
by enlarging their houses, some by
fencing th-ir grounds more 'tastefully,
others by painting, all of which .'will
add to the comfort and attractiveness
of their surroundings.
If you, Mr. Editor, will visit Gardi
ner about the 1st of May; provided
always, that the inauguration of a
Democratic administration has not
"iL.ama lused" you befoio that time, we
promise that you will see one of, the
prettiest, cleaui'St aiui' ho se-like little
towns On tho North Pacific coast. It
will be the sarcasm of destiny if the
"whirlegig of timi" brings not to our
village by the sea pnigre&stvo changes
undreamed of.
I hivu jast received the Independ
ent, and : uotice a intlw item among
our locals which sas "Tiie ladies of
Oardiuer wili givn an entertainment
mis evening," and I am reminded that
I have said .nothing! about this most
excellent concert, it i3 not often that
we have the pleasure of enjoying an
amateur entertainment that lias given
. . ... o
such 'universal satistaetiun as th one
given at Union Hall last Saturday
night. Notwithstanding the night ws
very stormy, and the rain fell inces
santly, the hall was cro A'd-d to over
flowing.' If tli continuous applause
that greeted the actors . throughout the
entire program voiced the ftelitigs of
the audience they, were very highly
delighted. The greeting song y the
Juvenile Glee Club was sung in good
time and with much spirit. These lit
tie wnrblerar have aniog their numbers
some-mtjs.t excellent voices. A char
acter song by James Noiton, Esq, was
side-splitting A recitation entitled
"The Bridal Feast," by .-Miss Ella Black
was raptueously applauded ly the
audience,. -as was also a recitation by
Miss Katie Leeds. Miss leds has a
tiiKi voice and is a graceful elocutionist.
A dialogue by Prof. Critzrr and Mr.
J. J. Black" entitled "The Country
School Maxtor," was gotten through
with in good shape.. and called forth
shouts of laughter ftom all parts of the
house. Songs, were sung by M-h.
iJ acker, iuiss ivatte Jieeks, JNliss luag
gie AlcGee and Mr. J. J. Black, all of
which soem to have given unbounded
satisfaction. A character song iv Miss
ilcGee was received with thundering
applause, and Miss McGee was repeat
edly called back . to tho st ge. Tlie
acting of a charade entitled "Dynaniitw'
by Miss Katio Leeds, Miss McGee,
Mrs. Dr. Mackov and Mr. Jno. II.
S'immon was exce-di:igly well done.
The performance of this play developed
some really good acting, each of the
ladies, as wHI as Mr.-Sliinmon had
caught the inspiration of tho composer,
andrendered their -.respective parts to
the best advantage. .
Prof. Critzer, who is at present
teaching here, will . visit Rosebnrg Sat
urday the 20th inst. Mr. C. I as won
golden opinions from the patrons of
his school as a teacher.
During the heavy rains that have
ben falling for the last few days sev
eral destructive land slides have taken
plce on Smith river. On last Wed
nesday morning at the plantation of
Mr. Matson, about eight - milr-s from
Gardiner, the eiitirw portion of ground
on .which his residence was situatud,
together with a valuable orchard wtre
carried into the river. Mdlions of
tons of rock and earth from the moun
tain directly in the rear of th house
were carried down. Mr. Matson' Jos
in house, furniture, provisions, etc.,
will not bn less than $1,500. 0hr
slides are reported fur'her tip the rivr
but not so tlestructivo t ) projierty. '
Nino inches of rain has fallen at
Gaidiner since Saturday the 13th inst.
nd it is still raining (Ki idav, 9 o'clock
A. M). '
Do you say down brakes 1 so sav 1.
You see I have .'Vat. an ..anchor to th
A'iudward ami have found out various
uhaiiiKiis in which I may be useful."
Softly whisper in the ear of my old
friend Uinger the touchiugly dramatir
name "Mulligan," .ami bid him possess
his soul in iwtinc fur thrt next four i
ears, with iho assurance that if he is
a very. good boy for that length of time,
we wiiJ take him into the Dmwratie
party :n jrobition. ' M
. Euokba's Arnica Silvs-
The Best Salve -in the world for
Cuts, Bruits, Sores, Uh-ers, Sal
IMieUin, FevT Son'?., 'lVtfrr, Ci:appe.'
Hands, Chil' lains, Corns, and alt -Ski.
'Eriipl.ious,' and pogrtiveiy cures Piles,
or no pay -lvjpjiml. ' It is guaranteed
to givK p-Tlvt satisfaction, fr tnone-
rr.mltl. Pt ic 'io i t.-nts pet box. t
sale S, Jiluiiltoii,
Tee Housewife's FaVcrita.
c will a: u lite v"w uiiu
Jear io evel7 1h(J at
once ine names 01 en tumcu , wuws,
at ani address, and 12 two-cent stamps
qv ' olll. handsome,1 entertaining
a"a ""WV '
devoted to
d rua'teis.
1 Sasiiions, jianej Worif,
'Cooking and Househo
Hejnihtr price, Sl.OO.
Send ti-lv.i
, nex, . Addres. DO-!
MESTIC JOCltyAL, Nunda, N. V,
Don't Looi Liks alS'recfc.
"When a man is going dewn hill
everybody is ready to give him a kick.'
Ye. that is so. I t is fc;ad,j but natural.
Why, many a man and woman, seek
ing employment, would have got it if
their hair hadn't been so thin and gray.
One byttie of Parker's Hair Balsam is
then the best investment. It stops
falling hair, promotes nevv growth and
restores new coloi. Ciean, highly per
fumed, not a dye. A great improve
ment over any similar preparation
and sold at the low price of 50 cents.
Ouk republican exchanges still harp
upon civil service reform. Don't bts
uneasy gentlemen, Cleveland will leave
a3 many republicans ii olfiqe as he
finds democrats there. You'll be treat
ed fairly; justice' will be done you.
When you had the ad ioni stration we
got nothing, and expected nothing.
We expected the administration to
give the otiices to men in harmony witl
its party, we expect the same thing
now. Th administration will le Jwld
responsible for the faithful execution
of the law, and the proper administra
tion of the civil service; and to make it
a success, the subordinates should la;
honest men in harmony jwith the policy
of the administration. "To tne -victors
belong the spoils" may be a selfish way
of putiing it, but practically ir. is cor
rect, and has beeu followed by no party
closer than the repubiicans.-Coos Bay
News. w':-':- .'.'" . -"-':-1- '""','"'. "''."'.'t.
mi i if ii i 11 inn 'I'M MBii , , mxBseamnamjiai -itymtmsatve'smat
( up a all Clin iiic IdciiSe, Catarrh,
Ai-tbma, Couaomp;ion,! Xeuralgi,
ItheutuatUm, .Paralysli", j B.dglits
-HH. Diopsy, White CiWelling, Suf
johrs, etc. i
Tins treatment thoroughly purifies
the blood. ;rivt g all inmu.ities ani
corrap; matter f.oui l.e wh.aV system,
and bringi one and eV ry nerve and
usurcle in a healthy t-tate and natural
work. " ' .!
All vi,o are sufloi lug from Chron c
bisf-ases are reques CAtoj call. There
will be no charge f.jr cons Iting with
Jte patienn. jerins in all leases reton
ahlv. . ..... Dit. A. ytcoKD.
, Cosmopolitan Ucttd
" lloseburg. Oregon.
Eidorado iiiicml Water.
Gfiily bedight, a gallant knight,
i la sunshine and in shadow. ;
i Had jouiueyod long, sniging a uoo,
Iu Bearcli ol Eldortdo-!
But he grew old, this kiuighi bo bold,
Aud o'er hia huart-a shartovr
Fell & he found no spoi of ground .
That looked like Eldorado.
And as hia strength failed Lira at length
He met a pilgrim shadow.
"Sh-,dow," said he, "where can it Le,
This spring of Eldorado?"
.. . --. j ... H'.
Quoth the shadow: "For the benefit
eiUftrriog humanity I will state tht the El
dorado spring is situated three miles -west
from Rosegu rg, and a an u ply of the water is
kept constantly on hand and for nale by Dr
S. liquid ton, aeut, Roaehnrg, Oregon."
Julian Joseph, of the well ki Wvn firm of Hoffman.
and Joseph, of Albany, bears the following testi
ALBAiNV, OON., becctnLer 20, 1S33.
Geo. W. Jones. leur Sir: 1 1 would liere slat)
yuutiiut a year ago I suiTurod untold ayonies on c
c uatof lilies iblliio) una went tot roitland tojtre
lietfruui doc-U-n there. I met Mr. Apic of liwu
burg, wno uuvica mu before seeing iho doctors t
ts-y your Mi iicrai V atef . I did bo and rwd
die uozen bottie.-t turn to me by; A. K. clianijiaue.
1 UBed one-halt uozon butile.-t, t-iki; beiure eT
ery meal, one smad .trlaas full. 1 nut wuh re
lievt'd, butl aut ccruvuily cured by what 1 Ubcd. a
vhiuVful torit, becuissB 1 suCeioa more than I c
eSpre.-s. 1 would advise any one sullcnii from th
iliswase to try your Mineral W..ter.Mioi:U ;o&
have any oucasiuu to ute this U te r.cut do so. iuu
are at liberty on my account. 1 this i. the I can do for yOi, t I w cured b it. it
specif ally yours, JULIAS Oolir'J..
UOdEBTJflQ, Dec. 3, 13S3.
GEO. W. JONES: Dear Sir. roni eneur curiuoiiv
t wa.s indocU tc t.'-y Liuovotio Wu-r ana wi not ol
ly diirpruei bus-inhiy grut'ejt witii the rcsuit. 1
nave lor uiany yoai-. oeuu a ouffui-cr fruu onpopiu
4"d have trie i every kind of iiepsia k.iown to
.ih irm y anti wii nout result. Tiheuoutrary wasnn
experittace troin tne u.-eofyuut" iiiiiiei'u.l wui,or. IV-
iij i atx-omui Vt uirciiotis it !) nuuiedi&t
relief and iu a d.iori. tiaie, if oitti.iuiii, would keuure
puriune ivouru. To any wh'ilwiil avoid, irritating
it.if!i'iiant!, I am KtiiaiieJ it niil pi'vd ufvluati.e
coinfor. and beaeilt. As a general regulator I :ouna
ii mast exeeuent. j L. lANC.
. i
...... ..- . i
Kovms and Uaa Kooms. 521 rfiwrauieutj street. San
FianuLioo, 2VJV. 23, 13. I llolbrotiU, Merril and Stitson. Gentlemen.
1 have 3ubutiuej to uu ii'tauve.uiaiY(!ifl ttie ajp,V
f ,ld iral waver handed uie ior fX.unuii.Uou a;id
1 id it t c.iULit wf tiie (jllowin suoic-ancvs: Cnlo
rme, l.idine, Carb-.mic Acid, Iftn, Aluiuiua Little
Miiissia, boUaandorraiKuiiMtiJur.
..; . . f
Mr. Geo. W. Josei Dearj Sir: I h'ave been
roaliled with neuralgie jiaius iri my bnu and cheek
nus, for "veral year, a'id had! 5,'ive up all hoe nf
iver KeUi!i uurej. 1 e;iv w your medical iruiirs
.vub sny :o.i JjiriM mid gm saiflv" of lha water, ai'id
drmk it freely and .found U t it w a mild nhyie.
i uh-m it threj 'i nod a dy f r a; litile more thantwi.
moiitlw, am! in pain lo.t ie d I have- not fel:
-ne.u sin.e, and thit tixa been 17 months a,ro.
Rjjjb irj, Jin. 25, 1331
II.. COAX, Sit.
DALLAS, Dec. ? 1SS3.
From Mr. M. W Parsons, lastf Aus;tist, 1 retire i
one bottle of the Jonei Kldor io water, fnmi Dr
Hanulton i f Kfi'bnn?. Uaed half a !ntt!e f.r cx
tarrb and evn laUy- reeotnmend t it for b vt -.- render
diiteaee, ai I hj.v not bej troubled with te com
plaint sines, i D. T. Kr.ARS.
I hsTo also s the Eldondrt s tring water frfm
JonoV s:iri v, li ii ' eoa-.av, wkju. rd am f ullv
8ntis!leii kl t,x s.u.t,as Iwat brthieJ with c j
HT- w. c. Cttowx. Kriuui. 1
We cfTez Great Bargains in
fu order to make room for oar complete stock f EI!ES3
ixhd FA3fY GOOBS, wo are dctcrm:uc:l to clear our iai
inrusp stock of CLOAKS at a SAC2liriIi.
T!?o f'.sbjic villi llTiil in our store osie of the largest an;l besi
assort aniiiis afCLS.iSt JESSBYSnncl VALKSXO Jackets
of all Liiitlsi ever f4'ci xl hi ill market.
Como One, Come AJll.
Como ToIay, Come To-morrow.
I3ut J.ix't ellai.y until your
Chance is gone.
arc in receipt nf a new anl choice lot of spri-ig gocxls, of
all tMds ai.d suiiuble for all classes, making oursteok of
'3 W
s ILmjTfstOBt
We are determined to reduce
and in order to do
cur ttcre
winch will apeak foi thcmscl
even the closest buvcr that we
say. We will send samples and
..... ...
ixiat we mean v---v
W. &. WOOI
One of the biggest and lest stock of
nothing but tlie best
Bont Fail
33 l""
w . Via".
They woalt ainnounce that they have just reoeiveil ami now have on hand oue of the
Larsst Stocks of Goaoral aardarc
!nr limiijfht ti Don rU-. .nl hn adll ti t!iir ' STOVES OF M L ( T
KllSS. HEADY M DK TIN W A.' tuv .nvrcp trrd u-g r t'..-"y Iihv.-th
u, mi y iu ih,r lint ol a.ty bwasa in Southern Oregon, winch ihey n, 8 parc!m.-i elswher.
In .he shape ot hu. Miliar tDHt-ril '
sii)err tndiiceiiM itf to iinrcliaHf rn. Ti :
n irive yn artrnin n t.h .li. iwiny hrMuln vii , not -qna!!,i 0K
.5,-re liiu-k'n. Bn-nt-. Kurnicr Tuliiy. iK-xier, Pacific, . 'A i i,. vVn. Clareu!-
Cli.xiilw Iro. Kir.i', KiiijMre t1!'-, t!t!ivrfuvt i,;iit raity'rH.
I'iie. Ui ol w.i kinn hi ni't:Mjuly mpl ji-i it th-rtMnu?j.ciur i lt ' ,
and nqveri ijt.euli! i-trn 'Ur prirt . !
AW liMVe a'a - i.Htn- in to .J3V r in jriuis, eoch u WtncWtter. Shnrj iiod "-' W -wh-
1 Hin. fchoti!iin ' ' Vu . '
VV re aUo Asr'H for i U AVhit? JVerie aim ?e- Hum Ken iojr; Ht
Bell jitlovir-ts rule. tid warran: at"io1etHiivi-rj'-Hrii:)ect.
We can iwjiy .,
Avorlf! sand sXnh'n s
.. tv' a" a , lt .ut iwwcL, icmrt a
if any oob caa
c3 a
0 o
Dry Goods a:id Groceries.
o o-
rot Hers
our immense stock of goods
so luve ... greatly reduced our
ces in every department andi to show ycu
business, we ask u call at
and prices,
and convince
mean what
prices on
2"na do.Tlie,t
--5 js
gooJs tvr brought to town.
leather and have gob
St I
f"y iCJk 5wr jT!
P. "
the ay
locks, butt( etc, we can oa-
, mir iric u, ud tve pruniise to auu
v .
fcfc this laiuS 5tL it i Lji Si Ej i
U US "A 6 1 U W L'J vu.
--:....'... -o .. J
faot every thing
I N . THAT .
CD XL Ej 13
Sold Glieap lor Casli.
CaH and Goo mo Before
Buying EIggt71ij
onDS' wvaoTsr
b q t n aiiT?Tm i m-
t (SuccessoM to Tho3. P. RbcriJan)
alt &A?UhJi kZlzi"jiuti,U9 1
Hanii? set'ureft t!te anove bumeai, wo are pro
jarcU to'lte; uj its funvisr good ttunte ior vtk sud
priees. f have ilie itf maLtsrlal and aIAs
full stock of n"oAi on h i;i l !M it U our tu inr
nisb cuxtiuiicn jir-it-claai uriiclei fc live " let
live Jrti.ej. A full tjt04i' of
Txem antl Steel For .Scle.
Dealers from abroad -will ro"eive "romnt ntitioa
11. S. k J. t!. KilEIUDAN.
Proprietor oS the
.iW V7.r tr xr
J Jii .-ii i-SL 4 ii
Sewnd door south of O.ikcs' vjailcry,
fuijtly of Pies, Cafcea, D.-sid, etc II? s.Uo ?et
gjod iUiUM, a cut of cotTuc, at rs-LsomUe rm
ila lus secure J tte unices at a lU-ji-cJasa cau.'eo
tioncr s.u-1 uianafiict J.-.-3
PUfliC OATHS 2 3 ".
all kinds. Civo lsim a t.L .
Fii-st rijjjli i hand rooti., stairs over
Mirk' v.n a. lt-i4:viis atui u!teratiou4
neatly done.
WUlies b ii.rm tb3 pu'jlis that ha a naiar cf
tewing uuttliints for aaLi ai his i,or at rKiu;ed
Th3 Eldridgs, Cpri.irfio!d 2nd Singer, '
Call asdsscit L vjh U jiaiV W-.h inking Stor
jfoud bargaiu U every otia vrishin-to ' buyvSwias
Who tnva S;iri:vr Witar ta i:itr j lass into thair Vir.H
aud house, for fia:ly ueor irrigatiion, should
r-w1'1!1, ",e Cmi'y Rijht.I cm sell to fimers
CllivAl', wit s ft!u::ii'3 to du tli4 Work. Wilt lay
th-ssima by contractor by the f,m aj msy be de-Kl-e-l.
Warranted to iio good work or no pav.
Tnouaand of feet ha- e been hiid in ..n!iforniaand'is
working atifa3tnritly. It U sunerinr tonv nia,
gH;d f..r yeati, don't rnst,cnl ketvs the water clear
aud pure CMl xnl si -
L.. F. Lane. johx Lakk.
.-.Officc. On Main Street opposite Ccb-innpo-itan
Next Door Liye Oak Saloon.
Shavirrand Hair Cutatrg isj a Workmanlike Vanner,
The BrjTTR3 Gztdvs ia Iss-jcI Ksrzh
and Sept., each year: 224 p.ngc-s, Sixll
Inches, -with ovtT S,SCO illnstrations
a whole picttirs .raJlery. Gives wholesala
pricc3 direct to cirsunc-rs oa all goods for
personal or famL'y esc.
XeJishoTTto .' -s, order, cad
gives exact ' coi cf ev
erything you ' r j rso, drink,
eat, wpar, cr V Lavs fun
ith. Thesa iaTalnabla
Ixwks contain i i famtia p loaned from. '
the Karketa cf t hb trorl.U Y'e ill mail
acopy ITrpci to any addrets nron rcccipi
of the pobtags-a cent;. Let us fcesr
from you. I espectfuliy,
HMICC?LE?Y vahd C, CO,
v a Ut.3h ATissae, Visage, IJt J