The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, December 20, 1884, Image 4

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    The Hooghly Pilots.
Pilots for the Hooghly do not cruise
much to pick up vessels; they hare a
regular station near a lightship, and if
it is thick weather it is nice work to fall
in with them just right. Their vessels
have always been full rigged brigs
manned by heavy Lascar crews, and are
about the last thing afloat to tell of the
days of the old East India Company.
Their signal is a white flag with a red
cross, and they are supposed to brave
all sorts of weather, maneuver through
a cyclone if necessary. Soon we had
the Eastern lightship in sight, and in
en hour's time (nine a. m.) were close
to the brig. She hove to, launched a
heavy sun or lifeboat in fine style, and
in it sat eight Bengal sailors with their
oars a peas, waiting the movements of
the pilot In the meantime we had our
mainsails brailed up and ran slowly
down by the brig. The turbaned Las
cars looked strangely through their rin
ging and over their hignbulwarks at
us, and the brass-bottoned pilots and
officers took a searching look at the
Conception as she forged slowlv ahead.
We hauld sharp around under ner lee,
laid the main and crossiack yards to
the mast and there waited with all
hands at the braces ready to fill away
as soon as the pilot came. He was now
in the boat with several others in the
stern sheets coming for us. They had
so much luggage that , the chief officer
sang out from the forecastle deck: "I
guess they are coining to stay." It
was a pretty sight. The noble ship,
the brig, bowing and courtesying to us.
ner Dngnt rea, pure copper flashiDff in
the Bengal sun, the boat shoo tins: by
m-ii. atsvn n nnn t V t I 4
UU1 ObClU, WC UIU9U1 ClUll LI IV I UCU t'itl 3-
men keeping perfect time. My heart
took a great leap of joy but I gulped it
down and hastened to the gangway to
meet my long wished for and welcome
visitors. "Stand by your braces, now,
men," I said, as the boat
touched the side. A fine, intelli
gent, bronzed faced veteran sailor
stepped over the rail with "you are the
Captain, I suppose?" "Yes, and you are
tne pilot, l presume t" "l am," he said,
rather showing the badge of his office.
the royal crown and anchor. "And you
are welcome to the Hooffhlv. sir."
"Welcome on board the Conception;
my name is . "Ana mine, sir, is
E.U30Z1. a nauucai giance aioit re
vealed the Stars and Stripes, so rarely
seen now, and he said, "American, 1
see. A fine ship, sir. We can always
tell them. How much water do you
drawP Twenty-two feet, did you say?
mat is, in sait water, you will draw
twenty-two six in the river; fresh water,
you know, makes a difference." The
eager sailors were at the braces listen
ing, waiting for their orders. "Yes, you
may fill away, but we shan't get farther
tnan oaugor to-nignu rut your wheel
up there and keep her for that buov.
Let me introduce you to a brother pilot,
wno wisnes 10 get to town; lie nas a
ship there ready for sea." In the mean
time a cart-load of dunnago (bagsrage)
had been hauled up in charge of the
pilot's servant, a Mohammedan, who al
"It . -WW
ways accompanies nis master, tie was
a strange looking customer to our sail
ors, who had never been east of the
Cape. He had a dark visage, jet black
eyes, hair and beard. He wore a small,
bl.'xck, skull cap, a long, white, tight
waisted tunic, had bare legs, with san
dals on his feet. The pilot spoke to him
in Bengalees, and called him Abdul.
"This is mv boy," he said to me, "who
will look after my luggage, and please
- let him assist your steward in any way
ne can De oi any service. " mere was
a swinging cot bed, a bag, a trunk or
box, for each pilot, and then there was
an assistant pilot, called a "leadsman,"
a young amateur English sailor, whose
duty it was to heave the lead and there
by gain a thorough knowledge of the
soundings, preparatory to taking up the
profession of a pilot. No common
sailor is trusted with the lead going up
the Hooghly, but a man is sent into the
chains to help him (the leadsman) haul
the line in, on account of the exhaust
ive heat. These young: men are from
good families in England, sent out after
some years of practice in a training ship.
He must have ability and an irreproach
able character, or else he is not wanted.
Cor. Boston Journal.
The American Hat.
The ouetlon of a man s right to wear
s hat in court or rather of the court's
right to mate mm remove it is in a
fair way to be tested. In a Justice
Court on Staten Island a few days since
a spectator was commanded by an ofli
cer to remove his hat. He refused to
obev the order, alleging that he was
bald and that the preservation of his
health required him to wear his hat so
as to avoid draughts of air upon his un
protected scalp. He was arrested.
however, and nned for contempt; and
upon refusing to pay the fine he was
committed to prison for five days. He
threatened to bring suit for damages
and try tho question of the Justice's
If he does, it will be an interestins:
trial. Courts do universally insist on
uncovered heads, and always have m
this country, except in the earliest days,
and in the case of Quakers, whose relig
ious scruples would not permit them to
remove their hats. But nave they any
real right to insistP Have they any
more right to compel &
his hat than to demand
his coat or his boots P
man to remove
W aI
the removal of
ThA nntiAn nf
honor or dishonor, respect or disre
spect, in wearing or not wearing the hat
is purely artihcial. it has no fouhda
tion in the principle of things. If it
. had it would do a contempt of court for
ladies to appear with covered heads, as
thev Invariably do. even in the witness
It would probably shock the judiciary
of the country almost off the bench if it
were decided that the American citizen.
under the Declaration of Independence
and the "aegis of liberty" whatever
that may be has a right to wear his hat
wnen ana wnere ne p leases. jjciron
tree Press.
, --A fashionable young lady st the
Grand Union, in Saratoga, ffives the
following account of her silver poodle:
'lie's a daisy, he is. So nice and
clever. He has his tooth brush and
keeps just as still when the maid uses it
with the powder. lie barks to have his
hair oiled and combed, and takes a
shampoo with perfect delight. When
he goes to bed he lays his head on the
pillow and goes toleep like a tired
boy. It's lots of work caring for the
brute, though. There's one thing I'm
thankful for, he's always dressed for the
morning. ' ' Cambridge Tribune.
A man named Campbell, superin
tending the construction of a mill at
Blenheim, Ont., had a narrow ecape
from death by a wheelbarrow falling
from a third-story and striking him on
the head. It seems a difficult thing to
get in any position where the wheelbar
row will not have the advantage of the
man when the two come together. De
troit Fr e Pre$$.
A Heathen Ceremsy.
A hack, driven in that reckless man
ner which characterizes au China
town hackdriving, came dashing down
Jackson Street one afternoon last week
and paused before the dingy pile of
brick and mortar still known as the,
Globe Hotel, though it has longr been
the abode f a large number of Chi
nese of all grades and classes of filth
and wretchedness. The occupant of the.
vehicle pushed open the hack door,
thrust forth a gorgeously enveloped
foot and leg, and in moment stood on
the sidewalk in all the glory of a long
scarlet robe, green breeches, a gondola-shaped
hat, and a pig-tail of unusual
length. He was tall Fc
or a Uhinamen, i
ancf rather slim, the long robe seeming
to add a foot or two to his stature. Two
similarly arrayed Celestials sprang
from the doorway of the building to
meet him and said something that
sounded to Anglo ears like " Soon
ahoy," almost in unison. This saluta
tion was responded to by "Bale o
hay!" and the three marched up the
steps into the building, the last speaker
leading the way.
"it s some losh business,: said the
policeman who was called on to ex
plain what these maneuvers meant.
But the explanation was not a very
full one, and the reporter's curiosity
getting the better of him, he climbed up
the outer steps and followed the scarlet-
robed Mongolians up two or three
flights of dirty stairs through the smoke
and stench which permeated the whole
interior. The trio paused before a
gorgeously decorated doorway leading
Into a room devoted to the worship of.
Chinese deities a large room, in which
were several Uhinamen, some standing
and others sitting on low benches. As
the three. newcomers opened the door
some musicians seated in a corner of
the room sent forth a burst of melody
almost as sweet as that usually heard
in a boiler Jactory. The noise continued
until the scarlet-robed Celes als had
made the circuit of the room and paused
before a huge joss, where they stood,
solemnly for a moment and then pros
trated themselves before it, all the oth
er Chinamen falling on their knees with
their heads bent to the floor. Then the
music struck up again and the heathen
arose to their feet and began chattering
among themselves as on ordinary occa
sions, ihe reporter seized this pause
10 the ceremonies to inquire what was,
being done, and it was explained by
one Chinaman who spoke English quite
plainly that the idol had only been set
up in the room that morning, and that
jt was now bemo consecrated bv the
priests. The reporter then stood back
at a respectful distance and witnessed
the enactment of a strange scene, simi
lar to tfcat which Wores has recently
been placing on canvas "lne Conse
cration of a Joss.
A Chinese boy with a red pigtail now
brought a long-legged cock to the tall
priest, the one who had lately arrived
and who seemed to be master of oere-
monies. The fowl was taken by the
nriAat-.- nwiinor drnnnil in t.Via air t.hrftfl
" - - -
times by the legs before the paper and
tinsel god and handed back to the boy
A small china vessel containing salt
was then brought to the priest, who.
standing between his two scarlet-robed,
attendants, sprinKieu a uanuiui ui lue
contents over the image and then
placed the dish on the pedestal between
his feet. Rows of punk sticka and wax
candles, arranged about the idol, were
next lighted by the two assistants, and
then the boy brought a small earthen
basin of water, in which the priest
J' - 3 1 -1 it. Ai A J
aippea nis nngers ana men nirteu
them in the direction of the joss. The
bowing process was then repeated, the
unearthly music resounding through
the room so loudly that the reporter
was obliged to place his hands over his
ears to keep out the din. i
1 hen came the most interesting por
tion of the ceremonv. The bov with
the red pigtail brought a small pot of
vermilion and a brush. One of these
was handed to the right-hand assistant
and the other to the left. Both were
then presented to the priest who took
them, mumbling some words, which
could scarcely be heard on account of
the clanging and squeaking of the
mual iSstfument,. h. pH& diope d
the brushes in the paint and held Doth
aloft. This was a signal for more
kneeling by those around and redoubled
enersrv on the part of the musicians.
H apDlieS the brush to the staring
v,, f , 5 -ia .
round red 6pot on each. This per-
fected the divinity of the joss. Before
this he had been only pasteboard and
paper; now he was omnipotent. His
eyes could read the future, and he was
capable of giving good fortune to his
worshipers and baa luck to those who
disregarded him and believed not in
his powers. The musio ceased, the
ceremonies came to a close and the
heathen passed out of the joss-house,
down the stairs and into the street.
These ceremonies are of monthly oc
currence in all , the joss-houses, the
paper gods being taken out into the
street and burned, and new ones set up
m their stead. Fan Franciseo Chron
Disease in Swine.
The very common disease in swine,
which produces weakness in the back
ana p&raiysis oi tne nina nniDs, may De
1 1
UUQ lo more tQan one cause, it in at
timea caused by parasites in the fat or
muscles of the lome; at other times by
worms in the kidne rs. Disease of the
kidnevs will also cause it, as will rheu
matism, or irritation of the muscular
fiber of the loins. But the most fre
quent cause is disease of the spine,
known as spinal meningitis, which con
sists of inflammation oi the covering
membrane of the spinal cord, with effu
sion upon it, thus causing pressure upon
the nerve, bome ot these causes are
hereditary and constitutional, and are
spread by breeding from diseased ani
mals. But almost ail oi in em are
amenable to simple treatment, as the
use of cooling and alterative medicines,
and counter irritants applied to the
loins. Relief is frequently afforded by
giving the animal two to four ounces of
raw linseed oil. with half an ounce of
turpentine, fomenting: the back with
hot water, and after drying It applyin
spirits of turpentine or camphoratei
spirits to the loins. The feeding should
be moderated, as overfeedms is some
times tho cause of it, and always in
creases the difficulty, even when it is
not the primary cause. Good dry shel
ter is also necessary, and such attention
to sanitary measures as will keep the
animal in cood health. No animals
thus affected should be used for breed
ing. A'. 7. Times.
Hon. R. C. Pavne. Citv Alderman. Bris
bane, Queensland. Australia, writes: "I
have been a great sufferer with rheuma
tism for years and have tried every known
remedy, including galvanic batteries and
Turkish baths. Finally I tried St. Jacobs
Oil. the great vain-cure, andean positively
sav it cave me instantaneous relief, ft
' puts all other remedies in the shad.
H bands are put on fruit trees, they
3honld be examined every week for
-The Country Gentleman thinks the
cow oi the future will produce nine
hundred pounds of butter each year and
- - - T I
raise a can.
-A French- authority states that car
rots give horses new blood, which seems
to restore them, and they may be justly
claimed as the regenerator of worn-out
-If you cut the back legs of vour
chair two inches shorter than the front
ones, the fatigue of sitting will be
i crrosM t i tt pa iiairan ann r. a mim
om picu m
oeuer position.
A lady says that the best method
that she has ever tried to clean a
browned porcelain kettle is to boil peeled
Potatoes in it, when the porcelain will
e nearly as white as when new.
Oats fed freelv to hungry chickens
is apt to kill them. The fowls eat too
large quantities at once, the oats swell
in the crop, and the points of the oats
penetrating the crop induce Inflamma
tion, ending in death. -Cleveland Leader.
-It is as easy to care for an acre of
beets grown in the field as for an acre
of corn or potatoes. Make the rows
nearly or quite three feet apart, drill
the seed with a planter in straight lines
and most of the labor can be done with
the horse cultivator. K. T. Herald.
When, as in a case of sickness.
a dull light is wished, or when matohes
are mislaid, put powdered salt on the
candle till it reaches the black part of
the wick. In this way a mild and
steady light may be ' kept throughout
the night by a small piece of candle.
Cincinnati 'Times.
Begin while the pigs are small to
feed them raw food andthey will soon
eat anything raw as well as cooked.
Keep them growing through hot
weather with grass and weeds till the
sweet corn gets large enough to cut for
uiem. W ith plenty of green , food, a
little meal will count for all it is worth.
Prairie Farmer.
Currant Catsup: Four pounds of
fully ripe currants and one and a half
pounds of white sugar. Cook slowly
until quite thick, then add a large
spoonful of ground cmnamjn, a tea-
spooniui oi ground cloves, naif of a
teaspoonful of black pepper, two tea-
spoonfuls of salt and a pint of vinegar.
Ccok twenty minutes longer careful
not to burn then bottle for use. JY.
r. Herald.
Graham griddle cakes are nice for
breakfast on a cool summer morning.
Use equal parts of Graham and corn
meal, mix with sour milk, and use half
a teaspoonful of soda to a scant cup of
milk,-add salt to your taste, and a little
sugar, as that will make them nice and
brown. If eggs are plenty one or two
are a great addition. These cakes
should be fried more slowly than buck
wheat cakes. Js. x. Post.
Poison in Soda Water.
After making: a study of the soda wa
ter sold in drug and other stores in con
nection with a careful analysis of the
water and examination of the fountains
through which it is drawn, Dr. Ellas N.
Hartley, chemist of the Brooklyn Board
of Health, has made a report to Health
Commissioner Raymond of which the
following is a synopsis:
In the latter part of May I procured
samples from fountains in various parts
: of the city, with the view of ascertain-
incr whether, as ordmanlv dianensed.
the "plain soda" was free from lead and
copper. As a result of that examination
L found that in some cases after the
water had stood for some time in the-
faucets and pipes, both these metals
may be found to exist in the water first
drawn. The quantity found was not
large in any case, but enough to be con
sidered harmful when taken for consid
erable time. I next examined into the
construction of various fountains and
faucets used in this city, to get some in
formation as to the source of these met
I was greatly aided in this part of the
investigation by a visit to a well-known
n'f CfS'SS3 1
certain forms of fountains the water
comes in uireci contact wim copper or
Drass utuDgs, wmcn may give rise to
certain amount of carbonate of copper.
Ihe lead, which I found in areater
quantity than copper in the carbonated
waters, is probably derived from tin
lined lead pipe, or from block tin pipes
containing lead, or from the solder used
to solder the joints.
Ihe next matter looked Into was the
source of supply of the water used. It
was found that some bottlers and those
engaged in supplying the trade with
these cylinder fountains use ludgwood
and uroton waters, alter thorough nlter-
iner. while others use water from driven
wells. It is certainly not advisable to
permit the use of well waters for this
DurDOse. although it mav be Questioned
whether the strong solution of carbonic
acid under pressure may not act as an
antiseptio to kill any living putrefactive
or disease germs in the water. This is a
point still under experiment.
The subject is still under investigation
and will be made the subject of another
report Commission Raymond has de
cided to issue an order making it coni-
milsorv for disoensers of soda water to
use glass vessels for the storage of syr
ups. JS. x. World.
In sending for a new sapsly of Com
pound Oxygen, a gentleman at Walnut,
lowa, says:
"1 cannot tret along without it, as it is
doing such a grand work for me. You
would not believe me to be the same miser-
able man I was a year ago to see me now.
I am gaining so fast in flesh. I weigh
more now than J ever did tn my life be
fore, but I still have pains through my
lungs when I do any work; but other ways
1 am feeling as wen as l ever did.
Our "Treatise on compounm oxygen,
containing a history of the discovery amd
mode of action of this remarkable cura
tive aarent. and a large record of surnrisins
eures in Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia.
Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., and a wide range
of chronic diseases, will be sent fret. Ad'
dress Dns. Starkbt & Palkn, 1109 and
1111 Uirard street. Jf hlladelphia.
All orders for the Compound Oxygen
Home Treatment directed to II. E. Ma
thews. 606 Monteomerv street. San Fran.
Cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if
sent directly to us m iniiadeipnia.
The northern coast of Nicaragua is
the site of the Mosouito Kingdom. Al
though an integral portion of the Re
public of Nicaragua, the government
exercised but a nominal control over it.
By treaty with the British Cabinet, Nic
aragua acknowleged the Mosquito King
as sovereign of this strip of land, and
ao-reed to pav him a subsidy of $7,000
per annum. "When that particular King
killed himself through rum drinking the
English missionaries elected an illegiti
mate son of the royal family to succeed
him. Since that epocho the Nicaragua
Government has ceased to pay the stip
ulated subs dv. althona-h it figures m
each appropriation.- Chicago Tribune.
The Wonderful Histrionic Develop
ment of a Famous Child Actress.
Chicago World.
The New York trablic was surprised a
few years ago at the arrest, at the instiga
tion of the Society f pr the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children, df little Corinne, the
child actress. The little girl, less than
eight years old, was! taken from her par
ents and kept in confinement until re
leased by order of the Court and Mayor of
the city. Mrs. Jennie Kimball, the mother
of Corinne, who has been known to the
public for many years as vocalist and co
medienne, has devoted the greatest care to
the training and education of Corinne.
and the result is a development of natural
faculties really phenomenal.
" When did you ! discover Uonnne s re
markable talent t" was asked of Mrs.
Kimball. i
I can hardlv remember the time when
her eyes would not sparkle at the sound
of music; she began to sing before she
could talk. Before she was four years old
she created a sensation and received the
prize of a gold chain and locket studded
with diamonds, at the National baby show
in Boston. Next she sang in a concert
f;iven by Brown s Brigade Band, and in
879 made her debut as Little Buttercup
in the Juvenile Pinafore Company. Since
then she has sung In opera and played va-
1 .
iiuus luies iietuiY ovcjjnucio.
Mrs. Kimball is a lady of fine presence,
and when playing at the Boston Museum,
was herself known as "Little Jennie
Kimball.M j
What has become of the Utile lady?
asked the reporter.
"She has given place to the person you
see before you. ; .Like so many otners i
have grown somewhat fleshy. Indeed I
assumed such proportions that I began to
fear for my health. Why, at times I
would have the most sunocating sensa
tion in my heart; then again my head
would be attacked and I have freauentlv
fallen to the floor in a dead fainting fit. I
consulted several eminent physicians and
they told me I must abandon the stage if
I expected or hoped to live. Ihis seemed
terrible, for I am devoted to my profession
and also to the development of uonnne.
"And yet you appear pefectiy strongr
"And so I am.i Why, 1 have reduced mv
weight over twenty pounds within three
months and I never felt better in my life
If any who are troubled as I was question
this, let them try Warner's safe cure, the
remedy I used, and they will, I am sure,
be speedily convinced of its truth. I be
1 Avr a it- 4o H rx AnAcf mnliAina In Vio TKTM" I A
11V T W lb lu tU0 llllvOb lUvUivliiv AU VUt V
and any number of my friends to whom I
have recommended it have found it as
beneficial as it has been to me."
"Is Corinne's health goed?"
"Perfect. The child has so much life
and vivacity she is overflowing with it,
on and off the stage.
The only previous instance of such re
markAble nreeocifrv whiek historv chron
icles is that of the famous Peg w offing
ton, who first appeared in "The Beggar's
O-Dera." when but a little older than
The newest thing in vases is now made
of a lady s shoo, gilded and decorated.
' L
At least three men on the average jury
are bound to disagree with the rest just
to show that they ye got minds of their
own; but there is no disagreement among
the women as to the merits oi JLr, Jf lerce s
"Favorite Prescrivtion." They are all
unanimous in pronouncing it the best
remedy in the world for all hose chronic j
diseases, weaknesses and complaints pe
culiar to their sex; It transforms the
pale, haggard, dispirited woman into one
of sparkling health, and the ringing laugh
again "reigns supreme" in the happy
I household. i
To restore one of the doors ef Westmin
ster Abbey has cost $60,(00.
Dr. Evokt: Your DIAMOND CA
TARRH REMEDY! is astonishing eVery
one around here. No one had any faith
in it when I first commenced using it, but
now every one is crazy to get It.
IV I A M I. I 1 M WAt-a him. I 'o I
Davis & Co.. C. A. Plummer & Co., and
Clarke, Woodard & Co., Portland, Oregon.
Try Qermka for Breakfast.
Mr. Editor: For eighteen months past
I have gradually been getting deaf from
the effects of cold and exposure. Hearing
of Drs Darrin, at 113 Stockton street, San
Francisco, and their wonderful success in
curing deafness and other chronic dis
eases, I concluded to put myself under
their cave. The doctors told me they
thought two months' time would be re-
auired to enre me. but I mizht be restored
. . ' . - V . ' -
magnetic treatment. I was cured in three
days, bo I can hear perfectly, and as well
as ever in my life. Can be referred to at
Ahlborn Motel, ban ifrancisco, for one
week; after that at Baker City, Oregen.
The above card from Mr. Travillion,
which Drs. Darrin have just received, is
positive proof of the unexampled success
which attends tneir treatment, it shows
how radical as I well as unexpected are
many of their cures, and how chronic dis
eases of many years' duration are unable
toresistitheir skill. I ban Francisco Chron
icle, i
In oases of fdyipe
ria, debility, rheuma
tism, lever ana (urae.
Urer complalut, iuao
tltity of the kidney
and bladder, constipa
tion and other organic
tnaladiea, Hoctetter'a
Stomach Bitten ia a
tried remedy, to which
the medical brother
hood hare lent their
professional aanouon,
and which as a tonic
alterative and house
hold specific for diaor-
aera of tne stomacn.
liver and bowels has
an unbounded popu
larity. For sale by Drag-
gista and Dealers, to
whom apply for Hos-
tetters Almao
. 25 YEARS
The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age i
Indorsed all over the World.
Losgof appetite. Nausea, bowels oos
tivfr PftTnln the Head, with a dull sen
sation in, theback part Fain under
the snoulder-bladfr fullness after eat
lng, with a disinclination to exertion
of body or mind. Irritability of temp.
gr Low splritStLosa of memory , with,
a feeling of having negleoted some
duty wearinessDizzjness, Flutter
ing of the Heart, Dots before the eyes.
Yellow Slrin-HeadaofaiRestIes3nes3
at nighty highly colored Urine.
TUITS PILLS are especially adapted to -such
cases, one dose effects such a change
of feeling as to astonish the sufferer.
They Increase the Appetite, and cause
the body to Take on Flsh, thus the sys
tem is nourished, and by their Tonle
Action on the Digestive Organs, Resru-
lar Stools are prpdnced
ce 35 cents
si a tra a . u mmm
urat ii air or w hiskers changed to a
Glosst Black by a single application of
this Dtb. It iinparts a natural color, aets
Instantaneously. i Sold by Druggist, or
sent by express on reoeipt of 8 1
Office, 44 Murray St., New York.
Prostrated, debilitated, enfeebled, they
feel as if they were hardly worth picking
up. They would hardly give the toss of a
bright penny for a chance of a choice be
tween life and death. But even such for
lorn people can be renewed by the use of
Brown's Iron Bitters. , It vitalizes the
blood, tones the tferves and renovates the
system. Mr. Isaac U. Weed, JBurrs Mills,
O., says, "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for
general weakness, and it helped me
greatly." .
Not every green thing comes from the
green Nile, not by a jug-full.
An exchange says: "Nine-tenths of the
unhannv marriaorea result from human
calves being allowed to run at large in so
ciety pastures." Ninetenths of the chronic
er lingering diseases of to-day originate in
impure blood, liver complaint or bilious
ness, resulting in scrofula, consumption
(which is but scrofula of the lung9), sores,
uleers, skin diseases and kindred affect
tions. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis
covery" eures all these. Of druggists.
Sneakhur of dishonest tailors: What did
the skunk-cabbage?
ii i i i i
AND LIVER SYRUP, is the remedy for the
cure of Scrofulous Taint, Rheumatism, White
Swelling, Gout, Goitre, Consumption, Bronchi
tis, Nervous Debility, Malaria, and 'all diseases
arising from an impure condition of the blood.
Certificates can be presented from many lead
ing Physicians, Ministers, and heads of families
throughout the land, endorsing SCOYILL'S
BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP in the highest
terms. We are constantly in receipt of certl
ficates of cures from the most reliable sources.
and we recommend is as the best remedy for
above diseases.
The sale of intoxicatinsr iiauors is pro
hibited in tenjcounties in Mississippi.
The worst pile tumors cured
in ten days, rupture in one month. Pam
phlet two (3ct.) stamps, world s uispen-
sary Medical Association, uunaio, iN . i .
How can we expect another to keep a se
cret when we cannot do it ourselves.
It you want a handsome photograph go
to the only first-class gallery in
Abell & Son, 29 Washington street.
Dr. Henley's Ccierv. Beef and Iran
the best Nerve Tonic ever discovered.
Francisco remember that the American Ex
change Hotel continues to be the farmers' head-
auarters: under tne experience! management
of Charles Montgomery, the traveling public
are assured of fair, honorable treatment: boa
and room per day, $1, 91.25 and $1.50: nice single
rooms. 50 cents Der night: this hotel stands at
the head ot tne list lor respectaouity, ana con-
untly is doing an extensive family business;
it is strictly a temperance hotel, having no con
nection directly or indirectly with a saloon that
is next door in the same building; Montgomery's
Temperance Hotel on Second street was the first
tenmerance notel ever startea in san t rancisco
(14 years aero) and has the largest number of
Bteady patrons of any hotel in the State:
and room. S4 to S5 per weeit. or 75 cents t
tne state; Doara
and room, $4 to $5 per weeit, or 75 cents to f 1 per
day; single rooms, 25 to 50 cents per night; when
you visit the city don't forget to try either the
American Exchange or Montgomery's Hotel:
both hotels have free coaches to and from all
steamers and trams.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nover varfe, A marvel of parity,
otrength and wholesomenesa. More economical tnan
the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi
tion with the multitude or low tesi, enom wciuv,
jjum or phosphate powders. Sold enly In cans.
Kotal JltKixo Powmr Co., 108 wall street, in. x.
end fo Circular.
ThUTnlnnhlft Dlscoverr Is belmt extensively
used and is performing many astonishing cures. As a
Nervine and TonJe it is unsurpassed. Celery, Beef
and Iron possesses wonderful power to bolld up broken
anwti rmnotifciitinna. and restore Tieor to both mind
and body. It Is a gore Remedy in cases of Gen-
billty, Hervous JExnausuon. Sleeplessness. .Ren
tal rower,
rents ot
Health where a Tonic and Kervtse ia required.
Beware of imitations, as a wortmesg ana spurious arti
cle ia being soldpurportlng to be Celery .Beef and Iron.
SSI Clay Street. - -
San Francisco.
tive Organj
qiik-icSycurpd by tho dVl&LfiSItmOI
A. urtwiurT t r S rvP crakck. 1 fomi-ti
XHOD. Adopted in all
return of VIGOIC
Simple cflss, 3 to 58. Severe af?;'VPYt
HiviiU llf-;n-JUU Aaency. ISO Fulton St., flew yorfc.
MM Soli Mai
Save half. liargeat
Factory In the State
l AND ' (
Warranted to relievo or Mr
cure Heart Disease, a
fc. - MMSMMsaasssssssaam.
j. J.! MACK A COh
Far rafharrltal anil Tti nt.v.
ders. JBrtm' Jirnrw.h.istl T-rnrhaw ar
renowned and marvellously effective, giv-
Lugmiiiieujaie rener. i
CATARRH A New Treatment whereby
three applications. Particulars and txea-
& Son, 305 King street west, Toronto, Can.
A CARD. To all who are snfferincr frr.m r-
rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak
ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will
sena a recipe inai win cure you, jtki&k Ur
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressea envelope to KEV. J08KEH T. lifMAN,
Station D, New York.
s ssaa
This medicine, comblnlag Iron with pare
vegetable tonics, quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, WeaknetM,
Impure Blood, Alalarla,CbtlLs and Fevers,
and Neuralgia.
It is aa uniailinpr remedy for Diseases of the
Kidneys and layer.
It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache,or
produce constipation oOier Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves. .....
. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lac of
Energy, &., it has no equal.
Jty The genuine has above trada mark and
crossed rediines on wrapper. Take no other.
use IyEI
Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma,
Sold by au. Druggists for Fifty Cbkts.
J. B. GA1 jSS A CO. Proprietors,
4i 7 8AN80HH Street. San Francisoc.
Any peraon who will aend ut the names or four wiae
awake boyi or girls in their village and ten le stamps for
e, we will send free, 26 Imported Embossed Fringe
irthday. Christmas. New Year and Easter Cards, all
different, and a new illustrated 64 page Holiday Book
The Science of Life, Only $1.
A Great Helical fori on HanlooJ.
Exhausted Vitality, Kerrona and Phyaloal Debility.
Prematura Decline in man. Errors of Youth, and tbe on
told miaeriea resulting from indiscretions er exoesseo. A
book for Terjr man, younj middle-agad arid old. It cod
tains 125 prescriptions ter all acute and ehronlo diseases,
eaeb one of which is invaluable. So found by the authot
whose experience for 23 years Is such as probably neres
before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pases, bound
In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full girt,
guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense meehanlesl
literary nd professional than any other work sold in thl
country for 92. 60, or the money will de refunded in erexf
instance. Price only 81 00 by mail, post-paid, dustr
tlre sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded
the author by the National Medical Association, to tor
officers of which be refers. r
The Science of Life should be road by the young lot
instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will bene
atalL London Lancet. -
There v no member of society to whom the Science Of
Life wul not be useful, whether youth, parent, fruardlan,
instructor or clergyman. Tribune.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. B.
Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch street, Boston, Mass., who mai
be eousulted on all diseases requiring skill and expert
enoe. Ohtonie and obstinate diseases u ET A I
have baffled the skill of all other physl- HMftweianf
a specialty. Suoh treated rucoeae-TUVSFI B
fcalfrwithout an Instance of failure. lnI96Ur.
N, B. Send money by Registered Letter or P. O, Or
der. Books can M sent to any aaoress on ne ram
Coast as safely as at home. Concealed In substantia'
wrappers bearing only the applicant s adarees.
CDCpi Ceroid VVatcli.
The nronrietors of the Unrest card manufactory In
Connecticut, wishing to introduce their Agent's Sample
Book Into every home at once, make the following liberal
offer: The person telling us the longest verse in the Bi
ble before Jan. 1st, will receive a SOLID OOLD LADY'S
WATCH worth 850. If there be more than one correct
answer the second will receive a stem-winding American
watch; tbe third a Key-wlnaing Swiss watcn. Jr.&cn per
son competing must send 2bc, with their answer, for
which thev will receive 2 LADY'S WATERPROOF
GOSSAMER GARMENTS, one pack hidden name, All
Embossed, Bird Motto ana enromo vismnguaras wita
their name neatly printed on each, and our New Agent's
Sample Book and Premium List of about one hundred
new styles of Cards. Address ACME CARD CO.,
Artdmt "V. i
'Great 'Westorn
OaUUopus re.
This BELT or Rrenef
tor s made expressly for
the cure of derangements
of the generative organs.
There is no mistake about
this instrwrtknt, tbe con
tinuous stream nf ELEO
TRIO IT Y permeating
through the part; must
reetoro them to healthy
action. Do not confound
this with Electrie Beltr
advertised to cure all Ilk
troraheadtotoe. It is 1 01
toFrtrculars glvlrw full information, address C
Etoetrio Bei Cow. 103 iWaahlngtoaSt., Chicago, IU.
UJVVilV.rvf.uv 'rrt
BHOjlgj ftp I
4 -V.
Tne Jtsest Holiday urn ior menas Xj&si, aeuverea irom our aew iois. .agency
if desired. SEND Y0UB 0RDEBS EARLY.
' 1 I M
I 1 jhunerluonorrn Eoavjtp
Froa to 111 a gold watch,
aree to u,, mm W0RK B0X
TDepubllabsrsef tbe Capitol City Hoene Caret, the wall known UfaatraUe and
Family afagasiae, saake the foUowHsg liberal offer far the holiday el Tbe perm telltef
as the lonfeet verms ia the Bible before January lit, will receive a &eUd Gold Lady's
nantlasr Cased ft wise Watch worth tt. If there be mere than one correct answer
the eacead will receive aa elegant Rtrni. wlnalnr (yentlesaaii s aten;
the third, a key-whtdlasj EDa-ilsh H'atch. Each peraon moat send M cents
with their sntwer for which they will remive FREE, poetpald,
Box with their same beaaafolly stencil led em the eever.
rtwtloa to " si WJB u t; u s . aaa aa tietai
rCEfiT,aadaaElekaatLdy,e Work
ollv stencilled oa the eover. Each box esutaina
1 Silver Platorf Tblaaalo. 1 sseksn Fsaer Work
elearaat Fruit Napkins, 1 waekssf F.ssbroiderv
eoiora, s paefcace dllk Bloc lor irateBworK, m Christmas t
Cards, 9 New Year Cards, 1 Lovely Birthday Card, sad 1 copy
of Ladies' Fancy Work Qmlde," eooUininr ilfwtrmtroo sod deeerii t
ttoas ef all tbe latest ierJf ns la fancy work.
The rernlsr
articles Is 1.S5, but te shoes whecemply with tbe a bore requirements we will sesd t
aid for stVi Fubrrs Home Guest, Hartford, Oomi. L
Flower Seeds,
KOHItPR Sl CIIASE, San Francisco am Port
land, Agents for Decker Bros., Fischer, Bebnisg Behr
Bros, and the Emerson Pianos. Also for Mason a
HambUn and the Chaos Organs. These agencies are
elected for merit, and represent the test in the Market.
Write for description and net prices, rif Headquarters
for Band Instruments and Bana Supplies.
91 Kill 1.1 HI.C
Gablor. Roenish Pianos: Burdet
Organs, band instruments. Largest stock ! Sheet
ilusio and Books. Bands supplied at Eastern trioea
ii. GRAY, 206 Post Street, San Franc-Leo.
The Famous Knabe PianoiLXS
Best Piano in the world. The Popular Harring
ton, Pease and other pianos, and the Chicago
Cottage Organs. A. L. Bancroft & Co.. 721 Mar
ket St., San Francisco Cat.. General Agents. .
N. P. N. U. No. 54.-8. If. S. U. No. 131.
Etctt Chrfatms, w vr.iVt tbe tiltla
folk, CbriiODM Prncnt. Ihti rear
w bit ninrtaiug nice sad pretty.
To introduce cur good in ,vrry home
we will send to any boy er fir! free
ercharce, ii you wiH tend ioc. for
imuga, c, 3 pretty Dolls with
twanntul life-like feature, pretty curl,
and blue eye, er banri and dark evre,
and ward rube of til UretM,. Hat. 'Ac:
one circuit gilt-boosd floral Aulo.
frrapa Albam iliutrated with bird,,
iernj.KroiU, Ac, fir, Iot.It Cbrisfc
ma Card, one nretiv Pinh.Uv rVrrf
and a SOp. lllaMrated Holiday Book, ii?
ACME MFQ. CO.. iTorrfm. Onn. !
EtUbllthed HM. Each number contain, over 100 advertkeswna)
of ladle, and genu wantinc t orcsondenta. Sample copy 10c
eUrer. Addrea, HEART a HAND, Cnicago, 111. Name tuta pae.
1881 Still Ahead! 1HH4
3 Gold MedaK 1 Bllrer, and 14
First Premiums.
PRICE, - - - 830
Hatches all Kinds of Eggs
All Sizes from 30 to 650 egg.
Rend for large Illustrated circular No. 11. Explains bow
to hatch and raise chickens profitably. Circulars free. Ad
dress PET ALU MA INCUBATOR CO.. Petaluma, 01
wrctnui. 'J. ten i.iniW oew
!l itt. r-'' .i ' aim ri'. - - -
Sure run. without uieil.m . i-cii i
CIYULZ EI5iEE!tvL 160 Sea St. Sw Xk,
mVin 1 nmn Vltmi-nin T3nH 1
lliD AU111D JjlGUUlb DDH Premium at the lata
Fair in Portland. 'It ia perfect in mechanical
construction, the most elegant, efficient, eco
nomical and durable of any Electric Belt on
earth. It is a positive cure for Nervous and Blood
Diseases, Debility, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Llv
er. Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Paralysis,
Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness in both sexes.
Office atC. H.MtMiggdorff'er'B Hat Store,
151 Front street, Portland, Or. Price $ 10, C. O. D.
Patented Jan. lo, 1883.
Past fietalner In Existence I
CiTesperfeet PSBP ease and comfort in all pnslrions. Does
not interfere j If with work or business. We guarantee a
perfect cure I of Rupture in all cases which we accept '
and treat, it both ofadults and children. Now, reader,
if you are U VAxuDtured. this is worth v of Tour inrest-
lira tion. Wo especially
those difficult to retain and
ble. If other treatment
Our Terms: NO
aesiro sit extreme) casee
those considered Incurs
has failed you, come ai
iS TO 00 Days.
Single Truss with solution, Jxo. Doeblef Cj Truss with so-
lution, S'5- Consultation and Advice Free. Writ
for full fnformatiorj and circulars. Office tZjf J open eren'ga.
We Guarantee to Rbta in any c A s k I
tfo. 330 SuUsr Street, Ssn Franclscr. Cal.
Borr Parlor Folding Beds o"
-"'IsV S)
Elegant and Cum- VirS
fortable. ' 7&rA"."7?T
30 Htjles. tSOyK- J7l tl
raru. fij--' -- i-v -Tf 1
If. gf . Orowa. 1 ii wart 1 Second at, S. F.
si 4i a j 1 r U i I . i 1 1 I Jt V.
,14 i.Bii lajjia iwj, j sin,isa m. 1 t ,
11KK at tfc, imnjtvn arjDliaiinea ever mull for Lama Brk-
Weakness of Spine and any diaeaae of the Kidnara. This Belt
will gin rtlief la nvi ixctes, and baa never failed to ear
Lanu Back. Ws challrage the elvilixed world to produee th
equal ot the ITagnetle Hhielda for curing diaeaaa. W can rate
to on thonaaiid people now wearing this Belt Magnet! In
aolea, $1.00, keep the feet warm in anow and ice. Bend for ear
new book; it will tell you what Magnetism is and wwr It exoal
all other known remedies. Hailed tree. Cstcaao Mao me
BsraxD Co.. 106 Peet Street. San Franelaeo. Cal
OA Bl'If K THIjVui 84ntKrpeto
Anyone. I manufacture and keep f
constantly on hand eerv article used
tof me sporting traternity to wik witt
,lin srames of chance. Send for mum
L-WmotrirlrvTilar iitdrrusKl Snvnill
6aaBdI 5:
binet, Kew Yerk Cltr.
Swift's Specific Is entirely a vegetable preparation,
and should not be confounded with the various substi
tutes, imitations, non-secret humbug, "Succus Alter,
ana, etc., etc, whick are now being manafactured by
various persona None of these contain a single article
which enters Into the composition of S.S.& There
is only one Swift's Specific and there is nothing In tbe
world like it. To prevent disaster and disappointment,
be sure to get the genuine.
Swi't's Specific is a complete antidote to Blood Taint,
Blood Poisoa, Malarial Poison, and Skin Humor.
J. Dickson Smith, M. D., Atlanta, Oa.
I have had remarkable success with Swift's Specific In
the treatment of Blood and Skin Diseases, and in Fe
male Diseases. I took it myself for Carbuncles with
hannr effect. D. O. C. HKERF. M. D.. Atlanta. Ga.
I used Swift's Specific on my little daughter, who was
afflicted with some Blood Poison which had resisted all
sorts of treatment. The Bpedflo relieved her perma
nently, and I shall use it in my practice.
W. E. Bronte, iL D.. Cypress BJdge, Ark,
Our treatise oa Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free
to applicants.
- SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa.
New York. Office, 1W West 23d St.
ParBi nf aad b1 (fa reh
LI Jl LIU JUL .111
three month'
KmiIIm. a
Silk assorted
pries ef tbe above!
H Jf 70 E Gff
Err! rAOarirv n
lenfrkt oge
MtSjTj. C
1 .
,u j j ii'HII 1 i"r I"' 1 1 y i" n- r 1 , 1
1 v J I m
TABLE k. -r-r-
IUustrated Cataloiruc of our Northern Grown Vegetable and !
Italba. riant s, jste free to alL Send for it.
w e can save jou money oy our tow prices. -
J. n. Root & Co.. Rockford, 111.